Term 2 Foreign Ministries

In this case, the easiest thing to do is actually just to download the previous save and compare it to the current one. If you let your mouse pointer hover over a tech in F6, it tells you how many turns it would take to research that tech. Any techs that take fewer turns now than they would have taken last turn, Team Doughnut must know.

Alternatively, you can look up the base tech price in the editor. Multiply the tech price by the map modifier (30 for a small, emperor level map), and you get how many beakers it takes to research that tech if nobody knows it. Multiply the number of beakers per turn you are producing (add them up in F1) by the number of turns it will take you to research it, and you get the number of beakers you actually need. From this, you can calculate how many other civs know that tech.
Should we ask them whether we are on the same continent? I assume we are, but have no way knowing. Most likely they would give it to us ina gesture of good will (which we might want to think about revealing some info ourselves in a gesture of good will). We will appropach them very differently if their on our contitent than on the other.
F@#$%# It is 4am ... This better be important !!!

What !! ... What !!! ... WHO !!! ... Damn I shouldn't have had that last half bottle ... Hic


Above is true :blush:

I have PMed our Diplomats to engage in discussions with the foreigners ...

Doughnuts = Emp.Napoleon
KISS = Kentharu

Congrats ... do us proad

Bloody Heck ... not only first but second contact just when I went AWOL :cringe:
Excellent work Fe!

As current president, I have commissioned a statue in honor of your efforts getting our diplomacy off the ground.

Here it is:

Perhaps I should have found some workers who don't regularly attend those parties you throw in the basement of the Foreign ministry...
For Reference here are the tech cost for each tech. This should make tech trading much easier. All techs are in order of cost.
[h1]Ancient Ages[/h1]
Pottery - 2, Ceremonial Burial - 2, Bronze Working - 3, WarriorCode - 3,
Masonry - 4,  Mysticism - 4, The Wheel - 4, Alphabet - 5, Horseback Riding - 5
Iron Working - 6, Philosophy - 6, Mathematics - 8 Writing - 8, Code of Laws -
10, Literature - 10*, Map Making - 12, Polytheism - 12, Currency - 16,
Construction - 20, Monarchy - 24*, Republic - 28*.

[h1]Middle Ages[/h1]
Chivalry - 32*, Feudalism - 32, Engineering - 36, Monotheism - 36, Printing
Press - 368, Music Theory - 40*, Theology - 40, Education - 44 Invention -
44, Gunpowder - 48, Banking - 52, Free Artistry - 52*, Astronomy - 56,
Navigation - 56*, Economics - 56*, Chemistry - 60, Metallurgy - 64,
Military Tradition - 64*, Physics - 64, Democracy - 68*, Magnetism - 68,
Theory of Gravity - 68.

[h1]Industrial Ages[/h1]
Espionage - 90*, Sanitation - 90*, Ironclads - 100*, Medicine - 100,
Scientific Method - 100, The Corporation - 100, Amphibious Warfare - 120*,
Communism - 120*, Industrialization - 120, Nationalism - 120*, Steam Power
- 120, Fascism - 130*, Electricity - 140, Mass Production - 140, Motorized
Transportation - 140, Replaceable Parts - 140, Steel - 140, Combustion - 160,
Refining - 160, Advanced Flight - 180*, Electronics - 180, Flight - 180,
Atomic Theory - 200. 

[h1]Modern Age[/h1]
Recycling - 240, Rocketry - 240, Computers - 260, Ecology - 260, Satellites -
260, Fission - 280, Nuclear Power - 280, Synthetic Fibers - 280, Smart
Weapons - 280, TheLasers - 280, Space Flight - 300, Stealth - 300,
Superconductor - 300, Genetics - 320, Minituration - 320,  Robotics - 320
IntergratedDefense - 360.
* = Optional Tech
fe3333au part of your job descrption is to fill in for a diplomat when one is absent, and perhaps you should prepare talks to begin after we are through with KISS, and have our berings straight. we can't let this silence go on too long.
Good Point ... I will wait for Emp as it was weekend after all ... but if he hasn't touched base ... I will take over or appoint another who whats to be a dip (have asked Peter_Grimes if he is interested in being backup Diplomat)

I will now open a D-Nut thread


@ Mr Prez ... that statue head was actually too close to the mark ... :thumbsup:
>I felt like a military accademy ... bits of me kept on passing out :lol: (thanks Douglas Adams)
Ok – after looking at this map a long time – not only am I admiring Rik's work – I'm also thinking I notice some patterns.

Things are symmetrical and balanced – as they should be for a competitive multiplayer game!
So, if we assume that the pattern we have observed so far holds – this is my guess as to what our Continent looks like:

Note: Further evidence to support my guess: if their warrior headed directly south (a perfectly logical thing to do) I estimate (by rough counting) that he had about 18-22 squares to go to reach us (moving directly south on the diagonal). Adding in a couple turns deviation – and a few turns to build - that gets you to about turn 29 when we made contact.

Here's my crudely drawn guess. What do you think?


And here's the imagined mini-map:

P.S. - Rik is probably laughing his head off - but I gotta try!
I see a graphics mod for civ4.....

this will definately be usefull.
Excellent work General W!! :salute: (sorry I haven't had much time lately to check in on MIA)

If your supposition is correct, then we will need boats to conquer KISS (if that is our aim). We will surely get stuck by that big thick steaming jungle trying to get through there, the roads would take forever to build!
Does your idea also mean that there will be more ivory or incense on the east coast
Yes - I think that's likely - initial exploration with our curragh (snarling narwhal) would also seem to support that idea.

I'll update the above map when we've explored enough more to make it worthwhile!
We have now wearied through a number of diplomatic encounters ... and after all the dust has settled ... I think we done did OK

MIA Gives
>Alphabet (5)
>Iron Working (6) ... but KISS would have completed in 3 turns
KISS Gives
>Ceremonial Burial (2)
>Warrior Code (3)

D-Nuts vs MIA
D-Nut Gives
>Pottery (2)
MIA Gives
>Bronze Working (3)

Although the numbers are against us ... I think that taking Beaker wastage into account they do even out ...
I see a very dangerous situation potentially arising –

Donuts researched writing first. I think that if they were going for Philosophy next (and already started on it), then they would be willing to trade writing for some equally expensive techs. Their unwillingness to consider any offer for writing leads me to believe that they are researching Code of Laws now and are planning to research Philosophy next and pick Republic as their free tech. This would only be a moderately uncomfortable situation for us to have someone get Republic way before us, but it would only be one civ, and they are on the other continent.

Here is the danger –

KISS starts Philosophy immediately following Writing (which they certainly will do once they realize Donuts researched Writing first). If KISS and Donuts talk, and they both conclude that KISS will get to Philosophy first, then they make an agreement – Donuts give KISS Code of Laws so that KISS can choose Republic as their free tech upon completing Philosophy, and then KISS gives Donuts Republic in return. Now we have 2 early Republics (one on our continent), and we are several techs behind.

Any ideas on how to prevent this? It may not happen even if we do nothing (Donuts may reach Philosophy first on their own, or Donuts and KISS may not be able to reach agreement on a trade), but I think we would be in trouble if it did happen.
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