Platy's Peculiar Pleasant Posh Python

Hey :D

Just wondering if its even possible. Since all the original civ videos are in 720x486 (iirc) format, is it possible to change the intro video to 16:9 (720x360) and make it "full screen"?

I looked at the code, but honestly not knowing enough python to actually write anything useful

Spoiler :
		self.W_EXIT = 120
		self.H_EXIT = 30
		screen.setLabel("WonderTitleHeader", "Background", u"<font=4b>" + szHeader + "</font>", CvUtil.FONT_CENTER_JUSTIFY, screen.getXResolution() /2, 8, -0.1, FontTypes.TITLE_FONT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1)
		screen.setButtonGFC("EraExit", CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_MAIN_MENU_OK", ()), "", screen.getXResolution()/2 - self.W_EXIT/2, screen.getYResolution() - self.H_EXIT - 8, self.W_EXIT , self.H_EXIT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_CLOSE_SCREEN, -1, -1, ButtonStyles.BUTTON_STYLE_STANDARD )
		self.W_MOVIE = screen.getXResolution()
		self.H_MOVIE = screen.getXResolution() * 2 / 3
		if self.H_MOVIE > (screen.getYResolution() - (self.H_EXIT + 16)*2):
			self.H_MOVIE = screen.getYResolution() - (self.H_EXIT + 16)*2
			self.W_MOVIE = self.H_MOVIE * 3 / 2
		self.X_MOVIE = (screen.getXResolution() - self.W_MOVIE) / 2
		self.Y_MOVIE = (screen.getYResolution() - self.H_MOVIE) / 2

sort of :
Spoiler :

Spoiler :


  • Unstretched.jpg
    81.1 KB · Views: 571
Actually, all are 720 x 480, 3:2 aspect.

They are already stretched full screen if possible.
The reason why it is not in pic 1, is because I purposely set it such that there is a top and bottom gap, such that the video doesn't overlap into the OK button.

Because if you look at pic 2, it feels weird for the OK button to be within the video.
Top gap was to place "Wonder Titles"

That is the purpose of
screen.getYResolution() - (self.H_EXIT + 16)*2

As for 3:2 vs 16:9, just use a if statement to check whether
iMovieType == MOVIE_SCREEN_INTRO, to use 16/9 and 9/16 instead of 3/2 and 2/3
Wonder Movie and Pedia Movie files:

Rewritten to play videos full screen regardless of resolution aspect.
Exception: .nif files are still 3:2

I would love to see is some modcomp to automate map sales. It is so time consuming to require from the ruler to go around the globe again and again trying to get a fair deal for the map tiles you are ready to sell. How about game checks it for you with one your click and present you with one table showing offers from all the known civs and willingness to trade. Player can review deals, uncheck unwanted ones and and get cash with one click.

Please comment on possibility!
Short Answer:

Long Answer:
No python command to implement deals.
long Answer:
No python command to implement deals.

There is at least some trade stuff available in Python.

CyDiplomacy has things like
VOID startTrade (INT iComment, BOOL bRenegotiate)
VOID setAIOffer (BOOL bOffer)
TradeData getTheirTradeOffer (INT iIndex)

TradeData has Attributes:
TradeableItem ItemType
BOOL bHidden
BOOL bOffering
INT iData

It may not have everything you need to launch an unsolicited trade deal. Or it might. But I have no idea how it all works together to make a deal if it is possible.
Released Script Pack, 3 components with Player Script Data.

Developing Traits + Faith + Happy Golden Age

Units may gain/lose Morale after a Combat Victory.

self.iMaxMorale = 15 ## Max Morale Chance = X%
self.iGoodMorale = 25 ## Good Morale Threshold: Max X% Damage
self.iGoldenAgeModifier = 150 ## Golden Age: X% Good Morale Chance
self.iMovesRegain = 1 ## Regain X Movement Point due to Good Morale
self.iBadMorale = 75 ## Bad Morale Threshold: Min X% Damage
self.iAnarchyModifier = 150 ## Anarchy: X% Bad Morale Chance
self.iBadTurns = 2 ## Immobile Turns due to Bad Morale

Winning a combat with > 75% health remaining can result in Good Morale.
This chance is then scaled to the Max Morale Chance.
After which it is enhanced by 50% during Golden Age.

Thus, a unit which wins with 90% Health, has a chance of:
(90 - 75) * 15 / 25 = 9%
While a unit which wins with 100% Health:
(100 - 75) * 15 / 25 = 15%

On the other hand, winning with < 25% health remaining can result in Bad Morale.

Good Morale gives the unit 1 additional Move Point.
Bad Morale results in 2 Immobile Turns.
Hey Platy :D
Is this possible?

I would kill for a feature like this (well maybe not kill, but be very happy ;))

The P is Projects and Zzz is Processezzz (new icons would ofcourse have to be made, but wanted to ask if it was even possible before doing)

Quite easy for sure, but seriously, isn't it clearer currently when they are separated by new lines?
clearer, but not very efficient. Besides especially in the beginning, but also later when all buildings are built, there are lines with perhaps 1 item in them. It gives a lot better overview of what is buildable. Maybe make it a button switch?
Will bother only after buttons are available.
But either way, it won't be tonight.
Monday is boring full working day, after which I rather spend time on entertainment than boring modding.
Those unit and building icons are hud styles, so you probably have to convert or make new buttons too.
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