Capto Iugulum: 1920 - 1939

One final request before I leave CFC: Please don't give christos any powerful nation ever.

To Christos: Please stop.

Gamez, I'm sure I speak for everyone in saying we'll miss you. You were a big help for me getting introduced and truly involved in the world of NESing, and its a shame to see you go.
If Circuit is leaving Britain for the United States, I'd like to nominate myself to play as the United Kingdom.

I know I sort of made a promise to myself not to switch nations at the drop of a hat, but I've kind of been wanting to play as a major power for some time and I'd very much like to play as Britain before somebody else takes it.

I promise I won't ruin it :p
If Circuit is leaving Britain for the United States, I'd like to nominate myself to play as the United Kingdom.

I know I sort of made a promise to myself not to switch nations at the drop of a hat, but I've kind of been wanting to play as a major power for some time and I'd very much like to play as Britain before somebody else takes it.

I promise I won't ruin it :p

Just like you totally didn't ruin Spain, right? :mischief:

Global News Report​

EUROPE LAUNCHES BRAZILIAN EMBARGO. Munich, Germany. With the consolidation of Western Europe under German leadership, it has become clear that a new order of power has been implemented. The Brazilians, who have been frequently a thorn in the side of European ambitions, has been targeted as a demonstration of the new order in Europe. Led by Germany, virtually all of Europe has begun an embargo of Brazilian trade goods, closing out Brazilian merchants from the most lucrative ports and markets of the Old World. The Europeans have stated that this is due to the widespread Brazilian support for revolutionary movements in Africa, which even has been echoed from Brazil's fair weather friend of Britain. Only a few nations have not joined in the embargo, including the Papal States, Portugal, Spain, Britain, and Occitania. For the most part, this has been meaningless, as the increased expense and taxes upon the Brazilian goods have been only made worse by the current situation. The Brazilian businesses have quickly found themselves supplanted by Vinlanders, Argentines, and Peruvians, who have rushed to make up the temporary gaps. While the embargo has not devastated any economies, it has been viewed mostly as a political move which shows that Europe now stands behind the leadership of Germany and Russia, rather than any other political powers.

PACIFIC CONCORD FACES POSSIBLE COLLAPSE. Tokyo, Japan. The Pacific Concord, often considered an expansion of Japanese imperial aims and objectives, has faced severe crisis this year as it seems to be falling apart. The first blow came with the withdrawal of Jacksonia from all agreements and alliances with Florida, starting with the exit from the Pacific Concord. The elections which followed in Florida have brought about yet another government which seems unhappy with the current state of affairs, calling the Concord a "despised Johnstonian institution." They have since withdrawn their own support and exited the alliance with Japan and other states. The Indians, one of the more recent members of the alliance, have been the third to withdraw this year, stating that the Concord clearly does not reflect their better interests and economic goals. They have terminated all involvement, which some believe may spur Kalingese or New Zealander withdrawal too. Peru and Hawaii seem to remain interested in the Concord, but foreign observers believe that the withdrawal of half of the organization's membership is clearly a sign of its fading power and influence.

News from Europe​

FLOODS DROWN PARIS. Paris, Burgundy. The Seine River reached unbearable heights early this year after seasonal rains brought the water level to the highest point in known history. Large portions of the city were slowly inundated by the waters, which forced the evacuations of most first floor homes and businesses throughout the city. Thanks to the slow rise of the water, there has been little to no loss of life, but property damage has reached extreme levels. Efforts to contain the levees along the river proved futile, causing the river to overflow its banks and make the situation even worse. The city's public transportation network has been shutdown and closed for safety reasons, and remained closed for repairs for the remainder of the year. During the floods, the government build elevated wooden walkways for the people, but as the waters subsided, the estimated damages are believed to be astronomical in cost. Most of the damage has been to private property, and by the end of the year, most businesses have begun functioning once more, but the overall cost has likely been a reason for the failure of Burgundy to partake in the economic swells reported this year.

Parisians deal with flooding the best they can.[/b]

ELECTIONS IN BRITTANY. Nantes, Brittany. The government in Brittany has found its support vanish once again, as a new shift has been launched in the political sphere, seeing the undermining of the conservative regime. The elections primarily seem to have fixated upon the rising new paradigm of international politics and economics in Western Europe, with the international embargo spearheaded by Germany against Brazil. As a participant in this embargo, Brittany has found its population to be much against the sharp decline in international products available for purchase. The recent laws lowing tariffs and protecting local jobs have been popular, but there has been concern what all this will mean for the worker. Campaigning on a platform of economic normalization and the expansion of workers' rights and privileges, the liberal Blaid Ryddfrydol has offered a strong challenge to the reigning Plaid Geidwadol. The challenge proved to be too strong to fight, and the Blaid Ryddfrydol has triumphed in a landslide, securing an overwhelming majority. Spokesmen for the party have pledged that they will work towards improvement of conditions for workers, while maintaining the economic virility gained by Europe in recent months. (+1 Stability)

KING OF BULGARIA PASSES AWAY. Sofia, Bulgaria. The fairly beloved King of Bulgaria, Yavor Draganov passed away this year, after a long and eventful reign. Having begun his career in leadership as a rebel leader against the tyranny of the Roman Empire, seeking to establish an independent state, he was proclaimed king. Under his leadership, Bulgaria gained independence from the Roman Empire in the chaos following the Constantinople Event, and has been the only nation to preserve that status. Building strong relations with the Russian Empire, the king has played a delicate role in preserving Bulgaria's freedom and position in the Balkans. The nation's military has been greatly strengthened under his leadership, making it one of the more powerful forces, and possibly even a match for their old nemesis in Constantinople. The leadership of Bulgaria has passed to King Yavor's son, the new King Ioan. The new king has less of a military background, but is still a notable conservative, who has helped gather support for the recent ambitious domestic programs undertaken by the Bulgarian government. He maintains much of the support that his father accumulated, and is expected to continue the same policies and overall political ideals.

FIRST CATALONIAN ELECTIONS HELD. Barcelona, Catalonia. As promised by the various committees and leaders of the government since the achieving of independence from Spain, the first Catalonian elections were held this year. The elections were hardly in doubt right off the bat, despite spirited debate and discussion among the varied parties. The interim President, Ricard Rosa has run based on the grand accomplishments he's managed during his time in office, with support of the predominantly liberal Moviment d'Alliberament. Recent handling of the crisis in Aquitaine has further garnered him support, though he was aided greatly by the incompetence of any possible political rivals. The conservatives foolishly offered up a woman as their candidate, a step which many have viewed as too far afield. Ironically, this progressive move led to their downfall, as most have viewed Rosa as the only legitimate candidate for the presidency. Control of the legislature was more heavily fought, but the Moviment d'Alliberament has secured a clear majority for itself, preserving the strength of a unified government.

BRITISH ELECTIONS HELD. London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The British Parliament faced one of the most divisive elections in Britain's recent history this year, as the Labour Party escalated its resistance. The massive uprising in Southeast Africa and the overall failure of the Union Jacks to win any true military successes have been a major blow to the conservative base of support. The Labour Party has begun arguing for more compromise and discussion with would be rebels, rather than the brutal suppression similar to the tactics used by the barbaric Russians. They have called for the recognition of a new Dominion in Australia, as well as new negotiations with the rebel states in the formerly British possessions in southern Africa. The Union Jacks have decried the perceived willingness to lose control of the empire, and the debate soon became a ethnic one, as the Irish continue to form the heart of the Labour Party. The disputes and anger have continued to mount, and the conservative coalition led by the Union Jacks have managed to preserve their majority with a solitary seat in Parliament. This has created an unstable government, as Prime Minister Shaw pledges to stay the course and has been reinstated by his party to form a new cabinet. (-1 Stability)

NEW UNION ESTABLISHED IN CECHY-MORAVA. Prague, Cechy-Morava. Workers from the nation's dedicated arms and manufacturing industry in Cechy-Morava have announced the establishment of the Czech National Arms Union. They have stated that the new union is in response to the current government's economic policies which favor companies over the worker. The government has stated that this unionization is unconstitutional and illegal, putting the security of the nation at risk to sabotage or espionage. They have not acted against the union yet, however, stating that the situation must be handled delicately, and have warned the union leaders of acting hastily or brashly in a tense negotiation situation. The arms industry is one of the largest in Cechy-Morava, as they produce weapons that are sold across Europe to many nations, and the economic and military security of the nation has been stated to be highly at risk.

EUSKADI ANNOUNCES NEW CONSTITUTION WITH ELECTIONS. Bilbao, Euskadi. After several years of intensive negotiations and backroom deals, Interim President Kepa Aiza has announced the implementation of the nation's new constitution. They have announced that the government will create a parliamentary structure, with the legislature retaining the majority of power and influence. This has been stated to prevent the rise of tyrannical regimes or figures which could undermine the inherent rights of the Basque people. The constitution is not as tolerant or open as the Catalonian one, but does grant the right to vote to women, and any other residents of the region. The only political groups outlawed by the constitution are those linked to traditional proletarists and those seeking to end the independence of the Basques. Elections for the Congress are to be held every five years, with the first ones to be held this year, and the next ones in 1933. The main contenders for political dominance this year turned out to be the Liberal Union Party and the National Cause Party, led by Kepa Aiza. Kepa Aiza's endorsement led to the overwhelming political victory of the National Cause Party, which has pledged to build up the military and economic strength of the Basque people.

HUNGARIAN LEADERS CALL FOR MILITARY EXPANSION. Budapest, Hungary. The recovery of Hungary since the end of the late civil war has been a long road, as they've sought out a position of strength and stability. Through the nation's loose alliance with Germany and Italy, the Hungarians have managed to more or less recover. Technological advancements have led to the creation of artillery more powerful than any nation outside of Denmark, but this has proven to not be enough. Powerful elements of the military have begun a propaganda campaign, calling for the expansion of the armed forces. They have stated that the Hungarians lack the planes and tanks of other nations, which are essential in a modern theater of war. They have stated that new funding and efforts much be provided and immediately if Hungary is to be preserved from foreign invasion, otherwise, the Hungarians could be overwhelmed by enemy forces in a fortnight. The king has stated that he has taken these concerns into account and the security of Hungary would not fall lax under his watch.

STRIKE CALLED IN ORLEANS. Orleans, Orleans. The illegal National Railway Workers Union has called a major strike in Orleans this year, effectively bringing the nation's transportation network to a grinding halt. They have demanded that the conservative government officially recognize the legality and position of the nation's unions, and to begin negotiations for a minimum wage and other boons for the working class. The government of President Ethan Mathieu has proven unwilling to compromise, stating that they will not succumb to national blackmail. They have appealed to the support of the masses, who are the most inconvenienced by the strike, but this has done little to end the situation. With neither side seemingly willing to compromise, the unions have maintained their demands, though they have allowed some trains carrying food and other essential humanitarian produce to continue unmolested. Still, after four months at the end of the year, the strike has still not dissipated and it seems that the government and unions have reached a major stalemate. Newspapers have called for negotiations, but it seems that the strike will not be brought to an end this year.

NEW CAMPAIGN THREATENS ROMAN STABILITY. Athens, Roman Empire. The Roman Imperator has faced a new challenge over the rule of Constantinople this year, as an ambitious and effective propaganda campaign has been launched throughout the western provinces. Posters declaring "Remember you are a Greek" have begun appearing throughout Athens and the other major cities of the region, decrying the current standing and opinions of the Imperator. Seeking to undermine the authority of Constantinople and the internationalist regime, they have sought to recall the glories of Greek, not Roman, civilization. This new movement, which does not yet have a known name or leader, seems to be dedicated towards the overthrow of the system of the Imperators. They have clearly found an issue of concern, though critics claim that they are merely the voice of those who are opposed solely to the current Imperator, rather than the concept as a whole. Organizations and meetings of those sympathetic to the Greek underground seem to be growing in number, as a new threat emerges against those who claim the title of Imperator. (-1 Stability)

NEW MOVEMENT GROWS IN POLAND. Warsaw, Russia. A strong new movement has been growing against Russian rule in Poland, spearheaded by members of the Catholic Church. Though unaffiliated with the Church's hierarchy, the Catholics have become the core of resistance against the Russian throne. Denouncing the legitimacy of Russian rule over Poland, and glorifying the days of the old kings of Poland, this new batch of Polish nationalists have begun struggling to rouse the masses. Seeking to undermine the Russian government and restore their sovereignty, these individuals have been reported rallying support both from within Russia's European borders and to cities throughout the continent. Attempting to find financing for any unrest against Russia has been difficult, as many would be revolutionaries seem cowed by Russia's display of arms. Still, religious fervor in Poland seems to be on the rise, as the Catholics rile themselves to fight against the heretic barbarians of Moscow once more.

COUP CRUSHED IN SPAIN. Madrid, Spain. Spanish military leaders, attempting to once more seize power at the expense of the Senate and leftist regime, have launched a major coup to overthrow the government. Sure of their support among the military and the lack of will of the conscripts and others to fight their efforts, they marched upon Madrid to bring about a new regime once more. Unfortunately, their support was not as extensive as they believed, and they found themselves rapidly outnumbered and with little support among their own troops. In fact, when some of the plotters attempted to lead their units to overthrow the government, they themselves were taken prisoner by their own soldiers. The limited fighting that did take place was restricted to the outskirts of Madrid, as the loyalists surrounded and besieged the strongholds of the rebels. Those who had hoped to bring about the coup were captured and imprisoned for their crimes, and it seems to have gone a long way to restoring some confidence in the abilities of the Spanish government. It is unlikely that any more military leaders in Spain will have the desire or capacity to launch such a bid again. (+1 Stability, -2 Conscript Brigades, -1 Infantry Brigade)

ORLEANS LAUNCH AGRICULTURAL MODERNIZATION. Orleans, Orleans. Despite the rise in divisive disputes between transportation and the government, President Ethan Mathieu has promised the onset of a new program to improve the nation's economy. This new campaign has been focused upon providing government sponsorship and money for the improvement and implementation of modern farming techniques and equipment. Substantial funds have been provided to this program, which has been welcomed by the nation's farmers, seeking to improve their yield and compete with the overwhelming might of Russian agribusiness. Opponents of the program claim that the government should be focusing the limited finances on more pressing concerns, rather than working on the project for those who managed to get the president elected. Still, supporters claim that the financing is minimal for potential great gains, and the project is expected to be completed no later than 1930.

ITALY LAUNCHES RECONSTRUCTION. Naples, Italy. With the intense criticism and unrest which has plagued the current government of Italy and the monarchy, the recent reforms forced by the 1927 mutiny have been only the first step. The second step proved to be the withdrawal of Italian forces from the fruitless wars in North Africa, a concession of their defeat in the region. A third step has been one of the most popular, as the Italian government seeks to rebuild and restore the nation after years of neglect and war. The northern properties have continued to remain badly damaged from the Rhine-Rhone War and are the primary focus of reconstruction. However, other focuses have been upon the damages caused by proletarist acts of sabotage and the earthquake and mutiny in Taranto. The government has made sure that the people are aware that these damages were sparked by the proletarists, and that the government is cleaning up after their mess. The program has come under some criticism due to the massive amount of support given to the Italians by the Russian government, both financially and through intellectual support of skilled engineers. They have expressed concern that accepting Russian aid could turn Italy into yet another client state of the fearsome Russian Empire. The government has dismissed these claims, stating that Russia is merely helping in a humanitarian manner with no ulterior political motive.

PARIS LEADS REFORM AND RECONSTRUCTION. Paris, Burgundy. Finding a new role for the Kingdoms of Paris and Burgundy after the devastation of the Rhine-Rhone War has proven one of the most difficult tasks confronting Prime Minister Florent Archambault. The disgust the prime minister has felt for Germany has never been more apparent, as they have sought to expand the influence of Paris among its peers. The first step has been the announcement of new reforms as the old throne of the kingdoms of Paris and Burgundy have been dismantled, in favor of a proclamation of a new Empire of Burgundy. The king has elevated himself above his old rank of king, with the support of Parliament, which has been rebranded the Senate of Burgundy. Hoping to restore confidence and security among the people of Burgundy, the new Emperor believes that these reforms will call back to an old era when the region was the center of the glorious Holy Roman Empire. To support these reforms, a process of reconstruction has begun, hoping to repair damages done by the invading German army in the Rhine-Rhone War, as well as to fix the problems caused by the recent flooding of the Seine River. The papacy has expressed extreme disapproval of the king's actions, though he has stated that the goal is not to challenge the current European power structure, but rather to revitalize the hearts and minds of the people of Burgundy.

RECONSTRUCTION COMPLETE IN CATALONIA. Barcelona, Catalonia. The damages of the limited war with Spain and even those caused by the civil war which preceded it have been finally put to bed in Catalonia. Sponsored by the government, an ambitious reconstruction program has been dedicated towards repairing damaged infrastructure that had been previously neglected by the Spanish. The Spanish had dedicated the initial stages of their own reconstruction to the provinces of the south, and always proved to be a element of resentment among the Catalonians. The completion of this program has provided improved shipping, as well as a plethora of new jobs in the maintenance of the roads as well as new railroads implemented. There was some concern that the workers dedicated to reconstruction would be promptly unemployed after the end of the program, this was allayed as the resources and workers have been dedicated to the ongoing hydroelectric construction program also underway.

BULGARIA SHIFTS CAPITAL WITH NEW PROJECT. Mandrensko, Bulgaria. The government of Bulgaria gloriously unveiled the completion of their extensive program to build a new capital for the nation. Seeking to move away from the tactically vulnerable city of Sofia, and establish a new era for the people, the town of Burgas was selected for expansion. Renamed Mandrensko after the local lake, large old homes were demolished in favor of a planned city, with an extensive Royal Palace complex for governance. Territories were laid out for new embassies, and a modern street grid was developed to allow for the usage of automobiles and modern mass transportation methods. Streetcars have been established, along with a rudimentary underground train system, providing a quick and inexpensive way to travel about the city. The city is now powered by a major new hydroelectric dam, bringing electricity to all the regions and neighborhoods surrounding the city center. With a new king, comes a new capital, offering a fresh start for the Balkan nation and abandoning the old Roman imperial city at long last.

RECONSTRUCTION COMPLETE IN NORMANDY. Caen, Normandy. The eastern portions of Normandy were badly mauled by German and Confederate forces during the Rhine-Rhone War and have been the focus of intensive reconstruction. The reconstruction program has been mostly focused upon repairing damaged bridges, railroad hubs, and other elements of the infrastructure. After a couple of years, the program is at last at an end, as the government announces the achievement of all the goals laid out at the beginning of the project. All bridges have been rebuilt and modernized, and new railroad tracks have been laid to replace those torn up by the war. The reconstruction has also included limited restoration of historic centers damaged by the fighting, providing money for the rehabilitation of old churches and homes. The people have applauded the regime's dedication to the project and Prime Minister Theirn Caron has declared this the first great achievement by the independent Norman people.

HUNDREDS EXECUTED IN RUSSIAN TRIALS. Moscow, Russia. The Russian government initiated a series of highly publicized trials this year, after intensive investigation revealed the culprits behind recent unrest throughout the empire. The culprits were of course linked to German and Scandinavian intelligence agencies, and most were Scandinavian nationals who had remained after the Accidental Revolution in their homeland. The Russian government has charged them with espionage, fermenting dissent, and attempting to overthrow the rightful rule of the empire. Most of these individuals, largely identifying themselves as Swedish or German, have been found guilty and publically executed for their crimes. The Russian government has announced that this is a clear demonstration of what those who betray their god granted rule can expect as repayment for their futile efforts. Token protests have been made from Stockholm and Munich, towards the ongoing hunts and executions in this particular Russian assault on liberty.

SWISS BEGIN INFRASTRUCTURE UPDATE. St Gallen, Switzerland. The Swiss have begun a new program this year to evaluate and update the nation's infrastructure and coordinate the newly acquired areas with the old. The program is not deemed to be too expensive, as much of the infrastructure from the old Confederation remains intact in the western provinces. This has been predominantly due to the lack of fighting in Switzerland during the Rhine-Rhone War, as German and Confederate armies both treated the residents of Switzerland delicately. The new program is specifically geared towards modernization and expansion of capacity, rather than repair or upkeep. The project also includes costs for integrating old Confederate traffic systems with those of the Swiss Free State. The project has been well received politically, and is anticipated to be completed in its entirety by 1934 at the latest.

GALICIA HOLDS FIRST ELECTIONS. Santiago de Compostela, Galicia. The Iberian nation of Galicia have held their first new elections this year since achieving independence from Spain. Spearheaded by the man who's led the nation gaining independence, the new constitution is almost unique in completely legalizing both social and traditional proletarist parties. The Social Proletarists are easily the strongest party in Galicia, facing opposition from a number of disunited opponents. Despite their clear support from President Bieito Abreu, the Social Proletarists found themselves unable to secure a great majority from the disparate other political parties and organizations. They have managed to establish a coalition government with elements of the Traditional Proletarian Party, allowing a full proletarist coalition to be formed in the government. Bieito Abreu has been appointed the first legal President of Galicia, establishing a new era for the nation and a course of social welfare for the people.

SPANISH RECONSTRUCTION COMPLETE. Madrid, Spain. The Spanish Civil War of the twentieth century was one of the most devastating internal conflicts in Spanish history. It has been clearly marked as the start of recent Spanish decline and economic turmoil, and over the past two decades, various governments have embarked on projects to revitalize the nation. The grand Imperial Reconstruction Program has provided funds not just for repairing infrastructure in Iberia, but throughout the remnants of the empire. The program has declined in scale since other regions have been seized by other powers or gained independence, but the project as a whole remained. The current project has been responsible for building new roads and railroads not only in Spain itself but crisscrossing Northern and Central Africa. The completion of the program has been a massive boost to the legitimacy of the current regime, promising a strong new era for the growth of the Spanish economy. This has been accompanied by a drop in the nation's tariffs laws, though they still remain very high in comparison to other European states.

FLANDERS PREPARES FOR SECESSION. Antwerp, Netherlands. The recent political deadlock in the Netherlands has been crippling at the best of times, and has entered into its second year. The refusal of Flemish politicians to participate in even the most basic workings of government have put the whole system at risk. They have continued to demand a plebiscite to allow the Flemish people to choose if they wished to remain part of a unified Netherlands. The crisis continued to escalate throughout the year, but eventually, hoping to get the Parliament back to work on standard issues, Stadtholder Gerbrant Smit has at last conceded to the Flemish demands. A plebiscite was scheduled to be held in early October, allowing for six months of campaigning by local interests, and calling for the maintenance of the Dutch unity. The elections were hard fought, but the opponents to unity made a strong case, declaring the Dutch Empire at an end and that Flanders was more prosperous on its own. The Flemish people have voted to regain their independence, and establish a new era for themselves, restoring their old principles of neutrality and freedom from the European sphere of fighting and chaos. Independence is determined to take official effect on January 1, 1929.
CRISIS IN AQUITAINE. Bayonne, Occitania. Tensions have mounted further in Iberia and in the former Confederation, as President Ricard Rosa announced his official support for the newly created government of the Republic of Aquitaine. Bittor Garrastazu, spokesperson for the Aquitainians, thanked the Catalonian president for his support, and vowed to lead the charge for the liberation of his people from oppressive Occitanian rule. Numerous articles have been put out in recent weeks about the horrid oppression experienced by this minority group as local cultures are suppress by the French-obsessed leadership of the kingdom. The issue has been highly polarizing, and Garrastazu has announced that several like-minded individuals have pledged their support, from all varying ideologies. They have stated that the goal is a freed Aquitaine from oppression, and the establishment of their own unique identity. Prime Minister Pierre Durand of Occitania has denied the charges that the nation has oppressed the people of Aquitaine, stating that they have given full representation to the people residing there. The Catalonians responded by deescalating the situation, and assuring them of a diplomatic resolution. The Occitanians have investigated claims of mistreatment, and have clearly published press in later months demonstrating that no atrocities or crimes are being committed against the people of Aquitaine. Still, many are concerned that these claims are possibly enough to bring about more war in Europe.

News from the Americas​

NEW TENSIONS MOUNT IN CENTRAL AMERICA. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. After last year's protests by the Mayan minority in western Honduras, the situation has continued to worsen throughout the border provinces of the Mayan Republic and Honduras. The Hondurans have accused the Mayan military regime of stirring up discontent and unrest throughout the area, claiming that they have territorial designs on the western provinces. The Mayans have denounced these claims, stating that they have not financed or exacerbated any situation in Honduras and that the situation is completely home grown by the oppressive ethnic policies of the Honduran government. The situation has been made worse by the rise of localized "defense militias" in Honduras, which have vowed to protect their property from the Mayan barbarians, fighting against the possibility of invasion. The Mayans have stated that these new militias are a way for Honduran attacks to be legitimized against border towns, and the army has been mobilized to protect and defend border communities throughout the area. Other nations have appealed for calm, hoping to avert a potential war between the two countries.

PRESIDENT MENENDEZ RECALLS CONGRESS IN CUBA. Havana, Cuba. After the election last year, President Silvio Menendez has followed up on his key election promise, and begun the recall of the national legislature. The legislature has been disbanded by President Garcia since 1924, and the promise to restore this balance to an absolute presidency was one of the key tenets that led to the election of Menendez. As before, the 1924 Congress has been called back for the most part, though several former members have decline the offer to return, maintaining their private and family lives instead. The liberal Democratic Party of Menendez has the clear majority, much as they did when President Garcia disbanded the legislature. The return of the elected government has heralded a new change in Cuba, and the president has stated that this is the first key step in regaining Cuba's stature and position in the Americas. The president has promised a more active international role, seeking to join the Pan-American Democratic Accord and build ties with the nations of both North and South America. (+1 Stability)

ARREST IN CHILE SPARKS ARGENTINE OUTRAGE. Calbuco, Chile. A new dispute has emerged in South America this year, as the government of Chile ordered the arrest of a prominent Argentine preacher who was working in the countryside. The Argentine, an outspoken protestant and rabble rouser, established a mission in the southern regions of the nation, seeking to spread the Good Word and otherwise reduce the influence of the Catholic Church. While not a citizen of Chile, he was allowed to continue his work, though under the condition that he not undertake any illegal activities. The preacher, Lynton Thacker, has highly opposed recent reforms undertaken by the Chilean government, and has spoken out against them. This year, local authorities ordered his arrest, stating that he was responsible for acts of violence and dissent against the nation and Church. The arrest was made highly public in Argentina itself, and there has been major popular support for the preacher, and protests have been held in Buenos Aires calling for the brave holy man's release from the prison in Santiago.

ELECTIONS IN FLORIDA. Dallas, Florida. Despite his easy reelection in 1924, President Joseph Johnston of Florida has faced a hard uphill climb this year, as his Reformed Party of the Republic struggled against the moderates of the United Front. The United Front campaigned on a return to honest politics, and the end of military dominion over the government, though have avoided the terms and ideals of the old Progressive Party. They have also criticized the president for the chaos and destruction of good relations with Jacksonia, as well as for the immense amount of funds spent on military goals. These policies and the recent turmoil seemed to be demolishing Johnston's base of support, but the wily president had one more boost up his sleeve. The year's soaring economic reports, and the rapid rise in jobs and money throughout Florida from the oil industry was directed attributed to Johnston's actions. Therefore, he was able to gain a decent amount of support, while still looking to see the current legislature be unelected themselves. Unfortunately the arrival of massive prosperity was not enough to save the job of the president, and the United Front has successfully maintained their control of the Congress, while their candidate, Matthew Lockwood, has been proclaimed the new president. To everyone's surprise, Johnston has conceded his defeat gracefully, and has returned to private life, though he has warned of the ramifications of unchecked liberalism and proletarism upon business and society. (+1 Stability)

HISPANIOLAN ELECTIONS HELD. Santo Domingo, Hispaniola. The people of Hispaniola have been enjoying modest economic growth and prosperity of recent years, and the term of the current president has been attributed to it. However, this year's debate was of a more regional and international issue rather than just domestic concerns. President Ruben del Salvador announced his intention that if reelected for a third term, he will begin his next time as president by withdrawing from the Pan-American Democratic Accord. After consulting with advisers, the president of Hispaniola has stated that PADA has outlived its value and has fallen away from the noble concepts of the charter. He has stated that PADA has been too focused upon meddling in the internal affairs of the Americas, rather than protecting the Americas from Europeans intent on doing the same. This became the key issue in the political campaigning, as the liberal Free Reign Party insisted upon continued membership. Its seems though that once again, the people of Hispaniola trust in the guidance of their president, and Ruben del Salvador has been reelected once more in a landslide, as have the extended Party of Order. (+1 Stability)

ELECTIONS IN NICARAGUA. Managua, Nicaragua. The political scene in Nicaragua has become troubled in recent years as the nation has become increasingly polarized between various parties and organizations. The moderate Republican Front under President Manolo Ortiz has at last collapsed in upon itself, much to the chagrin of the president. The liberal Democratic Society Party has proven to be the main beneficiary of the failure of the Republican Front, establishing a secure and clear majority in the national Congress. However, this victory did not translate into control over the presidency. While the people seem to be supporting the various ideals of reform and workers welfare propagated by the liberals, the most popular candidate actually was a popular priest from Managua. He also promised better conditions for the workings classes, but has taken a different tact to achieving them. Highly despised by the liberal intellectuals, Hugo Urbina is still one of the most beloved personalities by the masses and the military. He was elected, but continues to stand at odds with the legislature, leading to a delicate and awkward political situation in Nicaragua. (-1 Stability)

ELECTIONS HELD IN THE UNITED STATES. Chicago, United States of America. Recent political events have led to a sharp decline in support for standing President Robert Wallace, and there has been new concern that the dislike for the president could taint the Republican Party too. Therefore, President Wallace has announced his intent to not run for reelection, allowing his vice president, Henry Harris, to carry the torch of the Republican Party. The New Liberty Party has rallied around New York native, James Rockefeller, hoping to build up enough support to bring down Republican domination of the government. Two further candidates from the moderate Reformed Whig Party and the Social Proletarist Party have also offered a strong challenge in this chaotic time. The struggle was hard fought and brutal, as all four political parties achieved surprising amounts of the electorate. This has led to a heavily four-way divided Congress. The New Liberty Party has achieved the most seats total with the Republicans following closely, but have failed to gain a majority to pass any legislation on their own, leading to talk about compromises with either the moderates or the Social Proletarists. Meanwhile, the race for president was just as brutal, but Vice President Henry Harris managed to garner the most votes, but once again, not a majority. Liberal papers have accused the newly elected president of voting fraud, and evidence has surfaced in foreign press about Republican candidates buying the election in a number of districts or modifying the vote. (-1 Stability)

CIVIL WAR BEGINS IN CUBA. Havana, Cuba. The election of the liberal government in Cuba was a sore spot for elements in the military who had greatly supported President Adolfo Garcia, and the recall of the legislature proved to be a step too far for these radicals. Silvio Menendez quickly became one of the most despised men among the officer corps, and action was to be taken to remove him. A secretive cabal of generals thus made a plan to strike at Havana, oust the president and legislature, and restore President Garcia to office. Adolfo Garcia himself was approached and agreed to take part in the plot, bringing his own base of conservative and religious support to the conspirators' backing. Unfortunately the new government would not fall so easily, as they were able to catch wind of the plot, and loyal military forces were moved in to protect Havana from the coup. The result was a vicious battle and the rebels were repulsed by the loyal forces of the republic. The navy also remained loyal to the republicans, providing support in the battle, though the air force leaned heavily towards Garcia. The result has been the eruption of a civil war in Cuba, as the people of the eastern half of the island widely support Garcia for his role in the expulsion of the oppressive American population. Havana and the surrounding area form the base of support for the liberals as a major fight begins for control of the island nation.
Casualty Lists
Cuba (Militarist): 4 Infantry Brigades (+1 Army Quality)
Cuba (Republican): 2 Infantry Brigades (+1 Army Quality)

ANTI-PROLETARIST UNREST STEMMED IN JAMAICA. Kingston, Jamaica. The failed Brazilian invasion of Jamaica did provide some legitimacy to the proletarist government, but since then, the abuses and exploitation by the expeditionary force from the United Proletarist Republics of America has become overwhelming. This has led to the rise of republican movements attempting to raise awareness of the corruption and goals of the UPRA, which they allege is gearing up to annex the island completely. The government of the Syndic William Matthews has denied these claims, stating that the UPRA is simply present to protect the people. However, words have been shown to not be enough, and unrest has threatened to spiral out of control. In response the Jamaican government has instituted a crackdown with the support of the UPRA arresting those "opposing the will of the people" and imprisoning them. They have stated that these insurgents will not be tolerated, nor would dissent towards the people's government. The arrests have been numerous, and have done much to gut the republican movement's ability to fight in Jamaica. (+1 Stability)

CONSERVATIVES RALLY ANTI-PADA PROTESTS IN VINLAND. Nya Stockholm, Vinland. The Konservativ Industripartiet has frequently done poorly in recent elections against the government of the Socialproletärpartiet, but they have shown this year that they are not yet out of the running. They have redirected their focus to international concerns, denouncing the involvement of Vinland in the Pan-American Democratic Accord. They have alleged that the organization has failed and that the social proletarists' insistence upon Vinlander membership has been nothing but a drain on the economy and military of Vinland. They have begun to argue for isolation from foreign affairs, with the exception of the United States, calling for greater border security and alleging that the proletarists have allowed the defense of Vinland to slip for their own warped agendas. To showcase these new agendas, a major protest was launched in Nya Stockholm, focusing on isolationism and removal from pan-American politics. Nearly ten thousand demonstrators marched in the nation's capital, showing that perhaps the conservatives are no longer the third rate party that most believe them to be.

REFORMS IN JACKSONIA. Jefferson, Jacksonia. With the recent political debacle over the Columbian issues with Florida, President Liam Tuff of Jacksonia seems eager to change the subject in the papers and press. This has come with two major reforms and changes within the essential elements of Jacksonian life and environment. In a sense, the environment can be taken quite literally, as the easier element of the legislation was the creation of the Jacksonian National Park Service. This has set aside dedicated regions of beauty as territories to be maintained by the government and preserved from exploitation or violation. Some state that this was inspired by the dedication of the Galapagos last year by Peru, helping to spur the ideals of environmentalism. The second key reform passed by the Socialist government has been in education, as they have implemented a six day school week, with Saturday being added for more outdoorsy pursuits. Among these has been mandatory courses on gun maintenance and training, as an essential pursuit to protect the nation from tyranny and unrest. This has been somewhat opposed by other political groups, claiming that no good can come from putting firearms in the hands of the young.

FORTIFICATIONS UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN COSTA RICA. San Jose, Costa Rica. Over the past year, Costa Rica's government has faced a growing number of threats from other nations in the Americas. These have been subtle and overt as organizations such as the Pacific Concord and the Pan-American Democratic Accord take an interest in local instability. They have begun to insist on reform and development that the Costa Rican government has no intention of embracing. They have opposed this pressure, and have even worked to build ties with Nicaragua to focus on opposing efforts to institute regime change. Still, fearful of an international assault, the Costa Rican military has embarked on a program to install powerful new coastal fortifications and defensive emplacements. They have claimed that these strategic installations will act as a bulwark to crush the mightiest of armies upon the beaches of the nation. The forts themselves are expected to be complete in the next two to five years.

FLORIDA COMPLETES MISSISSIPPI FORTS. Monroe, Florida. The Floridian government has been troubled over the years since the end of the American Crisis, facing both internal instability and outside threats. They have thus been unable to focus full financing or support for the Grand Defense Plan which had been instituted during the height of the Crisis. When the nation had been facing the real possibility of a new proletarist or American attack, the Floridian government had begun a plan to establish strong forts across the many and massive borders of the nation. The first stage of this was to create strategically located modern fortifications along the Mississippi River to supplement already natural defenses. This also included building new levees and positions for strategic use of the waterways against any proletarist crossing. At long last these ambitious projects were completed this year, a final lasting legacy of the Johnston government. The forts are considerable in size, and are likely to repulse all but the largest of attacking armies and forces.

HISPANIOLA COMPLETES COASTAL FORTS. Santo Domingo, Hispaniola. The victory in this year's elections has led to even more support for the government's plan to improve the island's defenses. The invasion of the similar island republic of Portugal made it clear that ambitious imperial powers would always strike at those weaker than themselves, but the recent problems experienced by the Pan-American Democratic Accord makes it less like they would be able to intervene again. Therefore the current government of President Ruben del Salvador has stated it has completed his fortifications to defend the island. This has included the construction of new fortifications, as well as the upgrading of old colonial defensive buildings and infrastructure. The program has been lauded as a major success, and the island's military is confident of their ability to defend the Hispaniolan people from any would be empire.

News from Africa and the Middle East​

ELECTIONS IN HOLLANDIA. Mombasa, Hollandia. The recent instability in surrounding Kongo has been the largest matter for debate and concern among the voting classes of Hollandia. The rise of independent Abyssinia has been immensely disturbing, as the creation of a native run state is of paramount threat to Hollandian security and defense. As the situation back in the Netherlands continues to destabilize, it has become clear that Hollandia stands at a grave precipice, as the other African nations could attack. These concerns escalated with the Abyssinian revocation of their recognition of Tadjoura and the vicious attack upon that state. The coordinated attack upon Tadjoura proved a final straw in the coffin for those seeking reconciliation with the new order in Africa. The Nationalist Party under the leadership of Stadtsholder Falk van Aarle has pledged to protect the rights of Hollandians, and seek out new allies to preserve their freedom from the barbarians encircling the borders of the nation. The election was a landslide, and the Nationalists are in a strong footing against any potential challengers. (+1 Stability)

TURKISH ELECTIONS HELD. Konya, Turkey. The elections held in Turkey this year proved to be a quiet affair, as the Young Turks continue to enjoy widespread popular support among the masses. With a booming economy, peaceful relationships with Turkey's neighbors, and the continuing humiliation of the old enemy of Kurdistan, the Young Turks are highly popular among all segments of the nation. They have campaigned once more on preserving the status quo, and ensuring future prosperity, while protecting the working class. They have also pledged that wars would be avoided and diplomatic resolutions be the primary objective of the current government. Other political parties have failed to gain even the slightest edge against the Young Turks, actually losing ground in Congress. Once more, Prime Minister Kamal Atay has been invited by the sultan to retain the government, and the nation seems well prepared for further prosperity.

MILITIAS GROW IN KABINDE. Luanda, Netherlands. The Dutch colony of Kabinde has continued to languish in a state of turmoil as the locals become increasingly concerned about the situation back in Europe. With the Dutch government lacking a clear majority or leader, the European regime has been paralyzed to inaction, and this has been clearly felt throughout the remaining colonies. In Kabinde, the local militias have begun building up strength, looking to perhaps challenge Dutch imperial rule. This has also come in the form of building support among the local garrison, most of whom have become increasingly concerned about the security of their homes in Europe. It has been stated by local authorities that morale among Dutch soldiers is at an all-time low and it seems likely that the situation will only be exacerbated by the inaction of Antwerp to colonial concerns. The militia leaders have stated once again that their goal is solely to protect themselves from local unjust threats, and not to wage war upon fellow Dutchmen.

FALL OF BRITISH SOUTHEAST AFRICA. Bulawayo, Zululand. A new great blow was delivered to European colonial power this year as the British have found their largest possession in Africa wrested away from them by local forces. The rebellion began in the interior, as instability from the fighting in Chockweland spilled over into the area, and the various tribes were riled up. With local British forces taken away to preserve security in other areas and bolster other garrisons, the remaining troops were hard pressed to provide any sort of safety for the natives. The result was the rise of local armies and forces to defend the lands against the incursions from the restless ones on the other side of the border. The British took exception to this, and found themselves surrounded by hostiles in nearly every case. Badly outnumbered by forces they themselves had trained, each British garrison was ultimately forced to surrender to the natives or was utterly destroyed. Five new governments have emerged, two of which are simply the local sympathizer regimes acting upon British weakness. The new states are described in depth in the specially provided section below.
Casualty Lists
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: 5 Infantry Brigades
ARAB TURMOIL HALTED IN DUMYAT. Suez City, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The recent successes of the Sudanese Arabs in Egypt has led to attempts to push this new nationalism into other imperial boundaries. The result was an attempt to expand the new Egyptian nationalism into the British holding of Dumyat, placing the vital Suez Canal at risk. These efforts have proved futile, as the various Arabs sent to ferment new instability were quickly caught and imprisoned by British intelligence. The best that could be offered were prevented from achieving their aims of freedom from imperial rule, and this has done much to return some stability to Dumyat. The British have pledged to the international community that Dumyat will remain safe and secure from foreign adventurism, keeping the vital waterway open to merchant marine from around the globe. To reinforce these statements, the local garrison has been doubled in size, increasing the security immensely and preventing further activities of dissent. (+1 Stability in Dumyat)

DISSENT SEETHES IN MADAGASCAR. Antananarivo, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The unrest and rebellion in Madagascar has clearly begun to take a new turn in recent years, as attempts at open warfare and rebellion have been crushed by overwhelming British firepower. Despite this, the success of the states in southeast Africa has been greatly encouraging to the Malagasy rebels and natives. They have begun to believe that if the people across the sea can accomplish the feat of defeating the British, so could they. Rather than continuing attacking the British with violent attacks, a propaganda war has begun in Madagascar as the locals diminish British authority by calling for nonviolent acts of rebellion or sabotage. This has included the spoilage of agricultural goods bound for Britain and intentional incompetence leading to growing delays of shipping and other goods throughout the island. British economic interests have called for a government response, though none of these activities can be directly tied to the rebel movements.

ITALY WITHDRAWS FROM AFRICA. Tripoli, Libya. To the surprise of foreign observers, it seems the Italians have given up the fight for Africa, and have pulled out their forces from the war with Sudan. They have negotiated with the rebels in Libya and have granted them independence, allowing them to establish a new republic out of Tripoli. The Italians have signed a nonaggression pact with the rebels, even offering some support, though that was rejected by the new government. The Libyans have rejoiced in their victory over the Italians, stating their struggle was part of the continuing fall of European imperialism in Africa. The new government has been established as a republic, appointing popular rebel leader and Western education liberal, Rabi Karimi as the president for the time being. The first legislature elections are to be held in 1929, bringing about a new government and a people freed from foreign oppression at long last. Some compromise was made with the Sudanese on the new borders in Egypt, as Sudanese forces had pressed west before the Italians completed the withdrawal. The new borders have been set with the newly independent state of Egypt, but remain highly disputed between the two new North African nations.

KURDISTAN HOLDS FIRST ELECTIONS. Cizre, Kurdistan. Since the new government was formed in 1922, the Kurds have been having difficulty establishing a government all could agree upon. After nearly six years of waiting, the Kurdish monarch has had enough. King Nazermi Talabani has demanded that the committee declare elections or resign, and the first elections have been reluctantly launched. These were hotly disputed, as the monarch took an active role in the politics, sponsoring the conservative Royal Aims Party against the liberal Progressive Party. The liberals have promised a era of peace and prosperity, as well as reigning in government corruption, both civilian and military. The conservatives have instead pledged to retain the status quo, supporting the objectives of the king himself. Unfortunately, despite the royal endorsement, the liberals proved the most appealing to the masses, who have grown tired of continuing turmoil and a third rate economy. Seeking employment and new jobs, the Kurdish people have elected the Progressives, who have secured a majority in the Kurdish Parliament. The newly appointed prime minister, Habib Tawfeek has promised to uphold the mandate given to him by masses and bring new prosperity to Kurdistan.

BRAZIL LEASES SUDANESE TERRITORY FOR BASE. Port Sudan, Sudan. The Sudanese have welcomed new residents along their coast as they have signed a treaty leasing a small village and port to the Brazilian military. The new town of Port Sudan has been established by the Brazilians, who have stated their goal to establish a new port and naval base facility. They have stated that this is to help protect Brazilian shipping through the Indian Ocean from European marauders and bandits who threaten international commerce. The Sudanese have signed this agreement to allow the Brazilians to hold the territory for twenty-five years, ultimately giving them control when the lease expires. This has been expressed as a further statement of Brazilian support for the new nations in eastern Africa, backing the new sultan and his cause of liberation.

BRAZIL AND TANGANYEKEN SIGN NEW AGREEMENT. Upanga, Tanganyeken. The Brazilians have clearly begun expanding their influence into eastern Africa, and this has been shown not only by the new lease in Sudan, but an agreement made with the new regime in Tanganyeken. Though not really approved of by the mercenaries who helped spearhead the fight for independence, the new treaty helps secure economic supplies for the new nation. Considerable protest has been made that the government has not established a proper regime or constitution, and may well have sold the people out to the Brazilians. The treaty pretty much forces Tanganyeken intellectuals to be educated by Brazil, while at the same time allows Catholics to tarnish the Protestant purity of the region. Still, the move has promised to bring new wealth and development to Tanganyeken, as the people search out stability in this troubled time.

TANGANYEKEN ANNOUNCES NEW GOVERNMENT. Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyeken. In response to the criticisms of putting foreign economic interests over native ones, Muhsin Hall has announced the beginning of the election season, to culminate in voting next year. With the support of both the mercenaries who make up the core of the new nation's army, as well as the various local councils supporting the current Hall regime, the elections are scheduled and distributed. No one's really sure what sort of government will emerge from the upcoming elections, but Hall and his own ideologies have been embraced by the emergent liberal political groups. Opposition seems mostly bent towards internal development and international isolation, removing Brazil from the economic and social equation. They also seem to have embraced the concept of removing the mercenaries and establishing a local government without outside influence. Of course the will of the people will not be truly determined until the election results are finalized in 1929.

SUEZ CITY COMPLETED. Suez City, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. For the past decade, Suez City has been an unfinished mess of incomplete roads and facilities, and many despaired of construction never being finalized. These concerns have at last been put to rest, as the increased amount of shipping through the canal has spurred the British government to provide the final financing to complete the construction. The new construction includes new roads, fortifications, and other infrastructure to help regulate and expedite shipping and transportation throughout the canal zone. The new port facilities also act as a hub and central area for the transportation of goods, allowing for more efficient taxation of shipping between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. The new facilities have been quickly staffed, as numerous businesses have established regional hubs, acting as a chief center for local finance and transportation.

FRENCH STATES SECURE AGREEMENT ON AFRICAN CLAIMS. Poitiers, Poitou. The dissolution of the Franco-Burgundian Confederation left open extensive room for debate on the fate of the Confederate colonies in Africa. Businesses and political interests from Paris-Burgundy, Poitou, and Normandy all possessed extensive claims to the region, and concern was pressing about the treatment of the Poitou and Normans in the region. These concerns have been allayed with a new treaty signed between the three successors to the Confederation. While the government in Paris has been allowed to retain territorial and political rights to the region, they have agreed to continue to recognize and allowed the unhindered commerce from Poitou and Normandy. This has been an essential concession, preserving the peace and rights of all those involved with colonial business and construction. The agreement has been lauded as a sign of further cooperation and grace among the peoples of the former Confederation, preserving the peace in Europe.

INDEPENDENT EGYPT FORMED. Cairo, Egypt. The liberation of Egypt last year by the Sudanese Sultanate has been directly attributed as a cause for this year's withdrawal of Italian forces from North Africa. Some Egyptians were concerned though that the Sudanese were only interested in conquest, and they were prepared for a new fight against a browner occupier than those they had fought previously. Instead, the Sultan of Sudan has proven amicable and reasonable, assisting in the formation of a new government in Egypt out of the old Spanish imperial headquarters of Cairo. They have established a fairly conservative republic, similar to that of neighboring Libya, with a constitution calling for the first elections to be held next year and every six years after that. The new government has insisted that it will retain friendly ties with Sudan, but does not seek war without end to cleanse the continent of Europeans, looking towards cooperation to expand interests. The current president of Egypt however has stated that the British occupation of Sinai is illegitimate and that the territory should rightfully belong to the Egyptian people. Still, it is questionable whether or not the president will remain past next year's elections to carry out these statements.

RUSSIA PURCHASES BASE IN TADJOURA. Tadjoura, Tadjoura. The Russians, seeking to support the new African state of Tadjoura, signed an impressive new aid agreement, particularly in the wake of the vicious attack by the nation's neighbors. The new agreement provided substantial economic aid and funds to the Tadjourans from Russia and its allies, in return for a fifty year lease upon territory for a new naval base on the Red Sea. The Russians have declared that this measure will help secure shipping through the area from dangerous regimes such as Brazil or Britain, which have threatened the wellbeing of international commerce. The new base has not yet been laid out, as the new funding has gone towards repulsing the attack made by the African states.

TADJOURA UNDER ATTACK. Tadjoura, Tadjoura. With last year's declaration of the independence of Tadjoura, the nation was immediately recognized by its neighbor of Abyssinia. It was expected that this recognition would be the first step in securing legitimacy and peace in the area, but this proved to be a hollow dream. In early March the Abyssinians and warriors from Adjuuramark launched a surprise attack, only to find the Tadjourans more determined than expected. With assistance from Romans and Russians, the Tadjourans turned the battles quickly, smashing each of the attacking armies in pieces. With overwhelming air superiority, and aid from Roman reinforcements, the Tadjourans repulsed the invasions easily, and then turned around and destroyed a smaller Sudanese force. The Tadjourans, having defeated the main enemy armies in less than three months, then launched an offensive of their own, routing the Abyssinian army and pushing southwest. By October, they stopped their push, and regrouped, after successfully demolishing the capacity of their enemies to wage war. Bombers have frequented the capitals of all three nations in the months following, as the Tadjouran air corps works to destroy their morale and capacity for conflict.
Casualty Lists
Abyssinia: 9 Conscript Brigades, 4 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades, 2 P-16 Fighter Squadrons, 1 P-21 Fighter Squadron (+1 Army Quality)
Adjuuramark: 1 Conscript Brigade, 3 Infantry Brigades, 1 CKC-LTP 22 Brigade, 1 P-21 Fighter Squadron (+1 Army Quality)
Sudan: 3 Conscript Brigades, 1 P-21 Fighter Squadron
Roman Empire: 3 Infantry Brigades
Russia: 2 Infantry Brigades
Tadjoura: 8 Conscript Brigades, 1 Infantry Brigade, 1 Artillery Brigade, 2 C-1293 Fighter Squadrons (+1 Army Quality)

CEASEFIRE IN ANGOLA. Namibe, Angola. The fighting in Angola has at last been brought to an end as representatives from Angola, Chokweland, and Ovamboland met to bring an end to the hostilities. They have agreed to stop the fighting and recognize the current standing borders, after hundreds have been killed the in small battles earlier in the year. While the Chokwe and Ovambo have signed their own treaties with Brazil, the current government in Angola is on less friendly terms, and has begun seeking out other sources of external aid. The ceasefire is not a recognition of independence or sovereignty, but the government of Angola has agreed to a ten year nonaggression pact with the revolting powers. Most observers have been surprised at the willingness of the Ovambo and Chokwe to abandon the fight, but suspicions remain that this is largely due to the collapse of British rule further east. Many suspect that further fighting could emerge between the rising new nations of southern Africa.

SPECIAL: The New Nations of Southern Africa​

THE ZULU KINGDOM. Bulawayo, Zululand. The Kingdom of the Zulu was one of the first local kingdoms to accept British rule, after they were offered substantial rewards and monetary gain from the British merchants. Since then the British have progressively diminished the rights of the various kings, establishing further control and dominion backed by overwhelming military power. The beginning of a rebellion in the western provinces of the region of the empire was viewed with trepidation by the Zulu, fearful of the fall of the people's security. However, as the British garrisons evaporated, it fell to the Zulu king to defend the territory and people granted to him. Declaring independence on his own, King Shaka III is currently the most powerful of the regional leaders, with an already extant army, capable of fighting the British on their own terms. He has pledged that he will lead the Zulu people to a kingdom to surpass that of the first Shaka Zulu.

THE KINGDOM OF MUTAPA. Harare, Mutapa. Much like the Zulu to their south, the Kingdom of Mutapa was a thriving realm before the arrival and exploitation by the Europeans. After the empire of Portugal was divided among the victors of the Great War, the British sought ways to consolidate control and expand local influence. The way decided was to establish a new Kingdom of Mutapa, as the old had dissolved during civil war hundreds years earlier. They planted a man with a loose claim to the old throne, through whom they have ruled for the past two decades. Unfortunately, this has proven to backfire upon the British, as soon as the current troubles began, their puppet monarch showed his true colors. Not to be outdone by the Zulu, the king declared independence, proclaiming the free Kingdom of Mutapa. He has vowed that the British will never restore their imperialism over the people of Mutapa, and that the ancient wealth of the old kingdom will be restored in the new one.

THE NATION OF BOTSWANA. Maun, Botswana. The militias in Botswana were the first to emerge during the recent crisis, as they had to deal with riled tribes from both Ovamboland and Chokweland, threatening their borders. As one of the least valued regions in the area by the British, they were also the first to be abandoned by local garrisons. With few decent weapons of their own, but a need to protect their lands, a number of militias were organized around a veteran local warrior, Oluchi Ihejirika. With his experience and aid, the militias were able to win a number of key victories against the tribes from across the border, and promptly turned and defeated both British and Zulu attempts to exploit their distraction. Based out of the formerly lawless new town of Maun, the city became a shelter for those seeking refuge from the conflict. With the destruction of the last British garrisons, Oluchi Ihejirika has proclaimed a new nation, the Free Nation of Botswana, and has vowed to continue to protect the lives of his people.

THE REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA. Lusaka, Zambia. The region formerly known as Palmersia in the interior of the British possession proved to be the most hard hit by raiders from Chokweland. Full of natural resources, and increasingly wealthy due to the train lines established by the British and Brazilians, it proved a tempting target. The locals were slow to respond to these threats, and ultimately their British defenders were overwhelmed. As one of the more developed areas, the city of Lusaka had the only existing college established by the British for the local natives. This proved to be the heart of the new resistance which emerged to fight back both the raiders and the British. A militia was formed and proved moderately successful at pushing back the raiders, though they continued to suffer throughout the year. Poorly armed and equipped, the militia also resisted other attempts at raids and takeovers, as the intellectual leaders of these forces declared the new Republic of Zambia. Under the leadership of the moderate professor, Henry Afolayan, it seems likely that they'll continue to resist both imperial rule and attacks by fellow Africans.

THE NATION OF THE BURUNDI. Kalemie, Burundi. Deep in the northernmost reaches of the British Empire in southeast Africa are the Burundi people and the least developed region around. The new fighting in Angola has been nothing compared to the constant instability and fear caused by the unrest in Kongo. The militia forming among the Burundi has been a long time coming, and they have frequently raided their other neighbors in order to finance these military dreams. The only true success they have had in this latest crisis is the defeat of the miniscule British garrisons in their region, overwhelming outposts of only ten to twenty soldiers each. Their barbarity and ferocity however has reached nations further south, who are concerned about the possible instability and warlike behavior of the current leader. Imamu Bapela is a highly skilled military leader, though said to be illiterate, along with most of his supporters and followers. The victories to date have been with few casualties, as he has frequently raided other nations to preserve the growth of his own localized power. Still, he has stood with the other Africans in demanding freedom from the tyranny of the British.
News from the Far East​

ELECTIONS IN GUANGXI. Xinjing, Guangxi. Elections have been held once more in Guangxi this year, as the primary issue of concern has been the continued persistence of the Red Army. Despite their successes in past years, it seems that the Red Army has either exhausted itself or chosen to focus on other theaters, as they have seemed to have left Guangxi alone. The end of compulsory English education has been a major concession to the government's opposition, but they have continued to campaign on decreasing the nation's dependence upon British military and economic power and influence. On the other side of the coin, there has been extensive concern that the current moderate drift towards China and away from Britain will be detrimental to the local economy. The conservative Fùxīngdǎng has been fueled by those seeking a revocation of the new agreements with China, and continued isolation of that illegitimate government. With expansive support from British and local commercial interests, the Fùxīngdǎng has triumphed, securing a clear majority in the national Parliament. King Richard has welcomed this change, and the new government has been formed around conservative leader, Edward Pan.

HAWAIIAN ELECTIONS HELD. Honolulu, Hawaii. The island nation of Hawaii has been known for its white sandy beaches and relative tranquility since the expulsion of the restless American population. The success of that program has allowed for the peace and prosperity of Hawaii to continue unabated. However, the liberal Free Hawaii Party has not been without opposition, particularly throughout this tumultuous year. The continuing withdrawals from the Pacific Concord has greatly weakened the power of that organization, and there has been some concerns from the conservative elements that this could be a prelude to new attempts by American successor states to reclaim the islands. The Whig Party, having rebranded itself as a conservative movement, has called for closer ties with Japan and the modernization of the Hawaiian military forces. Unfortunately for the conservatives, they were unable to convince the people that the security of Hawaii was at risk. The Free Hawaii Party has managed to reclaim a slim majority in the islands' Congress. President Kimo Rodgers has won reelection for a third time, and has pledged to maintain the policies which have kept the island strong. Behind the rhetoric though, it is clear that the Free Hawaii Party has been greatly shaken, and observers state that when the 1932 elections arrive, the result could be significantly different. (-1 Stability)

AUSTRALIA CALLS FOR DOMINION STATUS. Sydney, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The reforms which have led to the new status of dominion for places like Guangxi and South Africa have not been unnoticed for one of Britain's largest colonies. The possession of Australia, one of the most populated and loyal regions of the empire, has proven its value time and again, and now seeks a reward. Spokesmen for various Australian liberation groups have called for the establishment of a Dominion of Australia, seeking to expand local rights and autonomy. Numerous representatives were sent in front of the new Parliament in London, and have appealed to Prime Minister Shaw to allow the people of Australia to choose their own status and fate. According to reports, the Prime Minister heard the pleas of the Australian representatives, but has refused to make any real commitment on the issue. Insiders believe that the Prime Minister is not directly opposed to the notion, but is concerned about a possible display of weakness due to the instability in Africa.

RED ARMY LAUNCHES NEW JAPANESE CAMPAIGN. Peking, Japan. With their efforts in Guangxi weakened by new treaties and legislation, the Red Army seems to have begun to redirect their focus in another direction. The Japanese have long sought to implement speaking of the Japanese language across their empire, but for the most part their educational ideals have simply been ignored due to a lack of funds. Recent attempts to renew the forced learning of Japanese upon the Chinese people have met with similar failure, but have helped fuel the growth of the Red Army. Taking their rhetoric of nationalism to the people of the cities of the north, the Chinese of the Red Army have rallied substantial forces and money to their banner. This has led to a string of battles across the countryside and even in some of the smaller cities and towns. The Japanese have been forced into these fights, and it seems their new doctrine has greatly diminished their effectiveness in battle. The Red Army has thus won a score of major victories over Japan, and some believe that open revolution may not be far away due to the supreme incompetence of the Japanese and their new doctrine. (-14 Infantry Brigades, -4 Artillery Brigades, -1 Type-92 Armored Brigade, -1 Stability)

AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CHINAS. Guangzhou, Guangxi. For the first time in either nation's history, the governments of the Dominion of Guangxi and China have met on amicable terms. Seeking out an end to the simmering hostility and ending a bastion of support for the Red Army, the treaty has led to a new treaty of understanding. This is the first official recognition of the Chinese government, as both Xinjing and Lanzhou have recognized the other's legitimacy in their respective areas. They have promised further cooperation, especially in regards to Japan's possessions in China, which remain an objective for both other states. The Chinese have also pledged not to undermine each other's governments, though many suspect China behind the continuing operations of the Red Army in both Guangxi and Japanese China. The patrons of both Guangxi and China, Britain and Russia respectively, seem less than pleased with this development, and some suspect that the treaty will be short-lived at best.

Financial Section​

AZTLAN OPENS NEW TARIFF AGREEMENTS. Oaxaca, Aztlan. The Central American nation of Aztlan has begun opening up new ties with South America this year, to provide hopeful markets for the nation's rising oil production. The increase in production has been slow, though the rise of demand globally has been soaring in recent years. Therefore the slow reduction of tariffs between Aztlan and Argentina and Brazil have been suggested as a wise step for the local economy. There have been some concerns that these agreements will lead to the domination of Aztec markets by South American businessmen, but these have been countered that the goods produced down there will now be cheaper for the average Aztec. The tariffs are designed to reduce slowly by treaty, bringing them down over the course of several years, rather than being implemented immediately.

KONGO OFFERS GRANTS FOR PRODUCTIVITY. Haraldsholm, Kongo. The end of the Great Rebellion has led to a severe drop in productivity and wealth for the people in charge of the Kongo. Seeking to restore the empire-in-exile to a status of productivity, they have begun offering monetary incentives to improve local business. These rewards have been offered predominantly to those who have increased rates of production, rather than the establishment of new business. This does not mean that new business has been discouraged, but as the interior continues to seethe with some unrest, there has been concern about the implications of expanding interior resource exploitation. The government has stated that cooperation with these programs will only bring more wealth and prosperity to the people of Africa as a whole, and will fuel the restoration of the grandeur of the greater empire.

GLOBAL MARKETS REPORT MASSIVE SURGES. Novgorod, Russia. From financial districts across the world, markets have reported unprecedented rises in productivity and stocks almost across the board. Though some regions continue to struggle, across the modern world, demand is far exceeding supply, as people rush to buy the latest in appliances and inventions. Luxuries like refrigeration, radio, and automobiles seem to be in the highest demand, and with the end of the Rhine-Rhone War and following crises there are many returning home with the money to buy. Throughout Europe and the Americas, people are on a spending spree, purchasing all the marvels and wonders of the modern age. The embargo against Brazil, which was feared to tear the economy and global marketplace apart, has only been a minor stumbling block at worst. Though this has raised prices, people are still willing to pay for goods, and there has been noted prosperity among nations offering alternative outlets of industrial and natural goods. The completion and onset of reconstruction projects has also created most jobs, and people have stated that the rise of prosperity mark a new great era for mankind. The overall growth has helped stabilize some troubled regions and it appears to be marking a path forward free of civil unrest. (+1 Stability to all nations with EP growth)

DENMARK SUBSIDIZES IMPORTS. Copenhagen, Denmark. The Danish government, concerned about the ramifications of the German-led embargo, has taken measures to insure that the local industries and business are not adversely effected. To this end, the Danes have set aside financing for the ongoing purchase of raw materials required for modern industry. Specifically resources such as refined petroleum and rubber have been acquired, looking for new sources to adjust the Danish economy. However, this has somewhat spilled over into the agricultural sphere, helping to purchase food supplies, mostly from Russian growers. The Danes have failed to really muster much opposition to these policies, which have proven fairly successful among the current rise of prosperity globally. The only real opponents have protested at government intervention in the economy reeking of proletarism, but they have been outspoken and few in number.

UNIFIED CURRENCY IN NORTHERN IBERIA. Bilbao, Euskadi. Negotiations between the new Iberian nations of Euskadi and Catalonia have led to the creation of a single currency to be used between both of them. The Galicians participated in early negotiations over the matter, but have fairly brusquely rejected any terms of currency or monetary unification. There has existed substantial political opposition in Euskadi towards the effort too, but the current government has insisted that the measure is the best to be taken for the time being. The new toro acts as a replacement for the decayed imperial peso, which has been the ad hoc currency for the new states since gaining independence. The Galicians have adopted their own version of the peso, simplifying the transition rather than worrying about the adoption of a whole new monetary system. The new currency has suffered some immediate inflation, but the current global market has helped stabilize the values for the time being.

PRELIMINARY ECONOMIC TALKS FALL THROUGH IN NORTHERN SOUTH AMERICA. Bogota, Colombia. With Colombia's recent economic expansion and development has come calls for further cooperation and development with Venezuela and Ecuador. The Colombians have begun pressuring the other two governments to enter into talks upon various types of economic development from which all three could benefit. Due to the prevalence of Colombian interests in Ecuador and the continued stagnation of the Venezuelan economy, it was hoped the two nations would recognize the mutual benefit. This did not seem to take place however, as though a preliminary conference was launched, it seemed that political concerns have overridden economic interests. Both Venezuela and Ecuador have expressed their desire to remain economically sound and not dependent upon a friendly government in Colombia. Upon this, the rest of hopeful cooperation soon fell through, particularly considering the lingering resentment between the Venezuelans and Colombians. Despite the failure of these initial talks, it is hoped that future governments in the area may prove more reasonable and willing to negotiate.

CHOKWE BUY OUT BRAZILIAN BUSINESS. Luau, Chokweland. According to the terms of previous treaties and agreements with Brazil, the Chokwe have offered compensation to private Brazilian citizens for their property. While most of these Brazilians do not actually reside in the territory, the funds were sent to Brazil itself to compensate the owner of various mines and other privately owned facilities. They have offered no such respect to Angolan managed businesses, claiming that they are the source of the oppression. The Chokwe have so far refused further offers of negotiation and trading rights with Brazil, focusing instead on preserving their own independence. These purchases have been seen as the first move towards nationalization and independence among the Chokwe, resisting European dominion over their resources and homes.

COLUMBIAN CURRENCY DROPPED. Boulder City, Jacksonia. The recent debacle between the governments of Jacksonia and Florida have led to a rapid decline in relations between the two, and with it has come the end of the unified currency. Jacksonia was the first to drop out of the arrangement, stating the intolerability of the Floridian government, and the lack of desire to continue being economically linked to Florida. The effort was well received by the Socialist supporters, and has also been accepted by relieved economists who were run ragged by the numerous and conflicting currencies in use in Jacksonia. The Floridians soon followed with abandoning the currency themselves, replacing the Columbian dollar with their own Floridian ones. The new currency is to go into effect in 1930, allowing people time to replace their old bills and wealth with the new ones before the old is invalidated by the changeover.

NEW ECONOMIC DOORS OPENED IN SOUTH AMERICA. Sucre, Peru. In a treaty which has initiated a change from over thirty years of political and economic policy, the governments of Argentina and Peru have signed a new document. This treaty has opened trade doors between the two South American nations, offering more open trade and lower tariffs over time. In the past Peruvian businesses have often been concerned about being overshadowed in their own nation by Brazilians or Argentines, but in recent years the growth of Peru's own economy has given business more confidence. Therefore the current treaty is one more of equals rather than one which will lead to dominion by either power. The Brazilians remain excluded from this agreement, but it has possibly begun a new course of reconciling Peru with the other nation of South America.

US UNDERTAKES FINANCIAL REFORM. Chicago, United States of America. Though Robert Wallace's legacy is likely to be somewhat tarnished by the debates over his actions politically, few can deny the indomitable effect of his domestic policy on revitalizing the economy. After announcing his decision not to run for the office of president once again, and supporting Henry Harris, President Wallace has remained focused on financial reform in the United States. He has spent his remaining political capital establishing the new Federal Reserve to help bolster the American dollar in international markets. This has come with further financial reform to help support banking and financial institutions throughout the nation. The Republicans claimed credit for the policies during the elections, but this has proven not even effective, though no other political party has opposed the last reforms pushed forward by President Wallace. The reforms also were supplemented by new trade agreements with Germany and Italy, pushing forward economic growth with the beginning of the new embargo against Brazil.

FINANCIAL FLUCTUATION REPORT. London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Spoiler :

Angola: -1 EP
Argentina: +32 EP
Aztlan: +9 EP
Bosnia: +1 EP
Brazil: +13 EP
Brittany: +1 EP
Bulgaria: +2 EP
Burgundy: -2 EP
Catalonia: +1 EP
Chile: +3 EP
Colombia: +5 EP
Corsica: +2 EP
Croatia: +3 EP
Dauphine: -1 EP
Denmark: +2 EP
Ecuador: +3 EP
Euskadi: +1 EP
Florida: +10 EP
Germany: +22 EP
-Ceylon: +7 EP
-Damascus: +5 EP
-German India: +5 EP
Guangxi: +5 EP
Hashemite Sultanate: +2 EP
Hawaii: +2 EP
Hispaniola: +3 EP
Hollandia: +1 EP
Honduras: +1 EP
Hungary: +2 EP
India: +10 EP
Italy: +2 EP
Jacksonia: +5 EP
Japan: +10 EP
-East Indies: +20 EP
-Japanese China: +10 EP
-Philippines: +2 EP
Kalinga: +3 EP
Kongo: +3 EP
-Scandinavian West Africa: +5 EP
Mayaland: +4 EP
Netherlands: +1 EP
-Goudkoust: +2 EP
Normandy: +1 EP
Occitania: +2 EP
Oranjien: +2 EP
Orleans: -2 EP
Papal States: +1 EP
-Holy Land: +5 EP
Paraguay: +4 EP
Persia: +10 EP
Peru: +20 EP
Poitou: +2 EP
Portugal: +4 EP
Puerto Rico: +1 EP
Roman Empire: +14 EP
Romania: +4 EP
Russia: +56 EP
Sardinia: -3 EP
-Tunis: +5 EP
Scandinavia: +5 EP
Serbia: +1 EP
South Africa: +3 EP
Spain: +13 EP
-Spanish Central Africa: +5 EP
-Spanish Northern Africa: +10 EP
Switzerland: +3 EP
Tanganyeken: +2 EP
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: +4 EP
-Australia: +5 EP
-British Central Africa: -1 EP
-British West Africa: +3 EP
-Brunei: +10 EP
-Dumyat: +15 EP
-Formosa and Hainan: -5 EP
-Greater Arabia: +5 EP
-Indochina: +20 EP
-Madagascar: +1 EP
United Proletarist Republics of America: +13 EP
United States of America: +25 EP
Uruguay: +4 EP
Venezuela: +1 EP
Vinland: +32 EP

The Sports Page​

THE 1928 OLYMPIC GAMES. Edinburgh, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. For the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, the grand events have been taken to the British Isles. Thanks to the persistent lobbying and efforts by the British, the world's mightiest empire is now host to these games, allowing a promising stage to be set in Edinburgh. For the first time since 1916, the Olympic Games have been attended by a majority of world nations, as the games in 1920 and 1924 were highly partisan, as major ongoing wars prevented full attendance. This has led to the largest Olympic Games in recent history, and the organizers have had their hands full, but the local sporting press, and aficionados of the games have claimed it is the greatest such event in the history of international sporting events. The games themselves were hotly contested, and the finest displays were from the resident underdog nation of Normandy, though the United States and Britain both made powerful displays of their own. The most observed and bitter game was the final round of Balompie, wherein the team from the Roman Empire edged out the Peruvians by a single point. Most are looking forward to the 1932 games, and the committee to determine a site will announce the finalists for those games next year. They have encouraged various cities to make their cases in front of the International Olympic Committee to help determine what communities are available or best for these great sporting events.

EMPEROR FORMALIZES KONGO VARUKORGBOLL LEAGUE. Haraldsholm, Kongo. Ever since the Accidental Revolution, the Kongo has played host to an informal varukorgboll league, undertaking local games but with no real official sponsorship. This set of disorganized clubs and organizations have been consolidated by imperial mandate this year, supporting the creation of the Imperial Scandinavian Varukorgboll League. The new organization is dedicated to spreading the sport and establishing an organized set of rules and regulations to govern the management of the game. The effort has been successful, though there has been some dispute about the inclusion of colored residents of Kongo being allowed to participate. To the surprise and disgust of some fans, the colored residents have been allowed to join the teams, but there have been strict regulations on the percentage and times when these individuals can play. Still, the first games have been successful, and one of the city teams from Haraldsholm has emerged triumphant.

THE VARUKORGBOLL AMBASSADORS. Mogadishu, Adjuuramark. With the diplomatic recognition of the new African states which have emerged from the wreckage of the Scandinavian Empire has come an unusual new development. Lauded at home as the "varukorgboll ambassadors," ambitious private citizens from Vinland have travelled to expand the franchise of the sport to the new nations. Though these efforts were somewhat hindered by the outbreak of new fighting between Tadjoura and its neighbors, they have begun making headway. Under imperial rule, varukorgboll was kept isolated from the masses under the guidance of the administration, as a pastime for the Scandinavian peoples. The Vinlanders have felt differently, helping organize local varukorgboll leagues in Adjuuramark, Abyssinia, Mozambique, and Tanganyeken. They have not had much success in Sudan, and left greatly discouraged. Fans of the sport believe that with larger recognition will come superior games, and hopes that this will catch on in the new states, perhaps assisting in the supplanting of balompie as the global sport.

The Cultural Center​

The first film of its kind, this "horror" film has proven to be one of the most innovative in Brazilian history. The story focuses upon a Brazilian adventurer in the jungles of Angola, and an encounter with the strange superstitions and stories of bodies which rise from their graves. The film details the adventurers' escape from the jungles and the fighting which it entails. The movie was actually fairly unpopular and not successful in Brazil itself, and the team which made the film eventually went to Rosario, where they found a more receptive market. The much more successful studio in Argentine managed to obtain the rights, producing a new film with the same plot, revising the ending and finding a much more receptive market. The film has been wildly popular in Europe and the Americas, finding a receptive audience among those fearful of the anarchy brought by the primitive folk of Africa.

Random Stat Changes and Minor Technological Advances

Japan designs new Aichi Ki-13 Class Fighter.

Persia creates and adopts Persian Royal Army 1928.

Russia designs the new T-28 Armored Vehicle.

Scandinavia designs the new Obetvinglig-1928 Fighter.

Germany designs the new IGL-28 Fighter.

Roman Empire designs the new Pegasus Military Transport Aircraft.

German naval officer graduates prove highly effective: +1 Navy Quality for Germany.

Italian veterans from the war in Africa improve training procedures: +1 Army Quality for Italy.

Diplomatic Pouch

To: Persia
From: Kurdistan

We would like to request permission to adopt your new army doctrine for our own military forces.

To: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
From: Various African Nations

Concede our independence, your time in this region is done.

To: Adjuuramark and Sudan
From: Tadjoura

We are more than willing to offer you a white peace at borders before your treacherous attack. If you choose, we could continue our rampage against your pitiful forces, and destroy the very base of your governments. The choice is yours.

To: Abyssinia
From: Tadjoura

Your dastardly attack will never be forgotten. You offered us a hand in friendship and then stabbed us in the back. You will pay reparations for your crimes if you wish us to not destroy you. We will insist upon either 10 EP each year for ten years, or direct annexation of the territories we currently hold. Failure to agree to our terms will result in the dissolution of your government in favor of a regime which will not betray its neighbors at the drop of a hat.


Per his request, Blue Bacon 3 has been dropped by India. His orders were disregarded to save time and to allow greater consistency for the Indian government. Similarly, I've canceled the plethora of diplomatic agreements he allegedly made because they often conflicted and took up too much of my precious time.

@talonschild: It does make my comprehension of your orders substantially easier if you include the minus education/domestic EP in your spending section, to answer your question. It's up to you though on how much you choose to spend in that area.

@luckymoose: You did not receive expected funds from two of those who you thought were sending you money. Therefore your math was a bit wrong, and excess has been banked. Also, I think I may have missed some revised orders you sent the first time through, but if I'm the correct, the only shortfall was by a destroyer you wouldn't have been able to afford anyways.

@Azale: Conscripts can only be recruited during times of war. Also, I'm not sure whether you intend on your Directed Development stuff to be a policy or one-time project, some clarification on that would be most helpful. In the meantime, the EP has been banked. As an aside your population is either Muslims or Protestant, there's really no real reason for you to go to a Catholic thing like the Moralist conference.

@Justo: you did not receive the money you expected. Therefore the last three items of your spending orders were not done.

@TheLizardKing: You forgot about the Domestic Spending. That's why the bank isn't 548.

Thomas.berubeg has been dropped from Spain due to inactivity.

Per his request, Terrence888 has been dropped from Florida.

World Map

Spoiler :
Saddest embargo in the universe.

ED; also, @EQ, I think my stats are wrong. My MP didn't update (it should be 120, up from 118 in the stats) and one of the icelandic brigades should have been moved back to Denmark.
Per his request, Blue Bacon 3 has been dropped by India. His orders were disregarded to save time and to allow greater consistency for the Indian government. Similarly, I've canceled the plethora of diplomatic agreements he allegedly made because they often conflicted and took up too much of my precious time.
Not. Amused.
To India
From Aztlan

As our agreement was not upheld on your end, we demand 25 EP back.
Gudrunsson downs a drink...

To: Republican Cuba
From: Vinland

Do you need a hand?

To: Hispaniola
From: Vinland

We are sorry to see you leave PADA.

To: Vinlanders Opposed to PADA
From: Ole Gudrunsson

I know the feeling. That said, I shall maintain my support for PADA. Despite the organization's failures and flaws, it provides an excellent discussion platform for like-minded nations of the Americas.
"The Occitanians have investigated claims of mistreatment, and have clearly published press in later months demonstrating that no atrocities or crimes are being committed against the people of Aquitaine."

From Occitania
To the World

That cinches any argument of oppression, I think. We'll continue doing investigations into general prejudice, or more subtle problems because we run a tolerant, good government thanks.
From Jacksonia
To Republican Cuba

In your hour of need, Jacksonia will be there to lend a helping hand. We will not let liberty and democracy perish from your nation

From Jacksonia
To Vinland, PADA

It is essential that democracy be preserved in Cuba. Jacksonia encourages all freedom loving nations to lend support to Republican Cuba in their hour of need.
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