[Tuner Panel] Change Game Options & Victory Conditions


Nov 8, 2010
Maryland, USA
Attached is a simple Tuner panel giving easy access to all the advanced options (e.g. "Quick Combat" or "Raging Barbarians") and victory conditions for a running game. It even includes the 4 "hidden" options which are marked invisible in the standard game. Obviously only some of them have impact, but since I was making a panel that would let me turn "Quick Combat" on/off at will I figured it wouldn't hurt to include everything else available.


Unzip the attached file and place in the "Debug" subdirectory of the Civ5 Program folder (which on my machine is "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v") alongside the .ltp files for all the other Tuner panels. Then from inside the Tuner, choose "Open Panel" and pick "Options.ltp". If you want to ensure that the Options panel always opens with the default panels, choose "Edit Project Panels" from the Admin menu and check it.


Spoiler screenshot from original version :

The first column contain checkboxes for all the standard visible options. Just uncheck anything you want to turn off and check anything you want to turn on. As noted in the intro, some will work better than others; for instance "Quick Combat" can be changed without issue but changing the "No Ancient Ruins" option doesn't have any effect on a running game since those are placed during map generation.

The second column has checkboxes for the 4 "hidden" options which aren't normally available on the setup screen. I have no idea how well they function but "Always War" and "Always Peace" both did pretty much what I expected in limited testing.

Also in the second column are checkboxes for the allowed victory conditions as well as an integer control for max number of turns. Again this was pretty minimally tested; one thing I did notice is that if you enable a previously-disabled condition the F8 Victory Progress screen doesn't seem to add an entry for that condition until you save and reload.


Feel free to use, modify, and distribute this at will although I'd appreciate a link back to this thread so that any comments, suggestions, etc. find their way here.


Sounds useful. I really wonder why they made quick combat an advanced setup option rather than a graphics one? Maybe for MP...
1) Download "Sid Meier's Civilization V SDK" from Steam (through Library -> Tools)
2) Open up the config.ini file located in your Civ5 user folder (e.g. "C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization V" on Vista)
3) Look for the line "EnableTuner = 0" and change it to be "EnableTuner = 1" then save changes.
4) Launch Civ V
5) Launch the Tuner from the SDK shortcut of the Steam menu
Basically you just select the checkbox for the kind of plopper you are going to use, select any necessary options (e.g. the type of unit and owning civ if using the unit plopper) then alt-tab back to the game and the "plopping" will happen everywhere you left-click. Then you alt-tab back to the tuner and uncheck the plopper.

If you have further trouble with the ploppers you may want to create a new topic in the main C&C forum as it's really outside the focus of this topic.
Hey does anyone know how to edit the names of units with firetuner?
I'm trying to change the name of my great generals and I was wondering if this can be done in tuner.
This is awesome. Thanks
Any reason why this wouldn't work with G&K?
Has anybody made this work with a multiplayer game? My friend and I are in the middle of a great game but would like to edit some victory conditions.
Has anybody made this work with a multiplayer game? My friend and I are in the middle of a great game but would like to edit some victory conditions.

Would like to know the same. I would like to remove the 500 turns limit
Would like to know the same. I would like to remove the 500 turns limit


I don't even know how the 500 turn limit sneaked in our marathon game... Please tell us how to do it midgame! It looks like on Multiplayer startup Firetuner gets "disconnected" status, so i can't remove that freaking gamebreaker option!

Please, give us a hand!
Noone has an idea on how to do it?

Maybe bringing the save to singleplayer, modify it, and then bringing it back to multiplayer would work? (Don't even know if it is possible)
Works great. I mistakenly forgot to uncheck several victory conditions and after 110 turns used this method to change the game to my liking. Thank you so much!
Obviously only some of them have impact, but since I was making a panel that would let me turn "Quick Combat" on/off at will I figured it wouldn't hurt to include everything else available.


As noted in the intro, some will work better than others; for instance "Quick Combat" can be changed without issue but changing the "No Ancient Ruins" option doesn't have any effect on a running game since those are placed during map generation.

I'm doing some research and trying to determine which of these options have an effect on the gameplay when they're changed after a game is started and which ones have no effect. I've tried some of them out for myself but I'm trying to save some time if possible. Here's what I've found so far:

Affect the gameplay:
  • Quick combat
  • Always war
  • Always peace
  • Max turns
  • Victory conditions
  • Turn timer

No effect:
  • No ancient ruins
  • Disable starting bias (just a guess)

Does anyone know about any of the other options?

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