LINESII- Into the Darkness


How else can I post my epic 5-part story? ;)
Azash said:
LURKER: /joins NAO.

You can't! N.A.O. is the official update-demanding NESers' organization! Short for Narcissistic Althistorian Optimists, if you were wondering.
But yeah! Must I mention the OWLs yet again, Iggy? They have never been defeated in battle! :mischief:
Update 10- Years 855-912: To Slay the Beast

For years, things had been looking grim for the people of Tigot. They were totally surrounded, and utterly dependent on aid from Tristaria and Veritas. Their population was starving and wretched, less than a third of what it had been before the siege. Then things got worse.

A plague began, believed to have been caused by the besieging Eldranians dropping all of their enemies’ dead into a small dam in the river. Aney-Tigot became infected, and the ill and dead began to pile up. The last moments of the city of Tigot were utterly miserable to the few survivors, surrounded by refuse and corpses.

They were, some would say, ‘put out of their misery’ by the forces of Eldrania. The city was stormed, and razed. Aney-Tigot was no more, and only a pitifully small number of survivors managed to escape, rescued by a Shalamari force to their south and brought to live in that land, in exile.
(-Aney-Tigot, 1500 Aneyans to Shalamari)

But this was to be the last victory of Eldrania. For the combined might of all its adversaries had finally begun to drag it down. Veritas’ gains in the south extended ever further northwards, Tristaria and Gerberia attacked from the west, the strengthening Davar struckout from the east and the northern Nkondi, beginning to recover from their initial defeats, pushed back at the weakening Eldranians. Eldranian civilians, refusing to surrender, were ruthlessly slaughtered.

With their forces diverted to a multitude of fronts, Eldrania was crushed down from all sides. Then, in a killing blow, Veritas, under the venerable Strategius, joined his forces with those of Dava and struck at the city of Eldranos. The Eldranians scrambled to defend, but were by now too weakened to resist. Eldranos burnt, and the remenants of the Eldranian army collapsed. Enemy armies punctured the borders of Eldrania from all directions. And in a killing blow, Strategius led the combined Veritasian, Emoran, and Davarian army, named The Army of the Republic into Eldrar, slaughtering the garrison in a brutal battle, burning the city to the ground. Eldrania was now gone, its people utterly destroyed.
(-Eldrania, +2 bonus economy points and one confidence to Veritas, Davar, Tristaria, Nkondi, Gerberia, and Hathran, +1 bonus economy point to Emor, -2000 Davarian Spearmen, -2000 Veritasian Latismen, -2000 Veritasian Spearmen, -1000 Phoenix Archers, -3000 Gerber Spearmen, -2000 Nkondi Shaka, -4000 Tristarian Spearmen)

There was much celebration, and the great news echoed throughout the world. But problems soon began to set in. Arguments broke out over how the land was to be divided. The remaining Hathran tribes, who had been living secretly in the peaks of the southern Keran Range, came out from hiding and reclaimed their lands.

Two months after the fall of Eldrar, Strategius was found dead, apparently passing away peacefully in his sleep. His body was brought to Kallamas, and people all through Veritas insist that a monument be made to the greatest man ever to live.

In Veritas, the new capital city of Kallamas has become a center of learning and discussion, and a special honour as the last resting place of Strategius.
(+Kallamas Cultural Center)

Tremors had become a regular occurrence in the city of Veritas. Almost daily, the city would be rattled by one. So the Assemblum sent its people to the temples, to pray to the One and beg him to stop.

And gradually, they did. A week of celebrations were dedicated to the One, to thank him for his mercy.

Growing diplomatic pressure from Veritas is urging Tristaria to change its state religion to the Church of the One, but King Solius still refuses, as that would violate one of the tenets of his country, free religion. He has declared that Veritas may convert his people, but not by force, and not with the backing of Tristarian law.

The Emorans have expanded their realm further. They have contacted an organization among the tribes to the south, calling itself the Swade Ascendancy. Relations have began, and they have been generally warm.

Emorans were amazed to discover that the Swades, despite being somewhat primitive in appearance and mannerisms, were very skilled metalworkers. Using the boundless source of fuel that their tropical forest provides, the Swades have mixed several metals into a strong material they call ‘Bronze’. They use this metal to build long bladed weapons called swords, which their religion rotates around.

Rebellion breaks out in Kehexou! A man named Tesrex Mayanas, whose family has plotted revolution for ages and keeps the Kehex flame alive, has made the first moves to liberating his people.

He began in Takrau, the southernmost city of former Kehexou. Poisoning the small Khemri military garrison to render them useless, he quickly liberated his city. With Khemri’s presence miniscule and very spread out due to the Nurmaferi war, there was little to stop the spark of revolution from turning into a fire. Soon, all of the island of Kehexou was taken.

Several Kehex-crewed ships have also defected to the rebellion. They have helped Mayanas to capture some of the islands south of Kehexou.
(10 Khemri ships to Kehexou, -1 Khemri Confidence)

In Gorin, the religion of Masra has risen. It is a splinter of Crystalism, and is quickly gaining popularity in its home country. The difference between Masra and its parent faith is that while the Red Lady is still acknowledged, Dula, her spouse, is deemed to be more important. He is a good and charitable deity, blessing his Gorinese followers with every sunrise. Masra is a tolerant religion, although Orthodox Crystalists have regarded this as a heresy almost as bad as Neocrystalism.

Orthodox Crystalists in Gargari have been infuriated by the ‘theft of the church’s spiritual authority’, but many Gorin are happy to convert, as the Shalamari dominated religion was, in many of their eyes, trying to stamp out all other cultures.

Gorin has also been restructured into the Gorinese Empire. The Rowanthi’Orti, aware of their limitations, unanimously voted a clever and charismatic young man, Anthi Oborski, to the position of Kaiser, Lord and leader of Gorin.

Oborski’s first action was to form the Crystal Ridge Alliance with Khemri. Soon afterwards, a road was built through a pass high in the mountains, opening the doorway to trade with Khemri. The economic bonuses for both nations have been great.
(+Bathar Economic Center, +Rae Economic Center)

His other major achievement so far has been further colonization and exploration along the Wardash. His explorers have discovered a fork in the river, and founded a city there.

Shalamari has been vigorously promoting its religion abroad. Conversion in Gerberia is going well, as is conversion in Nkondi. But the religious advance in Gorin has been halted by the rise of Masra.

Then, with much of Nkondi distracted with the aftermath of the Eldranian war (now called the Grand Crusade), and most of the south converted, the Shalamari army forded the Wardash and occupied Darawa. They quickly advanced northwards, until they had reached the northern limit of their conversions.

Naturally, the warlike Nkondi were furious. Darawa was a critical trading city for them, and its loss was a heavy blow. However, their weakened army was no match for the massive and zealous legions of Shalamari. So they declared peace, albeit an extremely angry and unstable peace.

The Gerbers are growing anxious about the religious invasions of Shalamari. Knowing that much of their population has been converted, they fear that they will be next. They have allowed their people to migrate to Shalamari, to avoid invasion.
(10 000 Crystalist Gerbers to Shalamari)

The Nurmaferi war is beginning to shift into the favour of the defender, if only slightly. Nurmafer has convinced many barbarians from the south to join them, telling them terrible tales of the demons of Khemri. They have also began to teach Otornosiasm to their barbarian bretheren.

The forces of Khemri advanced on the Nurmaferi mining city of Mafar. They knew as well as their enemy that the city was the only thread holding the north and south of Nurmafer together.

So an army of 10 000 men marched on it. Nurmafer’s badly outnumbered force hassled it from all directions, but the damage it dealt wasn’t enough to stop Khemri.

Mafar was surrounded. Nurmafer levied its men. Then, something odd happened.

Between the two armies, an elderly man appeared. He pleaded to the two armies to not fight, for war was an abomination to Eldos. The two sides mocked him, declaring that Nikkal-Rae of Khemri and Otornos of Nurmafer were the only gods.

“What to you know of war, old one?” shouted the Khemri general.

“More than you, young one.”

At that moment, the skies darkened, In the sky, the sun began to fade, as if a massive celestial beast was consuming it.

“It is the will of Eldos!” shouted the man. He then bowed down in prayer. He rose again.

“Join me, and be saved from the wrath of Eldos, the wrath that is pointless war!”

A few hundred men from each side raced to him, to the jeers of their fellows.

“You are the wisest men here.” declared the old man, “The rest of you may fight and die.”

The old man then left, his recent converts following him. The sun returned to its former prominence.

The two armies charged.

Nurmafer was badly outnumbered, but their general had an ace up his sleeve. And he played it.

From behind the main Nurmaferi army, 8 mighty horned Ramids, bedecked in war paints, charged around both flanks, crashing into the stunned Khemri army. The order of the battle broke down, as Khemri’s forces scattered away from the terrifying and massive beasts. But the Khemri commanders soon regained control. By holding out a wall of spears at the beasts, the Khemri could bring them down, albeit at high cost. The discipline of their Royal Guards was their saving grace.

After hours of fighting, the battle was indecisive. Khemri had lost thousands and retreated. Nurmafer had lost nearly as many, and several Ramids, but their city was still intact.
(-5000 Khemri Royal Guards, -1000 Khemri Archers, +4000 Nurmaferi Spearmen, -6000 Nurmaferi Spearmen, -1000 Temple Guards, -6 Ramids)

As the old man had predicted, both sides had suffered bitter losses for an indecisive battle.

Meanwhile, the Nurmaferis are also causing Khemri some problems along the upper River Khim. Their river boats have damaged Khemri’s river fleet, and are harassing supply lines.
(-10 Khemri River Boats, -5 Nurmaferi River boats)

Far below, Eldrar was burning. High Priest Eldan looked down in sorrow. He had escaped through a secret exit, but he was the only one.

He wandered around in the High Keran mountains in a shock, flooded by guilt and sadness. For he knew one thing about the prophecies of Eldos that none of his fellow Eldranians had. There had only been one prophecy, and it had been the first. After that, everything had been fiction made by the High Priests.

He wandered further, leaving the mountains and walked into the wreaked lands of the Gargari. Wreaked by his own people.

At this moment, a revelation came to him. The first true revelation in centuries.

Eldos confronted Eldan. Greetings, my child. I see you have realized your mistake. For my message has been corrupted by your predecessors. I will tell you the truth now. War is an abomination, and peace is always to be sought. I want you to gather all the knowledge under the sun, learn all the secrets of this world, teach your knowledge to all, preserve this wisdom for future generations. Learn, teach, and preserve. You will be the prophet of my true faith. Seek followers, and found your citadel of knowledge.

The vision faded.

From then on, Eldan was dead. He was now the Prophet.

He traveled through the world, learning finally that these creatures were not demons, they were humans, of every shape and size.

The Prophet mourned over the battlefields and mass graves his people had caused, and continued wandering into lands beyond his knowledge.

After several years, he found himself in Nurmafer. Here, his message was given.

With several hundred followers behind him, the Prophet led them on a long journey of discovery, traveling throughout the known world. At long last, he passed over the Keran mountains. Nestled high in the mountains, at the headwaters of a river, was an idyllic valley. “This”, he declared, “Is to be our home.”

So the Citadel of Knowledge was built. All those there swore a vow of peace. They also swore an oath to New Eldism, which allows the worship of all other religions, seeing all of their gods as incarnations of Eldos. It also demands that peace be maintained for all time. The Prophet was pleased. But the long labour had weakened him. Thus, did the last of the Eldranians, and the first of the Citadel, pass away.


All religious centers give +1 confidence, +1 culture this turn.
AWESOME UPDATE! Exactly what I wanted.

Do I get a religous center? Can't tell from the map...
Yes, that is a religious center.

Kentharu, do you have MSN?
I think you're free to do anything. :)

Oh yeah, wonderful update, Iggy!
Kentharu, we need to talk. And no, I am not going to bush-whack you for changing your religion. :)
... I am stil ALIVE??? :wow: even I myself didn't believe in my chances to survive one more turn... but w00t I MADE IT!!! MWAHAHAHAHAAA!!! DIE YOU KHEMRIAN DEVILS! YOU CANNOT DEFEAT MEEEEE... MWHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
Good update Nice about the kehoxu, *mutter*

tell me is there a PC in charge of it or am I free to crush them

justokre's back.

Glad y'all liked it.

@jd- Cultural center. It's blue.
Kudos, JD! I look forward to see the development of New Eldrania! Though, you might considering renaming it...
From: Veritas
To: Khemri

Come now, the Kehexou aren't worth much. Let them be, and perhaps you will find them willing allies, rather than determined enemies. The Western Throne has much else to worry about, doesn't it?

We would hate to let this escalate into a conflict. Why don't we all sign a NAP?
Silver Steak said:
Kudos, JD! I look forward to see the development of New Eldrania! Though, you might considering renaming it...
It's not New Eldrania, it's the Citadel of Knowledge! :crazyeye:
jalapeno_dude said:
It's not New Eldrania, it's the Citadel of Knowledge! :crazyeye:

Oops. It was New Eldism! :blush: Still...
Hmm, I just realized that I forgot to put the nation names on the map.

The new nations are Hathran and the Swade Ascendancy.
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