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Missouri Representative proposes tax on “violent” video games


Codex WMDicanious
Jan 4, 2002
Missouri Representative proposes tax on “violent” video games

A Representative of Missouri, Republican Diane Franklin of Camdenton, is calling for a sales tax on violent video games following the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. “Violent,” in this instance, really doesn’t mean what you think it does. From the proposed bill: “the term ‘violent video game’ means a video or computer game that has received a rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board of Teen, Mature, or Adult Only”

That means that , if successfully passed, Teen-rated games like The Sims 3, Starcraft 2, EVE Online and Tropico 4 would all be taxed in Missouri on account of how unrepentantly violent they are. Seriously, if my eyes rolled any harder it would cause permanent damage.

If passed, the bill would impose a 1% sales tax to violent games, to be used to finance mental health programs and law enforcement measures to prevent mass shootings. No other form of media is being targeted by the proposal.

KSDK report similar legislative attempts in Oklahoma and New Mexico, both of which failed to pass.

Once again, I’ll point to our research on the connection between violent games and increased aggression, which provides ample examples of the faults that can be found in the methodology used to say the link is conclusive.


The Sim3 is a violent video game which encourages our kids to go on shooting rampages. Civilization probably is a mass murder simulator and socialist indoctrination brainwashing propaganda.

All we need now is Sid Meier to go on cable news network, and threaten mass death, murder and armed insurgency if Republicans touch our video games.

It stuns me the ignorance of politicians who write our laws. They are so disconnected from new media and technologies that they simply embarrass themselves when they attempt to wade in and have an opinion on them.
This pic pretty much sums it up:
Spoiler :

And this tax will be ineffective at curbing violent video game sales anyway. Would a 1% tax really stop you from getting GTA V?


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It stuns me the ignorance of politicians who write our laws. They are so disconnected from new media and technologies that they simply embarrass themselves when they attempt to wade in and have an opinion on them.

It's not ignorance.

They can't go after guns for political reasons, so they go after something they can. A lot of people will say: "They are doing something about the problem!" or "Hey, at least they are doing something"

People are stupid. Politicians usually aren't, really.
Oh the irony of this thread, especially given the position opof some of it's posters on gun control.
Haha! I knew this was coming. 1% tax = thin edge of the wedge. Annnd when it gets established in usa we will be next :sad:
Oh the irony of this thread, especially given the position of some of it's posters on gun control.

But Patroklos

Guns dont kill people
Sim3 kills people.
Well, seeing as Missouri still lacks e-commerce tax to the best of my knowledge, Steam and other sources for all my games will be entirely unaffected.

Still, this could have lasting repercussions. GTFO my games please :mad:
Oh the irony of this thread, especially given the position of some of it's posters on gun control.
We've had 4 posters, you're claiming irony with regard to at least 2 of them. It even deserved an "Oh" as a sentence starter.

So using the posts from at least 2 posters, and keeping the meaning of the word irony in mind, can you explain the irony to me?
Oh the irony of this thread, especially given the position opof some of it's posters on gun control.
Oh the predictability of this post.
We've had 4 posters, you're claiming irony with regard to at least 2 of them. It even deserved an "Oh" as a sentence starter.

So using the posts from at least 2 posters, and keeping the meaning of the word irony in mind, can you explain the irony to me?

People chaffing over restrictions of something they enjoy in order to solve a problem despite all indications proving that thing is not the cause of said problem. That same chaffing of course inadvertently undermining their attempts to do the same thing to something else for the same reson with the same flaws.

Quite a bit of hypocrisy too I might add.

Oh the predictability of this post.

More irony! You guys just can't help yourselves!
More irony! You guys just can't help yourselves!
You seem to be very dedicated to making entertaining posts without any discernable substance.

This post will be ironic until the moment where you point out its irony.
So much sour grapes!

You see, this could be a learning moment for you Leoreth, a time for you to understand the feelings of a group you oppose because now you are party to the same sort of emotional attack.

I see you have decided to go the denial route. Bravo.
You see, this could be a learning moment for you Leoreth, a time for you to understand the feelings of a group you oppose because now you are party to the same sort of emotional attack.
That you are able to use words like irony in your posts doesn't mean that you have drawn a valid parallel to anything.

Please feel free to locate further aspects of irony in this post or conduct further psychological analysis of my person. I know you don't have much else to say on the subject anyway.
Oh, the dangers of premature posting ejaculations.

If only Pat could have waited for a couple of pages. Then he could have used the ol' cowardly unspecific smug "some people in this thread" disclaimer to hide behind. It's a little more difficult at the start of the thread.
Now I've been awake for too long, but I'm not seeing it either, Patro.
No love for Ziggy? :(

I answered you, I am sorry you didn't like the answer :(

And Leoroth, every angsty post from you just brings home the accuracy of my criticism. Face it, you are not on the side of the picket line you thought you were. That obviously vexes you, maybe continuing to pout about it will change it?
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