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chopping down forests


Oct 28, 2005
I just found out that you can get hammers from chopping down a forest that's not in your city's harvest area, as long as it's in your culture boundaries. Neat - in a recent game I was able to speed up wonder production and not lose the forests in my city radius.

Does anyone know if I can chop forests inside someone else's boundary, and what happens if I do? What if the square with the forest has some small percentage of my population, even though it's not in my empire?

I'll try to test this out, but someone might already know? :goodjob:
Save the trees, maaan!

Seriously, be careful how much forest you chop down in the beginning. The +30 production is a great boost to early production, but that extra hammer you get every turn from each forest may be better in the long run. Mowing down trees usually leaves you with a whole lotta land that can only be used for food or cottages...you'll wish you had more production capability in the mid-game.

I only cut down trees if I need something really important very, very quickly, or if there is entirely too much forest around the city and I can't grow enough food.
But, IF you need/want to chop, chop early not late. As those 30 shields have by far the greatest effect in the beginning of the game.
And remember: Early settlers to grab important resources are kind of more important than 3 shields more in just one town in the long run. :)
Cromulent said:
I just found out that you can get hammers from chopping down a forest that's not in your city's harvest area, as long as it's in your culture boundaries. Neat - in a recent game I was able to speed up wonder production and not lose the forests in my city radius.

Does anyone know if I can chop forests inside someone else's boundary, and what happens if I do? What if the square with the forest has some small percentage of my population, even though it's not in my empire?

I'll try to test this out, but someone might already know? :goodjob:

thats my secret you are speaking about .:sad:
Can forests spontaneously emerge on some tiles?
Yes, forests can regrow but they have to be next to a forest patch and it takes time. So if you need to cut down 1-3 stacks of forest in your very early stages to rush a settler or 2 :p that is fine and if you want for them to grow back just make sure that square is next to a forest patch and not worked and in a few years it will grow back :D
Rustypipe said:
Yes, forests can regrow but they have to be next to a forest patch and it takes time. So if you need to cut down 1-3 stacks of forest in your very early stages to rush a settler or 2 :p that is fine and if you want for them to grow back just make sure that square is next to a forest patch and not worked and in a few years it will grow back :D

Interesting! Is this random or fixed?
Yes Heroes new forests do grow. But I've no idea as to the particulars. Except that forests only regrow next to other forests.

@ MenacingVitamin ~ I agree that some trees should be left within the city radius. But as Cromulent pointed, trees can be harvasted outside of the city radius. The nearest city will receive the extra hammers.

Usually after capturing an enemy city, I'll chop down a couple trees within the city radius to help speed up production of a Courthouse. Besides that I am very reluctant to harvest trees within a city radius. And I manage the forests outside of cities radius very carefully, as I don't want to expend this resource early and then seriously need it later.

Anybody know the factors that cause/encourage forest regrowth? I've been using selective forestry by harvasting tiles that have many adjacent forests. I'm assuming that more neighboring forests, equals better chances for regrowth. Is this true??
Will forest regrow in a tile with improvement? Or the tile must be primitive? Or the tile must have forest in the beginning?
alright but chopping down jungle then its just benefits right ?
Or has someone experienced global warming in Civ4 ?
I don't know but I'm guessing that forests will not grow on tiles with improvements. Even if you don't work that tile for a while. I think it would be interesting if forests did grow on improvements that have been derelict for a prolonged period of time.

And forests will grow in tiles that didn't have originally have a forest. Same thing with jungles. It always makes me nervous to see the popup that a new forest or jungle has just grown. But so far a forest has never grown on an improvement of mine, nor has it interfered with my plans for tile improvement.

Edit ~ Hmmm, I don't how foresting affects global warming g4bb3. But it wouldn't surprise me if heavy deforestation did increase global warming, seeing as how Firaxis has paid so much attention to other details.
Heroes said:
Will forest regrow in a tile with improvement? Or the tile must be primitive? Or the tile must have forest in the beginning?
Forest can spontaneously grow on naked ("primitive") tiles only, adjacent to yet a forest square, wether it has forest at the beginning or not.

Never seen regrowth if the tile got any improvement (including roads ? tbc).
MenacingVitamin said:
Seriously, be careful how much forest you chop down in the beginning. The +30 production is a great boost to early production, but that extra hammer you get every turn from each forest may be better in the long run. Mowing down trees usually leaves you with a whole lotta land that can only be used for food or cottages...you'll wish you had more production capability in the mid-game.

The op's post was pretty clear that he's talking about chopping down forests that are *not* in his city radius, thus production issues are irrelevant.
I'm fairly certain that the trees don't have to be in your culture zone always. Last night I chopped a tree outside my culture radius and the resources went to my city. You can check by simply hovering over the chop button and see if it will give resources (and how many) to your city.
I think forests can grow into roads, actually. I could be wrong, but I think I remember that happening once. They certainly can't grow into improvements.
mrjepson said:
I'm fairly certain that the trees don't have to be in your culture zone always. Last night I chopped a tree outside my culture radius and the resources went to my city. You can check by simply hovering over the chop button and see if it will give resources (and how many) to your city.

I can confirm this as well. I chop trees outside of my cultural radius as long as I don't ever plan on building a city there...
White Elk said:
IIt always makes me nervous to see the popup that a new forest or jungle has just grown.

Lol, me too. Probably played too much Alpha Centauri ;)
Roi de Cinq said:
Lol, me too. Probably played too much Alpha Centauri ;)

You guys make interesting points but those 3 shields don't make a big differance if you take a great person and use them as a great prophet in a city in question. This will even itself out. Last night I was practicing startup on warlord and just went chop crazy so I could get things out fast as possible. When it got later my largest cities didn't have any production issues at all...
I know I've seen forest grow over roads and railroads. I've never seen them grow over other improvements.

BTW, does a lumbermill actually improve the chance of forest growing in neighboring square? When I started building lumbermills, it seemed that way. (May have just been imagination.)
Your workers cannot do anything in another civs territory. And saving trees for production is pointless, just get workshops if you're desperate for production (+3P -1F with best tech). The health benefits are pretty much irrelevant late game also. Chop away.
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