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MTDG3 Warmup Game 2 (w/Double Turn mod)


Dec 3, 2005
Arendal, Norway
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6355677/WebMod1_0.rar <-- This link is updated! So you need to download this one to get into the game when everything is ready!

Download the mod and use 7zip or Winrar to unpack it to the mod-folder inside your BTS folder (most probably located at: c:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods).

Instructions for creating a desktop shortcut to directly start the mod (thanks to Sommerswerd and Robert Plomp for writing this)
(Do note that #6 has 4 different steps - one or more of them works, but you should only pick one of them - I included all because some of them don't work for some people)

1: right mouse-click on an empty place somewhere on your desktop.
2. select 'new'
3. select 'shortcut'
4. Use the browse-button to locate your "Civ4BeyondSword.exe" file (most probably located in: c:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe)
5. Make sure that the 'path' mentioned above is quoted with quotation marks! ("c:\program files......")
6. Place a [space] after the location typed above, and after that type: mod=WebMod1_0
6.a. Some computers require a [space] after the ' = ' sign so it would be: mod= WebMod1_0
6.b. Some computers also require you to use the path slashes after the [space] so it would be: mod= mods\WebMod1_0
6.c. Some computers require you put quote marks around "Domination of Barbarians" soit would be: mod= "WebMod1_0"
7. Click "Next" 8. Type any name to label your shortcut, ie. "BtS - Domination of Barbarians"
9. click "ok"

Random Leaders/Civs.
Pangaea Map Standard Size High Water
Quick Speed

Connection Info
caledorn.no-ip.org:2058 (or

http://www.civstats.com/viewgame.php?gameid=2407 (Do note that the Civstats nations are wrong.. I can't see any way to get Civstats to support unrestricted leaders)

Registration pw for all civs @ civstats is : whatnot

Players (these were randomly assigned by the Aptmod webgui - please claim the one you have been assigned, and not another one!)
Kloreep - Washington of Khmer
azzaman333 - Sitting Bull of Rome
DaveShack - Charlemagne of Celtia
Filon - Roosevelt of France
inky13112 - Darius I of Mongolia
dratboy - Willem van Oranje of Japan
HitAnyKey - Hannibal of Sumer
2metraninja - Stalin of Mali
I'll play. :)

I would suggest just setting everyone to random civs. Quickest way to get this going.

Quick: :thumbsup: Aggressive play recommended: :thumbsup:
Always war does not fit well, if the idea is to test the double move mod.
Indeed, always war won't work for testing the mod. Just have to go ahead and play aggressively. :)

I will keep in the backstage just if someone wants to ask something about the mod or teh webpage...
Updated the list of players. CFC is extremely slow to load these days, so I've had more than one occasion of "MEH!" when I've gone to update this. But with 4 players, and the requests here, I thought it was about time.

DaveShack: Link provided :) And thank you very much for doing the move of the posts, so the games are visible from the MTDG main subforum! :D

Filon: Of course! :) Added you to the list of players.

I will only participate myself if we need me to play, as I am horrible at warmongering. :p
I don't have a lot of time for a new game, but would be happy to join someone else as a sidekick (with them doing the majority of the playing, and me checking in once in a while and offering some in-game advice if desired). :)
In a few days (2 or 3 days I'll have made the final version of the mod with the changes required with the BUG mod and without it.

What version you want?
I don't have a lot of time for a new game, but would be happy to join someone else as a sidekick (with them doing the majority of the playing, and me checking in once in a while and offering some in-game advice if desired). :)
I'd like a mentor. PM sent. :)
I downloaded and "installed" the mod, but it did not seem to do anything when I told BTS to load it, other than say it was loading during the splash screen, and showing the mod name in the upper right corner. Or at least the BUG options screen doesn't show, and other BUG related stuff doesn't seem to be happening. Any pointers on what the mod is supposed to do? I tried it both in program files and my games.

The stuff which was downloaded is in English. It uses the assets pointers so if you are playing on a translated game the appropriate text units will be inserted.

Telling chrome to translate the game tracking page worked well enough. I can read Spanish (more or less) and the translation seemed accurate.
Telling chrome to translate the game tracking page worked well enough. I can read Spanish (more or less) and the translation seemed accurate.

theres a english/spanish option at the top of the page, just down the "Logout" boton.
Figured out my install problem, it is now working correctly.
the mod shows like that, I dont know the BUG mod how its showsup. but in this mod you would not "see" nothing diferent in the loading moment, just the name of the mod upright.

any other issue?
LP nudged me over here.
I might be interested in playing. Haven't fully decided yet. I'm just returning to Civ after a few year break, and could probably use a good quick combat intensive game to refresh myself.
I don't know anything at all about this MOD though or anything like that. So that's my only hesitation. I'd also need someone to remind me how to even install a MOD. :)
I have the mod ready with the latest changes.
There are 2 versions, with and without the BUG included.

With BUG : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6355677/WebModBUG1_0.rar

source code: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6355677/CvGameCoreDLL_source_WebModBUG1_0.rar

Without BUG: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6355677/WebMod1_0.rar

source code: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6355677/CvGameCoreDLL_source_WebMod1_0.rar

Features included in the mod:
* Control of double turn in war.
The turn is set when a player ends turn to war and out of the game. From there the mod checks that each player can only turn into war.
It is forbidden to declare war on other players are online
* Advanced combat and odds including if you press the control key really reverse the odds of attack (if he will attack you).

Features included on the web: (www.aptmod.com)
* Possibility of play anonymous
* Possibility to set reminders.
* Real-time your cities, units, game events.
* Graphics of statistics * Espionage.
* Ability to make contracts with other players.
* Wall of game.
* Graphic with war shifts.
* Notices by email (optional) of all diplomatic proposals, declaration of war, turn begins, wall post etc.
* Rename units and cities.
* Complete turn.
* Change order in the war (can only be done before any of the 2 players have completed the turn).
* The administrator can increase the duration of the current turn.
* Possibility to increase the turn of a player who played in the last turn before your opponent can declare war after playing his rival
and thus do double turn.

Instructions for administration the game.
These steps are only necessary for the game administrator , not for the players.

We have installed the client APTMOD:
1 - download the client: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6355677/aptclient2_0.rar
2 - unzip in any directory.
3 - download if not already installed the java runtime: http://java.com/es/download/

1 - Start of heading pitboss normally. This step ends when you see the pitboss window created counter turn up.
2-Configuration File aptmod.txt We edit this file and configure it with our data.
The file looks like this:
BASE_DIR=C:\\Archivos de programa\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\\Beyond the Sword

In NUM_PITBOSS will the number of items that have active.
Base_dir the base directory of the BTS URL_SERVIDOR will have the url of the web that may change, we must supply the webmaster.
from here there is a group of 3 elements that will repeat for each item that has launched this server.
PITBOSSxxx = will have the exact name of the game NICK_ADMINxxx will have the nick of the user manager web game
PASS_ADMINxxx will have the administrator user password the game on the web.
3 - After setting the file run the client aptclient.bat (if we had started before we have to stop and restart) and must remain an active window.
4 - The client generates logs in the directory that was installed and delete when you boot 5 - The client must have permissions
to read and write to the directory BASE_DIR\\PITBOSSXXX (PITBOSSXXC is the name of the game)
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