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A Complete Guide to Achievements (Civ V)

More on Longest Name Ever:
I'm told its number 33 on the Celt building list. http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=485816&page=2

The Huns borrow from all civs city lists, so there may be a chance of getting it when playing them, but I don't know.

Thanks, I checked the XML files in the game, and you are right. It is the 33rd city. I'll update the guide. Not sure about recommending the Huns though, because the chances of picking that city name don't seem likely. Too much of a long shot.

And, of course,
[1] the name used in Civ5 is only about half as long as the actual name of the Welsh city, and
[2] according to Wikipedia, there is a Maori city in New Zealand with an even longer name....

See the pop-culture reference section. It already says the full city name and mentioned the New Zealand city.
I believe Surviving the Marquesas (Win as Hiva) is a reference to Survivor: Marquesas, an American reality show. Also, there are other references (eg. Ragnarok) but I'm not sure if you want references that aren't pop culture, so to speak
I believe Surviving the Marquesas (Win as Hiva) is a reference to Survivor: Marquesas, an American reality show. Also, there are other references (eg. Ragnarok) but I'm not sure if you want references that aren't pop culture, so to speak

I'm using a very broad definition of "pop-culture". The pledge of allegiance is in there, and that's not really pop-culture. Video et taceo is far from pop-culture. Any historical, literary, or cultural reference that shows why an achievement was named would be valid. It's not meant to be the wikipedia of Civ achievement names, of course, but anything to shed light on the names is appreciated.

I think you're right about the Survivor one, so I'll add it.
Thanks, I checked the XML files in the game, and you are right. It is the 33rd city. I'll update the guide. Not sure about recommending the Huns though, because the chances of picking that city name don't seem likely. Too much of a long shot.

The Huns may not pick that name (random shot at that), but they are likely to pick a Celtic name or two in the game, which means you might only need to found 31 cities to get the achievement! Easy! :lol:
From what I've read (being forgetful, I forgot to note which threads), it doesn't unlock if the Huns build it. It will unlock, however, if the Celts are an AI, and they build it.
Another pop culture reference: "Exterminate! Exterminate!" is the catchphrase of the Daleks, an evil alien species from the sci-fi TV show "Doctor Who". They live inside armored vehicles that look a bit like human-sized mobile salt shakers, and often shout that phrase while firing their death ray weapons.
Thanks. I figured Exterminate! Exterminate! had to be a reference to something, but I didn't know what.
Rules are probably the same for this scenario in both vanilla and G&K (I expect there are 10 hit points and not 100 and that you can run over embarked units for free)

On this one; mostly use your UUs to kill Japanese units for free with ranged attacks from hexes they can't reach; later there are some artillery type units to add in. Build all city defense structures as well in your capital, cities north of there, and any more you retake.

Also use spare Great Generals to create Citadels as kill zones; two hexes in front of the city your holding; don't occupy the citadel, you just use to kill damaged units.

At some point, China should send some troops your way; this should allow you to re-take and hold your capital when combined with range promotions. (It's not a per turn victory location so it doesn't matter if you take on turn 99 or never lose it; its still worth the same # of points)

Use a few naval ships to run over embarked Japanese units; especially the free ones you occasionally get.

And don't hold onto cash in this; this is also one that on turns 1-5 to strongly consider selling all buildings that cost maintenance in cities South and East of your capital, starting with the coastal ones.

Your also allied with the Chinese; if they finish on top of the score board, you also win.

I MADE IT! I won the Samurai Invasion scenario on Deity playing it as Korea! And by doing so I unlocked 4 achievements at once (Seoul Power, Win on Deity specific to this scenario, Win as Korea specific to this scenario, Win on Deity - generic).
I must say it was a hard play! Only 2 turns left when I retook the last korean city from the Japs.

Thanks for the hints, joncunn!
While I like the list for looking up certain achievements - Sometimes I would like to have an additional list to minimize the games I need to play to unlock all achievements.

Unfortunately some nation specific ones are not listed by their nation, but either their leader, a building or UU.

For an alternate list I would list leader, map type and achievements that can be tackled.

For example:

Bismark - Germany
  • Leader: Bismark
  • Maptype: Pangea
  • size: ?
  • Victory: Conquest
  • additional: maybe "Raging Barabarian" - not sure if that does increase barb camp spawn rate.
"Blood and Iron", "Barbarian Warlord", "Here Ends the Noble Savage", "Going It Old School", "Exterminate! Exterminate!"

Montezuma - Aztec
  • Leader: Montezuma
  • Maptype: Lake
  • Victory: Conquest
  • size: ?
"Montezuma's Revenge…", "Gardens of Lake Texcoco", "Exterminate! Exterminate!"

Empress Theodora - Byzance
  • Leader: Empress Theodora
  • Enemy: Alexander - Greek (You need to sink 10 greek ships)
  • Maptype: Archilepago (Continents make it impossible to cross with dromon)
  • size: ?
  • Victory:
"Dancer, Actress, Empress, Victor", "Greek Fire", "Island Hopping" - maybe some religious stuff

Elisabeth - Englang
  • Leader: Elisabeth
  • Maptype: Archilepago (Ship of the line with range +1 and range 3 archers are awful)
  • size: ?
  • Victory:
"Video et Taceo", "Ruler of the Seas", "Island Hopping"

Isabella - Spain
  • Leader: Isabella
  • Maptype: -- (Not earth - last game on earth I had 1 ("one") natural wonder)
  • Victory: ?
  • size: ?
"Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition", "Nobody expects...",
I have set up a spreadsheet to track achievements.
I have a column for each condition, e.g. Map, player, difficultly etc, so I can filter to see what I have to do to earn max achievements per game.
Also use the debug file to see what units I still have to raise and how many temples, trades and tile purchases to go.
Panzer "Shafernator" General - Earn 100 Great Generals, have an army of over 100 units in a single game, and beat the game 100 times. This one will take a long time. Guided missiles and air units count toward the 100 units (credit to Vladivoj for testing this) and completing scenarios counts toward victories.

I am just trying this and started to wonder what exactly counts as army. I can see flyzing units and missiles count. Do GG? Do Zivillians (most likely not) - I wanted to use the "Military Overview" Supply counter, but that seems to count all units.
I am just trying this and started to wonder what exactly counts as army. I can see flyzing units and missiles count. Do GG? Do Zivillians (most likely not) - I wanted to use the "Military Overview" Supply counter, but that seems to count all units.

I am not entirely sure, I have only confirmed military units and flying units. I am pretty sure civilian units do not count. Great Generals are treated as civilian units as far as the game is concerned...they do not engage in combat at all.

You can't rely on the military overview for this because it does count civilians.

If someone wants to use the debug file to test this out, it would be useful to know (my own count is too high to do this myself).
While I like the list for looking up certain achievements - Sometimes I would like to have an additional list to minimize the games I need to play to unlock all achievements.

I think this is a great idea, but a lot more than the current scope of this guide. I might try something out, but there are so many Civs, it would take another page. I'll see what I can think of. I really like this idea though. Especially when you're trying to decide which Civ to play to earn achievements...

Edit: I decided to add a listing of achievements for each civilization, based on your idea. It will be a simple list, though, not like what you suggested. I encourage you to work on your idea, though. Make it into an achievement strategy guide for each civilization, because that's more than this guide covers (this is for achievements, not strategies). Get it up, and I'll link to it here.
I had an idea for anyone who can write software (not a programmer myself or I would do it). A simple achievement helper program.

This is not a cheat program, just a means of automating the tracking steps listed here.

The program would have two functions - it could modify config.ini to enable logging, and it could read the contents of the debug file. That shouldn't be too hard.

It would display a listing of requirements for achievements. Like: "God is Great - 245 temple needed." It would have a page for Modern Major General, showing every unit needed for training.

It would basically take the debug file information, then translate it into simple information. If done right, all you have to do is load the game, then alt-tab, and launch the program. Or launch it after you close the game.

Doesn't sound too hard, and I think people would get use out of it. I just don't know how to do it myself.
I had an idea for anyone who can write software (not a programmer myself or I would do it). A simple achievement helper program.

This is not a cheat program, just a means of automating the tracking steps listed here.

The program would have two functions - it could modify config.ini to enable logging, and it could read the contents of the debug file. That shouldn't be too hard.

It would display a listing of requirements for achievements. Like: "God is Great - 245 temple needed." It would have a page for Modern Major General, showing every unit needed for training.

It would basically take the debug file information, then translate it into simple information. If done right, all you have to do is load the game, then alt-tab, and launch the program. Or launch it after you close the game.

Doesn't sound too hard, and I think people would get use out of it. I just don't know how to do it myself.

Re-checking the log file: It would take longer for me to code that than it does to just glance at the file.

First few lines of stats
[2102215.575] DBG: Steam Stat: ESTEAMSTAT_TOTAL_WINS = 32
[2102215.575] DBG: Steam Stat: ESTEAMSTAT_ARCHER = 70
[2102215.575] DBG: Steam Stat: ESTEAMSTAT_CHARIOTARCHER = 23
[2102215.575] DBG: Steam Stat: ESTEAMSTAT_HOPLITE = 0

I would have to do searches on exact strings "ESTEAMSTAT_TOTAL_WINS", and then hardcode 100 for it

And hardcode one by one all labels associated to the build all units "ESTEAMSTAT_HOPLITE"; in this case = 0 means it's needed

On the Temple,
[2102215.590] DBG: Steam Stat: ESTEAMSTAT_TEMPLES = 363

Another hard code label "ESTEAMSTAT_TEMPLES", and this time a hardcode of 1000 to compare to.

Just getting the logic layer is 4 to 8 hours for linking all the stats with their checks (including testing & debugging); and that's not yet starting the GUI layer for pretty output.
By contrast it is about 15 seconds to glance to just glance at the file so it's not suitable for automation. (Pay off time way too distant)

This would be a better class assignment or if someone wants to learn how to program in a new language than as a real world application.
I use my excel tracking sheet to do this, I just paste the bottom half of the debug file into a set place.The formulae do the rest .
my excel file takes about 15 mins to set up from scratch
Dump the your current debug file.
Use the right function to extract the number from each line of stats, this takes most of your set up time as each stat is a different number of characters in., but its not a biggie.
Now you have a column of stat numbers.
Use COUNTIF to count how many unit types have a stat of 0.
Use LOOKUP if you want a list, I haven't bothered.
Use a simple x-y to give you how many temples, etc to go.
Then your good to go.
Each time you want to check just dump the latest stats in an you have your answer.
Added a new "Additional resources" section, linking to other people's guides. I tried to put it at the top, but it made the post too long, so it ended up at the bottom. I'll see if I can make those links more prominent later on...
Turtle Power: Much easier if you also have G&K: AI doesn't tend to build Iron Clads in Vanilla.

I started a game with the express purpose of finishing this achievement... phew, this was great stuff. And a refreshing change of pace for a higher diff game where Hiawatha doesn't runaway at all despite city-spamming :lol:

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