Basic Alternate Goverment Constitution

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Jan 4, 2004
Here is my constitution based on DG5 implementing DaveShack's Alternate Government structure.
Note this is very very rough and something I did in an hour. Most notable is that we need to further define the tactical and strategic positions. But anyway here it is:

We, the people of $COUNTRY_NAME, in order to create an atmosphere of
friendship, cooperation, and pride, establish this Constitution of our
beloved country. We uphold the beliefs that each citizen must
have an equal voice in the government and ruling of our country,
that government itself is a construct of and servant to the people,
that rules, regulations, and laws should be established to
facilitate the active participation of the people and to make
possible the dreams and desires of the citizens.

Article A. All Civfanatics Forum users who register in the Citizen
Registry are citizens of our country. Citizens have the
right to assemble, the right to free movement, the right
to free speech, the right to a fair and speedy trial, the right to
representation, the right to seek to redress grievances
and the right to vote.

Article B. Governing rules shall consist of these Articles of the
Constitution, such amendments that shall follow and the code of laws No rule shall be
valid that contradicts these Articles. The Constitution
amendments can be added/modified/removed when the
need arises.

Article C. The government will consist of four layers of government. These layers of government are the Strategic layer, Tactical layer, Game Playing laye, and the Administrative layer.

Article D. The Strategic layer consists of the President, the Vice President,
and the Consuls. The Consuls, as listed below, are in tasked with
deciding on the broader picture of how $COUNTRY_NAME will operate.
The President leads the Strategic layer and controls/leads discussions
involving more than one Strategic Consul. The majority of the Strategic
layer's policy is based on discussions and polls.

1. President - Leads discussions crossing over multiple areas of different
Consuls. He/she will also decide on any strategic tasks not designated to
another consul in this constitution.

2. Vice President - Assistant to the President. He/she may take over the
President's tasks when the President is absent. If the President should be
removed from office for any reason the Vice President will then take the position
of President and appoint a Vice President. The Vice President must be approved
by a majority of the consuls.

3. Consul for Domestic Policy - Oversees long term settlement, long term work movements, and
long term build queues goals(not specific goals). In charge of government switches.
4. Consul for External Policy - Oversees long term planning of policy regarding other nations.
This includes military plans and foreign affairs.

5. Consul for Cultural Policy - Monitors culture. Pushes for culture improvements.
Fits science and religous improvements into the big picture.

6. Consul for Resources and Technology Policy - Decides on long term tech queues
and long term resource policies.

Article E. The Tactical layer consists of the the officials in charge of micromanagement of
the game, within the boundaries of the Strategic layer's policy. The Tactical layer
is not required to receive instructions from the people as long as their policy
is within that of the Strategic layer's. The Tactical layer is consisted of the officials

1. Commander of Armed Forces - Micromanages the military operations against
foreign countries.

2. Director of Commerce - Decides on foreign affairs and trading. Sets exact tech queue.
Adjusts slider and approves/denies requests from governors regarding rushes(in a government
requiring gold to rush).

3. Director of Infrastructure - Controls the worker actions. Reviews requests from governors about worker requests and accepts/denies these.

4. Director of Expansion - Decides on where to settle with settlers.

5. Governors - Manages citizens in cities under his/her control and the build queues.

Article F. The Administrative layer consists of officials not directly related to the gameplay of the game.
The Chief Justice, Judge Advocate, and Public defender make up the court. They are tasked with
upholding, protecting, and clarifying the constitution and the code of laws. Court procedures
may be made by any court by having two out of the three justices agreeing. The Court procedures
must comply with the constitution and code of laws. The Court procedures can be treated as
a set of laws below the Code of Laws.

1. Chief Justice - Organizes and heads the affairs and discussions of the court.

2. Judge Advocate - Prosecutes Citizen Complaints if the Citizen Complaint is filed anonymously
or the accuser wishes to have the Judge Advocate prosecute. He/she ensures CCs are following
constitution, code of laws, and court procedures guidelines.

3. Public Defender - Acts as Chief Attorney for the accused, unless the accused wishes otherwise.
Ensures the accused understands his/her rights and the accusation.

4. Chief Elections Official - Heads the affairs of the Election Office. Ensures the election cycle
is followed correctly.

5. Assistant Elections Official - Assists the Chief Election Official. Takes place of Chief Election Official
if the Chief Elections Official is removed for any reason.

6. City Naming Official - Ensures that cities are named correctly according to the law. May post a list
of the names of cities, in which to be used in the Turn Chat Instuction thread. Note that the Vice President
will oversee this office if there is no official for any reason.

7. Chief Polling Standards Official - Advises poll creators on errors/suggestions on the poll. May create
guidelines for prefered polling. Note that the Judge Advocate will oversee this office if both members
(Chief and Assistant Polling Standards Official) are vacant.

8. Assistant Polling Standards Official - Assists Chief Polling Standards Official. May take the place of the Chief
Polling Standards Official.

Article G. The designated players are the officials which play the gamesave. There are three of these officials who will
alternate playing. A designated player may only give up the game play to another designated player.
A designated player may also opt out of playing and then choose another designated player to play for him.

Article H.
1. All elected positions shall have a fixed term of one
month. Each position will be granted to the candidate
receiving the largest number of votes in that election.
In the event of a tie between two or more front
runners, a runoff poll shall be opened between those
candidates only. This poll shall run for 2 days, and be
repeated as often as needed to resolve the tie.

2. In the event of an
Absence in the Judiciary, a pro-tem justice(s) may be appointed by the
Chief Justice (or Judge Advocate if the Chief Justice if
absent) and confirmed by the President and the
remaining justice if not also absent. If both the Chief
Justice and the Judge Advocate are absent, the Public
Defender may appoint pro-tems to the other seats,
with Presidential approval.

3. The President will appoint a citizen to any Vacant
office, unless otherwise indicated in the Constitution or Code of Laws.
This appointment may be
challenged by any citizen by that citizen posting a
confirmation poll within 24 hours of the appointment.

Article I. Census, and Amending the Constitution

1. The census shall be defined as the average number
of votes cast, dropping fractions, in each of the
contested elections in the most recent general
2. Ratification of Amendments to the Constitution
shall require each of the following:
a. A poll which is open for at least 96 hours, which
states the text of the proposed new section(s),
the text of the section(s) being replaced, and
posing the question in the form of yes / no /
b. A 67% majority of Yes votes over No votes, Abstain
c. A total number of votes greater than or equal to
2/3 the census current at the start of voting on
the amendment, dropping any fraction therein.
d. The Amendment poll must first be posted as a
"proposed poll" in the discussion thread created
for the Amendment. The proposed poll must exist
in the discussion thread for 24 hours prior to the
Amendment poll being created. This gives adequate
time for review and changes.

Article J. Elected officials must plan and act according to the will
of the people. This is especially true of the Strategic layer
The will of the people will be determined
through discussion and polls, formal or informal. If pertinent
discussion is done outside the scope of the DG forums, then it must
be documented in the Turnchat Instruction Thread 6 hours
prior to the commencement of the turnchat by the appropriate

Article K. All irreversible game actions must progress during a public turnchat
or played offline. The Designated Player
1. A turnchat instruction thread must be created at least 3 days
before the game play session.
a. All official instructions must be posted in the current
turnchat instruction thread. Instructions must be clear
and defined.
b. Officials must post their instructions at least one hour
before the set turnchat start time.
However, offcials may make changes
to their instructions up to an hour before the set chat time, so long
as those changes are noted.
2. The Designated Players shall be charged with the creation
of a date and time for all public turnchats.

Article L. The constitution, laws and standards of Japanatica can never
be contrary to the rules and regulations of the
Civfanatics forums. Moderators may veto any such
constitutional amendments, laws or standards.

Article M. To be discussed first

Article N. Commission of any game action by any person other than
the Designated Player while carrying out their duties
that is not instantly reversible without reloading the
save is strictly forbidden.
1. Exception: Determining options in the renegotiation
of Peace agreements requires an action of acceptance
or war to exit the bargain screen. This may be done
but the game must be immediately closed without

Article O: Rights reserved to the people
As provided by Article A of this constitution or the Code of Laws,
all actions not forbidden by forum rules, or by this Constitution,
or interfere with the rights of others are presumed to
be within the right of every citizen. Actions prescribed by this
Constitution may be substituted by other similar actions, provided
such substitution lies within the spirit of these rules.

Article P.
The area contained within the national boundaries of Japanatica
shall be divided into areas called provinces, each of which
is under the control of a Governor as stated in Article E. of the
Constitution. These boundries must be defined and approved by
the House well ahead of expansion, and may extend beyond the
cultural boundaries. City locations shall be determined by the
Will of the People.

Article Q.
Each citizen is limited to holding two offices. However a citizen may only be in one.
The following is true if a player wishes to hold two offices:
1. One office must be a Tactical or Strategic Position
2. One office must be an administrative position or Designed Player position.
Each citizen is limited to holding two offices. However a citizen may only be in one.
The following is true if a player wishes to hold two offices:
1. One office must be a Tactical or Strategic Position
2. One office must be an administrative position or Designed Player position.

Badly written and confusing. They are limited to holding two offices, but can only be in one? So basicly... they can only be in two poistions, but must be in one. Yeah... sure.

Article M. Moderators are not in charge of upholding Demogame Rules,
unless they are elected to a position specifically designed to.
Moderators have the full rights as normal citizens, as long as
they have registered in the Citizen Registry, except they
enforce forum rules.

This is asking for a ban, and seems to be putting a thorn into the whole CT thing. Scratch it out, or you just got the three most powerful people in the demogame pissed off at you. Trust me, I already have one of those three pissed off at me, and it's not extremely fun.
Strider said:
Badly written and confusing. They are limited to holding two offices, but can only be in one? So basicly... they can only be in two poistions, but must be in one. Yeah... sure.

This is asking for a ban, and seems to be putting a thorn into the whole CT thing. Scratch it out, or you just got the three most powerful people in the demogame pissed off at you. Trust me, I already have one of those three pissed off at me, and it's not extremely fun.
i agree it is confusing(still thinking on better wording), but i did include may

okay, just looking at DG1 and DG2 for some good articles(this was in there)
sounds like a good start, may I suggest putting striders section 1 of the judicial code which he proposed in the judiciary thread(I'm to tired to put up a link)
For note everyone this is just an example, and will change greatly depending on how other polls/discussions go. I just wanted to show people what an alternate government would be like.... not to create the final constitution...
Article M.
Moderators are not in charge of upholding Demogame Rules, unless they are elected to a position specifically designed to. Moderators have the full rights as normal citizens, as long as they have registered in the Citizen Registry, except they enforce forum rules.
Although I am not against defining the role of the Moderators, I do not agree with this setup. Moderators are here to uphold rules, forum rules as well as Demogame rules.
You should seperate in-game decisions from out-game decisions. In-game decisions are "what to build in city X" or "declare war on nation Y" or "Pop or stop" etc. Moderators have no right-of-veto on in-game decision, but we certainly have citizen rights. You can be sure Chieftess, Eyrei and I will register as citizens.
Rik Meleet said:
Although I am not against defining the role of the Moderators, I do not agree with this setup. Moderators are here to uphold rules, forum rules as well as Demogame rules.
You should seperate in-game decisions from out-game decisions. In-game decisions are "what to build in city X" or "declare war on nation Y" or "Pop or stop" etc. Moderators have no right-of-veto on in-game decision, but we certainly have citizen rights. You can be sure Chieftess, Eyrei and I will register as citizens.
maybe it would be best if the moderators worked with the judiciary?
There is no doubt the Mods will play a part in courtcases. Or better said: executing penalties laid upon citizens who have been found guilty of crimes in trials.
If that person got the penalty "3 day ban" by the citizens; the mods are to execute that. I don't see an Judicial in-game role for the mods beyond that.

The judiciary is a branch which can be performed by citizens. And it should be performed by citizens.
Unfortunately history has shown us that the Judiciary discussions can be so fierce that it touches (and sometimes crosses) the borders of what is acceptable. In those situations the mods will interfere and the outcome may well be against demogame rules. Polls have been closed by mods if they got out of hand, despite demogame rules stating that it would stay open for a longer timeframe.

The Judiciary is an in-game branch with possible consequences outside the game. I don't want to be automatically connected to the Judiciary, but in case the in-game part becomes out-game I and the other mods will do our tasks.

Does this answer your question ?
Article C is poorly written.

Article C. The government will consist of three layers of government. These layers of government are the: Strategic layer, Tactical layer, the game playing layer, and the Administrative layer.

The way it reads, there are four layers: Strategic, Tactical, game playing, and Administrative. I suggest this Article be rewritten as follows:

Article C. The government will consist of three layers of government. These layers of government are the Strategic layer, Tactical (game playing) layer, and the Administrative layer.
YNCS said:
Article C is poorly written.

The way it reads, there are four layers: Strategic, Tactical, game playing, and Administrative. I suggest this Article be rewritten as follows:

Article C. The government will consist of three layers of government. These layers of government are the Strategic layer, Tactical (game playing) layer, and the Administrative layer.
tactical does not equal game play, game play are the three DPs and tactical are the officials who do short termwork

Yes that does answer it Rik :goodjob:
Okay, then were does the "game playing layer" mentioned in Article C come in? As I said before, the Article, as written, says there are three layers but names four.

Also, as presently written, the colon (:) in the article is unnecessary and should be removed.
YNCS said:
Okay, then were does the "game playing layer" mentioned in Article C come in? As I said before, the Article, as written, says there are three layers but names four.

Also, as presently written, the colon (:) in the article is unnecessary and should be removed.
oops, you are right... exactly the reason i posted this, is that i make stupid mistakes

i will make all of the edits tomorrow...
have we lost interest in the alternate government or do we still wish to give it a shot?
Several versions of government have been presented. We'll be deciding which government we use in a couple of weeks. Your alternative is still in the running.
YNCS said:
Several versions of government have been presented. We'll be deciding which government we use in a couple of weeks. Your alternative is still in the running.

Unfortunately in order to make the deadline for elections to start, we pretty much have to decide today. Or convince Chieftess that her prematurely posted deadline must be changed.
This discussion has a poll. It is also summed up in other government structure threads. This thread will now close.
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