[AND2 Suggestions] Building bonuses derived from resources


Dec 6, 2012

First, thank you to the hard working and talented developers for advancing what is the finest Civ playing experience I have enjoyed. I also apologize if I am rehashing issues which have been broached and retired.

My suggestions regard the utilization of resources by various buildings and the unification of the theory informing the same. It seems to me that many buildings grant bonuses for resources of a certain category but that other similar resources are arbitrarily excluded. Examples for your consideration include, without limitation:

SHRINE currently requires for construction one of and awards +1 commerce for COPPER, MARBLE, STONE, GOLD, SILVER. I contend that other resources such as GEMS, IVORY, PEARLS and OBSIDIAN fit with the previously listed resources currently triggering bonuses. Further, resources such as FUR, POTTERY, GLASSWARE and INCENSE may also be appropriate additions.

FISHERMAN'S HUT currently requires for construction one of and awards +1 food for CRAB, FISH, SHRIMP and WHALE. FISH TRAPS make the same awards less the difficult to trap WHALE. However, not included in the awards for either is CLAM.

BAZAAR currently awards +1 commerce for SILK, IVORY and SPICES and +2 commerce for PEARLS and TEA. I do not understand why the latter resources trigger greater awards than those of the former. Further, if the theory is to award bonuses for non-perishable, portable resources of commercial value, ALCOHOL, COFFEE, COTTON, DYE, FUR, GEMS, GLASSWARE, GOLD, HEMP, INCENSE, POTTERY, SALT, SILVER, SUGAR, TOBACCO and WINE may all warrant inclusion. If the theory is for the BAZAAR to be a precursor to the MARKET, perishable, luxury food resources such as APPLE, BANANA, LEMON and OLIVE may belong.

A pervasive issue involves the treatment of SHEEP, DEER and COW. In most cases, these resources are treated as food-only. However, other buildings derive non-food resource benefits such as FURRIER -> DEER, WEAVER'S HUT and TAILOR SHOP -> SHEEP, and TAILOR SHOP -> COW. It seems to me that the theory should be either (i) , e.g., SHEEP produces food and a commodity (wool, leather) or (ii) SHEEP is only usable for food. If there is a commodity recognized, such commodity should be treated like COTTON or SILK. Perhaps it makes more sense to actually create resources WOOL and LEATHER which are produced by the WEAVER'S HUT and TAILOR SHOP (requiring access to SHEEP, COW, etc.) and those resources trigger awards from buildings like BAZAAR and PORT.

There are many more examples of inconsistencies in the treatment of resources. I would be happy to include additional specific suggestions if the developers and community find it a worthwhile exercise.

I also recognize that there may be serious resultant playability, AI and other issues of which I am unaware.

Please let me know what you think :)
Please let me know what you think :)

I think that at least some of these suggestions should be considered but right now they're not on the top priority list. I'll add it to the to-do list anyway :) Thank you.
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