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[ADD-ON] GIRs Sevomod Add-On

hey gir :)

whats up?

few qaustions =

is it ok that in the civilopedia it shoes that the paladin replaces knight?

and -what is the btmaddon?
i merged your version with megapolises addon,
and in his version he has a file there btmaddon.py,
and in yours there isnt,
does it mean that in megapolises addon - the btm file was edited? and in your it uses civ vannila?

also, i added in the cvsevomaininterface.py - a code from megapolises about the temple expolration - what does it mean?
Just a heads-up for this excellent add-on for SevoMod, that the 3.1 version is now up. ;)
Hi keldath,

keldath said:
is it ok that in the civilopedia it shoes that the paladin replaces knight?
Yes, if you build a Knight in a city with castle, you have a 40% chance to get a Paladin instead of a Knight (so the Paladin replace the Knight in some way).

keldath said:
and -what is the btmaddon?
i merged your version with megapolises addon,
and in his version he has a file there btmaddon.py,
and in yours there isnt,
does it mean that in megapolises addon - the btm file was edited? and in your it uses civ vannila?
The BTMaddon.py is a little add-on to get tech points if you have trade routes with other players (now you don’t need this file because it is in sevomod 3.1)

keldath said:
also, i added in the cvsevomaininterface.py - a code from megapolises about the temple expolration - what does it mean?
Can you plz upload the file? (I don't have it)


Hi Nilsmaln,

Nilsmaln said:
Just a heads-up for this excellent add-on for SevoMod, that the 3.1 version is now up. ;)
thx ;), I will do my best, but unfortunately at the moment I am very very very busy. But maybe in the next few days I can upload a new version (including the new Partisan system).
Gir, I just wanted to say that your additions to Sevo's mod has made me reluctant to download Sevo's 3.1 version lol. Keep up the good work, I love your innovations.
shabbit said:
Gir, I just wanted to say that your additions to Sevo's mod has made me reluctant to download Sevo's 3.1 version lol. Keep up the good work, I love your innovations.
thx for the compliment! and welcome to the civ fanatics community!
the new version is ready, i will upload it as soon as possible :)
hi keldath,

yes, i included the partisan unit, the python stuff of the unit works, but i don't know if it is well balanced or not - unfortunately i have not enough time at the moment to play test this new feature.

"I Think I Could Use A List Of Chages..."
most of the changes are "only" python changes, i will post a list later...
here is a preview what is new in the Sevomod ADD ON 3.1c:

- fixed a bug with the new gimmick resource system (in the old version the last two players get an additional gimmick resources after the barbarians get one of the key techs).

- full german language support (all python messages in german and english available) .

- add partisan unit system (similar the partisan in civ 2):
because of a huge lack of time I couldn’t test the unit if it is well balanced, maybe it still needs some tweaks.
you need the rifling tech to get some partisan units if a enemy captures one of you cities.

read this for more infos about the partisan unit:
Spoiler :

The number of Partisan units created after you (or the AI) lose a city depends on the city size, random factors, civics and if you or the enemy is the stronger one (military power). The occupied city that creates the Partisan units will lose population points.
For more info see this:
		### number of Partisan units depending on city size (before conquest) and if  ###
		### the loser of the city is stronger or weaker (military power) as the new   ###
		###                          owner of the city.                               ###
		###  city size  | Partisan Units if | Partisan Units if   | reduce population ###
		### before conq.| loser weaker conq.| loser stronger conq.|                   ###
		###    01-07    |       1 - 2       |       0 - 1         |         0         ###
		###    08-14    |       2 - 3       |       1 - 2         |  - num partisans  ###
		###    15-21    |       3 - 5       |       1 - 3         |  - num partisans  ###
		###    22-28    |       4 - 6       |       2 - 4         |  - num partisans  ###
		###    29-35    |       5 - 8       |       2 - 5         |  - num partisans  ###
		###    36-42    |       6 - 9       |       3 - 6         |  - num partisans  ###
		###     ...     |        ...        |        ...          |  - num partisans  ###
		###             |  [COLOR="Red"]+3 units with[/COLOR]    |  [COLOR="Red"]+3 units with [/COLOR]     |                   ###
		###             |  [COLOR="Red"]NATIONHOOD civic[/COLOR] |  [COLOR="Red"]NATIONHOOD civic[/COLOR]   |                   ###

In addition to that I decided to integrate a system which makes the Partisan units better with higher tech level. If you have certain techs your partisan units will get more promotions to make the unit stronger so that the Partisan can compete against newer units. The Partisans are some kind of Terrorists (for the occupying force) so I give them drill promotions ( > first strike) and flanking promotions ( > withdrawal chance). For more info see this:
		###      new created Partisan units will get more and more promotions with higher       ###
		###      tech level and also get special promotions dependig on the "start" plot        ###
		###     technology      |     plot types      |      promotions      |      chance      ###
		###      rifling        |          you need rifling tech to get Partisan units          ###
		###    assembly line    |          -          |       + drill        |       100%       ###
		###    industrialism    |          -          |       + drill        |       100%       ###
		###      rocketry       |          -          |       + drill        |       100%       ###
		###      plastics       |          -          |       + drill        |       100%       ###
		###      computers      |          -          |       + drill        |       100%       ###
		###     combustion      |          -          |     + flanking I     |       100%       ###
		###      refining       |          -          |     + flanking II    |       100%       ###
		###       radio         |          -          |     + flanking III   |        50%       ###
		###      fascism        |          -          |       + combat       |        50%       ###
		###         -           |   forest / jungle   |     + woodsman I     |       100%       ###
		###    assembly line    |   forest / jungle   |     + woodsman II    |        75%       ###
		###    industrialism    |   forest / jungle   |     + woodsman III   |        50%       ###
		###         -           |        hill         |     + guerilla I     |       100%       ###
		###    assembly line    |        hill         |     + guerilla II    |        75%       ###
		###    industrialism    |        hill         |     + guerilla III   |        50%       ###
		###         -           |       desert        |  + desert combat I   |       100%       ###
		###    assembly line    |       desert        |  + desert combat II  |        75%       ###
		###         -           |    tundra / snow    |  + arctic combat I   |       100%       ###
		###    assembly line    |    tundra / snow    |  + arctic combat II  |        75%       ###

You also get some promotions depending on the “spawn” plot of the Partisan unit like Woodsman1 if the spawn plot is a forest or jungle.

The Partisan units spawn in a random plot in the city radius of the city (5x5 plots). The units have a higher chance (x2) to spawn in the inner city radius (3x3 plots) and also have a higher chance (x2) to spawn in the inner city radius with forest, jungle, fort, and/or hills.

One problem in my tests was that the Partisan spawned in the enemy turn, that means the enemy could kill all Partisan units in the same turn in which he captured the city. And if the enemy had a lot of good units he doesn’t even lose a lot of hit points. Now if a Partisan unit spawns, a random number of enemy units (1 - 5) near the Partisan unit will suffer a random amount of damage (15% - 30%).
great work gir,

nice going with all the new buildings.

say, in the partisan, did you implemented the popping sound? and which skin?

as usuall, you gave me a tough work to do now....

i still havnt finnished my mod,
really hope that by next week it will be ready :)

im anxciuos to play both are mods :)

again, great work partner.
thx keldath
i forgot to include a pop up sound, i will do this in the next version.
i use one of the ottoman infantry skins for the partisan unit (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=178654)

zulu9812 said:
For Christ's sake! Why on earth have you uploaded to Rapidshare?
i'm just uploading the file at quickdump, so if you can wait ~45 minutes... i hate my current internet conection :cry:
Hey Gir :)

Well I Need Your Advice, Help Again,

I Wish To Create A Cruise Missile - Itryed The One Form Maxriga,

I Did Not Succeded,

Do You Have A Way To Create A Unit Air Based That Kills It Self? And Can Bombard The Units?

You Know Small Missiles Then After The Using Turn - Goes Puff :)
zulu9812 said:
Quickdump says there's too many users downloading. Why don't you upload this to CivFanatics?
because its easier for me - for files >5mb you need ftp and a password or something, and for 3d downloads an account and you have to wait...

could you download the files? if not, i will try to upload the mod to civfanatics.
CTD when the turn in year 1702 advances. No idea why, made it this far without any trouble at all.
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