Heyhey I have addressed myself as Republica do Brasil for 6 whole LizNESes okay. I descended into google translate like 3 years ago or something, okay.
Just the Chinese Civil War left to do, and a few tid-bits here and there, and the update is done. Expect it tomorrow, hopefully in the afternoon, but probably in the evening. Needless to say, no new orders will be accepted, and if you want to get some bonuses, nows the time. Pictures, stories, flags.. anything.
A minor recession hit North and South America this year, with much blame being laid on the aftershocks of the creation, and subsequent dissolution of much of the Treaty of San Clemente.
(-7 United States EP, -3 Canadian EP, -2 Quebecois EP, -1 Aleyskan EP, -6 Mexican EP, -2 Cuban EP, -3 Brazilian EP, -1 Andean EP, -4 Bolivian EP, -1 Surinamese EP, -1 Guianan EP, -3 Ecuadorian EP, -2 Colombian EP, -1 Venezuelan EP)
A general lowering of tariffs has encouraged trade among the members of the Commonwealth. (+2 EP to every member of the British Commonwealth)
North America
Stability in Canada has been taking hits, ever since the abrupt government actions in the Great War. This year, public sentiment in regards to Canada's current political situation was particularly low, with almost ever conceivable group having one complaint or another. Canadian Republicanism, the rallying point of anti-British Canadian Nationalists has been gaining support among Canada's lower classes, and calls for separation from the British Crown have become increasingly loud, but disunited.
The massive exodus of citizens moving west, towards Vancouver, and (thanks to the Treaty of Tokyo, and Boston) further away from the grip of the United Kingdom, has left the citizens of the Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland relatively alone on the Atlantic Coast, "distant" from the Canadian government. The want for some form of self-autonomy within the British Empire, or even independence as a whole have been repeatedly expressed to both London and Toronto this year, but have ultimately fallen onto deaf ears. As Quebecois economic and cultural expansion continues, even whispers of ceding parts of Labrador to the upstart nation have been heard, but then again, whispers are whispers.
A notable Quebecois brewing industry picked up, edging out "weaker" and less tasteful American beers in many North American markets. A new Quebecois airport has made distribution significantly easier as well. (+3 Quebecois EP)
Mexico's Steel Industry took a hit from the recent recession. (-2 Mexican EP, -Mexican Stability)
Coordinated bombings of Union Pacific Railways outside of Green River and Bringhamsville in Deseret (or the Utah Territory, depending on who you talk to) hampered some local economies, and frustrated some East Coast-West Coast trade this year. Federal attempts at catching the Mormon terrorists haven't been fruitful yet. (-American Stability, -3 American EP, -5 American Manpower)
The Aleyskan Gold Rush (which has continued), along with encouragement from the Aleyskan Department of Immigration and settlement has allowed for a significant increase in American, Canadian and most notably Japanese immigrants. (-3 Japanese Manpower, -1 Canadian Manpower, -1 American Manpower, +5 Aleyskan Manpower, +5 Aleyskan EP)
Aleyskan prospector village
Relations between the Aleyskan population and the newest wave of Japanese immigrants has been fairly strained, with many Aleyskans considering the Japanese's continued occupation of the Aleutian Islands insulting. Riots have broken out it Sitka, between the classical Aleyskan portion of the city, and a particular area where many Japanese immigrants have come to make their home. Tsar Cyril has yet to give a statement on the tensions. (-Aleyskan Stability)
An anti-negro militant group was organized in Georgia, calling themselves the "Rebel Knights". President Brandon's government has made it a point to classify the group as an illegal terrorist organization, but hasn't done much to persecute them.
South America
Argentinean trade with Great Britain resumed to pre-Great War levels for the first time. While the trade isn't as profitable as it was when Argentina was La Plata, the trade is still beneficial to both nations. (+2 Argentinean EP, +2 British EP)
The Great Andean railroad continued construction this year, nearing completion. Should everything go according to plan, the railway will be finished next year. Luckily for Andean merchants and industrialists, the railroad has thus far connected many of the major Andean cities, and have brought Andean goods to the newly expanded ports in Santiago and Lima much more quickly than would have been possible in years prior. (+5 Andean EP)
A branch of the Chilean railroad
The Andean and Argentinean Agricultural and Food Production industries benefited from a drought that struck the United States this year. (+5 Andean EP, +5 Argentinean EP, -5 United States EP)
Brazilian homesteaders in the interior of the Amazon have started to receive major benefits from the government, encouraging growth, both in population and in industry. (+5 Brazilian Manpower, +7 Brazilian EP)
The deforestation of the rainforest has angered many native Tupian tribes, who have began sabotaging further efforts by the Brazilian government to destroy their homelands. This has caused some tense stand offs between workers and the native populations of the regions. Scuffles have broken out, and shots have been fired by some homesteaders in defense of the continued deforestation efforts. Several Tupian natives have died, and the Brazilian government has yet to issue a response.
Bolivia expelled foreign journalists from Sucre this year, after another popular revolt was destroyed by the Bolivian military.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire began rebuilding what it could, after suffering through a disastrous civil war. Remaining partisan forces made this difficult, and attempted to sabotage the Austrians through any means available. (+5 Austrian EP)
The Belgian rail industry received some funding from the Belgian government this year, eager to renovate the aged system. (+5 Belgian EP)
Financial restructuring in Belgium hasn't given the government any extra spending this turn, but it has reinforced the Belgian banking system from any initial tremors an economic down turn would bring.
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Alfonso XIII of Spain visited the Vatican this year, in an attempt to convey the good will of the Spanish Empire to His Holiness, Pope Pius XI. Pius received Alfonso well, and was particularly pleased by Generalissimo Estardo's proclamation that all Catholic lands in Spain would be respected, and maintained with the utmost respect.
Alfonse at the Vatican
Rioting and rebellion has gripped Sweden this year, and has warranted a full crack-down on the Swedish citizenry, who have been calling for an abdication of King Gustaf. The Upper House in the Swedish Parliament has given Gustaf emergency powers after reports of the initial rebellions came out, which only incited the revolters even more. Curfews have gone into effect throughout the nation, and several people have been killed in the rioting and the ensuing crackdown. As news of the atrocities spread, many a large number of Swedes made their way across the border, into Norway. (-Swedish Stability, -15 Swedish Manpower, -5 Swedish EP, +15 Norwegian Manpower)
Norway, coincidentally also experienced some growth at the expense of other nations in the Baltic sphere. (-2 Danish Manpower, -2 Estonian Manpower, -4 Finnish Manpower, -1 Danish Icelandic Manpower, +9 Norwiegan Manpower)
A "Un Hispanidad" program was established in Spain, loosening citizenship requirements for any immigrant coming from a Latin American country (or Portugal). A minor exodus began immediately, and the Spanish Falangist government immediately set about finding job opportunities for it's new citizens. (-3 Argentinean Manpower, -3 Brazilian Manpower, -10 Bolivian Manpower, -1 Mexican Manpower, -2 Andean Manpower, -1 Cuban Manpower, +20 Spanish Manpower)
Continuing attempts at Soviet Collectivization finally met some resistance with the land owning peasantry in much of European Russia. These Kulaks, hesitant to give up their land to the new Soviet Republican government, rejected Soviet enforcement of the collectivization policy, relying to the private agricultural business that had always brought them some form of wealth, even in spite of being under the harsh Tsarist policies just years before. The transition period within the Soviet government, (see Political Events) and aid from what small Monarchist holdouts remained has allowed for these Kulak farmers to remain in operation, and have gained the support of many local villages. (-Soviet Stability, -30 Soviet Manpower)
A march on the French government in Paris has led to a crackdown by Napoleon IV. Outside of the Senate building, shouts for the end of the Bonaparte government were intermixed with calls for more power for Louis Stele. The general consensus among the French citizens is that Stele's ability to effectively government at all has been largely marginalized by Napoleon IV, who has by extension also marginalized the voices of the average French citizen. Dragoons were sent to restore order, and the crowd promptly dispersed. (-French Stability)
French Royal Guards on the crackdown
The Norwegian Auto-Industry has proven to be barely profitable this year, but as Swiss and German auto manufacturers continue to innovate and secure large portions of the European market, those gains can easily turn into losses. (+1 Norwegian EP, +3 German EP, +2 Swiss EP)
The DELAG company has expanded operations in conjunction with British endeavors, allowing for a growing, but hardly lucrative industry to establish it's dominance in the European air-travel market. (+4 British EP, +4 German EP)
Spanish Industry as a whole has started to benefit greatly from Estardo's previous economic programs. (+7 Spanish EP)
DELAG Zeppelin
The Ukraine, still under German occupation, has returned to relative normalcy, with the population finding the Imperial German government a much more suitable alternative to both the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Monarchies. The German Army has kept would be rebels in check, and has largely maintained order throughout the wayward province. (+10 Austro-Hungarian Ukrainian EP, +Austro-Hungarian Ukranian Stability)
The Irish Railway Strike continued this year, with harsher effects on the Irish economy. (-3 Irish EP)
Republicans in Germany continued to criticize Kaiser Wilhelm's "absolute" rule, claiming that "Prussian Constitutionalism" is unacceptable, and merely a facade for absolute rule, hiding behind democratic intentions.
Egypt has built a military airport. (++2 Egyptian Manpower)
Belgium Rubber plantations in the Congo have increased production this year, and have edged back into the market they've had control of for some time now, knocking out the Brazilian exporters who have in turn shifted towards markets in Asia. Foreign investors have also been of major help to the Belgian Colonial Society, and have received good dividends from their investment. (+10 Belgian Congo EP)
The Durban and Capetown Projects in South Africa received funding this year. (+9 South African EP, +10 South African Manpower, ++2 South African Manpower)
Capetown waterfront
A Zulu uprising occurred in parts of Transvaal and South Africa this year, seizing the towns of Lydenberg and Caiolina. (-South African Stability, -Transvaal Stability)
The Berlin-Windhoek Railroad entered into Tanzania this year.
China's Civil War expands to great extents, and much of the empire splits. (see Military Matters)
Dammam continues to expand. (+1 Arabian EP, ++2 Arabian Manpower)
A road system being developed in the Dutch East Indies allowed for easier travel between Colonial Outposts, and cities. (+5 Dutch East Indies EP)
The Dutch government has continued to enact reforms in the East Indies this year, going so far as to dismantle the racial caste system that has been the cornerstone of all successful colonial and imperial regimes that have existed in the world thus far. The Indonesian populaces under Dutch colonial rule have been given the same rights as their masters, and as such have become quite unruly. The projects and factories being built in the East Indies have become infinitely less profitable and productive, as many Dutch entrepreneurs found themselves hard pressed to deal with Indonesian demands for better working hours, better pay, and better overall working conditions. Strikes have gripped many of the recently opened factories, as the local populaces being given the ability to strike took to the streets protesting for better overall conditions. The army, under the directive of the Dutch government has so far enforced the Indonesians right to do this, and many Dutch capitalists have simply looked elsewhere for investment opportunities. (-Dutch Stability, -Dutch East Indies Stability, -5 Dutch East Indies EP)
Japanese reorganization of colonies has continued this year in Malaysia. (+1 Japanese EP)
The Tokyo System continues construction. (+2 Japanese EP, ++2 Japanese Manpower)
Project Beltway continued in Australia this year, with a southern branch starting in Perth, heading along the southern end of the Continent. (+5 Australian EP)
The ANTAS market increased slightly, with the inclusion of zeppelins into their transportation systems. Trips between German New Guinea and New Zealand have become a common occurrence. (+1 Australian EP)
The tribal coalition in German Papua New Guinea has continued to cause disturbances. (-2 German New Guinea EP)
Political Matters
After several years of holding emergency powers, Confederate President Daniel Blaine (a Whig) allowed for free and fair elections to take place. Ultimately the two candidates came down to himself, and a the Democratic candidate from Alabama, William W. Brandon. Brandon ended up being elected into office by a large margin, riding on his disassociation with the Confederate government during the Great War, and his own heroics in Cuba and Puerto Rico, during the Confederate-Spanish War.
President Brandon
The beloved Prime Minister of South Africa, Jan Smuts stepped down this year, and was replaced by another Boer, J. B. M. Hertzog. Hertzog plans on running along the same lines as Smuts prior, but is less interested in appeasing the British government, and more interested in cultivating and maintaining the Afrikaans culture and mindset. That being said, we was voted in on the pretense that some type of more amiable relations would be found with South Africa's Transvaal neighbors to the north.
New Zealand elected James Willsworth as it's new Prime Minister.
The Conservative George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston was named British Prime Minister this year, and has already made his ambition to expand British power and influence in the Indian Ocean and the Middle East well known. Curzon, once the Viceroy of India, has long proscribed the Treaty of Tokyo as being a type of encouragement for British diplomatic and business interests to expand in the region, and has been looked at as a breath of fresh air, after Asquith's long, and unpopular rule.
The Nationalist Coalition has won the election that the Imperial Japanese Diet held.
Vladimir Lenin, founder and first ruler of the Soviet Republic of Russia died peacefully in his sleep, and left the world's first Communist state without a clear cut successor. Debates in the Soviet Worker Council has led to the appointment of Leon Trotzky as the new Chairman of Soviet Russia, beating out Alexei Rykov, and any hope of a moderate government.
Lenin's body
The Communist Party of Persia has made itself known, holding rallys in Babol and Qomsheh.
The Treaty of Istria was signed by Austria-Hungary and Italy this year, in the hopes of ending the recent antagonism between the two nations over the situation in the Illyria. (see Military Events) Among the finer points of the Treaty, the nation of Macedonia was established, headed by the previous King of Serbia's son, and heir apparent Alexander.
In a rather lopsided election, the fighting Quaker Alexander Palmer and his running mate Calvin Coolidge defeated Warren G. Harding and John W. Davis in the America election.
The Sikhs have again held political rallies in Punjab this year. The lack of response from Colonial Officials has increased their fervor, and solidified their feeling of being in a forgotten corner of the British Empire.
Pierre Brown, and the Partie du Quebec won the Quebecois election in a landslide victory this year, his main competitor being Cristophe Charboneau from the Partie Conservateur. Quebecois seem more than content with Brown's management of the government so far, and are enjoying their independence from Canada, especially in the wake of the political instability that has been arising there.
The Regia Marina has unveiled it's newest Centurion-Class Aircraft Carriers.
After being designed, the first German Moltke-Class Aircraft Carrier set sail this year.
The United States Marine Corp is established by the United States of America.
United States Marines
The Stødsoldat is established by Denmark.
The Conquistador-class Warker was designed by scientists from both Spain and Italy.
The world's first military Monoplane, the Mitsubishi IS2M was built by the Japanese.
American soldiers deployed to Nicaragua quickly restored order to the Central American nation, after protests to the new government arose last year. After some limited fighting in the brush, the rebellion, if it could be called that, subsided. (-1 American Division)
Much of the fighting in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire subsided this year, with only a few nominal pockets of resistance remaining. Many of the Slavic nationalists apparently made a run for Macedonia, before the year was over, either to regroup and fight for another day, or to assimilate into the new nation. (-10 Austrian Divisions)
The Greco-Italian War expanded this year, as hundreds of thousands Spanish Falangists rallied under the call of Generalissimo Estardo, who declared war on Greece for it's "Transgressions upon the Mediterranean Community", citing it's recent alliance with Italy in the Rome-Madrid Compact. The announcement caused fanfare in the streets of Rome and Madrid alike, as Italian and Spanish soldiers respectively marched towards the coast, where dozens of transport ships waited to take them to the far off peninsula. The situation in Greece was very much the opposite, as rumors of mental illness resided around King Constantine, as he abruptly abdicated from the throne, allowed for Prince George II to become King. This shake up disrupted what little confidence in the Greek government that was left among the populace, as the Italian coastal blockade tightened it's grip around the small nation.
If internal political frictions and distrust among the Greek aristocracy delayed the previous years initial response to the Italian blockade, problems from the unprecedented abdication hindered the Greek war effort even more this year. The blockade, along with an unusually poor harvest the year prior, left foot stores at an all time low, as the inappropriately large Greek Army found itself rushing hurriedly from the north in Macedonia, to defensive positions on the coast in preparation for the Italo-Spanish invasion that was hurrying across the Mediterranean. The shortage of food and supplies for the Greek soldiers was more than just a matter of discomfort. Attempts by the military to collect food from the local populaces and farms were rebuffed by citizens who found themselves starving as well. Army needs, being prioritized by both the government and policing officials responded by simply taking what they needed from local Greeks unfortunate enough to live by where many thought the front lines would be, upon the arrival of the expected Italo-Spanish fleet.
A poorly planned and hastily assembled mission was attempted by the King of Greece at the start of the year. Training his soldiers in Macedonia for the better part of two months, King George led his soldiers in an attempted invasion of northern Italy. The plan entailed marching through Macedonia, the rebelling Slavic regions, and finally through the Austro-Hungarian Empire, before reaching north-eastern Italy. Despite claims by his generals that the plan was more suited for the armies of antiquity, then a modern fighting force, King George remained steadfast in his plan, and promptly began marching through both Macedonia and land occupied by the Slavic rebels. The rebels had a field day firing at the Greek army, who attempted to corner them into a classic battle. The rebels refused to humor the Greeks, who found themselves under constant fire, day and night, by the Slavic forces.
(-7 Greek Divisions)
After repeated Slavic assault, the Greek army had reached Austria-Hungary, and news of it's approach preceded it. George, apparently shocked that his army's movements were known by the Austrian military in advance, attempted to explain his excursion into Austrian lands. The Austrian officer in charge listened to George's explanations, but eventually politely detained the Monarch, offering the Greek Army the chance to remain in Austria as displaced prisoners until the wars end or to venture back south, into Macedonia. Many of the soldiers chose the latter, and sadly suffered through similar Slavic assaults all the way back into northern Greece.
(-17 Greek Divisions, 12 Captured)
By the time the fleet had rounded Cape Matapan hastily assembled Greek fortifications sat at the ready. Three separate landing areas were chosen for the Spanish and Italian soldiers, two Italian sites, near Kavalla and Lamia and a Spanish site, throughout the Laconian Gulf. The Italian navy had spent weeks shelling the Greek coast, attempting to weaken the thin Greek defenses before the landings were made. For the Italians at Kavalla, they found themselves virtually unopposed by the Greek forces, and found themselves occupying all Greek land east of the River Struma, within a period of a few days. Greek forces, directed to maintain a presence in Macedonia disobeyed orders and retreated south to Salonica to protect central Italy from the approaching Italian forces.
(-2 Greek Divisions, -1 Italian Division)
To the south, the situation at Lamia was much different. Despite Italian naval superiority, Greek artillery positions made it impossible for the Italian invasion force to receive as much direct aid as it did at Kavalla. As the Italians landed, Greek artillery and sharpshooters began to inflict heavy casualties on the invasion force. Still, the Italians managed to rally forward, up steep terrain, towards the entrenched Greeks. Italian air support from the new Italian aircraft-carrier the Centurion proved invaluable, as Italian soldiers struggled to dislodge the Greeks. Fierce machine gun fire across the beaches was countered with bombardment from the Italian ships that could be brought around, avoiding the set Greek naval mines. After fighting on the beaches for several days, the Italians finally made a push into Lamia itself, and the Greek forces retreated southwards towards Attica.
(-4 Greek Divisions, -6 Italian Divisions, -1 Italian Fighter Squadron, -2 Italian Cruisers, -1 Italian Destroyer)
Landing near Lamia
Back in the north, in the areas around Salonica, the war was rapidly giving way to revolution. Demands from the Royal government to move back into Macedonia were met with a general disobeying of orders, and citizen militias, under the direction of noted Greek Communist Avraam Benaroya blocked routes outside of the city, forcing willing Greek units to remain and fight the coming Italians. Attempts by the government to send soldiers to relieve those in Salonica were unsuccessful, as Italian movements cut off the region from the rest of Greece. It became clear too, to the Greek general in the region that the situation was too far gone for any type of restoration of order, and he (along with several prominent members of his staff) turned themselves over to Italian soldiers near the front lines. Officer attempts at maintaining some sort of Imperial rule in Salonica were met with jeers by the citizens brigades, who found themselves joined by soldiers more willing to fight for their fellow citizens, than their wayward King and government. In a period of days, any effective rule the Greek government had over the region had been ceded to Benaroya and his "Thessaloniki Sovietiki". The approaching Italian forces, all too willing to take advantage of the situation, agreed to a general ceasefire, and circumnavigated the region, and headed south to join the other Italian Army at Lamia.
(+The Thessaloniki Sovietiki, -5 Greek Divisions)
In Morea, the Spanish, in the "Falcon Legion" found themselves under heavy Greek assault initially, but the openness of the area, in comparison to what the Italians faced at Lamia, allowed for the Spanish fleet to mirror the ground operations of the Imperial Army, which quickly secured the entire coastline around the Laconian Bay. Spanish General Jose-Millan Astray directed his soldiers towards Sparta, between the Parnon and Taygetos mountains which were heavily fortified by combined Greek Partisan and Royal forces, taking shots at bypassing Spanish planes. They too were dispersed by the Spanish, as a mixture of flanking assaults, and brutal head on attacks drained the Greek resources in the area. Bombers and fighters from Crete preceded the advance as much as possible, and it wasn't long before Spanish engineers constructed new airstrips for the Xiaolongs and Bordeaux 19s' to take off from. By the time the Spanish army reached Olympia, news of the Tessaloniki Sovietiki and King George's capture reached the Greek lines, causing general mayhem and many soldiers disobeyed counter-attack orders, instead choosing to retreat towards Patras. The General Astray's soldiers were rapidly advancing towards their goal, and when they had finally met Greek fortifications outside of Patras, news of a connection with the Italian Army in Attica reached the Spanish headquarters.
By the time the trenches outside of Patras came under assault by the Spanish forces, the Greek general staff in the city had distanced itself from what government remained in Athens, who had questionably began ordering a general retreat towards the capitol already besieged by the Italo-Spanish forces. Public anti-war fervor grew, and signs of Royal patronage throughout Patras were destroyed in violent riots that swept the city upon the start of the Spanish bombardment. Not wishing to deal with a repeat of the Thessaloniki Sovietiki, the Greek general staff ordered that emergency military rule, separate from the government in Athens be declared, and promptly began enlisting the locals in the defense of of the area, and the areas to the north, across the Gulf of Corinth. Spanish assaults on the city proved fruitless, and heartless, as much of their attention was to the east at Athens. The Spanish navy was denied entry into the Gulf of Corinth by well-placed artillery on the straits, as the Greek "Republicans", maintained a limited hold on the city.
Across the Gulf, a similar seen erupted, as Greek units began aligning themselves with the officers in Patras, and had managed to hold out after some poorly planned Italian assaults in the region. A notable victory at Ionannina prevented a complete collapse of the pocket, but ultimately it proved to be fools gold; Italian attention was solely dedicated towards the capture of Athens, in conjunction with the Spanish Army.
(-4 Italian Divisions, -2 Greek Division)
Athens itself was the site of perhaps the most noted Greek resistance, as a patchwork series of trenches soon found themselves stretched across Attica. Athens was the final destination for retreating Greek forces, who put up as hard of a fight as one may expect, as the beleaguered Spanish and Italian soldiers attempted to take the city. Initial infantry assaults against the capitol were pushed back, but the combined might of the Spanish and Italian fleet soon made itself apparent. The fatigue and complete demoralization of the Greek soldiers became apparent before long, and when word of King George's capture, and the fate of the ridiculous excursion to the north hit the lines (it has been kept under-wraps from the regulars) the number of Greek captured increased tenfold. Within two weeks of the first shots being fired at the Seige of Athens, the Greek Royal Army had ceased to be a cohesive fighting force in the area, and the entirety of the Greek Royal Government had been captured.
(-4 Greek Divisions, -1 Italian Division, -1 Spanish Division, -1 Italian Destroyer)
Pockets of resistance kept pressure on the occupying Spanish and Italian forces in both Morea and Attica specifically, and Royal holdouts remained in Euboea. Fighting with Republican forces also became a more prominent goal of the occupational forces, though by the time the end of the year came, not much had been done about them.
(-2 Spanish Divisions, -3 Italian Divisions)
After the Ottoman Empire's refusal to budge on the matter of the Hedjaz's autonomy under Spain, the Arab Rebellion continued almost right where it left off. The Ottoman government demanding cessation of fighting while diplomacy among the Doha Conference powers resumed this year, was surprised by Arab forces that took the time to not only reorganize themselves, but procure more supplies, and get better Intel on Ottoman positions. The Ottoman outpost at Qal'at Bishah came under immediate assault, when news of the diplomatic breakdown hit the Arab camps. The Ottomans, facing overwhelming numbers, with a limited amount of supplies, capitulated to the Arabs not long after the fighting started, giving the Arab forces yet another victory, and securing the entire Asir Mountain range for the Arabs, and all land up until near Rabigh. (-2 Ottoman Divisions)
Yet the Ottoman counter-attack was swift. Using it's new bombers, the Ottoman Airforce bombed Arab positions in the desert with impunity. A swift column marched south towards Medina, and the Arabs, being unable to realistically hold on to it, had little choice but to retreat to the south, leaving the Holy City in Ottoman hands. The only Arabs the Ottomans came across during their march south, were what could be best described as ineffective partisan groups, sniping at Ottoman soldiers from the hills and crevices. This proved to be little more than a nuisance to the Ottomans, aside from the few situations in which the Empire's new Hindenburg Light Warkers proved absolutely useless in the desert. (-2 Ottoman Divisions, -2 Ottoman Hindenburg Light Warker Brigades)
Ottoman Field Headquarters
With the momentum firmly on their side, the Ottoman Army continued to head south, besieging the city of Al Lith, and taking Mecca without firing so much as a shot. Arab forces were capable of striking at Ottoman forces on the fly, with the element of surprise being as useful a weapon as the guns they managed to scrounge up. On the defensive however, the Arabs proved to be relatively useless, with whatever units available being forced to use guerilla tactics on Ottoman soldiers whenever possible. (-1 Ottoman Division)
Arab nationalists, unaware of the defeats in the Hedjaz attempted to rise up in Mesopotamia, but the Ottoman military was ready for them, and ultimately the Arabs scored little success. By the end of the year, the Ottomans had marched right back up the Hedjaz, reclaiming the land they had lost in the year prior. The Ottoman navy indiscriminately bombed the coastline, while the Ottoman airforce kept the Army alert for possible Arab counter attacks. Hussein bin Ali, and the main contingent of his warriors retreated to Abha, and in preparation for future Ottoman attacks. (-1 Ottoman Division)
In French Abyssinia, the French military continued to battle with the Ethiopian tribesmen, and prepared for reinforcements after two years of waiting. After several thousand French soldiers unloaded at Djibouti, a systematic slaughter of those who dare oppose the Bonaparte government began, with the rebellion being wiped out in a matter of months. While the victory was great, it left many at home wondering why it wasn't accomplished two years ago.
(-2 French Divisions)
The Chinese Empire, for all purposes, has ceased to exist as a cohesive nation. Starting two years ago, with student riots, the Chinese Civil War has escalated to unprecedented degrees, and hundreds of thousands, if not millions have already perished. The Chinese Republican faction, under Li Sangui splintered, after quickly taking control over the entire south of China, when generals from the Guangxi and Yunnan provinces, along with their provincial soldiers, defected from his causes, after apparent flirtations of working with the Japanese military, and supposed western influence in Sangui's camp. The Guangxi Clique, under General Lu Zongren quickly asserted itself over the Guangdong province, with the remaining Republican Faction powerless to stop him. The Yunnan Clique, under General Yan Jianyi, took the initiative and directed assaults against the other mutinous province, but ultimately the fighting took to a standstill. The Guangxi established control over Hainan, by repossessing Western commercial ships, to invade the island. (+The Guangxi Clique, +The Yunnan Clique)
Guangxi Military Government
The Republican Army, struggling with the loyalty of local militias to their provincial commanders broke up even further, with the refusal of Jiangxi to accept the Guangxi aggression against Guangdong. With fear of Hunan following a similar course, Li Sangui set up a government from Nanchang, and enforced the rule of his new "Republic of China" up till the Yangtze river, where Imperial forces still maintained firm control. (+The Republic of China)
In the far east, Imperial control was haphazard at best, and the threat posed by the Japanese and the Republican forces to Beijing proper demanded the reallocation of forces from Xinjiang to Hebei. Thus, in accordance with nationalists in Mongolia and Tibet, the Eastern provinces rose up against what little Imperial forces remained. Tibetan militia secured Lhasa, and immediately established a Buddhist Theocracy. Xinjiang suffered a similar fate as Yunnan and Guangxi, falling to military rule, while Mongolia attempted to follow a similar theocratic path as Tibet. The Turkic minorities in Xinjiang revolted, forming the "Republic of Eastern Turkestan", and has been under attack from the Xinjiang Clique. (+Tibet, +Mongolia, +The Xinjiang Clique, +East Turkestan)
The Imperial government maintained control of Beijing, and it's army, while fractured, still benefited from American and German military hardware and expertise. The short lived Shanxi Clique was crushed, as were Republican attempts to exert influence over the Yangtze. The area around Sichuan rebelled against the Imperial government, and received support from Tibet and Yunnan, and the remaining vacuum was filled up by the Qinghai Clique. (+The Sichuan Clique, Qinghai Clique)
Farther to the north, a border incident between the upstart Fengtian Clique, under General Cao Kun, and the Japanese Empire prompted a Japanese invasion of much of Chinese Manchuria. The incident occurred when a Fengtian militia clashed with a Japanese border patrol, near Sinuiju. While it isn't clear what exactly happened, sources from the Imperial Japanese government claim that the Fengtian militia attempted to impress local Koreans into service. Needless to say, the Imperial Japanese Army acted with a swift vigor, and captured Dandong, Fengcheng and Huanren before massive reinforcements from the home islands made there way to Korea. The overwhelming mass of trained soldiers overran what militia units, and remaining army units the Fengtians could muster, and the Rising Sun flew over Harbin in a matter of weeks. (+The Fengtian Clique, -25 Japanese Divisions)
The Japanese invasion force
In Vladivostok, representatives from the recently annexed Russian Manchuria met, and unilaterally declared independence from China, and established a Far Eastern Russian Republic. The Far Eastern Russian Republic promptly sent out ambassadors to the Japanese Empire, Aleyska and the United States, in the hopes for recognition, and guaranteed independence from both China and the Soviet Union. (+The Far Eastern Russian Republic)
Cultural Events
The Quebecois cultural revolution has continued in full this year. Artists, musicians and writers flocked to Montreal, already home to famous American writer Ernest Hemingway, and Quebecois singer Marie-Eve Gangnon. Pablo Picasso, a Spanish expatriate made his way to the city, and promptly unveiled a new studio, training local artists. His proteges, Dominic Lévesque, and his wife Dian also made a name for themselves, selling their most notable painting "L'eclipse" to an American art collector, for a vast sum of money. Marie-Eve Gangnon's new "Gangnon Style" has been emulated time and time again, with her voice and backing band being heard throughout the streets of Montreal, playing in clubs, restaurants, and dance halls. More Afro-American influences have made themselves heard in the musical style, as a number of African-Americans make the move to the north. (++2 Quebecois EP, +10 Quebecois Manpower)
The Montreal Scene
Sporting Matters
Scientific Matters
The German government has began to offer grants to major universities throughout the empire. The universities have been given leeway in determining who receives the grants, and for what reasons, with the ultimate goal of scientific advancement in mind.
Along with that, the Committee for Scientific Advancement was started in Berlin, and it will be giving out the new "Gutenburg Awards", recognition for outstanding scientific achievement in the realms of aviation, medicine, chemistry and engineering.
The new standardized education system in the Second Spanish Empire emphasized the importance of the Falangist ideology.
Quebec started a National University system in Quebec City, and increased funding to McGill University. (+Quebecois Stability)
The Australian National Research Institutions began granting scholarships to promising young students this year. The Australian Public School system has also successfully spread across the nation.
Australian children at a new Public School
Australian Scientists have figured out a way to make the radio a little bit smaller, and more affordable to the average household. Production of the new radios has taken off, and the Australian government is reaping the rewards. (+20 Banked Australian EP)
Italy has a massive navy. (+1 Cruiser)
Quebec is the cultural center of North America, if not the world. And the economy isn't doing too bad either. (+10 Banked EP)
Japan likes flexing it's muscles. (+2 Divisions)
Belgium can bank with the best of them. (+10 Banked EP)
The United States of America has a grand old, high flying flag. (+Stability)
Sweden is having some social issues, but don't tell that to the factories. (+10 Manpower)
Brazil keeps on chopping down trees; that has to be good for something, right? (+10 Manpower)
South Africa has a grand old, high flying new flag. (+Stability)
Aleyska wants you, at any cost. (+10 Manpower)
Spain likes to do Spanish things. (+Stability)
Man of the Year
Generalissimo Nicholas Estardo of Spain
-Written by Ryan Kendricks
Should you find a time machine, and travel back just ten years ago, no one would have expected Spain to be even close to relevant on the international stage. Years of relative insignificance, with a lacking industry, questionable military strength, and a loss of prestige since the Confederate-Spanish War, Spain was a nation in the backdrop of European affairs. But a few sunken merchant ships, and the rise of a political party known as the Falangists changed all of that dramatically. The Spanish military renaissance, and it's victory in the Great War has led to Spain to be among the pre-eminent colonial powers in Africa, and one of the strongest nations in Europe. Estardo's economic policies started a few years back, have finally started to give results, and Spanish industry is flourishing. His involvement in the Italian-Greek War has also established Spanish dominance across much of the Mediterranean and Southern Europe, in conjuncture with it's Italian allies. While not many people know what exactly makes Estardo the great man we know him to be today, we, and the entire Spanish nation, can only hope he remains this way for the foreseeable future.
Runner Ups
2. Emperor Taisho of Japan
3. The Quebecois "Montreal Scene"
4. President Alexander Palmer of the United States
5. President Delfirm Rodrigues of Brazil
SpoilerChinese Warlord Factions :
To: Japan
From: The Chinese Empire
We congratulate you on your success against the Manchurian rebels. We'd happily take that land back now.
To: The Empire of Japan, the United States of America
From: The Far Eastern Russian Republic
We hope you recognize our independence from the Chinamen, and even more so, hope you will protect us from possible Soviet aggression in an alliance.
To: The Tsardom of Aleyska
From: The Far Eastern Russian Republic
We salute you, misplaced brothers, and wish for your hand in recognition of our sovereignty, and an alliance between our two nations. Hopefully, the legacy of Russia can live in our states.
To: The World
From: Tibet, Mongolia, East Turkestan
Please recognize our independence from the warmongers in Beijing and all of it's warlord provinces.
To: The United States of America
From: Deseret "Terrorists"
Give us autonomy, or we will continue to make you suffer.
To: Spain, Italy
From: The Thessaloniki Sovietiki
Leave us be, and we shall leave you be.
To: Spain, Italy
From: The Greek Republic
We'd like to organize a ceasefire with both of your nations, and hope you consider us the proper successors to the Greek Crown.
Everyone: The Chinese Civil War was a very confusing conflict, and writing about what I am thinking or envisioning was literally like pulling teeth. If you are at all confused with the Chinese Civil War, or interested in the outlooks and reasoning behind the various nations and cliques that just appeared, I'd be happy to answer your questions. I also didn't include Imperial Chinese losses.. because, let's just say, a there were a lot, and the situation doesn't really fit the "stat" format. For all the different non-established or recognized factions, the stats are going to be fairly arbitrary, until things start to get sorted out.
Everyone: My apologies for the late update!
Everyone: I find some players lack of involvement disheartening.
bonefang: 10 EP only gets you 2 Infantry Divisions, not 10.
Optical: I just realized that Johannesburg is in Transvaal, thus it's lack of mention. I didn't penalize you for that, I should have noticed it from the beginning. You still get the bonus, just never mentioned owning it again.
Mcgill is in montreal, and has been around since the 1700s I merely increased it's funding. What I did, however, was open up a campus for a National university in Quebec City.
To: The Far Eastern Russian Republic
From: The United States of America
We recognise your independence from the USSR and welcome you to the community of nations.
To: the Deseret Rebels
From: the United Stats of America
This is your last warning. Either the terrorists in Utah hand their weapons over to the United States and enjoy amnesty, or they will be destroyed without mercy. The choice between survival as US citizens or total obliterations is yours.
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