TCIT: 180 AD - Monday, April 3rd, 8:00PM EDT (4/4 12:00AM UTC)


Dec 26, 2005
Rice University
Term 4, Game Session 1, 180 AD, April 3rd, 8:00PM EDT (4/4 12:00AM UTC)

This will be an on-line session.
The Designated Player is: Sigma

Start Date/Time: Monday, April 3rd @ 8:00PM EDT
(12:00AM Tuesday, April 4th, 2006 in UTC)

Relevant Links:
Current Save
Previous Turnchat Thread

Instruction Checklist:
Secretary of State
Secretary of War
Minister of Culture
Minister of Science
Minister of Interior
Governor of Boaring Wallow
Governor of Abydos
Governor of Micalian's Gate
Governor of City #4

Only elected/appointed officials may post in this thread! Please use the DP thread in the Government subforum for questions/comments to the DP. Please use the officials' thread for comments to an official.
Sec. Of War.

Befor hitting enter...please promote Chariot to Combat 1 and fortify.Since it will get attacked between turns( more than likley)

War Chariot...DO NOT MOVE off of forested hill. DO NOT attack archer let it attack us or attack it only if you have better than 75% odds in winning. We are too weak to lose a unit now. After barb threat is eliminated..head toward Abydos to await next settler.

Warrior in Russia...keep exploring, remove large black are and then head along the west side of the large lake heading towards city alpha.

Rename ax on road between BW and Aybdos..Road Guard 2.

Ax east of Abydos is to protect workers building road.

Use the spear, Road guard 2 and the other ax to bust barbs and protect workers and settlers.
MoI: These instructions will be updated based on the discussion here and in other threads. Once the turnchat starts, these instructions are not to be changed.

There are two workers East of Abydos. When given a chance, please rename one to "Road Builders" and the other to "City 4" (which one doesn't matter). Have them build a road along this line:
Spoiler :

More important than building the road is keeping them protected. Please keep the units the SoW gave to that purpose on top of them.

When the settler in Abydos finishes, have him found a city in the X in the above picture. Do not let him venture out unprotected. When given a chance, change the name of the worker by Abydos to "Abydos". I believe he is in the care of that governor.

Once the worker in BW is created, please rename him "City 5" and have him help out City 4 and Road Builders. (this may change, I'm still in discussion with the Governor of BW.)

[These instructions are for emergency only. These are only if the governor of that city fails to post instructions.]
BW: Work the pigs instead of mined hill. Finish worker. Switch from the pigs back to the mined hill. Work on Archer next.
Abydos: Finish Settler then work on theater
MG: Finish Library then work on Archer. When that Archer is finished, work on one last Archer.
[end emergency instructions]

City 4: Finish Archer and work on whatever this poll says. (City 4 may not have a governor by the time the turnchat starts.)

The turnchat should not last longer than 10 turns, in this office's opinion. More discussion needs to be made about what our overall build plans are.

If a citizen believes there is an error in these instructions, please contact my office, not this thread.
Do not spend any gold throughout this turnchat. Also, the slider should not be moved.
Official Instructions from the Ministry of Science

Continue researching Philosophy. :)
Gov. of Boaring Wallow's instructions

Production Queue
worker (current build)

Tile allocation
For worker: work 3 FP, pigs, & mined plains hill
for Spear: work 3 FP, mined plains hill, & mined grass hill

Worker Should be assigned to Mic's Gate to convert 2 forests to cottages after completion.
Borders: Close the borders if a foreign settler enters Abydos territory.

Trades: No tech trades, the only techs we have available are ones we want to hold back so the others can't race us to Philosophy.

Demands: Refuse all demands from Mongolia. If Russia or Germany asks us to stop trading with Mongolia, agree. If Russia asks us to stop trading with Germany then accept. Refuse all other demands.

Stop Conditions: Stop if any demands are made other than any demands from Mongolia or from Germany or Russia to stop trading with Mongolia (after responding to the demand as above), if anyone declares war on us, or if any new civ contacts us (unlikely).

Edit: I think the road plan shown above is a bad idea. See my post in the MoI thread for an explanation.
Gov. Of BW has been updated to assign an action to the worker upon completion
I'm ready and waiting in the Chat room. This turnchat will start on time, in approximately 30 minutes.
Turn 5 save:

Turn 8 save:

I ended the TC early because Mongolia has founded Old Sarai one tile away from where we planned to settle. See screenshots below.

Other notable events:
- Our war chariot survived a barrage of barbs
- We completed a library, worker, settler, and some archers
- The road to City #4 is about half done
- Philosophy is down to 44 turns
- We received no demands and made no trades

Screenshots: (hi-res)

Northern peninsula
Spoiler :

Abydos area (notice the mongol worker building a road through our territory)
Spoiler :

Old Sarai (newly founded Mongol city)
Spoiler :

City #4 area (notice the mongol borders to the south...)
Spoiler :

Rostov (Russian city found while exploring)
Spoiler :

We're the 4th most cultured civ in the world! (surprising, since we're creative)
Spoiler :
Sigma....Do we have a turnchat log?

Looks like an interesting development...any signs of copper or iron in use by the magolians?

/edited since i mistook our ax for their unit...thought they had copper or iron..
I knew I was forgetting something! :rolleyes:

Chat log is in the spoiler:
Spoiler :
[19:12] Sigma: This turnchat is now beginning
[19:13] Sigma: War chariot promoted to Combat I, cannot fortify since it is mounted, it remains on the forested hill
[19:16] Sigma: I've checked all instructions, no one else has any preliminary instructions, and nothing else needs to be done before turn 0 ends
[19:16] *** Tubby_the_DP has joined #turnchat.
[19:16] Tubby_the_DP: Hi all
[19:16] DarkStrider: Hey
[19:16] Sigma: End of Turn 0 - 70% science, 30% tax, 1g (+0gpt)
[19:17] DarkStrider: I'm about to fall asleep
[19:17] Methos: Hello
[19:17] Sigma: hi tubby
[19:17] * DarkStrider is listening to Blue October "Hate Me"
[19:17] Tubby_the_DP: \nick Tubby_the_idiot
[19:17] Sigma: IBT - Warrior attacks war chariot, and is summarily destroyed. War chariot down to 4.4/5 and is eligible for another promotion
[19:17] DarkStrider: Other slash.. /
[19:17] *** Tubby_the_DP is now known as Tubby_the_idiot.
[19:18] Tubby_the_idiot: der
[19:18] Sigma: haven't lost any units yet Tubby ;)
[19:18] Methos: Woohoo
[19:18] Tubby_the_idiot: that's me job :)
[19:18] DarkStrider: I guess since I'm president, I'm going to have to act responsible at this turnchat. haha
[19:18] Tubby_the_idiot: why start now?
[19:19] DarkStrider: eh, I take responsbility far to seriously.
[19:19] DarkStrider: Which is why I usually shy away from it.
[19:19] Sigma: warrior moves next to Russian city, Rostov
[19:20] DarkStrider: I plan on this being my last term though and being President before just "disappearing" has this nice romantic mystery to it that I can't resist.
[19:20] Methos: Disappearing?
[19:21] Tubby_the_idiot: how many turn left on the worker in BW?
[19:21] DarkStrider: Not disappearing, I'll stay active in both my teams from the MTDG and the DG Cage Match..
[19:21] Methos: He should still be on turn 1
[19:21] Sigma: worker moves to help Road Builders, we now have 2 workers building the road to City #4
[19:21] DarkStrider: From the Demogame itself and the RPG.. I'll likely disappear though.
[19:21] Sigma: 6 turns tubby
[19:21] DarkStrider: Were still on turn 1..
[19:21] Tubby_the_idiot: thanks Sigma
[19:22] DarkStrider: Wohoo! Main page report posted!
[19:22] DarkStrider: 2 people looking over the DG forums I've never seen before.
[19:22] DarkStrider: Here's to hoping for the best and acouple new members also.
[19:22] Sigma: End of Turn 1 - Philosophy in 50, 70% science, 30% tax, 1g (0gpt)
[19:23] Methos: I guess we didn't do any of the MM'ing to speed up our research?
[19:23] Tubby_the_idiot: nope...
[19:24] Sigma: IBT - Pliny has completed his greatest work - the most cultured civilizations in the world!
[19:24] Sigma: We're 4th, behind 3 unknowns
[19:24] Sigma: Bismarck is 6th, and Peter is 7th
[19:24] Sigma: Ghengis isn't on the list
[19:25] Sigma: IBT - Barb archers attack our war chariot, war chariot holds on with .7/5 health left, and a free promotion, it remains sitting on the hill, healing
[19:26] Methos: The promotion can be used to heal remember.
[19:26] Sigma: yes but no instruction was given
[19:26] Tubby_the_idiot: what promotions does it already have
[19:26] Methos: Whoops, forgot about that.
[19:26] Sigma: combat 1
[19:26] DarkStrider: Leave it be.. let the military advisor choose the promotions
[19:26] Tubby_the_idiot: add flanking
[19:26] Sigma: I'm going to hold on giving a promotion until robboo assigns it in a later TC
[19:26] Tubby_the_idiot: no instruction = DP's decision
[19:26] Tubby_the_idiot: ok
[19:27] Sigma: I'm going to try to do this as "by the book" as possible
[19:27] DarkStrider: True, but he's complained before about the DP giving units promotions.
[19:27] Sigma: russian spy moves into rostov, screenie taken
[19:27] Tubby_the_idiot: but if another barb shows up, I'd take the promotion rather than risk losing the unit
[19:28] Methos: I agree to do this by the book for now. We can always discuss it later if needed.
[19:28] Sigma: well we can see all squares around and no barbs one square away, so far
[19:28] Sigma: workers move to the next tile for the road
[19:28] Tubby_the_idiot: ok.... I'll shut up now
[19:29] Sigma: End of turn 2 - Philosophy in 50, 70% science, 30% tax, 1g (0gpt)
[19:29] Sigma: The Micalian's Gate Library has been completed! No instructions were given by the governor so I'll follow GeorgeOP's instruction to start producing more archers.
[19:30] Sigma: It will be complete in 3 turns
[19:30] Methos: Woohoo, more culture!
[19:30] Tubby_the_idiot: Why not a galley?
[19:30] Tubby_the_idiot: can we make them yet?
[19:31] Sigma: don't have sailing
[19:31] Tubby_the_idiot: k.
[19:32] Sigma: worker done in 4 turns, settler in 4
[19:32] Sigma: End of turn 3 - Philosophy in 49, 70% science, 30% tax, 1g (0gpt)
[19:33] Sigma: make that +1gpt! :)
[19:33] Sigma: Bad news... mongolian settler two tiles north of Turfan
[19:34] Methos: How close is that to our border?
[19:34] Sigma: it's two squares SE of our Abydos border
[19:34] Methos: I can't remember where Turfan is.
[19:34] Sigma: I think they're heading for site beta... our next settling site
[19:35] Methos: That sucks!
[19:36] Sigma: do I stop or keep going? I can't find any stop orders if a settler appears
[19:36] Methos: The only orders I recall were to close borders if someone tried to enter our territory.
[19:37] Sigma: yeah they're still a little ways away...
[19:37] Tubby_the_idiot: DP can stop when he feels it is necessary
[19:37] Sigma: I'll play another turn and see where he goes
[19:37] Tubby_the_idiot: shadow him with an axe
[19:38] Sigma: abydos worker moves to the iron to begin building a mine
[19:39] Methos: Lol! We're watching Stargate SG1 right now and they keep talking about Abydos! Makes me a little confused.
[19:39] Sigma: moving axeman NE to head off the settler
[19:40] Sigma: End of turn 4 - Philosophy in 48, 70% science, 30% tax, 2g (+1gpt)
[19:41] Sigma: the mongolian settler moves a square north
[19:41] Methos: So he's heading towards our border currently.
[19:41] Sigma: yes
[19:42] Tubby_the_idiot: let him go so that he wastes some turns
[19:42] Tubby_the_idiot: until he goes inside our borders
[19:43] Methos: I recall that if he tries to enter our borders were supposed to close them. I'm looking for that order now.
[19:43] Sigma: yes
[19:43] Sigma: it's in the Sec State orders, at the top
[19:43] Sigma: he's still two tiles away though
[19:43] Sigma: I'm more afraid of him settling before he gets there, but not much we can do
[19:44] Methos: True
[19:44] Sigma: End of turn 5, saving and uploading
[19:45] *** Chieftess has joined #turnchat.
[19:45] *** Mode change "+oa Chieftess Chieftess" for channel #turnchat by Mafioso.
[19:46] *** Mode change "+v Chieftess" for channel #turnchat by Chieftess.
[19:46] Methos: Not used to Chat, so what does the mode change mean?
[19:47] Chieftess: +v means you can talk when the room is moderated.
[19:47] *** Mode change "+vv Methos Tubby_the_idiot" for channel #turnchat by Chieftess.
[19:47] Sigma: Turn 5 save: (Link:
[19:47] Methos: Where are you uploading the save too?
[19:47] Methos: Thanks.
[19:48] Sigma: check it out and give me your opinion on the situation with the settler, I'll be back in about 5 mins
[19:52] DarkStrider: argh, I can get so much extra done if I just drop the RPG..
[19:52] Methos: Doesn't the AI typically shy away from jungle tiles?
[19:52] DarkStrider: I haven't noticed any "shying" in my games..
[19:52] Methos: I'm wondering if the Mongols are heading towards the pigs.
[19:52] Tubby_the_idiot: I think that the settler is still headed for approximately where Beta is
[19:53] Methos: I was thinking the AI tends to go for non jungle areas first, but not entirely sure. Mostly play SG's.
[19:54] Tubby_the_idiot: we have ~ 4 turns before our setter is in a position to plant near Beta
[19:54] Tubby_the_idiot: go ahead and play until the settler is built then stop play.
[19:54] Tubby_the_idiot: IMO
[19:56] Methos: I believe there was a stop instruction on finishing the settler anyway.
[19:57] Sigma: no we have a location to put the settler, that would be after 10 turns though
[19:57] Sigma: I'm back btw
[19:58] Sigma: any objections to me going on?
[19:58] Tubby_the_idiot: not now
[19:58] Methos: None here.
[19:58] Sigma: ok
[19:58] Sigma: End of turn 5 - Philosophy in 47, 70% science, 30% tax, 3g (+1gpt)
[19:59] Sigma: IBT - Mongolian settler moves to the hill where our axe is stationed
[20:00] Sigma: Archer in Micalian's gate finishes, starting another archer
[20:00] Tubby_the_idiot: good
[20:00] Tubby_the_idiot: what else is available in MG?
[20:00] Sigma: Theatre is 4 turns, granary is 10
[20:00] Sigma: but the order was archer so I have to follow it
[20:01] Tubby_the_idiot: oh... didn't realize that
[20:01] Sigma: our axe stays where he is on the hill for max visibility
[20:02] Sigma: russian spy moves NE
[20:02] Sigma: End of turn 6 - Philosophy in 46, 70% science, 30% tax, 4g (+1gpt)
[20:03] Chieftess: Crabengwë!
[20:03] Tubby_the_idiot: :D
[20:03] DarkStrider: Crabs! Sounds like dinner!
[20:03] Methos: Huh?
[20:03] Sigma: IBT - Mongolian settler moves NE
[20:04] Sigma: they're next to the lake now
[20:04] Tubby_the_idiot: must this be explained every TC?... It's elvish or sumpin like that
[20:04] *** Guest3913971 has joined #turnchat.
[20:04] *** Mode change "+v Guest3913971" for channel #turnchat by Chieftess.
[20:04] Sigma: lots of stuff finished! archer in city 4, worker in BW, and the settler in abydos
[20:05] *** Guest3913971 is now known as CivGeneral.
[20:05] Sigma: beginning spearman in BW
[20:05] Tubby_the_idiot: how far away from beta is the Mongloid?
[20:05] CivGeneral: Tubby the Idiot?
[20:05] * CivGeneral is confused
[20:05] Methos: Hopefully they pass it up.
[20:06] Sigma: they're currently 1 NW of site beta, which means they passed it
[20:06] Sigma: but if they settle in place we can't found a city at beta
[20:06] * Tubby_the_idiot is an idiot
[20:06] Tubby_the_idiot: but we can kill the city first ;)
[20:06] Methos: I'm thinking they're heading for the pigs.
[20:07] Chieftess: Are we at war yet?
[20:07] Sigma: no we're not
[20:07] Methos: No
[20:07] Chieftess: Ok, Tubby made it sound like we were.
[20:07] Methos: If they settle near the pigs we can always take it later.
[20:07] Tubby_the_idiot: city #5 needs to build culture like crazy
[20:07] Tubby_the_idiot: we might be if they settle in the wrong place
[20:07] Methos: As Minister of Culture, I definitely agree with Tubby
[20:08] Tubby_the_idiot: I have to go guys...
[20:08] Tubby_the_idiot: bye
[20:08] *** Tubby_the_idiot has left #turnchat.
[20:09] Sigma: our newly created settler moves up the road and is now 1 NW of the lake (3N and 1W of beta)
[20:10] Sigma: abydos starts a theatre and city 4 starts another archer
[20:11] Sigma: End of Turn 7 - Philosophy in 45, 70% Science, 30% tax, 5g (-1gpt)
[20:11] Sigma: IBT - Mongolia founds Old Sarai, 1 SW of the lake
[20:12] Methos: This sounds like a good stopping point. As we'll need to discuss the new problem.
[20:12] Sigma: yeah
[20:12] Methos: Site Beta has now been compromised.
[20:12] Sigma: I agree, Play is being stopped, and this TC is now over
[20:13] Sigma: I will take screenshots and upload the save momentarily
[20:13] Sigma: thank you to those who attended
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