Which new civs to add to epic game?

Which civs would you like to see included in an epic mod?

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Plotinus said:
No, it just means their cities are invisible.

Plotinus are you sure ? When I tried it (set Babylon to culture none), the game first crashed as it wanted to have the missing sound build\a.wav - d.wav. When these sound files were added I got a terrible sound(not the sound from that file) but a visible city with the Asian modern city graphic (smallest size) in 4000 BC. The culture "none" civ can build a temple (cultural imp.) but in the city screen you only see that there is a temple, but no picture (culture 1-5). If you click the civilopedia entry for the temple in the city screen of the culture none city, you get the pedia icon picture of the american temple.
10x10pickup said:
Texas was at one time a nation, that is way it's the only state flag that can be flown at the same hieght as the US flag. As it turns out that's not true, acording to the U.S. flag code.

Don't forget that Hawai'i was also at one time before it became a state a sovreign and independent nation.
After my questions back to the topic of that thread:

The civs I want to be included in an epic mod depend if you play this mod on a fixed earth map or on a random map:

On a fixed earth map I add Vietnam for SE Asia, Canada replaces the Iroquois, Poland and Austria-Hungary are added in Europe (this means you need an heavily enlarged Europe in the map you use), Rome is renamed to Italy. The mesoamerican civs stay. Polynesian and African terrain has special additional barbarians. Byzantines, Celts and Hittites (replaced by Israel) are out. The names of the cities should be upgradable (p.e. from Roman or Mesoamerican citynames to modern citynames).

On a random map Polynesia, Tibet and (not Texas but) the Confederates are in. Why? Because they make fun for me.
Civinator said:
Plotinus are you sure ?

Now I'm not sure! I may have been thinking about the effect in the editor rather than in the game. You may be right about the problems you describe. Either way, though, a civ needs a cultural group.
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