Platy's Peculiar Pleasant Posh Python

Depends on your merging skills.
Yes but troublesome since almost all pages modified
Because those are the civ groups for civ iv.
Refer to the xml file
Also for resources why is it not just General, Food, Luxury? Civ already its only categories, why create new ones?

Because those are the civ groups for civ iv.
Refer to the xml file

As Platyping says those groups are the ones in the xml. They are used for resource placement on random maps.
Updates to Platypedia

1) Fixed bug in Unit Screen
2) Improvements: Upgradeable ones grouped together
3) Civilizations: ArtStyle

Leaders I still deciding whether to group by Civilizations


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Pretty easy, may bother to do it after I wake up :D

:crazyeye: Let me know if you managed to write a DOM Text for each Civ/Leader lol
Specialist Count

1) Shows number of specialists directly, useful for big cities
2) Handles up to 3 columns

There is one global variable, g_iMaxPerColumn which determines maximum number of specialists per column.
I set it to 3 just to show that it can handles up to 3 columns perfectly, since there are only 7 visible ones in BTS.

Requested by Nimek

Can you do a version compatible with BUG mod?
An exception case once in a blue moon...
Do you guys a favour

Specialists Count:
Includes file for BUG 4.4
Can't be bothered to analyze it, simply replace all 3 specialist mods with mine :evil:

In other words, switching in the BUG options will not change it.


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Advanced Tech Screen Updates

It now hides disabled techs.
This means you can design unique tech screens where different civs will see different tech screens.

Both Civ Techs are taking the same slot and it is not an issue.
Thus you can design your own unique tech trees for every single civ so that different civs can learn different techs.

Includes a sample of how to make civ specific techs for Zulu and Greece.
I know there is a disabletech tag in CivilizationInfos.xml but I am lazy to do it for 30+ entries just to make a tech civ specific.
hi platyping,

how are you you sweet python master? :)

i have a small request,
this main thread for all your work is great ofc,
but near every mod you've made here, can u add the last update you've dine ?

something like:
Migrating Great People - 31/7/13

so we can keep[ trek in here for your updates?

ty in advance,

love your work.
Great Works

Brave New World comes early.

Allows Great People to construct Unique Buildings.
These buildings are normal buildings but actually world wonders in disguise.
(One in whole world, movies, 100% conquer rate, nuke immune etc)
I merely set them as normal buildings so that they will not count towards WW count for players who play with limited WW option.

If you set them as World Wonders, you can simply remove all python files and treat it as XML mod component.

Spoiler :
Great General

Art of War
Metal Casting
Free City Raider I Promotion, +1 Towards Great General

Thirty-Six Stratagems
New Units + 3 XP, +25% Military Production, +1 Towards Great General

Great Prophet

No Unhappiness, 4 Culture, +1 Towards Great Prophet

Five Classics
+50% Great People Rate in All Cities, +4 Culture, +1 Towards Great Prophet

Great Artist

Free Theatre in All Cities, +8 Culture, +2 Artist Slots, +1 Towards Great Artist

Symphony No. 5
+50% Culture, +10 Culture, +2 Artist Slots, +1 Towards Great Artist

Great Scientist

Theory of Evolution
+2 Free Scientist, +1 Towards Great Scientist

Theory of Everything
+100% Research, +1 Towards Great Scientist

Great Spy

Code of Hammurabi
Code of Laws
+4 Espionage, Reduces Maintenance in Nearby Cities, +1 Towards Great Spy

Magna Carta
+4 Espionage, +50% Golden Age Length, +1 Towards Great Spy

Great Engineer

Euclid's Elements
+1 Production from All Engineers, +1 Engineer Slot, +1 Towards Great Engineer

Book of Lemmas
+50% Production, +2 Engineer Slots, +1 Towards Great Engineer

Great Merchant

The Wealth of Nations
+1 Trade Route in All Cities, +50% Trade Route Yield, +1 Towards Great Merchant

The Gospel of Wealth
+100% Gold, +1 Towards Great Merchant

1) Static Movies
2) Modified Platypedia
Spoiler :

Great Works Building Artwork:
Andreas Charell
1) Rewrite Wonder part so that Team Wonders will not take up empty space when there are none.
2) Merge some loops
3) Modularize
Any chance you can create a modcomp for settler for the religion only w/o the promotions? i feel like if it was just a modcomp added to the game (city founded always gets religon from father city) it would be a lot smoother and realistic, as that is what happens in real life.

Another idea for a modcomp would be for each civ to have its own resource. Each civ would have a resource that when the game starts, that resource is placed on the nearest plot possible to the starting place. (Mali, Inca --> gold, Japan --> Fish, Russia-->Uranium, Arabia --> Oil, France--> Wine, etc etc) This creates obvious problems as obviously once in a while a civ won't be near a possible plot, but I dont see th at being a large problem as it will happen to every civ once in a while, just luck of the draw, plus one resource won't hurt/help to much
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