Feature Requests and Discussion

Here is another minor WorldBuilder update.

It restores the ability to edit a city's Revolution Index (which I think somehow got removed in the WorldBuilder 4.0 merge), allows the original civilization type of a city to be changed even when its owner does not have the tolerant trait, and allows the data of those two changes to be written to and read from World Builder saves.

(With this it would be easy to make scenarios where a rebellion is brewing at the start and a specific other civ is likely to rise up and fight you within the first few turns.)
I'm playing a scenario but I have the MNAI installed:

I have a berserker in a stack with 4 undamaged skeletons. An assassin strikes and targets the berserker not a skeleton. I've noticed that the berserkers seem to have far too high a defending priority EDIT: (I meant they seem far too likely to defend in a stack) from what I've noticed...
You mean the opposite. The assassin targets the unit with lowest defending priority.

Probably the game considers the skeletons expendable so they get higher defence priority then the berserker that has low defence and is more expensive.
what can I imagine :
is the berserk damaged ?
is he the only one not fortified ?
do the skellies have promotions ? (strong / combats ...etc)
has the berserk : "guardsman" promotion ?

if the assassin had some anti-living promotions, or death/unholy damage, skellies are immune to it, so it might count as indirect boost of their "defending chances"

last : maybe berserk have an xml issue...
Here is another Worldbuilder release, incorporating Platyping's 4.05 update.

I updated the format of the unit screen to be closer to Platyping's (which he made closer to my style anyway).

I added the Hide Inactive button not only where he did, but also to the player screen. There it hides civics, religions, and technologies not current available.

I made Wonders in the Building screen be sorted in multiple columns like buildings, and made holy shrines a separate category from World/National/Team wonders.

I fixed a minor python bug caused by adding research when a tech is not selected, and capped the research so you cannot add more points towards a tech than are required.

Additionally, I added the ability to edit all Feats, and to save those feats to scenario files. Rather than having the World Spell/Sirona's Touch/Trust feats controlled by special toggles, they are found at the top of a list in the player's screen (above the alignment box) which will show the other feats if you scroll down.

I switched those blocky Kill/Revive and Switch Player buttons at the top rights of the Player screen to simply be red/green text like the Hide Inactive button which I placed above them.

I made various changed to make the code look neater, which regular players would not notice.
Could you please add a promotion tag which blocks units with that promotion from upgrading to other units?

And a tag that prevents units with certain promotions from being able to be gifted to other players?

(I mostly want these for Gibbon Goetia related issue in my modmod. When shapeshifted, it is possible to gift the hero to another player. Upgrading him can also cause an extra sluagh to be created, allowing him to be duplicated by the resurrection spell. I'm trying to find a way to block this in python, but adding those tags to the Changeling promotion would be much more convenient. They seem like things that could be useful to other modders too.)
I didn't want to post in the bug thread but in reply to Jo_Fr's comment:

1. Generals thinks

I know that Terkhen you don't really want to add new features, and I know I already have writte severals ask of big rebalance for competitive MP games.

But as I experiment situations and think about things I prefer to writte it somewhere, and as your mod is the most balanced in MP, I prefer to writte it here. Maybe it may be usefull one day if you or another person want to mod about these problems :blush:

Assassins are still overpowered because nearly way to protect versus them, 3 movements units are still too strong to steal back city in double move etc.

But that, we knowed it and we can play with rules which forbid them (I don't lik the "broken feature to counter broken feature", because it tends to be boring that few broken features reduce the diversity of units as hell and make all players prefer to always use assassin and never use mages or priest in attacking move).

2. The unpossiblity to inflict damages to strong first attacks promoted units with sieges units or golems

But I have seen a new phenomen which I did not knowed before. This phenomen is :

- Siege machines or golems cannot be buffed by any spells (except the repair spell but itis not a buff). Why not, it can be logical, but the problem it's they tend to totally suck when they face strong power units with few first attack.

For exemple, a paladin with 4 first attack and no other promotion, can kill 20 catapult which attack him, with nearly no damages inflicted to him or to others units in his stack.

It is the same phenomen with golems, as they cannot be immunised to first attack. So it tends in situations with strongs units (which can come occurs : paladins for exemple) cannot be hurted or just a few, and it is unpossible to defend versus this (especially for Luchuirp wich become naked and crappy).

Proposition :

- Give to the golems or siege equipement the possiblity of being buffed by certain spells, as the immunity to first attack, and others spells which may be logical.
- Or give immunity to first attack to any sieges equipement whih would be very logical as their fire from a long distance (not golems, because it is not logical I think). As it, golems are still very vunerable to strong first attacked unit, but they can still inflict damages if catapult have hurted first.
- Another idea : create a new workshop for Luchuirp, which give first attack immunity to golems, and can be constructed with the Alteration shool (Air Mana or Body mana needed).

3. The strange weakness of canon and dwarven canon

- All sieges units in FFH2 have at minimum 80 % luck of fleeing a battle, except canon and dwaven canon which are as in Beyond the Sword. So it totally worthless to build them and itis better to stick at catapult (if no first attack strong units...).

Proposition :

Make them as all the others sieges units.

3. The strange regeneration spell which works on undeads and vampires

- This spell, one of the strongest of all if you cannot dispell it (which need mages with metamagic 2), works on undead and vampires. I am not opposed to that, because vampires are not really strong. Undead too are not really strong (except the Pyro zombie). But in another view, Haste works on vampires, but does not work on undead. Vampires are undead too do, hast maybe should not work on them, or undeads should can it for themself.

I wonder if all this is well intented. It is just a question, not really a problem.

4. Casting spells at last second to avoid the Dispell

- If your ennemy have dispell, you will not use buff. But you can use buff just before your attack and dispell will be useless. But, why not. The main critic is bout the Regeneration : you can use it just before the end of turn, to regenerate even if you can be dispelled.

Proposition :

This spell dispell but block too any regeneration spell effect for two turns (so the actual turn, useless, and the next turn, usefull).
I've been playing Lurchuip a bit lately and I'm finding that golems are quite powerful especially if you can just get that fire mana to give them fireballing ability. Even just 10 golems casting fireballs is very powerful IMO!

They are also immune to certain negative spells such as charm person I think? So maybe they should be immune to certain positive spells...

But I don't think the Lurchuip should be made more powerful is my main concern.
Here is yet another WorldBuilder update for you.

Version 4.06 changes the various "Hide Inactive" toggles to a single button in the main worldbuilder screen.

More importantly, it adds a "Triggers Python Effects" button, which toggles on or off whether the python results of onCityBuilt, onProjectBuilt, onBuildingBuilt, onUnitPromoted, and onVassalState get triggered.

In FfH2 based modmods, onProjectBuilt is particularly important as there are so many Rituals that rely on python.
Platyping released two more updates since I posted the last merge. I not going to share WorldBuilder 4.06b for MNAI, as WorldBuilder 4.06c was released before I was finished testing it.

WorldBuilder 4.06c fixes a few minor bugs and greatly extends the "Trigger Python Effects" button's functionality so that it can control whether pretty much anything in CvEventManager.py will be triggered in WorldBuilder.

In order to make future merges simpler and to avoid having an empty space on the side panel, I decided to go ahead and include all the Corporation Screen stuff despite there being no Corporations in FfH2. You can't really do anything on it, but it causes no harm and mightbe nice for modmoders who do include Corporations.
A few bugs were discovered in Platyping's Worldbuilder 4.06c, resulting in the release of WorldBuilder 4.06d and now also WorldBuilder 4.06d for MNAI v 2.53.
Platyping released a very minor new update last night only to fix one minor bug which I pointed out. I don't think that the bug is worth me making a new upload, but I'll share the correction here.

In line 2611 of CvWBDesc.py, CyMap().setRevealed(iTeamLoop, True, False) should be CyMap().setRevealedPlots(iTeamLoop, True, False)

Without this change, there is an error that prevents the proper loading any scenario where at least one team is supposed to start with the whole map revealed.
I really enjoyed that game I just played where the Barbarian sons of the inferno and Archeron's disciples destroyed the Bannor then Lurchuip then me (Elohim) - I definitely enjoyed losing in that game! :)

Could you make it so that Archeron's city produces new Archeron's disciples (and later upgrades them to sons of the inferno)? They make Archeron's city much more than a treasure chest to be captured - they are genuinely scarey!!! And personally, I find it more enjoyable from a game theme perspective than random singular powerful units spawning (magdalard, etc).
I have another WorldBuilder update for you, based on Platy Builder 4.07. This adds the ability to change a player's starting plot, it adds a screen where you can cancel any trade deals, and it adds an info screen which makes it easy to count the number and find the location of just about anything. (I imagine that last part may help us track down the issues with duplicated equipment.)

Edit: I just found and fixed a bug in the new info screen, and then shared the fix with Platyping. Since it does not appear that anyone has downloaded the archive from this post yet, I'm reuploading to fix it without changing the version name.
Here is yet another update, incorporating the improvements Platyping made to the new info screen.
If it is going to be part of MNAI v2.60, you should probably edit the mouseover for the question mark button in worldbuilder which displays the version being used.

That would be line 770 of CvGameUtils.py, where it says return "Platy Builder for MNAI 2.53\nVersion: 4.07c"

(Platyping's original version said return "Platy Builder\nVersion: 4.07c", but I thought it important to note that it was the MNAI version of it. I made my modmod instead say Platy Builder for MagisterModmod\nVersion: 4.07c.)

You could just change it to return "Platy Builder for MNAI 2.60\nVersion: 4.07c" and keep it in that format, but I'm thinking that once this worldbuilder is an integral part of MNAI it might make more sense for worldbuilder to just display the name and version of the whole modmod.

I think it may be best to place import CvModName at the top of the file and make that line say return CvModName.getName() + '\nVersion: ' + CvModName.getVersion() so that you never need to update the mouseover manually.
Actually, that icon was there because I don't feel like using 7x3 for the panel.
Which is why you get a trade screen which is frankly speaking, not very meaningful.
The icon is simply there as a placeholder for it to be 6x4.
Here's another World Builder update you can include in MNAI version 2.60.

It simply incorporates Platyping's latest changes plus uses the method of automatically using the current mod as I suggested at the end of my last post here.
Version 4.08

1) Renamed "Change All Plots" to "Plot Type", misleading.

2) Fix Multiple Tile Mode not working in Erase Mode

3) Reveal Plot/Sub/Stealth changed from individual buttons to dropdown menu.
For mods with additional invisible types to add their own without the need to alter the layout.
It is still a pretty hard-coded code because there isn't a gc.getNumInvisibleInfos().

4) Split Multiple Tile Mode brush size into Width and Height.
This means that it is no longer a X by X area around your mouse, since it may not be square.
Limits for Width and Height up to 10 tiles, + Infinity.
For Infinite Width + 1 Height, literally, you get to alter 1 full row.
Naturally, Inf Width + Inf Height => Whole Map

5) Added a toggle for Multiple Tile Mode whether to check for prerequisites.
Example, whether it is possible to place Cows in a 10 x 10 area.
If off, hack care, cows everywhere.
If on, only on possible tiles.
I was playing as Khazad and warrior rushed the Elohim. After my first attack turn I had 3 warriors left and they had 1 wounded warrior. This was the time they should cast Sanctuary but because they didn't, I killed that warrior and destroyed their civ. EDIT: My bad, I just destroyed their capital! They are still alive.
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