America: Write Your Own History

I will, but there is no way Lincoln could not have won this time. There was a difference of 6 votes. Feel free to cast your vote now for aesthetics, and/or post your opinion on why that candidate should have been president.
I know the voting is closed, but this IIAR advance fast (well, not that fast)
He was voting for the last election. Anyways, why would anyone assassinate Lincoln? He wasn't even president during the Civil War. He neither started it (John McLean) nor was president during it and ending it (Gerrit Smith).
1864-1868: A Democracy On Which the Sun Never Sets

Upon assuming office, Abraham Lincoln sent diplomats to the Netherlands to sign a peace treaty with the former close friends. In the treaty, the Dutch gave the United States a large sum of money; this was seen as a diplomatic miracle, as the British must have been infuriated that their ally would do this.
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He also focused on maintaining these relations by building embassies. Although previous presidents had promised this, this was surprisingly the first time the United States took the initiative to build foreign embassies.
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In the next few months, Lincoln visited the Philippines and gave a speech at the opening of the nation's first national park. Thousands from around the world would visit these islands on vacation.
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He further expanded his tour of the world, giving his famous speeches, by visiting the South during their Reconstruction.

By the beginning of 1866, the British had relaunched a naval attack on the United States, crippling the Quebec fishery industry. In retaliation, Abraham sent his navy to intercept these ships, where his two Man of Wars defeated three English Frigates.
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With the capture of Mombasa, Lincoln negotiated with Ethiopia over their surrender. For a small sum of money, Ethiopia was annexed into the United States and given control over Somalia and Kenya once again. These United States troops would return back to South Africa, with half of them preparing to be sent up to Sweden to protect them against Russian attacks. The annexation of Ethiopia caused a legal debate between the English and Dutch allies, with England forcing the Dutch back into the war.
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With news of Ethiopia's surrender, Thailand negotiated with Lincoln to also become a territory of the United States. With the Senate's ecstatic approval, the Territory of Siam was added to American influence. Incense poured into the American market with very cheap prices.
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Lincoln then made peace with Austria, although no violent contact had been made between the two countries. Austria payed a small amount as an apology.
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July of that year, the Attack on Sydney began. This was a very violent battle, with two cannon divisions being lost. The fall of the city meant the inevitable capture of the last English city in Australia, Perth.
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Lincoln, quickly becoming known for his legendary oration and diplomacy skills, opened up trade with the very selective Chinese government. America was now close friends with all enemies of Great Britain, and Britain felt the pressure ten-fold.
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The next year, the first oil well in the world was built in Texas. This oil, made useful by the recent discovery of combustion, would quickly become high demand and lead to a revolution in the navy. With support from the Senate, the American science rate was dropped down to 10 for the revolution of the navy to ultimately powerful destroyers.

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Meanwhile, the Siege of Calgary began. Airships, recently designed and massively in demand by Lincoln, bombed Calgary for over two year while American infantry starved surrounded the city and roamed the countryside for militia.

Lincoln then ordered his new navy to go on the offensive against England, sinking an ironclad near ally German-held Iceland. This ship would be renamed the USS Lincoln.
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In Mid-1868, the USS Constitution, the first Man of War constructed during the John Adams administration, was destroyed by a Dutch frigate after the USS Constitution had attacked a British frigate while the American ship was on its way to the Philippines to be replaced by a destroyer.
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Nearing the end of his first term, Lincoln ordered the attack on Calgary after years of planning. A huge fleet, coming from Winnipeg, Salt Lake City, Denver, and Sioux Falls all bombed Calgary while American cannons fired on. With two infantry divisions and one cannon division being lost, the American defeated the 5 infantry, 2 machinemen, and 1 marine defense of the city, and ended the Great War; in this, America solidified its position as the most influential nation in the world.
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The peace treaty with England was pitiful, but Lincoln accepted. With this treaty, the Congress of York, formed of delegates from around Europe, decided on a complete end of the war between all members involved in the Great War. Russia, excluded from this congress on the basis of their communism, did not agree to an end of the war, and continued pushing into Sweden.
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After the Congress, the Dutch happily opened their borders and remained close friends.
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Meeting with the Republican Party, his party agreed to run him unopposed due to his excellent leadership during the Great War and his mediation between those who want harsh punishments on ex-Confederates and those who want Gerrit Smith-era forgiveness. Overall, the Reconstruction had been cooled and made acceptable by Gerrit Smith, and put into organized, efficient action by Lincoln.
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Lincoln, if re-elected, promises to continue his plan to capture Alaska and liberate Scandinavian cities under Soviet command. He will, as well, continue his focus on stabilizing the United States and expanding the economy, as well as catching up with the British in the technological race.
4 more years!
Lincoln also bought a cool hat for Willem Van Oranje (I thought it was his hair, but no, Willem have a hat :O )
wait, that's a hat?

i guess it could be a wig, which would count as both
Election of 1868: A Hint of Better Days Tomorrow

Republican Party

Abraham Lincoln, Age 59, President. Former Illinois Representative and author of the Emancipation Proclamation. Amazing orator. Holds a moderate view of reconstruction. Wants to continue protection of democracy against Soviet Russia, along with the capture of their Alaska holdings. Wants to pass the 14th and 15th amendments, giving civil rights and voting rights to all males. Wants to primarily focus on diplomacy, the economy, and scientific research.
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Democratic Party
Thomas H. Seymour, Age 61, Connecticut Governor, Mexican-American war major, and diplomat to Russia. Wants to follow up on Lincoln's plans to help Scandinavia against Russia, but also wants to focus on reconstructing Korea as a democratic nation and ally against Russia. Wants to stop the passing of the 14th amendment. Wants lesser penalties on the South.
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George H. Pendleton, Age 43, Ohio Representative. Opposed abolition. Wants to refrain from continuing war efforts with Russia, stating that immediate stability and economic policies are needed. Wants to re-enact Jacksonian spoils system. Wants to stop the passing of the 14th amendment. Wants lesser penalties on the South.
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Thomas A. Hendricks, Age 49, Indiana Senator and Representative. Wants to refocus on colonization of Oceania. Opposes 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments (which extend voting to all males) as it would cause unneeded dissent in the South. He states that "He is free; now let him remain free", but a constitutional change is not needed for that to happen.
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Winfield Scott Hancock, Age 44, Army officer in Mexican-American War and general in Civil War and Great War. Leading figure in victory of Battle of Gettysburg. Famous for his integrity, fight against corruption, and stance on civil rights. Supports all of Lincoln's decisions, and is running to get his party to agree with Lincoln more.
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Joel Parker, Age 52, New Jersey Governor. Wants immediate end to Reconstruction, and wants to stop the 14th and 15th amendments. Wants to extend war with Russia to a total war. Wants to capture Puerto Rico.
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James Rood Doolittle, Age 53, Wisconsin Senator. Agrees with Lincoln's policies and the 14th amendment, but not the 15th amendment as states should determine suffrage, but civil rights is a universal law. Wants to promote equality and civil rights of Native Americans. Wants to annex Alaska and protect Scandinavia, as well as rebuild Korea and Mali as democratic nations.
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Salmon P. Chase, Age 60, Ohio Senator and Representative, Chief Justice, and Secretary of Treasury. Led to founding of the Free Soil and Republican parties. Wants to expand on civil rights, extending it to women. Wants to focus on public education and research. Put the phrase "In God We Trust" on the American dollar. Wants to end the war with Russia.
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Campaign News:
With the most lopsided victory in decades, and the first president since Andrew Jackson in the 30's to win a second term, Abraham Lincoln wins with 84.6% of the popular vote! At the inauguration, Salmon P. Chase swore Lincoln in.

Republican Party 11
• Lincoln 11

Democratic Party 2
• Seymour 0
• Pendleton 0
• Hendricks 0
• Hancock 1
• Parker 0
• Doolittle 0
• Chase 1
Hat or Not? Poll?


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Abraham Lincoln
And I say it's a hat.
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