Timewalker's Design Megathread


Prime Minister
Nov 1, 2015
New Zealand

The Empire of Byzantium, as led by Constantine, a religion-based overhaul of Byzantium that can get a religion slightly easier this time.

The Kingdom of Egypt, as led by Pharaoh Tutankhamen, a civilisation designed for the Civilisation Design Challenge: Mechanics (May not build Workers) challenge that has better workers and focuses on converting production :c5production: to culture :c5culture:.

The Māori, as led by Te Raupahara, a civilisation that focuses on good positioning of their tile improvements and units.

The East India Company, as led by John Watts, a civilisation that is based on getting as many luxury resources as possible.

The Kingdom of Castile, as led by Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, a civilisation that uses religion for warfare and vica versa.

Coming soon: The Iban-Dayaks from the Design Challenge challenge and Japan, a civilisation with additional promotions.

Spoiler :
November 30th, 2015: Added the Kingdom of Egypt and The Māori civilisations.
December 5th, 2015: Each civilisation now has its own detailed post.
December 9th, 2015: Almost finished The East India Company, added a new sub-post "Unity in Diversity" and moved Switzerland to it.
December 10th, 2015: Finished The East India Company.
December 15th, 2015: Finished The Kingdom of Castile

Unity in Diversity is an attempt to add every European nation as a design to my megathread, even if it already has a mod or is already in the game.

The Confederation of Switzerland, as led by Alfred Escher, a civilisation that cannot declare wars and actually wins diplomatically by being diplomatic.

The Kingdom of Sweden, as led by Gustavus Adolphus, a civilisation that can buy Great People with gold.

The Republic of Kosovo, as led by Hashim Thaçi, a civilisation that is a city-state and accumulates Liberty Desire.

Coming Soon: Vatican City, a civilisation hell-bent on controlling World Religion, and Spain, a civilisation that is still exploration-focused.

Spoiler :

December 9th, 2015: Added the Unity in Diversity subpost and moved The Confederation of Switzerland to it.
December 10th, 2015: Would've finished Sweden if I didn't lose all my work. :(
December 13th, 2015: Finished the Kingdom of Sweden!
December 15th, 2015: Edited the Kingdom of Sweden to have the Hakkapeliitta rather than the Carolean.
December 19th, 2015: Almost finished the Republic of Kosovo
UPDATE: Each civilisation will now have its own post, since smilies count towards the image limit on posts (what the hell vBulletin?). This will also let me elaborate more on strategies and designs on the civilisation.
The Kingdom of Egypt, as led by Pharaoh Tutankhamen

Spoiler :
Unique Ability: Treasures of the World
May not build Slaves (but can still build Work Boats). Gain a free Slave when you research Mining and every 50 turns thereafter. May sacrifice citizens :c5citizen: to gain Slaves, but each sacrifice increases the minimum population required to sacrifice a citizen in the city by 1.

Unique Unit: Slave
The Unique Worker of the Egyptian civilisation. The Slave can build Tile Improvements, similar to the Worker. The Slave grants +10% production :c5production: to a city when garrisoned in a city. The Slave can also be expended to reduce twelve turns (on Standard speed) of the current construction project.

Unique Improvement: Pyramid of Egypt
Requires Masonry. May only be built on tiles with at least 1 Production :c5production:. +1 Production :c5production:. Culture :c5culture: from this tile improvement is equal to 1/3 the total production :c5production: of all adjacent tiles, rounded off.

Spoiler :
Egypt is best at cultural victories, but its production bonuses can also help a domination victory.

The first thing to note when looking at Egypt is its inability to build Slaves (the Unique Replacement of the Worker): fear not, this is not as big of a hindrance as it seems. First of all, you do get a free Slave after researching Mining, and this Slave should be focused on building tile improvements for your cities.

Additionally, you also gain free Slaves every 50 turns: take care of these Slaves well, as you only get eight in a Standard game. If you can time your technology right, you can get a Slave right in time to shave off some production off your construction project: whether it be a Museum or the Sydney Opera House.

Finally, there is nothing stopping you from getting Slaves from other sources: you can capture foreign settlers and workers, build the Pyramids (which also suits thematically), do whatever. The Unique Ability does not prevent you from getting Slaves from other sources.

The last Unique Component of Egypt is the Pyramid of Egypt: this, along with rush-wonder-builds is what makes Egypt great for a culture :c5culture: victory. The main thing to remember with the Pyramid of Egypt is that placement is important: first of all, you can only place it on tiles that already grant production :c5production:. This can be anything: plains, hills, Petra'ed deserts, or anything passable with any production potential. Then, you'll need to place it in locations where it gets lots of culture :c5culture: from adjacent production :c5production:. Good places include: next to a Manufactory, next to King Solomon's Mines, areas with lots of hills, areas with lots of forest.

One thing to remember that adjacent Pyramids of Egypt also indirectly increase the culture :c5culture: of other Pyramids of Egypt due to the slight production :c5production: increase: this does not make a massive difference, but is still good to remember.

Overall, Egypt can try for a culture :c5culture: victory by using Slaves to rush-build important World Wonders such as the Sistine Chapel or the Globe Theatre, and also with their Pyramid of Egypt with good placement, and then a Hotel and/or an Airport in the city to convert the :c5culture: into tourism :tourism:.

Egypt can also attempt a domination :c5war: victory too, with their production abilities. Placing Slaves in major unit-building cities will allow it to build units even faster, and allow your army to get even bigger. Additionally, you can also sacrifice citizens :c5citizens: in cities that you are razing :c5razing: for a load of Slaves and also razing speed similar to the Huns.

Spoiler :
(Imports Decisions from Egypt in E&D, except Adopt Hyksos Recurve Bows)

Reject Religious Innovations
During Akhanaten's reign, he proposed a number of radical religious innovations that were thought to be benevolent at the time. But our advisors say this is not so: the religious innovations, they say, will bring our downfall in a number of centuries. Instead, we must change our current religious stances and improve upon his work.

Requirements: Must have enhanced your religion. May only be enacted once.
Costs: 2 Magistrates.
Effects: Lose a Follower Belief. Instead, you may choose a new Pantheon, Founder, Follower or Enhancer belief (this can be one that was chosen by another civilisation, provided you have met them). Gain a research :c5science: boost.

Additional Details
Spoiler :
Cultural Group: Mesopotamic (Egyptian)
Exploration Continued Expanded Colony Names: Beth-Pelet, Robihwa
Unique Cultural Influence: "Our people are now buying your papyri and wearing your makeup. I worry the rest of the world will also succumb to the influence of your culture."
The Confederation of Switzerland, as led by Alfred Escher

Spoiler :
Unique Ability: The War to End All Wars
May not declare War. +10% Generation of Leaders :c5greatperson: for each civilisation at war with Switzerland. Gifting Military Units to city-states at war provides 50% more influence :c5influence:.

Unique Great Person: Leader
The Unique Great General of the Swiss civilisation. The Leader is generated through experience from units of every civilisation, but requires double the amount of experience to generate (and double the amount of faith :c5faith: to buy). Leaders cannot construct Citadels, and nor can they provide a 15% combat bonus :c5strength: to nearby friendly units. Instead, if a Leader is next to a unit or city that belongs to a civilisation at war, it can force a peace treaty for five turns (on Standard speed). If the civilisation is involved in multiple wars, you can choose which war to stop. +30 Influence :c5influence: to all known city-states if you stop a war. Additional +15 Influence :c5influence: to a city-state if you stop a war involving that city-state.

Unique Improvement: Dairy
Unlocked at Animal Husbandry. Can only be built on a tile containing Cattle, Sheep or Bison. +1 Food :c5food:. Replaces the bonus resource on this tile with a copy of the Milk luxury resource that is unique to Switzerland (base yield of 1 Food :c5food: and 1 Gold :c5gold:).

Spoiler :
Switzerland is best at diplomatic victories, as all of its uniques help it gain influence :c5influence: with city-states and get gold :c5gold:.

Switzerland is the bane of all warmongers: not only do other civilisations' warmongering help you gain Leaders :c5greatperson: and thus more influence :c5influence:, civilisations declaring war on you will make Leader :c5greatperson: generation even faster. The more work they put in to destroy you, the less time they have to do so.

The first and easiest way to get more gold :c5gold: as Switzerland is to build Dairies in every possible tile: building it loses nothing (although building it on a Sheep tile does potentially lose one production :c5production:). It's generally a good idea to go wide, as you have more Dairy spots and wide empires generally get more gold :c5gold: than tall empires.

The next Unique Component is the Leader. The first thing to note is that the Leader is generated from experience from every unit in the game. Unique Abilities that affect Great General generation (such as China's) does not help you, but promotions that other units have (such as the Great Generals line of promotions) does.

This means that the more war is going on in the game, the faster you generate Leaders :c5greatperson: and get influence :c5influence:. It's a good idea to look at the Diplomacy Overview and prioritise wars between city-states, so you can get more :c5influence: out of it. However, you might want to keep wars between obvious warmongers (*cough* Shaka *cough*) as you'll get lots of experience from them.

Overall, Switzerland is a great contender for a diplomatic :c5influence: victory: in fact, Switzerland actually needs to be diplomatic to win a diplomatic victory (who knew?) - between stopping wars with Leaders and selling off their chocolates.

Spoiler :
Found the Red Cross
The world is torn in war. There are millions dying - most of them innocent citizens who took no part in the war. It has become a necessity to begin an organisation that end this suffering - and perhaps the war. We must move towards peace - with humanity.

Requirements: You must be in the Modern Era or later. The world must be in the Modern Era or later. At least a quarter of the civilisations must be engulfed in war. There must be a Leader garrisoned in your capital. May only be enacted once.

Costs: 4 Magistrates, expends the Leader.

Effects: Forces a peace treaty among every civilisation for five turns (on Standard speed). 45 influence :c5influence: with all known city-states. Allows your cities to work on the Charity project (see Additional Details).

Mandate the Landsgemeinde
A true democracy is only formed when the citizens of a country actively participate in the law-making process rather than simply electing representatives to do it for them. We should begin a system where cantonal assemblies are run so that our people can be more involved with the government.

Requirements: You must have researched Civil Service. You must have a democratic system of government (only with JFD's Sovereignty). Can only be enacted once per era (gets renamed to Continue the Landsgemeinde after being enacted once).

Costs: 1 Magistrate.

Effects: 1 Happiness :c5happy:. Starts a golden age :c5goldenage:.

Additional Details
Spoiler :
Cultural Group: Western
Exploration Continued Expanded Colony Names: None
Unique Cultural Influence: Our people are eating fondue and skiing in your mountains. I worry the rest of the world will succumb to your culture.

The Charity project can be worked on by any city, similar to Wealth and Research. It can only be worked on after enacting the Found the Red Cross decision. Charity converts 25% of your production :c5production: into reducing city-state influence :c5influence: decay.
The Empire of Byzantium, as led by Constantine I

Spoiler :
Unique Ability: The New Roman Empire
Choose one additional belief when founding a religion. Pavilions, Pagodas, Mosques, Cathedrals and Monasteries include Prophet specialist slots that increase faith :c5faith: output and religious pressure exerted by the city. Temples include two Prophet slots.

Unique Unit: Cataphract
The Unique Horsemen of the Byzantine civilisation. May use defensive terrain. Increased combat strength :c5strength: of 15 over 12. Decreased movement :c5moves: of 3 over 4.

Unique Building: Pavilion
The Unique Shrine of the Byzantine civilisation. +1 faith :c5faith:. Includes one Prophet specialist slot. Each Pavilion in your empire decreases faith costs :c5faith: of units, buildings, pantheons and Great People by 10%, up to a maximum of 50%.

Spoiler :
As a religion-based civilisation, Byzantium is great at any victory type. Unlike their vanilla edition Byzantium also actually does not need a religion to perform well: they just do a lot better with it. Also, it is easier to get a religion as this Byzantium, as the Pavilion will decrease the costs of Great Prophets.

However, you can't rely simply on Pavilions to decrease the first Great Prophet's costs, so remember to get faith :c5faith: from other sources too, such as faith :c5faith: pantheons, wonders like Stonehenge and Temples.

If you are attempting a cultural :c5culture: victory, it is a good idea to pick three faith buildings and use the Sacred Sites reformation belief. The additional faith :c5faith: and religious pressure will make other cities succumb to your religion sooner, allowing you to get the Shared Religion bonus faster. Additionally, if you have the Aesthetics finisher, you can quickly and cheaply buy GWAMs with Pavilions decreasing costs.

For a diplomatic :c5influence: victory, you can take either Papal Primacy and Tithe together for a powerful combination. More religious pressure from specialist slots will let you gain influence :c5influence: with city-states easier using Papal Primacy, while also give you lots of followers for Tithe gold :c5gold:.

Domination :c5war: victories are quite simple: by taking the Holy Warriors and/or the Religious Fervour beliefs, along with cheaper unit costs from Pavilions, you can quickly faith-purchase a massive army to steamroll other civilisations. Your other beliefs can be anything, but gold :c5old: and happiness :c5happy: beliefs will be useful.

A science :c5science: victory is perhaps the hardest, as there are very little ways you can convert a faith :c5faith: advantage to a science :c5science: advantage. You could take the Jesuit Education belief and cheaply buy science buildings quickly, or you could buy Great Scientists :c5greatperson: too. Also, one thing to note is that the Secularism policy will help you even more as you have more specialist slots to work.

Spoiler :
(Imports decisons from vanilla Byzantium)

Additional Details
Spoiler :
Cultural Group: Eastern
Exploration Continued Expanded Colony Names: As vanilla Byzantium
Unique Cultural Influence: As vanilla Byzantium
The Māori, as led by Te Raupahara

Spoiler :
Unique Ability: Haka
Flanking bonus for melee units increased to 15% combat strength :c5strength: and increases by 5% combat strength :c5strength: for each additional melee unit flanking the enemy unit. Mobile units exert a Zone of Control two tiles away (although anti-mobile units ignore this).

Unique Unit: Waka
The Unique Trireme of the Māori civilisation. Available at Agriculture. May be built in inland cities, provided that they are next to a river or one tile away from coast. 5 moves :c5moves:, up from 4. May enter Ocean tiles. May enter Open Terrain adjacent to Coast, Lake or River tiles, but with lower sight, movement :c5moves: and defence :c5strength:.

Unique Improvement: Pā
The Pā is the Unique Tile Improvement of the Māori civilisation, available at Construction. +50% Combat Strength :c5strength: for friendly units on this tile and Pās exert a Zone of Control. Additionally, +1 culture :c5culture: for every 10 turns a city has been working the Pā, up to a maximum of 5 culture :c5culture:.

Spoiler :
The Māori are best at both cultural and domination victories. Their UA complements a domination victory while their Pā will grant a good amount of culture :c5culture:.

However, your Unique Unit, the Waka, comes in play before both of those uniques. The Waka is, essentially, a weaker but faster Caravel. You can explore the world relatively quickly with one or two Wakas, and Wakas, like Triremes, should also be used to protect Work Boats. However, it is also possible to start an early rush with a Waka. With three or four Wakas, you can rush in, attack a city, and rush back to ocean, safe from other Triremes using your agility :c5moves:.

Wakas can also enter certain land tiles: Open Terrain adjacent to Coast, Rivers or Lakes, although it suffers penalties similar to an embarked land unit. This makes the Waka even better for exploration, as it can pick up Ancient Ruins without requiring scouts and meet some inland cities. This promotion is also kept on upgrade, so it's a good idea to upgrade as many Wakas as possible.

(Also, for canal city freaks, the waka can enter three-tile canals, or even longer stretches of land if there are Rivers. Canal city away!)

The unique ability deals with two different mechanics of combat: Zone of Control and Flanking.

First of all, mobile units (armoured and mounted) units exert a larger Zone of Control. This is basically the inverse of the Lightning Warfare Autocracy tenet. The main thing to remember is that a unit can never move next to one of your mobile units and then attack it, except for anti-mobile units.

Melee units also have a stronger flank attack. Usually, if you have two units surrounding an enemy, an attack will have a +10% combat strength :c5strength: bonus. However, you get a 15% combat strength :c5strength: and this is increased by 5% for each additional unit surrounding the enemy unit. For example, if you have three enemy units surrounding an enemy unit, that gives you a 20% additional combat strength :c5strength: per attack.

If you can position your mobile units right, you can trap units and then surround them with your melee units, dealing a massive amount of damage. As such, even a weak yet large army can defeat stronger units through good use of positioning.

Finally, if you prefer to play culturally :c5tourism:, you can use the Pā similar to other Tile Improvements that provide culture, using a Hotel and Airport to convert the culture :c5culture: into tourism :tourism:. Pās can give you even more tourism :tourism: than other Tile Improvements, as Pās can be placed anywhere, unlike Chateaus (must be next to a luxury resource) or Brasilwood Camps (must be in jungle), for example. However, for the culture to actually kick in, you will need to spend 50 turns working a potentially bad tile to work.

Overall, for a domination :c5war: victory, you can effectively use your Unique Ability to deal lots of damage to other units using well-placed units. You could also attempt an early Waka rush on coastal cities, and perhaps continue your domination route later, if you wished to.

Alternatively, a cultural victory is also definitely possible, by improving and growing your Pās to get lots of culture :c5culture:. Late game, you could also use an army to remove other civilisations that are causing you trouble to influence with your UA, if you're that kind of person.

Spoiler :
(Imports Decisions from Polynesia in E&D, except Proclaim the Kanawai Mamalahoe)

Form the Treaty of Waitangi
During Akhanaten's reign, he proposed a number of radical religious innovations that were thought to be benevolent at the time. But our advisors say this is not so: the religious innovations, they say, will bring our downfall in a number of centuries. Instead, we must change our current religious stances and improve upon his work.

Requirements: Must have met another civilisation who has researched more technologies than you. May only be enacted once. Must have settled another city with greater than 2 population :c5population:.
Costs: 2 Magistrates. Lose one city with greater than 2 population :c5population: to a civilisation of your choice.
Effects: Forces a peace treaty between you and the civilisation for 20 turns on Standard speed. Gain 2000 gold :c5gold:. Trade routes you make with other civilisations that have researched more technologies than you yield +2 science :c5science:, +2 gold :c5gold: +50% science :c5science: and +50% gold :c5gold: for 30 turns.

Additional Details
Spoiler :
Cultural Group: Oceanic
Exploration Continued Expanded Colony Names: None
Unique Cultural Influence: "Our people are now tatooing your mokos and dancing war dances. I worry the rest of the world will also succumb to the influence of your culture."
@Klisz: Thanks! I thought it would be really cool if there was a civilisation that couldn't declare war at all. Now, a Switzerland vs Mongolia 1v1 could be great.
East India Company, as led by John Watts

Spoiler :
Unique Ability: Deus Indicat
Each additional copy of a luxury resource you control grants you +0.5 happiness :c5happy: and also +0.25 gold :c5gold: from resource diversity in trade routes :trade: for this luxury resource.

Unique Unit: Trader
The Unique Settler of the East Indian civilisation. A Trader may choose to build a Trader's City rather than a normal City. A Trader's City may create sources of the unique Luxury Resources Saltpetre (which increases the combat strength :c5strength: of gunpowder, infantry and armoured units built by the city working it, improved by Mine), Opium (which provides 50% more happiness :c5happiness:), Tea (which provides double gold :c5gold: from Resource Diversity in trade routes :trade:, replaced by Powders with the More Luxuries mod), or more rarely, any other Luxury Resource that you already own.

Trader's Cities have a 30% production :c5production: penalty, a 25% food :c5food: penalty and may not build Wonders but increases technology :c5science: and social policy :c5culture: costs by half the amount. You may also buy other civilisations' tiles in a Trader's City's workable range, as if you placed a Citadel next to it. Trader's Cities may be converted back to a normal City by building a Courthouse.

Unique Building: Clerk's Office
The Unique Bank of the East Indian civilisation. Along with normal Bank abilities, Clerk's Offices generate 1 Great Writer point :c5greatperson: for each Merchant specialist in the city (up to a maximum of 4). Clerk's Offices include two Great Work of Writing slots, which if filled increases culture :c5culture: production in the city by 5% and increases the range of outgoing trade routes :c5trade: from this city by 50%.

Spoiler :
The East India Company, as in real life, is singularly focused on one thing: diplomatic victories. All three of their Uniques help the East India Company generate more gold :c5gold:. However, it could also attempt a cultural victory with a focus on Great Writers.

First up, you will notice that, on your very first turn, you will receive a Trader rather than a Settler. It's a very unwise move to build a Trader's City than a normal City, as you will take a big hit on your food :c5food: and production :c5production: capabilities until you research Mathematics. As such, the Unique Unit does not actually come into play until quite a bit later.

In fact, all three Uniques will usually come into play by the Medieval-Renaissance period, as you will be starting your post-National College expansion and thus can devote some cities to find Opium, Saltpetre and Tea posts. You will also have improved most of your luxury resources and started to trade, and thus the Unique Ability begins to work. And lastly, the Clerk's Office can only be built upon the research of Banking.

First, the Unique Ability grants more happiness :c5happy: and gold :c5gold: income from trade routes :trade:. In fact, if you have two additional copies of a luxury resource, you will be making more money than Portugal (for that resource). Thus, the East India Company should be attempting to expand as far and wide as possible, as already-owned luxuries also contribute to the empire, along with unique luxuries.

The Clerk's Office is a good way to keep up in the culture :c5culture: and tourism :tourism: game while still getting gold :c5gold: bonuses. The East India Company can generate Great Writers :c5greatperson: very quickly, as they are the only civilisation (in the base game) that can generate Great Writers in more than one city. This means that they will have lots of Great Writers and can place many Great Works in Clerk's Offices for culture :c5culture: and trade route :trade: bonuses.

Finally, and perhaps the most important Unique Component for the East India Company, the Trader can create a different type of city. The Trader's City takes production and food penalties in return for less social policy costs and less technology costs. The main reason for building a Trader's City, usually, will be to gain the additional luxury resources. Saltpetre will help your military as early as the Renaissance Era, and gets more powerful as you go on, due to more gunpowder and armoured units. Opium and Tea (or Powders), however, are just add-ons to the Unique Ability. Take note that the Unique Ability does affect Opium and Tea: if you have five Opium resources, you will be getting 9 happiness :c5happy:.

To attempt a diplomatic :c5influence: victory, the East India Company will need access to as many luxury resources as possible, no matter what kind, and manage between normal Cities and Trader's Cities effectively.

Otherwise, for a cultural :c5culture: victory, you can rely on the Clerk's Office and some Merchant specialists to generate lots and lots of Great Writers :c5greatperson: for lots of culture and tourism .

Spoiler :
Establish Offices in a City
Simply having an office in London is not enough. Expanding our trade empire to encompass other civilisations' cities, preferably ones that we have trade control over, will allow us to sell our goods and commodities more efficiently and to more cities. Let us negotiate with a civilisation and see if we can reign over a city that they have.

Requirements: You must be exporting over three different resources to another civilisation and have at least four trade routes to their cities.. It must be the Renaissance Era or earlier. There must be an empty trade route slot in your empire. May only be enacted once per Era.
Costs: 1 Trade Route slot. 2 Magistrates. 1000 Gold.
Effects: One non-capital city that belongs to the civilisation becomes a Trader's City in your control, peacefully as if you gained it in a trade deal, but still stays as a puppet for that civilisation. The other civilisation gains 1000 gold.

Monopolise Trade of a Resource
Economics is very easy to understand: when supply exceeds demand, prices decrease, and thus demand increases and supply decreases. When demand exceeds supply, prices increase, and thus supply increases and demand decreases. As such, the prices of goods will keep moving along the chain until it reaches an equilibrium price. This price will not change unless outside factors manipulate, such as monopolisation, for example. More monopolisation is more money.

Requirements: You must be controlling three quarters of controlled copies and imports of the chosen resources (see below). May not be enacted twice for the same Resource. The World Congress must have been founded.
Costs: 2500 Gold. -10 GPT for 10 turns (on Standard speed). 1 Magistrate.
Effects: Choose one resource, besides Opium, Saltpetre or Tea. You may export this resource even if the other civilisation already controls a copy of it. Less happiness from that resource for other civilisation, unless it is imported from you. More gold received from Resource Diversity for this resource. The amount of less happiness and more gold from Resource Diversity depends on the percentage of the resource you control on the map.

Additional Details
Spoiler :
Cultural Group: Western
Exploration Continued Expanded Colony Names: Batam
Unique Cultural Influence: "Our people are now indulging in your resources and employing themselves as clerks. I worry the rest of the world will also succumb to the influence of your culture."
The Kingdom of Sweden, as led by Gustavus Adolphus

Spoiler :
Unique Ability: Nobel Prize
Starting in the Modern Era, may buy Great People :c5greatperson: with gold :c5gold:.

Unique Unit: Ha
The Unique Lancer of the Swedish civilisation. Transfers movement to Great Generals stacked with it and receives an additional +15% combat strength :c5strength: bonus if stacked with a Great General.

Unique Building: Hogskola
The Unique University of the Swedish civilisation. Unlike the University, the Hogskola provides. +20% science :c5science:. However this number increases by 1% every turn up to a maximum of 43%.

Spoiler :
The Swedish civilisation is great at any type of victory, with a versatile Unique Ability, a powerful Unique Unit and a scientific Unique Building.

The first Unique that you will get to use is the Hogskola. Since Hogskolas start at 20% science at increases by 1% every turn, it takes 13 turns for a Hogskola to provide as much science :c5science: as a normal University. After 14 turns, the Hogskola will be getting more science than a normal University. Therefore, it is very important to get Hogskolas up sooner so you can get the science faster.

The Hakkapeliitta is the exact same unit as it is in the base game, so here's what Zigzagzigal has to say about it: "In the industrial era, it's time to prepare for war. Hakkapeliitta get winning odds against Cavalry when both are backed by Great Generals[...]".

Finally, in the Modern Era, you get to use your Unique Ability. The Unique Ability is powerful and very versatile: you can net a few extra Great Works :greatwork:, you can get to spaceship technologies a bit faster, you can get a large boost of influence :c5influence: with a city-state, or you can just get a few more Citadels.

Overall, for a domination :c5war: victory, Sweden can use the Hogskola to tech up to Caroleans faster, then dominate the world using Hakkapeliittas. If you already haven't won by the Modern Era, you can buy up some Great Scientists and use a technologically superior army, especially with help from Hogskolas.

For culture :c5culture: victories, Hogskolas can keep you in the Wonder Race, and then, when in the Modern Era, you can buy up many GWAMs for Great Works.

A diplomatic :c5influence: is definitely possible too. Hogskolas will help you get to Globalisation faster, for more delegates. Additionally, you can buy Great Merchants without increasing the GPP :c5greatperson: cost of Great Scientists and Great Engineers.

Finally, science :c5science: victories are the easiest. Not only do Hogskolas grant considerably more science than normal Universities, you can also stockpile some gold :c5gold: and then buy Great Scientists to rush technologies in the Modern Era, or even Great Engineers to finish spaceship parts if you've gone Order.

Spoiler :
(Imports decisions from vanilla Sweden)

Additional Details
Spoiler :
Cultural Group: Western
Exploration Continued Expanded Colony Names: Christiansborg, Carlusborg, Annamabo, Batensteyn, Taccorari, Apollonia
Unique Cultural Influence: "Our people are now wearing your sverigedräkten and eating your gravlax. I worry the rest of the world will also succumb to the influence of your culture."
Hmmm... Why did you give Gustavus a modern UA? And a unit that belongs to Karl XII? And no Hakkapelita (whatever)?!
Hmmm... Why did you give Gustavus a modern UA? And a unit that belongs to Karl XII? And no Hakkapelita (whatever)?!

I try and make the uniques civilisation-specific, rather than leader-specific. Also, I didn't take the Hakkapelita because I didn't want this to be too similar to vanilla Sweden (Great Person :c5greatperson: focus, Caroleans), although do you think it would be better to have the Hakkapelita rather than the Carolean?
Yep, for sure
The Kingdom of Castile, as led by Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar

Spoiler :
Unique Ability: Defenders of the Faith
Castile has an exclusive way to achieve victory: to do so, you must capture all cities controlled by the founder of the first religion in the game and remove all traces of that religion from the map. If you are the first civilisation to found a religion, then the victory condition does not apply. +1 Happiness :c5happy: per 4 followers of your religion in foreign cities and +4 Local Happiness :c5happy: every time you capture a city belonging to another religion.

Unique Unit: Calatravan Knight
The Unique Lancer of the Castilian civilisation. Does not start with the Formation I promotion, but instead starts with the Charge promotion. 5 movement :c5moves:, up from 4. No combat penalty when defending. +25% combat strength :c5strength: when fighting a unit built in a city following a differing religion to your own. Upgrades to Cavalry rather than the Anti-Tank Gun.

Unique Building: Alcalá
The Unique Castle of the Castilian civilisation. Along with normal Castle bonuses, the Alcalá also allows the city to gain experience and choose promotions (see the Additional Details section).

Spoiler :
The Castilian civilisation works best at a domination victory and also their exclusive inquisitive victory, with a focus on spreading their religion and destroying cities that don't comply.

Due to being written for the Civilisation Design Challenge: Mechanics challenge (Has an exclusive Victory Condition), the Castilian civilisation has an exclusive victory condition called the inquisitive victory. This requires the eradication of the first religion in the game, and thus requires proper use of faith :c5faith: and war :c5war:.

The Unique Ability deals with happiness :c5happy:. The first part works similar to the Tithe follower belief, giving you lots of happiness. The second part works to reinforce your religious empire, letting you capture cities that don't follow your religion a bit more easily, due to additional happiness :c5happy:.

All the Calatravan Knight is is a Lancer that is more of a super-Knight than an actual Lancer. It loses all its Lancerian abilities, such as the Formation I promotion and penalty when defending, and gains Knight bonuses, such as faster movement :c5moves: and the upgrade to Cavalry. Additionally, the Calatravan Knight also gives you a bonus against other religions, further enforcing the Unique Ability.

Finally, the Alcalá. It allows cities to gain promotions, making Castles actually useful now. Alcalás are good for securing conquests from civilisations trying to regain their cities. Powerful promotions such as Range and Logistics can be picked, and it may even be beneficial to intentionally let attackers near your city for free experience.

To achieve a domination :c5war: victory, you can use your religion :c5religion: to gain lots of additional happiness :c5happy: and capture cities easily. Calatravan Knights can also harass enemy units of other religions due to getting a bonus against them. Finally the Alcalá can be built in conquered cities to gain bonuses for them.

For a inquisitive :c5faith: victory, you will need to work like a domination victory. However, your Uniques will be even more useful, as you will be against another religion. Remember not to found the first religion if you are trying for a inquisitive victory, as that will render the victory null.

Spoiler :
Inquest other Religions
As we meet new civilisations and explore the world, we are beginning to meet people who believe in differing gods, and this liberalism is having an effect on our people. Castilian citizens are beginning to understand other faiths, and have started to question our very own. This must be resolved now, and if we have to upset our citizens, then it is all in the name of our god.

Requirements: You have founded a religion. There is another religion in one of your cities. It is the Medieval Era or later.
Costs: 4 Global Happiness :c5unhappy:. 2 Magistrates :c5greatperson:.
Effects: All of your cities are automatically converted to your religion. Doubled religious pressure of your religion onto your cities.

Form Spanish Nation Militaristically
Global expansion in newly discovered areas and the establishment of colonies is transforming Spain into one of the most powerful and wealthiest nations of our time. Spanish explorers are constantly moving into new territories and extending our borders. Immense amounts of gold and silver are being brought back to our motherland, filling the coffers of our state Treasury.

Requirements: Spain is not in the game. You control three cities that were not founded by you. It is the Medieval Era or later.
Costs: 4 Magistrates and 1 Great General :c5greatperson:.
Effects: Gain the ability to build Tercios. Additionally, food :c5food:, production :c5production:, science :c5science: and gold :c5gold: yields from settled Natural Wonders are doubled, and gain 250 gold :c5gold: (on Standard speed) for each Natural Wonder you find or have already found.

Additional Details
Spoiler :
Cultural Group: Western
Exploration Continued Expanded Colony Names: ?
Unique Cultural Influence: "Our people are now praying to your gods and visiting your castles. I worry the rest of the world will also succumb to the influence of your culture."

City Promotions:

  • Accuracy: Three levels. Ranged combat strength :c5rangedstrength: bonus against units in Open Terrain.
  • Barrage: Three levels. Ranged combat strength :c5rangedstrength: bonus against units in Rough Terrain.
  • Roofing: Two levels. Requires Accuracy or Barrage I. Defence bonus against all ranged attacks.
  • Walls: Two levels. Requires Accuracy or Barrage I. Defence bonus against all melee attacks.
  • Replenishment: Requires Accuracy or Barrage II. Ranged combat strength :c5rangedstrength: bonus against ranged units.
  • Targeting: Requires Accuracy or Barrage II. Ranged combat strength :c5rangedstrength: bonus against melee units.
  • Mortars: Requires Accuracy or Barrage II. Ranged combat strength :c5rangedstrength: bonus against siege units.
  • Flames: Requires Accuracy or Barrage II. Ranged combat strength :c5rangedstrength: bonus against naval units.
  • Altitude: Requires Accuracy or Barrage III. +1 Range.
  • Weaponry: Requires Accuracy or Barrage III. One additional attack per turn.
The Republic of Kosovo, as led by Hashim Thaçi

Spoiler :
Unique Ability: Kosovo nije Srbija
Kosovo starts out as a city-state and accumulates a resource called Liberty Desire. You may change the type of city-state you are, granting you bonuses (see Additional Details). Low Liberty Desire grants maluses while high Liberty Desire grants bonuses.

Unique Unit: Kosovar Liberation Soldier
The Unique Infantry of the Kosovar civilisation. The Kosovar Liberation Soldier is faster with 3 moves :c5moves: rather than 2 and grants Liberty Desire from kills.

Unique Building: Kullë
The Unique Arsenal of the Kosovar civilisation. Along with normal Wall bonuses, the Kullë also grants +4 culture :c5culture: and decreases Liberty Desire decay of the empire by 10% (up to a maximum of 90%).

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Additional Details
Spoiler :
Cultural Group: Western
Exploration Continued Expanded Colony Names: ?
Unique Cultural Influence: "Our people are now fighting for your liberty and drinking your wine. I worry the rest of the world will also succumb to the influence of your culture."

Liberty Desire scales from 0 to 100. Each point of Liberty Desire above 50 grants 2% of these bonuses (for example, 75 Liberty Desire would grant 50% of these bonuses):

+20% combat strength :c5strength: for all units
+15% culture :c5culture
+25% science :c5science

Each point of Liberty Desire below 50 grants 2% of these maluses (for example, 25 Liberty Desire would grant 50% of these maluses):

-5 happiness :c5unhappy:
+100% Settler cost
+100% Worker cost
-10% culture :c5culture:

Liberty Desire decays per turn, but can be increased by adopting social policies, researching technologies, declaring war on civilisations and having city-state allies. Upon gaining 100 Liberty Desire, you may expend a Great General to Declare Liberty, which converts you into a normal civilisation and grants all the bonuses of 100 Liberty Desire permanently.

Additional Liberty Desire gained as a normal civilisation is converted to Golden Age :c5goldenage: points.

As a city-state, you may not vote in the World Congress and must pledge all your delegates to your ally. However, you may also change the type of city-state you are, granting you bonuses:

  • Maritime :c5food:: +10% growth in all cities.
  • Religious :c5faith:: +25% faith gain.
  • Mercantile :c5happy:: +1 Happiness per era.
  • Cultural :c5culture:: +10% culture in all cities.
  • Militaristic :c5war:: +20% Combat Strength for units in your cities.
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