Dawn of Russians

Currently orthodox christianity in the world is like this:

Eastern orthodox church (in full communion):
*Patriarchate of Konstantinopel
**Romanian Orthodox Church (formed at Poland's spawn)
**Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church (formed in 1491 when Poland converted, they didn't join Kiev, because we were in war)
*Patriarchate of Kiev and all Russia (built in 1471)
**Metropolis of Moskva is under construction
**Sankt-Peterburg has requested to built its own metropolis

Oriental orthodox church (no communion):
*Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (formed in 4th century)
*Other minor churches persecuted by Arabs and Turks in middle east

Polish-Lithuanian cities are under Polish Autocephalus Orthodox Church, and thus Konstantinopel. Balkan and German cities are immediately under Konstantinopel. All other Russian cities are under the Patriarchate of Kiev. Romanian church controls only small mountainous villages in Transylvania and no big cities. In Lwow there are both Polish Church and patriarchate of Kiev, due to ethnological disputes.

Russian empire was the most populus empire in the world. Twenty million people lived here.


The Black sea fleet was ready. Balkans could connect to the rest of Russia through the black sea.


Saint Basil's cathedral was completed in Moskva. It was the greatest world wonder of its time and symbol of the greatness of Russian Empire. Red square became the symbol of Russia through the ages.


It seems Europe is hostile towards us. Their spies started bother Moskva after Sankt-Peterburg.


Kievan people loved Catherine. Kievans organised celebrations to please the empress.


Malagasy pirates destroyed our exploring ships. Survivors fleed to dutch Zanzibar and then came to Russia.


Paisiy Yaroslavov was born in Konstantinopel. He studied many books and met prominent scholars and priests of its time. His spirituallity was amazing and he was willing to deliver his services to Russian empire.


Sankt-Peterburg was poisoned again.


Our scholars found new ways to use our forests without cutting them down.


Portoguese liberated Malacca. It was the first time in history a colony be given back to its indigenous people.


The french king wanted desperately large amounts of pig meat. Russians satisfied his apetite. The deal was known as the "pig deal".

The french threat:

France became the most influencial kingdom in the world by protecting the rest of Spain and capitulating Netherlands.


Polish king recognised French king as its master. This caused tensions between France and Russia.



France annexed Netherlands. Dutch colonies recognised the government in exile in Argentina.

Russo-kongolese relations:


Russians met Kongo, a small kingdom in central Africa.


Catherine helped Kongolese trying to fix her foreign image.
At last we experience an extended period of peace.

Our major problem is maintainance. We can conduct research only if some of our cities produce wealth else, our research will collapse. Sankt-Peterburg and Konstantinopel pay the most taxes but they aren't enough to maintain the empire. Villages produce some gold. Broad construction of a courthouse systme will take some time. Feel free to say your opinion on this matter.

Priests of St Basil's Cathedral believe we should strengthen the bond between the church and state. They already help us to influence our rivals better. They propose to build monasteries and churchs in the empire.

We have some espionage opportunities. What shall we do? Maybe steeling some gold from France?

What shall we do with Yaroslavov? He can discover some education methods, but we have to do half the job on our own. We can also settle him in a city, inspiring local merchants.

What shall we discover next? If we contact Dutch we may buy education or astronomy, but we need to afford a new caravel to reach Argentina.

I request two settlers to expand to pacific ocean. I won't settle them immediately, but let's have them ready. I request three mounted units and two bombards too.

I think we are secure from external threats for the time being. If we solve the maintainance problem, we will become greater than France again. We recieve many request for defencive pacts. I think we can accept only small neutral kingdoms and avoid large partners like England or Mughals.

EDIT: Almost forgot:

After long negotiations Graf Wookieemeat is transfered to Beograd. He believes he can serve better the empire from his new home.
The french king wanted desperately large amounts of pig meat. Russians satisfied his apetite. The deal was known as the "pig deal".

Or as I prefer to call it: "The Porking of Paris"...;)
Your economy seems ok. Our economy on the Caliphate isn't as good as yours because of our recent expansions, but if our plans go like intended, we will probably get better on the next term.

Now adhiraj will need a serious economic reformation because A Tryst with Destiny is not going well economically.
The citizens of Sankt-Peterburg demand justice for poisoning of the water supply over the years! The city is willing to do what ever it takes to make sure that happens.
I would like to construct a bank in Beograd, after one Heavy Horseman for defense. I also demand that the nation responsible for the poisoning of our people be brought to justice! Let the world know that the Russian people are not to be trifled with!

I agree with the nationwide courthouse system, as this will improve the efficiency of the bureaucracy as well as help alleviate corruption. This courthouse system can also improve the efficiency of our espionage and counter-espionage which lends to my first point.

I would like Yaroslavov to spread his ideas of education and then get our think-tank and researchers to build on those ideas.
Your economy seems ok. Our economy on the Caliphate isn't as good as yours because of our recent expansions, but if our plans go like intended, we will probably get better on the next term.

Now adhiraj will need a serious economic reformation because A Tryst with Destiny is not going well economically.

It is quite strange. India and Arabia control at least two shrines, Russian empire controls only one.

Mattias I lives!

Good to here. Are you his Grandson or you resurected?

Not a bad idea actually. I doubt it's the Vikings hpwever I think the poles might be up to something though.

I will train a spy to guard your city. The first spy confesed to be Swedish, but I believe both Germans and Poles would do something like that. I will see if we can extract some information from our spies. In any case we will punish Sweden with the same way.

I would like to construct a bank in Beograd, after one Heavy Horseman for defense.

Beograd city-thread added in the group. You can make next requests there.
The last depicted turn is turn 375. On this turn your gpt seemed to decrease as the screenshots go on, but your last one shows +19 gpt and you're getting a deal giving you +16 gpt.

In the Caliphate we are losing 13 gpt at 70%, and in India we are losing gold while under 50%.

Your economy is ok, the conomy on the Caliphate isn't as good as it could be because of recent expansions (and it will get worse on the next turn, but by the end of the next term I presume it'll recover).

India OTOH is suffering a lot and needs a reform.

It's not exactly a question of shrines, but of everything. If we take shrines into account, the Caliphate is surely the most gold-consumer of all because we have Al-Quds (so our shrines go up to +40gpt) and our Buddhist shrine is almost giving the full +40, while the Muslim one is already giving that much. India OTOH is in the beginning of the game, and the shrines can't be giving much gold, so it has a lot to improve yet.

The main differences IMO would be Russia being concise in its territory, while Arabia (although with a huge support from the shrines) is venturing far away, and India is overstretched and poorly populated for its time. I don't know about improvements because I didn't take a deep look at your game yet. I've just been seeing some updates here and there.
Shortly after his ascension, Isaac Angeloi died at a fine old age. He has been replaced by his 23 year old grandson, Alexios Angeloi.
Maintainace will be a major matter that will bother us from now on, maybe until the end of the game. I give you this report, so that you are fully informed about Russian Empire's economy.

Spoiler :

Note in both papers that our productive cities produce wealth, and this is the main source of taxation. So our good treasury balance is plasmatic.

Konstantinopel seems to be the most important comercial center of the empire. I believe it will overtrhow Kiev, after its bank is built. Sankt-Peterburg attracts the most wealthy citizents of the empire, due to its many countryside villages. Surprisingly, it produces few wealth.

Additionally, note that due to our agrarian policies, our many farmers produce more wealth, so they can pay more taxes.
Russian sphere of influence:
Catherine recieved many requests to sign defencive pacts. She should make clear which sides Russia choses.



She decided to protect the weak to maintaine world balance.


Defencive pact with Iran had a second deaper meaning. Iran recognised immediately or not the russian control of Central Asia and secured the Irani-Russian border off hostilites.

Plague and poison:

Although, many years have passed, Catherine orderes her spies to prepare the poisoning of Stockholm. Fortunately, we had enough information to conduct it.


These poisoning games were a worldwide problem and caused a global plague. This plague hit Russia from Uglich.



It is one of the rare times Russia imports. Catherine imported the best remedies from the east to heal the sick.


Plague spread in Moskva! However, the remedies had considerable results reducing the victims and the symptoms of the plague.


In just few years, plague was faced succesfully, apart from Sankt-Peterburg. The poisoned water delayed the cure.


Russians took revenge. This revenge came some decades after the first poisoning, but revenge is a plate eaten cold.


Scandinavians love to prove Russians wrong. They seem to take their counter-revenge immediately.


Catherine approved the formation of special permanent spy force in Sankt-Peterburg. Its mission is to guard the city from rival spies.

How to forge a maritime empire:

Argentina agreed to share their knowledge of a maritime colonial empire, and we tought them the secrets of a vast land empire. Although the deal seemed unfair, Argentina was too weak and far away to create any problems to us.


The balkan fleet was upgraded to increase its efficiency.



Arabians extended our knowledge even further on how to build a colonial empire. This deal brought the two empires closer and it was the first time Arabian markets opened to Russian merchants.


Some of our military officials want to focus on the sea fleets instead of a land army.



Our explorers brought a new resources to mother Russia. Tobacco could be cultivated in south Balkans and smoking became the new fashion among the nobles. Meanwhile, Peterburgians, exhausted by continuous poisonings, cultivated a new herd of deer near their lands to boost their food needs.

Russian public education:

Paisiy Yaroslavov fought illiteracy and built many schools in the balkans, mainly Constantinopel. Until then, the only education institute in Russian Empire was Academia Lomonosova in Moskva. However, this academia was open only for sons of prominent families. The new schools produced the first public teachers.


Russian education developped slowly to reach a fully developped, wide and complete system of education. In 1701, schools were built in almost every important city. Many exceptional minds were born in Russian empire and requested funding and facilities to host their teaching and research needs.
Some of our generals believe we should focus to the sea and support a maritime colonial empire. However, most of our generals consider these ideas ludicrous, stressing that Russia is the biggest land empire on earth.

Revolution fractions:
Landists: 7
+2XP per unit trained
+25% faster land unit training

Navists: 1
+2XP per sea unit
+25% faster sea unit training
double production speed of harbour, custom house and drydock

Only generals of Sankt-Peterburg would like to make Russia a navy empire, so Russia kept focusing on land army.
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