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The idiot guide to play Civ2 on Windows 7 64bits


Jun 17, 2010
Hi there.

I have been a Civ2 enthousiast for several years now and was sorry to discover that this classic game wouldn't run on my recent computers. There are several posts around here explaining how to fix it. Still, many interesting informations are scattered in the forum.
It took me a few time to gather all these valuable data and would have been happy if a "no brainer guide" existed. So I decided to share this with others.

I'll provide all links to original files or posts and also to a full package which holds all the files for a more convenient use. Before applying any patches, remember it's always wise to backup first (to my knowledge only "civ2.exe" is altered in the process) .

As a starter, if you haven't already, I recommend you read this post on Civ2 and 64 bit OS.

1- Install Civilization 2 Multiplayer Gold Edition.
Test of Times should also work, but I'm not covering this specific version. If installation fails, then you most likely have the "Classic" version of the game (read the aforementionned link on your options. Still, I strongly suggest you get the Multiplayer Gold Edition).

2- Apply latest official patch : civiimge_uccupdate3.
Launch a game, go to game options : it should read "Civilization II Multiplayer Gold 5.4.0f Multiplayer 26 March 99 Patch 3".

3- Use the NoCD Patch (OPTIONNAL) : link
Unfortunately, this patch will not work on 64 bit system. Here is a workaround : copy your "civ2.exe" file onto a 32 bit system, use the NoCD patch on it and then replace your original file. You can also use the already patched one in my package.

4- Patch AI aggressiveness (OPTIONNAL) : link
If you want "Classic game" AI behaviour, copy this file in your Civ2 folder an apply it. Fast check method :
Btw, a fast way to test the hostile AI fix is to open the ALIEN scenario, skip the first turn using Crtl-n, then bring up the Foreign Minister (F3). If the alliances are still "Enthusiastic" or "Worshipful", the patch worked. Otherwise, they will have changed to "Uncooperative".

5- Apply MastermindX 64 bit patch : version 2.0 at the time of writing

You should now have a fully functionnal game. Classic edition savegames are compatible.

Full Package Link 1
Full Package Link 2
Hey, is the aggressiveness patch working with Mastermindx's 64bit patch already applied? I would love to have both at the same time.
I tried to use this AI patch first, then 64bit one but AI was still hostile. Then I tried the other way around - with the same result.
Would it be maybe possible to connect the two into one, so that there is only one patching process?
Maybe give an option in the patcher to either keep hostile AI or change it to 2.42 normal version?
I combined MastermindX's 64-bit compatibility patch, Timbatron's CPU usage fix, Rebel's no-CD crack, Mousep's hostile AI fix and Julius Brenzaida's no limits patch into one executable for Test of Time 1.1. You can get it here.
Nice job Catfish but can you also compile it for MGE?
I prefer that to ToT and I believe many people share the notion.
Also, would it work for x64 with the no cd patch? Or do I have to manually apply no-cd in some 32 bit system?
Hello Everybody, I'm new to the site and I'm looking for help to get the game up and running.

I bought Civ2 MGE on Ebay and it just arrived today. Since it wouldn't work, I decided to do a Google search and ended up on this thread. I followed steps 1 and 2 which allowed me to play the game with a few problems. Step 3 is something that I may do in the future just for the convenience, but it isn't really that important to me right now. I couldn't find a link to step 4, but I would like to get it to work. I completed step 5. So basically, my problems are:

- No wonder videos
- No advisors
- The music seems to be inconsistent
- The issue that I had at the beginning where I couldn't type anything is resolved, but it still exists in the map editor.

I tried to install a codec that was listed on another thread to fix the sound/video issues, but it didn't work and now my computer seems to have a virus.

I appreciate any help. Thanks
Thanks for the help, but I can't seem to get it to work. All I get from your link is a registry cleaner. Am I missing something?
Thanks for the help, but I can't seem to get it to work. All I get from your link is a registry cleaner. Am I missing something?

It's a good thing that this is the "idiots guide" lol. I must have clicked on an ad to download the registry cleaner instead of downloading the codec. At least that part is done.

When I find them, I'll work on getting the no cd patch and the AI Aggressiveness patch working.
So, thanks to SvenBent and a bunch of posts by other people, I have gotten almost all of the problems resolved. Remaining issues are:

- I just need to find a 32 bit computer to patch the no CD crack or find a crack that is suitable for a 64 bit machine.
- I'm still having the issue with the map editor reacting like the game does without the 64 bit patch (freezing when typing). Does a map editor patch exist?

Thanks again
I assume that you are trying to play Civ 2 MGE edition, not ToT?
If that is true, then the same patch is applied to the editor executable as to the game, to fix the problem with typing.
I have a civ2.exe for MGE that has the 64bit patch in it as well as no-cd and the AI aggressiveness patches.
If you wish I can send you the file, along with a working editor file - civ2map.exe.
I know that my civ2.exe works on 64 bit systems and fixes all problems, as mentioned in this thread:


Scroll down to post #173 by JonLe, he had some of the same issues that are common for fresh installations of Civ 2 and my file fixed them for him.
I'm very impressed with how helpful people are on this site. I am playing MGE and I tried using the same patch for the map editor, but when I open the patch file, it cannot find the map editor (I can find it by looking in the Microprose folder, just not with the patch). It would be great if you could email the patches to me. Are they small enough? I'll send you a pm. Thanks for the help.
I don't have the patch itself but I have a patched editor executable.
That is, if you don't mind getting .exe files from strangers ;)


  • Civ2Map.zip
    735.8 KB · Views: 690
Titanium i personally dont like no cd patches.
after some really bad crashing games by bad cracks on the old BOI cd releases i simply prefer to make a proper image of the original cd and mount it with deamon tools.

i find it a more "pure" way of doing it
I also used power iso and a CD image for a long time but I eventually decided I didn't like it. So I cracked the civ2.exe myself under win7, using just a hex editor and the information on this site. It works.

As for the original CD, I still have it around and it's perfectly operational but it's simply inconvenient to use it all the time so I made an image of it years ago.
Now I moved even further and don't need that image at all.
My portable civ2 now needs ~80 MB of space and can be safely stored on a cell phone for emergency situations ;)

On a side note, I had a no-cd patch once that indeed broke the civ2.exe - I had errors, crashes, hangups and what not. Now that I'm using my own version, there are no problems.
Thanks again. Everything is working great now. I think I'll try to get the nocd crack or an image to work at some point for the convenience. It'll probably take me a while to figure it out though. I don't have much patience for computers.
Thank you, Grant! I've played Civ 2 off and on since my Dad first bought it for me twenty-twoish years back. Not only do I love it (though I've largely migrated to newer versions), but it's good bonding between me and my old man -- who still plays it too.

Your guide has helped me fix problems that have plagued the two of us for over two decades.
I'm not sure if this thread is still relevant. (I use Linux, so my knowledge is different than getting this stuff to work on Windows.)

For example, I believe that Mastermind's patch was rendered obsolete by a Windows 10 update. This post has links to the information that I know about (a couple MGE patches, and a TOT patch).
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