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New NESes, ideas, development, etc

You can be anywhere you like as long as it is on the map :)

How are the rules looking?
Kal'thzar said:
The rules look good

I wonder if i can call myself the Cuban Repbulic anyway :)

Just say that they are fully occupied with fighting a war to the south, and that "the Florida State will have to fend for itself"
I think Florida Republic sounds just as good :)

Anyways I will put the NES up in a few hours. Looks like I will not get many players, but what the hell.
Okay the stats will be there.....
Just tell me the name and other important stats!!!!!
I've been thinking about my Magic NES idea, and I think that I'll allow druidism and voodoo into the game. I doubt that anyone would be offended by having something that resembles their religion in this. In my opinion, it's little different than using a real religion in a NES. And if someone is offended by seeing a religion that they believe in being shown as a form of magic, it isn't magic in real life, so the two things are very different. And if anyone is still offended, they can pipe up and say it for themselves.

Anyway, I was wondering if some moderators could give me tips on drawing the nations onto the map. It'll be greatly appreciated. I've done some practice drawing, but I can't erase lines or draw the perfect little dots for cities and capitals.
Druidism and voodoo is fine, ofcourse, but what about other "culture-specific" magic?

Do you have Paint?
I've got an idea for a NES:

Mirror universe from the modern world. In this world the Democracy loving Muslim freedom fighters crashed two planes on the Imperial Trade Centre of the American Empire. Emperor George W. Bush declares war upon the uncivilized scum, Godless monsters etc… etc... And promises to bring the Middle East under the iron rule of the American Empire...

For example...

1917 - Fascist leader Vladimir Lenin led his far-right revolutionaries in an uprising in Petrograd, the then capital of Russia, against the ineffective Kerensky Provisional Government. For the most part, the revolt in Petrograd was bloodless, with the Black Guards led by fascists taking over major government facilities with little opposition before finally launching an assault on the Winter Palace on the night from November 6 to November 7.

1939 - The highly charismatic and liberal Adolf Hitler began his liberation of Europe from the hands of the Fascists and Imperialists.

1945 - Berlin fell to the hands of the Stalinist fascists.

Anyway, In Italy Mussolini was a communist not a fascist. Gandhi encouraged a massacre against the British. In China, Mao declared himself as the Emperor of China. United States was founded as the American Empire. Stalin tried to create a republic but was assassinated by the fascists… and many, many, more…

An almost complete mirror of the modern world where the bad guys were good and the good guys were bad… or at least complete opposites of them selfs. I got this idea from the Star trek mirror universe.
But from where does the complete mirror universe idea take effect, if it take effect at the start of humanity then we can safely say that there would be no 1917 as we know it, and no Lenin. if it starts in 1917 then Lenin should not try to take power through revolution but through peaceful politics, and getting ellected. ;)

Really that would also make Stalin not kill his rival's and Stalin would hence worth not come to power if he does not do so. Hitler would have joined a liberal party and not form a new party. If this is a complete mirror universe then he would also be a lousy speaker as opposed to his OTL good speaking talent. ;)
Yes, I have paint. And people can have cultue-specific magic types. They can make them up if they want. I'm flexible.
Your idea sounds fairly cool naziassbandit, but I'm probably going to be too busy to join.
Reno said:
But from where does the complete mirror universe idea take effect, if it take effect at the start of humanity then we can safely say that there would be no 1917 as we know it, and no Lenin. if it starts in 1917 then Lenin should not try to take power through revolution but through peaceful politics, and getting ellected. ;)

Really that would also make Stalin not kill his rival's and Stalin would hence worth not come to power if he does not do so. Hitler would have joined a liberal party and not form a new party. If this is a complete mirror universe then he would also be a lousy speaker as opposed to his OTL good speaking talent. ;)

Okay, I think the idea should deserve some re-thinking...

But, a mirror universe in the sence of good and evil, and everything between them.
Reno said:
The idea sounds great, what year is the POD set in? :)

I have no idea, I mean, I got the idea today, when I was scrolling the NES forums...

Maybe from the mirror current date?

or, cold war eras... :hmm:
Anyway, it should be easy to paint borders and put in capital in Paint... Maybe its just because I'm used to it.

naziassbandit, problem here is that there is no such thing as good or evil. All is relative.
das said:
naziassbandit, problem here is that there is no such thing as good or evil. All is relative.

As I said, evil, good and everything between those. Or at least contrary in matter of opinions, for example, Plato would have been talking how fear is the tool of the rulers...
NES Idea I have been thinking of. So far I only have this rough timeline.

2001: Al Qaeda crashes the 4 planes into American targets. The fourth plane manges to hit the White House destroying it and killing then President George W. Bush. Dick Cheney becomes president.

2003: Despite widespread dissent and non-backing from the United Nations President Cheney launches an invasion of Iraq, toppling Saddam Hussein from power

2004: Despite his popularity failing, Cheney wins the Presidential elections over Democrat John Kerry. Kerry is accused by many Democrats of being a 'flip-flopper'

2005: Hurrican Katrina destroys the city of New Orleans. Within months Nile River virus and other water bourne deseases are rife throghout the American south. An epidemic occurs causing the state of Lousiana to be closed to travel. It is later revealed that 1/3 of the citizens living in Lousiana are killed by the rampaging deseases.

2006: Al Qadea strikes again. This time New York and Los Angeles are hit by what is termed 'dirty bombs' Both cities effecvley descend into chaos and anarchy and President Cheney only retains control after sending in the army. The total death toll nears 2 million people. President Cheney is forced to resign in disgrace and Jeb Bush becomes Preisdent.

2007: The American economy crashes, the War in Iraq collapses and the American government is forced to withdraw. Within a month the United Islamic Republic is formed between Iraq and Iran and the UIR test detonates a nuclear weapon. As America descends into a depression, the North Korean army crosses the DMZ, and South Korea collapses under chemical warfare. The US simply leaves no0t having the political willpower to intervene.

2008: Taliban and Al Qaeda forces retake control in Afghanistan, UIR invades and occupies Saudi Arabia. American economy collapses. Presdident Jed Bush is booted from office and President Hillary Clinton is raised to office. The first female president. The People's Republic of China takes over Mongolia and begins buidling up its naval strength. The European Union collapses and the British and Germans sign an alliance.

2009: Al Qadea detonatess a Elector-magnetic pulse against the Eastern United States and the USA collapses. Several states arise of which the US controls only 1/5 of the territory before the attack. NATO collapses and China rises to pre-eminence on the scene. Wasting no time Taiwan is annexed. Japan becomes increasingly militaristic. Indonesia collapses into anarchy with Islamic revolts. 40% of Africa is infected with AIDS. France is annihilated as President Chirac launches an attack on Germany. The United Kingdom intervened. Nuclear weapons used.

Its now 2010, and a very diffrent world to what we live in. Can the leaders of today ensure that their nations have a tommorrow?
erm sounds kinda like fallout only not as bad i guess, interesting the china pulls through it all (well not interesting just true :p )
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