AI tournament: Season 3

screenshot size is fine

Timo - try holding down CTRL and using your mouse scroll wheel to zoom the page in and out.
works great for larger images than your screen

How about this? I kept the seeds at the same level but swapped them around to avoid repeated civilizations. It can also be arranged for playoffs but for the finals there's no way to go around it.

Thank you for this! I think it is pretty enough for AIs. Playoffs and finals should be due to schedule. At least it looks like more fair. And also it can be a lot of hand-work to avoid repeating in the playoffs.
Hah, Cyrus is first to fall :p I dont think Ragnar will waste nice and fairly secure start. I am prettey sure Gandhi wil not win this game. Ragnar or Mehmed domination/ diplodomination or Mansa culture/space race, maybe as vassal.
screenshot size is fine

Timo - try holding down CTRL and using your mouse scroll wheel to zoom the page in and out.
works great for larger images than your screen
... at the cost of rendering the surrounding text unreadable.
Kossin, I love the extra screenshots - it's definitely easier to see what is happening compared to previous seasons. However, I think I see a small problem. It looks like Mao (who is in Group D) has snuck into Game 1 of Group A instead of (probably?) Washington. Good luck with the season! It definitely makes for a fun read!
If any map type which addresses these issues exist, that would be best but I am unaware of those...

How come, no one have made BGH map for civ yet. :mischief:

Edit: Bit lesser screen size please, full 1920x1080 is a bit too large.
Screenshots are fine on 15.6'' laptop as they are.

Looking forward to the rest.
What an impressing undertaking you offer up for season 3. Kudos! I can only echo lymond's first comment. This will be very fun to follow. I don't feel qualified to place bets, but would love to be in Mehmed's position.
Screen shot size is great, btw.
I would like smaller screenshots as well. 1280 width is perfect. Scrolling so much sideways becomes a pain.
Kossin, I love the extra screenshots - it's definitely easier to see what is happening compared to previous seasons. However, I think I see a small problem. It looks like Mao (who is in Group D) has snuck into Game 1 of Group A instead of (probably?) Washington. Good luck with the season! It definitely makes for a fun read!

Oops, you're right. Copy paste error. I'll fix it later and wrap up the current game as a demo to get feedback.


Re: screenshot sizes: I'm getting a 50-50 feedback at the moment. As I understand it's more inconvenient to have to scroll sideways so much but at the same time, you do get a lot more information from the larger overviews.

Unless feedback strongly tends to a size preference, I'll lower size of individual AIs but keep the large ones for world overview - if I can find a simple way to accomplish this.

Or is there an easy way to make scalable images in html?
Kos - you can scale the image lower in imgur on upload. I do that all the time. Go to the "Images" page on Imgur and upload from there. You will see and auto-resize drop down option. 1280X1200 is a reasonable size.

this is what the page looks like (image resized as well..ha)

Spoiler :

MyOtherName said:
at the cost of rendering the surrounding text unreadable.

With CTRL pressed and using the mouse scroll you can simply zoom in and out in a snap
Oops, you're right. Copy paste error. I'll fix it later and wrap up the current game as a demo to get feedback.


Re: screenshot sizes: I'm getting a 50-50 feedback at the moment. As I understand it's more inconvenient to have to scroll sideways so much but at the same time, you do get a lot more information from the larger overviews.

Unless feedback strongly tends to a size preference, I'll lower size of individual AIs but keep the large ones for world overview - if I can find a simple way to accomplish this.

Or is there an easy way to make scalable images in html?

Fixed and done.
Thanks lymond.
Demo Game - 1AD

Leading up to 1AD... nothing much of interest but a few skirmishes.
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Gandhi is insisting on not chopping forests and getting beaten at all good expansion sites...

Ragnar thought it wise to waste some units on a hill city with walls.

By 1AD, here's how everyone's doing.
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Now at war with Mao and Toku. Still not chopping whyyyyyy!! 9 cities is now decent but several are very poor.

Will Calcutta fall?

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Why not attack Cyrus after Tokugawa?

At least capital development is very good here.

Mansa Musa
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Big and nice cities, a stupid war with Mehmed lost him a 9th city.

Wonders aplenty.

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He may be in war with Gandhi, but it'll take forever to get anywhere...

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Just great...

And beating Mehmed to most of the land!

Being tech leader is pretty good too.

Mao Zedong
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Beating Gandhi to the good western cities is not surprising as they are closest to him. Still producing settlers and trying to expand by force... however the economy is not great.

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Disappointing so far. Lost land that was so close to him compared to Cyrus. That northern city Persian city was not a barbarian city...

Maybe MM's DoW slowed him down while he tried to get this gem.

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Finally, land overview. Some more land available but not very good - the expansion phase is pretty much over.
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Cyrus is doing very good but his diplomacy isn't too great, being a heathen to everyone else. Despite not performing as well as could have been, Mehmed is still in a strong position.

Can Gandhi hold on? Will he learn to chop forests?
You write Demo game, so this doesn't count?

In any case, Cyras has done pretty well for himself. Grabbing a good amount of land and pumping out wonders, grabbing pretty much all the good early ones except Pyramids: Oracle, GLH, GLib, MoM - plus AP giving him some safety. Did he become president too? Given the spread of Judaism, perhaps he could AP-cheese?
Demo Game - 1000AD

Leading up to 1000AD... it's the everyone vs. Gandhi show!
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By 300AD, Gandhi is still insisting on not chopping forests! He has lost Calcutta and is under pressure from almost all sides. Blame Cyrus for managing to get Judaism the most dominant religion.

Ragnar got the worst of the fight with Cyrus... he doesn't have much to send north anymore.

Meanwhile, Mansa adopted Free Religion and is wonder whoring...
Toku still in route.

Can Cyrus get anything done?

By 1000AD, here's how everyone's doing.
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Now a vassal of Mehmed and having lost 3 core cities, the double champion looks lost. WHY NO CHOP FOREST!!

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A healthy tech pace but not too strong with units stranded all the way in the north.

Mansa Musa
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It might come from a Golden Age, but Mansa is really doing well here... (859 bpt)

Good number of troops for defence too.

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It's a good thing he's building research, otherwise he'd fall behind hopelessly. His situation is similar to Ragnar's with troops stranded in the north - but his land is bleaker.

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Building a lot of infrastructure for the future, Cyrus will be doing better very soon. The strongest AI around bust missing the Judaism shrine to truly shine.

Mao Zedong
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Nothing spectacular. It's unfortunate that even though he captured 2 cities from Gandhi, Mao did not get capitulation.

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He may be top dog in score, but there's a lot of work to do. This tech rate will not do. Getting circumnavigation is inconsequential on this map.

Wonders. Mansa got most of them since the last report but missed on the most important for himself: Sistine Chapel.
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Land overview. Whatever is left can't make a big difference now. Liberalism is still open for anyone...
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With Gandhi mostly out of the picture... can Cyrus pull a Domination or will he be stopped by his own religion?
Mansa is looking mighty fine.
You write Demo game, so this doesn't count?

In any case, Cyras has done pretty well for himself. Grabbing a good amount of land and pumping out wonders, grabbing pretty much all the good early ones except Pyramids: Oracle, GLH, GLib, MoM - plus AP giving him some safety. Did he become president too? Given the spread of Judaism, perhaps he could AP-cheese?

Right, it doesn't count because Mao shouldn't be in the group :sad:.

So I'm using it for demonstration and feedback.

Judaism has not spread to Ragnar and Gandhi so far.
Great work kossin, this looks really professional!
Following with interest.

I like the updated Picture size, works really well for me.
I'm using a 15'6 laptop and/or ipad mini.

One thing that I liked from last tournament is Rays short summary write-ups.
They help the (lazy) reader to keep up without viewing all the spoilers.

As for this demo game, I have no clue who will win.
Seems to me that it could go either way, except for Toku.
My guess is that Gandhi will win it by Culture.
Great work, and I like the overview of wonders and worldmap with cultural borders. It was a bit hard to see who was where last time around.

Clever of the AIs to gang up on Gandhi though. They must have seen the outcome of season 1 and 2 :D

Is it possible to add screens about Power and Research? I quite liked that in Ray's series. Gives an easy overview, and we can see how things flow in connection with wars.

Very well-done so far :)

I like the size of the pictures too btw. 1280 width is perfect, and it's nice to see a bit bigger screens for world overview. And by having those in spoilers I can check them and close them again, without breaking the text in the rest of the post.
Demo Game - The end

Nothing very interesting happened until the end so I'll skip over...

Ragnar was first to pick Liberalism. It was anyone's really but the others didn't want to get the free tech apparently.
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By 1200AD, Mansa seems closest to a victory. Despite not running the culture slider...
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Ragnar and Toku exchange blows and cities. Nothing really comes out of it.
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The AP situation is not clear enough. Cyrus and Mehmed being opponents means no one can really win.
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Cyrus is still the most advanced with the best tech rate but closely followed by Mansa.
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1500AD... Mansa still not budging the culture slider. He's a real fool too. :crazyeye:
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Yup. With Mansa completing TUN, it's Mehmed vs. Mansa.
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T235... Mansa finally understands how to win fast culture: you push the culture slider. This is his weakest city by the way.
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However, too little too late.
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With hidden modifiers, Mao votes for Mehmed. Mansa is not very well liked and Mehmed has just enough friends.


Winner: Mehmed (Diplo)
Runner-up: Mansa Musa (Culture)
Wildcard: Cyrus (Space, we can only assume)

Mao is a strong fourth here. However between Ragnar, Tokugawa and Gandhi - it's really not clear who did best.

Ragnar and Toku are reallly close in score, a lone city making the difference. Edge to Tokugawa? Ragnar is researching faster. No way to tell really.
Gandhi got clubbed from all sides... still he never learned to chop forests.


This concludes the demo game. Let me know your feedback before the season starts.
Great work kossin, this looks really professional!
Following with interest.

I like the updated Picture size, works really well for me.
I'm using a 15'6 laptop and/or ipad mini.

One thing that I liked from last tournament is Rays short summary write-ups.
They help the (lazy) reader to keep up without viewing all the spoilers.

As for this demo game, I have no clue who will win.
Seems to me that it could go either way, except for Toku.
My guess is that Gandhi will win it by Culture.

Seeing as I pick a few autosaves to watch, I can't make turn-by-turn summaries. However I can write the text outside spoilers and leave the images spoilered. Images tell a lot of the tale though.

Great work, and I like the overview of wonders and worldmap with cultural borders. It was a bit hard to see who was where last time around.

Clever of the AIs to gang up on Gandhi though. They must have seen the outcome of season 1 and 2 :D

Is it possible to add screens about Power and Research? I quite liked that in Ray's series. Gives an easy overview, and we can see how things flow in connection with wars.

Very well-done so far :)

I like the size of the pictures too btw. 1280 width is perfect, and it's nice to see a bit bigger screens for world overview. And by having those in spoilers I can check them and close them again, without breaking the text in the rest of the post.

Sure, I'll make a F9 screenshots dump in the future.

GNP screen is quite useless imo, it's a combination of EP, research and culture. The best clue about AI research power is seen from their own PoV. Not that I mind posting it.
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