America: Home of the Brave

The Peace Act shall be decided by the vote of Congressman Milkwright.

From a coinflip with Harrison as tails and McKinley as heads, Benjamin Harrison has become the nominee of the Unitarian Party.

Seeing a chance to win in this election, the Republican Party has chosen William McKinley as their nominee despite having little to no say in the Congress.

Wanting a chance in this election, the Democratic Party has chosen Garret Hobart as their nominee despite having little to no say in the Congress after the rise of the Populist Party.

The Election of 1896 was the first election to be between 4 contestants.

Spoiler :
For having four contestants, the winner of each state shall be determined by the spinning of an online spinner with 4 equal sized sections.

Election of 1896

Populist Party

William Jennings Bryan

Unitarian Party

Benjamin Harrison

Republican Party

William McKinley

Democratic Party

Garret Hobart

Bryan: 190

Harrison: 174

McKinley: 54

Hobart: 103

The Election of 1896 was perhaps one of the most turbulent elections in the history of the United States. The Peace vs. War movement marred the United States, giving the Democratic and Republican parties a much needed breath of life and gave them an honest chance within the election. These two right-wing parties gained huge ground within the Midwest and Great Plains, despite the left-wing Populist Party being founded by farmers in the area.

The left-wing seemed to be torn between two very popular parties: the older Unitarian Party and the younger Populist Party. The Unitarian Party did quite well in metropolitan areas such as California, Illinois, and the East Coast, but the Populist Party claimed victory through its gains in the poorer and more rural areas of the South and East Coast (Washington state being the exception).

The Republican Party has been utterly humiliated with the last few election cycles; last place in the most recent election, and no candidate in the last two cycles left the party dazed. They had no major and/or vocal voices in the Congress, and had seemed to be forgotten by the public. Were there any places left for them? They hoped so. Perhaps they could start working on electing some Congressmen from more battleground states.

The Democratic Party wishes to regain their footing by taking in more states for Elections than the usual ones they seemed to carry, such as Louisiana, North Dakota, and Michigan. They were tempted to rethink their appeal to voters in the previous election against Ulysses S. Grant, but with the Populist Party gaining more popularity, they may consider merging with the Republican Party to create a larger, right-wing party to fend off against the major Populist and Unitarians. Of course, these are all ideas, but they are possible.

The Peace vs. War campaign seemed to be coming to an end. A bill was recently proposed to recall the Canadian Requisition Act, and has come down to the very last vote in Congress. The bill has yet to be decided though, and will be either sent to the President's desk or forgotten by the vote of Congressman John Milkwright, the son of former Democratic Congressman Donovan Milkwright of Oregon.

Should the Democratic Party or Republican Party have won the election, the bill may have been sent back to the Congress for a debate and would have needed to gain enough support to overcome a presidential veto. With the victory of the Populist Party, should the bill pass, then it would be signed. This is seen as a vital moment for both the Peace and War campaigns.​
The Pullman Strike

The Pullman Company built a town for its workers near the south side of Chicago with the name of Pullman. The city was known for having a diverse landscape for normal companies and towns of the time; the CEO, George Pullman, hired African-Americans and single women to work certain jobs along with white men, which built the Pullman cars.

This town didn't come without its issues, though. The city of Pullman did not have a democracy, the workers were under a rigid, paternalistic control, there were excessive water and gasoline rates, and the workers were not allowed to buy and own their own forms. In response to this, the workers of Pullman organized a strike to protest their conditions. These workers did not create a union, though.

Seeing an opportunity, an ambitious leader of the American Railway Union, Eugene V. Debs brought in many ARU organizers and signed up many of the protesting workers. The Pullman Company, in response, refused to recognize the ARU and its negotiators. Because of this reaction, Debs and the ARU called for a strike, but it did not appear to be successful. Debs was determined, though, and thought of a way to succeed. Eugene V. Debs stopped the movement of Pullman cars on railroads.

Debs's motion didn't just impact the city of Pullman; the ARU called for a massive boycott against all trains that used a Pullman car. This boycott affected most rails to the west of Detroit and involved 250,000 workers in 27 states. Many organizations and other unions opposed Debs's controversial move, such as the Railroad brotherhoods, the American Federation of Labor, and the General Managers Association.

President Bryan, despite seeing the reason for their protest, was forced to act by these organizations to call for a disband of the strike and boycott. President Bryan ordered in the U.S. Army to stop the strikers from obstructing the mail trains. The strikers refused to quit, and violence broke out. This did end up ending the boycott, dissolving the ARU, and getting Eugene V. Debs arrested, but President Bryan called for a pardon of Debs.

The pardoning of Debs was very controversial on Bryan's part, but in the end most Americans saw his reason for ending his sentence. Debs is now working on advancing a career in politics in the state of Indiana currently.

Debs speaking to a crowd in Indiana
Liberals like Debs are destroying our country. Too long we've been under the influence of weak-willed men with the constitution of yesterday's gelatin. I demand a reordering of American values and implore everyone to look into what we need. We haven't had a good candidate in years, and that's absolutely disgusting. America is only as strong as it's weakest politician, and right now we're looking like a pool of dribble that can't hold itself up. Our nation cannot live on as it has been. America will rise up once more to the proud status it held.

Good night weakness, America is being reborn.

The pardoning of Debs is an atrocity against our country. He committed a crime and incited an illegal rebellion against our nation. Furthermore, the pardoning of him by our spineless leader is indicative of our nation's race to the bottom. I DEMAND the beginning of an impeachment process of our so-called "president".

-Senator Harrison Goulding of Arkansas, Independent
Congressman Theodore Noobington of Missouri welcomes Congressman Goulding into the Congress.

I do not believe our President Bryan needs to be impeached for the action of pardoning Debs, however I will support going along with the process in case there was any wrongdoing. Should enough of the Congress vote for an impeachment process to begin, an investigation will look into the actions of President Bryan.

Impeachment of President Bryan

Yea: 3

Nay: 3

Sent to VP and passed by the suggestion of President Bryan
The New Congressman from Massachusetts, Lockie Jon of the , believes that the President should be investigated to the fullest extent of the law as he clearly means to destroy this country by pardoning criminals who threaten the peace that this nation has long endured the struggle to maintain. With deep regret, the Congressman from Massachusetts, must cast his vote yea for the Impeachment of the President, so that this nation can continue to exist and not dissolve into a lawless land of anarchy and responsive tyranny.

The Congressman from Massachusetts, Lockie Jon also believes that we need to strengthen our military and seize control of the rest of the continent. What happened to the America that would keep expanding, the one that wouldn't stop until it controlled all of North America. This is a tragedy, the American people deserve better than a president who will negotiate will extremists and refuse the will of the people - the people who demand that we secure Canada.

The Congressman from Massachusetts, Lockie Jon, proposes the Uniting and Strengthening America By Attacking Canada's Key cities (USA BACK for short)
This act will have four primary goals:
1. The USA will move all available units to the USA-Canada Border
a. The majority of units will be concentrated along the Northern border of the US in Massachusetts
b. Other units will be sent North on ships to the Hudson's Bay​
2. The USA will construct three new rifleman and two new cannon which will be moved to the border
3. The USA will declare war on Canada and invade.
4. The South will be kept from rebelling by an increased military presence. Units may not be drafted to maintain this peace, however new riflemen and ships may be constructed as needed.
If it wasn't already obvious, I vote yea. Our nation cannot live in this state of self-motivated political agendas precipitated by people like President Bryan. I would like for myself to lead the charge into investigating the possible wrongdoings of William Jennings Bryan.

Senator Harrison Gould, Arkansas (I)
The Peace Act has reached the desk of President's Bryan Vice President, who passed the bill. The Canada Recquisition Bill has been repealed, but with the possibility of USA BACK, war might still be on the table.

Congressman Theodore Noobington votes Yea to USA BACK, differing himself from the rest of his Populist and Unitarian allies.

I believe now it is a time to manifest our destiny, and if that means reclaiming the former states of Quebec and Ontario, then so be it.

-Signed, Populist Congressman Theodore Noobington of Missouri


Yea: 5

Nay: 0


The Merging of the Parties

The Populist Party is quickly falling out of public favor ever since the rise of the Right in American politics and the pardoning of Debs on the act of President Bryan. Many political cartoonists are depicting Populist politicians as greedy and lazy people who are taking working votes for granted.

To escape the tide of unpopularity, the Populist Party met behind closed doors with the Unitarian Party to strike a deal in merging. The Populist Party will be dissolved into the Unitarian Party, but the adoption of a silver standard and extreme pro-labor laws would not be accepted on the basis of staying more moderate.

The Unitarian Party thus absolved the Populist Congressmen and their voters.

However it was not just the Populist Party dissolving, but the right-wing Democratic and Republican Parties as well. Seeing a unified Left, the two parties deemed it necessary to become a unified Right. The Democratic Party and Republican Party met behind closed doors to strike a deal with one another as well.

The Democratic-Republican Party, for the Right, is formed. The two parties each gave some things up from their individual goals to create a union with the other; the Democrats gave up slavery and the Republicans overly large tariffs.

The union between the two parties was mostly led by following the leadership of two freshman Senators whom both the Democratic and Republican Parties have come to admire, Lockie Jon of Massachusetts, and Harrison Goulding of Arkansas.

The newly formed Democratic-Republican Party will be represented by Red on the parties map, should any Congressmen choose to join it.​

And thus, with Theodore Noobington failing to win re-election in 1896, the new Congressman from Hawaii, Marcus Ige of the Unitarian Party has been elected to Congress.
Nick Wilson (Democratic-Republican) - Illinois
Spoiler :

Formerly serving as military officer in the federal army, Wilson won his election in a landslide victory. He is the embodiment of the states rightest ideals.

Spoiler :
OOC: After a long disappearance i'm back
Congressman Smith votes Yea on the US BACK and Nay on the Impeachment of President Bryan.
Regardless of political ideologies Debs broke United States law. Bryan circumvented that law for his own political motives. How do you not understand this? Has corruption gone so deep that even those who claim to be Americans have ideologies and not blood flowing through their veins? I would rather have a liberal than someone that not only breaks a law, but someone that circumvents that law and releases a criminal. If Debs was truly innocent, the court would have said so, there was no need for Bryan to intervene. Furthermore, the fact that you're defending someone purely on his ideology and not because of his character disgusts me. You people have no standards. This is horrendous.

Impeachments aren't based on politics, they are based on whether or not an elected official stepped outside of their jurisdiction, and by pardoning someone awaiting trial and not simply waiting for the verdict shows that Bryan clearly acts out of personal ambition, rather than out of love for his nation.

Remember that impeachment doesn't mean he will be removed from office, it just means that he acted outside of his original jurisdiction. Nothing legal will be done to him unless it is later decided that is the best course of action.

Those of you that vote nay ought to be ashamed of yourselves. There are only two reasons one would vote nay. Ignorance of the workings of the political system, or blind support for your party. If the former then you ought not be in politics, my friend. If the latter than it should be obvious that ideology ought to be a guideline, not a lifeline.

-Senator Harrison Gould from Arkansas (I)
Congressman Ige would like to remind the Congress that the Impeachment shall not be decided until the Congressmen from Illinois and Washington vote. However, if the Congressmen from either Illinois or Washington vote Yea, then the impeachment shall commence.
President Bryan Speaks Out

"I, President William Jennings Bryan, have come here today to speak to you about the possibility of my impeachment. I would like to tell the members of the Congress that I have done nothing wrong, and that I hope that the people of these beautiful United States would stand by me. The pardoning of Eugene V. Debs was controversial, yes, but just because you do not agree with the action that does not give you the right to try to send me behind bars.

Debs was an innocent man and never made any of the members of his Union commit violence. It was the act of other members of the Union, yet Debs was arrested on false charges. I hereby stand behind my actions and remain steadfast a beacon of democracy in these trials and tribulations.

Should the impeachment proceed and any criminal wrongdoing on my part be found, then I will step down as President of these United States."​
Mr. President, it disturbs me that the most powerful man in our nation doesn't understand how impeachment works.

1. Congress votes to impeach the president. This means that there is acknowledgement that something has occurred.
2. Once impeached a president is going to be tried by the Senate in a completely separate vote.

That means that, if you are impeached, sir, that you will not be convicted of anything until the trial by the Senate. Please Mr. President, read the Constitution some time. It's very interesting.
Mr. President, it disturbs me that the most powerful man in our nation doesn't understand how impeachment works.

1. Congress votes to impeach the president. This means that there is acknowledgement that something has occurred.
2. Once impeached a president is going to be tried by the Senate in a completely separate vote.

That means that, if you are impeached, sir, that you will not be convicted of anything until the trial by the Senate. Please Mr. President, read the Constitution some time. It's very interesting.

President Bryan issues a formal response to the Congressman from Arkansas:

"I have indeed read the Constitution and I am trained in law, if the Congressman from Arkansas had looked into my background. I graduated valedictorian from Illinois College and studied law at Union Law College in Chicago.

I do not change any words of what I said in my previous speech. Should the Congress vote to commence an impeachment, and the Senate investigation yields any criminal wrongdoing, then I shall resign regardless of a vote.

I believe in the rule of justice, and the United States should never be led by someone who has committed a crime. It matters not whether I be convicted or not by the Senate."
I see Chicago is just giving away law degrees now, how very intriguing. I will be sure to look into enrolling in the Illinois post-secondary education system if I decide that I need a break from challenging work.

In any way, I'm glad to see that our president has the gumption to back his words with actions. Thank you Mr. President, you've made a lot of Americans very happy.

-Senator Harrison Gould from Arkansas (I)
The Gallant Gazette


In a shocking turn of events, after the recent pardoning of Eugene Debs, the US Senate has called a vote of impeachment against President Bryan. If the motion is carried through the house than Bryan will be the first sitting President in US history to go through the impeachment process. The President has assured the American public that he is completely free of all wrong doing.

Additionally security around both the White House and Capital Building have been increased since rumors about a supposed "Duel of Honour" between the presumptuous Senator Harrison Gould of Arkansas and President Bryan. Both parties have declined to comment on the situation. However, an unidentified representative from the White House has stated quote: "..It is not time to Duel.."
I would like to establish myself as Senator Philander Penrose of Pennsylvania, because I've just returned from a long absence and I would like to put my two cents in.

This is Penrose's official statement on the impeachment:

"Senator Philander Penrose of Pennsylvania will vote a solid NAY on the question of the impeachment of President Bryan. Bryan did nothing truly wrong, he merely acted on pity. Was this pity outside of his jurisdiction? Maybe, but we should not punish mercy nor pity in this nation. Eugene V. Debs, as Penrose sees it, was not right to be tried in the first place, as he did nothing wrong, and Bryan, by releasing him before the trial, merely saved the world from the agitations of a monkey trial in which Debs would have surely been found guilty.

Instead of brooding on Debs' uncalled for arrest and Bryan's mercy, let us instead investigate the reasons for the Pullman Strike, and work to put an end to that far more blaring issue."
Pity? Pity does not lead a nation Mr. Penrose. Pity does not make for a strong nation. Pity leads to favors which leads to corruption which leads to weakness. You yourself admitted that he acted outside of his jurisdiction yet you intend not to impeach him. By releasing Debs he didn't prevent the monkey trial, he showed that he has no intentions of following precedent or even written law to get what he wants to achieve. That sickens me and it should sicken more of you.

Regardless of anyone's ideology, Debs's arrest was not uncalled for. He broke the law, whether it was fair or not. It is the Supreme Court's job to decide on cases like this, not the president. There are no separation of powers. With the president making judicial decisions what's next, will he be passing legislation now too? Sickening. Absolutely sickening.

I feel like I'm the only one that studied how our nation should run, and cares about its well being. If you care or are aware of the nuances of our fine country you would have seen these issues.

1. Bryan acted out of self-interest to pardon a criminal that has similar ideologies
2. Bryan overstepped his boundaries and jumped into the judicial branch by assuming that the executive branch now has that authority and pardoned someone that broke the law
3. He insists he did nothing wrong yet he says he will step down if he were impeached, which is ridiculous.
4. He clearly has no knowledge of how the American political system works.

If these are the criteria that make a president then by golly we ought to just give up because we've already lost in that case.

-Senator Harrison Gould from Arkansas (I)

Spoiler :
OOC: I seriously don't get why so many of you support Bryan :p This country is far too liberal for the late 1900s :cowboy:
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