News from the Far East
ELECTIONS IN GUANGXI. Xinjing, Guangxi. The aftermath of the outbreak of the Fireworks War last year has been at the center of the election debates in the Dominion of Guangxi. As the British themselves debate about the conduct of the war, and the Union Jacks preserved control, the government of Guangxi has seen a different discussion. The assassination of the king and deaths of so many others has thrown Chinese nationalism into disrepute among the enlightened souls actually allowed to cast a vote in local politics. On the other hand, the attacks were inspiring not only to those who despise the British, but also to those looking for a path to Guangxi's leadership of China. There has thusly been created a more distinct divide in Chinese politics, as many would-be voters have withdrawn, and reports indicate that support for the Red Army has swelled. They allege that the Fireworks Assassination shows the vulnerability and weakness of the British government, and have thus begun to undermine it. In the elections themselves, the liberal Datongdang has managed to discredit the Fùxīngdǎng, claiming that their efforts to contain the Red Army were ineffective. The disastrous bloodshed so early in the war has further supported the Datongdang, who have secured a very slim, and divided majority by a single seat in the dominion's parliament. They have brought Andrew Wo in as the new Prime Minister of Guangxi , and he has pledged to secure a just and worthy victory in the Fireworks War, correcting the mistakes of the previous government.
NEW ZEALANDER ELECTIONS HELD. Akarana, New Zealand. The elections in New Zealand this year have been once more focused upon the treatment of the islands' native Maori populations. Though recent years have seen a surge in white immigration from across the world, especially from the Confederation and Germany, the Maori remain a constant thorn in the side of the current government. The liberals have begun arguing for the restoration of a amicable relationship between the white settlers and natives, as well as the return of civil rights to those of mixed race. The new immigrants and those who have benefited from the antagonism, however, have put up a stiff resistance to the liberals. The Party of Rocha has continued to advocate the redistribution of tribal lands to new settlers, and has called for the backing of the army to achieve just that. With the constantly arriving new immigrants from Europe, the conservatives have managed to pack their ranks with new recruits, easily granting voting rights, even to those who do not speak a word of Portuguese. By this dubious method, they have won overwhelmingly in the legislature, keeping their majority there, as well as securing reelection for Prime Minister Artistides Erico. The new immigrants are fully behind the government, and it seems likely that this new political capital may lead to great strides for the Erico regime. (+1 Stability)
PLEBISCITE IN GERMAN INDIA. Gujarat, Germany. The German imperial possessions in India have been secured a plebiscite this year as the locals have turned out to vote on their status in regards to the German Empire and India. Available as options were remaining within the German Empire, joining the larger Indian nation, and being granted independence as their own new nations. The instability of India overall, including yet another minor uprising this year, became a major factor into the decision-making process of the voters in the German possessions. The overall prosperity of the German Empire further supported their cause, and though the voting was hard fought by all three factions, the results became in favor of continued imperial rule. While some were in favor of regional independence, they instead threw most of their financial support over remaining under German rule. The logic has been that the Germans could far more effectively protect and finance the region than an independent regime could. Furthermore, an independent state would have to spend substantially more on protecting itself should India turn hostile. With these results it is hoped that the German benevolent rule will continue and protect the region from instability and economic failure. (+1 Stability)
MUTINY CRUSHED IN CHINESE ARMY. Lanzhou, China. The outbreak of a long anticipated war between the Unified Realm of China and the Dominion of Guangxi has led to a demonstration of growing discontent. Chinese army forces, now that they are actually being sent to war, have expressed their displeasure after decades of being able to linger around their homes without actually having a risk of dying. As orders came to move south to the front lines, several regiments mutinied outside of Lanzhou, leading to an escalating situation as soldiers attacked abusive and corrupt officers. They immediately caused growing chaos and disorder throughout the outskirts of the city, as the Chinese government immediately deployed loyal forces to crack down. The fighting was brutal, as most of the mutineers continued to possess their own arms and munitions. Thankfully, they did not remain organized enough to pose a legitimate threat to the main Chinese force, and they were easily isolated and crushed in detail. All mutineers have been executed for treason, and this seems to have done much to restore some degree of fearful loyalty among the surviving soldiers. (-5 Infantry Brigades)
REVOLT GROWS IN INDIAN COUNTRYSIDE. Nagpur, India. A revolt has begun throughout the Indian interior as rebel regionalist movements have increased in size and strength. Fighting against the tyranny of the central government and Hindi language, the new revolt has taken up arms as a organized guerilla force. Though no name has yet been given to these rebels, they have managed to succeed in several outright victories over government forces. Numerous outposts and arsenals have been razed and looted, and the arms and munitions within have gone to fuel the goals of the rebellion. Reports indicate that the rebellion in the area of Nagpur is by far the most organized and successful, and few have indicated any signs of further revolt around the nation. It seems that they continue to advocate regionalism and the dismantlement of the "imperial regime" of the Bombay government, looking to establish nation states on more traditional linguistic lines. Military forces in the area have been placed on high alert as it seems the rebellion continues to grow in strength and support among the civilian population also increases. (-1 Stability, -2 Infantry Brigades)
RED ARMY DEFEATS JAPANESE MILITARY FORCE. Dongying, Japan. The Japanese Imperial Army entered into full scale field hostilities with a major Red Army stronghold and force this year, anticipating an easy victory. Near the city of Dongying, the Red Army had been determined to have assembled major amounts of manpower and arms in preparation for a general uprising. Hoping to curb the risk of a revolution, the Japanese military immediately began preparations for a spoiling offensive. Ten Japanese divisions, including armor, were deployed against the Red Army's forces, which possessed substantial heavy weaponry as well as smaller arms. As the Japanese charged in, they appear to have grossly underestimated the numbers of the Chinese forces, and found themselves outflanked, and eventually surrounded. Support units were overwhelmed, and with no local air support, the Chinese consistently closed in upon the Japanese forces. After losing their own heavy weapons, the Japanese fought to the last in the countryside, and inflicted massive damage upon the Red Army's own troops. Regardless, the Japanese were slaughtered, granting the Red Army its first truly major victory in the field, spurring their own cause, and granting them tens of thousands of captured Japanese weapons and vehicles. (-1 Stability, -11 Infantry Brigades, -2 Cavalry Brigades, -2 Type-92 Armored Brigades, -4 Artillery Brigades)
KOREAN LEADERS DENOUNCE RED ARMY. Seoul, Japan. As the Red Army has escalated its armed efforts throughout the whole of Japanese China, nationalist leaders in Korea have begun to take a different approach. They have denounced the efforts of the Red Army, claiming that outright violence and warfare will only destroy a nation before it can truly rise. They have called for the growth of nonviolent movement and internal pressure upon the Japanese to force greater autonomy. This in turn has led to a rising divide between Korean nationalists, as it is reported that a number of younger nationalists have become increasingly discontent with this perspective. The unrest was escalated by reports that Korean leaders have betrayed cadres of the Red Army in Korea to the Japanese government, preventing them from taking a true foothold in the region. Older leaders have called for reconciliation and support among all classes of Koreans, striving to make the peninsula independent without the massive bloodshed currently underway in China.
LEADER OF CHINA PROMOTES SELF TO MARSHAL. Lanzhou, China. In the wake of the outbreak of the Fireworks War last year, General Yehao Ma has found himself at war with the British Empire and their Chinese dominion. Seeking to maintain his leadership as well as establish himself properly over his peers, the general has reorganized the local chain of command. He has promoted himself to Grand Marshal of China, as the total and absolute head of the Unified Realm's armed forces. Marshal Ma has pledged to lead the nation to victory over the imperialists, and to defend China's last true bastion of independence to the last man. According to reports, this has been accompanied by a quiet process of securing the allegiance of the other generals of the Unified Realm's army, bringing them to pledge their support for the Marshal and the upcoming war and battles ahead.
THE FIREWORKS WAR. Chengdu, China. After the assassination of King Richard, the forces of Guangxi have been marshaled for a war of vengeance as the Unified Realm of China is deemed responsible for the actions of the Red Army. The Chinese launched the opening offensive, throwing all their might behind a major push against Guangxi's border forces. The Chinese were barely held back by Guangxi and British forces, which were moved up hastily to the border regions. The Chinese offensive ultimately failed and the lines stabilized approximately along the border between the two nations. The battle in the skies was quickly won by Guangxi and the British, supported by Brazilian and German squadrons. The Chinese planes were laughably outgunned and barely capable of flight, having been poorly designed and sold by a Cuban firm. As planes they were worthless, easily being shot down by the worst of the Allied aircraft, sending Chinese pilots quickly to their death. After winning the battle for the skies and halting the Chinese offensive, the British and Guangxi launched their own offensive, hoping to capture the city of Chengdu. This attack went as poorly as the Chinese one, as the terrain and horrible roads slowed the attacking forces quite easily, as the slightest artillery fire easily decimated attacking armored columns. The Chinese armies quickly responded, and Allied airpower was neutralized by the local terrain and a lack of readily available air bases. Guangxi and British forces suffered heavy casualties before ultimately being forces to withdraw from their offensive, having only pushed a few mere kilometers across the border.
Casualty Lists
China: 95 Infantry Brigades, 6 Cavalry Brigades, 17 Artillery Brigades, 5 A-170 Fighter Squadrons (+1 Army Quality)
Guangxi: 81 Infantry Brigades, 1 Mk2 Cataphract Armored Brigade, 7 Artillery Brigades(+1 Army Quality)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: 22 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Mk2 Cataphract Armored Brigade, 3 Artillery Brigades
AUSTRALIA TO BECOME DOMINION. Sydney, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The British Parliament passed legislation this year to allow the great colony of Australia to become an autonomous dominion in 1935. The plan allows for the four years of a delicate and cautious transfer of power, as a suitable monarch for a fledgling nation is selected. The terms of creating a dominion will follow along the lines of the status of Guangxi and South Africa, creating a nation that is autonomous domestically, while remaining tied to Britain's own foreign diplomatic apparatus. Local politicians have widely supported this effort, as they begin to mobilize for the inevitable campaigning and politicking that will emerge with the creation of the Dominion. While no monarch has been officially selected, rumors suggest that the king's youngest sister, Diana, will be chosen as the head of state for the new dominion.
Financial Section
The Sports Page
BALOMPIE WORLD CUP RESTORED. Madrid, Spain. The international and popular sport of balompie has been languishing lately on the global scene. Though various national tournaments and events have retained popularity over the years, a international contest for the sport has not existed since the end of the Great War. The rules of the game have been more or less preserved in most nations, but the growing popularity of varukorgboll has caused balompie to fall into greater disfavor internationally. Spanish teams, hoping to begin an old tradition anew, have sponsored the holding of a restored Balompie World Cup. The announcement helped spur a revival of interest in the game as sponsored teams from twenty-nine different nations from Europe, Asia, and Central and South America agreed to participate. The final game for the championship took place between teams from San Juan, Puerto Rico and Barcelona, Catalonia. The match has been considered one of the greatest games in the sport's history, as Catalonia narrowly triumphed, 3-2. The organizing committee has confirmed that another World Cup will be held in 1933, as the 1932 Olympic Games in the United States will already include a global balompie contest.
The Cultural Center
The United Proletarist Republics of America provided a new government-sponsored film to the globe this year, mimicking similar styles as done by Scandinavian film makers.
Spartacus is an interpretation of an old story as a Negro named Spartacus enslaved by the Ancient Roman Empire is forced to be a gladiator. Spartacus broke away his shackles and lead a great slave rebellion that shook the very foundations of Rome itself however disunity among the slaves and complacency ultimately lead to the destruction of the slave army and Spartacus himself. The emphasis of the film is on drawing parallels to the revolution of the UPRA to bring awareness to the people of the UPRA that they must remain vigilant against the threat of the Counter Revolutionaries lest things return to the way they were in the past. The film has been banned in most of the nations neighboring the UPRA, but has achieved some grudging respect and critical acclaim from the primary cinematic community down in Rosario and in cinemas throughout Western Europe.
The Scandinavian film,
Storstad, depicts a massive, world-encompassing city ruled by a secretive and repressive "Global Corporation". In the city only the wealthy and well-connected have access to any education, and any food beyond subsistence. They are also the only social class to enjoy leisure time. All persons not among the bourgeouise of the city, "the underkin", work constantly. They are kept from sleeping except as is absolutely necessary by the creation of artificial daylight. The technological prowess of the Global Corporation is matched only by its brutality, as the people of the city are beaten constantly, often merely for the amusement of bored "overkin", who have never experienced human suffering and kill men to watch them die. The film tells the story of the son of the "Global Director" who visits the underbelly of the city and discovers the plight of its people, and constructs a superweapon, a massive golem armed to liberate the people. At the end of the film the main character visits a vault of books banned by the defeated Global Corporation, and is depicted picking up a tome entitled "Writings of the Revolutionary Mathis." This has been similar to the simultaneously released film
Spartacus in that it has been widely banned in other nations, while at the same time being heralded as a triumph in filmmaking. Though it has not been as successful as imitators created by studios in Rosario, many profitable filmmakers have credited as inspiration for upcoming works.
The film
Thermopylae, a military epic based on the battle of Thermopylae of Greek history was released this year with the full financial backing of the government to showcase the might of Greek military and the combined efforts of the Greek alliance under King Leonidas and how it sets the path for the glory of the Roman Empire to come. The message we want to put out is how the Roman Empire is the product of Greek blood, sweat and tears of the past, making Rome the great nation it is today. The film is notable in cinematic history for two key reasons. First of all, it was actually filmed on location, unlike most historical epics released by Rosario and other film making communities. Second, the film included the first instances of a head of state making speeches through films. The Imperator was included in several five minute speeches before and after the film, as a way of demonstrating his own adoption of Greek sensibilities and the glory of the Empire.
A Trail Over the Waves
Written by one of the ministers of the economic government in Adjuuramark, an Englishman known as Rudyard Kipling,
A Trail Over the Waves has become critically acclaimed throughout Europe and the Americas. The book details his involvement in the conquest of Adjuuramark from the Scandinavian and gives in depth details on the process of the conquest and the arrival of the mercenaries. Unfortunately, the writing has caused some controversy and new tensions, as it was revealed that the mercenaries were bankrolled by the British government. This has led to uproar in the courts of Moscow and Haraldsholm, as the book grows increasingly popular among Western European and Americans. The book is extremely well written, and there has been some requests for Kipling to follow with other books, but he has declined in order to continue service to the king.
Random Stat Changes and Fluctuations and Minor Technological Advances
United Proletarist States of America designs new Equality-type Medium Tank.
Russia designs new Kraken-class Submarine.
Brazil designs new JC-1 Interceptor.
Scandinavia designs Ursinne-type Fighter.
Italy designs Corvino-type Fighter.
New Roman officers demonstrate improved capacities for combat: +1 Army Quality for the Roman Empire.
Old veterans of the Arabian Empire pledge support to the Libyan military improving their skills in combat: +1 Army Quality for Libya.
Officers of the Imperial Scandinavian Navy demonstrate improved skills in combat after intensive drilling: +1 Navy Quality for Kongo.
Diplomatic Pouch
From: Chokweland and Burundi
If you accept peace at current borders, we will not be forced to further pursue this conflict. We hope that you will see reason, allowing for peace to return to this area. As a consolation, we have agreed to establish a treaty hoping to contain local tribal raiding and border disputes, and all three nations will be obligated to preserve the sanctity and security of borders between us.
Maybe we could have some cultural contributions that
aren't science fiction?
@Quisani: The calculations of your bank were off by 10, though this did not have an effect on your spending.
World Map