AI tournament: Season 3

I think GNP also factors in tech modifiers for the research portion in which case researching an old tech and/or one with multiple prereq mods would really inflate GNP as well.
GNP screen is quite useless imo, it's a combination of EP, research and culture. The best clue about AI research power is seen from their own PoV. Not that I mind posting it.

You're probably right about that, as it can be hard to know the actual situation just off that screen. Would be nice with the Power graph though.

Hopefully there will be some proper military clubbings in the other games :devil:
Thanks for the screen shot size kossin, this is perfect :D and the format of the game is pretty good imo.
I'm happy that Mehmed won it, eventhough it feels like he didnt deserve it as much as Mansa or Cyrus
Group A Game 1 - Turn 1

Here are the starting positions for each AI. I have done some edits to the map to equalize starts a bit, again. Notably, I've reduced the land available to Ragnar significantly because a 20-city-Deity-AI-without-war is just unfair to the others. This time Washington is correctly present :)
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As usual, the AI PoV is not always representative. For instance, here's the real cost of a workboat. Yup, just 60% in Ancient Era (it goes lower each new era).
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A look at the land overview. In comparison to the demo game, now Ragnar has a lot of land available and will likely not found early religion. Tokugawa starts next to weaklings and has BFC gold! Similarly, Mehmed has a nice area to himself and Cyrus could REX very well and steal spots he shouldn't be getting. Mansa will likely get Hinduism and if he's smart in spreading it to his neighbours, he could avoid himself some wars to create a south v. north situation. Poor Washington looks like Gandhi from the demo game.
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The save is joined if others want to run their own RNG !

Early favourites? It's your call.


Dang Ragnar had even more land before?

That's a nice river to the south of Mehmed. I'm finally jumping on the Mehmed bandwagon this time and say he's favorite for this one. Though Cyrus is indeed positioned for a fantastic landgrab...

Gandhi is screwed. He just has too many neighbours. And once he's in serious trouble Ragnar will probably dogpile, though he might go for Mansa instead.
Love Ragnar working the FP while building a WB to go on a 5F/3C FIN fish tile. Deity would be impossible if the AI was even half competent.
Toku might have fun with weak neighbors around him and gold in the bfc. I wonder how this will end.
Interesting start. I think Gandhi will have some trouble winning the one.
Mansa with stone, Mehmed & Cyrus with marble, I wonder what they will build...

2 AIs start with WB, 5 AIs start with Archers...
Don't they allready start with enough Archers?

My favorites in this game are: 1, Ragnar. 2, Mehmed. 3, Mansa.
Ragnar has a lot of land, but they look very brown. Mehmed could have settled on the marble... My guess is one of Mehmed, Cyrus or Mansa.
this time Cyrus has better start and is my fav to win followed by Ragnar if vassalize MM
Underdog bet: Toku! He generally expands decently and has "soft" neighbours. So land and vassals might put him in a good position. Well actually Washington is the less soft of the American leaders but still...

koss: both your maps were Fractal??
Go Mali! :lol:

@ Pomthom: you are taking quite some risk. You do know Toku is a nonsensical isolationist right? ;)
So after playing 4 ranked games in previous seasons, Gandhi has won every single one? Will this be his first ever defeat? I have a feeling that it will. Ragnar won't disappoint us this time!
hmm I would say ragnar obv is favourite, but I like toku's position too...

did you thought about balanced resources kossin? could make the AI's work a bit more with their UU's if they have some horse/metal based...
I like Vranasm's idea about balanced resources, less randomness is good.
koss: both your maps were Fractal??

hmm I would say ragnar obv is favourite, but I like toku's position too...

did you thought about balanced resources kossin? could make the AI's work a bit more with their UU's if they have some horse/metal based...
I'm not too familiar with balanced resources... what does it do exactly?
I do expect AIs to require to trade with each other as that is part of their personality.
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