Starting Location: far Southwest of Trahana in an archipelago
Society: The Inatri-Trowulan are a clan-based society, with the great clans (Oke, Panarna, Eshai, Tulo, and Pawinpingyan), Merchant clans (Handé-State, Wikousey, and Tomar), and many other minor clans being the basis of society.
Lineage: They claim to be the descendants of Toromo, a freshwater spirit who chose to be the first mortal.
Values: Mercy, kindness, strength , and most notably digigence and labor
Religion(s): They believe in countless gods, goddeses, and spirits who, aside from the spirits, effectively ignore humanity.
Language(s): Their language, sounding like Indonesian with some Mongolian influences, has an object-verb-subject structure, and their script is similar to calligraphic Sanskrit.
Mythos: Toromo, a freshwater spirit, abandoned immortality so he could create sentient beings.
Economic Base: Their economy is based on fishing.
Nation Names: Trowulan, Paoke, Lyubech-Mahathma, Arnor, Eshishawanojkonunalotak(Eshishawan), Dulo, Cabayoc, Nuril-lalna, Burkinanaoek, Tomara
Person Names: Male:Sastha-Naowo, Wijé, Wijé-Naowo, Wikrawa, Wikrawa-Naowo, Sastha-Wijé, Sastha-Wikrawa, Naowo-Sastha, Naowo-Wijé, Naowo-Wikrawa, Wijé-Sastha, Wijé-Wikrawa, Wikrawa-Sastha, Wikrawa-Wijé
Female:Kaulach, Asail, Bezelin, Iuchi-Henai, Saté-Nü, Waja, Waja-Nü, Sekondi, Sekondi-Nü, Saté-Waja, Saté-Sekondi, Nü-Saté, Nü-Waja, Nü-Sekondi, Sekondi-Takoradi, Waja-Saté, Waja-Sekondi, Sekondi-Saté, Sekondi-Waja
Place Names: Trowulan, Paoke, Lyubech-Mahathma, Arnor, Eshishawanojkonunalotak(Eshishawan), Dulo, Cabayoc, Nuril-lalna, Burkinanaoek, Tomara