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SGOTM3 Rome - Team mauer

alamo said:
Gave Toku some spices, but no trade route to others - no harbors??? Hiawa accepts RoP. Monty only wants Wmap+100g. Ok, with active deals maybe they'll stay out of the Indian war.
Can't use them over ocean squares anyways.
Speaking of research, why don't we have a lone scientist? We could have 40 turn research with one measly scientist.
Hopefully we won't be playing 40 more turns ;) .
Oh, yeah, and I renamed the unit that got the MGL "Sark is a Weiner" how about we try and keep that one alive untill he gets back. :)
EDIT:Just a thought here. If nobody has a problem with it we probably need to change to a 5 turn rotation. I know it took me about 3 and a half hours yesterday just to play 9 turns. I think if we do this it will help us slow down a little take our time. We really need to make sure we are MMing as much as possible. Watching every single unit action and such. It doesn't take me 3 hours to play 10 turns in my own games, but I don't do as well as we are here in my own games. If I don't get any votes, then I win by default :lol: .
Oops, I already played 11 turns. --Here--

Starting my 4th and probably last round.

790AD Prelim - Trade/RoP with non-enemy civs. Reassigned citizens - less WW now? Made one scientist in 04_Cumae wil aquaduct builds. Numbered the cities on the home continent - they'll be at the top of the F1 list now. Still resistance in several towns - sent in some troops. Set money builds to temples. Dropped settler+cav on Easter island. Redirected a couple of pikes and a legion to Easter Island. We need a few cav around home just in case the Aztecs try a sneak attack.

IBT: Warrior takes redline cav. WLTL day. Palace expansion.

800AD(0) - Found Aggripena. Spot Russian galley off the North coast. Found _09_Cyrene. Decide to send Octavian home on the next boat. Take down 2 spears in Bombay. Hurry some temples for more tiles.

IBT: Another war elephant.

810AD(1) - Found Verona, _10_Corfinium. Kill war elepant. We've got way more boats than troops to transport now.

IBT: 97_Konisberg flips - only a pike nearby. Karachi flips. Sevastapol quelled.

820AD(2) - Pike takes reg spear! Clear a barb camp. Found _11_Mediolanum. Retake Karachi. Hurry more temples.

IBT: Hatma wants peace, but won't give up any city. Madras flips. Fat-fingerd a caravel and lost it in treacherous oceans. Kiev quelled.

830AD(3) - Retake Madras. Take Lahore. Spot impi named Handy900.

IBT: Toku wants map.

840AD(4) - Found _12_Treveri. Vet legion kills 7 barbs before falling. Take Nuremberg and finish off Bismark. Take Calcutta. Rush more temples. Hurry Copernicus in London.

IBT: Lahore flips. Several borders expand - another palace expansion. Bangalor quelled.

850AD(5) - Clear camp. Found Sirmium. Spot impis Ankka, Regent man. Retake Lahore. Take Kolhapur. Hurry temples.

IBT: Lost defender in Sirmium - lost 1g. Bengal flips. WLTL days end - WW kicks in.

860AD(6) - Deliver pike to Sirmium. Spot impis I.larkin. Found Augustadorum. Retake Bengal. Take Jaipur. Hurry more temples.

IBT: Konisberg quelled. WLTL day back? Aztecs start Magellan. Impi impales itself on knight - not sure who it was. Minsk quelled.

870AD(7) - Spot impi Tao. Clear camps. Take Hydrabad. Hurried temples.

IBT: Loose knight to barbs.

880AD(8) - Found _13_Trapezus. 2 elite cavs remove pike from Cathy's last town. Spear remains. Hurry temples.

IBT: Lahore flips, again. Novgorod riots, but everyone content - just finished temple. Many WLTLD's end. Russian galley approaches...

890AD(9) - Take Chitagong. Retake Lahore. Found Teurnia, Curia, Paxromana on second continent. Cleared camp. Hurry temple.

IBT: WLTLD back.

900AD(10) - Send 4 reg caravels to greet Russian galley. Next player can exterminate it if desired. 2 elite cavs sould take Russian capital soon, anyway. Cavs holding near Coventry in case Russian archer lands.

Hatma is down to 2 towns. Cathy still has 1.

Mapstat: 2211 tiles = 1709 current + 502 needed

We can probably wrap this up w/o another war. More temples and settlers!

Hatma's Last Stand


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alamo said:
We can probably wrap this up w/o another war. More temples and settlers!
YES, YES, YES! More temples and more settlers are a must! Remember we can get 9 tiles per settler, and more if cultural bounderies connect. But also keep in mind we have plenty of units on the other continent, with more coming. Can probably get all of those 502 tiles to win from the AI. Settlers and temples will just speed up the dom date.

I didn't open the save and probably won't this time (yard work :sad: ). So Alamo, you get a reprieve from the lashing :lol: . Just kidding, I'm sure you did a knock out job. Detlef, just remember basics. Take your time with unit movements and city management.

Our #1 goal should be more tiles.
2 more tiles
3 thinking of a new avatar for me, when I hit 300 post in this thread :crazyeye:
alamo said:
We can probably wrap this up w/o another war. More temples and settlers!
Yes, but we wanna win fast, so go ROP-rape Japan. :devil2:

Btw : Did anyone keep a record of the funny impi?
Japan has those pesky samuri, so be sure your troops are ready. You might gift whatever techs they have over Aztecs and Iroqouis to keep them out of the war.

Impi names are scattered in the turnlogs, though I might have lost one that came out of the fog and attacked a knight on a mountain.

Regent man

IIRC, the solution is an ancient Greek expression, something like caveat emptor.
Well, didn't MB say to take the capitalized letter from each name. Hope all of those are with the emphasised letter, or else there is no way to figure it out.
alamo said:
Regent man

IIRC, the solution is an ancient Greek expression, something like caveat emptor.

There are 18 named units in total. I don't think you have enough here to get the answer, though you did well to get this many. I made it difficult on purpose.

In the original GOTM the answer was "veni vidi vici" (sp?), but I changed it for this game.
The answer this time gives you a "kind of" spoiler for the next game - in that it will pre-warn you as to how my warped mind works :) Maybe you would prefer not to solve it... maybe you would. Dunno really.
mad-bax said:
The answer this time gives you a "kind of" spoiler for the next game - in that it will pre-warn you as to how my warped mind works :) Maybe you would prefer not to solve it... maybe you would. Dunno really.
Well, we have a hint as to the mind we are working with :dubious: ....ie. barb island!
BTW what does IIRC mean? And Detlef................21 to go :)
EDIT:Before I am scolded by MB for blatant spamming :mischief: , thanks for the definition below Taliesin.
I've been recording the first initials of all the barbarians. The list we have is missing ones that contain an H, a B and a C (I'm not sure what the names were).
HHABOACRTNIAL is what we have.
IIRC-- If I Recall Correctly
EDIT: One is named Capt.buttkick
I figure about 20 letters total, and we have thirteen, so the chances of solving are pretty low.. I've been playing around with the letters-- you can get the word "anchor", but I'm not sure even what language to put it in, so I gave up. If we get even three or four more, we have a much better chance.
veni, vidi, vici: I came, I saw, I conquered. The laconic despatch in which Julius Ceasar announced to the Senate his victory over Pharnaces.

Anchor - there was a GOTM that did have a wierd anchor-shaped island.
Mauer said:
Guess default wins. Please try and switch to 5 turn rotation.
I didn't see your edit there, but I second that! You don't get to play again anyway! :lol:

HHABOACRTNIAL is what we have.
So do we actually have anything? :confused:
My guess is that MB is trying to tell us about the next variant. :crazyeye:
Mauer said:
Guess default wins. Please try and switch to 5 turn rotation.

I realized it too late, so i'am no at turn 9 but i couldn't finish yesterday. After about 3 hours playing, my wife banns me. I finish today and post tomorrow.
Alamo is right with his samurai thought. I waited some turns bevor i attacked Japan because of our very slow reinforcement. The samurai and longbows fighting back really hard. But it works, it's just a thing of time if the rest of japan falls.
I like playing Japan because of those samuri :ninja:

They're better than knights, give a GA, and usually give a MGL. Sometimes I don't even upgrade them all because the 4 def makes good cav escorts.

Keep rushing temples! We're pretty close to domination for sure.

The worst that could happen would be a dogpile, so give Monty or Hiawa whatever they want. Giving them a map now would be good.
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