Dawn of Russians

Thanks to Arabia and Argentina we keep our tech level stable. The courthouse system is under construction. And economy proceeds well, mainly due to our large treasury reserves.

What should we research next? We have advances research institutes from now on, we should keep them busy. I propose rifling.

Should we colonise and where? Unfortunately Cuba is already colonised by Spain. There are some good spots in the other side of the pacific like Alaska and Cascadia.

I request the two pacific settlers again. I request five more horsemen, our rivals are slightly more powerful than us.

Feel free to add new subjects and strategies to the council. We can do many things, like try to strengthen our partners, change partners, conduct a war, stop all production to produce wealth, fund solely espionage, build monasteries and temples (OCC: they produce +2 espionage) etc...


The riches of Siberia have yet to be fully tamed.
Reposting, so that it is visible to others too. I'm sure it would be lost there.
+2XP per unit trained
+25% faster land unit training

I've posted build orders in the group but Krasnodar can contribute a horseman to your needs if you so wish.

If we were to colonize I believe it should be the East Coast of this new world after all this is closest to us.

I suggest the colonization of Alta California.
We have no use for a navy. Only the Baltic sea can be considered a front to attack or be attacked, and that's no reason to change our whole government. Landist Also, I say we begin the colonization of Alaska and into Oregon.
Hmm so I'm playing a Russia game myself and I just switched over to communism. Turns out the names of Caricyn and Sankt-Peterburg change. Joy.
No use for a navy!? Say that to any of the citizens of Sankt-Petersburg and they'll tar and feather you!

Aren't you too busy being poisoned to tar and feather people? :p

Hmm so I'm playing a Russia game myself and I just switched over to communism. Turns out the names of Caricyn and Sankt-Peterburg change. Joy.

That's actually pretty neat. I did not know that.
To what? Leningrad and Stalingrad.
Well I mean it's historic fact :p
I was going to keep it a secret in case we switch to communism someday but all righty.

So I was right? That was a guess. I've never even played DOC or Russia so I wouldn't know.
But I mean you could just look it up :p
I am landist.
End of voting. Results in the above corresponding posts.
Geopolitics in old world:

Croatia revolted and joined the habsburg empire. Unfortunately Russians could do little to counter the revolution.


Northern Germany declared its indepedence from Habsburgs. The german order in baltics joined the new kingdom. Catherine recognised the new kingdom.


Chinese army moved threateningly near sinorussian borders. Catherine ordered some battalions to move to the east.


Poland converted to Protestantism breaking the russo-polish relations completely.


Rumania revolted against Poland and joined Russian empire. Now land units could move freely and safely from the balkans to motherland and vice versa.

Spy missions:

Russian spies stole all the French gold.


Sankt-Peterburg was poisoned for fifth time! Catherine and Peterburgians were upset. The special antipoisoning unit failed. Catherine decided to focus our espionage efforts exclusively on our neighbours to halt the poisoning at last.


The efforts payed out. Counterspies prevented the poisoning of Kiev.

Other events:

Louis didn't want any sausages anymore. However, he was interested in diamonds and Russian exports in France continued.


Russian empire was the best kingdom in the world and russian citizents are happy about it.


Historians ranked Russia as the second most influencial power in the world. The other being these French. However, Russia's economy was rising, while France's economy and political situation was unstable.

Colonisation of Alaska:

Sankt-Peterburg wanted to be a naval force in the world. Although Russia was a land empire, Catherine allowed them to colonise the new world.


Peterburgians founded the colony of Novoarkhangelsk in western north america. This site had an resource of large and edible crabs, while a rich source of bronze was some miles inland.
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