Dawn of Russians

When Ivan consolidated his power over Muscovy things were completely different. Ivan was maybe the only man in whole Russia knowing how to read and write. Middle ages were a harse period of time, warlords were dangerous and Russia needed a strong central authority to survive. Only a handful of people had the opportunity to educate themselves and develop the appropriate skills to maintain a graftsvo or an empire.
However, things are completely different now. People are educated and an increadible rate, over 50% of population can write and read, like this article. Many of them are more skillful than the best bureaocrat, graf or even an emperor.
I personally believe, it is time for a republic. I request all of you to participate in the new republic, and support it. I personally retire from the throne to help the transistion.

Russian republic is proclaimed in Moskva. All grafs except graf Bigfoot don't recongnise the new government.

Duma was formed yesterday in Moskva. President Georgy Lvov requests all cities to send their representatives.

Nikolas claim the throne. He was loyal to Catherine, but completely disatisfied by her retirement. He is backed by populists.

Alexander claim the throne. He believes giving power to people will be a complete disaster, he wants to maintain status quo. He is backed by Monarchists.

Russian Republic controls only Sank-Peterburg and Moskva. Constantinopel and Krasnodar don't recognise the government but they will send representatives in Duma. Caricyn, Uglish, Samarquand and other graftsvos are under strong graf control.
Spoiler :

I will fight the republic. I have spent my life working to create a Graf that served the Tsar well, and now republicans wish to destroy all of that work. I would even support a populist government over being ruled by the masses. This mobocracy will be the death of Russia.
The people have not spoken! Only half wish for a mobocracy!
I will fight the republic. I have spent my life working to create a Graf that served the Tsar well, and now republicans wish to destroy all of that work. I would even support a populist government over being ruled by the masses. This mobocracy will be the death of Russia.

Please, graf Caterpillar, support the Populists in this Civil War. Only together can we beat back the traitors and keep the Monarchy alive!

Alexios Angelos
I support the populists! It is an agreement between a republic and absolute monarchy! Won't more people join??
As Graf of Kiev and Vladivostok, two very important cities, I wanna know what would I win for my support. Make your offers.
As Graf of Kiev and Vladivostok, two very important cities, I wanna know what would I win for my support. Make your offers.

I will make the Ecunemical Patriarch recognize your Patriarch of Kiev as a major episcopal see thus creating a Hexarchy. You shall be equal to Rome, Konstantinoupolis, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem. We Populists shall support a movement in the Duma to move the Capital to Kiev if you join us and we win.

Alexios Angelos
As Graf of Kiev and Vladivostok, two very important cities, I wanna know what would I win for my support. Make your offers.

Under the Republic the citizens of your cities will have a better life. You will help make Russia the envy of the world with the amount of money the move to a republican system will bring. Also Moscow itself has adopted the Republican and Tsarina Catherine has herself stated she wishes for Russia to switch.
As Graf of Kiev and Vladivostok, two very important cities, I wanna know what would I win for my support. Make your offers.

Do not listen to these fools! Under the Grafdom, you will continue to rule your city! Vassalizing your subjects means that your household will bring security to your subjects and allow for more experienced warriors, and in addition, the monarchical system allows you to crush their petty complains.
Do not listen to these fools! Under the Grafdom, you will continue to rule your city! Vassalizing your subjects means that your household will bring security to your subjects and allow for more experienced warriors, and in addition, the monarchical system allows you to crush their petty complains.

But by crushing them you will make them want to rebel. In a Republican system you won't be held responsible for any mistakes so long as you give the illusion you're doing something.
If you join the republicans, you will lose your vast wealth and regardless of whether you helped or not, the unruly poor will look to take you out of power simply because you are rich! If you wish to bring in democratic ideals, become a populist, it still retains our glorious Tsar.
Yeah. Also, historically, the transition from absolute monarchy straight into a republic went sour fast, the French Revolution. To compare, the constitutional monarchy of Britain slowly made the nation more democratic instead of BAM democracy. America was lucky because there was really no aristocracy and there was much more economic and social mobility where people could move up the ladder.
I will make the Ecunemical Patriarch recognize your Patriarch of Kiev as a major episcopal see thus creating a Hexarchy. You shall be equal to Rome, Konstantinoupolis, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem. We Populists shall support a movement in the Duma to move the Capital to Kiev if you join us and we win.

Alexios Angelos

Dear Aleixos

You and Graft Caterpillar made me see the reason!

All hail the Tsar Nikolas!!!

In all honesty, though, Russia was controlled by a Czar until ~1917 when Nicholas II was overthrown by the Red Army.

Yeah. Also, historically, the transition from absolute monarchy straight into a republic went sour fast, the French Revolution. To compare, the constitutional monarchy of Britain slowly made the nation more democratic instead of BAM democracy. America was lucky because there was really no aristocracy and there was much more economic and social mobility where people could move up the ladder.

Yes, but in real history Russia run absolutism from Peter the Great until ~1900. So according to real history there should be no vassalage. Nikolas agreed to constitutional monarchy some years earlier and between February-October revolutions, Russia was the "Russian Republic" without monarchy. So transition was something like that:

Grand duchy (monarchy vassalage)->Russian Empire (monarchy absolutism)->Russian Republic (republic representation)
Revolution begun in 1786! Generals, peasants, worker, farmers want to end monarcy and the nobility once and for all in Russia! It the first time after the antiduke revolutions. Three fractions were formed:

Monarchists: 4 (TheNoob, baseballpie, Kinkaz, Spirictum)
Monarchists wanted to preserve status quo with Catherine as the legitimate emperor and the nobility titles. After Catherine's retirement, they backed Alexander.
Dynaticism: +1:) per military units capped at 4
Vassalage: +2:) from castle, +2xp points
Graftsvo system: Participation with grafs and controlling cities

Republicans: 4 (Lord Bigfoot, VGL, borhap88, citis)
Republicans wanted to establish a modern parliamentary republic, abdicating and abolishing noble titles. After the revolution reached a draw, they cooperated with Populists agreeing to conduct a referendum on monarchy.
Republic: double speed of cottage, hamlet, village development, +50%:gp:
Representation: +1 free specialist per city
Elections: Participation with parliamentary elections

Populists: 4 (DVKM, Pliped, CaterpillarKing, Matthias I)
Populists would like to establish a parliament and constitutional monarchy with Catherine as their emperor. After Catherine's retirement, they backed Nikolas. After the revolution reached a draw, they cooperated with Republicanss agreeing to conduct a referendum on monarchy.
Dynaticism: +1:) per military units capped at 4
Representation: +1 free specialist per city
Elections: Participation with parliamentary elections
Duma members conducted their first meeting yesterday. Representatives came from populists and republican territories. They voted the following bill:
*After the revolution all people who recognise Duma will recieve the same political rights.
*All prisoners arrested during the revolution, will be released.
*Monarchy will be decided via referendum.
*If the referendum results in preserving monarchy, prince Nikolas will be declared the next Emperor. Nikolas shall accept the constitution and respect Duma's decisions.
*If the referendum results in abdication, all noble and tsar titles will be abolished. Official Russia's name shall change to "Russian Republic".
*Alexander is a usurper and an outlaw. He is wanted dead or alive.
*Pro-Alexander forces are traitors and should be imprisoned. However, death penalty isn't allowed. The penalty refers only to the traitors themselves and cannot be extended to include their families or other related people.
*Populist and republican forces shall fight together to reconquer pro-Alexander territories.

Alexander died during siege of Gurev. Nikolas is the only claimant of the throne. Most pro-Alexander grafs surrender, some few continute the fight and declare indepedence.

All Russia is under pro-Duma forces. The referendum is declared to happen in three months.

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