EU3 Multiplayer

So METY and Billy are at war? Looks like I'll need to get back my Rigan territories "possibly?" with the help of Quint (some cash could be offered).
They're at war, but the war literally just started. As far as I know, no blood has been spilled. A diplomatic solution to the situation is not out of the question, if Billy is present next week.

I'm not sure how I feel about a war with Novgorussia. We've already expanded north more than is really practical, and had no plans to fight them, and our treasury is already extremely healthy - so there's no need for cash (although Mazovia does still owe us half of the unrepaid loan - we forgot about it this session and thus didn't exact tribute). However, that doesn't mean this is out of the question - it merely seems unlikely. We can discuss strategy in private discussions.

I'm still rather amazed you plan to stick with Mazovia, especially with Spain having proven itself to be a world-class power recently, and now having retaken Guyenne. And its AI hasn't even done anything stupid ever since their Tripolitanian misadventure. It seems they learned their lesson.
You don't happen to play M2TW Quintilus do you? Saw a person with the same username on the forums.
Christmas, 1583

Present: All except BILLSIF

Mazovia vassalized the Ukraine this session, and regained some formerly Novgorodian lands.

Nobody remembers what Austria did this session. Even Austria.

India saw continued foreign expansion this turn. The Ottomans expanded along the western coast of India, while Great Britain arrived on in southeastern India. Vijayanagar was reduced to one province plus one vassal. Hindustan remains intact, despite conflict with Spain in addition to the aforementioned powers.

The session ended with Spain dueling both Austria and Britain, with the Pyrenees being the active front. Though Austria had the current warscore advantage, the outcome was not yet settled.

This account may be expanded upon later.
19 September, 1596

The past thirteen years had seen a large amount of war, but the Ottoman court historian had not been overly concerned. For the Ottoman Empire, it was not only a period of few wars, but the time of greatest stability that anyone could remember.


Spoiler Players' :

Spoiler Whole World :

In 1583, Spain had been duelling Austria and Britain. Although Austria had made early gains, Spain had a comeback, prolonging the struggle. Eventually, however, Spain crumbled, and was humiliated in a peace that resulted in a free Portugal, Castille, Grenada, and Galicia (that was the peace deal, right?). After the end of a separate war with Burgundy, Spain soon collapsed, giving Foix and Catalunya their independence. Not too long after that, Spain moved her capital to the New World.

Austria's major other news this session was their formal withdrawal from the Holy Roman Empire, which continues to have Burgundy as its Emperor. Small Holy Roman states have taken this move with alarm.

Mazovia continued their expansionistic ways this session, forming a personal union with Polotsk, vassalizing the Teutonic Order, and starting a still-ongoing war with Novgorod that appears likely to net them several provinces.

The British Empire continued to conquer small Asian countries at a surprising pace, due to using the gamey tactic of conquering the lands using Holy War, and then immediately releasing the country as a vassal, thus allowing them to conquer with negative infamy gain. Although disapproval has been voiced by Austrian and Ottoman emissaries, there is no indication thus far that the more orthodox approach of simply vassalizing a country that is desired as a vassal will be adopted. Aside from this expansion and the Spanish war, Britain's session was ordinary enough.

The Ottoman Empire's expansion focused on central India, but with the accession of Jem I, the Ottomans also inherited Tripoli and Malacca, both of whom had been in personal unions. Hindus are now decidedly the largest minority religion in the Ottoman Empire, surpassing Animists.

Burgundy gained some from their war with Spain, taking all of Florida. Burgundy also continues to retain the Emperorship, and conquered the hapless Chimu this session.
Mazovia also vassalized Silesia.
Lack of Inspiration? :lol:
Your other write-ups were better. (I don't mean this in a bad way)
So... Quint doesn't seem to be here. Since Alpav can't come, and Billy hasn't been showing up lately, if we only have 2 people we might as well call it off unless Quint decides to show up.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Quint. No, we don't have it running.
August 22, 1607

The past 11 years saw an increase in colonialism and imperialism in large parts of the world, even as internally, many of the Great Powers stabilized.

World Map:

Spoiler :

Austria took the greater part of Switzerland, and continued steady expansion in South America. Several core provinces were gained, and the re-Catholicization of Austria proceeded. There was, however, a cause for concern as the Austrian Habsburg line is heirless, and thus in danger of dying out.

Burgundy expanded its colonies in North America, and began an effort to strengthen the Holy Roman Empire.

In Southeast Asia and India, there was a continuation of rapid imperialism by the Ottomans and Britain. The Ottoman Empire established dominance over the remaining independent part of India, primarily Hindustan. Britain, meanwhile, turboannexed most of Southeast Asia with the conquer-vassal-release tactic. Despite saber-rattling between the two powers, no active conflict emerged.

On other Ottoman fronts, the Philippines and southern East Africa were colonized, areas that had previously seen little interest from outside powers. Adal also entered a personal union with the Ottoman Empire.

Earlier this year, the British saw the Chimu revolt from Britain's vassal Inca. Currently, Chimu remains independent, but is at war with Britain, Catalunya, and if the messengers who arrived today are to be believed, Austria as well.

Mazovia settled their war with Novgorod by getting Smolensk, Tver, Sweden, and Finland released, as well as various other small concessions. Thereafter, they have had a quiet session. Not too long ago, Mazovia annexed Silesia.

The other noteworthy non-human action has come from Castille and Catalunya, both of which have begun colonization programmes, the latter of which has also conquered Benin and Oyo in Africa. Who ever knew that Catalunya was such an imperialistic power?
Added. It seems that I didn't get a player-specific map after all, so it's limited to the world map.

And you're right, some of my other write-ups have been better than sessions 12/13. I've been somewhat distracted by upcoming life changes. As part of which, I may be missing a few sessions in December (but do plan to be present for the upcoming session on Nov. 25).
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