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One more scientologist....

I just read what they believe; Germany can't see these guys as anything more than a nuisance; they certainly aren't going to sway many people with that sort of rhetoric. I didn't realise relgion could get any more ridiculous. Compared to this your average religion looks like a pilar of wisdom and absolute truth without contradiction. And people actually believe that crap? :rolleyes: :crazyeye:
De Lorimier said:
Here's an interesting Rolling Stone paper on the Church of Scientology:


Got to take your hat off though Elron Hubbard has created a religion devoted to only those at the top hearing the true message, so it's basically like the masons in that you are not privy to the secrets. It's a religion founded on the espousal of learning but of keeping knowledge of the fundementals of the religion from people. Like the analogy: it's like christianity but they don't tell you Jesus died for all your sins. It is, as far as I can see, essentially a self sustaining cash factory, whos wealth did or used to go all to Erlon Hubbard. Nice idea a financial pyramid system founded on religion. It just goes to show people are idiots, and you have to be one hell of a gullable one to follow this crap :rolleyes: the only good thing about the faith is there work for charity. Otherwise it is pretty devoid of any meaning other than some sort of wierd self fulfilment and a sort of formation of iluminati type society in which Scientology rules the world. OOOKAAAAYY :crazyeye:
The Last Conformist said:
The thing is 145 pages long - I'm not translating it for you. :p

I'm not asking for a translation, just the gist of it, silly conformist ! :p

No matter, it looks as though we have an english version. I'll have to save that for bedtime reading...
Che Guava said:
I'm not asking for a translation, just the gist of it, silly conformist ! :p

No matter, it looks as though we have an english version. I'll have to save that for bedtime reading...

Essentialy Scientologists want to destabilise governements and create a new world order of a single government, so the Germans think they might be a bit dodgy. Fortunately they're all nuts though and most people dismiss there philosophy as nonsense :) that should save you a half an hour or so.
Thanks, Sidhe, that should save some time ;)
Sidhe said:
Nice idea a financial pyramid system founded on religion. It just goes to show people are idiots, and you have to be one hell of a gullable one to follow this crap :rolleyes:
You condemn too quickly. :sad: Scientology preys on the gullible, true, but also on the weak. The depressed, the men thrown out of the house by their wife, the students who just failed an exam and dropped out of university. The rewards offered are immense, the fellowship offered to a potential entry candidate is tangible, and after one becomes a member, there's a really big stick waiting for the quitters. :twitch: Not to mention that they've invested so much of their money that quitting is really not an option.

Not everyone is as strong as you, Sidhe. Nor as informed.
Erik Mesoy said:
You condemn too quickly. :sad: Scientology preys on the gullible, true, but also on the weak. The depressed, the men thrown out of the house by their wife, the students who just failed an exam and dropped out of university. The rewards offered are immense, the fellowship offered to a potential entry candidate is tangible, and after one becomes a member, there's a really big stick waiting for the quitters. :twitch: Not to mention that they've invested so much of their money that quitting is really not an option.

Not everyone is as strong as you, Sidhe. Nor as informed.

Oh I agree, that's why I think it's very clever, it's how cults work. They prey on the weak, and let's face it no ones strong all the time, when I was younger I was far from wise too, still not.

It's a very clever idea, which is why I take my hat of to Elron. In most cults you have to explain what it is your message is, you need charisma to pass off the stupid. With Scientology you remove the information from all but the upper echelons of the organisations,the higher echelons have alot of incentive to support the organisation. It's like rellgion as a business.
Looking at some of the B and C list, minor/almost forgotten 'stars' on the membership roster made me wonder how many of those people joined scientology just for the publicity and to get their names back into the public limelight again?
mrtn said:
You mustn't talk about Scientology, that means that the giant green aliens won't send their invisible helping beams anymore! :scared:

I too was surprised about Beck.

No, it just means they'll sue you if you use the words Scientology or Dianetics without permission.
How much IQ one must have to become a scientologist? -123 or even less? :lol:
Esoteric religions/cults will ALWAYS be popular. All the world religions nowadays could never eqtinguish the mystery cults :evil: nor the ppl's desire to know what the others don't. This is the biggest advantage that esoteric societies have against world religions. If you want to learn about christianity/islam/whatever you go to the library or smthing and get lots of books and start reading and voila you learned about it. But when they say that this knowledge is hidden, everyone is dying of curiosity... and when you found out what it was you realise there is MORE to know that won't be shown until you prove your alegiance (or smthing like that). It's the RPG principle - you have to level up to get to the new spells/skills :D. (but in reality leveling up means donating a larger amount of money)
But when you get to the most hidden knowledge of the cult you say : "That's it ?" But you can't say it because you invested 2/3 of your life to get to that point and can't turn back so you accept your situation and tell the other neophytes what enlightment you found when you read the hidden text and that they should struggle to atain that knowledge.
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