LINESII- Into the Darkness

I hope the update isn't written backwards iggy :p
A Beautiful Mind​

Wilipo Chipa sat on is Bigjaur on the crest of a hill. Things were almost in place. The strategy was perfect, he had formed it himself, but had also sought innovated input from his commanders who had had some brilliant ideas. But what was unique about Wilipo was that he study the art of the enemy, to gain insight into their culture and their weaknesses. His Captain, Groyiu turned to him.

"But how do you know it will work, this strategy will work enourmously if you're right, but if your wrong..."

""Learn about art, Captain. When you understand a nations art, you understand that people."

They gazed together over the battlefied. Wilipo broke the silence

"Like a blade we shall slie through, but like our minds must be sharper than our swords!"

"Of course, sire"

And the first line of swordsman charged forward, some cut down by arrows. The Captain dispaired

"Sir, its failing, we losing"
"Actually, its working, the pawns go first, then the the Yuri(he was reffering to the popular game of Chiss)"

And before the captains eyes, he witness Swordsman of Divine Enlightenment sweep down, and route the enemy. He was awed by the genious of Wilipo.
Our apologies, we were under the impression that you were putting a force under our control. Nonetheless, we accept your proposal of a Defensive alliance. You don't need to send us troops now, we'll be pulling out of Khemri as soon as we're confident that they have abandoned Nurmafer for good.

NOW you say it. ;) If you can Iggy, pull those troops back.

I'll be posting an epilouge later. Decided to reduce the story form five chapters to just three anyway.
A huge roar erupted from the beast. A colossal roar that would tear the heavens apart with its fury. Men shouted and formed up around it, spears poking and proding it as ropes were thrown over it and latched around its huge tusks. Another roar bellowed forth from the beast as it fling its head this way and that, flinging a man on one end of the rope several feet into the air. Dust swirled around it, a miniature storm of great rippling muscle and pure power spun around in an effort to spring loss.
“Bring him down! Brgin him DOWN!” screamed the General as more ropes were flung around the beast’s horns and tusks. Everywhere men swarmed around it, like insects, black, with so many hands to bring down a great fruit. A plump grape.

“Get the potion quickly!”

A huge pot emerged through the struggling crowd of men. This frothy liquid was a mixture of various mushrooms and leaves that, even when inhaled, could knock out a man, hence why the men who carried it wore clothes over their noses. The pot was reted infront of the struggling beast and then huge spoons were dipped into it

“Brute force will never tame a beast, throw the Bantoku on it” said the General. The huge, Bantoku filled spoons were thrown on the beast, making it stagger back as its struggle grew weaker, just as its roar. A groan creped out of the creatures mouth as it tilted to one side, teetering on one side before coming crashing down. Plumes of dust kicked up around the beast as the men around it cheered and yelled in victory. All their hard work had paid off. They had found a full proof way to bring down these great beasts.

“Alright let’s finish this brothers, set up the pulleys and get this behemoth onto the carts”

“Yes sir” they all said at once. A large cart was wheeled in as wooden beams were erected around the beast, all the while Bantoku was placed around the beast to keep him sedated. Slowly but surely the beast was hoisted by the pulleys. The cart was pushed under it and then the beast was slowly lowered onto the cart.

“Well done men, now lets get this thing back to the Empire”
Nice story!

I'm done all of the south and all of the north. Now for that annoying bit in the middle. :p
Shortest of the three ;)

Epilouge: From the Ashes

Following the collapse of the Davian monarchy, a new power struggle arised. The second higest general, the Dineil, declared the country to be his own domain.

With loyalty split among the generals, a three-way civil war quickly broke out. The war pited the Diniel against a coalition led by the Seneil verus another coalition led by the Trineil.

While the war initally began in the Dineil's favor, his momentum was eventually stopped at the battle of Bant. In a huge battle between the Dineil's some numbered fifteen thousand men and a combined ofrce of the Moneil and Trineil of around thirteen thousand, the Dineil's forces were defeated. They suffered from poor morale, disloyalty to the Dineil, and from poorer weapons.

After the battle of Bant, the war quickly changed paces. Instead of pushing west, the new battles were fought going east. The combined forces of the Moneil and Trineil managed to defeat the Dineil until the atlast pushed him back to the "capital" of Dava. After a two week seige, another coup d'etat seized of the Dineil's sergias removed him form power. They then proceeded to surrender, and the civil war was officialy ended.

Left with a country in flames, the two high ranking generals were presented a host of problems. Their first decision however, was to have the Dineil executed for treason and "crimes against the citizens". The two then were forced to take on the task of creating a new government. Moneil Ignus, a cheif believer in the Veritisian style of government, decided that a republic would best reunite the country.

Proclaiming : " A country united is as strong as it is divided", The pair went about creating the government. They first divided the country into thirteen provinces, based mainly upon geograpahy and population centers. They then gave the right to vote to every male over the age of twenty-three and set up assembly houses in the provinces to govern them. Then they created the High Assemblum, in which each lower house would elect one to represent them in matters concerning the entire country. To ensure power was kept in check, they also created the office of the Preator and delegated him the responsibilites of the army and foreign relations.

With the initial government a success, they began to work upon other issues. They grew the army to ensure a steady supply of jobs for the men. They extended the country's borders to allow for more room to settle. They seized huge farms and sold them peice by peice to the nation's poor.

Within some thirty years, the country had grown to it's pre-civil war days. The population had grown in record numbers, and trade was beginning to pick back up in the city of Dava. And by the end of the century the country was fully united under it's new government as well prepared to face the future.[/center]
'K, everything done but the mess that is the Nurmaferi war. Which now includes all those other nations.

I'm going to sleep now. I'll finish tomorrow.
Awwww. Now I feel really bad for not writing stories. :( I promise I will write more about the Shalamari government and stuff. After I get my cable back. *grumbles*
Aww, do I have to? I've already written your part, and there was a good reason for it to form.

Anyway, I'm resuming the update after I've sent orders for StKNES5.
Can I have a time estimate so I know if I should wait an hour, or just leave now?
What? The update is still not here? It's been telve hours! UPDATE N-A-O!
Update 13- Years 1033-1075: War and Chaos

While Veritas, in every way, always appeared strong, it had several deep, if well hidden cracks.

The Zibonese Veritasians, who had enjoyed something of a golden age during the reign of the Autorex, had once again become a downtrodden minority. A considerable minority, mind you.

And while much of the Veritasian army was away, the more radical of the Zibonese began to make their plans…

The Citadelers have completed their Great Library. It has already become the greatest store of knowledge in the known world. With increasing contact with the south, Bronze Working has also been mastered.

Expeditions in the north came along several infant tribes. The Citadelers helped several to civilize and settle down, but only one succeeded.

At the headwaters Kalmar River, the nation of Ikki has been founded by a man named Gyoja. Little is yet known of these reclusive people of the mountains, even by the Citadelers who watch over them. In fact, its parent nation is the only group who is yet aware of its existence.

So far, Gyoja has done little other than set up a government in the city of Enryakuji and form an army. But much more may be in this small nation’s future.

The Citadel’s expeditions to the north have uncovered cold, forbidding lands. Little life exists here, other than a few hardy plants and coniferous trees in sheltered areas.

The city of Seaport has been established to give the Citadel a link to the ocean. These relentlessly curious people wish to explore into the vast ocean beyond.

Times are good for the Citadelers, but the Pragmatists among them worry. Their military is quite small for a nation of their size. Even though they are sworn pacifists, they believe that a defensive force should be established, in case an invader would wish to conquer them and hoard knowledge to themselves.
(Citadel enters Bronze Age, +Confidence)

The Gamorrean clans have begun raiding the borders of Malkavia. The Heralds of Malkavia have set up defensive forces of spearmen to counter the deadly horse archers utilized by the Gamorreans. The raids have yet to do serious damage.
(-1000 Malkavian Spearmen, -1000 Gamorrean Horse Archers, 1 economy point from Malkavia to Gamorrea)

To the northwest of Gorin, the nation of Croyodon has developed. By turning various enemy tribes against each other, the Croyodonian tribe eventually became supreme in their region. But regional power is one thing. The strength of Gorin is still far greater. So the early leaders of Croyodon have worked hard to keep good relations with their southern neighbours.

Maugot, in an attempt to impress the numerous barbarian tribes around it, declared war and slaughtered one of the weaker and less popular of the tribes. This has both frightened the weak and impressed the strong. Maugot’s standing among the barbarians has increased, more and more are convinced that they are demigods. Maugot’s increased understanding of the myriad barbarian tribes has given it valuable and possibly exploitable knowledge.
(You now know the borders of several nearby tribes. Generally, the larger the stronger)

The Swade Ascendancy and Myocaca have come to an understanding. They have set permanent borders between themselves, and divided the remaining lands of their barbarian bretheren between themselves.

They then turned their energies away from securing their own nations, and towards the east, and the uncivilized lands there.

Emor was going through a particularly prosperous time. Trade was growing, and the new capital of Krenel had become a thriving port.
(+Krenel Economic Center)

Meanwhile, the Veritasian colony of Sempronia was doing well. It’s produce equaled its costs, and interaction with the Myocacans went well. Until what was known as the ‘Great Southern Mission’. Hundreds of priests, missionaries, and gift-bearers were sent to Myocaca to introduce the Church of the One. A small number of Myocacans, primarily those who had recently been integrated into the nation, were wooed by the gifts and liked the ideals of the Church. Most Myocacans paid little heed. But the government was angered. In King Fasra’s eyes, his people were being bought by false promises from a false religion. However, unwilling to anger the Veritasians, he tolerated them. But the Swades were not so tolerant. They refused the mission entry into their nation, on pain of death. So the mission returned to Sanctus Tutela in Myocaca. Under Swade pressure, the Myocacans too sent out the mission. It returned to Sempronia and then sailed back to Veritas, somewhat disappointed with their results.

‘Somewhat disappointed’ would hardly describe their feelings towards what they had done after what happened next.

A great force of Swade and Myocacan Bladeists occupied the barbarian lands between them and Emor. Then, without warning, a Myocacan force seized Sempronia. No ships escaped, and no message ever reached Veritas. In fact, Veritas was unaware of this until it noticed the suspicious lack of goods and messages from their southern colony over half a year later.

Meanwhile, all of the barbarian lands were quelled. The Bladeists then, without warning, began an assault on Emor. The Emoran reaction was not nearly fast enough, as the lightning-quick Bladeists quickly occupied the southern half of the country. The Emoran line stabilized after the fall of Damas and several minor settlements in the west. The pressure was now on the central Emoran city of Ansamsana. Emor raised levies and managed to hold onto most of the city’s vast surrounding farmlands. In this open land, simple open-field skirmishes of a type seldom seen in this world took place. The outcome of a battle didn’t depend on the terrain and its intricacies. It was simply the best force who would win.

Myocacan Ramid Riders dealt considerable damage, but they were unable to approach any buildings which were often filled with enemy archers or levies.

With this force tied up at Ansamsana, the Swade General Wilipo, the 6th Ascendant, led his army northwards to the city of Kalas, the training grounds of the stalwart Emoran Marchers. This city, which was quite well fortified, also held out.

In the occupied lands, Swade priests forcibly converted Emorans, and killed those who refused. Whole villages have been killed because of the Emoran dedication to their Church.

So the ‘Emoran Crusade’ as the aggressors call it, has become bogged down. It is difficult to bring supplies to their armies, as supplies must travel through resisting lands in Myocaca’s case, and mountainous terrain for the Swades. Both nations are badly stretched. Lord Aramus XII of Emor knows just how close to collapse his nation is. A majour defeat may very well spell doom for his nation. He needs help immediately- or a miracle.
(-1000 Myocacan Swordsmen, -10 Myocacan Ramid Riders, -1000 Swade Swordsmen, -1000 Swade Swordsmen of Divine Enlightenment, -1000 Emoran Marchers, -500 Emoran Archers, -1500 Emoran Spearmen)

Under the skilled leadership of Liu Bang, Guangfei is prospering. Numerous unique trades, industries, and agricultural practices have the nation making great amounts of money. Some competition between the cities has also been a good thing.

Sending gifts to nearby tribes, Guangfei has expanded and explored. But there are some city states who stand in their way, notably Shangei to the south.

As it is a major center in Guangfei, the city of Chanjiang has become the center of that nation’s trade.
(+Chanjiang Economic Center)

The Davarians have turned away from the outside world for the time being. Their focus was, for several years, turned in on themselves. After the death of their Kali with no heir, one of their Generals, the Diniel, seized power. A brutal struggle, the Davarian Civil War, broke out between him and all the generals who opposed him. While he did well at the start, attrition, disloyalty among the ranks, and poorer training canceled his advantages, and the Diniel was gradually pushed back and defeated.

In the wake of this, the two highest-ranking remaining generals, the Moneil and Trineil set about repairing the country and its government. Not wishing to take the throne as the Diniel had done, the Davarians set up a republic, similar to the Veritasian one. In the decades following the civil war, the country made a great recovery. Trade opened up, the government functioned well, and the cities repaired. Davar is now stronger than it has ever been.
(+Confidence, +Bant Economic Center)

With the increasing trade, Davar is becoming more and more Oneist. Being a close neighbour and ally of Veritas makes this a very good thing.

Chaos has broken out in the center of the Cradle. The forces of Gerber, with no warning whatsoever, invaded Tristaria. Fortunately for the defenders, there had been some warning. An anonymous source warned of Gerber aggression. While Tristaria wouldn’t take the advice too seriously, it did strengthen its forces on the Gerber border.

The Gerbers broke through the Tristarian southern defenses, but was checked by a large gathering of Tristarian defenders. The advance ended short of the capital of Trinitra.

With some clever maneuvering, the Gerbers split their forces and assaulted the city in a classic pincer movement. But the defenses of the city were too strong. The Gerbers were repelled after a brief siege, and the tides of the war began to shift. Tristarian incursions into the lightly-defended Gerber countryside caused significant damage. Soon, battles were being fought along the entire border. But no more significant advances took place.

Very recently, the Gerbers have mastered the forging of bronze. But they have yet to create enough to practically utilize it on the battlefields of Tristaria.
(-3000 Gerber Spearmen, -3000 Tristarian Spearmen, -1 Gerber confidence, Gerbers enter Bronze Age)

The Nkondi have always been bitter about the Shalamari annexation of Darawa. And with the lack of Shalamari armies defending their homeland, they got their vengeance.

A force of several thousand Shaka poured in, and slaughtered the Shalamari garrison. Within days, Darawa was theirs again. The Nkondi then raced around and seized many lands of the ancient Qua’laen Jal, although they didn’t risk crossing the Wardash. Satisfied with their gains, the Nkondi fortified their gains and requested peace at the current borders, or the return of former Qua’laen Jal lands for massive sum.
(-1000 Nkondi Shaka, -1000 Shalamari Spearmen, 20 000 Shalamari population to Nkondi)

After the reclamation of Turfar, Prince Anarion Ororucin gazed around the destruction. He despaired, and then was confronted by a man named Kazofer, and a vision of his father’s ghost. “The Nurmaferis have suffered enough”, he was told. He was commanded to lead a second exodus to the west. So the surviving Nurmaferis left their lands once again and traveled to the coast. The barbarians there, who were a branch of the Nurmaferi race, realized that unity was the only way to salvation and united with their bretheren.

Anarion built a new bastion of the Nurmaferi people on a forbidding fortress of an island off the coast, and the people named the city Anarafar after their great leader.

Anarion ruled the Nurmaferi people for the rest of his life, and eventually passed away from old age. But his only son died before the news of his fathers death reached him, while he was attempting to tame a giant Ramid for himself. Who will rule the Nurmaferis now? One of the leaders of the barbarians who united with them? Or one of Anarion’s daughters?

Gorin has shared its knowledge of Bronze working with its allies of Shalamari and Khemri, giving them a technological advantage. And before Nurmafer fled, the Gorinese managed to capture several Ramids for their own use.
(Khemri and Shalamari enter Bronze Age)

After the retreat of Nurmafer, their lands were left abandoned by Gorin and Shalamari, broken and devoid of human life. Their attention was now focused 100% on Veritas… Odd, since they had supposedly signed a peace treaty.

Khemri pulled out of Nurmafer, and Veritas pulled largely out of Khemri. Then, Rhama Khemr IV seized the Khemri coast. Shalamari and Gorin struck at the remaining Veritasian forces, who were slaughtered. Khemri was liberated!

A victim of the manipulations of greater forces, the Mogul nation has been destroyed. Khemri sent in several of its generals, who wrested control from the hated Emperor Hajan III. He then sent these Mogul forces in an invasion of Kehexou’s mainland holdings.

Soon after this, Veritas made its move. Part of its army from Khemri landed in eastern Mogul, and took control there. The people welcomed the Veritasians, who shared their religion. Veritas then began sending forces to take over the less pro-Veritas western bank. Khemri’s Mogul army turned back from Tekrehexou and fought back. It became obvious to Veritas that the war, despite what the peace treaty, was still very much on.

The powerful Veritasian and Mogul force quickly defeated Khemri’s Mogul force, and began traveling back to Khemri.

As all this took place on the mainland, great changes were taking place in Kehexou as well. Maryas Gayanax was assassinated, and the son of Tesrex Mayanas, Deras Mayanas, pulled his forces out of Tekrehexou and allowed them to choose their allegiance. The overwhelming majority chose to rejoin Khemri, who they believed was now at peace. A republic was set up, and Kehexou declared itself to be in a state of peace.

Tekrehexou didn’t do nearly as well. Just as it began to realize that Khemri was NOT at peace, the Veritasian and Mogul army stormed through Tekrehexou. The lands fell with little resistance. Then, Veritas and their Mogul forces ran right into Khemri and its allies at Hasko. The time for another decisive battle had come.

The forces of Veritas, this time, were at less of an advantage. Their primary ally was far away and out of the war. Their Mogul army, while large, lacked skills and discipline.

Meanwhile, the combined forces of Khemri, Gorin and Shalamari held the city. The Veritasian Stratikrator began to retreat, then his enemies pounced. The new Veritasian Falchions (swordsmen) did significant damage to the infantry-dominated enemy forces, but it was not enough. The army of Veritas was simply smashed by the overwhelming numbers and technology of their enemies, and the Stratikrator went down with his army.

Following their defeat at the Battle of Hasko, the remenants of the Veritasian army have begun retreating westward, and setting up fortified lines. These have been enough to slow the enemy advance to a halt.

With all the terrible destruction this war has wrought, is a compromising peace now impossible? Or has the suffering of its fighters made peace closer than ever before?
(-Moguls, -2000 Veritasian Latismen, -2000 Veritasian Spearmen, -1000 Veritasian Falchions, -Veritasian Confidence, - Veritasian Mogul army, -4000 Khemri Royal Guards, -2000 Khemri Swordsmen, -3000 Shalamari Spearmen, -1000 Shalamari Phalanxes, -2000 Gorinese Bajos, +Confidence to the nations allied to Khemri)

Veritas’ problems do not end there, however. Possibly their most serious problem has struck them right at home.

Radical Zibonese were sick of Veritasian domination. They wanted their independence back. And with much of the Veritasian army away, their chance had come.

Coordinated Zibonese uprisings took place in the cities they knew as ‘Zang’ and ‘Zarz’. They then took the equipment of the Phoenix
Archers who had policed their city and used it to defend themselves against Veritasian counterattack. But Veritas lacked the resources to put down the rebellion. So they have now besieged the two cities. The situation could easily go either way. The Zibonese may gain their own autonomy. Or Veritas may return troops to crush the uprising. The wiser of the Zibonese recommend that they should make an offer giving them significant autonomy in Veritas while they have comparable power to the garrisons in Veritas.
(-30 000 Veritasian Population to Zibonese Rebels, -2000 Veritasian Phoenix Archers, +2000 Zibonese Archers, -Veritasian Confidence)

All throughout the war-torn nations of the world, significant peace movements are starting to form. And as each war progresses, the movements get stronger.


Holy crud, that was a long update. Now for the complaints that I made a mistake...

There are noo causultie counts for my Crusade.

lurker's comment: Jolly good update. To think that I had thought that Khemri will surrender and already made some plans for a rebellion there in June. ;)
Yes, breaking the peace treaty with Veritas was very good for Khemri.

Well, there's plenty of places you could start a nation later. In fact, there's one nation I think you might be quite interested in. It's secret, at the moment.

PM me if interested.
To: Emor
From: The Swade Ascendancy

We are willing to make peace with you under the following conditions.

1. That our borders be set as in the Map enclosed
2. That an 8 Turn NAP is signed between us
3.That there will be no more Oneist incursions into Swade Soverign Territory.
4. That pay us an indemnity o 1 eco point and 2 ships.

Peace is in the intrest of all here.


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