TerraNES: The Civil Experiment

As orders trickle in EVER-SO-SLOWLY, I'm glad to announce that India has been NPC'd completely (nothing happens at all, for the sanity of all), and I finished East Asia and America. All that's left is the meaty fun that is Keltia, the spotlight of the Second Nubian-Kuhorsehockye war, and minor shenanigans of the Eastern and Western Seas.
Are you implying that the "meaty fun" of Keltia is not enough for you? :)
What could possibly go wrong?


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What could possibly go wrong?

Thumbnail says it all.

Spoiler :
"Oh, the enemy have fortified their positions to the maximum, and have approximitely twenty thousand troops over there?"

"Yes sir, that they do."

"Frontal charge then, what could possibly go wrong?"

Fifty thousand corpses later, and it turns out that the PC won due to having more meat shields than the other side.

Basically sums it up.
Oh hi everybody! The Update is not going really well, due to rather spare material (aka sad orders), but I will soldier through it.

For those who wish to participate in Minigame4, I will judge it this after noon; you have 4-5 Hours to finish, publish, edit submissions, ect ect ect.

Good luck all.
Good luck with the update. Minigame 5 (land merchant) is not due until after the update, right? I want to see what happens on the Nile before I post RP.
Looked back over Update 13, and I have to say, the pride that was Valyria falls once more into ash... a pity that all of it fell to blood and ruin, but things like that do happen. The Teufel failed, and so it seems that Valyria will never be resurrected and built upon any more for now...
The update is going along. I just have Keltia, Levea, and Egypt left. However, I don't really like the way I wrote it, and I am considering rewriting it. Since this will take much more time, I am letting you guys help me decide as I slog through the Levea.

EDIT: >_<. I am taking a break form updating. See you later.
I finished Xilan, Khand, Mississippi, Central Seas
Still have to do Levea (easyish), Keltia (hardish), Egypt (You guys and your epic wars :/)
The Last King of Merion

The procession advanced grimly eastwards towards the crimson light of the falling sun. A sea of mourners followed a Ox-drawn chariot. Some wept silently, others walked stoically behind their fallen king. The chariot itself was a grand affair, a huge, four-wheeled juggernaut. Its wheels were utterly smooth, black stone. Its body was checkered red and white, with highlights of gold. Countless small engravings graced its periphery, while images of the greatest exploits of the lineage of Hazerel were embossed on the sides. The fist of Takarzi featured prominently on the chariot, for the man carried within had been a dutiful servant, descended from centuries of dutiful servants of the War-God. In the center of the giant machine was the sarcophagus of King Thurgash of Merion, the last of his ancient and proud lineage.

Dwarfed before the grand, monument to the fallen, three cloaked figures led the way, walking solemnly into the embrace of the setting light in the west.

On the left was a broadly-built man, face weathered by time and long grey hair tied back beneath his glinting, metallic helm. In one hand he bore a red conical shield, richly engraved with a ring of interlocking hands highlighted in gold. With the other he wielded a great and heavy spear, which the man used as a walking staff as he slowly proceeded. He was King Khurlon of Ortun, of the lineage of Laren, and in his youth it had been he who held the southern bastions of Hyak against the Exaltates.

On the right strode a younger and taller man. His wavy hair was a rich brown, braided and tied off with rings of gold. His dark eyes squinted into the sunlight, which gleamed off of his axe, the ceremonial weapon of his house. Herresh of Alamhadat was he, the Keeper of the High-King&#8217;s Capital, five generations descended from Khurzel, the first King to declare his loyalty to the legendary Baragan-sar.

And in the center was Nirnur-sar, High-King of Hyak and Avatar of Takarzi. He advanced as if he were not walking, but rather, forcefully and solemnly parting the very air in front of him. A round-topped crown of lapis lazuli, gold and leather, very much resembling a warrior&#8217;s fringed helm, rested atop his head. while a cloak of regal blue streamed behind him. A plate of armour rested over his chest, and his right hand wielded a deadly sword.

Nirnur looked up, and then came to a halt. Behind him, the procession fell into still silence. The Palace of Alamhadat lay far behind him, across the plaza. To his left and right, in the distance, were statues of his mighty forefathers. And before him was destiny- both his own, and that of the lamented Thurgash-sar. A grand mausoleum stood, a black silhouette against blazing light.

The sun was now sinking beneath the horizon. Thurgash would follow it into Shamammu, to dwell for eternity in the august presence of Takarzi. Turning to face the assembly behind him, both gathered along the edges of the plaza and behind the funeral procession, the Avatar spoke.

&#8220;Tonight,&#8221; began the High-King of Hyak, as 40 men lifted the sarcophagus from the chariot, &#8220;We bid farewell to Thurgash-sar, King of Merion, last of the Hazerelids.&#8221;

May Takarzi watch over your soul.

&#8220;Ever a proud and steadfast ally was he.&#8221; Nirnur continued, as the 40 men began their stoic ascent past the High-King, up to the entrance of the Mausoleum, &#8220;Never in battle could be laid low, only by the duplicity of the false ardents of Kabitz did he and his lineage fall.&#8221;

May Takarzi guide you through the darkness.

&#8220;The Sword, Spear and Axe of Takarzi stand,&#8221; began Nirnur, as the 40 men tied ropes around the final resting place of their dead king, &#8220;But the Bow lies without a master.&#8221;

May Takarzi lead you into the final battle.

&#8220;The Four Charioteers have become three, but the Fourth weapon shall not be abandoned. Unto my lineage I shall take up the responsibility of the Bow, until such time as its new master arises before me.&#8221;

The crowd fell silent as the High-King slowly inhaled, then spoke once more.

&#8220;Let us now mourn in silence the death. Let us celebrate his passage to Takarzi. Let us feast in his memory, and let us never forget his murder.&#8221;

With a dull thud, the sarcophagus touched the bottom of its tomb.

The sun set.
Update 14: Summer Casts Time Stop! It is Super Effective!
700 Years into the Bronze Age
Normally, an introduction goes here, but no one reads it anyway. In fact, you guys won't notice this isn't a real introduction until you are waiting for update 15, so there. Stuff happens, nations implode, barbarians yadda yadda yadda you know? And if you ARE reading this, well, what are you waiting for? The Update is BELOW!


The Great River became the new border between the great Nenekatae Empire and the confederacy of Kumberland, and soon, trade begun to flow between the two young civilizations as they expand against less civilized peoples. Their world is bountiful and free for the taking, just after they get rid of the pesky people squatting on it first&#8230;

Nenekatae built two large armies and advanced south to finish their subjugation of Kansa and northward to conquer the semi-nomadic desert people there. The few free Kansa tribes were quickly finished off by the steady march of Spearmen, but in the north the plains let the Nomadic archers conduct hit and run attacks on their lines. Although they couldn&#8217;t prevent the army from taking their land and their ritual hill, they could prevent them form safely moving in settlers along their new roads, and often sought to damage them as well. (-3 Spearmen +1 Loot +1 Domestic)

At home, their projects continued apace. Their Academy complex slowly grows as veterans return home to help establish some leadership in its establishment and construction. They also started a new project of Military Roads, straight and to the point between their five cities and three frontiers. Although the size of their nation prevents them from completing it as fast as they desired, it helped them quickly move reinforcements to the north. (+1 Project Progress)

Meanwhile, the Kumberland Chief used hook and crook and managed to sway the Chief of Entoki to marry his daughter to his son. The Chief, a strapping young man of 20, died suddenly of food poisoning (well, they&#8217;re not sure its from his food) letting Kumberland annex the fueding tribes and squash resistance. (+1 Domestic -1 Spearmen)

As tensions slowed between Nenekatae and Kumberland, trade began to redevelop as the two states put down raiders and bandits. With the ends of their new military road built in Kansa city, trade gets a jolt and quickly made rich men of various enterprising merchants. (+1 trade each)


The chiefs all sat together and passed the peace pipe around. Sated, one of them began to speak.

&#8221;We are all Seneca&#8217; he said, &#8220;born from the first Man after Turtle brought soil and made this world. We should join together as a single hand in this world.&#8221;

As always, some protested and some supported this plan. Debate began to rage and he held up his hand, &#8220;No need to hurry, my friends. Our world is dangerous and the Shaman Hanging Bat has fortold great worlds lit aflame by war and hatred. It is best if we avoid that here.&#8221;

Eventually, about a third of the chiefs, mostly the stronger ones who wished to keep their power, left. The Chief brought the rest together, &#8220;They leave because they care more about their family than their tribe&#8221; he whispered conspiratorially, &#8220;They take our hunting grounds and burn our maize. They have been taken by evil spirits, greedy spirits that always want more. If we are to join together, let them be our first enemy.&#8221;

And so debate raged again, and another handful of chiefs left the powwow. But with the remainder he had enough to forge a new nation. Seneca has been born, and Chief Kawatzu is its leader.



As the newly incorporated Jinyi completed various domestic projects and processes, they once more begun reaching across the seas, this time into Korea. In Japan, the loose confederations collapse in slow motion as the Katos gain much prestige in managing to stop the Ainu Horde and defaming the others for not helping. In the south, Huai expanded and made itself a truly Daoist Yueh power, giving them enough cohesion to resist Jinyi&#8217;s ponderous and ever-present culture.


At home, the Jinyi completed turning various irrigation canals into defensive waterworks, moats for cities, dams and dikes to wash away enemies and the excavated dirt in turn to fortify their northern towns. They also upgraded their significant Archer contingent with new stiff and cast arrows and light bronze armor, while their Silent Guard were given amazingly well made padded armor. With the further encroachment of the Lun Cheshou, as they are called by the Jinyi, this seems to be a wise move by the young dynasty. Confidence slowly returns to their former levels as the people seem to once more be truly and completely content with their station in life. (Jinyi: +Confidence +Project Completed)

In the north, much of the borderland was sacrificed for time as the army staged a slow retreat to the new fortified canals. Relying heavily on river water many miles away, it nonetheless stopped the encroachment of the nomadic chariot riders for now. Under the Khagan Krohn-Dehli the northernmost tribes united under the banner of the Wolf, and then conquered their southern neighbors. Although the western Lun Cheshou remained independent and scattered, he has a bigger goal in sight: a conquest of Xilan under his rule.(-1 Silent Guardsman)

And too, they expanded into Korea. At Seoul chest after chest was offered to the King to allow more open borders until he reluctantly accepted. Two large trading towns owned expressly by the Jinyi were established on the peninsula, attracting ill-will from both Seoul and Pusan for cutting into their profits while increasing those of Jinyi herself. Both states invested much to try to maintain their trade and their unique culture even as Jinyi settlers poured into the peninsula. (+3 trade)


To the south, the Huai Capital became a center of Daoist Faith with the completion of an archive of the sayings of Daoist Sages, greatly increasing their culture. Their borders expanded south to meet those of the struggling Dahai, who are facing increasingly aggressive attacks by the local Yueh. Even then, small homesteads on their northern border began to kowtow to Jinyi instead of Huai, to the great rage of the King of Huai.


In Japan, chaos continues as the Ainu strike southward to be met by the full might of Kato under the visionary Tokugawa, who managed to destroy their attack on their ancestral capital and redirect their migration with his fanatical . Meanwhile, Kitano is weakened when the island of Shikoku declared independence. While Shikoku merely wished to main independence against all comers and Kitano wished to establish their own empire, the Shimane Confederacy prepared to take the fight to Kato itself, the Ainu be damned. All states during this time took advantage of the hiatus of the Great Yamato War to crush internal dissent and try to tie back whatever is left of traditional Yamato society.
(+1 Confidence +2 Trade +1 Domestic -5 Warriors of the Sun)


Khand seems to be frozen in indecision this year. Nothing happened, except that the Aryans formed a horde north of Dakinsa, which they dubbed the Horde of Skulls. On the far eastern edge of Khand, the Njijnrin migrated from the Bengalis and established a new nation.


The Central Seas

While Katan cleaned up their conquered lands and defeated the Dorians in pitched battle in northern Macedonia, Varna launched an attack on Kosa which was defeated by the growing Katanic Fleet. As tensions grew between Novaricum and Apulia, Utica begun decolonizing Zirilia and Doussa begun probing their new neighbors.


At first Katanic-Dorian battles looked more like parties, as both sides tried to&#8230; penetrate the other into submission. The Dorians, living the rough life as they do, won more often than not and sought out more of these battles. But slowly, they changed.

When the High King led his forces personally into Doria, once more they were met with a strong line of Dorian men. But instead of fighting with fleshy spears, the Katanics drew forth their blades of bronze, chopped up the meat of their enemies, and then, in a one-sided contest, penetrated their enemies into true submission as they cowered in their own bowel filth and blood. One by one, Hordlings were destroyed and scattered before the King of Doria realized that this time, the Katanics are serious.

He led his much reduced forces against the Katanic hordes, and his Terror Hounds faced off with the Katanic Solarians. The great mastiffs could not frighten the enraged Solarians, and nor could the barbed arrows dissuade their charge, but they brought enough time for the Dorian King to capture a large amount of Spearmen and drag them away in undignified retreat. (Katan -5 Spearmen -1 Solarians)

If he was hoping to lure the High King into ambush, he must be saddened when the High King shrugged off the casualties and marched into southern Varna. (Katan +1 Domestic +3 Loot)

The Varnans sought to dissuade the High King by launching a naval expedition against Kosa. The Prince of Byzantinon and of Makedonia combined their fleets and thoroughly thrashed the Varnans, using the Solarian Garrison to board and capture nearly a dozen Varnan ships. (Katan +11 Curraghs -8 Curraghs)

These victories, combined with new internal improvements, greatly increased the confidence of the various peoples in the High King of War. The Koislyuan watch as roads and cities are rebuilt. The Keretite watch as their gold mines were cleared and production restarted. The Lyrite watched as their ancient city was cleared of rubble, its treasures restored and its palaces measured and rebuilt at the new Imperial Capital of Kosa. And all across Katan various destroyed towns and villages were rebuilt, one by one, brick by brick, by the very people who ordered their destruction those many years ago. (+3 Urban +3 Domestic +1 Trade +2 Confidence +1 Culture)


The Keepers of the Codex, instrumental in defending Kosa, gained much renown in this time. Missionaries go to and fro into Levea as deep within their halls, they begun replicating the ancient Codex of Exnot. And news soon arrived that a project concerning the Last Kings of Makedonia and the High Kings of War was finally completed with the late marriage concerning the young Prince of War. (+1 Donations +1 Project Progress)


For Doussa, it is a time of exploration and reconstruction. Their exploration opened the many ports of Varna to their merchants, and the reconstruction of Katan brought forth many more&#8230; &#8220;reasonable&#8221; people willing to talk without kicking, at least immediate kicking. With the encouragement of local trade southward and the same of Hyak northward, Doussa quickly became a minor nexus of Levean-Fallen trade.

Both Apulia and Utica begun settling and colonizing the devastated remains of Valyria and Zirilia. Utica managed to rally the few Zirilist survivors and established an outpost on the western tip of Zirilia while Apulia slowly spread her borders into both the devastated south and into the north, where Faithful, Zirilists and Druids fight for supremacy over&#8230; over who gets the right to rebuild, I guess. The Sufrenks and the Leonites both settled areas of the Vallarvale.

Indeed, while the Sufrenks managed to destroy conquer Monaco and capture Genoa, they were unable to pass north of the Lijurian mountains. Funneled south, they streamed into the chaos that is Valyria and continued to fight. At this time, some Sufrenks are already starting to resettle new homes, although Mediolaun still looms threateningly over them and their use of Cyrtian slaves.

As for the Dalmatians, they failed twice to break through the walls of Ctesiphod and then suffered humiliating raids upon their leadership. Infighting and blame destroyed the horde, and although the army of Mediolaun is too occupied to drive out the disorganized remnants, any threat they pose to the survival of the kingdom has ended.


The tension between Apulia and the Thloryn trade union grew rapidly as their services- convoys and naval mercenaries- directly conflicted with each other. Emerging from the top leadership of the Thloryn Horde, the Thloryn Trade Union made Novaricum a great city and soon dominated the trade of the southern Central Seas, and their control grew stronger as time moved on. Apulia, however, managed to conquer Krete and thus take control of the Koislyu Sea, and tribute payments by the Trade Union were soon replaced by those of Apulia, and Apulian services were vastly essential to the reconstruction of Katan. (TTU +1 Tithes/Taxes)

Of minor note, Rhodes is resettled by the League to preserve their outpost into the Central Seas.


In Tartes, the people of Leon, perhaps influenced by their new conquered Toledon citizens, began to feel that the Faith was imposed upon them by ancient Sardinia. Access to the High Temple of the Faith became limited as riots tore through the former holy city. Faelinkrisrs were murdured as oppressors and many sought a new dynasty to lead them away from the Faith. (-1 Urban -1 Stability)

The Leonite people also begun recolonizing the remnants of Sardinia&#8217;s former empire. The Baeleric Islands were retaken, and Nova Sarkov was resettled. However, conflict with chaotic barbarians of all stripes have taken their toll. (+1 trade +1 domestic)

These events threaten to boil over as the Faithful men of the Draka Horde arrive upon the border of Leon. How will they respond to this new influx of the Faith?



The Boukaens broke the hold of Viria on the great rivers, and invited the Horde of the Chariot into the heartland of Aramya. The countryside was ravaged and the great siege engines of Hyak, among the first of their kind, rolled from the fasthold of Ortun and forced the Viziers into submission. The Medeans are yet divided, and war broke out between the Horde of the Chariot under Cyrus and the Horde of the Bow. At home, the Hyakkids celebrated, for in two centuries they have asserted their independence, threw out the Aramyans in all corners, and now dominated Levea with their Medean and Boukaen allies.

The end of the war in Etass was celebrated with a great feast, and all were invited, including the freshly coroneted (and pre-conquest) Cyrus-shan and his men. In commemoration of their victory, in commemoration of the sacrifice of the Hazerelids, and in commemoration of Takarzi&#8217;s new throne in Heaven itself. As if planned, the Emissionaries of Etass attacked during the speech of High King Nirnur himself, to be cut down by the awaiting Qarabu and Archers with nary a scratch.

As the rebels are rooted out, Emissionaries of Takarzi brought the word of Sarrukan into the high plains of Hurria and renewed the old trade routes. When the Emissionaries of Takarzi met with the Emissionaries of Doussa, they embraced instead of fought, and in the name of trade and peace they begun rebuilding the northern trade routes. However, they were not able to quite make it to The Fallen Sea itself. (+1 culture +1 domestic +1 trade -1 Archer -1 Qarabu)

And too, the power of the High King grew as he took direct control of Heaven, or Shamammu, under his direct rule. A great plaza was built in the capital of Alamhadat, with murals of the epic warfare between man and god on the soils of Heaven where the blow of Takarzi destroyed the resistance, and then crushed the rebels one fragment at a time. This act renewed the confidence in the glory of Hyak and the personal treasury of the High King. (+1 confidence +2 domestic)

Viria tries to hold off the inevitable by burning the bridges and defending the fords. And they might have succeeded if the Boukaen rebellion didn&#8217;t gain strength and held one of the fords long enough to invite Cyrus-shan&#8217;s army through at Nurnir&#8217;s recommendation. Irud fell to a surprise blockade by Hyakkid curraghs, and the chariots of Cyrus streamed into Viria, pushed aside all resistance, and forced the survivors to cower behind their walls as the barbarians utterly destroyed nearly a millennia of irrigation and agriculture.

Then, when they brought up the urge to peer over their walls, there were, as if by magic, great Hyakkid siege engines and camps. Cruel towers, armored battering rams, and other weapons of a new era of war. Unwilling to suffer their city a truly possible breakthrough and knowing that victory is truly impossible, the Viziers surrendered, one by one. Cyrus is uncertain of how to manage the masses of enslaved Aramyans, so under Nurnir&#8217;s suggestion he massacred all the priests and took the treasures from the Temples, and then put down the uncoordinated rebellions easily. (-1 spearmen -1 archer -3 curraghs +4EP loot +Confidence)

Cyrus-Shan now turned to spar with the Horde of the Bow, an even wilder collection of Medean tribes. Even with Hyakkid help they were unable to advance much into the shadow of their arrows. However, he was able to advance north, reestablishing himself among the Parushans, despite alienating some of his Medean generals, who felt he is becoming &#8220;Too civilized&#8221;. In response, he cut out the tongues of the cheeky upstart, cooked it, and fed it back to the frantically apologizing lord.

The question still remains of when, and how, his Medeans will resettle Aramya.



In the land of the Frenks, King Worros emerges as the only Frenkish power still dwelling in that realm. His men begun to call him &#8220;Worros I, Lordking of the Alfrenks&#8221; as his settlers push further and further eastward.


In Armorica, the Daughters of the Trinity, developing over a century since the war in Brittania, emerged with new funding. Establishing their fortress outside of the Temple Hill, the Trinitarians train to defend the Druidic way of life and religion against real or imagined slights.

Meanwhile, in Hibernia colonization slows as the Unsullied focused on gaining the allegiance of local chiefs, more than allowing the growing Armorican population to settle there. The Chiefs maintained their practice of the Way of the Woad, and saw no reason not to give token friendship to this strange band of tree-huggers.

Dumonos tries to colonize the Isle of Man, but Armorica already established their control over it already. All assorted costs are banked instead.

They also built a new highly capable ship called the Brettagh, which are ships designed to ride low in the water and easily up rivers and creeks, and are very seaworthy even for a novice crew. A Brettagh ship tried to sail around Tartes but only managed to reach the Druidic Settlers of Coruna these years, with plans to expand further. Originally from Armorica centuries ago, the Brettagh allowed stronger trade routes between Coruna and the Keltic homeland. (+1 trade Dumonos)

Dumonos also sold off some of their conventional Curraghs, which were eagerly purchased by their merchants, who now have some defenses in case of future raids or piracy. (+1 ep)


The Ipren were finally crushed by Ostava and Buertgang, who grew close in their cooperation against the increasingly desperate Druids there. They each captured a town, while the last burned to the ground in the intense back and forth fighting and raiding. Thousands of Ipren slaves were sold through Amsurat, which soon became an economic center for the trade of Human Chattel, an increasingly popular commodity throughout Keltia. (-3 Spearmen +1 Domestic +Economic Center)

They also begun a settlement program westward, crushing the native Druids there to face the hammer of the Buggerites or the anvil of the Faith. Thousands were enslaved and new land were held in the name of the Empire, which now has a direct border with the strange people of the Great Nomadic Hordes.

And their centuries of development and inquiry has achieved a breakthrough. Chariots were reverse-engineered and developed, and the necessary skills used to do so inspires many to hope that one day, a revolution of Bronze can also occur. (+Chariots)


The Danyan horde finished their century-long uprooting with much funding from Vahshallah and Ostava, which allowed it to reestablish itself as a nation.

The Phoenix Horde still has a long way to go. The new towns were quickly populated by a rather Transient population, with over three quarters staying for less than a month at a time. The King is suffering more dissent, but he sees a future where their new homes combined with their martial skill will let them conquer a more permanent empire.

At home, Vahshallah continues to develop as peace seems to return. Trade grows between them and Hamburg and the new Duchy of Pommerania.


The Nile
And so rages the Nilotic War, fought both by armies and merchants. While the Pharaoh applies direct pressure and relied on his generals, Axum uses their countless tendrils of money and influence to direct and unite his faceless enemies to confuse their great opponent. Some of the most massive battles in history are fought in this time, as well as some interesting tactics used again and again in the future.

It must be noted that neither side properly funded their military expeditures these years in the desparate fighting. And although the looting is good enough to placate their armies, it is lucky that both sides are equally handicapped in this manner.

The massive Army of the Nile consisted of twenty two thousand men under arms, with twenty spearmen, fifteen archer and five chariot companies in tow. Against them are the newly built walls of Sevoria, formed from the stones of the Nubian pyramids, and half their number of Kuhorsehockyes, all of whom are equally well trained and dedicated to their task. Surprising to the Egyptians, nearly five thousand experienced Axumites also crossed the supposedly &#8220;near impossible&#8221; Blue Nile, perhaps forgetting their ancient outposts and towns dedicated to navigating its waters. All in all, the Egyptians seemed to have the mobility and numbers, while the Kuhorsehockyes have their walls and their training.

The Egyptians were not prepared not expecting a tough fight. With the return of their scouts the General decided to hole up the Kuhorsehockyes at Sevoria and then move south for Kartoros itself.

A minor battle sank most of the Kuhorsehockye fleet in the region, and the army marched ponderously across the Kuhorsehockye countryside, methodically enslaving all and taking all to feed their voracious troops. The little supplies they had ran out quickly. Too quickly. Sometimes it seems that hunger drove the men more than glory in their advance, and more often than not Kuhorsehockye Slaves are sold with missing limbs or suspicious bite marks at Napata.

Soon, the Egyptian army camped under the walls of Sevoria. Pleased with their progress, the God-King went to his palatial tent content.


When he woke, he saw chaos. Gigantic beasts, mountains of flesh rolled through the camp, barely controlled by their own trainers. A floodgate was opened, and his fleet was washed away. Worse, the Wadi to his west was filled, preventing escape from this trap.

Flaming arrows begun falling into the city from the walls of Sevorica as Beduin camel riders rode through the ranks, cutting down panicking Egytpians and raining arrows on the little resistance his veterans offered.

However, the sheer size of the Egypian Army prevented their instant defeat. The Elephants only went so far until the spears and arrows bled most of them to death. The Camel Riders can only charge so far until resistance can truly form. The God King killed two elephants himself, so it was said, and regrouped the Palace guard.

With his chariots leading the way, he cut a hole through the tightening cordon and broke through under heavy arrow fire to the south of Sevoria. And following him are the frightened horde of soldiers, leaving most of their camp and equipment behind. As he turned to give them rank and responsibilities, he looked up. Like so many Pharaohs before in the field of war, an arrow struck in the face.

The much reduced Egyptian Army has indeed passed Sevoria, but there are no supplies nor reinforcements for them. The locals banded together and every village cost more casualties, necessary to feed them. The God-king died from his mortal wound, and there, in the center of Kush, surrounded by enemies and hostiles, the Egyptian Army camped while its leadership squabbled for supremacy.

The Garrison at Sevoria turned to surround this mass, but it was yet too strong for them to defeat, even after the massive blood-letting at Sevoria. Quantity is its own quality, as they waited for the Egyptians to starve and to surrender.

The Fleet in Quesir waited for the Kuhorsehockye expedition to return, but it never did. One dry, hot day, a massive fire tore through the harbor. Hundreds of ships and dozens of Curraghs were burned; however their secret weapon was saved from the conflagaration. The Axumite fleet soon appeared outside of Quesir and begun raining pots of pitch and flaming arrows upon the harbor. The Vizier of the Sea has no choice but to offer battle.

Surrounding the God King&#8217;s secret weapons with a screen of Curraghs, he streamed towards the Axumite navy, which was by now larger, although less experienced in the ways of war. One by one his curraghs sank in flames, but when they parted, the massive Monoremes of Egypt were revealed.

The massive size of these craft did not come cheep, but they were truly effective. Arrows seemed to merely prick its hide as it ran over curragh after currage, its mere wake sinking more. Ten of these gigantic monsters rampaged through the Axumite navy, scattering it and destroying it.

They had very little supplies, and so they streamed towards their Arabian colony to find it utterly destroyed. Starving, the Egyptians rowed across the Long Sea once more and begun capturing Axumite colonies. There were resistance from the Garrison, but the necessity of food overcame any defenders. The citizens were butchered and the Navy was finally fed.

In the north, another Beduin force attacked Canaan, home of various untrusted family members of the God-King. With the God-King missing, he saw his chance. Turning his allegiance against Egypt and marrying into the Beduin Horde, he launched his own bid for the throne of Neo-Egypt. With the official knowledge of the God-King unknown, many nomes in Lower Egypt gave him their allegiance. In Thebes, the God-King&#8217;s wife claimed the throne for her son and managed to hold together the Nomes south of Beni-Hasan. Nubia continued to support Thebes in a new era of Civil War.

Neo-Egypt: -38 Curraghs, -2 Monoremes, -10- Archers, -15 Spearmen, -3 Egyptian Chariots
Split in Major Civil War: I will allow negotiations before stating up the civil war factions.
Axum: -62 Curraghs, -2 Archers -1 Spearmen -1 Domestic -3 Trade
Spoiler :

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Spoiler Keltia :
Armorica/Gem Hound
Color: Strong Green
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (17/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 13/0 (3/7/3)-3
Military: 1 Spearmen (4.5) 1 Unsullied (6), 3 Unsullied (4), 2 Unsullied (2), 2 Curraghs (1), 46 Curraghs (0.5),
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Strong
Projects: The Wall: Completed; Golden Taranis (Completed: +Culture +Armorican Confidence) Temple Hill (DONE: +Culture+Confidence+RC) Druidic Roads (6/8 +Trade+Domestic+Confidence)

Color: Purple
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (24/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 14/9 (3/6/5)-2
Military: 1 Spearmen (4.5), 3 Archers (3),10 Curraghs (1) 20 Curraghs (0.5), 8 Brettagh (0.6)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Great Tin Mines (DONE ++Trade)

Beurtgang Empire /Lord of Elves
Color: Dull Orange
Religion: Faith
Age: Early Bronze (70/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 19/0 (5/10/4)-1
Military: 2 Spearmen (3), 8 Spearmen (1.5), 1 Chariot (6), 3 Chariots (3), 3 Curraghs (1.5)16 Curraghs (1)
Confidence: Admiring

Color: Dry Blue
Religion: The Faith
Age: Early Bronze (23/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 13/0 (3/6/4)-0
Military: 1 Royal Guardsmen (4), 1 Spearmen (3), 12 Spearmen (1.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Influential

Alfrenks, Kingdom of /Eltain
Color: Dull Brown
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (29/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 8/-6 (1/5/2)-1
Military: 1 Spearmen (4.5), 2 Spearmen (1.5), 2 Archers (1.5) 10 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Temple to Taranis (DONE+Confidence)

Vascony /NPC
Color: Purple
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (11/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 4/0 (1/2/1)-0
Military: 1 Warriors (5). 2 Warriors (4)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic

The Draka Horde/Lokki242
Economy: 3/12 (1/2/0)-3
Troops: 6 Civilians, 6 Hordling, 2 Spearmen (4.5), 2 Archers (3)
Hordling Desc: Fanatical Faithful Warriors with modified farming tools
Horde Desc: With little left in their homeland, the Draka Clan led most of the Nesfrenks to seek a new land to settle and convert to the faith

Ostava, Kingdom of /NPC
Color: Weak Green
Religion: The Faith
Age: Early Bronze (17/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 11/2 (1/7/3)-1
Military: 6 Spearmen (3), 2 Archers (3)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Lundien, Duchy of /NPC
Color: Weak Purple
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (17/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 6/0 (1/3/2)
Military: 1 Spearmen (4.5), 2 Warriors (2), 1 Archers (4.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre

Kentus, Duchy of /NPC
Color: Lime Green
Religion: Faith
Age: Early Bronze (12/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 6/0 (1/3/2)
Military: 2 Spearmen (4.5), 2 Spearmen (3)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Hamburg, Duchy of /NPC
Color: Bright Purple
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (12/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 6/0 (1/2/3)-0
Military: 3 Archer (3), 8 Curraghs (1), 10 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic

Danyaria, Duchy of/NPC
Color: Light Green
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Small
Economy: 4/4 (1/3/0)-0
Troops: 1 Royal Guard (6), 1 Iron Lance (5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Strong

Phoenix Horde/NPC
Economy: 6/0 (2/2/2) -4
Cohesion: Respecting
Troops: 10 Hordlings, 2 Civilians, 6 Xiong Chariots
Hordling Desc: Led by a cadre of Chariot Lords (about 20 each) are about 1,000 well armed runners with bow and axe. The rest use Javelins and light spears.
Horde Desc: Pushing into Keltia, they are ready to invade Ostava and fight for a new homeland if need be. Member of the Buggerite Horde.

The Iron Lances/NPC
Purpose: Spreading and defending The Faith
Economy: 6/1 (4/0/2)-8
Organization: Lances
Assets: Head Quarters (Nessos, Nesfrenks), Grand Temples (Spire, Vahshallah), Temples (loads of places in spoilers)
Personnel: 1 Iron Lancers (5), 4 Iron Lancers (2.5), 5 Forsworn (1.25), 10 Martyrs (1), 20 Fanatics (.75)

Pommerania, Duchy of/NPC
Color: Purple
Religion: Druidism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Petite
Economy: 4/2 (1/1/2)
Military: 1 Archer (3), 3 Curraghs (1.5), 12 Curraghs (1)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Average

Spoiler Western Seas :

Mediolaun, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Pink Violet
Religion: Ancestor/Martyrdom Traditions
Age: Early Bronze (32/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 15/-11 (3/9/3) -2
Military: 6 Archers (3), 6 Spearmen (3), 2 Rumen Generals (3),
Confidence: Respected
Culture: Strong
Projects: Nova Genoa (DONE +Trade + Confidence), Oracle of the Ancestors (DONE +RC), Great Walls of Ctesiphod (Done: + Defense +Economy)

Leon, Kingdom of/Nailix
Color: Light Royal Blue
Religion: The Faith
Age: Early Bronze (28/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 17/-16 (7/6/2)-1
Military: 5 Spearmen (3), 6 Spearmen (1.5), 3 Archers (3), 3 Archers (1.5), 1 Warriors (2), 1 Warriors (1), 10 Curraghs
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Limited
Projects: Forear Escola (DONE +Culture+Education);Temple of the Gods (DONE +Culture+Confidence);

Dalmatian Horde/NPC
Economy: 5/9 (0/1/4) -2
Cohesion: Respecting
Troops: 9 Hordlings
Hordling Desc: Hardened Mountain Men, wielding axes, bows, with minimal armor. Each Hordling is led by a Chief and a retinue of about 200 with throwing axes.
Horde Desc: Moving into the Rtas valley and encamped outside of Ctesiphod, they need to figure out a clever way to defeat the third best walls in the world. (1st goes to Ortun, 2nd to Kosa)

Sufrenkish Horde/NPC
Economy: 8/5 (2/1/5) -4
Cohesion: Respecting
Troops: 9 Hordlings, 7 Civilians, 4 Spearmen
Hordling Desc: Lighty armed and armored skirmishes excellent in open combat, as well as a cadre of 500 men in spear formation to break open enemies.
Horde Desc: Moving into the Rtas valley and encamped outside of Genoa, they must figure out a way to overcome its hastily built walls and conquer a new homeland or itself.
Spoiler Eastern Seas :
Katan, High Kingdom of/Luckymoose
Color: Dark Violet
Religion: Exnotist Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (73/75)
Economy: 31/2 (8/20/3)-7
Military: 2 Solarians (6) 4 Spearmen (4..5), 10 Spearmen (3), 5 Spearmen (1.5), 5 Archer (3), 3 Curraghs (1.5), 40 Curraghs (1)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Katanic Road Network (DONE +Infrastructure), Epirucan Harbor (DONE +Trade +2 Ships/EP)

Varna, Empire of/NPC
Color: Yellow-Brown
Religion: Exnotist Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (26/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 11/0 (2/6/3)-4
Military: 5 Archers (3), 5 Spearmen (3), 18 Curraghs (1), 48 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average

Apulia, Republic of/NPC
Color: Burgundy
Religion: Exnotist Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (63/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 13/5 (3/5/5) -1
Military: 4 Archers (3), 55 Curragh (1.2),
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong
Projects:, , The Colossus of Cytria (DONE +Trade+EC), The Harbor Academy (DONE +.1 Naval power baseline, +Trade

Novaricum, Commonwealth of/NPC
Color: Navy Blue
Religion: Zirilism
Age: Early Bronze (32/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 12/-3 (4/2/6)-1
Military: 2 Archers (4.5), 2 Spearmen (4.5), 15 Raiders (1.3) 15 Curraghs (1.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Strong

Utica, Commonwealth of/DC123456789
Color: Dull Green
Religion: Zirilism
Age: Early Bronze (32/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 8/0 (1/4/3)-1
Military: 2 Archers (4.5), 12 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average

Dorian Horde/NPC
Economy: 2/4 (0/2/0)-3
Cohesion: Respecting
Troops: 14 Hordelings, 4 Terror Hounds,
Hordling Desc: Hardened Mountain Men, wielding axes, bows, with minimal armor. Each Hordling is led by a Chief and a retinue of about 500 wielding two axes and decent armor.
Horde Desc: The Dorian Horde used to be much bigger, but the Katanic incursion managed to disrupt their unification and cause a civil war. A weakened but still determined Horde is ready to invade Makedonia, and take it for its own.

Thloryn Trade Union/Matt0088
Purpose: Packing their Pockets
Economy: 8/0 (1/6/1)-4
Organization: Councsil and Contracters
Assets: Palace and Embassy (Novaricum), Base of Operations (Damietta, Utica)
Personnel: 18 Raiders (1.3), 18 Wolfships (1), 40 Curraghs (1.5), 5 Thugs, 2 Thloryn Contacts

Keepers of the Codex/TerrisH
Purpose: Safeguarding the Codex of Altyria and Exnotism
Economy: 3/2 (2/1/0)-0
Organization: Lances
Assets: Hall of the Codex (Kosa), Missionary Center (Cyrus)
Personnel: 1 Solarian (4)
Project: Codex Restoration (2/10 +Culture+Religion)

Doussa, Exaltation of/Stockholme
Color: Burnt Orange
Religion: Traditionalist Kitabalism
Age: Bronze
Size: Petite
Economy: 5/1 (1/2/2)
Military: 1 Highlander (8), 5 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong

Spoiler Nile :

United Egyptian Empire/Erez
Color: Yellow
Religion: Egyptian Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (32/75)
Economy: 39/5 (13/22/4)-5
Military: 2 Spearmen (4.5), 5 Spearmen (3), 1 Archer (6), 1 Archer (4.5), 10 Archer (3), 1 Egyptian Chariot (7.5), 4 Egyptian Chariot (5), 2 Monoremes (3), 6 Monoremes (1.5), 3 Curraghs (1.5), 25 Curraghs (1), 40 Curraghs (0.5)+8 Bedouin Hordlings
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Influential
Projects: Port of Quesir (DONE +Trade+City)

Kush, Empire of/NPC
Color: Pale Olive
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (20/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 7/0 (1/4/2)-1
Military: 4 Archers (3), 2 Spearmen (4.5), 6 Spearmen (3), 3 Curraghs (1)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Limited
Projects: Unified Kush (DONE +Culture+Confidence)

Color: Dull Green
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (19/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 16/0 (4/7/5)-4
Military: 4 Archers (3), 9 Archers (1.5), 3 Spearmen (3), 4 Spearmen (1.5), 2 Ethiopian Elephants (?), 2 Warriors (1), 25 Curraghs (1)+5 Bedouin Hordlings
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Average
Projects: Nile Trade Forts (DONE +Trade), Great Drydocks (DONE, -2 Upkeep:Ships)

Color: Light Spring
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (20/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 6/2 (1/3/2)-0
Military: 4 Spearmen (3), 9 Curraghs (1),
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Average
Projects: Recruiting Barracks (1/5 +1 Warrior.turn)

Color: Light Spring
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (14/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 4/1 (1/1/2)
Military: 2 Spearmen (3), 1 Archer (3), 12 Curraghs (1)
Confidence: Respectin1g
Culture: Average
Projects: Ports of Paradise (4/6 +Trade)
Spoiler Levea "Middle East" :
Hyak, High-Kingdom of/Lord_Iggy
Color: Azure Blue
Religion: Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (45/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 24/4 (3/15/6)-4
Military: 3 Ox Chariots (5), 1 Spearmen (4.5) 2 Spearmen (3), 3 Spearmen (1.50, 4 Archers (3), 3 Archers (1.5), 1 Qurabu Klabanatu (6), 2 Qurabu Klabanatu (4), 5 Qurabu Kalbanatu (2.0) 3 Curraghs (1), 20 Curraghs (0.5) (6 Hurrian Auxilaries)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Strong

Hormun, Exaltation of/NPC
Color: Dark Green
Religion: Kitabalist Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (37/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 9/0 (2/4/3)-2
Military: 2 Spearmen (3) 1 Archers (4.5), 1 Archers (3) 35 Curragh (1)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Grand Harbor of Hormun (15/20 +Trade +12ships/EP +.1 Base Ship STR)

Levantine League/ SKILORD
Color: Olive
Religion: Kitabalist Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (25/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 15/11 (4/5/6)-4
Military: 1 Archer (4.5), 2 Archers (3), 6 Spearmen (4.5) 50 Curragh (1), 50 Curragh (.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Average
Projects: Phoenician Port (Completed: 12 Curragh/Ep +Trade) Naval Drydocks (DONE, -2 Upkeep: Ships)

Horde of the Chariot/NPC
Economy: 12/4 (3/5/4) -10
Cohesion: Loving
Troops: 7 Hordlings, 28 Civilians, 6 Xiong Chariots, 4 Ox Chariots, 7 Archers
Hordling Desc: Quick mobile herdsmen and raiders using bows supplemented by Aramyan Slave Armies
Horde Desc: The core of the Medean Migration into Levea, they still face the state of Viria as well as the myraid barbarian tribes too busy to loot to work together with them.

Horde of the Bow/NPC
Economy: 5/6 (2/2/1) -2
Cohesion: Worshipping
Troops: 12 Hordlings
Hordling Desc: Quick mobile herdsmen and raiders using bows
Horde Desc: A much wilder splinter state, the Horde of the Bow is much looser than Cyrus&#8217; Horde of the Chariot, which is both good and bad.

Color: Cyan
Religion: Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Petite
Economy: 3/3 (1/1/1)-1
Military: 2 Spearmen (3)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Mediocre
Spoiler Khand :
Dakinsa Raj/Southern King
Color: Royal Blue
Religion: Hinduism
Age: Bronze
Size: Huge
Economy: 26/23 (6/13/7)-4
Military: 2 Gujarati Macemen (6), 6 Gujarati Macemen (3), 1 Spearmen (4), 4 Spearmen (2), 3 Chariots (3), 4 Archers (1.5), 2 Longboats (1.5), 14 Longboats (0.75)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Influential

Daretokimas Raj /NPC
Color: Stale red
Religion: Hinduism
Age: Early Bronze (46/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 17/14 (3/10/4)-3
Military: 3 Archers (3), 4 Spearmen (3) 21 Curraghs (1),36 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Mediocre

Gujarati Confederacy /Double A
Color: Dull Yellow
Religion: Hinduism (Holy City)
Age: Early Bronze (51/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 11/17 (2/5/4)-0
Military: 4 Gujarati Macemen (3), 13 Curraghs (1), 2 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Average
Projects: Temple to Shiva (DONE +Culture), Krishna&#8217;s Oracle (DONE +RC +Religion)

Ataka Confederacy /NPC
Color: Orange
Religion: Gnatism
Age: Early Bronze (15/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 6/5 (1/3/1)-0
Military: 2 Archers (3), 7 Curraghs (1), 12 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Hyperabad, Kingdom of /NPC
Color: Lavender
Religion: Gnatism
Age: Early Bronze (13/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 9/9 (1/4/4)-0
Military: 4 Archers (4.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Pathetic

Color: Dark Green
Religion: Buddism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Tiny
Economy: 2/2 (1/1/0)-0
Military: 2 Warriors (1), 8 Curraghs (1)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre
Spoiler Xilan :
Color: Light Green
Religion: Shining Confucianism
Age: Bronze Age
Size: Gargantuan
Economy: 31/0 (7/16/8)-3
Military: 2 Silent Guards (5.5), 4 Silent Guards (2.75), 2 Xiong Chariots (5), 6 Archers (2), 5 Curraghs (1), 6 Ocean Striders (0.75)
Confidence: Worshipping
Culture: Wonder of the World
Projects: Rebuild (DONE+Economic Growth), Defensive Canals (DONE+Defense+Agricultrue), Unified China (Complete +Confidence Inertia +Culture/Confidence), Oceanstriders (DONE +UU +Oceanic Trade) Defensive Canals (DONE +++ Yellow River defenses),

Katoan Empire /Chrisos
Color: Aqua
Religion: Imperial Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Medium
Economy: 11/0 (1/7/3)-1
Military: 4 Warriors of the Sun (5), 1 Spearmen (4.5),, 2 Spearmen (3), 2 Archers (3)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre

Kitano Empire of/NPC
Color: Cyan
Religion: Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Medium
Economy: 7/0 (1/3/3)-1
Military: 6 Samurai (4), 1 Ocean Strider (1.5), 8 Curraghs (1), 10 Curraghs (.05)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre

Shikoku, Confederacy of
Color: Blue
Religion: Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Small
Economy: 5/2 (1/2/2)-1
Military: 2 Archers (3), 3 Curraghs (1.5), 12 Curraghs (1), 20 Curraghs (.05)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Limited

Shimane, Confederacy of/NPC
Color: Sea Green
Religion: Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Medium
Economy: 6/1 (1/4/1)-2
Military: 4 Archers (3), 7 Warriors (2), 4 Curraghs (1), 15 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Mediocre

Ainu Horde/NPC
Economy: 2/4 (0/2/0)-3
Troops: 7 Hordlings, 10 Warriors
Hordling Desc: Lighty armed but very dedicated fighters.
Horde Desc: Seeks to irradicate the Yamato from japan.

Horde of the Wolf/NPC
Economy: 8/12 (2/4/2)-6
Troops: 20 Hordlings, 7 Xiong Chariots 4 Spearmen
Horldings: Tough and well coordinated hunters and warriors with light weapons
Horde seeks better land than the tough Mongolian Plains.

Dahai, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Lavander
Religion: Confucianism
Age: Early Bronze (9/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 7/0 (1/4/2)-1
Military: 4 Spearmen (3), 7 Spearmen (1.5), 8 Curraghs (1), 8 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Huai, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Orange
Religion: Confucianism/Daoism
Age: Early Bronze (7/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 11/0 (2/6/3)-0
Military: 2 Longspear (4), 1 Spearmen (3), 2 Archers (3)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Average
Projects: Record of The Way (DONE +culture+religion)

Seoul, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Salmon
Religion: Primitive* Daoism
Age: Early Bronze (8/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 8/0 (1/4/3)-0
Military: 2 Archer (4.5), 7Curraghs (0.5), 9 Curraghs (1), 3 Oceanstrider (.75)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Limited
Projects: Garden of the Sages (COMPLETE ++Culture)

Pusan Confederacy/NPC
Color: Violet
Religion: Primitive Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Small
Economy: 4/0 (1/1/2)-0
Military: 1 Archer (3), 12 Curraghs (1)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Pathetic
Spoiler Mississippi :

Nenekatae Empire/Tambien
Color: Light Violet
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Economy: 8/1 (1/5/2) -2
Military: 5 Curraghs (1), 2 Warrior (2), 2 Spearmen (3), 7 spearmen (1.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic
Projects: Military Academy (4/12: +.1 Army Strength); Military Roads (3/7-Road Network)

Color: Violet Pink
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Economy: 6/3(1/3/2) -0
Military: 12 Curraghs (1), 1 Archer (3), 2 Spearmen (3)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic

Color: Brown
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Economy: 3/1(1/2/0) -0
Military: 3 Curraghs (.5), 2 Archers (3), 1 Archer (4.5), 1 Spearmen (1.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Pathetic


Spoiler :

Firstly, I shall institute this because of all the late orders and the effect they have on my updates.

On the deadline, all those who haven't sent orders, request for NPC or more tile will instantly lose 1 confidence and 1 culture. I will accept requests to NPC or for more time only BEFORE the deadline. I will warn all within 48 hours of the deadline with VM's.

Also, I need to split Keltia into 2 regions, and resplit the Central Seas. Suggestions would be helpful and appreciated.

Miniupdate challenges due next Monday, with orders due Wednesday.

People who MUST send Miniupdate Orders

People who are Challenged or Should send Miniupdaet Orders
Tycho (for Phoenix)
Luckymoose (for Doria)
Lord Iggy (for Medeans)
Optical (for Louche)
In the Palace of Alamhadat, food was plentiful and ale flowed freely. It was the night of the funeral, and in true Hyakkid tradition, all the guests drank to excess, feasted outside of their means and made merry, in celebration of the life of their fallen friend.

On the next day, in equally true Hyakkid tradition, the ill, stuffed, angry and hung-over guests plotted to commit gratuitous violence in celebration of the life of the departed. And it was here, following the feast commemorating the end of the Lineage of Hazerel, that Cyrus-shan and Nirnur-sar first began to plot the subjugation of the remaining Medes who resisted the former&#8217;s rule...
How about cutting Keltia into Druidic and Faithful, everything imbetween gets put into a overall heading. You can't really cut it any other way because it's too intertwined.

Anyways, the way of the woad is Druidism with people painting their bodies. ;)
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