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Government change?


Something goes here...
Apr 7, 2004
Sydney, Australia
We are one or two turnchats away from Monarchy. Being religious, we can change without much penalty. There are advantages and disadvantages. At the moment we have small cities and so if we are going to fight a war before they grow large, our unit count could be hampered by the reduction in units allowed. On the other hand we could do with the benefits. I personally think we should make the switch as soon as we can- what do other people think?
Switch immediately.

@Uberboffin: downsides are that we loose a turn of production to anarchy, units in cities do not reduce unhappyness and we aren't allowed as many free units as in Despotism. It is going to cost us.
I personally think the cost is insignificant to the (long term) benefits.
Actually, Under Monarchy, we can have 3 Soliders reduce unhappiness rather than only 2 in Despot.

With Proactive defense and development, the unit cost will hamper us a bit, but the "extra" f/s/p should be worth it.

We aren't in any Wonder Races right now, and our envoys are in Allegheny "discussing" peace terms. A single turn of Anarchy won't make too much difference right. Let's do it up front, so that we can proceed to the Wonder Race at full strength.

EDIT: Would Happiness be "reduced" in an "immediate changeover"? (Vanilla/PTW)

There's no reason why we shouldn't switch immediately after we get Monarchy.
of course switch immediatly!!! why else would we spend 36 turns researching it?
@civanator It makes no dif tho - still get 1 turn of lost research and production, it's just we seem to enter anarchy later :)
Yeah. We'd have to switch RIGHT When the Domestic Adjuct asks us, in order not to lose any Science. We'd still lose a turn of Production, though.
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