Dawn of Russians

War of Habsburg Succession:



Europe was tired of Habsburg monarchies and their exceptional claims, especially in Spain and France. Almost all european powers declared war on Austrian empire to reclaim their lands back. Prussia joined the war afterwards to conquer the rest of german speaking lands. Catherine didn't get involved in the war, but she was highly interested.


Our ally, Portugal took advange to go on offencive against Spain. Since, the war was offencive Russia didn't involve.


Austrian empire collapsed and European kingdoms reclaimed their lands, while Prussia conquered Vienna. France and Russia split the remainants of the Habsburg between them. Russia took control of Greece, while France took control of Italy.


However, Italians revolted against the unstable French kingdom. Venetia and kingdom of two sicilies gained their indepedence, while papal states remained royal to Louis.


Catherine supressed the italian revolutions. French were angry, because she didn't give these lands back. Catherine wanted to think about it before acting and claimed the kingdom of two sicilies due to its orthodox population.


Spain broke off France. Portugal wanted to continue the war against Spain, but they wanted peace with France.


Louis requests to leave Portugal alone were excessive. The last thing Catherine wanted is gifting the French with some techs. She prefered to see Lisboa conquered than helping the most dangerous power on earth.



Some years after Portugal ended both wars. Catherine was pleased from the outcome. Russia gained full control of Balkans and some italian bases maintaining the same diplomatic status quo. France lost its vassal Spain and the balance in Iberia restored.

However, the collapse of Austrian empire meant that Prussia was stronger and more dangerous.


England got jealous of French and wanted russian sausages. The second pig deal was real.


Akbar revised the russomughal deals. England declared war on Mughals, so giving strategic resources to Mughals was a good action to maintain somehow the balance in India.

Other events:

Constantinopel gave birth to a second exceptional mind. Feofan Prokovitch requested an audience.


At last our professors developped a new type of weapon, more accurate than the musket. However, we were the last to discover it in Europe.


England got jealous of Russian colonies and compete us founding Vancouver. Who would reach the rich bronze mines first?
The balance of powers in Europe has changed. France is weakened at last and the balance in Iberia is restored. However, Prussia, the new power of Europe is stronger and more advanced than us. It may be small for now, but I believe they will grow big and dangerous. For the time being, it is France's problem, because their lands surround them.

What should happen in Italy? Who should control Venice? I suggested Italians to unify under their own kingdom, but they refused! We won't give them to Prussia and if we give them back to France they mught revolt again.

Feofan Prokovitch requests an audience. He had some radical ideas, like that all people are born liberal. University professors believe he has something important to say, but they need time to study his ideas.

What should we discover next? Maybe economics, since we need to strengthen our economy.

I think we managed to forge a good espionage network. I hope these poisonings belong to the past.
I can't get on the group right now but I wish for you to use an Uglich settler to colonize Anchorage. Also, I say leave Italy alone. Research economics. And finally, use the Great Prophet to settle on Uglich, it will raise productivity and commerce in our fair city.
I want to propose a reform! I think that it would be better gave more autonomy to the Grafts on the colonization. Every graft is responsible for the colony that he/she founded and they would pay a military tax for the use of the Crown service, like Navy or Roads.
It can be applied through the current system. You can claim your colonies. (Although, you have to give the city back if someone wants it for his/her capital).

De facto, it works as you described. Graftsvos pay taxes and train military in exchange for their autonomy. The more powerful our military and economy are, the more autonomy graftsvos have.
I add these rules:
*If you control more than one city at least one should produce wealth.
*Military cities train units instead of producing wealth. This should happen regularly.
*All graftsvos should follow central policies. For example all cities shall build a courthouse, it is a contemporary central policy.
We should leave Italy, discover Economics and settle Feofan Prokovitch in Uglich.
The presence of a strong central power fits perfectly with the Russian Tzars citis. I love how you let the Grafts have some autonomy while some central rules have to be respected. This story is getting pretty interesting.
The presence of a strong central power fits perfectly with the Russian Tzars citis. I love how you let the Grafts have some autonomy while some central rules have to be respected. This story is getting pretty interesting.

Thanx for your good words. I want to make sure that Russia remains strong. As long as Russia is strong, there is no reason to limit the powers of grafs.

We should leave Italy

Also, I say leave Italy alone.

Unfortunately, if we leave Italy alone they will gradually become part of France or Prussia. Since France is unstable they will become part of Prussia and I want to avoid this scenario. I think I will gift it to someone else, maybe Portugal.
But we cannot risk the stability. Also, why would you have a vote if you made final decision? :lol:
But we cannot risk the stability.

Stability is the last to bother us. We are solid. The courthouse system will protect us from future stability problems too. If stability becomes a problem, we will see it then.

Also, why would you have a vote if you made final decision?
I can't understand the question to be honest.
He's basically asking why would you make a vote if you would have done what you wanted either way

Because you may have a better idea than me, or my opinion isn't fully shaped yet.
Okay. That's a fair point. I was honestly asking.
Eastern events:

China had a large treasury and its espionage defences were small. So why not stealing from them?


Colonists from Kiev founded Vladivostok, the first pacific russian port of the old world. Japanese and Chinese weren't happy to have more competition in the sea of Japan.


Russian spies stole some gold from chinese capital for several years. The money were spent to upgrade the near army.


Russians continued colonisation with Cicihaer. Cicihaer's area was really rich in resources.

New world events:

English bet us and gained access to bronze mines first.


Brazil was colonised by France and declared its indepedence. Kievan colonists couldn't find a place to settle a new colony.


Nikolaevsk was founded in Alaska.

Western events:

Catherine gifted Venecija to our allies, the Portoguese.


Feofan established in Uglich. He created an iconography school. Its tradition was one of the most important commercial activities of the city.


Corsair pirates pillaged Greece. Unfortunately, the russian navy undevelopped. The pirates were arrested by the neighbouring turkish navy.


France signed a controversial defencive pact with Ottomans. Western Europeans were proud to not sign defencive pacts with muslim kingdoms. They had often acused Russia for signing a defencive pact with Iran.


In the world there were basically four powers. Russian empire with its allies, Portugal and Iran. Kingdom of France with its vassals, Argentina and Poland. Ottoman empire, although weak, with great influence in islamic world. Kingdom of Great Britain was an emerging empire.


France now wanted silk clothes. A new success for the high exportive russian economy.


Catherine realised Prussia should be our ally. If France-Ottomans declared war on Russia, then Prussia could occupy the French and the Polish.


However, Frederick demanded to cancel the defencive pact with Portugal. Portuguese proved to be strong enough on their own in the past, so Catherine accepted.


Sankt-Peterburg was poisoned again. Although our spies made a respectable job, four spies were caught. Sweden was the main suspect, since it was the only kingdom with more capable spies.
Thanks for Alaska :D and it would be steal, not steeling. Steel is the metal. Also, perhaps some bribery might help ;)
Feel my pain of too-large Congress wars
Yes, we will fight wars constantly from now on. However, Russia is strong, and has the most advanced technology and military in the world. It can hanndle it, even though it is almost all against Russia. The real problem isn't the military but the economy. Russia's economy was high exportive and now it has collapsed.

Thanks for Alaska :D and it would be steal, not steeling. Steel is the metal. Also, perhaps some bribery might help ;)

Unfortunately it wouldn't do anything. Chinese wanted Mukden, we couldn't bribe for both cities and refusing either city would have the same result. Prepare for war was the best option. However, leaving Mukden and reconquering it, was a good idea to be honest, if it was possible.
Congress of Kopenhagen:

The first world congress was held in Kopenhagen. This congress would be catastrophic for Russia, ottomans would request Constantinopel, and Catherine would never accept such claim.


Catherine requested Finland. Russians settled Karelia many years before Sweden.


As russian diplomats already knew, the congress wanted to give Konstantinopel to Ottomans. A global war was inevitable.

Modern historians say that this is the first global scale war. However, it includes many different war theatres, and regional wars remained in history separately.

In western Europe and middle east the war is known as "war on russian imperialism", while in China it is known as "sino-russian war". Although, the war was declared to halt Russia's expansion, Catherine sought it as the opportunity to solve the border disputes of the empire.

Prussia has signed diffencive pact with Russia some years earlier. So, when the war spawned Prussia allied with Russia. However, some days after that King of Prussia declared war on Russia. Prussia was at a worse foreign situation than Russia. It was at war with almost anyone. The prussian mystery is a well known event, that even modern historians can't understand.

The strange Prussian behaviour was the best Prussians could do for Catherine. Prussians would keep occupied the French and the Polish, while Russia could act without caring a lot about central Europe. Although, Prussians were at war with Russia, they wouldn't try to attack, France and Poland were worse threats for them.

War preparations:

With Prussian agreement cancelled Catherine resigned the traditional defencive pact with Portugal. Good thing, Portugal remained out of the war.



However, Iran was in the russian side and completely helpless. Mughals and Ottomans were at war with both of us. Catherine gifted them the appropriate knowledge to stand alive.

Italian front:


Russian controlled a military base in Naples, Italy. French army was in medieval ages, so capturing papal states was easy.


Catherine decided to sign a peace treaty with France. Although she gave back Naples, she controlled Rome, and being at war with anyone wasn't a good idea.


Italy after the treaty of Veneza. Russia keeps the papal states, France regains control of naples and Portugal keeps control of Veneza.

Anatolian fronts:


At last Russians captured Derbent. Moreover, for an unknown reason, the roots from anatolia to Derbent were destroyed. So caucasian front was secure from immediate attacks.


Muslims "supported their ottoman brothers to liberate Konstantinopel."

Chinese fronts:


Chinese were even worse than the French, although they controlled a considerable army in Korea. They lost Kashgar. The chinese empire was extremely unstable.


In a surprising movement Chinese conquered Ulan-Udeh. Russians corrected their mistake soon.



Russians captured chinese capital in an attempt to capture the Ming ruler and put an end to his reign. Unfortunately, he fled and although the Chinese empire was collapsing it stood the hit.



Russians captured the chinese military base of Kanggye in Korea. Although not an important city it had the effect Catherine wanted. Chinese warlords declared their indepedence from the Ming and broke in small warring states.

Finnish front:


Maybe it is time to "discuss" with Sweden and England who controls Finland and Alaska.

Other results of the war:


Argentina collapsed like China.


However, Russia experienced extended foreign isolation. Although it won the battles, the economy was ruined. Russian economy lied on exports, and exports gone. Fortunately, taxes could only pay maintainance, but for how long? If this continued rivals would de facto win.
As you can see the rest of the world declared war on us. Now, that the situation is a little more stable we can discuss.

Where should we fight? Except Prussia I think, we can win all other fronts. Although we have a considerable military we can't fight all fronts.

Russian fronts:
*Austrian (vs Prussia), busy by French
*Karelian (vs Sweden, Prussia), I estimate some small swedish army will come later, Prussians are busy with Polish
*Anatolian (vs Ottomans), pan-muslim armies are coming, but their weapons are medieval
*Caucasian (vs Ottomans), routes are destroyed. I estimate noone will come
*Chinese, (vs chinese warlords), they aren't threat
*Alaskan (vs Britain), no considerable army from either side.

Iranian fronts:
*Mesopotamian, situation unknown
*Lahorian, situation unknown

Currently we have small armies in Karelian, Anatolian fronts and a large army in the chinese front. A good defence is present in Caucasian front. Our navy ships are old, with the only exception a fregate in Sankt-Peterburg.

Chinese warlords control two of the most important commercial cities in far east. Xian and Nanjing. I think it will help our economy a lot.

The economic balance collapsed. Thanx to our courthouse system we can pay the maintainance. However, a very significant factor is that our cities train military units. If we switch them to producing wealth we may regain half of our economic strenght back.

Feel free to say your opinion on what should we do next. There are endless possibilities.

EDIT: OCC: I updated today, because I have a job to do tommorrow. This council will last at least three days.
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