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Will Civilization 4 have a subtitle, and what would it be?

Oct 29, 2003
United Earth
What do you think the subtitle would be called? I don't want to post a poll since most people will come up with original ideas. So what do you think it would be called? :)

My guess is Civilization 4: Oracle of time! ;)
Civilization IV: :wavey: Ooh, look here, 3D graphics!!!

... actually, I think cIV will be subtitle-less.. that's what expansions are for!
We all know it is going to be the besst startegy game of all time according to 90% of all gaming magazines (like all strategy games), so why not call it Civilization4, best strategy game ever according to: [insert game magazines]
Darwin420 said:
... actually, I think cIV will be subtitle-less.. that's what expansions are for!

Say what? :dubious: civ3 did have a subtitle I was "more civ than ever"! ;)
Civilization 4: Praise God :p
Civilization 4:

Now Crunchier with an Almond Center!

or How I learned to stop hating
Montezuma and embrace my
inner Gandhi.
Civ 4: Sucking Your Time Away Slowly Since The Early 90s
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