Holy Roman Empire [of the French Nation]
Capital: Paris
Ruler: Emperor Julien II/Insane_Panda
Government: Elective Semi-Parliamentary Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary
Tech. Level: Early Industrial Age
Army (Training): 105 divisions (Elite+3), 57 Foreign Legion corps (Elite+4), 1 irregular division
Navy (Training): 120 squadrons (Elite+3)
Economy: Monopoly (+6)
Size (points required): Gargantuan (6)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant+2/Good
Infrastructure: Great
Education: Academic
Living Standards: Splendid
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Nation Personified+2
Projects: Noveau Paris (+1 Infrastructure, +1 Living Standards) (Done!), Le Canal de L'Egyptien (+canal, +1 Economy) (Done!), Project Unité (+1 Culture, +1 Infrastructure, +1 Economy) (Done!), Sciences-Po (+2 Civilian Leadership, +1 Education) (Done!), Leviathan (SECRET) (1/10)
Nation Background:
-The days of foriegn adventurism, atleast for the next few years, are over. Instead, now that we have crushed the opposition, the Empire is to focus on the development of a lasting system of alliances designed to protect the Empire and isolate its enemies. We will do this in the following ways:
1.) Foster lasting ties with the nations of Eastern Europe. The HRE must, if Russia's influence in the region is to never ascend to pre-war levels, create and keep strong alliances with the Kingdoms of Poland, Hungary, and Romania. Favor, in our diplomatic dealings, Poland and Romania, incase tensions erupt between the three nations. Reduce trade restrictions with these nations, and send a healthy flow of advisors, both economic and military, to these nations, in order to help them rebuild and recover from years of foriegn oppression. Provide the Polish Government with military technology, and also give to them the more obsolete portions of the French fleet as they are decommissioned. Romania's ports shall continue to serve the Imperial Navy as the headquarters of our Black Sea Fleet. (as per the terms of the Treaty of Paris). Finland shall do much the same, by providing France a port in the Baltic. In exchange, give these nations additional trade benefits in their dealings with the Empire. All in all, maintain a protective stance over the nations of Eastern Europe, and seek to counter any Russian attempts at rebuilding their influence in the region by tying these nations politically, economically, and defensively to the Empire.
2.) Counter the growing power and influence of Dar-al-Islam. Dar-al-Islam, though technically an ally, presents a real threat to the Holy Roman Empire's assets throughout the world, and the balance of power. (Russia, Germany, and Portugal were all allies at one point.
) To do this, the Empire must re-assert its presence in Sinai, Karachi, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Turn the Sinai colony, and L'Canal de l'Egyptien into a naval fortress - establishing it as a major base for the Imperial Navy, whilst creating a network of defenses around the canal to prevent an easy attack. Station a large portion of troops here aswell. In Karachi, do much the same, turning it into an important military and economic base, while fortifying its defenses. Also, secretly support the various separatist movements throughout Dar-al-Islam, focusing especially on the resentful Egyptians and the Hindu. Maintain a strong naval presence in the Indian Ocean all the while, making sure, when it is capable, to maintain within the ocean a naval force which is always larger than the total fleet of Dar-al-Islam. In Europe, improve our relations with the Byzantine Empire, (this should be much easier with the elimination of the Papal States as a seperate state - See Domestic Orders) and use the Byzantine's growing influence to counter that of Dar-al-Islam. Attempt to provoke tensions between Russia and Dar-al-Islam aswell.
3.) Counter the growing power and influence of the United Kingdom. We must do this, however, less overtly than what is being done against Dar-al-Islam. Instead of directly fortifying our possesions against Britain, use the power of another nation to counter Britain's rising power - the Union of Scandanavia. Maintain, atleast officially, our alliance with Britain, whilst propping up the Scandanavian government with decommissioned ships, aswell as economic aid (in the form of trade packages and agreements). These efforts, when combined, should do much to distract the English from establishing themselves as a world power, and force them instead to drain their resources.
4.) Continue to support the growing power and influence of Japan. Japan, in spite of its distance from the Empire (or more likely, because of that distance) is our strongest ally. Continue to support the Japanese government diplomatically as it expands its power accross the Pacific. Japans continued ascendency shall also negate any Russian attempts at reviving their own power in the far east.
- Move to finally smash the insurgency in Spain, using the tried and true methods of establishing control over all urban centers, developing these centers considerably whilst using the military to crush all traitors ruthlessly. Continue the economic development of Spain and of Iberia (turning Madrid into an EC, first and foremost) (BARCELONA SHOULD BE AN EC ASWELL.)
- Continue and finish the re-construction efforts within Alscae-Lorraine and the Carolinas, following the methods which were induced in the previous years. Establish a considerable flow of money into these regions, and provide tax incentives for businesses which invest in the region. Also, continue to sell land at a cheap price to those who wish to develop it. Re-establish the cotton industry throughout the South, diversifying into other such crops as legumes and tobacco aswell, whilst steadily building the shipbuilding and trading industry along the coast. In Alscae-Lorraine, encourage the continued growth of industrial factories and textile mills.
- Once we have decided the regions of the Americas to be considerably re-constructed, begin giving the French americans a greater level of freedom - eventually giving them self-governance in the form of the United Provinces of French America. The United Provinces (composing of the various Colonial provinces of Quebec, Acadia, Nouveau Bretagne (OTL New England), Virginie, and Carolina) shall have complete soveriegnty over all domestic affairs, yet subservient in foriegn affairs. Establish the state in order to downsize our Empire. (The level of independence given is much the same as OTL British Dominions, except perhaps a little weaker). Maintain our control over the Carribean, and use it as a naval base from which to exert our influence over the Americas.
- Establish our control over the realms of the Former Holy League. Due this in response to the republican insurrections which are beginning to establish themselves within Italy, and due to the fact that the Pope, seeing the influence of the Holy Roman Empire grow and establish itself as the protector of Christendom and western civilization, believes that the realms of the Holy League should be united with the realms of the Empire. Once Italy is under our control (if uprisings start, crush them as we did in Spain), integrate it into the Prefectural system, establishing a Prefecture of Italy and giving this prefecture representation within the Imperial Senate. The Pope, meanwhile, will be given a territory within Rome itself (Which consists primarily of the area surrounding St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican City), though the Empire shall maintain control over the rest of the city and indeed, the country.
- Concerning succession: I expect Julien to die during the BT (though I would not be suprised if he did not die, as he would be only in his early to mid 60s), or atleast, be fast approaching death as the BT ends. Therefore, the question of succession will need to be properly addressed, and Julien-François (his real name, as opposed to Emperor Julien), being a very pragmatic man, knows that he shall need a strong successor if the Empire should survive. The structure of the Imperial government has been set up, in part, to give the Empire a deal of self-sustainability, yet inevitably, a strong ruler is required. The laws of succession (primarily Salic in nature) allow for the Senate to appoint any Bourbon (now declared the Julien Dynasty) to the throne, yet it is the practice that the King (and indeed, it shall be required by law) creates, after 10 years of reign, a list of possible successors (of which one must be a Bourbon to be placed on the list - The Senate shall first and foremost review the list when making its decisions concerning succession to the throne.) Non-Bourbons are only allowed to be elected if they are approved beforehand by the Senate for induction into the King's list of possible successors. Julien-François' firstborn son, Valérien Emile Francois de Bourbon (b.1744) is his primary successor, and features firstly on the list of possible candidates for succession - the Emperor attaching a note declaring that Valérien is indeed the most wise choice, in his opinion. Julien, knowing the importance of succession, will have raised Valérien to acscend the throne all of his life. Throughout his childhood, the Emperor has seen to raise him not in France, but abroad. The first ten years of his life, naturally, were spent in France, yet afterwards, what followed was a nomadic life, first starting in Catalonia, where he was raised by his uncle, the former Prince of Catalonia (having now given up that title as the Kingdom became Empire). After Catalonia, the prince returned to Paris, attending to his schooling in the prestigious Sciences-Po. From Paris, he moved to Germany, and from Germany (where he was a deputy in the Prefect's Ministry), he moved to Japan, following the military attaches which frequented the country from France. It was in Japan that he worked in the state-department, eventually filling the post of Deputy Ambassador to the Japanese Empire. All the while, he maintained a long correspondence with his father, yet did not see him often (Julien thinking it best to leave his son out of his shadow, and instead allow him his own life by his own principles). Valerien, as a result of his nomadic life, is very much an worldly man - a worldliness which has left him quite empathetic to peoples of all nationalities, yet perhaps somewhat distant from his own France (though not by much). He is very well read, and a very hard worker, though does not have much experience in the field of combat. He is fluent in Spanish, German, French, and Japanese - his Chinese, meanwhile is passable. Valerien is to be the chosen heir, and once declared emperor, he will become Emperor Valerien.
- The crisis of Inflation, especially the counterfeiting, has the potential to destroy the economy, and thus, the foundation of the Empire. Emperor Julien understands the power, and the necessity to protect the economy of the Empire - the Empire's lifeblood. Therefore, the following measures will be enacted to ensure the cessation of this crisis, and the destruction of the counterfeiting schemes:
1.) Establish an Imperial Customs Service. The duty of this customs service shall be to regulate what goes in and out of the Empire, aswell as who goes in and out, to a certain extent. Specifically target the customs agents against Russian and Brandenburger nationals within our Empire, keeping tabs on their activities and business dealings. The Customs Service shall also have the duty of screening all Russian and Brandenburger trade shipments within the Empire. (also extend surveillance to the English imports and nationals, though less intense than (and rather limited compared to) those efforts against the Russians and Brandenburgers - we suspect that the English could have a hand in this, though are not sure)
2.) Introduce a series of measures to confuse the counterfeiters. First, create an official document which details changes to be made to the currency, in order to decrease our susceptibility to counterfeiting. This document shall include a whole list of security measures and obvious changes designed to stop the counterfeiters - the document shall also state the dates which this new currency shall first go into print. The Imperial Customs Service is to bribe several members of the underground into releasing this information, posing it as real, and selling it to the highest bidders. Once this is done, do not make any changes to our currency, and wait for the counterfeits to begin appearing on the open market - meanwhile, Imperial Customs agents are to track those which bid on the information, and those which the counterfeit money can be sourced to. Do not make any arrests yet. The counterfeiters, with this printing, shall have wasted a lot of resources, but we are not done. Once this printing is made, and the counterfeiters realise their mistake, wait for a period of time (a few months) and release a new set of information into the black markets, stating that this information contains the accurate information, and include on this new document reasons for delaying the printing of the first set of measures. Do not print any money, and continue to accumulate information regarding the conspiracy. Release the information a third time (with considerable revisions over all security measures from the last documents) (they are likely to fall for it twice, but the third time, they will not) - and then proceed to print it. Once the new money begins circulation, immediately descend upon those which we have evidence against, arresting them.
3.) Establish counterfeiting as a crime of the first degree, and any which are caught in the act are immediately convicted to death.
- Continue the consolidation of the French Economy (ensuring that it stays at the balanced level of Monopoly/Economic Powerhouse) through the following means:
1.) The establishment of an Imperial Reserve System, which is charged with the duty of controlling and regulating the Empire's banks and monetary policy. It shall also centralize the power which the government has over the banking and monetary policy. The Imperial Reserve shall be declared "essential to the common good, and essential to the well being of the economy" (as it stands, the monetary and banking policy of the empire is a collection of agreements and laws build upon successive agreements and laws lasting back to the middle ages - this is unacceptable, and provides in the Empire a central weakness - therefore, as with all things which pose a threat to the Empire, it must be destroyed, or atleast, changed beyond recognition. We would annex it if we could, but that would prove difficult
), and the inflationary crisis of the 1750's should provide a strong impetus for support. The Imperial Reserve Headquarters shall be stationed in Paris, and there shall be 5 Regional Reserve headquarters in each of the prefectures. The IRS
p) shall have the power to regulate interest rates (once the system is standardized accross the board) at which banks borrow money from the Imperial Bank, institute standard practice for the various other non-national banks throughout the Empire, and control the money supply and the value of money (in relation to the gold standard), and buy and sell government securities. Overall, the creation of the IRS should do much to centralize and streamline the Empire's banking policies, and thus create a much more open (and reliable) enviroment for commerce.
2.) The establishment of an income tax. The Empire, due to its immense size, can no longer rely on a system of sales taxes and tarriffs to raise constant revenue for the maintaining of the military and all basic services. Therefore, an income tax must be established (the first income tax was established in Britain in 1798, so I do not assume this to be unreasonable). The tax established is to be a progressive one, with more tax being charged as income increases. The lowest incomes of the economic ladder shall barely be taxed at all, whilst the incomes of the rich (all incomes over the relative equal to OTL 250,000 USD.) shall be charged at a flat rate of 20%. The Income Tax is to be charged on the following 5 schedules
- Schedule A (tax on income from Imperial land)
- Schedule B (tax on commercial occupation of land)
- Schedule C (tax on income from public securities)
- Schedule D (tax on trading income, income from professions and vocations, interest, overseas income and casual income)
- Schedule E (tax on employment income)
This income tax, once established, should greatly increase the revenue of the Imperial Government, whilst allowing us to lower the more unpopular tarriffs and sales taxes.
3.) Further establishing our monopoly on European, and thus, world, trade. The Empire controls the centers of trade and industry within Europe - indeed, the most productive and developed regions in the world, and shall work hard to push our control further, and to expand the benefits which the Empire recieves from its economic predominance. Establish firm regulatory laws concerning the quality of goods produced, abolish obsolete trade practices, and streamline the various regional industries by encouraging the growth of larger conglomearates. This should all, combined, turn the factories of Western Europe into the workshops of the world - producing everything which the Empire needs (with raw-materials provided from the colonies and from the vast base in Europe) and everything which the world wants to buy. Furthermore, economically muscle our way into free-trade agreements with the smaller states of the world, specifically, the Byzantine Empire, Hungary, Romania, Poland, the Union of Scandanavia, and Finland - this with the goal of establishing an imperial trade blanket over much, if not all, of Europe, and negating the influence of foriegn competitors (namely, Russians and englishmen). In essence, establish a continental system, though without clear restrictions on the trade with foriegners - simply make such trade unprofitable when such can be had from the Empire much cheaper, and much better (aswell as the promise of friendship with the Empire). Use our navy to establish our naval pre-eminence on all shipping lines. Economic dominance is the key to our Hegemony - thus, we must work hard to preserve it, and indeed, expand it.
- Establish clear expansion brackets so that our army does not dwindle in size or effeciency. Maintain our large, yet well trained armed forces. The army shall be kept, within a few ten thousand troops, at the size of 1,200,000 Regulars and 600,000 Foriegn Legionnaires. (120 Divisions, and 60 FL Corps, respectively.) Training standards, meanwhile, are to be kept at extremely high disciplines. The importance of the Navy, meanwhile, cannot be stressed enough. The navy is to maintain its size of 120 Squadrons, and these squadrons are to undergo intense drilling every year (to maintain its highly professional quality), with squadrons being replaced as needed if numbers slowly dwindle. The Navy will be charged with patroling the Empire's oceans, and it must due so with ruthless effeciency (move to readily supress all Pirate threats). The Military of France is to engage in an immense system of wargames accross the Empire and the colonies every year, simulating new doctrines and analyzing their effect on the nature of war. Also, establish the Imperial Marshallate as the organization which governs and commands the military (much like any General Staff).
- Continue fueling research into various military technologies which require researching. (machine guns, breech-loaders, and steel battleships). Project Leviathan should be done within a decade (if not faster, especially as we have a propensity for rushing most projects). Once Leviathan is done, begin to immediately produce a number of these behemoths to cement our naval superiority. (Our goal is to build a fleet of 20 of these (or whatever number seems reasonable, though 20 seems quite reasonable) by the end of the BT). These battleships, or, Leviathans, as they shall be called (the first ship being the IWS Leviathan), shall be designated as flagships of our various fleets, and establish groups of them in all theaters (the most concentrated ones being the Atlantic and the Indian oceans). These ships shall further cement our naval and military superiority.
- Expand vigorously in Africa. Expand especially in the Sahara and Sub-Saharan regions, cementing our control over western Africa. Also expand heavily in Mozambique and Nambia. However, be careful not to involve ourselves in colonial tensions.
- Expand vigorously in the South Pacific (well, in Nouvelle Gaulle and Nouvelle Corse and Sardagne). Establish the former as a penal colony, and the latter as a far-off naval outpost. Use the growing English presence in the region to rationalise the need for expansion here.