What Did you Achieve today?

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I made a friend today. :)
(this hapens VERY rare)

Chukchi Husky said:
I never achieve anything except failure.

I failed everyone i met also - the ONLY good thing about meeting new people is that they do not know your past faliures (i hope i will not fail my new coleagues as well-though that is inevitable, i just hope i will not dissapoint all of them :() .
Yesterday I read 140 pages of The Return of King. About time. If I want to market my fantasy novel, I have to have read the Lord of the Rings. Last time I tried to read Lord of the Rings I was 12 and got totally lost. Now that I'm older it's a breeze.

It's only 3 here so I haven't had a chance to accomplish much today. I hope to finish Return of the King and maybe do some science homework. :)
Well, good luck to you Curt!

Your work is very fine, and I like your unique style of art :).

Keep it up!

Well, today I managed to do not much at all. I recovered a bit from my illness but it doesn't affect me too much anyway. I did most of the work I needed to (well, all of it actually). Got a few more posts here on CFC ;).
Cheers, dude!

I am going to remove the image, as I want to keep things under wraps until release!

I solved a problem with a software I am working at! And I was trying to do this for more than a week, so it was an important day. Also I played guitar a little, and I don't want to be Monday tommorow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CurtSibling said:
Cheers, dude!

I am going to remove the image, as I want to keep things under wraps until release!

yer was cool and i have no idea but i was strangely reminded of futurama, the evil santas face.
damn i missed it! :p
Chukchi Husky said:
I never achieve anything except failure.

Sorry! i beat you to that in my opening post:

slozenger said:
CH we know you did nothing ;)
I've been inspired to start doing something productive!
Urr. Walked the dog. Painted LotR figures with younger son. Helped older son with homework. Cleaned house. Cooked galettes for lunch. Helped with the trimmings on a roast beef dinner. Phoned parents and brother. Prepared presentation for work tomorrow (and a couple of other odd bits of work). Fixed younger son's scooter. Some marital initimacy. Read a few pages of the latest Julian Barnes. Couple of posts at CfC. Checked football scores. Cut a couple more old CDs to PC for loading onto my recently acquired iPod. Gave away old fridge to friends. Some ironing. Slumped with an Absolut Citron, rambling in this post while the wife does her Sudoku.

Maybe some Magic Online later ?
BCLG100 said:
is there somewhere other than that post where you can see it?

No... I can still see it on the last page.

Can you not?

Maybe it saved it in my temp files and my settings stop it from reloading data under a certain timeframe... or something.
I created this image for myspace, the last artwork thing I am doing today...Time to play CIV4!

Behold! The Enemy Ace, when finally crowned Emperor of Earth!
I reckon you need a decent dentist, Curt.

Admittedly there aren't many such in central Scotland, but you ought to make the effort, my friend.
Lamberts right Curt, you really need to look after your chompers!

And...have you had a nose job!? ;)
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