LINESII- Into the Darkness

alex994 said:
I protest that! That was only for one update in which north king exposed my evil treacherous deed :(
Wasn't it the critical one, though? :p

I'm not really serious...
It was like the 5th update of the 10 updates of war :p

Yeah, I know, we really should stop spamming ;)
The crucial battle was ofcourse fought on the other side of the Mongol Empire. ;) Without the Mongol defeat there, the Chinese would've been simply overran! :p
Of course, we must keep in fact that if China had just toppled over in less then 3 turns, the Mongols would have overan the insignificant nation of Khazaria using massive armies ;) Using superior Chinese technology, they would also conquer as well as most of the world with Chinese soldiers :p
I bet Kerala, and Davar got invaded. Probably tristaria as well :)
How long will it take, because i need to know whether to sleep or not?
Same here. :p
Now, mind, its too late to save Kentharu, he's already mad. But Iggy, please spare the more regular patients of mental asylums, they just wouldn't be able to survive a prolonged contact with NESers suffering from severe withdrawal! Update before we all become like Kentharu!
Update 17- Years 1202-1248: A Scattering of Blades

As time goes by, the exiled Valin states are drifting further and further apart. Norvalin is convinced that it is the only one living a penance, struggling constantly against their harsh climate while their southern bretheren live in luxury. Exilsium is distancing itself from both of the other two states, confirming their difference as a generation of exiles separate from Norvalin and New Veritas. And New Veritas is attempting to hold together the Valin league, while failing miserably. As contact between the states not only disintegrates to bickering but also becomes less and less frequent, it is clear that the Valin league will not last much longer.

New Veritas, seeing this, has since turned inwards and focused on its development. It has quickly surpassed Exilsium and become the greatest remaining bastion of Valin power.
(+Salvation Economic Center)

Several of New Veritas’ explorations have brought them into contact with Guangfei. The relationship has been fairly good, although the two cultures are so radically different that there have been many misunderstandings between them.

Guangfei at this point had just recently began to recover from a civil war concerning the succession of the Emperor. Prince Che defeated the Warrior Prince Hong to become Emperor Wu of Guangfei. His long reign was characterized by the constant territorial and cultural advancement of an already large and culturally rich nation.

The remenants of the Shangei League were absorbed, and the city of Hon Chei further down the River Xi pledged allegiance.

Wu also commissioned the Order of Benevolent Monks, to travel around and spread the glory of Guangfei culture. They are beginning to gain something of a following in New Veritas, which has helped to bring the two nations closer together. Many of the hurdles in contact between the two cultures have now passed.
(+Guangfei Culture and Confidence)

The Temple of Zester has been completed in Trinlin. Trinlinism is now spreading out beyond the nation’s borders, to the vast barbarian tribes surrounding it.

King Servanus of Trinlin, in the wake of this upsurge in his people’s religion’s popularity, declared that its borders would follow suit. The entirety of Trinlin’s army marched out of their nation, declaring many of the surrounding lands to be theirs. Some of the annexed tribes at first celebrated at being able to join their religious bretheren, but this euphoria was quickly crushed. The defeated peoples were enslaved and forced into building bridges and working in mines or forestry. The sense of betrayal runs strong in them.
(+1 bonus economy point next turn)

Somewhere on a distant, foggy peninsula, a group of tribes have come into prominence. The people of the Aithean Shadowlands live close to nature, but as of late have begun to develop. Will they advance into a powerful nation, under strong leadership? Or will the tide of barbarism rise and sweep them away?

Nurmafer has begun building what it calls the ‘silk road’ to connect it with Guangfei. The road will take a great deal of time, but once it is complete the rewards will be very rich.

As the few remaining Oneists in the Swade Ascendancy flee out, and pilgrims to the Bladeist holy cities move into Swade lands the Myocacan city of Diliculo is flourishing as a center of human movement.
(+Diliculo Economic Center)

Myocaca in general is thriving. It is the more moderate face of Bladeism that is presented to the world, and its trading connections are keeping its economy strong. But while Myocaca is moving further into the world of international relations, it remains the closest ally of the Swade Ascendancy, which it works together with in many matters. At the time, the current co-operation was an exchange of military goods- Myocacan ballistae for the Swades’ deadly feline Bigjaurs.

The Swades have been very busy too. They have constantly been seeking for ways to spread Bladeism around the world. Taking a cue from the exiled Valins, the Swade Ascendancy made its plans. Suwapa Swade, successor of the great Wilipo, had a dream of a Bladeist Empire. He had seen how the Valins had spread throughout the world. He would do something very similar with the Swades.

So he ordered what came to be known as the ‘Spreadings’. One to the north and one to the south. Taking some of former Veritas from Emor, the Svitzers (an ascendant dynasty) set up the tiny nation of Svitzerland. There, something ominously named ‘The Suwapa Program’ was instigated. Every infant male Oneist whose family had not yet had a chance to flee was forcibly taken away from his parents and raised Bladeist. What resulted was essentially the utter destruction of the remaining Oneist population in the lands controlled by the Svitzers. Female Oneists who married the Bladeists were forced to convert, and those who wouldn’t marry them simply died out. The mere mention of the word ‘Svitzerland’ now represents the cruelty and evil of the Bladeists when heard in many Oneists ears.

Two more Ascendant groups were sent further north, but they lacked the sailing skill and cartographical knowledge to set up more Bladeist states to the far north, so they returned to Svitzerland and settled there. Perhaps with more sailing experience and supplies they will be able to succeed in their crash colonization attempts in the future.

The Ascendate of Svitzerland is and likely will continue to suffer from serious economic and social problems. The Swade groups there are chafing against each other in the crowded conditions. The Suwapa Program has alienated the nation from its Oneist neighbours. The massive population density of the area has forced much of the population into wretched conditions, living in what observers are calling ‘tent cities’. And virtually all of the limited profits from farms, which barely even feed the settlers, are being sent to the mother country. The problems with this state are numerous, but could be nipped in the bud with quick Swade intervention.

The ‘Southern Spreading’ was more successful, though not by much. One group southeast of New Veritas and established the Sultanate of Sintonia. The Oneists and Bladeists have managed to keep their relationships polite, for the moment. News from Svitzerland, apparently, has reached neither.

The final group set sail for Exilsium. Storms sank several small ships, and capsized the large Bigun carrying many Swade settlers. The bedraggled remnants landed in an uninhabited section of the central island and declared their nation to be the Chipland Celteach. Their small population has cultivated some land, but has come into conflict with the people of Exilsium, who have already claimed the entire island as their own.

In summation, it is generally considered that the ‘Swade Spreadings’ have been a mixed success at best. Svitzerland is overcrowded and alienated from its neighbours; Sintonia, while prospering, borders the powerful and potentially hostile New Veritas, and the pathetically small and underpopulated Chipland is already being requested by Exilsium to leave immediately.

The Swade Ascendancy has also built a long road to Khemri and a city to facilitate trade. It has yet to make any major profits, but it has annoyed Kehexou, who believe that the Swades are ‘cutting off’ their future expansions inland.

The Khemri capital has been moved back to Khadon, after over a century of alternative centers of government. Khemri has also built numerous roads, knitting its core closer together and strengthening trade once again.
(+Khadon Economic Center)

Khemri has been strengthening contacts with the nations of the west. Merchant ships from Khadon carry goods as far as Gamorrea, in exchange for goods, ranging from the luxurious to the practical. Possibly the most important new import is horses. With the aid of some Gamorreans who came along with the horses, Khemri has trained its own archer-cavalry, which it hopes should help counter the Lengels should their Non-Aggression Pact ‘expire prematurely’.

King Ptolemy Khemr has begun to expand his empire southwards, to the northern borders of the desert. Some territory conflicts have arisen with the Swades, who claim that the long, thin stretch of road they built is their territory, and should be respected as such. Fortunately, these arguments have not yet come to blows. But a mutually acceptable agreement is needed, hopefully soon.

Great things are afoot in Kehexou. Near the northern village of Kexoudau, a great mist came, and a boiling of the sea. After time, it cleared, revealing an island, expelling streams of fire. The incredible miracle has brought Oundaintics from all over Kehexou to look, and foreigners as well. A Citadel scholar got himself and his boat incinerated when he sailed out to the island to study it, and no one else has gone near it since.

Religious fascination aside, this has been a boon for the town. It has swollen to a massive size, and the local business owners are making massive profits.

With the support of the Crystal Ridge Alliance, the nations of Kalmar and Tellium are thriving. But their northern neighbour, Kerania, is not faring nearly as well. Fearing further instability, the Gorinese moved their army in Kalmar into Kerania to secure the country’s rule for Verimas Irritaoria, a half-Valin Keran man. But simply because he was supported by the CRA, many people didn’t support his rule. And to the north, one man had united the warring Generals and declared himself to be the leader of Kerania. Gershtoy Volinin had been a fighter for his people’s independence since his youth, during the chaotic fall of Veritas. For all of his life, he fought for a strong, united Kerania, but had his dream continually shattered by infighting amongst former Veritasian Generals and his own people. But over time, his cause had gained support. Volinin recently built the city of Keranopolis, to be the capital for his new nation, then gathered an army.

Now, with the backing of the Generals and much of the population, Volinin has made his intentions known to the CRA. Will Gorin, the most involved nation in the region, accept Volinin as the ruler of Kerania, or will they stand by Irritaoria and fight?

Back at home, Gorinese blacksmiths have perfected the iron working technique, and made it available to the Gorinese armies. While another fire nearly destroyed Dasht, it was brought under control before it destroyed too much.
(Gorin enters Iron Age, +Confidence)

Both Gorin and Shalamari pulled out of Nkondi lands as per their agreement with the Lengels. Along with their armies came vast numbers of Nkondi refugees who did not wish to join the Lengels. These refugees settled primarily in Shalamari, usually settling in the countryside to continue their traditional farming and hunting lifestyle.
(+30 000 Shalamari Population, +5000 Gorinese Population)

Despite the Non Aggression Pact, the CRA nations and their neighbours are taking no chances. Skilv’so has contributed much of its armed forces to the CRA cause, and Croyodon has been preparing its nation for a Lengel invasion. Whole armies are being placed on Lengel borders. These nations are clearly prepared for war. But will there preparations be enough, should the much-anticipated war break out?

Croyodon, with Gorin’s help, has mastered Bronze Working technology. Their culture is growing ever closer to Gorin’s, sharing both the love of knowledge and the following of Masra Crystalism. This close friendship is becoming more and more beneficial as time goes by and trade on the River Croy increases.
(+1 bonus eco point to Croyodon and Gorin next turn)

In a totally unexpected move, Malkavia has launched an invasion of Gamorrea!

Surprise-attacking at night, the Malkavians quickly decimated a Gamorrean border force. They then raced for the coastal city of Thula Pax. Gamorrean groups launched raids, but they couldn’t get their whole army together in time to save the city.

But Malkavia had overcommitted. Gamorrean raiders began attacking Malkavian border settlements. The Malkavian civilians put up good defenses against the raids, setting up pits and spear traps, so at least the Gamorreans couldn’t attack without fearing at least a few losses.

Once Thula Pax and the surrounding region was secured, the Malkavians held their ground. They were expecting a large counterattack, but none came. Some suspected a trick, but the Malkavian Generals made a gamble. Maybe it wasn’t a trick. Perhaps the Gamorreans were far weaker than expected? So the Malkavian army advanced into the mountainous Gamorrean heartland, meeting only scattered resistance until they were on the doorstep of the city of Zam Gamorre.

Apparently, the Gamorreans really were weak. As they discovered from one captured Gamorrean, a civil war had broken out just after the Malkavian invasion. The High Priest, who was inept and corrupt, had nearly been assassinated by some of his officials. The nation had been split between loyalty to their religion and loyalty to good leadership and common sense. Their armies had been rendered useless, stalemated against each other while Malkavia ran rampant thoughout the south.

Upon their arrival at Zam Gamorre, one of the Gamorreans who led the rebellion against the High Priest confronted them with an offer. Malkavia could keep almost all of its gains (proposed border shown on map as a thin black line) if it would end its war and help them defeat the High Priest. Gamorrea awaits its invaders’ answer.
(-4000 Gamorrean Horse Archers, -3000 Malkavian Brujah Warriors, -1000 Archers)

The Citadel hasn’t yet made an official statement on the Malkavian War. Its attention has been elsewhere.

The city of Farport was founded south of Exilsium. It trades intensively with Exilsium, and later on, with Chipland.

The Citadel’s civilizing efforts on the group north of Malkavia, as always, fail. The people simply don’t want to be civilized. They are happy as they are. Ironically, the place where a new nation arose was one where civilizing efforts had been virtually non-existent.

The Orum have been a coastal tribe in the frigid lands far to Gamorrea’s northeast ‘since the wind put them there’ or so their legends say. These people live a simple life based around the cold winds and icy sea. They live off the creatures of the sea, from the greatest whales to the smallest fish. This has made them skilled at sea, and practical. Nothing from their hunts is wasted. Even the bones are used, primarily as a substitute for difficult to obtain wood.

They were quickly adopted by the Citadel after it became apparent that they had civilization. New Eldism was introduced, as was bronze. Relationships have been warm, the Orum appreciating gifts and teaching the Citadelers how to survive in the cold in return.

Emor has freed occupied Veritas- a little. They have established the vassal state of Verta. Domestically, it is free, but it is limited in several ways and very closely tied to Emor.

To facilitate more trade with its neighbours, Emor has established several road connections with them.

South of Myocaca, the Emorans established a small outpost, for the purposes of exploration. A group was sent to map the ‘black lands’ between Nurmafer, the Bladeist nations, and Guangfei. And a group of ships was sent out from that point to explore the sea and map its currents. Thanks to these Emoran explorers, knowledge of the world’s map in their region has been greatly improved.

The Gerbers have gone through several domestic changes under the de facto reign of Toghol-Advisor. Being both a major proponent of a uniquely Gerber culture and a xenophobe, Toghol-Advisor purged many of the things he considered to be too ‘Veritasian’ from the country. This involved renaming several major cities and personally destroying some classical Veritasian sculptures with a comically large hammer. Toghol-Advisor then declared that Veritasians would henceforth be known as Verins because ‘they kept frustrating our destiny’ and ‘they're too far away to care anyway.’ His actions have helped bring the Gerbers to a greater height of xenophobic ultranationalism than ever before.

The Advisor also has brought in Khemri engineers and other skilled professionals from the Crystal Ridge Alliance to help modernize the country.

It seems that Toghol’s energy and love of his country are just what the nation needs to get jump-started back into action again.

Ikki continues to brace itself for a Lengel attack, but it still hasn’t come.

And that’s everything. You can go away now. The map’s in the next post.

Of course I’m kidding.

The second the ink began to dry on a truce between the Crystal Ridge Alliance and the Lengels, it became clear where the Lengels were focusing on the nations of the east. Ikki was too well defended, the same likely true for the Citadel. There weren’t many other logical choices.

Davar instantly realized that both it and Tristaria were in grave danger. Preparations began immediately. Davar fortified the Keran Range with every resource they had, and raised a volunteer/conscript army of archers. Tristaria fortified the Duality pass and set its army on the northern frontier.

The Lengels were quick in coming. The first blow fell on the northernmost mountain fortresses of Davar. It was a brutal blow, over 10 000 Lengel Horsemen versus barely 4000 Davarian soldiers, many of them conscripts.

Temujan, who was personally leading this force, scouted around, but there was no other route through the Kerans at this season. He would have to attack now or allow the Davarians to fortify further and attack in more favorable weather. Never one to allow his enemies reprieve, Temujan ordered a siege.

The Davarians held the pass, but Lengel numbers were overwhelming, slowly eroding away the defenses. The frigid mountain weather was brutal to both of the sides, but the Lengels could simply take more of it. They could afford to. Meanwhile, the Davarians had almost no shelter, having put all of their resources into the great walls across the pass.

After a few months of holding out, the Davarian garrison fell. Like a spring stream from the mountains, the Lengels descended. No, not just a spring stream. A torrent. A flood.

The wall of the Keran Mountains was breached.

While Temujan led the primary Lengel force in the north, Paci, son of the Host-Lord Vanitas, led an eclectic mix of his Falchions, Barbarian Spearmen, Lengel cavalry, and Nkondi.

Possibly hoping to surprise Tristaria with an attack from behind, Paci led his force through the Kerans. Unfortunately for him, the route he had chosen turned out to be one of the most heavily fortified passes in the entire range. But, through sheer brute force, Paci managed to smash his way through the Kerans, albeit with significant casualties on his side.

Hoping for some relief in a weaker enemy, Paci had no such luck. His force was met by a vastly larger force of Tristarians. Knowing that an attack would destroy his army, no matter how well he led it, Paci chose to pull back. The Tristarians didn’t follow. They were well aware of Lengel false retreat tactics, having carefully studied the Lengel invasion of the Nkondi, and how it had wiped out that undisciplined army.

As Lengelzai Temujin’s forces descended into northern Davar and Paci’s forces retreated back into the mountains, something odd happened on Tristaria’s western front. A large Gerber force crossed the borders. The small Tristarian border garrison objected, but the Gerbers insisted that they were here at King Solius VIII’s request, to help defend Tristaria. The border guards objected, pointing out the fact that King Solius VIII had died several months before the document with the request that the Gerbers were showing him had been signed.

Seeing that they were outmaneuvered, the Gerber army quickly and quietly killed the guards and continued into Tristaria.

By this point, King Solius IX realized that there was a Gerber army on his doorstep. They quickly seized the capital, and forced him to sign the document (complicated by the fact that he couldn’t just add another ‘I’ to his title, but in fact had to rewrite the entire thing from ‘VIII’ to ‘IX’). When the Northern Tristarian army arrived, the Gerbers tried to show them the document, but to no avail. At the Battle of Trinitra, the Gerber Army defeated the Northern Tristarian army. They went on to occupy all of Tristaria west of the Kalmar River, and then cross it and conquer its northernmost province. Seeing that the Davarian lands just to the north had been evacuated, the Gerbers quietly annexed it as well. Satisfied with their gains, the Gerbers consolidated their gains and would not advance again, at least for the time being.
(-2000 Gerber Legions, -2000 Gerber Spearmen, -1000 Gerber Archers, -4000 Tristarian Spearmen)

Meanwhile, the Lengelzai’s forces were running rampage through northern Davar. Shalm was the first to be sacked, followed by Bant and Ardan. St. Pire’s Cathedral, the Church of the Saint, was finally finished and almost destroyed, but the Lengelzai showed it mercy. He knew that destroying such a religious icon would set the Davarians against him forever, and he didn’t plan to simply waste a potentially useful people in a genocidal war.

Word reached the Lengelzai of Paci’s predicament, so forces were dispatched to relieve him. The Lengel War-Host was now bearing down on the capital city of Dava. The Davarians put up more and more of a fight, but they were slowly and surely pushed back.

One summer after the Lengels first successfully crossed the Keran Range, Dava burned.

The Lengelzai was now in mop up stage. The last few armed groups of Davarians outside of the mountain fortresses were defeated.

As the Lengelzai and Paci met up to prepare for a final strike against remaining Tristarian power in the Duality pass, a new ally appeared. Gershtoy Volinin, leader of Kerania (at least, most of it) approached the Lengelzai himself and offered his services and those of his people to the Lengelzai, asking only that his people not be absorbed into direct Lengel control.

Although the answer has not been given yet, Volinin has been eager to show his people’s worth, by providing a useful and skillful ally during the attack on the Duality Pass, where his forces infiltrated Tristarian positions and destroyed the garrisons, allowing the Lengel cavalry through heavy fortifications with no need for a siege at all.

All in all, it took the Lengels just over one year to conquer Davar and Tristaria. Where will their eyes turn to next, however? To the south and west… CRA. To the east… ocean. To the north however…
(-6000 Lengel Horse-Archers, -1000 Lengel Falchions, -2000 Lengel Spearmen, -1000 Lengel Nkondi, -Davar, except for 4000 Conscript Archers, and 1000 Davarian Guards, -Tristaria)


Notes: Alright, I’m just dropping military support. I’m frustrated with the stat. Instead, I’ll have the deal that when someone maintains a very large army they may lose eco points in update events, which will be easier on everyone.

And by popular demand- okay, one person- I’ve slightly changed Tristaria’s and Kalmeria’s colours, so they are more easily distinguished. They’re still quite similar to their old colours, but now more easy to distinguish from each other. Of course, it doesn’t really matter now, but at least I can tell you that I did in fact change the colour. So there. :p

Also, what’s with everyone setting up puppet states? They’re annoying NPC stats for me. I just don’t see why someone wants to set up an independent colony that can run amok when they could have one directly under your control. Oh well, I’m just the moderator.
holy crap, well darken, you put up a very very good fight

iggy could you put up the casualties for the Lengel, total bitte
Great update, very well-written. One thing, though - if Orum "live a simple life based around the cold winds and icy sea", how does that make them any more civilized than Eskimos?

(complicated by the fact that he couldn’t just add another ‘I’ to his title, but in fact had to rewrite the entire thing from ‘VIII’ to ‘IX’)

That is, ofcourse, assuming that either we or the Tristarians actually write in Latin. :p

Also, don't you think our casualties are a bit too heavy? The worst casualties are always suffered while attacking good defensive positions or retreating - neither happened here, and we even had a certain surprise effect.
Iggy, simply amazing. Bravo.

To: Khmeri
From: The Swade Hegemony

We are extending claims to the rest of the desert and the lands yet unclaimed by you. These are culturally Bladeist. We wish to sign an NAP lasting the length of the Lengel Occupation with you as well, and to facilitate religious understanings, we shall send theologians to Khadon. May trade flourish between you and Kex.

TO: Khexhou
From: The Swade Hegemony

We would like it be known we are not hostile, and we are not dutting off expansion. We are merely claiming and cultivating a region disenfranchised from Swade rule for far to long. We wish for a 3 year NAP, yet again.

@Iggy, Puppets are nice because its the mo' money, without neccarly mo'land that could have problems...invasions, so forth.
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