
Flip Calc - Calculates the probability of culture flips 1.5

I don't have C3C yet (not released yet in the UK), but if someone wanted to test flip chances for me I would be grateful. :D

Failing that I will do it when I have a few hours to spare (and once I have Conquests of course)....

Globetrotter - I will release a version without the overflow problem this week.
Sorry, anarres, can't help yet- don't yet have C3C. I will at some point (else I wouldn't be interested in how FlipCalc will work in the new version of the game)!

Good luck, hopefully others can help or you get it quicker then I (budget is quite tight right now!).

Maybe Santa Caus will help me out ...

Sorry for the delay, it slipped past me in the excitement for Conquests....

I've put the values in form your pic and I don't get the error. I can get it by putting in 99999 for the AI culture and 0.00000000000001 for your culture. I can fix the problem I found, but I am interested in how you got it? :confused:
Is there a way to reverse the process to find out the chance an enemy city will culture flip to you. (i.e. you get their city)

Could that be done with this program or would a new one have to be made?

Great job on the program, btw:cool: .
I was using your flip calculator and think I noticed a subtle difficulty.

It is my believe that civ distances are integer. The support for this belief is that in RCP you could place cities at civ distance 4 or 4.5 and still get the benefit of RCP for all cities. If 4 and 4.5 were different distances this would not be true.

I tried putting in 5 NW and 1 NE which gave 5.5. I guessed the capitol to be 15 squares NE. The ratio your calculator gave was 2.78. However, if I am correct, then the 5.5 should be rounded to 5 giving a ratio of 3.
Ahh yes! Indeed I made the Calc before it was realised that distances were integer.

I will make an update. Thanks! :)
Hi Anarres,

Have you considered taking this utility to the next level? For example, you could turn it into a floating icon on top of Civ3 and read the save game file to display a list of city for us to select (alphabetically sorted, etc). Base on the user selection (multiple cities selection may be supported), display the probability of culture flips, etc.

I'm sure Ainwood would love to incorporate this this feature into his Trade Assist utility too.:mischief: I hope that he or someone else does because it would be nice to have all the collection of these wonderful tools at one place.
I have indeed thought of this, but when I tried SpiderZord for help I didn't get quite as much as I needed, just some basic memory offsets.

If someone is offering to provide dll's to help read active memory I'm all ears! :D
Unfortunately I did FlipCalc in VB6 so I could write it in an afternoon (it's nearly all GUI).

The downside is that you have to use the DoEvents() function which "releases" CPU cycles in a message thread. This makes CPU eat up empty cycles if no other app is using them and so the CPU is high even though it is doing nothing.

The upside is (as you say) is that nothign is actually slowed down - as soon as another app needs the CPU it is given. Your CPU shouldn't actually heat up in this time, so if you care about fans then you could invest in a cheap temperature fan-controlling system. I have one that sits in a CD bay and only turns the fans on over a certain temperature - that way it matters not what the CPU activity is, only how hot it is. FWIW my sensor system controls up to 8 fans individually and costed only £20 online.

A permanent solution is for me to re-write in c++ or c#, but I vowed no more c++ or vb6 recently so it may have to be c#, which maybe I will do when I get time.

I just thought that I could add a 50ms wait in the DoEvents() loop, that may drop the CPU a bit - I will do some testing. :)

Personally, I got very good at doing close estimates in my head (I can do sums quite well). Now I use CRPSuite for SP games to see flip chances (although there have been a couple of issues so far where it has been wrong, so I also check with flipcalc too if it is important).
anarres said:
Now I use CRPSuite for SP games to see flip chances (although there have been a couple of issues so far where it has been wrong, so I also check with flipcalc too if it is important).
Could you let me know if you see any more examples of these? I'm happy to fix bugs, if I know about them...
hehe, you've seen the main one I was thinking about and fixed it. The main reason I check is just to be safe (I only bother checking when odds are > 1%). :)

AFAIK, one thing CRPSuite doesn't do yet is give the flip values for each civ it could flip to, and it doesn't tell you the chance of enemy cities flipping to you, but these are very minor things. Note I could be wrong - I've not had time to play much civ at all recently (the last 3 months), so most of what I say these days is from memory only.

P.S. How do you calculate distance? I use 1 and 1.5 distances and round down like for corruption, and I assume you do the same.
anarres said:
AFAIK, one thing CRPSuite doesn't do yet is give the flip values for each civ it could flip to...
Correct. I only tell you about the civ that the city has the highest chance of flipping to. Hmm, I was originally thinking that this was all you would need to know, but I'm wondering if maybe it would be useful to also show the total chance of flipping to any civ?

anarres said:
... and it doesn't tell you the chance of enemy cities flipping to you...
True. I couldn't think of a spoiler safe way to do this. I.e. don't know number of foreignors/resistors/garissoned troops.

anarres said:
P.S. How do you calculate distance? I use 1 and 1.5 distances and round down like for corruption, and I assume you do the same.

AFAIK there is only one outstanding (not good, remaining ;)) bug to do with flipping in that I'm currently including non-military units and artillery type units as MP :blush:.
Does the number of citizens of your own race have any affect? Could I add workers to a captured city to make it less likely to flip?
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