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Buildings (10 needing descriptions. 4 complete)
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Art Studio (Italian) (Completed!) - Solzhenitsyn
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The word studio is derived from the Italian: studio, from Latin: studium, from studere, meaning to study or zeal.
A studio is an artist's or worker's workroom, or the catchall term for an artist and his or her employees who work within that studio. This can be for the purpose of architecture, painting, pottery (ceramics), sculpture, scrapbooking, photography, graphic design, filmmaking, animation, radio or television production broadcasting or the making of music. The term is also used for the workroom of dancers, often specified to dance studio.

History: The studio of a successful artist, especially from the 15th to the 19th centuries, characterized all the assistants, thus the designation of paintings as "from the workshop of..." or "studio of..." An art studio is sometimes called an atelier, especially in earlier eras. In contemporary, English language use, "atelier" can also refer to the Atelier Method, a training method for artists that usually takes place in a professional artist's studio.

The above mentioned "method" calls upon that zeal for study to play a significant role in the production which occurs in a studio space. A studio is more or less artful to the degree that the artist who occupies it is committed to the continuing education in his or her formal discipline. Academic curriculi categorize studio classes in order to prepare students for the rigors of building sets of skills which require a continuity of practice in order to achieve growth and mastery of their artistic expression. A versatile and creative mind will embrace the opportunity of such practice to innovate and experiment, which develops uniquely individual qualities of each artist's expression. Thus the method raises and maintains an art studio space above the level of a mere production facility or workshop.

Caravansrai (Iranian)


Tibetan special building (lost the name)

Ho Trai (Thai)

Noria (Mooric)
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A noria is a machine for lifting water into a small aqueduct. Unlike the water wheels found in mills, a noria does not provide mechanical power to any other process. Its concept is similar to the modern hydraulic ram, which also uses the power of flowing water to pump some of the water out of the river.

Norias were adopted from the Classical World by Muslim engineers, who made some improvements to the original Greco-Roman technology. For example, the flywheel mechanism used to smooth out the delivery of power from a driving device to a driven machine, was invented by Ibn Bassal (fl. 1038-1075) of al-Andalus, who pioneered the use of the flywheel in the noria and chain pump (saqiya). In 1206, Al-Jazari introduced the use of the crankshaft in a noria and saqiya, and the concept of minimizing intermittent working was implied for the purpose of maximising their efficiency.

Muslim engineers used norias to discharge water into aqueducts which carried the water to towns and fields. Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi's Kitab al-Hawi in the 10th century describes a noria in Iraq that could lift as much as 153,000 litres per hour, or 2550 litres per minute.

Mbwadi (Kongolese)

Sangam (Tamil)

Stepwell (Indian)
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<English>[TAB]Stepwells are wells in which the water can be reached by descending a set of steps. They are most common in the west of India. The main purpose of a stepwell is utilitarian, but many are elaborate architectural achievements. Many such constructions are found in Gujarat, e.g. the Rani Ki Vav built in Anhilwara (Patan) by the Solanki dynasty.</English>
<French>[TAB]Stepwells are wells in which the water can be reached by descending a set of steps. They are most common in the west of India. The main purpose of a stepwell is utilitarian, but many are elaborate architectural achievements. Many such constructions are found in Gujarat, e.g. the Rani Ki Vav built in Anhilwara (Patan) by the Solanki dynasty.</French>
<German>[TAB]Stepwells are wells in which the water can be reached by descending a set of steps. They are most common in the west of India. The main purpose of a stepwell is utilitarian, but many are elaborate architectural achievements. Many such constructions are found in Gujarat, e.g. the Rani Ki Vav built in Anhilwara (Patan) by the Solanki dynasty.</German>
<Italian>[TAB]Stepwells are wells in which the water can be reached by descending a set of steps. They are most common in the west of India. The main purpose of a stepwell is utilitarian, but many are elaborate architectural achievements. Many such constructions are found in Gujarat, e.g. the Rani Ki Vav built in Anhilwara (Patan) by the Solanki dynasty.</Italian>
<Spanish>[TAB]Stepwells are wells in which the water can be reached by descending a set of steps. They are most common in the west of India. The main purpose of a stepwell is utilitarian, but many are elaborate architectural achievements. Many such constructions are found in Gujarat, e.g. the Rani Ki Vav built in Anhilwara (Patan) by the Solanki dynasty.</Spanish>

Sejmik (Polish) (Completed!) - Solzhenistyn
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A sejmik was a name of various local parliaments throughout the history of Poland. The first sejmiks were regional assemblies in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, and earlier in the Kingdom of Poland. Sejmiks existed until the end of the Commonwealth in 1795 following the partitions of the Commonwealth. In a limited form, some sejmiks existed in partitioned Poland, and later, in the Second Polish Republic. In modern Poland, since 1999, the term has been revived as a voivodeship sejmik (sejmik województwa), referring to the elected council of each of the 16 voivodeships.

In game: Benefiting from the union netween Lithuania and Poland, sejmiks can give you an economical bonus compared to the common courthouse -- which just lowered maintenance.

Zoroastrian Temple

Zoroastrian Monastary

Zoroastrian Fire Temple

Civics (13 completed. 9 still need to be done.)
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<English>Bureaucracy is a form of government in which a professional class manages the day to day operations of the government. They collect the taxes. They build the roads. They turn the ruler's wishes into actuality. The Chinese mandarins are an early example of a bureaucracy; the motor vehicle agency of your local government is a later example. [PARAGRAPH:2]Bureaucracies provide a certain amount of stability and competence to a government, ensuring that the government will continue to operate efficiently even if the old ruler is thrown out and a new and totally inexperienced ruler takes his or her place. Over time, though, a bureaucracy may become "entrenched" - growing in size and inefficiency to the point where it is extremely difficult for a leader to accomplish anything - good or ill.</English>
<French>La bureaucratie est une forme de gouvernement par laquelle une classe de professionnels dirige les opérations quotidiennes du gouvernement. Ils collectent les impôts, construisent les routes et mettent en oeuvre les souhaits des dirigeants. Les mandarins chinois sont un des premiers exemples de bureaucratie. Les Directions Régionales du Commerce Extérieur en sont un autre, plus récent. [PARAGRAPH:2]La bureaucratie assure une certaine stabilité du pouvoir et met des compétences au service des gouvernements. Ainsi, même lorsqu'un dirigeant inexpérimenté arrive au pouvoir, le gouvernement continue de fonctionner avec une certaine efficacité. Cependant, la bureaucratie a tendance à proliférer et à perdre en efficacité, au point de paralyser quelque peu le pouvoir et de l'empêcher de réaliser quoi que ce soit.</French>
<German>In einer Bürokratie lenken Beamte im Namen eines Herrschers die Geschicke der Regierung. Sie erheben Steuern, bauen Straßen und setzen die Vorstellungen des Herrschers in die Tat um. Der chinesische Mandarin ist ebenso ein typischer Vertreter einer Bürokratie, wie das Verkehrsamt einer Kommunalregierung. [PARAGRAPH:2]Eine Bürokratie garantiert die Stabilität und Kontinuität einer Regierung und ermöglicht auch nach deren Absetzung eine Fortsetzung der Regierungsgeschäfte. Wird der bürokratische Apparat eines Landes zu groß, kann dies im Extremfall die völlige Handlungsunfähigkeit des Staatsoberhauptes nach sich ziehen.</German>
<Italian>La burocrazia è una forma di gestione politica nella quale una classe di professionisti gestisce le operazioni quotidiane di un governo: si possono costruire strade, riscuotere le tasse, realizzare i desideri del proprio governante. I Mandarini Cinesi sono uno dei primi esempi di burocrazia; la motorizzazione civile delle nostre nazioni è l'esempio della burocrazia odierna. [PARAGRAPH:2]Le burocrazie garantiscono la stabilità e la competenza di un governo, assicurandone il funzionamento efficiente persino nella successione tra un vecchio leader in favore di uno nuovo totalmente inesperto. Nel corso del tempo, la burocrazia può trasformarsi in una "trincea": con l'espansione della burocrazia, infatti, aumenta di conseguenza l'inefficienza del sistema al punto che, per un leader, diventa impossibile compiere qualsiasi azione, nel bene e nel male.</Italian>
<Spanish>La burocracia es una forma de gobierno en la que una clase profesional administra las tareas cotidianas del gobierno. Recauda los impuestos. Construye las carreteras. Convierte los deseos del gobernante en realidad. Los mandarines chinos representan un ejemplo antiguo de burocracia; el departamento de tráfico de cualquier municipio es un ejemplo más moderno. [PARAGRAPH:2]La burocracia proporciona ciertas dosis de estabilidad y competencia a los gobiernos, y garantiza que continúen funcionando con eficacia aun cuando el gobernante es expulsado y reemplazado por alguien totalmente inexperto en las tareas de gobierno. Con el tiempo, tiende a "atrincherarse", esto es, a crecer y atrofiarse, hasta el punto de que los gobernantes acaban por tener dificultades para implantar cualquier medida, sea buena o mala.</Spanish>

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<English>Serfdom is a more "enlightened" form of slavery in that the power of the master is not absolute and the serfs are accorded a certain number of rights. The specific rights and obligations of masters and serfs vary significantly over time and from place to place. In some societies, the master had the right to control every aspect of a serf's life except that he couldn't kill the serf without just cause; in others, the serfs had the rights to marry and to inherit wealth and to a certain amount of self-government, but they could not leave the land without their lord's permission. [PARAGRAPH:2]The basic premise of serfdom is that one group of people are superior to another, and that they have the political and god-given right to control the other group's destiny. Thus serfdom only makes sense if one agrees with the group currently in power about who is superior to whom. </English>
<French>Le servage est une forme plus "éclairée" d'esclavage, dans laquelle le maître n'a pas un pouvoir absolu, et le serf dispose de certains droits. Les droits et obligations du maître et de l'esclave varient de manière significative selon l'époque et le lieu. Dans certaines sociétés, le maître avait le droit de contrôler tous les aspects de la vie du serf, mais ne pouvait pas le tuer sans raison. Ailleurs, les serfs avaient le droit de se marier, de transmettre leur patrimoine et disposaient d'une certaine autonomie, mais ils ne pouvaient pas quitter leur terre sans l'accord de leur seigneur. [PARAGRAPH:2]Le principe de base du servage est qu'il existe un groupe d'individus supérieurs aux autres. Ils ont politiquement et idéologiquement le droit de contrôler la destinée des autres. Ainsi, le servage n'a de sens que si la supériorité des uns est acceptée par les autres. </French>
<German>Die Leibeigenschaft ist eine Form der Sklaverei. Allerdings hat der Meister keine absolute Macht über den Leibeigenen, zumal diesem gewisse Rechte zugestanden werden. Die Rechte und Verpflichtungen von Meister und Leibeigenem sind im Allgemeinen sehr verschieden. In einigen Ländern kontrolliert der Meister jeden Aspekt im Leben seines Leibeigenen. Lediglich dessen grundlose Ermordung ist dem Meister untersagt. In anderen Ländern darf der Leibeigene heiraten, ist erbberechtigt und in vielerlei Hinsicht sein eigener Herr. Allerdings darf er das Land ohne die Zustimmung seines Herrn nicht verlassen. [PARAGRAPH:2]Die Voraussetzung der Leibeigenschaft ist eine Gesellschaftsschicht, die das politische bzw. gottgegebene Recht hat, über das Schicksal einer untergeordneten Schicht zu bestimmen. Daher ist die Leibeigenschaft nur praktikabel, wenn über die herrschenden Machtverhältnisse Klarheit besteht.</German>
<Italian>La servitù è una forma di schiavitù più "illuminata": il potere del padrone non è assoluto e al servo vengono accordati un certo numero di diritti. Obblighi e rapporti tra padrone e servo sono mutati nel corso del tempo, a seconda delle epoche e delle necessità. In alcune società, il padrone aveva il diritto di controllare qualsiasi aspetto della vita di un servo, tranne per il fatto che non poteva ucciderlo senza una giusta causa; da altre parti invece, i servi potevano sposarsi e tentare di prosperare, senza però poter abbandonare la terra, se non con il permesso del padrone. [PARAGRAPH:2]Secondo i principi della servitù, un gruppo è superiore a un altro poiché ha il diritto divino di controllare il destino degli altri. Questo principio è valido solo se un gruppo acconsente di essere inferiore a un altro attualmente in potere.</Italian>
<Spanish>La servidumbre es una forma "más humanitaria" de esclavitud, en la que el poder del amo no es tan absoluto y los siervos conservan determinados derechos. Los derechos y obligaciones de amos y siervos variaban significativamente en función del tiempo y el lugar. En algunas sociedades, el amo tenía derecho a controlar todos los aspectos de la vida de sus siervos (aunque no podía quitarles la vida sin una causa justificada), mientras que en otras los siervos tenían derecho a contraer matrimonio y heredar, y poseían un cierto grado de autogobierno, si bien no podían abandonar la tierra sin el permiso de su amo. [PARAGRAPH:2]La premisa básica que sustenta el sistema de servidumbre es que un grupo es superior a otro y por tanto le asiste el derecho, tanto político como divino, a controlar el destino de éste. Por consiguiente, la servidumbre solo tiene sentido en caso de que todos estén de acuerdo en quién es superior a quién. </Spanish>


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<English>"Paganism" describes religions that believe in the holiness of all things around them - rocks, trees, animals, clouds and so forth - rather than in specific concepts or beings. Pagans believe in multitudes of gods, that the gods are all around them, causing the sunset, the rising of bread, and the success of the hunt. [PARAGRAPH:2]A pagan seeks to remain in harmony with the natural world around him or her. The pagan doesn't look to appease a distant deity or hierarchy of deities who control his or her destiny. To a pagan, the gods are all around him or her, in plain sight every day. </English>
<French>On parle de "Paganisme" pour les religions qui croient au caractère sacré de tout ce qui nous entoure : les rochers, les arbres, les animaux, les nuages, etc. Les païens ont de nombreuses divinités. Ils croient que les dieux vivent parmi nous, et sont la cause du coucher du soleil, de la pousse des plantes ou du succès de la chasse. [PARAGRAPH:2]Un païen cherche à rester en harmonie avec le monde naturel. Le païen ne cherche pas à apaiser une divinité distante qui contrôlerait sa destinée, il est convaincu que les dieux nous entourent et vivent parmi nous. </French>
<German>Der Begriff "Heidentum" umfasst Religionen, die an die Heiligkeit aller Dinge (Steine, Bäume, Tiere, Wolken) und nicht an abstrakte Gottheiten glauben. Im heidnischen Polytheismus sind verschiedene Götter für den Sonnenaufgang, die Ernte, die Jagd usw. verantwortlich. [PARAGRAPH:2]Heiden leben meist in Einklang mit der Natur und verehren (wie bereits erwähnt) keine abstrakten Gottheiten. In den Augen eines Heiden ist der Mensch ständig von - jederzeit sichtbaren - Göttern umgeben.</German>
<Italian>Il "paganesimo" racchiude tutte le religioni che credono nella santità delle cose che ci circondano (un sasso, un albero, gli animali, le nuvole), piuttosto che in identità o concetti specifici. I pagani credono in una moltitudine di divinità, che li circondano e che sono responsabili dei tramonti, della lievitazione del pane e del successo nella caccia. [PARAGRAPH:2]Un pagano tenta di vivere in armonia con la natura circostante, senza cercare di soddisfare divinità che controllino il proprio destino. Agli occhi di un pagano, le divinità sono nelle cose tangibili di tutti i giorni.</Italian>
<Spanish>El término "paganismo" describe a aquellas religiones que creen en la divinidad de todas las cosas (rocas, árboles, animales, nubes, etc.) en lugar de en conceptos o criaturas específicas. Sus seguidores creen en la existencia de multitud de dioses, cuya presencia a su alrededor es la causa de la puesta del sol, el crecimiento del trigo y el éxito en la caza. [PARAGRAPH:2]Los paganos procuran mantenerse en armonía con el mundo natural que los rodea. No se preocupan por complacer a lejanas deidades o panteones supuestamente dueños de su destino. Consideran que los dioses están en todo momento a su alrededor, a la vista. </Spanish>

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<English>During the Islamic Golden Age, early forms of proto-capitalism and free markets were present in the Caliphate, where an early market economy and an early form of mercantilism were developed between the 8th-12th centuries, which some refer to as "Islamic capitalism". A vigorous monetary economy was created on the basis of the expanding levels of circulation of a stable, high-value currency (the dinar) and the integration of monetary areas that were previously independent.[PARAGRAPH:2]A number of economic concepts and techniques were applied in early Islamic banking, including bills of exchange, the first forms of partnership (mufawada) such as limited partnerships (mudaraba), and the earliest forms of capital (al-mal), capital accumulation (nama al-mal), cheques, promissory notes, trusts (waqf), transactional accounts, loaning, ledgers and assignments. Organizational enterprises independent from the state also existed in the medieval Islamic world, while the agency institution was also introduced during that time. Many of these early capitalist concepts were adopted and further advanced in medieval Europe from the 13th century onwards.</English>

City States

Direct Rule
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<English>Despotism is a form of government characterized by a ruler who wields absolute power over his people. Despite the word's negative connotations, a leader doesn't necessarily have to be a corrupt, evil megalomaniac to be a despot; it is possible to be a benevolent despot, though history records few cases of such. [PARAGRAPH:2]The strength of this form of government is that the ruler can easily implement his decisions; he does not need to compromise, cajole, or bribe anyone to get the job done. The weakness of this form of government is that the ruler can implement bad decisions just as easily as good ones; with no checks and balances, how can he be stopped? Also, there is a lot of truth in the old saying, "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." And though as said before, despots don't need to be corrupt, evil megalomaniacs, many of them end up that way.</English>
<French>Le despotisme est une forme de gouvernement au sein duquel le dirigeant détient le pouvoir absolu sur son peuple. Contrairement à ce que l'on pense, un despote n'est pas forcément un mégalomane corrompu et mauvais. Le monde a connu des despotes bienveillants, même s'il y en a eu peu. [PARAGRAPH:2]La force de ce type de gouvernement réside dans le fait que le dirigeant peut imposer facilement ses décisions, sans passer par des compromis, des cajoleries ou des pots de vins. La faiblesse de ces régimes réside dans le fait que le dirigeant peut aussi facilement imposer ses mauvaises décisions puisqu'il n'y a pas de contre-pouvoirs. De plus, il y a une certaine vérité dans l'expression : "le pouvoir corrompt, le pouvoir absolu corrompt absolument." Et même si les despotes ne sont pas nécessairement corrompus, beaucoup d'entre eux finissent par le devenir tôt ou tard.</French>
<German>Der Despotismus ist eine Willkürherrschaft, bei der ein Herrscher absolute Macht über sein Volk ausübt. Trotz der eher negativen Belegung des Wortes ist dieser Herrscher allerdings nicht zwingend korrupt, böse und größenwahnsinnig. Es hat im Laufe der Menschheitsgeschichte durchaus (wenn auch nur wenige) gütige Despoten gegeben. [PARAGRAPH:2]Der Vorteil dieser Regierungsform ist die einfache Umsetzbarkeit der Vorstellungen des Herrschers. Dieser muss keine Kompromisse eingehen und mit niemandem verhandeln, um seinen Willen durchzusetzen. Allerdings gilt dies für segensreiche UND schlechte Entscheidungen, da diese von keiner gleichberechtigten oder übergeordneten Instanz in Frage gestellt werden. Daher ist das alte Sprichwort: "Macht korrumpiert, absolute Macht korrumpiert absolut" leider in aller Regel zutreffend. Früher oder später verliert auch der gütigste Despot seinen Sinn für die Realität.</German>
<Italian>Il dispotismo è una forma di governo nella quale un sovrano esercita un potere assoluto sul proprio popolo. Malgrado le connotazioni negative della parola, un despota non deve essere necessariamente corrotto o agire da pazzo megalomane; sono esistiti anche despoti benevoli, malgrado nel corso della storia non se ne siano visti molti. [PARAGRAPH:2]La forza di questa forma di governo è che il sovrano può mettere in pratica facilmente le proprie decisioni: non ha bisogno di corrompere, lusingare o scendere a compromessi con nessuno. La debolezza di questo tipo di governo, invece, è che il sovrano può rischiare di agire in modo errato quanto giusto e senza contrappesi, chi è in grado di fermarlo? Inoltre, c'è del vero nel vecchio detto "il potere corrompe; il potere assoluto ti corrompe assolutamente". E, come detto in precedenza, sebbene un sovrano non debba per forza essere malvagio o megalomane, molti sono finiti così.</Italian>
<Spanish>El despotismo es una forma de gobierno caracterizada por la presencia de un gobernante que ejerce un poder absoluto sobre su pueblo. A pesar de las connotaciones negativas de la palabra, el líder no tiene por qué ser necesariamente un megalómano corrupto y malvado. Es posible ser un déspota benevolente, aunque la historia no ha registrado demasiados casos. [PARAGRAPH:2]La principal ventaja de esta forma de gobierno radica en que el gobernante puede poner en práctica sus decisiones con facilidad. No necesita convencer, seducir o sobornar a nadie para conseguirlo. Su debilidad estriba en que las malas decisiones son igualmente fáciles de impulsar. Sin equilibrios ni contrapoderes, nadie puede detener al déspota. Además, hay mucha verdad en el antiguo dicho que asegura, "el poder corrompe, y el poder absoluto corrompe absolutamente". Y, aunque tal como se ha dicho antes, los déspotas no tienen por qué ser megalómanos corruptos y malvados, muchos de ellos acaban siéndolo.</Spanish>



Spoiler :

<English>A theocracy is a form of government where priests or holy men are in charge of the government. The government is run to benefit the people, but, more importantly, in accord with the wishes of the almighty, as interpreted by the holy men and priests. According to the theory, it is the will of God that such men be in charge of running things, and political dissent is sinful and wrong-headed, if not outright heresy. [PARAGRAPH:2]In the modern world, theocracies tend to be backward-looking, seeking to return their country to some usually mythical past state of grace and away from the evil and corrupt modern world. Diplomacy tends to be extremely difficult for such countries, since countries who act against their interests are doing so at the urging of the devil, rather than because the other countries have their own points of view and objectives. How can a holy leader compromise with an imp of Satan?</English>
<French>Une théocratie est une forme de gouvernement dirigée par les prêtres et les hommes d'église. Le gouvernement a pour but le bien-être de la population, mais, et c'est le plus important, en accord avec la volonté du tout-puissant, telle qu'elle est interprétée par les religieux. En théorie, c'est Dieu qui a voulu que les religieux gouvernent la destinée des hommes. La dissidence politique est donc un péché, une aberration, voire une hérésie. [PARAGRAPH:2]Dans le monde moderne, les théocraties tendent à être rétrogrades et à restaurer une sorte de passé mythique, un état de grâce, à l'écart du monde moderne corrompu. La diplomatie est rendue extrêmement difficile pour ces nations : un pays qui agit contre l'intérêt d'une théocratie agit de la sorte car il y est incité par le diable, et non parce qu'il défend ses propres intérêts ou points de vue. Comment un homme d'église pourrait-il accepter un compromis avec un envoyé de Satan ?</French>
<German>Die Theokratie ist eine Regierungsform, bei der Priester und heilige Männer die Regierungsgeschäfte leiten. Die Regierung wird so geführt, dass das Volk davon profitiert, aber in erster Linie bestimmen die Wünsche des Allmächtigen, die von den heiligen Männern und Priestern ausgelegt werden, die Regierungspolitik. Laut dieser Theorie ist es Gottes Wille, dass diese Männer die Regierung leiten, und eine andere politische Meinung ist eine Sünde und Starrköpfigkeit, wenn nicht sogar Ketzerei. [PARAGRAPH:2]In der modernen Welt sind Theokratien meist rückwärts gerichtete Gesellschaften, die ihr Land zurück in den üblicherweise mystischen Zustand der Vergangenheit und fort von der bösen und korrupten modernen Welt bringen wollen. Die Diplomatie gestaltet sich für diese Länder meist ausgesprochen schwierig, da die Länder, die gegen ihre Interessen handeln, dies ihrer Meinung nach tun, weil sie sich vom Bösen leiten lassen und nicht, weil diese anderen Länder eigene Ansichten und Ziele haben. Wie kann ein heiliger Anführer auch einen Kompromiss mit einem Schergen des Satans eingehen?</German>
<Italian>La teocrazia è una forma di governo dominata da sacerdoti e uomini santi. Il governo lavora in funzione del popolo, ma soprattutto in linea con i desideri dell'Onnipotente, i cui segni vengono interpretati dai sacerdoti. In teoria, questi uomini sono gli unici portavoce del volere di Dio, il dissenso politico è un peccato e può essere considerato addirittura eresia. [PARAGRAPH:2]Nel mondo moderno, le teocrazie tendono a guardare indietro, nel tentativo di riportare la propria nazione in qualche mitico stato di grazia appartenente al passato, lontano dal male e dalla corruzione. Per alcune nazioni, la diplomazia tende ad essere molto difficoltosa: se un paese agisce contro gli interessi di una teocrazia viene visto come un gesto del diavolo, piuttosto che una necessità e un differente punto di vista. Come può un leader santo scendere a patti con un servo di Satana?</Italian>
<Spanish>La teocracia es la forma de gobierno en la que la autoridad secular está en manos de sacerdotes u hombres santos. Éstos gobiernan en beneficio de la comunidad, pero sobre todo de acuerdo a los deseos del todopoderoso, interpretados por el sacerdocio. En teoría, es voluntad de Dios que el gobierno esté en sus manos, y el disenso político es pecaminoso y moralmente condenable, cuando no directamente herético. [PARAGRAPH:2]En nuestros tiempos, las teocracias son sistemas caracterizados por una noción nostálgica de la historia, que aspiran a devolver la tierra a un pasado de gracia (normalmente mítico) y apartarla de la maldad y corrupción del mundo moderno. Los países que la practican tienen grandes dificultades diplomáticas, puesto que consideran que los estados que se les oponen actúan impulsados por una voluntad diabólica en lugar de por sus propios puntos de vista e intereses. ¿Cómo va a llegar a un acuerdo un líder santo con un siervo de Satán?</Spanish>

Forced Labor

Spoiler :

<English>The guild system which developed in the late Middle Ages involved strict controls on employment in trades, so that the guild would enjoy monopoly market power. The apprenticeship system allowed control of numbers by requiring that a trainee craftsman associate himself with a "master" (the owner of a workshop) during and after his training, which could last for between five and ten years.[PARAGRAPH:2]Traders were prevented by law from working in a trade if they had not completed an apprenticeship. By requiring a master, commitment and cheap labour, the system successfully limited participation in industry, and delayed Europe's change from the traditional agricultural economy.</English>

Spoiler :

<English>After the fall of Rome, Europe reverted to local rule by local rulers. Codes of laws were applied arbitrarily where they even existed. The ordinary person had no conception of rights, and no entitlement to such rights, even in theory.[PARAGRAPH:2]The philosopher Thomas Hobbes wrote that human life without government is a "war of all against all"; much the same can be said for arbitrary government. Society cannot enact higher concepts such as justice and fairness. And without property rights, individuals have no interest in making long-term investments whose payoff they will never enjoy.</English>

Supreme Council


Self Sufficiency
Spoiler :

<English>Even when feudalism prevailed throughout Europe, there were subtle differences among the national systems. In countries like England, many or all peasants enjoyed great freedoms compared to their villein or serf counterparts. Certain taxes paid by the serfs were waived for the free peasants.[PARAGRAPH:2]Instead of owing labour services or the output of land, the free peasant paid a fixed rent to his lord. This allowed much greater freedom of action, for instance, in choosing which crops to grow or in alienating the land from his family. The existence of a free peasantry created social mobility which did not exist in other societies.</English>

Spoiler :

<English>Religious Tolerance refers to a society in which there is still a dominant religion - what is maintained as "state religion" - but people are free to worship or not worship as they please.[PARAGRAPH:2]Such states allow all to express their religious beliefs. This encourages immigration by people whose religions are suppressed elsewhere, and the general society benefits from the multitude of experiences and beliefs of its members. However, such freedom and tolerance of religions may weaken a nation's people's beliefs in any religion, which could cause the people to become morally lax and decadent. Further, members of the more militant and expansionist religions may seek to destroy the competition, causing a good deal of stress and conflict within a country. A good deal of maturity is required on the part of a government and its people to successfully sustain free religion.</English>

Spoiler :

<English>Great institutions of learning passed knowledge to eager scholars in ages past. Sages and pupils are too much of an economic drain to sustain in these harsh times, but that doesn't mean education is neglected. The blacksmith and the butcher both need an intellectual heir, and a system of apprenticeship is the surest way to insure one.</English>
<French>Dans le passé, de grandes institutions éducatives ont transmis leur savoir à de fervents érudits. Sages et élèves sont bien trop coûteux pour que la société puisse subvenir à leurs besoins en ces temps difficiles, mais cela ne veut pas dire que l'éducation est négligée. Le forgeron et le boucher ont tous deux besoin de perpétuer leurs connaissances et l'apprentissage est le meilleur moyen de les transmettre.</French>
<German>Große Institutionen des Lernens gaben in der Vergangenheit das Wissen an eifrige Schüler weiter. Weise und ihre Schüler sind eine zu große wirtschaftliche Belastung in schweren Zeiten wie diesen, doch das heißt nicht, dass die Ausbildung vernachlässigt wird. Der Schmied und der Metzger brauchen beide intelligente Nachfolger, und ein Ausbildungssystem ist der beste Weg, für solche zu sorgen.</German>
<Italian>Le grandi istituzioni scolastiche tramandavano la conoscenza ad avidi studenti, nelle ere passate. Saggi e scolari rappresentano un costo troppo alto in questi tempi duri, ma non vuol dire che l'educazione sia trascurata. Fabbro e macellaio hanno bisogno di eredi e l'apprendistato è il miglior sistema per assicurarne uno a ciascuno.</Italian>
<Spanish>En las eras pasadas, el conocimiento se transmitía por medio de grandes instituciones educativas. En estos tiempos, la existencia de sabios y pupilos representa un lujo que las empobrecidas sociedades no pueden permitirse, pero eso no quiere decir que se descuide la educación. Tanto el herrero como el carnicero necesitan herederos intelectuales, y el mejor modo de garantizarlos es instituir un sistema de aprendizaje.</Spanish>


Spoiler :

<English>Kings often challenged the legitimacy of their neighbours to rule certain plots of land. Wars of conquest were common in Europe during the Middle Ages. But under the feudal system, conquest inevitably meant the destruction of the old government as the losing barons were punished. Some states managed to overcome this problem and created great empires.[PARAGRAPH:2]Successful imperialism required leaders to rapidly export systems of law and commerce to their non-national territories, so that anarchy would not prevail. It often took a long time for new subjects to overcome their loyalty to the old king and nation, and instead embrace the winner of war, so patience was a leading virtue of an asiprant emperor.</English>


It's the latter.
@ Leoreth

Here are the texts. If you unzip them in the Assets and overwrite everything, it should work, without further work. The text files are based on revision 426.
You'll see I also changed the BuildingInfos.xml. I didn't change anything to the buildings itself, but I changed some tags, so the Orthodox Shrine (Hagia Sophia), will get the vanilla text. Same story for the Temple of Solomon, but here I also had to change the tag for the Protestant shrine.

@ Solzhenitsyn
This are the things that still require a pedia text.
Spoiler :
Bireme (will be removed?)
Tamil Dharani
Harappan Militia

New Religion buildings

Great Cothon


Direct Rule
Forced Labor
Supreme council
Now that's service :) Thanks, I'll commit it soon.
Here art the polished buttons. Unpack it in art/interface/buttons and overwrite all files.
(I know this isn't the text thread, but I thought it's easier if all files are in the same thread)
Thanks again.
Oh, I thought you only used the old ones. Will add the others later.
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