To The Great Beyond - Space Empires!

Jaar'ar Federation

Race name: Jaar'ar
Primary traits: Economists, Collectivists
Flavour traits: Philosophers, Culturalists
Primary colour: Black
Homeworld name: Zhang
Homeworld type: Fortress World
Home star type: K-type orange star
Natural Environment: Grassland, large mountains and large lakes and rivers
Physical form: Humanoid, Hands, Proto-Mammal / Synapsid
Starting units: Troops, Defence Guns
Start location: QUIET
Brief Bio:

The Jaar'ar tribe is the only sentient tribe that has developed in Zhang. Divided in villages at first and then between small and later larger tribes, they were finally united in a Federation during the Five Hundred Year Wars. Some tribes tried to rebel against the Federation seven decades after the War, but they were crushed by the forces of General Jin. Since then, the Jaar'ar Federation has been in peace
I can change my alien race just need to know what lym idea was so nothing else is copyed
Ask, and ye shall receive!

Spoiler Official, frustratingly transparent logo :

Faction name: Sureya Cosmic Exploration and Defence Administration (SCEDA)
Race name: Rozu
Primary traits: Survivalist, Gardener
Flavour traits: Scavenger, Hunter
Primary colour: ██████
Secondary colour: ██████
Homeworld name: Sureya
Homeworld type: Fortress
Home star type: K2V
Natural Environment: Third planet of the Preosa system, the Rozu homeworld of Sureya is a hot and dry world that is nearly half-desert. Surface water appears in large, scattered lakes and some small seas, with the highest concentration toward the cooler poles. Traditionally, the Rozu employed limited irrigation to cultivate orchards and encourage various game fauna, a practice that still constitutes the largest sector of modern agriculture. The expansive wastes that ring the centre of the planet are barely suitable for subsistence farming, both due to lack of water and searing surface temperatures that can exceed 313 K, with some regions (dubbed the "crucibles") utterly untraversable by day without space-grade insulation; however, the strong sunlight and high winds make them lucrative, if remote sites for solar and wind farms that provide much of the polar cities' power supply. Wasteland nomads have also developed innovative facilities dubbed "windtraps" that funnel air into underground complexes to extract moisture and provide local power.
Physical form: The Rozu are tough, lithe, and resourceful desert-dwellers whose physiology resembles that of desert foxes, with long faces, large ears, and short, sandy fur. Males on average measure 5'5" from head to toe, with females slightly shorter, although their ears can add another foot-and-a-half when erect. Their evolutionary ancestors were predominantly quadrupedal, and their anatomy gears them well to both sprinting and long-distance running. Their hind feet are small digitigrade paws while their hands have thin, dexterous claw-tipped fingers that their evolutionary ancestors, if not themselves during their prehistory, used for rapid digging both in foraging and tunnelling. Dental patterns would suggest the species is primarily carnivorous, although since ascending to organized civilization their diet has expanded to incorporate various plant life. In addition to sensing subsurface vibrations, i.e. when hunting prey, their large ears aid in regulating body temperature by expelling heat as blood circulates through the thin skin layer. The Rozu can be separated into two broad races, that of the central desert-dwellers and that of the polar urbanites, distinguishable by minor physiological variations, most prominently fur colour: those living in the arid wastes have lighter-coloured, fairly uniform coats, while populations close to the poles display darker-brown fur patterns.
Starting units: Warship, Troops
Start location: Quiet
Brief Bio: As brief as you're gonna get, sunshine.
Spoiler :
For most of their civilized history, the Rozu have lived in low-density clan polities around Sureya's main seas. The planet's hostile climate routinely stymied runaway population growth; consequently, their culture is largely ascetic and places a strong emphasis on resource conservation, especially water. This environmentalist tradition has prevented the sort of ecological disasters taken for granted in most industrialized worlds, and created a curious effect in the race's technological progression, which follows a 'skip-step' rhythm of centuries of stagnation punctuated by bursts of inspiration that can advance in a few decades what would usually be described as historical eras—as an example, Rozu adoption of heavy industry lagged far behind its contemporary neighbour races, yet it developed solar cells and nuclear reactors before the fossil fuel paradigm had a chance to take hold.

With the advent of domestic electricity and subsequent improvement to agricultural techniques, population density rose drastically and the clans began to consolidate into federative polities. Though their ancestor species were hunters, they have generally avoided open conflict and state-level wars tend to be short, with the notable exception of a series of concerted campaigns against the nomads, who routinely preyed on transpolar caravans. Today, international politics focuses on two large nation-states based around the north and south poles: Shra-Zuiei in the north and the Republic of Neyero in the south. Roughly equal in wealth and development, these two countries serve as antipodal hegemons over their neighbours and comprise many of Sureya's major cultural and commercial centres. Clusters of independent states ring the tropical seas, and beyond normal transit security operations the nomads are generally left to themselves—enduring the harshest conditions Sureya has to offer has made them the planet's deadliest warriors, as history repeatedly attests.

While possessing the technical know-how for space flight, the Rozu only turned skyward after expeditions from the neighbouring planet Antalya antagonized the nomads and sparked an unofficial war. The alien invaders, an otherwise entrepreneurial and cosmopolitan frog-like race named the Gelians, long believed Sureya to be the realm of mythological demons, and following the fiasco of its first probe determined to stamp them out. Hilariously ill-suited to Sureya's arid climate, every expedition eventually ended in embarrassing and costly routs that left the Rozu with valuable technology of a steadily-increasing military nature. The republics were initially content to let the nomads handle the assaults, but when the Gelians changed tack and tried to establish beachheads at the poles, frightened countries banded together to muster the integrated industrial backbone for a proper space programme. The Rozu knack for quantum-leap innovation resulted in combat-capable spaceships within a decade, and Preosa's inner space turned into a battlefield as the Gelians scrambled to catch up. True to form, the impromptu arms race sparked a flash scientific revolution, and when the Antalyan fleet was finally smashed Rozu technology superseded the Gelians'. Lacking both the manpower and spirit to occupy Antalya, the Rozu were content to make white peace and leave the planet alone, their superior fleet having dashed any lingering Gelian cosmic ambitions.

In the aftermath of this war of the worlds, Sureyan politics was, for the first time, synergistic, its industrial production boosted beyond precedence and the public imbued with an adventurous spirit. With the advent of faster-than-light travel, the Rozu set their sights to the stars, and the limitless potential they held. The wartime infrastructure was reorganized into the Sureya Cosmic Exploration and Defence Administration (SCEDA), a global body mandated to oversee and organize the imminent venture into deep space...
Post has been updated with my race and I'm rarin to go :D

Faction name: Flallorean Collective
Race name: Flallore
Primary traits: Engineers, Traders
Flavour traits: Technologists, Collectivists, Organizers
Primary colour: Brilliant Gold
Secondary colour: Deep Blue
Homeworld name: Desmong
Homeworld type: Tech
For extra information...
Spoiler :
Home Planet: Desmong; Arid terrestrial, 1.5x earth gravity, planet with many ancient, eroded mountains and plateaus in a sub-desert landscape. Much of the land is covered in a rocky, red surface that is rich in minerals. There is evidence of an old almost global system of lakes, rivers and oceans, but much of it is gone. There is a sole massive (think the size of Eurasia) lake in the southern hemisphere with small rivers flowing into it that is all that is left of the once aquatic world.

Desmong is orbited by a complex satellite system, with one large moon and a small comet that periodically follows a vastly strange and elliptical orbit. At times this comet comes between the planet and its moon, but then is brought back into nearly interplanetary space, only to lazily make its way back into the system to repeat the process. It appears to orbit the large moon.

Home star type: F-2
Natural Environment:
Spoiler :
Desmong; Arid terrestrial, 1.5x earth gravity, planet with many ancient, eroded mountains and plateaus in a sub-desert landscape. Much of the land is covered in a rocky, red surface that is rich in minerals. There is evidence of an old almost global system of lakes, rivers and oceans, but much of it is gone. There is a sole massive (think the size of Eurasia) lake in the southern hemisphere with small rivers flowing into it that is all that is left of the once aquatic world.

Physical form:
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Physical Description: Large omnivorous creatures with a long profile. The Flallore are semi-aquatic and have a large paddle-shaped appendage fixed at the bottom of the their flexible spine that helps in water mobility. In addition, they have two powerful legs and arms each with webbed appendages. When standing on their legs, they can stand at about 6ft tall, and when swimming can straighten out themselves to 7ft in length. Their entire body is covered in a slimy, pale blue skin with hard bright gold patches spaced along their spine and major joints. Their face resembles that of a dragon's snout, with a two pair set of large slitted nostrils and whiskers that can reach a foot long on the eldest. They have a double set of lungs and gills that can allow them to spend long periods underwater.

Mammals, the Flallore give birth to their young, which then spend several months close to their mothers until they are strong enough. During birth, a mother typical gives birth to 3-6 'pups'. The Flallore communicate vocally, albeit with a deep, throaty voice. They are a traditional two-gender species with the roles of parenthood equally split between both parents.

Starting units: Exploration Ship, Warship
Start location: QUIET
Brief Bio:
Spoiler :
Rise of Technology: The origins of the Flallore are of the great lake on Desmong. Evolving from aquatic creatures, they have remained in the water but had a slight surface presence. During tribal times, the many who ventured to the surface in hopes of inhabiting it were met with vicious attacks by monsters of the deserts and canyons. Proving outmanned and underclassed, they retreated to the shallow waters and built up civilizations just under the waves.

Dry land became mystified and tales of countless abominations and beasts roaming the deserts became the status quo. Despite their reverence of the surface as a land of horrors, many vowed to return.

From their time in the solitary confinement that was the lake, they sought out new technologies with a passion. The Flallore, as it came to be seen, were natural scientists and engineers. Countless wars were fought in the early days, with city-states gaining a technological edge and exploiting that edge to rule over others. As time progressed and they rapidly entered the industrial age, a polity emerged among the republics and democracies that existed, one that put forward technology as the single greatest driving force. The event is known today as simply The Revolution. The Revolution called for extensive ideological freedom from traditional standards. This intellectual community grew by the hordes and came to dominate the lake in under three decades. Today the community is still celebrated by the Flallore, and manages the world.

From this time of unification never before seen in Flallore history came absolutely breathtaking engineering projects and accomplishments. Cities were built underwater and towered into the shallows, with moonpools and systems of airlocks allowing the species to live in relatively dry conditions inside the buildings. Civilian submarines (think of futuristic styles with wings and lots of glass, rather than OTL submarines) became their mode of transportation and so great underwater berths and drydocks were built. Massive farms were constructed out of colonies of algae and other vegetation and provided for the masses.

As the Flallore race had gained supremacy over the water, another intelligent race had emerged among the mountains on Desmong, presenting a grave threat to their security. From their safe haven in the lake, they were able to spy upon the enemy and learned of their barbaric ways. Determined to protect what they had built, the Flallorean nation emerged from the waves, having already learned the secrets of the atom and masters of it. Within a brief and spectacular nuclear holocaust, the other civilization was entirely wiped out and the Flallore began their long-awaited rule of the dry lands.

It took the better half of two centuries, but eventually a world-spanning civilization with megacities and academic institutions sprawling across the wastes was built. Technology focused on terraforming their world to a more comfortable one was used in mass quantities. Over time, they changed their whole planet, bringing back the tides of the once great ocean and reclaiming much of Desmong. High speed rapid transit connected the planet and spurred further growth. 200 years after they first came to rule the land, the Flallore, fascinated with the research and material possibilities, constructed an exploration ship outfitted with a newly discovered warp engine, and took to the stars.

Architecture & Spaceship Styles:
Spoiler :
Architectural Style: Smooth, flowing buildings. Glass is used extensively with large, open spaces. Much of their buildings mimic the water, with roofs cresting and dipping like waves, clean and bright interiors with glass creating patterns with shafts of light. The inside of the buildings usually are wide and incorporate ovals in much of the walls and supports. Many of their buildings are built up from the seafloor, with hundreds of stories and skyscrapers rising up more than a mile high.

Spaceship Style: Typically large and smooth, the ships of the Flallore extrude the very essence of the waves. They are sometimes referred to as ‘Space Whales’ in terms of appearance and size. Additionally, their experience with building under the extreme pressures of deep ocean depths has taught them incredible techniques to ensure the structural integrity of their spaceships.

Local Star Names: Gundarr, Dolak III, Durne, Femid, Corasik, Hundim
Moderator Announcement

Alrighty, doing a bit of a census, I realise how many players we already have ~ 18 of them, give or take. I'm both really grateful and a little concerned about that. I would have set a player cap, but I wasn't sure how much interest this would get at all.

I'm seeing two options: Option A is to include all the races submitted or reserved, but keep to minimalist updates and planet descriptions. It will be the only way that this will be updated regularly. The trouble is that I've often failed in my attempts to be minimalist in the past (though I did have at least one success).

Option B is to instigate some kind of cull (probably NOT based on who posted first), or at least have a list of reserve players/empires who could enter the game at a later date. With around 10-12 players, I can afford to put more detail into the updates / system descriptions. But that also kinda sucks to leave people out :(

What do you think?? Please let me know your opinions...

A reminder that I'm hoping to launch with Update 0 on Wednesday night.

PS: do we have any colo(u)r-blind participants? I think the odds are that we do. I'm just thinking of all the similar-looking sprites there will be on the map. I have thought of a potential solution involving little ownership / culture icons.

OOC Note: I realise that there are a few things that might be slightly against the guidelines laid out here (such as the technology). I am happy to make adjustments to adhere to the game.

@NinjaCow - I really appreciate your submission! But I do have an issue with the technology. True AI, and the transfer of consciousness to machines, are things that are a little too far ahead of where I wanted to start, particularly where you have AI-only ships. I think the evolution of artificial consciousness could be an interesting issue to play out in-game, and I think there are some tough choices that should come with that :)

I don't want you to re-write the whole thing, but could we compromise on how far ahead the tech has come - perhaps these things could be at the early experimental stage? I am happy with cybernetics being a common thing.

The Skitarii Mercantile Conglomerate

Faction name: Skitarii
Primary traits: Traders, Engineers
Flavour traits: Collectivists, Economists
Primary colour: Blood Red
Secondary colour: Pure White
Homeworld name: Typhomorpin Alpha
Homeworld type: Industrial world
Home star type: F-type white bright giant "Theta Bella Majoris"
Natural Environment: A former lush jungle paradise, reduced to a far-going stretch of wasteland, dotted with massive quarries, factories and mechanical spires.
Physical form: Humanoid, sentient, self-replicating machines with an innate obsession for material goods.
Starting units: exploration ship, freighter ship
Start location: as busy as possibly busy can get. center busy 10/10

*Special: The Skitarii are robots. pls advice on traits


@Zappericus, ditto for your faction I'm afraid - I love the pic!!! however, I feel its too much of a special case to have a race of completely artificial beings. Again, a partly-cybernetic race would be OK. Also I do wish to stress the idea of having a 'pristine' galaxy for you to explore - there's NO precursors, at least none that made it out of their home system. The entire story starts at turn 0!

I think I'll do something here Daft. :) Subscription post...

@Angst!!!!111 I've been meaning to message you about this to see if you're interested. Looking forward to it :goodjob:
Daft, you should do whatever you feel right... Option A sounds nicer, but yeah, I doubt you can keep up being minimalist :p
Option B I think.
Seeing the popularity of Option B, I might drop out so as not to deprive someone else a spot. I'm pretty busy and I'm not sure how I would retool my species if I can't use AI so yeah. Hope the game does well. :)
I don't have the time to invest fully into this, so disregard my reserve post. Definitely still watching this, and if an opportunity pops up in the future I might try to hop in, assuming there's an opening.
Being a filthy cosmopolitan bastard, my instinct is A, partly because notwithstanding the legacy NESers, you have no idea how long we've been begging for a working space adventure game. :p From what I gather, embellishing the universe is a hobby of yours, but if you can stay your pen what you might consider doing is giving the players the basic details and letting them flesh out the planets themselves. Taniciusfox's ill-fated Imperium Universalis even let players nominally define the NPCs—I say ill-fated because his real-life schedule blew itself to hell and he's notorious for NPCwanking.
Daft, you know people will drop for various reasons. People who feel left out now can just join when that inevitably happens.

I think your sanity is paramount :p

So I vote for B
I'd roll with A. Minimalism with a few or with a bunch will keep this going
I'm posting with the hope that there won't be any culling.

Faction name: Kul'hari Collection
Race name: Kul'hari
Primary traits: Eccentric, Collectors
Flavour traits: Watchers, Negotiators
Primary colour: Azure
Secondary colour: Grey
Homeworld name: Principiter
Homeworld type: Tech
Home star type: G type
Natural Environment: Large, terrestrial planet, dense atmosphere, very rocky, large, powerful storms frequent across the planet. High pressure, high gravity (slightly higher than earth). All life, including the Kul'hari, are at least partially silicon-based, and as such plant life appears strange, from semi-crystalline trees that refract and concentrate light, to large, slowly-moving silicone-based gels (an algae-analog), all of which use sunlight to help digest the stone beneath them.
Physical form: The physiology of the Kul'hari is unusual; much of their energy is gained from oxidizing silicon to quartz, which forms the exoskeleton of the Kul'hari. They possess both an exoskeleton, for protection from harsh conditions, and an endoskeleton, with the former being composed of quartz plates, and the latter being composed of complex silicon-based polymers.The Kul'hari are upright, with quadruped bases and humanoid appearance from the waist up. The Kul-hari are able to utilise their exoskeletal plates to brace themselves and remain standing for long periods of time, but are often forced to shed them when they grow too heavy. They possess two hands and a head, but due to their exoskeleton and extra legs would appear similar to arthropods.
Starting units: 2 x Exploration Ship
Start location: Quiet
Brief Bio:
For most of the history of the planet the gel-like organisms thrived, shaping and reshaping the landscape, before larger organisms began to built crystalline supports and defenses against the harsh winds, crushing pressure, and high gravity of the planet. As the organisms evolved slowly into what would become the Kul'hari, large organisms were, as they died, converting their bodies entirely to quartz, and in doing so created ramparts to protect their descendants from the harsh conditions. Life became increasingly intelligent, they formed ever larger and more numerous communities, joining walled homes to make walled nations, which grew year by year, defended by the enormous walls of their ancestors.

Over time, as borders pressed against eachother, conflict arose. A culture developed which prized the technological advances necessary to destroy such powerful defenses, as well as technologies which would protect and make comfortable an extremely confined existence. Bitter, nation-state feuding became common. It was at the height of ceaseless war that a few key medical advancements were made, which would entirely transform the Kul'hari: first, techniques were discovered to preserve the neural networks the Kul'hari, and second, the joining of such neural networks was perfected, though it proved impractical for the use of moving Kul'hari. Now, however, when the Kul'hari grew old, in converting their bodies to quartz they still retained their minds, and were joined with the minds of all other lost Kul'hari. This hive-mind became known as the Collection, which soon came to dominate the governing, structure, and leadership of Kul'hari society. A semi-religious devotion, and deferral of authority and decision-making, was given by the Kul'hari to the Collection. Over time, it was found that one could only retain one's individuality within the core if one possessed a powerful, unique mind. Thus, most Kul'hari strove to define themselves through unique experiences, knowledge, deeds, and thought. This was encouraged by the Collection, who wished to stave off the boredom and stagnation of immortality and homogeneity.

Nation-state conflict rapidly diminished as more and more communities were incorporated into the Collection, encouraged to retain the different cultures of each nation, insofar as they could within the homogeneity of the Collection. It spread across the planet, soon uniting Principiter.

Now, however, the Collection turns its eyes towards the stars. It directs the Kul'hari scientists and engineers to build starships, and encourages its boldest to make their mark, boldly sending them out into the wide unknown.
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