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Show me your orders/battle plans!

Question, Am i supposed to be sending MAP's with my orders? Cause then i never have! Uh-oh:blush:
Swissempire said:
Question, Am i supposed to be sending MAP's with my orders? Cause then i never have! Uh-oh:blush:

Depends if your doing something that is best expressed visually or not, attack vectors are really much clear when shown on a map, as it allows the mod to see all the seperate elements at once, instead of wadeing through text.
It's a matter of preference. I've only sent orders once or twice, but I think I send fairly easy to understand orders.

Now what I hate when updating military is when someone doesn't write in Chronological order. It's not common, but it makes wading through tactics hell.
Sample orders from the last turn of ITNES (maps not included):

Spoiler :
Sacrifice 1 Eco. Level (Very Rich > Rich) to gain Eco. Points (2 > 8). This war ends, now and forever - the Rising Sunnites must never again be allowed to threaten the commerce of the Khmer Empire.
2.) Use 1 Eco. point on Infrastructure (Improving > Good). The decay of the Khmer Empire's infrastructure must be halted, and reversed. Although the demands of war prohibit excessive investiture in their resoration begins now.
3.) Use 1 Eco. point on Civil Leadership (Good > Brilliant). The restoration of top-class civilian leadership will prove itself critical in the full restoration of the Imperium at the conclusion of the war.
5.) Maintain reconstruction efforts in damaged areas and expand usage of fertilization techniques to recoup losses from such damage.
6.) Continue the Funan City project (2/5 > 3/5).

Begin to try and improve ties with known Aboriginal tribes. Recent diplomatic efforts have shown them to be agreeable people, and thus there should be few problems with regard to maintaining KOEM operations in already explored areas.
2.) Resume standard trade level operations in the Transpoenic. With the conclusion of the war there, things will likely return to some state of normalcy, at least in Carthage and Egypt. Although the situation with Israel and Luca still seems confused, the opportunities for trade with these nations is rather great.
3.) Maintain trade levels with Middle East.
4.) Escalate trade levels with China. Given normalization of relations to some capacity, profits from this region should prove highly valuable.

With ties with the Aboriginies restored, reestablish the colonies in (Arnhem Land) as originally directed in preparation for further exploration.
2.) Resume attempts to make New Khmeria colonies profitable by the introduction of herbivores into grazing lands. Combined with what we have learned in the recent past it is possible they may begin to turn a profit, and if they still require further investiture, the Khmer Empire can now afford such losses once more.
3.) Begin to establish trading relations with Aboriginal natives. Trade is to be as fair as possible. Emphasis should be on material goods and knowledge of civilization in return for their knowledge of the lands, plants, and animals.
4.) Continue disruptive campaigns in Choson against Rising Sunnite elements. Key targets are Pusan and Ulsan in the southern part of the peninsula.

Use 2 Eco. Levels (Rich > Good Enough) to acquire the services of 20 Mercenary Thousands.
2.) Use 1 Eco. Level (Good Enough > Normal) to acquire the services of 10 Mercenary Ships.
3.) Use 2 Eco. points on Army Size (25 > 35 Thousands).
4.) Use 2 Eco. points on Marine Size (12 > 22 Thousands).
5.) Use 2 Eco. points on Navy Size (34 > 44 Ships).
6.) Release 27 Levy Thousands from frontline, active service and allow them to return to their normal lives. The remainder will be released once the war with the Rising Sunnites has reached a satisfactory conclusion. This should allay public confidence to some degree as much of the Imperium is no longer threatened. The retained Levies are to be those already stationed on the border with China, for obvious reasons...


GENERAL DEPLOYMENTS: General alertness of Khmer Levy forces is to be low in the core areas, moderate in the outer areas, and on the fringes, namely Thuang and the Eastern Isles, high. The only standing deployment however, is to be...
A.) Thuang / Annam: 20 Levy Thousands along previously set up defensive lines (OOC: any reason these aren't on the map? In the border I suppose). Until the Army has returned from its excursion against the Rising Sunnites we would dare not leave our border with the Han unprotected.

MILITARY OPERATION "Ashes in the Sea": The destruction of what remains of the RS Fleet in the Papua area will crush any chances they have of reversing their fortunes in the south and threatening our commerically productive areas. Standing orders are the same as those implemented in Iron Sunrise II: anyone giving forcible opposition or wielding a weapon is to be treated as an enemy and given no quarter.

Force Allocation: 5 Army Thousands, 7 Marine Thousands, 9 Navy Ships, 10 Mercenary Ships, 2 Modified Kite Squadrons

1a.) Forces are to go by sea to Papua. Their objective is the destruction of the remainder of the Rising Sunnite Fleet in the south through pitched battle and superior technology, numbers, and training. Once this is achieved they are to engage the main colony in on the island at the "Bird's Head" which is of Khmer establishment and regain control. There may be some measure of popular support here which can assist in such actions.
1b.) Once the "Bird's Head" has been secured forces are to make their way down the "neck" to regain control of the remainder of the colony. They are to meet up with Naval forces along the northern shore, and 1 Army Thousand is to be left to raise Levy forces. The remainder shall go by sea to assault the other colony on the island.
2.) Much the same is to occur in the "northern" Papuan colony, although since it is of Rising Sunnite origin there is likely to be no public support and measures similar to those used in "Funeral Bell" are authorized if necessary. Once the colony is pacified, forces shall resupply and put to sea.
3.) The same measures are to be undertaken at (New Britain) and (New Ireland).
4.) Finally the Marianas are to be recaptured along the same lines as well. This will leave Rising Sunnite forces stranded on the Aru Islands in the south, the (Marshall) / (Micronesia) Islands in the east, and on Sulu in the west. Capitulation assuming the success of "Funeral Bell" is all but assured.

MILITARY OPERATION "Funeral Bell": Meanwhile, the permanent conclusion of the war via the destruction of the offending entity is a paramount concern. That offending entity, obviously, is the government of the Empire of the Rising Sun in Nagasaki, and its immediate support infrastructure. It is sure that this operation has been anticipated, given the now likely famous (and predictable) tactics of the Khmer Empire. For this reason, vengeance will take a somewhat round about route. Given that the fighting will be occuring in the enemy's homeland for the first time, the time for retribution for the Rising Sunnite's attrocities is nigh. There is no time nor will for extensive extermination campaigns, and so the order is simple: of those our forces encounter, only women, children, and the old are to be spared, and the rape of women is strictly forbidden. Anything else is fair game.

Force Allocation: 30 Army Thousands, 15 Marine Thousands, 20 Mercenary Thousands, 35 Navy Ships, 3 Modified Kite Squadrons

1a.) Forces are to transit from Ryukyu to the city of Nobeoka. Orders in transit are the sinking of all Rising Sunnite vessels encountered. Upon arrival, they are to engage in SMSP proceedures, and destroy the city, taking whatever they can of value. Civilian types outlined as being off limits are to be evacuated when possible, but this is a rapid raid, and as a result, such is not a high priority. The city is to be reduced to ash, but only after necessary supplies are looted. The operation is to conclude as rapidly as possible so as to minimize casualties, and forces should not be engaged for more than two days at the very most, preferably one.
1b.) The same is to be repeated at Saeki.
1c.) And then at Beppu.
1d.) And finally at Fukuoka. The net result of these raids, and the neglection of the capitol, will likely force whatever assembled forces are available to disperse to cover the desolated portions of Kyushu, and this process will also potentially sever links with Honshu and Shikoku. In short, it should result in confusion on part of the Rising Sunnite military. Given our seeming neglection of their capitol, they are likely to decrease force strength there in order to defend their empire as a whole. This will be further reinforced by our next move.
2a.) The Fleet is now to sail across the Choson Strait and make for the trade center of Pusan. Here, forces are again to engage in a rapid invasion by sea. However, this time, they are specifically to seek out only Nagasakian elements and surgically eliminate them. Civilians and looting are not to occur when possible, except for official Rising Sunnite treasuries. KOEM operatives can likely assist upon their arrival and, with the help of known seperationist and rebel elements, create a public uprising that will begin the destabilization of the entire region. Once the city is secured, forced are to resupply once more, and secure a stockpile of supplies to be revisited shortly.
2b. The Fleet is then to sail north and repeat this at Ulsan, taking some supplies, and then retracing its course back to Pusan, before resupplying again for a long ocean voyage. The nature of these attacks will potentially result in the Rising Sunnites to believe this to be a more daring raid-style attack similar to their own, or those launched against Bactrasha, mainly aimed at destabilizing and crippling their country. This will potentially result in the misallocation of resources in all the wrong places.
3a.) The Rising Sunnite communications grid in this area destroyed, they will be unlikely to notice our fleet slip out to sea once more and cross the Choson Strait again, this time toward the capitol of Nagasaki. This will be the killing blow of the campaign. Given the terseness of previous engagements casualties should be less than 25% of force strength. Upon arrival at Nagasaki, forces are to hit the city in an SMSP operation as quickly and viciously as possible. Modified Kite Squadrons are to be introduced into the city by Naval forces during the landings to spread fire (it is known most Rising Sunnite structures are wooden, and easily catch alight) and panic amongst the city and make incursion easier. All the same things as the other Kyushu cities apply here, only with double the ferocity. Vyadhapura shall be avenged. Of special note is the Emperor and his court; if they can be captured alive, all the better. If they cannot be taken, and cannot be killed, their bodies are to be desecrated and generally rendered unobtainable. The government of the Rising Sun must die in this attack if it has not already evacuated. Once the city has been pillaged, supplies gathered when possible, and the city razed to the ground, forces are to put to sea.
3b.) Depending on force strength remaining, and fanaticism observed in the capitol, forces are to then either return to port in Ryukyu, or make their way on toward Kagoshima. If they make landfall there, it is to receive the same treatment as the other Japanese cities, at which point our forces are to return to Ryukyu. The net effect of this campaign will be the hopeful secession of Choson from the Rising Sunnite Empire, the desolation of Kyushu, the destruction of the Rising Sunnite Empire, and rebellion in Honshu and Shikoku, hopefully resulting in the formation of a new, more negotiable Rising Sunnite government. If this is achieved to any manner of success, surrender ultimatums are to be issued to all remaining Rising Sunnite positions in the south. Emissaries are to be captured Rising Sunnites to prevent execution of Khmer personnel.

They tend to have become shorter since this. Eg, IsrNES2 BT orders:
Spoiler :
MAJOR OBJECTIVES: Quite simply, what Minaea wants to accomplish with regard to long-term goals. This is mostly focused around costal expansion, given the harshness of the interior desert.
1.) Expand focus north/north-west along the coast toward the cities of Jiddah, Mecca and Medina. It is know through costal trade that Jiddah is a fairly well-off commercial port and securing it would promote further Minaean economic growth, as well as more firmly establish trade routes to Egypt and the powers to the north. Mecca is of great spiritual importance and taking it would assist in securing spiritual domination of the neighboring tribes. Lastly, Medina is another major population center, and its capture would likewise assist in the growth of Minaea.

This is to be executed through diplomacy when possible (minor tribes can likely be swayed to our influence via promises of wealth and/or power) but the use of military force to take objectives and key areas is authorized when necessary (see MILITARY DOCTRINE for further details).
2.) Expand east/north-east along the coast and secure whatever minor trading cities exist (Al Mukalla, Sayhut, so forth) using the same tactics as above.
3.) Increase domestic agricultural capabilities. Although rainfall and the availability of water in the arid regions which Minaea controls are on the whole very low, the costal regions are suitable for the growth of plants, and the rapid elevation changes in the costal region allow for the construction of terraced fields to maximize irrigation potential (our wise men describe this as being like water flowing down steps). Between altering the geography to suit irrigation and the frugal use of water supplies (construction of more wells, redirection of wadis, trapping condensing water [using small inverted glass bowls perhaps?]) this should allow a more developed home-grown agricultural industry to develop. Should this bear any fruit, the plots should be divided amongst crops for consumption, and spice plants for the continued growth of the spice trade.
4.) Secure Minaean economic and military dominance in the region. The first is to be done through expansion of Minaea's economic base and diversification of resources (see points 1, 2, and 3) and through increasing volume of trade with neighboring powers. Of prime concern is outcompeting Abyssinia through greater efficiency and cunning. Secondly, the military is to be grown in size (as will necessarily be the case if campaigns against other city-states are to be successful) and the best and brightest among its ranks are to be sought out and placed into higher ranking positions, so as to ensure it is a quality force (see MILITARY DOCTRINE).

MILITARY DOCTRINE: Although the major objectives of Minaea mostly concern themselves with increasing economic power, the completion of a large number of them rests upon military strength, and for this reason, particular focus must be paid to the cultivation of the military, and its methodology of operations.
Growth: In order for Minaea to flex any sort of military muscle over neighboring tribes, the quantity of troops at her disposal must obviously increase. This is to be done by providing a reliable source of income to those who take up soldiering and certain other benefits are to be emphasized as well (bounty from conquests, travel, social standing, et cetera). In general the growth of both the Army and Navy should be as voluntary as possible to prevent the degradation of quality incurred by impressment and conscription.
Training: Training of forces at Minaea's disposal is to be highly emphasized, more so than recruitment of new soldiers. It is the Trade Council's belief that smaller bands of elite soldiers are better suited to any potential warfare in the desert than large bands of untrained warriors, both in terms of logistics, capability, mobility, and ability to inflict damage. As such quality-control of forces at Minaea's disposal is the higher of the two priorities.
Disposition: The Minaean Army is to be a moderate-sized, highly trained body of professional soldiers trained in deep-penetration, hit-and-run, raid type warfare. Coming out of the barren wastes with no warning, inflicting heavy casualties, and retreating just as quickly, enables a low casualty ratio for our own soldiers and provides a psychological advantage, while at the same time reducing the enemy's capability to retaliate. As such, camel-based cavalry are to be the mainstay of our forces rather than infantry, as they allow for a highly mobile force in the desert climes.

There is to be a somewhat smaller element of the Army trained specifically as Infantry and for ship-borne operations that will work in concert with the Navy to deploy to enemy ports or costal areas and engage in urban combat to secure such vital port locations.

The Navy, meanwhile, is to be focused upon powerful ships with moderate to long range and the ability to outfight any other single ship, or perhaps even multiple ships that nearby nations might field, so as to provide Naval superiority in the Red Sea and local portions of the Indian Ocean.
Strategy: Since conflict is only anticipated with neighboring tribes, our warfighting strategies will be offensive in nature, and primarily land-based. Army forces are to utilize known oases and watering holes to maneuver through the deserts and strike unexpectedly at the enemy, with the intention of crippling his warfighting capability in a few hard and fast raids. Infrastructure is to be preserved whenever possible, and civilians (at least, women and children) are to be spared - conquest does no good if areas are ruined or depopulated. These raids are, in costal areas, to be supplemented with the landing of troops by sea to form pincer movements on population centers. These two elements together can be applied on the various costal or near-costal targets Minaea has in mind. The nature of the attacks should make it such that defensive postures become unnecessary - in the event they are required however, land forces are to fall back to Minaean territory while inflicting damage to the enemy along the way, then confront the weakened enemy head-on. The Navy is to maintain harassing operations to keep the enemy distracted upon multiple fronts.

FOREIGN RELATIONS: Minaea's position geographically somewhat limits the number of comparable nations it has contact with, but this only makes respective ties with each more important. For the most part relations with major neighboring powers are to be friendly, and trade is to be fostered whenever possible.
- Abyssinia (Chief concern is outcompeting them economically, not warfare)
- Lower Egypt
- Israel
- Sindu (Although a strong trading partner, their presence on the Arabian peninsula, even if distant, makes them a possible future competitor)
- Local Resistant Tribes

I'm guessing they're somewhat good given the awards you can see in my sig. ;) Even so, I again apologize to das for the really long ones. I now know what kind of suffering that must've been.
Ah, but by and large they aren't just pointless drivel! The first one was just slightly over one PM, IIRC. And I don't really count the BT one, since it's easier to go on and on without stats. The ones I sent this turn to Israelite were much shorter, though I'm not really about to post them. :mischief:
holy crap... and i thought my orders were long but that is just...

oh and why is Lower Egypt your friend!! Upper Egypt(me) is pwning them! and you dare and friendly stuff with them YAR THIS MEANS WAR!! *punches myself in the face* TAKE THAT YOOOUU
Lets watch a little longer
I've only sent orders once or twice

Honestly? I could've sworn that I alone receiver more than two order sets from you. :p
Orders from NES2 V. Im rather proud that theese are some of my longest. Perfect length for my size country and such. Orders really never need to go over 1 PM IMO....

Spoiler Orders :

Kingdom of Portugal
Capital: Lisbon
Ruler: ?/MjM
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary with Exceptions
Tech. Level: Middle Industrial Age
Army (Training): 13 divisions (Elite), 6 irregular divisions
Navy (Training): 3 squadrons (Very Good)
Economy: Growing (+2)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Competent/Better
Infrastructure: Good
Education: Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Hateful

Domestic Orders
•We have 3 Economic Points total. We are to spend both on 10 new shiny divisions. The other is for later..

•We will be switiching to a Republic, and I will write some stories PMed to you, and a further explanation. The rest of theese orders depends on the new Republic forming, and voting for war with the FK.

•If this Republic doesn't work, I gussed im pretty ****ed, so bleh...

Millitary Orders

•We has 23 Elite Divisions. Not bad if I say so, and 6 irregular divisions...

•For now, 5 Elite, and all irregular Divisions will be called Army Georgeand the other 15, Army Xdog.

•Army George will be going North to fight Gallician Rebels, Army Xdog to do a quite complicated set of attacks....

Army George
•Army George will consist of the sharpshooters, and the more inexperienced part of the army and some regulars.

•Note: After you see my Republican stories and such, this rebellion won't be nearly as strong, and their rebellion will just seem like some disgruntled rebellers (which is what they are anyway :p)

•Note again: Our policiy when we win a battle with the rebels will be to ask for anyone who wishes to fight with us, and anyone who refuses will be killed. This only counts men over 16, we arent barbarians killing women and children, we want too seem good...

•Army George will march up North, and releive the seiged city, dispersing any rebellers in the seige, by hanging. The defectors will come along to the North. There we will attack along any pockets of resitance with is strong up North, with the samy policy.

•When we reach their capitol/stronghold, we will ask for surrender. Same policiy yet again. If they refuse, we will shell the city for 3 days, ride in with calvary and surrond it slowly with infantry. It should fall rather easily, and we should kill any survivors who fit the critera to join us, then refer to the policiy.

•The rest of the survivors will go South and form Army Jacko.

Army Xdog
•This is the cream of the crop of our army consisting of the Veterans, trained regulars, and elite calvary forces, and most of the artillery.

•At first, this army will tell the Fedrates that we are here to help them flush out the rebels in Spain. They should be pleased, as they will need the help.

•We will in fact start killing the violent Spanish rebels, and all people who oppose Machalon. The Federates shouldnt watch too closely at who we kill.

•We will tell the Machalon supporters to pretend to be Republicans for the time being to survive.

•As soon as the arrow indicates, 10 divisions will begin going east instead of South. They will be called Army Zang.

•When we near Gibraltar we will show our new colors. Men will go to all sorts of Fedrate camps, and kill as many as possible while they sleep and such, we want to completely destroy most of the present in southwestern spain minus gibraltar.

•After we betray the Federates, we will slowly make our way to Gibraltar.

•While our men are fighting to Gibraltar, the other 3divisons will load up on the squadrons, and sail very quickly and stealthly to Gibraltar landing inbetween it and the other Spanish city nearby. We will then storm the spanish city, then attack Gibraltar. Our tiny navy will scurry back to Lisbon.

•Army Xdog will assist the marine attackers when we reach Gibraltar. About half of the cannon went with Army Xdog to Gibraltar, we will seige the city for however long nescassary. We must capture Gibraltar for the position it gives us to harass Federate naval capibillaties.

•We will now tell the Machmahlon Supporters in Spain to rise up, and help our cause. This should consist of them wrecking Federate supplies and stuff.

•After we capture Gibraltar, we will station 4 divisions in that area, and place as many cannon and artillery as possible to bombard the Federate ships and such.

Army Jacko
•Army Jacko will be all the survivers from Army George. They will hopefully be setting out just at the beginning of the Betrayal, or maybe even before.

•If before, correspond with the Betrayal in the south and do the same.

•Most likely not though, then we will fight our way to the 2 Federate held cities, and storm them, killing anybody who escapse. We will then burn down theese cities if they do not accept Portugese occupation for the time.

•Army Jaco will then swing North, making sure to incite the Macmalhon supporters in the small pocket of French supporters to rise up. Any of them who wish to join us will do so, any supporters of the other French parties will be executed. (Note we are still civil, no killing women and children. We do kill the men though.)

•We will then attack the city occupied by rebels, and ask them to surrender. The men can serve with us, and their city left completely alone if they surrender and give us their men to serve. If not, destroy it.

Symphony did have the most in depth BT orders, although Fin's were really better for a BT.

I don't think I have shown these ones yet. These were from MjMNES 1 when I was Calabria.
Spoiler :
Spending & Non-Mlitary Orders:
1. Sacrifice 1 eco level for 6 points
2. 2 eco on La Legioni (2X5=10)
3. 4 on navy (4X5=20)
4. Follow the Treaty of Zaragoza with Carthage (Sardinia, Malta, and E. & N. banks of the Ebro to me, Sicily and S. & W. banks to him, I recognize Carthaginian rights to all former Moroccan land)
5. Begin project as descirbed in thread
6. Send settlers and explorers out along the Ebro with the goal of reaching the Bay of Biscay and establishing a colony

Military Orders:
1. Disperse troops with 10 hundreds in main Italian provinces, 5h La Legioni in Iberia, 4h in Corsica, and 5h La L in Sardinia
2. Have new navy built secretly in facilities in my port in N. Puglia (the N. port on the Adriatic) out of the way of prying Thessalian eyes
3. First invasion wave will be 5 ships with 10h La Legioni that will round the Puglian peninsula hugging the coast so as to avoid Thessalian eyes but also disguised as trade ships, before entering the sea route from Sicily to Thesally, the ships will then unload the 10h LL at the entrence to the Gulf of Corinth and swiftly return, still disguised to Catarzarro's docks and safety
4. The 10h LL will make a lightning strike move to the capital taking the most direct route, the Thessalians will se this but since at this time taking the king, who was in the capital, would secure success, they woudn't second guess the move
5. When the first force is faced, form myself in a semi circle with the crest facing them, as the enemies heavy infantry hoplites try to bulldoze my center, the center will beackpeddle cause the half circle to invert until the Thessalian hoplites are now inside of a circle of my troopse surrounded on all sides and disorganized, the Thessalians, which are hoplites, aren't able to fight in more than one direction and will fall quickly to being surrounded
6. One week after this first encounter (my 10h LL group is to continue on to siege the capital), the 2nd invasion wave is to proceed frome my N. Adriatic port with 15 ships and 23h La Legioni
7. The rather large navy and extremely powerful force are to land in the northen most area controled by the light grey Dalmatian city state who allied with me in exchange for guarantee of joining with Calabria, remind them of the guarantee and promise and demonstrate the benefits by showing them how powerful we are with our massive army
8. A Dalmatian force is then to attack south from the Dalmatian/Calabrian city in N.W. Thessaly towards the other city and laying it ot siege while the Thessalians are distracted in the south with the seige on their capital
9. One week late the 23h LL and the rest of the Dalmatians are to attack south along the Thessalian road to Thessalonika and to take the city quickly offering amnesty to the civilians, if refused onec ethe city is taken give the people amnesty anyway and kill the leaders assuming that the leaders decided not to agree to amnesty but that the people wanted it, do likewise in all sieged cities
10. Leave 3h LL and some Dalmatians (less) behind and march on to down the road towards the capital to make it appear that we are headed there, then suddenly swing west and help finish the seige on the city by the Adriatic (do the amnesty thing here, starting with the Dalmatian force)
11. Leave 1/2 the original besieging Dalmatians behind and march the rest of the army (original Dalmatian force and the combined Calabrian-Dalmatian force) straight along the road directly to the capital to finsih the siege (amnesty thing here to, start with original siege also)
12. After taking the city install half the Dalmatians and hlaf the Calabrians as defenders, then sweep the countryside to demonstrate authority and bring news of the regime change, if people refuse crush them
13. After the capital is taken grant the Dalmatians full admitance into Calabria with Senators, voting rights, citizenship, everything as promised and agred to
14. If for some reason form the begining the Dalmatians decide not to continue, even though they should since they allied, they want to join me, yada yada yada, replace the pure Dalmatian force with a 3h LL force to invade the Adriatic Thessalian city, continue the eastern push with only LL, and leave behind LL to defend, I should have more than enough of them and more than enough experience to crush the Thessalians even without Dalmatian assistance
Nation: Calabria
Ruler/player: Consul Lystus Bellamare/Israelite9191
Millitary: 14 Hundreds (Seasoned) 33 Hundreds La Legioni
Government: Republic
Religion: Italic Polytheism
Economy: Not Bad
Infrastructre: Normal
Education: Average
Age Level: Early Iron Age
Confidence: Forgiving
Culture: Average
Wonders: None
Descrption: The more corrupt than normal Republic of Calabria has expanded north into barbarian lands and has a loose grip over Sardina Corsica and Sicily. It has a feirce rivalry with Carthage who threatens it's island holdings. But with its extremely strong land millitary, Calabria certainly can tip the odds. It has recently gained a large calony in Iberia and a new trading post.

Thes were from GLNES (the ITNES clone originally done by Cuivenen) which tragically died.
Spoiler :
1. Invest all eco in project
2. Continue missionizing efforts among trade partners and in Britain
3. Send 1/3 navy out to explore further east/north up the European mainland
4. Send 1/3 of navy to expand settlements in Scotland (we call it Eire Minor [Romans called it Scotia Minor with Ireland being Scotia]) and down the east coast of Britain
5. Use 1/3 navy to patrol the Irish sea and transfer settlers to the Welsh colonies
6. Continue policies promoting Douglas (Isle of Man), Tara (through Dun Aillen), and Galway as trade centers
7. Continue focusing education in Armagh (N. Ireland) in attempts to make it an educational center (or cultural center, don't remember if you are doing 2 or 3 city type system)
8. Have druids in Armagh begin experimenting with cloth and wood to try and develop paper, also begin experementing with firing techniques for making the clay coins more durable (I want to use them since they are easy to mass produce, a lot cheaper, and get people used to the idea of currency that isn't worth its face value, they are also extremely hard to duplicate because of the process I gave you, making counterfeiting not a problem)
9. Begin holding all meetings of the Council of Kings and religious festiviles in one spot immediately outside of Tara (will eventually be swallowed up by the city limits, not for a while though), I am planning on making this area have religious importance now so that later I can build a more succesful religious project on the spot
10. Have druids encourage the concept of pilgramage to Eire and Tara in particular, this is to boost the economic value of trade and cultural centers (are you going to be giving things out for cultural centers, because Tara is one already from when Cuiv was moderating), a good chunk of the people will also naturally decide to settle down in Eire (Irealand is a really beautiful country if you've never been, and Tara, Galway, Cork, and Armagh are developing into real cities or are real cities) which should help increase population, particularly in Tara which would be the center of religious pilgramages and pilgrims who settle down
11. Encourage merchants who have profits in Galway and Cork to move to Tara (like a businessman nowadays who owns shipping and does business in Miamia living in New York, on a smaller scale) and to build more elaborate buildings to boost the attractiveness of tourism to Tara and of tourists/pilgrims settling down
12. Encourage druids, not just the ones in the main educational center in Armagh but also elsewhere, to begin teaching people in depth about herbal medicine so that medical knowledge will spread and death rates will go down, life expectancy up, and quiality of life in Eire up, the druids are only to teach citizens of Eire (those in the colonies are inculded as citizens), but if an individual, or an entire town or tribe, agrees to join Eire they are to be given immediate access to learning these medical techniques, this will increase motive to a) join Eire and b) convert to Druidism (druids will be teaching the info), b inturn will lead to a) more pilgrimage, better economy b) more pilgrimage, more people settling down in Eire c) higher loyalty to Eire and d) further spread of Druidism as more peoples come into contact with Duridism as the border expands, leading to all of the above.
13. Encourage Druids working in Armagh (they can go the few bloody miles to the sea to experiment, can't they?) and in the ports to begin looking into better ship technology and more efficent ways of beuilding ships, all the ships that are built in the process of experimentaion are to be handed over to the government to be kept incase "dummy ships" are needed
NOTE- Druidism is basically a more centralized and formalized version of the Irish version of Celtic Polytheism, so to say that indeginous religious traditions are being threatened by Druidism is rather odd, since the native traditions are easily melded into Druidism with those native ideas (such as ones drawn form the Pictish Celts) either succeeding and spreading (Eire is very tightly knit, so idea wouldn't take too long too spread) or being absorbed into Druidism over time and disipating without notice
Ruler/Player: High King Cimbaoth/Israelite9191
Age: Middle Bronze Age
Religion: Druidic Polytheism
Government: High Monarchy
Income: 3
Manpower: More
Army: 25,000 Spearmen, 20,000 Archers
Navy: 10 Galleys
Education: Average
Infrastructure: Horrible
Confidence: Bad
Culture: Average
Projects: Port of Dun Aillen (+Infra and Economy) 0/5
How do you send a map in a PM, i have to know
Just put in the URL: it'll automatically link to the picture, methinks.
Here is my old plan for SINES 2005, turn 2 (2006) as Greeks, fighting back against Cleric's invasion as Yugoslavia. Way back when, this was 3.5 PMs.
Spoiler Greek Orders, SINES :
Kingdom of Greece

Time to unload on the Yugos. I never really wanted to invade anyway...*curses Cleric*

Okay, spend 4 eco on building 20 more divisions, and the other one toward increasing eco. Your stats are incorrect, though: I only had eight divisions at the beginning of the year, having raised the number to 15, then lost seven. Now, with the new 20, I have 28 divisions, no air force (all destroyed remember), and 10 ships.

Military: my favorite part. Reorganize the bloody armed forces, the troops in north Greece are too weak. Here is the newly-organized Greek Army:

1 Army (Epirus and Thessaly) [17 divisions in three Corps]

I Corps [4 divisions]
This unit will be organized along a frontage from coast to coast along the FEBA (forward edge of the battle area). Keep these guys defending against any Yugo attacks until spring, when the snow in the mountains thaws. All units will remain under cover, reduce IR signatures by as much as possible, not use radar, and use runners instead of radios to avoid interception and easy destruction by the Yugos.

II Corps [10 divisions]
II Corps will wait behind I Corps, assembling slowly through the winter, and using the same precautions as above to deal with Yugo air. As soon as spring comes, II Corps will launch the counterattack, codenamed Operation: Brasidas (after the great Spartan general who won many battles in Thrace and northern Greece), in concert with I and III Corps.

III Corps [3 divisions]
III Corps will be the active reserve for I Corps, using its divisions as stopgaps through the winter until Operation: Brasidas.

2 Army (Amphibious Units) [10 divisions in two Corps]

IV Corps [6 divisions]
IV Corps will be the vanguard of the amphibious expeditionary force. The fleet will land as part of Operation: Brasidas on the beach between Alexandroupolis and Kavala.

V Corps [4 divisions]
This will be the reserve for IV Corps in Operation: Brasidas.

Unattached Units (1 division, 10 ships)
The single remaining division will stay near Athens, and respond to any threat to Greece in the Aegean, Peloponnese, Attica, or in central Greece and Boeotia. The 10 ships will guard the units making 2 Army's landing in Operation: Brasidas.

Operation: Brasidas
II Corps will begin attacking on 4 April, 2006. Most of the cold is gone from northern Greece. II Corps will launch its attack in two locations: along the Ionian coastline towards the island of Corfu, and along the Aegean coast towards Thessaloniki.

The column of troops along the Ionian will move with reconnaissance units far ahead, men who know the land from before the Yugo attack. When/if the recon encounter heavy resistance, they will deploy and hold the Yugo troops while the main body of the force uses other guides to go through other mountain paths and cut off the Yugo troops. The formerly-recon units will mop up the enemy and rejoin the main force as soon as possible, while a new recon force is formed out of others who know the land.

The units along the Aegean will have to go through more mountainous terrain, so they will utilize fast-moving groups of light infantry to push through the mountains like the recon on the Ionian, then, when they encounter resistance, stay facing the enemy while the main force drives on. They will guard the flanks of the army as it continues to Thessaloniki. Once the forces involved reach Thessaloniki, artillery will finally be deployed, but will only fire a few shots at the city and/or defenses before moving, so the enemy counterbattery artillery units and fire-finding radar cannot get a positive lock on the artillery. The Yugo bombers are always in the skies. When the artillery has done this for a few days, what tanks we have will move in, supported by infantry. The infantry will protect against any foot raids or Molotov-type cocktails that may be used by desperate Yugo troops, and the tanks will deal with larger threats. The units will remain in the city after it falls, and dig into defensive positions in the city itself, and send out scout units of infantry, with a central tank reserve to respond to any threats along the line.

I and III Corps will deploy along the inside of this massive attack, which should create a Yugo salient in-between the two pincers of the Greek army. To protect the gap between the units, I and III Corps will maintain the same sort of defense that we have been manning for a year: a central reserve of tanks to deal with any threat, while infantry parties man outposts and have trenches.

2 Army will have the more interesting part of the expedition. 10 ships will guard the convoy of 10 divisions as it sets out from the Piraeus, and will dispense chaff and flares regularly to keep the IR sensors and radar of the Yugos off of our backs.

IV Corps will land near Kavala on 5 May, 2006. It will be a classic amphibious op, with large-scale preparatory bombardment by the squadron of ships for 1 hour before the boats hit the ground. The infantry will try and secure the beaches, and will have to get any bunkers quickly as cover before Yugo air hits. They should have a beachhead by the end of the day.

On 6 May, V Corps will go into action. With IV Corps holding the beachhead (and later being the active reserve for V Corps), the 4 divisions will move along three axes: Kavala-Thessaloniki (To link up with the II Corps units holding the city), Kavala-Xanthi (to expand the beachhead), and Kavala-Drama (to push inland). The one of main interest is the Kavala-Drama one, which will go inland as fast as possible, to keep the Yugos from reacting. We will use the same precautions against Yugo air as before, and continue the "recon tactic" that we have been utilizing in Thessaly and Epirus.

Kavala-Xanthi will be a drive along the beach. When we reach a town, use artillery if there appears to be any enemy resistance (send out recon efforts if we are not sure), then just sweep into the town. The same tactics will be used when we reach Xanthi. The IV and V Corps will be strung out from Thessaloniki to Xanthi (Hopefully) when Operation: Brasidas is over, but we will provide overall protection with the 10 ships acting as a mobile artillery group, since their shells can reach far inland, and a central tank reserve to dispatch to any trouble spots.

Kavala-Thessaloniki will merely be a link up with the II Corps in Thessaloniki. If any pockets of resistance are encountered, keep a few infantry to deal with them, and mop them up later, while the main force continues. The units will eventually redeploy along the same axis as the road between Kavala and Thessaloniki, to keep the road from being cut and communications imperilled.

Operation: Brasidas should regain land along the Ionian coast to the OTL border between Greece and Albania, then a great Yugo salient inland, extending almost to Ioannina, then land along the coast to Thessaloniki, then the coastline and some patches of inland territory up to Drama, then back to Xanthi along the coast. But that is not enough, we must destroy the Yugo troops in the great salient, or they might break out and threaten Athens. That is what Operation: μπλε (Operation: Blue).

The giant salient (or "bulge") in the Greek lines will need to be deflated. Two pincers will go inland to try to cut off the Yugo army and annihilate it.

I and III Corps will remain where they are, facing the Yugo Army. Any probing attacks are to be stopped instantly, and try to give an overall impression of peacefulness.

II Corps, in its two great arms, will drive inland, both sides, beginning one week after the meeting of all of 1 Army's objectives from Brasidas. The units in Thessaloniki have used certain tactics already, now we will have to use new ones.

The troops in II Corps will drive inland from Thessaloniki to the city of Florina. Any resistance will be engaged with artillery (which will fire few barrages to avoid firefinder radar and the bombers), then will be directly assaulted with a force of about company-size, while the main force sends its tanks into the fray if the infantry combat lasts more than one hour. The tanks should clear up any nonsense, and the way will be clear. Continue in this fashion until Florina is gained, then halt there and prepare defenses in both directions to await the inevitable Yugo counterattack.

The other arm of II Corps will move inland from the positions near Corfu (Corcyra), also towards Florina. Time is of the essence, so storm any resistance you find (after a 10-minute artillery bombardment), and continue onwards. Florina should be gained quickly by these men, who should also sit down afterwards and await the Yugo troops. Make sure to include the already-mentioned tactic of minimizing all signatures, radar, visual, IR, and radio, to avoid the Yugo bombers and to keep them in the dark as to our location.

Summary of Orders
Not trying to be mean to the mod, but you should read the stuff above. It has all of my great tactics in it. :lol:

Essentially, we wait until spring thaw, counting on winter and I Corps to keep away any Yugo attack, then push along the coastlines. Amphibious attack further along the coast, then the pincers are closed behind the Yugo Army and we wait for the next spring. NATO air support figures heavily in this, otherwise the Yugo bombers will pulverize us. Please read the stuff above if you haven't already. It is very important. And secret. No one outside NATO shall know of this before the ops actually commence. And even then, only the members of the alliance that are actually supporting us.

Oh, btw, any Yugo attack before either op is mounted in the winter of 2005-6 should stall due to the snow in the mountains, as well as the veteran troops in the I Corps. III Corps will also act as a stopgap, so we should be okay until the two ops begin. Then, we should crush them.

PM Spiridon Kyriakides

Little did I know that the Yugos were withdrawing and in the throes of a rebellion, so none of this really had any effect other than to get me to my own northern border. I sent subsequent orders for an invasion of Yugoslavia for the spring of 2007. Then the NES ended pre-update.

I was :sad:.
Your batsheetinsane dachspmg :lol: I was gonna napalm your ass all daaaay long.The artillery would shell you with napalm,normal shells and gas shells(perhaps even white phospourous).Not to mention the Rocket artillery.Hahaha.
Uh, what you talking about? 2007?
Incindiary weapons are so obsolete. And so is chemical gas. :p Two words: cluster bomb. There are even better ways, of course...
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