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The New AoK conversion collection

becuase vikings and germans didt wear such armor- its a soldire of the Byzantine empire that he looks like, not any sub-germanic tribe (I suggest that instead of blindlly posting, you read through the thread more often ;))
Originally posted by Xen
becuase vikings and germans didt wear such armor- its a soldire of the Byzantine empire that he looks like, not any sub-germanic tribe (I suggest that instead of blindlly posting, you read through the thread more often ;))

WellI did read it "Could" be used as an Byzantine unit, but i think thing thin im wondering about, is why is it cald an "Huscarl" then? Hus is the Danish word for "House", and Carl is both a name in danish, and a person working on a farm. Huscarl does not sound like an Latin name lol

So I am not blind ;)
Great unit! I love the Beserk!

Out of curiosity, how possible would it be to like chop the shins off his model and shorten the arms and call him a dwarf???
Originally posted by DoubleT

Define Goth please :) For me Goth something vampires and stuff like that.


Goths were some of the major Germanic tribes which overran the Roman Empire in the early 5th century CE, eventually splitting into two major groups, the Ostrogoths (who ruled all of Italy, Dalmatia and the adjoining northern regions by the ealy 6th century) and the Visigoths, who set up a kingdom in Iberia (modern Spain) stretching into southern France. The Byzantines made short work of the Ostrogths in the mid 6th century (under their famous generals Belisarius and Narses) whereas the Visigoths held on until overrun by the Arabs in the early 8th century.

There is quite critical problem with Huskarl's attack animation... look at directions NE and E...
Originally posted by Aluminium
Is this Villager already converted? If so, can you give me the link?
Oh, I thought you were converting these yourself, as I haven't seen half of these conversions before! Um, I understand that it was converted by JimmyH, but released only as part of DyP version 1.x. I still have the files to that version of DyP (the new version 2.x replaces this AoK graphic), but I don't know if we need to ask either JimmyH or Kal-El for permission to use it outside the (old version of) the DyP mod. Anyone else know what the right protocol might be?
Originally posted by IamsoUBER
Great unit! I love the Beserk!

Out of curiosity, how possible would it be to like chop the shins off his model and shorten the arms and call him a dwarf???
Instead of chopping him up he could be resized by someone. I would think that would be easier. I would if I was any good with animations, but I'm only learning static graphix for now.
Fixed Huscarl attack version available. Thanks embryodead, to inform me. Just forgot to push mirror :wallbash:. It may not happen again. Runs all automatic now! :)

Ships comes later.

I make a new hunting villager upcoming.

For the Huscarl look in this thread
Originally posted by DoubleT

WellI did read it "Could" be used as an Byzantine unit, but i think thing thin im wondering about, is why is it cald an "Huscarl" then? Hus is the Danish word for "House", and Carl is both a name in danish, and a person working on a farm. Huscarl does not sound like an Latin name lol

So I am not blind ;)

why is it called a huscarl?

very good question- seems the only answer is, that very surprisinglly for ensemble studios, they didnt do thier homework, and made an inaacurate unit- verysad considering that when it come to details, they are some of the best in the buisness for getting facts right, and portraying them as such in a game
Originally posted by Aluminium
I make a new hunting villager upcoming.
Great, thanks!!!
Looks great! Isn’t that the spearman though, not the pikeman?
I think both the Fedual age Man-at-arms and Castle age Two-handed Swordsman would fill some nice gaps in medieval mods. :)

I was going to ask you if you would be able to convert units that were not in the game, but were left on the CD from the alpha and other reasons? For instance, in MPS there are two Arbalest replacements that never made it into the game. Resource 2711 down to 2721? There is also two lancer-knights (one looks like an early French UU). Their resource numbers are between 3846 right down to 3973.

Xen, I agree that the Huscarl’s graphics don’t fit. (I won’t go as far to name them Byzantine however, looks more like a later Medieval knight to me) In fact, I use the mod found here. As you can see, the original Goth UU was quite different in the pre-release. No idea why they changed it.
I saw you posted that the Hydra looked great in game, which implies you have AoM. If you also have AoK:tc I can point you into a mod which transforms the Mayan and Aztec civs into Greeks and Romans. It sort of looks out of place in the medieval setting to me, but you may enjoy it.

I couldn’t agree more Steph. But the problem now is that much work has been put into it. If they disapproved and called it an illegal action, it would throw away those hours of work. Think of all the buildings, for instance. I happen to know embryodead is working on a large pack, and has put a lot of work into it.
I would love to ask them, but is there some way we can ask while keeping us and the game (civ3) anonymous?
Yes, its very likely the Spearman. Its weapon looks like a heavy spear. Pikes have blades on the top generally. :)

2711 - 2721 are units from AoE or ROR. These are smaller then AoK units. I don't know why they are there. The knights come in any case, although the brown one looks like an accident. :D
@ Aluminium

PLEASE make that early Goth UU that PCHighway had linked to in his post- it would be SO awesome to have him :goodjob:

@ PCHighway
well I assure you he fits perfectlyl in the late-Roman, to mid Byzantine infantry- I tried to find soem sites that would illustrate late Roman and Byzantine armor, but I havent had much luck in finding any- however, that said, I did go to a site where a great deal of unit ideas come from, and a reliable source- as wargameing figures are incrediblly accurate, so these are on good authority :)

Thi sis a Late Western Roman swordsman more or less, but as in all cases with late Roman, and early-mid Byzantien swordsman, it could be interchangable with the other for all of late Roman history

Tis is more of a Byzantine swordsman proper, again, utterlyl interchangabel wiht the wests swordsmen

in both cases, the resemblen to the "hscarl" is striking- only the sheild blason, and a head crest is different- but as the following link to an online Notitia Diginatum illustates, the sheild pattern was used by the late Romans, and the headcrest simply mean that out little false huscarl is Romano-Byzantine officer ;)

that link to the Notitia Diginatum- http://www.ne.jp/asahi/luke/ueda-sarson/NotitiaPatterns.html

to be honest, in ligh tof you pointing out what the proto-type Goth UU was to be, and the fact that the current Huscarl is mor eor less byzantien through and through, I wouldnt be afraid to wager that at some point, it (the current huscarl) was the planned Byzantine UU...
8oh and remember, equipment could vary quite a bit from the pictures I have shown, and if your interest in seeing smoe more pics of this sort of guy, please, ask, and i will be pleased to show some :)

also, as for AOK, I had it, but it was pirated, and feleing gyuilty after a while, i deleted it, perhaps though I'll save up soem money and go get the game to leagally enjoy it :)
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