Civ Illustrated #1 (Know Your Enemy)


Agriculture and The Wheel

Aggressive - Free Combat I promotion for Melee and Gunpowder units
Double production speed of Barracks and Drydock
Organized - -50% Civic upkeep costs
Double production speed of Lighthouse, Factory and Courthouse

Bowman - Archer with +50% vs. Melee units
Garden - Colosseum with extra +2:health:

Favorite Civic - Bureaucracy

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 15 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 40% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 8/10
Builds Units 6/10
Espionage Spending 5/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 6/10
Demands Tribute 2/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 5/10
Demands Civic Change 1/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 5.5/10

Flavor Culture (High)
Faction (Peace Weight) Good (+8)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+0)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -2 Relations (or -3 if Hammurabi owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +6 Relations (or +7 if Hammurabi owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Hammurabi share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +5 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 10

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Cautious
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Cautious
Can plot war at pleased: Nope :cool:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Pleased (If he is annoyed or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Friendly (If he is cautious or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvements: Farm + Windmill

Mining and Fishing

Financial- +1:commerce: on tiles with at least 2:commerce:
Charismatic - +1:) per city
-25% XP needed for unit promotions
+1:) from Monument and Broadcast Tower

Numidian Cavalry - Horse Archer with +50% vs. Melee units, and free Flanking I promotion. Has 5:strength: instead of 6
Cothon - Harbor with +1 Trade Routes. Costs 100:hammers: instead of 80

Favorite Civic - Free Market

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 15 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 30% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 2/10
Build Units 6/10
Espionage Spending 5/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 4/10
Demands Tribute 1/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 5/10
Demands Civic Change 5/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 7/10

Flavor Military (Medium) + Gold (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Bad (+2)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+0)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -2 Relations (or -3 if Hannibal owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +5 Relations (or +6 if Hannibal owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Hannibal share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +3 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 7

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Cautious
Can plot war at pleased: Nope :cool:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Pleased (If he is cautious or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If he is annoyed or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvements: Cottage + Windmill

The Wheel and Agriculture

Creative - +2:culture: per city
Double production speed of Library, Theatre, and Colosseum
Spiritual - No Anarchy when changing Civics or Religions
Double production speed of Temples and the Cristo Redentor Wonder

War Chariot - Chariot with 5:strength: instead of 4, which is Immune to First Strikes
Obelisk - Monument that can turn 2 Citizens into Priests

Favorite Civic - Organized Religion

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after she sees you receive 15 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 30% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 8/10
Builds Units 2/10
Espionage Spending 5/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 6/10
Demands Tribute 1/10
Demands You Convert To Her Religion 5/10
Demands Civic Change 1/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom She is Annoyed With 3.7/10

Flavor Culture (Medium) + Religion (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Good (+9)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+1)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -3 Relations (or -4 if Hatshepsut owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +6 Relations (or +7 if Hatshepsut owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Hatshepsut share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +3 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 10

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Annoyed
Will trade techs: Annoyed
Will trade extra happy resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra health resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Annoyed
Can plot war at pleased: Nope :cool:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Pleased (If she is cautious or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If she is cautious or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Pleased
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvement: Nothing specific
Huayna Capac

Mysticism and Agriculture

Financial - +1:commerce: on tiles with at least 2:commerce:
Industrious - +50%:hammers: bonus on production of Wonders
Double production speed of Forge

Quechua - Warrior with +100% vs. Archery units. Starts with Free Combat I promotion
Terrace - Granary with +2:culture:

Favorite Civic - Hereditary Rule

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 8 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 30% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 8/10
Builds Units 4/10
Espionage Spending 4/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 6/10
Demands Tribute 4/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 5/10
Demands Civic Change 5/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 6.7/10

Flavor Gold (Medium) + Production (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Bad (+2)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+0)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -3 Relations (or -4 if Huayna Capac owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +6 Relations (or +7 if Huayna Capac owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Huayna Capac share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +5 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 10

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra health resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Pleased
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Friendly (If he is cautious or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If he is cautious or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Pleased
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvement: Cottage

Fishing and Mysticism

Expansive - +2:health: per city
Double production speed of Granary and Harbor
+25%:hammers: bonus on production of Workers
Spiritual - No Anarchy when changing Civics or Religions
Double production speed of Temple and the Cristo Redentor Wonder

Conquistador - A Cuirassier which gains +50% vs. Melee Units. Also receives defensive bonuses!
Citadel - A castle which grants +5 XP for siege units

Favorite Civic - Theocracy

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after she sees you receive 8 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 60% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 4/10
Builds Units 4/10
Espionage Spending 7/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 6/10
Demands Tribute 8/10
Demands You Convert To Her Religion 10/10
Demands Civic Change 3/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom She is Annoyed With 6/10

Flavor Religion (High)
Faction (Peace Weight) Neutral (+6)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (-1)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -3 Relations (or -4 if Isabella owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +7 Relations (or +8 if Isabella owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +2 Relations (or +3 while human and Isabella share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +4 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 20

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Cautious
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Friendly
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Pleased (If she is pleased or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If she is cautious or lower with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Friendly
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvements: Farm + Windmill
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Joao II

Mining and Fishing

Expansive - +2:health: per city
Double production speed of Granary and Harbor
+25%:hammers: bonus on production of Workers
Imperialistic - +100% emergence of Great Generals
+50%:hammers: bonus on production of Settlers

Carrack - Caravel with Cargo Space for 2 units instead of 1. Can also carry Military units and Peaceful units such as Settlers
Feitoria - Customs House with extra +1:commerce: for Water Tiles

Favorite Civic - Hereditary Rule

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 22 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 40% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 4/10
Builds Units 4/10
Espionage Spending 6/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 6/10
Demands Tribute 8/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 10/10
Demands Civic Change 3/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 4.9/10

Flavor Science (Medium) + Military (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Neutral (+6)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+0)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -2 Relations (or -3 if Joao owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +4 Relations (or +5 if Joao owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +2 Relations (or +3 while human and Joao share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +4 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 7

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Cautious
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Friendly
Can plot war at pleased: Nope :cool:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Pleased (If he is annoyed or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Friendly (If he is annoyed or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Pleased
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvements: Farm + Windmill
Julius Caesar

Mining and Fishing

Imperialistic - +100% emergence of Great Generals
+50%:hammers: bonus on production of Settlers
Organized - -50% Civic upkeep costs
Double production speed of Lighthouse, Factory and Courthouse

Praetorian - Swordsman with 8:strength: instead of 6, and costs 45:hammers: instead of 40. Loses the 10% City Attack bonus
Forum - Market with additional +25%:gp: birth rate

Favorite Civic - Representation

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 8 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 40% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 4/10
Builds Units 6/10
Espionage Spending 5/10
Resists Capitulating 7/10

Asks for Help 2/10
Demands Tribute 8/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 2/10
Demands Civic Change 3/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 7.6/10

Flavor Military (Medium) + Production (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Neutral (+4)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+0)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -2 Relations (or -3 if Julius owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +4 Relations (or +5 if Julius owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Julius share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +4 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 10

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra health resources: Cautious
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Friendly
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Pleased (If he is pleased or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If he is cautious or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvement: Nothing specific

Mysticism and The Wheel

Imperialistic - +100% emergence of Great Generals
+50%:hammers: bonus on production of Settlers
Spiritual - No Anarchy when changing Civics or Religions
Double production speed of Temples and the Cristo Redentor Wonder

Cataphract - Knight with 12:strength: instead of 10, but is not Immune to First Strikes
Hippodrome - Theatre with extra +1:)
Produces +1:) per 5%:culture: rate instead of per 10%:culture:
+1:) from Horse instead of Dye
Can NOT turn 2 citizens into Artists :cry:

Favorite Civic - Theocracy

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 22 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 30% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 6/10
Builds Units 8/10
Espionage Spending 6/10
Resists Capitulating 7/10

Asks for Help 4/10
Demands Tribute 1/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 5/10
Demands Civic Change 5/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 7.6/10

Flavor Religion (Medium) + Military (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Neutral (+4)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+1)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -3 Relations (or -4 if Justinian owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +7 Relations (or +8 if Justinian owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Justinian share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +5 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 7

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Annoyed
Will trade techs: Annoyed
Will trade extra happy resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra health resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Cautious
Can plot war at pleased: Nope :cool:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Friendly (If he is cautious or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If he is annoyed or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Never
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvement: Nothing specific
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Kublai Khan

Hunting and The Wheel

Aggressive - Free Combat I promotion for Melee and Gunpowder units
Double production speed of Barracks and Drydock
Creative - +2:culture: per city
Double production speed of Library, Theatre, and Colosseum

Keshik - Horse Archer that gets +1 First Strike, but is not Immune to First Strikes. It also Ignores Terrain Movement penalties
Ger - Stable that gives new Mounted units +4 XP instead of 2

Favorite Civic - Bureaucracy

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 15 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 30% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 6/10
Builds Units 4/10
Espionage Spending 5/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 6/10
Demands Tribute 2/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 2/10
Demands Civic Change 5/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 6.4/10

Flavor Military (Medium) + Culture (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Bad (+1)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+0)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Special Note: Kublai Khan gives a -2 penalty for refusing to help or to accept any of his demands including to join his war or embargo
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -1 Relations (or -2 if Kublai Khan owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +5 Relations (or +6 if Kublai Khan owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Kublai Khan share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +5 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 7

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Annoyed
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Cautious
Will trade extra strategic resources: Cautious
Will trade map: Pleased
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Pleased (If he is pleased or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If he is annoyed or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Pleased
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvement: Nothing specific

Fishing and Agriculture

Charismatic - +1:) per city
-25% XP needed for unit promotions
+1:) from Monument and Broadcast Tower
Philosophical - +100%:gp: birth rate
Double production speed of University

Navy SEAL - Marine with 1-2 First Strikes. Starts with free March promotion
Mall - Supermarket with extra +20%:gold: and +1:) from Hit Musicals, Hit Singles and Hit Movies

Favorite Civic - Emancipation

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 15 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 30% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 6/10
Builds Units 4/10
Espionage Spending 6/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 4/10
Demands Tribute 1/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 5/10
Demands Civic Change 5/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 0.8/10

Flavor Science (Medium) + Growth (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Good (+9)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+1)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -1 Relations (or -2 if Lincoln owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 if Lincoln owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +4 Relations (or +5 while human and Lincoln share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +5 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 7

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Annoyed
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Cautious
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Cautious
Can plot war at pleased: Nope :cool:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Friendly (If he is annoyed or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If he is annoyed or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvements: Cottage + Windmill
Louis XIV

The Wheel and Agriculture

Creative - +2:culture: per city
Double production speed of Library, Theatre, and Colosseum
Industrious - +50%:hammers: bonus on production of Wonders
Double production speed of Forge

Musketeer - Musketman with 2:move: instead of 1
Salon - Observatory with +1 Free Artist specialist

Favorite Civic - Hereditary Rule

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 8 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 30% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 10/10
Builds Units 6/10
Espionage Spending 7/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 0/10
Demands Tribute 8/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 5/10
Demands Civic Change 3/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 6.3/10

Flavor Culture (Medium) + Military (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Bad (+1)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+0)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Special Note: Louix XIV gives a -2 penalty for refusing to help or to accept his demands for tribute, religion switch, or civic switch
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -3 Relations (or -4 if Louis XIV owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +5 Relations (or +6 if Louis XIV owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +2 Relations (or +3 while human and Louis XIV share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +4 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 10

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Cautious
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Pleased (If he is pleased or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If he is cautious or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Friendly
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Cautious
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvement: Nothing Specific
Mansa Musa

The Wheel and Mining

Financial - +1:commerce: on tiles with at least 2:commerce:
Spiritual - No Anarchy when changing Civics or Religions
Double production speed of Temple and the Cristo Redentor Wonder

Skirmisher - Archer with 4:strength: instead of 3. Has an extra +1 First Strike Chance
Mint - Forge with +10%:gold:

Favorite Civic - Free Market

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 29 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 0% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 4/10
Builds Units 4/10
Espionage Spending 1/10
Resists Capitulating 0/10

Asks for Help 8/10
Demands Tribute 2/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 8/10
Demands Civic Change 5/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 1.6/10

Flavor Gold (Medium) + Religion (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Good (+9)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+1)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -3 Relations (or -4 if Mansa Musa owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +7 Relations (or +8 if Mansa Musa owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Mansa Musa share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +5 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 5

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Always
Will trade techs: Annoyed
Will trade extra happy resources: Always
Will trade extra health resources: Always
Will trade extra strategic resources: Cautious
Will trade map: Cautious
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Cautious (If he is pleased or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Friendly (If he is furious with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Cautious
Will adopt civic: Cautious
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Cautious
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvements: Cottage + Windmill
Mao Zedong

Mining and Agriculture

Expansive - +2:health: per city
Double production speed of Granary and Harbor
+25%:hammers: bonus on production of Workers
Protective - Free Drill I and City Garrison I promotions for Archery and Gunpowder units
Double production speed of Walls and Castle

Cho-Ko-Nu - Crossbowman with 2 First Strikes, and causes Collateral Damage (max. 60%)
Pavilion - Theatre with extra +25%:culture:

Favorite Civic - State Property

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 8 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 50% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 2/10
Builds Units 4/10
Espionage Spending 8/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 6/10
Demands Tribute 2/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 0/10
Demands Civic Change 10/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 5.7/10

Flavor Growth (Medium) + Production (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Bad (+1)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+0)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -1 Relations (or -2 if Mao Zedong owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 if Mao Zedong owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Mao Zedong share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +7 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 20

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Cautious
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Cautious
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Pleased (If he is pleased or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Cautious (If he is cautious or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Friendly
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvements: Watermill + Workshop
Mehmed II

The Wheel and Agriculture

Expansive - +2:health: per city
Double production speed of Granary and Harbor
+25%:hammers: bonus for production of Workers
Organized - -50% Civic Upkeep Costs
Double production speed of Lighthouse, Factory and Courthouse

Janissary - Musketman with +25% vs. Archery, Mounted, and Melee units
Hammam - Aqueduct with an extra +2:)

Favorite Civic - Vassalage

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 8 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 40% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 4/10
Builds Units 10/10
Espionage Spending 6/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 4/10
Demands Tribute 1/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 5/10
Demands Civic Change 5/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 7.8/10

Flavor Military (Medium) + Culture (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Bad (+2)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (-1)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -3 Relations (or -4 if Mehmed II owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +5 Relations (or +6 if Mehmed II owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +4 Relations (or +5 while human and Mehmed II share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +5 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 10

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Cautious
Can plot war at pleased: Nope :cool:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Cautious (If he is cautious or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If he is annoyed or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvements: Farm + Windmill

Hunting and Mysticism

Aggressive - Free Combat I promotion for Melee and Gunpowder units
Double production speed of Barracks and Drydock
Spiritual - No Anarchy when changing Civics or Religions
Double production speed of Temples and the Cristo Redentor Wonder

Jaguar - Swordsman with 5:strength: instead of 6. Costs 35:hammers: instead of 40 and doesn't need Iron to produce. Starts with Woodsman I promotion
Sacrificial Altar - Courthouse with -50% Whipping Anger duration. Costs 90:hammers: instead of 120

Favorite Civic - Police State

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 8 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 50% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 0/10
Builds Units 8/10
Espionage Spending 3/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 0/10
Demands Tribute 10/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 2/10
Demands Civic Change 1/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 10/10

Flavor Military (Medium) + Religion (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Bad (+0)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (-1)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -3 Relations (or -4 if Montezuma owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 if Montezuma owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +4 Relations (or +5 while human and Montezuma share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +3 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 7

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Cautious
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Friendly
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Cautious (If he is pleased or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Cautious (If he is cautious or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvement: Nothing specific

The Wheel and Agriculture

Organized - -50% Civic upkeep costs
Double production speed of Lighthouse, Factory and Courthouse
Charismatic - +1:) per city
-25% XP needed for unit promotions
+1:) from Monument and Broadcast Tower

Musketeer - Musketman with 2:move: instead of 1
Salon - Observatory with +1 Free Artist specialist

Favorite Civic - Representation

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 15 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 60% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 2/10
Builds Units 10/10
Espionage Spending 5/10
Resists Capitulating 7/10

Asks for Help 2/10
Demands Tribute 10/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 2/10
Demands Civic Change 8/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 9.1/10

Flavor Military (Medium) + Gold (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Bad (+0)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (-1)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -1 Relations (or -2 if Napoleon owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +5 Relations (or +6 if Napoleon owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +4 Relations (or +5 while human and Napoleon share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +6 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 10

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Cautious
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Friendly
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Pleased (If he is pleased or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Cautious (If he is cautious or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvements: Farm + Windmill
Pacal II

Mysticism and Mining

Expansive - +2:health: per city
Double production speed of Granary and Harbor
+25%:hammers: bonus on production of Workers
Financial - +1:commerce: on tiles with at least 2:commerce:

Holkan - Spearman that is Immune to First Strikes. Doesn't need Copper or Iron to build, but needs Bronze Working
Ball Court - Colosseum with extra +2:)

Favorite Civic - Hereditary Rule

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 8 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 50% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 8/10
Builds Units 4/10
Espionage Spending 5/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 6/10
Demands Tribute 4/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 5/10
Demands Civic Change 5/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 2.8/10

Flavor Culture (Medium) + Growth (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Bad (+2)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+1)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -3 Relations (or -4 if Pacal owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +6 Relations (or +7 if Pacal owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Pacal share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +6 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 10

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra health resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Pleased
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Friendly (If he is pleased or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Friendly (If he is cautious or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvements: Farm + Windmill

Fishing and Hunting

Creative - +2:culture: per city
Double production speed of Library, Theatre, and Colosseum
Philosophical - +100%:gp: birth rate
Double production speed of University

Phalanx - Axeman with +100% Defense vs. Chariots
Odeon - Colosseum with extra +1:) and +3:culture:
Can turn 2 citizens into Artists
Extra +1:) from Hit Singles

Favorite Civic - Representation

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 22 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 10% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 8/10
Builds Units 4/10
Espionage Spending 5/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 4/10
Demands Tribute 4/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 5/10
Demands Civic Change 1/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 3.3/10

Flavor Production (Medium) + Science (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Neutral (+6)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+1)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -2 Relations (or -3 if Pericles owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +5 Relations (or +6 if Pericles owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Pericles share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +3 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 10

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Annoyed
Will trade techs: Annoyed
Will trade extra happy resources: Cautious
Will trade extra health resources: Cautious
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Pleased
Can plot war at pleased: Nope :cool:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Friendly (If he is annoyed or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Friendly (If he is cautious or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Friendly

Favorite Tile Improvements: Farm + Windmill
Last edited:

Hunting and Mining

Expansive - +2:health: per city
Double production speed of Granary and Harbor
+25%:hammers: bonus on production of Workers
Philosophical - +100%:gp: birth rate
Double production speed of University

Cossack - Cavalry with +50% vs. Mounted units
Research Institute - Laboratory with +2 Free Scientists

Favorite Civic - Bureaucracy

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 22 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 10% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 6/10
Builds Units 6/10
Espionage Spending 7/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 8/10
Demands Tribute 2/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 2/10
Demands Civic Change 1/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 8/10

Flavor Science (Medium) + Growth (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Bad (+1)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+0)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -2 Relations (or -3 if Peter owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +5 Relations (or +6 if Peter owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +4 Relations (or +5 while human and Peter share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +3 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 5

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Annoyed
Will trade extra happy resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra health resources: Cautious
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Cautious
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Cautious (If he is pleased or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If he is cautious or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Pleased

Favorite Tile Improvements: Farm + Windmill
Qin Shi Huang

Agriculture and Mining

Industrious - +50%:hammers: bonus on production of Wonders
Double production speed of Forge
Protective - Free Drill I and City Garrison I promotions for Archery and Gunpowder units
Double production speed of Walls and Castle

Cho-Ko-Nu - Crossbowman with 2 First Strikes, and causes Collateral Damage (max. 60%)
Pavilion - Theatre with extra +25%:culture:

Favorite Civic - Bureaucracy

We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced appears after he sees you receive 8 techs from AIs on Emperor Difficulty (Varies based on difficulty, Tech steals don't count)
Will trade techs that don't unlock units or buildings to human when 30% of the other AIs also know the tech

Builds Wonders 6/10
Builds Units 2/10
Espionage Spending 4/10
Resists Capitulating 4/10

Asks for Help 4/10
Demands Tribute 2/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 2/10
Demands Civic Change 8/10

Declares Wars of Conquest on Neighbors whom He is Annoyed With 3.9/10

Flavor Production (Medium) + Growth (Low)
Faction (Peace Weight) Bad (+2)
Base Attitude towards Human Player (+1)

Possible Diplo Bonuses
Different Religion Penalty - Up to -2 Relations (or -3 if Qin Shi Huang owns the Holy City)
Shared Religion Bonus - Up to +5 Relations (or +6 if Qin Shi Huang owns the Holy City)
Shared War Bonus - Up to +3 Relations (or +4 while human and Qin Shi Huang share a war)
Shared Civic Bonus - Up to +6 Relations
Tech trades required to receive +1 "shared your technological discoveries with us" - 10

Attitude Thresholds
Will open borders: Cautious
Will trade techs: Cautious
Will trade extra happy resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra health resources: Annoyed
Will trade extra strategic resources: Pleased
Will trade map: Friendly
Can plot war at pleased: Yes :run:
Can be bribed to war against AI: Pleased (If he is pleased or lower with target AI)
Will sign trade embargoes: Pleased (If he is annoyed or below with target civ)
Will adopt religion: Pleased
Will adopt civic: Pleased
Will possibly peace vassal to human player: Friendly
Will form defense pact: Friendly
Will form permanent alliance: Pleased

Favorite Tile Improvement: Nothing Specific
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