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Show me your orders/battle plans!

Well, now that NES2 VI is effectively over, I have a present: the entire catalogue of Japan / GEAR order sets from every turn of the game, including the last one! There is, if you go through them, actually a sort of gradual evolution, which I think is interesting. I've censored as little as possible.

Spoiler Japanese Empire, 1781 Orders :
Spoiler Stats :
Japanese Empire
Capital: Kyoto
Ruler: ?/Symphony D.
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary with Exceptions
Tech. Level: Middle Industrial Age
Army (Training): 70 divisions (Elite+1), 30 Ikkitousennonimusha divisions
Navy (Training): 130 squadrons (Elite), 10 sub squadrons (Better), 2 capital ships (Good)
Air Force (Training): 5 squadrons (Normal)
Economy: Normal (+1)
Size (points required): Large (4)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant+1/Good
Infrastructure: Efficient
Education: Academic
Living Standards: Higher
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Nation Personified

01.) Renew Defensive Alliance with Holy Roman Empire
. No definitive end date specified, indefinite agreement. It's already listed but, you know, just as a reminder to the public and gesture of affirmation and what not.
02.) Sign Kyoto Protocols with Holy Roman Empire. Hah. Japan agrees to transfer the first two technologies of practical value it produces to the HRE in return for the down payment of the island of Java (and its assorted little islelets) and the Cocos / Keeling Islands, to be reprimanded to Japanese custody immediately. Obviously, the technology aspect is not to be discussed and it will be stated publicly that it was for payment.
03.) Renew Sino-Japanese Defensive Pact with Xin Han Chinese Empire as per the Treaty of Pusan. No definitive end date specified, indefinite agreement.

Spend 1EP (13 > 12EP) on EL (Normal (+1) > Good Enough (+2)). Do this by building up localized industrial capacity in Indochinese holdings and beginning to bring Korea up to par with the Home Islands.
02.) Spend 4EP (12 > 8EP) on Education (Perfect > Academic).
03.) Spend 2EP (8 > 6EP) on Machinegun / Automatic Rifle Research. Begin piecing together research teams to craft reliable repeating machine guns and rifles of advancement beyond current designs for combat usage. Targets are something approximating the Maxim Machinegun and Springfield 1903 Type Rifle. Obviously this is not to be revealed publicly.
04.) Spend 3EP (6 > 3EP) on Chemical Research Initiative. Chemistry is the definitive shaping force of the new age, and so, continued competition with other powers requires its investiture. The government will subsidize development of Chemical Sciences in both the public Universities, private Zaibatsu, and government research labs. The objective is to obtain personnel and facilities capable of scientifically experimenting with chemistry to achieve useful end results from it. Chief objectives are exploration of chemical interactions and discovery of unknown elements indicated by the current Periodic Table, such as ekaaluminium, ekaboron, ekasilicon, and other missing entries. To develop, one must first discover. This is to be heralded as a great inquiry into the sciences by the government for knowledge's sake. At this time, its true purposes cannot be easily discerned.
05.) Spend 1EP (3 > 2EP) on Exploratory Oil Survey. Given the discovery and exploitation of oil in Baku and its relevance to the new internal combustion technology as the optimal fuel source it has become increasing evident that securing a source of this resource independent of other powers will be a key concern for national self-determination and self-reliance. The material has vast implications for both Naval vessels and land forces and discovering a domestic source of it would be highly advantageous. Surveyors are to be sent throughout the empire to explore, survey, and test drill for potential pockets of oil. No stone is to be left unturned in this search, and methods of finding oil and indicators of its presence need be looked into. We shall need a great quantity of these "geologists" to do this work.
06.) Spend 1EP (2 > 1EP) on Project Seizoujo (Centralized R&D and Naval Production Centers) (0/8? > 1/8?). This will be an effort to create two vast new Military-Industrial complexes. The first, the Hiroshima Arsenal shall be focused upon directed weapons and military sciences research for all branches, and be established as the main focus of engineering and development. The second, the Nagoya Arsenal shall become Japan's largest shipbuilding yard and international freight depot (in terms of specialized cargo being ferried through Japan to elsewhere, as opposed to directly to Japan). Nagoya's harbor is quite spacious and its development into an industrial hub for such manufacture shall prove highly useful. It is to be listed as SECRET for obvious reasons.
07.) Spend 1EP (1 > 0EP) on improving the Manchurian Line with the latest defensive measures and hardening it yet further. (OOC: and relocating those forts on the eastern Amur onto the border with Russia)

01.) Emphasize Educational Facilities
. Between the expenditures directly towards furthering the educational establishment and directed programs, plus estimates for expenditures next year (another Education level), and government generated demand for innovation, Japan will quickly become one of the premiere research nations in the world. With this in mind, we will want to highlight the quality of our facilities to attempt to attract the intellectual elite and get them to stay, further bolstering our efforts.
02.) Begin Student / Professor Exchange Program. Simultaneously, we will want to rotate our own populace and academic circle out to other nations for short spans before having them return to give them something of a worldliness and to learn of other nations academic progress, and to likewise find what they are doing (administratively or in research) that works. There is no shame in copying methodology that works - indeed, it is that very same spirit which has lead Japan to where it is now. It is taking such things and making them your own which is the true measure of a nation.
03.) Begin Recruiting Foreign Intellectuals. In addition to improving our own domestic facilities and cadres, it will also be important to try and attract scientists and thinkers of other nations to settle in Japan to help bolster our own research. Particularly desirable is the Tesla/Edison equivalent, wherever he might be. To facilitate this, these researchers and academicians are to be promised good pay, and more importantly, nigh unlimited resources, funding, and staff with which to carry out their work, in modern facilities. We will set forth to stimulate and augment their scientific and technical talents in every way possible. In this, we might possibly lure a great many of them into working for us.
04.) Continue Implementation of Imperial Unity Policies. The basic trappings of the Japanese Empire are to be installed into Java and the Cocos / Keeling Islands after their transfer from France, chiefly education in Japanese and the establishment of Imperial government. Other policies are to be eventually introduced as well, but it is to be a gradual thing to prevent culture shock. Generally be welcoming and try to accommodate them. Continuing these policies elsewhere where integration is not as strong (for example, Papua) is also to be done.
05.) Unify Intelligence Services Into Single Unit. It is to be called the Naikaku Jouho Chousahorsehockeysu (Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office), or Naicho for short, and is to be subordinated in responsibility to the Prime Minister, reporting directly to him. It is to take over matters of national security and intelligence both internal and external. Its chief objectives at the moment are to set up rudimentary intelligence networks in extra national Japanese populations and neighboring nations, to secure vital research in country, protect important officials, and monitor potential elements of dissent. This is obviously to be done quietly.
06.) Direct Naicho to Acquire Rubber Trees. Rubber has become a highly valuable necessity in modern industrial and military applications, and its possession is therefore critical to the sustainment of war. It is currently located only in areas Japan has no direct access to, thus making Japan dependent on foreign sources. This is unacceptable. Agents are to venture to both the Brazilian Empire and British Africa to attempt to retrieve plant samples and convey them back to the empire. Preferably this will be done both by seed and juvenile plant samples to ensure maximum success. Upon successful retrieval we will begin establishing rubber plantations in the Southern Islands. Given enough time our production is predicted to rival if not outstrip the current sources.
07.) Sign Anti-Pirate Legislation. The penalty for Piracy is death. Any pirates caught will be executed. Given the naval nature of Japan's empire, any disruptive activity on sea commerce is unacceptable and our position on this is to be made perfectly clear.
08.) List "Prime Minister Tanaka Masayoshi" as leader.

Assign 30 IO Divisions and 30 Divisions to the Manchurian Line. Their task is to defend the border against possible Russian incursion.
02.) Assign 10 Divisions and 30 Squadrons to Korea and Manchuria.
03.) Assign 10 Divisions and 30 Squadrons to Gaoxiong.
04.) Assign 5 Divisions and 20 Squadrons to Home Isles.
05.) Assign 5 Divisions and 20 Squadrons to Hawaii.
06.) Assign 10 Divisions and 30 Squadrons to the Philippines and the Southern Islands.
07.) All forces on Medium Alert, Defensive Posture. Naval Units are to run fractions of their number as anti-piracy patrols.

Spoiler Japanese Empire, 1782 Orders :
Spoiler Stats :
Japanese Empire
Capital: Kyoto
Ruler: Prime Minister Tanaka Masayoshi/Symphony D.
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary with Exceptions
Tech. Level: Middle Industrial Age
Army (Training): 70 divisions (Elite+1), 30 Ikkitousennonimusha divisions
Navy (Training): 130 squadrons (Elite), 10 sub squadrons (Better), 2 capital ships (Good)
Air Force (Training): 5 squadrons (Normal)
Economy: Rich (+3)
Size (points required): Large (4)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant+1/Good
Infrastructure: Efficient
Education: Enlightenment
Living Standards: Higher
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Nation Personified
Projects: Project Seizoujo (SECRET) (1/8)

01.) Receive Control of the Cocos / Keeling Islands
from HRE if it wasn't done already (and just not displayed on the map). If it was, then display it on the map.
02.) Receive 1EP from Sulia in Exchange for Advisors (16 > 17EP). Send them various sorts of advisors and technicians, both military and civilian. Make an assessment of the infrastructure and institution and what can be done to improve them, and make some token corrections where possible. Obviously, it will require investment on the part of the Sulians to actually implement real reform, but it should be easier.
03.) Send Advisors to the Malikate of Egypt. Same assortment as with Sulia. We shall receive payment for this at a later date. (OOC: Luckymoose might say to sign an Alliance - I never agreed to such a thing, only offered trade agreements, so do not list any such Alliance)
04.) Send Advisors to the Kandid Persian Shahdom. Same assortment as with Sulia and Egypt. We shall receive payment for this at a later date.
05.) Sign Trade Agreement with Kandid Persian Shahdom. We will agree to lower import taxes a slight degree for each others goods, work to remove basic trade restrictions, and so forth.

Spend 3EP (17 > 14EP) on EL (Rich (+3) > Very Rich (+3)). Do this by building up an expanded suite of biological assets in the south, chiefly by expanding Coffee, Tea, and Rubber production to levels comparable to those of other spices.
02.) Spend 1EP (14 > 13EP) on Project Seizoujo (1/8 > 2/8).
03.) Spend 2EP (13 > 11EP) on Flamethrower Research. This is to be a study into not just what is necessary to delivery a combustable liquid onto a target (pressurization systems, nozzles, so forth), and the kind of design necessary to create an effective weapon, but also what sorts of liquids and chemicals are best suited to the purpose, tying the project in with ongoing chemical research projects. Weapons capable of setting the opposition on fire have been theorized not just of being capable of dislodging entrenched opponents, but of also serving as excellent defensive weapons in larger configurations.
04.) Spend 2EP (11 > 9EP) on Wireless / Voice Communications Research. This is to be a study into methods of communicating across large or short distances without the use of wires, which presents a multitude of possibilities for communication both military and civilian, as well as into a method of transmitting voice messages across an electric medium, either wired or wireless, which presents similar such possibilities.
05.) Spend 3EP (9 > 6EP) on Inch'on-Seoul Trade Center. Inch'on and Seoul, two sister cities in the southern half of the Korean peninsula, prevent a unique opportunity. Inch'on has long been a good harbor, with good river access to Seoul, a long-standing population center of the peninsula. By promoting planned, heavy industrial growth within Seoul, and both importing raw materials by sea and extracting finished goods at Inch'on, a dependable and strong manufacturing center for various assorted goods can be developed there, in compliment to the vast trading facilities at Pusan further south.
06.) Spend 2EP (6 > 4EP) on Akita Trade Center. Akita represents one of the few great strategic resource locations in the Home Isles. It is known to contain some of the richest copper ore deposits, and within its vicinity are also large quantities of sulfur, lead, and manganese. The surrounding area is also rich in quality timber, and its lowlands are fertile and capable of supporting a wide variety of crops. By developing its mineral and timber production in augmentation to its foodstuffs, it could very easily become a center of basic resource production (OOC: It also doesn't hurt, since I'm snooping around for oil, and that holes are already being dug in the place, to know that it holds Japan's largest oil fields).
07.) Spend 2EP (4 > 2EP) on Submarine Training (Better > Elite). Given the submarine force is rather small in size at this time, it is estimated that expanding upon its training will greatly boost its comparative skill. (OOC: 10 Squadrons = 1/2 Training Cost = 2x Level from 1EP, 2EP = 4x Level)
08.) Spend 2EP (2 > 0EP) on Capital Ship Training (Good > Elite+1). Give the capital ship fleet is rather small at this time, it is estimated that expanding upon its training will greatly boost its comparative skill. (OOC: 2 Cap Ships = 10 Squadrons = 1/2 Training Cost = 2x Level from 1EP, 2EP = 4x Level)

01.) Continue Oil Exploration Surveys
. 1EP Invested, 1 Turn Run.
02.) Continue Chemical Research Initiative. 3EP Invested, 1 Turn Run.
03.) Continue Machinegun / Automatic Rifle Research. 2EP Invested, 1 Turn Run.
04.) Continue Attempts to Attract Foreign Intellectual Elite. 1 Turn Run.
05.) Continue Educational Facility Emphasis. Begin various minor government projects (eg: Student Loans) to encourage the common person to pursue a higher education if possible, and to help foster the gradual development of a more skilled workforce.
06.) Continue Naicho Infiltration of Neighboring Nations. 1 Turn Run.

Assign 30 IO Divisions and 30 Divisions to the Manchurian Line. Their task is to defend the border against possible Russian incursion.
02.) Assign 10 Divisions, 30 Squadrons, 4 Submarine Squadrons, and 1 Capital Ship to Korea and Manchuria.
03.) Assign 10 Divisions, 30 Squadrons, 3 Submarine Squadrons, and 1 Capital Ship to Gaoxiong.
04.) Assign 5 Divisions and 20 Squadrons to Home Isles.
05.) Assign 5 Divisions and 20 Squadrons to Hawaii.
06.) Assign 10 Divisions, 30 Squadrons, and 4 Submarine Squadrons to the Philippines and the Southern Islands.
07.) All forces on Medium Alert, Defensive Posture. Naval Units are to run fractions of their number as anti-piracy patrols.

Spoiler Japanese Empire, 1783 Orders :
Spoiler Stats :
Japanese Empire
Capital: Kyoto
Ruler: Prime Minister Tanaka Masayoshi/Symphony D.
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary with Exceptions
Tech. Level: Middle Industrial Age
Army (Training): 70 divisions (Elite+1), 30 Ikkitousennonimusha divisions
Navy (Training): 130 squadrons (Elite), 10 sub squadrons (Elite+2), 2 capital ships (Elite+1)
Air Force (Training): 5 squadrons (Normal)
Economy: Very Rich (+3)
Size (points required): Large (4)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant+1/Good
Infrastructure: Efficient
Education: Enlightenment
Living Standards: Higher
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Nation Personified
Projects: Project Seizoujo (SECRET) (2/8)

01.) Receive 1EP (17 > 18) from Sulia for Advisors
. Since apparently payment was not rendered last turn (OOC: or, if it was, neither I nor Kentharu know for sure - personally I'd presume it was, since I got everything I asked for, but just in case). In return, expand Advisory Corps activities. Chiefly focus the expansion onto the civilian aspects such as construction and administration.

Spend 3EP (18 > 15EP) on EL (Very Rich (+3) > Richer (+4)). Continue expansion of biological assets in the south (interlace the various products together in any given geographic region so that the loss of one location in the event of a war would not cripple production) and exploration and exploitation of oil resources in the north.
02.) Spend 3EP (15 > 12EP) on Project Seizoujo ((2/8) > (4/8)).
03.) Spend 1EP (12 > 11EP) on Inch'on-Seoul Trade Center to complete it.
04.) Spend 1EP (11 > 10EP) on IO Growth (30 > 35 Divisions).
05.) Spend 2EP (10 > 8EP) on Submarine Force Size (10 > 20 Sub Squadrons).
06.) Spend 1EP (8 > 7EP) on Capital Ship Force Size (2 > 3 Capital Ships).
07.) Spend 1EP (7 > 6EP) on Air Force Training (Normal > Professional). The Air Force at this time is exceedingly small and so investiture and refinement in methods is expected to produce dramatic effects. (OOC: 5 x 4 = 20, 20 = 1 TR Level, 5 = 4 TR Levels)
08.) Spend 2EP (6 > 4EP) on Heavier-Than-Air Aircraft Research. A directive to attempt to isolate via engineering and scientific method what is necessary for a vehicle capable of flying under its own power. It is theorized such vehicles, being less bulky and far smaller than lumbering airships, would also be capable of far greater speads and maneueverability, much as the eagle is far more deft than a balloon. As such, they would quickly render their predecessors obsolete as well developed, and potentially could be useful for any number of applications. They are therefore of supreme interest.
09.) Spend 2EP (4 > 2EP) on Semi-Armored / Armored Motorized Vehicle Research. The internal combustion engine has been demonstrated to have potentially far-reaching implications as a compact and efficient locomotor for land transportation. Although Japan is a Naval empire, by and large, its strategic concerns often put it on land, and as such any decesive advantage there is to be sought. The development of armored fighting vehicles capable of operating large weaponry, effectively functioning as mobile bunkers, and semi-armored transports capable of conveying troops rapidly and with protection and light-to-medium weapons, is therefore a high priority.
10.) Spend 2EP (2 > 0EP) on Military Logistics.

01.) Continue Oil Exploration Surveys
. Although sufficient resources have been located at present, continuing to find further sources will be to our benefit as part of strategic depth. 1EP Invested, 2 Turns Run.
02.) Continue Chemical Research Initiative. As more of the Hiroshima Arsenal is completed and research teams become better established, expertise is expected to gradually increase. 3EP Invested, 2 Turns Run.
03.) Continue Machine Gun / Automatic Rifle Research. 2EP Invested, 2 Turns Run.
04.) Continue Flamethrower Research. 2EP Invested, 1 Turn Run.
05.) Continue Wireless / Voice Communications Research. 2EP Invested, 1 Turn Run.
07.) Continue Infiltration.

Assign 30 IO Divisions and 30 Divisions to the Manchurian Line. Their task is to defend the border against possible Russian incursion.
02.) Assign 10 Divisions, 30 Squadrons, 4 Submarine Squadrons, and 1 Capital Ship to Korea and Manchuria.
03.) Assign 10 Divisions, 30 Squadrons, 3 Submarine Squadrons, and 1 Capital Ship to Gaoxiong.
04.) Assign 5 Divisions and 20 Squadrons to Home Isles.
05.) Assign 5 Divisions and 20 Squadrons to Hawaii.
06.) Assign 10 Divisions, 30 Squadrons, and 3 Submarine Squadrons, and 1 Capital Ship to the Philippines and the Southern Islands.
07.) All forces on Medium Alert, Defensive Posture. Naval Units are to run fractions of their number as anti-piracy patrols.
And it was here that they began becoming really long again as the number of things that had to be taken care of just expanded enormously.

Spoiler Japanese Empire, 1784 Orders :
01.) Disengage from HRE Defensive System
. Say that Japan has new avenues in which to explore which require it having a free hand.
02.) If China Sends Officials To Assist in Locating Rebellion in Manchuria, Accept Them. They did offer, and we did agree, however they never replied, so we are unsure if they are sending them or not.
03.) Begin Cooperation with Imperial Officials on Piracy. Find their investigative team, wherever it might be, and bring it into communication with ours. The separation of ways is irrelevant on the matter of a threat to the national security of both our nations.
04.) Continue Sending Advisors to Sulia, Persia, and Egypt. We have only been paid by two of the three and their strategic interest remains high, so we will continue expanding our role.
05.) Send a Diplomatic Corps to Badawistan. Although we have had no official dialogue with that nation as of yet, do it anyway to increase our presence in the Indian Ocean.
06.) Send a Diplomatic Corps to the South Sea Company. They haven't responded to us even after we responded to their overtures to talk, but we will appear to be friendly until we invade them later this year anyway, just to catch them off guard.

01.) Expand the Naikaku Jouho Chousahorsehockeysu
. Due to increasing security concerns and a gradual expansion of responsibilities, the Naicho must grow to compensate. It will be expanded into an agency responsible for presenting its findings to the Diet, instead of exclusively to the Prime Minister, and will be given an official Cabinet position: the Minister of Intelligence.
02.) Alter Internal Naicho Structure. The Naicho as a whole is to be broken up into 13 Sections, each specifically designed to counter a specific threat or group of threats to the Japanese Empire, such as Counterfeiting, Anti-Terrorism, Intelligence, Counter-Intelligence, and so forth. They are to remain under a single overarching command structure and in communication with one another but are to specialize on their specific fields.
03.) Designate Special Naicho Section 9. Unknown to the other Sections, the Naicho Command Structure, or the Minister of Intelligence, and indeed to all but the Prime Minister, Section 9 will have an alternate function in addition to their existing definition of "Field Operations". Their role, specifically, in addition to carrying out "wet work" will be to spy on the rest of the agency and ensure its loyalty. Watchers watching the watchers, as it were. They will report their findings directly to the Prime Minister - as a sort of Naicho-in-miniature.
04.) Continue Naicho Infiltration of Neighbors. Slowly but steadily continue to increase our knowledge of surrounding nations in the Pacific. Gradually begin small-scale efforts on neighbors in the Indian Ocean as well.
06.) Dismantle the Manchurian Insurgency. The Naicho are also to be especially tasked to begin discovering, watching, analyzing, and eliminating whatever elements in Manchuria are causing unrest. This is to be a quiet and secret little war. If any other nationalities are found to be involved, or known terrorist cells, such as the Egalists, or whether it is just homegrown nationalism, we will learn of it. Disruptions similar to those that have wracked France are unacceptable. Find the source and decapitate it, figuratively if not literally as well.
07.) Expand Anti-Piracy Legislation. Anyone of any nationality found pursuing piracy within or near Japanese waters will not only be summarily executed upon capture but any relatives discovered will be fined to the maximum extent punishable under the law. "Near" will hereby be defined as "250 Nautical Miles". Make this very public.
08.) Investigate South Seas Piracy. The Naicho, in conjunction with the French and the Japanese Navy, is to begin to look into who or whom, exactly, is behind these pirate operations, why they have our technology, and what their aims are, as well as how to eliminate them.
09.) Screen Government Officials for Security. The Naicho is also to begin investigations into how our technology was stolen as this carries major implications for our current research projects. They are to sift through the entire government, identify potentially disloyal elements, observe them, and if they are found to be corrupt, extract whatever possible intelligence from them before eliminating them. We have neither the time nor patience for traitors.
10.) Tighten Security on Research Projects. Just do what is necessary to secure them from prying eyes.
11.) Pass Comprehensive Education Legislation. Although our population is amongst the best and brightest in the world, put to vote a new legislation package for government aid for education, including student loans, government aide, subsidy of underdeveloped schools, and so forth. Although we are not introducing major funding at this time, implement the tools to further do so at a later date.
12.) Modify Imperial Education Standards. Begin a program of gradually tweaking the materials taught throughout the empire to bring them into line with the Home Isles and gradually remove nationalist thought from the consciousness of younger citizens. We can ill afford continued repeats of Manchuria.

Spend 4EP (19 > 15EP) on EL (Richer (+4) > Richest (+4)). Continue expansion of biological (rubber, coffee, tea, et al) and chemical (oil) assets toward and beyond levels of self-sufficiency.
02.) Spend 7EP (15 > 8EP) on Project Seizoujo (4/8 > 8/8), completing it (+Hiroshima [Centralized R&D] and Nagoya [Centralized Naval Production] Arsenals and ECs).
03.) Spend 2EP (8 > 6EP) on Army Size (70 > 80 Divisions).
04.) Spend 1EP (6 > 5EP) on IO Size (35 > 40 Divisions).
05.) Spend 2EP (5 > 3EP) on Capital Ship Force Size (3 > 5 Capital Ships)
06.) Spend 2EP (3 > 1EP) on Air Force Size (5 > 15 Squadrons).
07.) Spend 1EP (1 > 0EP) on Military Logistics. This is in addition to the 2EP spent on it last turn which was not utilized - the supplies are still sitting around, having been requisitioned, and it is estimated that should provide a minimum of 2EP worth, if not the full 3EP, as Military Forces do not need that much logistically when they are sitting around inactive. Regardless between the two it should be sufficient to execute our campaigns.

NOTE: On projects and such, I was previously listing the turns completed prior to the update the orders cover. For the sake of clarity, I am now listing how many turns will be completed with the update orders cover. IE: CRI started in 1781, and has run through 1784 as of this update, and is 4 under proper counting, now 3. Just as a heads up.

01.) Continue Oil Exploration Surveys
. Particularly given that we are looking to acquire new lands this turn, there are new avenues to explore in. 1EP Invested, 4 Turns Run.
02.) Continue Chemical Research Initiative. Relocate the bulk of the research to Hiroshima to allow easier communication and cross-pollination of ideas with other research projects. 3EP Invested, 4 Turns Run.
03.) Continue Machinegun / Automatic Rifle Research. Move the research to Hiroshima and also begin field testing the newest prototypes with the Japanese Army to determine their effectiveness and what else needs to be worked on. 2EP Invested, 4 Turns Run.
04.) Continue Flamethrower Research. Move the research to Hiroshima. It is likely to have the greatest connection with another research project, specifically, the Chemical Research Initiative, due to the necessity for finding a suitable combustible agent. 2EP Invested, 3 Turns Run.
05.) Continue Wireless / Voice Communication Research. Likewise move the research to Hiroshima. There is perhaps some cross-research to be done with the Chemical Research group given the nature of the components. 2EP Invested, 3 Turns Run.
06.) Continue Heavier-Than-Air Aircraft Research. Relocate to Hiroshima. This is likely to have some ties to both the SA/AMV project listed below, Flamethrowers, and Chemicals due to the nature of the combustion engine it would inherently utilize, as well as the weapons projects since they are likely to be what's mounted.
07.) Continue Semi-Armored / Armored Motorized Vehicle Research. Relocate to Hiroshima. As mentioned above, this is likely to have links to several other projects, and the sharing of ideas between them all is likely to accelerate and improve their individual development.
08.) Continue Student Exchange Programs. Particularly to other “bright” countries.
09.) Continue Attracting Foreign Intellectuals. With the finalization of the Hiroshima facilities, which are unparalleled, anywhere else in the world, we should have the bait necessary to draw more researchers to our cause.

01.) Begin Construction of New Environmental Training Facilities
. Given the length and breadth of the Japanese Empire and its varied environs, the creation of facilities designed to train soldiers for specific environments seems prudent. Their general locations and functions are as follows: Sakhalin – Tundra, Hokkaido – Alpine, Shikoku – Temperate / Urban, Ryukyu – Subtropical, Sulawesi – Jungle. It is expected that as terrain grows, new terrain types (like Desert) will become available.
02.) Begin Laying Groundwork for Vast Storage Depot Facilities. It has become clear the Japanese Empire’s strategic depth carries with it a great advantage: with the thousands of islands we control, it is possible to construct strategic storage facilities that would be exceedingly difficult for any enemy to reach, let alone know of. We intend to construct these to form a great strategic reserve in times of war, and as such, must know of the best locations. Two locations, the Ogasawara Islands and Iwo Jima, are already prime candidates. We will locate more this year in preparation for construction.

Assign 10 IO Divisions 30 Divisions, and 10 Air Squadrons to the Manchurian Line. Their task is to defend the border against possible Russian incursion.
02.) Assign 10 Divisions, 25 Squadrons, 3 Submarine Squadrons, and 1 Capital Ship to Korea and Manchuria.
03.) Assign 10 Divisions, 25 Squadrons, and 3 Submarine Squadrons to Gaoxiong.
04.) Assign 5 Squadrons and 1 Submarine Squadron to Home Isles.
05.) Assign 5 Squadrons and 1 Submarine Squadron to Hawaii.
06.) Assign 5 Divisions, 10 Squadrons, and 2 Submarine Squadrons to the Philippines and the Southern Islands.
07.) All forces on High Alert, Defensive Posture. Naval Units are to run fractions of their number as anti-piracy patrols.

MILITARY OPERATION “Tsuchi”: (Lit. “Sledgehammer”) We have long abstained from operations in Australia for fear of antagonizing the French of provoking tensions within the Alliance. Both these fears are now removed, with their withdrawal from the area and declaration of war on Britain, and our own exit from the alliance. As such, operations may begin in earnest against the South Sea Company. Our forces will utilize the island of (New Caledonia) as headquarters for the duration of this campaign, which is sufficiently far away to allow for buildup yet sufficiently close to conduct operations from. It is to begin in late Winter, in perhaps say, the late January to early February.

Allocated Forces: 50 Squadrons, 5 Submarine Squadrons, 3 Capital Ships, 20 IO Divisions, 30 Divisions, 5 Air Squadrons

All forces involved excepting air squadrons are to set out from (New Caledonia). The first group to split will be Force North consisting of 7 IO Divisions, 10 Divisions, 15 Squadrons, 2 Submarine Squadrons, and 1 Capital Ship. Their objective is (Townsville). Indicated in light blue is the approximate location of the Great Barrier Reef. It is to be avoided for obvious reasons. They are to stay out of sight of the shore until just before making their final approach on (Townsville). By this time, the majority if not the entirety of the French garrison should be evacuated, as they tend to be decently efficient. Sink any and all SSC ships that look remotely militarily inclined. Take the city by amphibious assault and try not to kill people who don’t resist when possible. They are to be assisted by the 5 Air Squadrons from (New Caledonia) who are generally to make themselves useful by bombing any and all SSC forces found outside the city, or anywhere within the region, generally. Care is to be taken not to damage the city proper.
Ib.) The second force, Force West, consisting of 7 IO Divisions, 10 Divisions, 20 Squadrons, 2 Submarine Squadrons, and , and will break off and head for Sydney. Similarly, it is to stay out of sight until its final approach, and similarly make itself known by blasting its way through their Navy in dock. The Submarines are to be sent in advance to sink ships in berth if possible, if not, just blow them up as they come out. Take the city by amphibious assault, again the Naval backup as fire support, and be careful not to do too much harm to the city itself. Accidentally killing French soldiers is less of a concern here so they can be a little more liberal but try not to kill many civilians.
Ic.) The third force, Force East, consisting of 6 IO Divisions, 10 Divisions, 15 Squadrons, 1 Submarine Squadron, and 1 Capital Ship are to do much the same at Motueka. All the same as the other two, try and take it intact.
Id.) Once the Naval landings are complete, all Naval forces are to generally sweep the Tasman Sea, Bass Strait, and Southern Ocean of any sort of SSC Naval presence. No surprises – if it’s theirs and flies a military jack, sink it.
IIa.) Sweep New Zealand’s Southern Island. Enlist the help of any surviving Maori to overthrow their former oppressors if possible. Resistance should be somewhat light. Be advised of these “Stay-at home Civil and Domestic Security and Defense Guard” we have heard of.
IIb.) Similarly, take the Eastern Coast of Australia. Move quickly and pacify all serious opposition. Linkup is expected somewhere around the former French and SSC border.
IIIa.) Once South Island is taken pool nearby Naval resources and invade North Island with roughly half of Force East. Transport the other half to Australia to help Force North and Force West.
IIIb.) Meanwhile, on the mainland, spread out and take all major population centers. With most of the SSC military (hopefully) destroyed in the opening stages of the campaign and French withdrawal from the region, the north at least should be in a virtual power vacuum. At this stage proclaim the annexation of all former SSC territories (which, should include former French Australia) and its integration into the Japanese empire, by force, if necessary. Especially take care of those Egalist prisoners; shoot them if they make trouble.

MILITARY OPERATION “Hari”: (Lit. Needle) Meanwhile, we will also be doing away with the British presence in the Pacific as well, since they have lost virtually all capability of projecting power and have quite more important things to defend at the moment. Shouldn’t be terribly painful, but war is never a cakewalk so our forces should be alert and methodical.

Allocated Forces: 10 Squadrons, 5 Submarine Squadrons, 1 Capital Ship, 10 IO Divisions, 5 Divisions

From Fiji, invade the Samoan and Tonga Islands. Blast, sink, or shoot all opposition. Once they are clear, proceed east.
II.) Do the same at the Tuamoto Archipelago and the Pitcarin Group. Take them by force. Once they are clear, proceed east.
III.) Do likewise at Easter Island. That will conclude our Pacific island-hopping spree and it is believed the Americans will finish the rest in Patagonia.
1785 was about as long. Together they're just long enough so they don't fit in one post. But it wasn't the worst yet.

Spoiler Japanese Empire, 1785 Orders :
01.) Send the HRE Examples of Each of Our Rifles, Flamethrowers, and Machineguns - Receive Example of Their Armored Car
. As part of the old deal involving the transfer of Java and the Cocos Islands, we will send them our first two "inventions" as promised. The transfer of the third item is a recent deal designed to secure their new technology which will be of use to us. For security reasons, all manuals and instructions are to be printed in EUA-style Spanish (no doubt we have a few loyals who speak the language and can translate fairly accurately somewhere in the empire) and with replicas of their official government documentation when possible. We will also send these units from a location within the EUA (See Also: ESPIONAGE POLICY Item 08). To further add to this appearance, the HRE has been instructed to reference the EUA in all official dealings.
02.) Send the Byzantines Examples of Our Rifles In Return for 2EP. (24 > 26EP) We have decided to surreptitiously arm one side of the conflict in terms of cash. They have likewise been informed, and the same measures are to be taken as with the HRE regarding attached manuals et al.
03.) Send the Kingdom of Finland Examples of Our Rifles In Return for 1EP Now, 1EP Later. (26 > 27EP) Finland has not been informed, and so with our sample will go an attaché who will inform them on site. So long as it is not imminently discernable where these weapons truly originate from a cursory overview of their records by spies, that is sufficient. Again, manuals and so forth are all to be done in Spanish.
04.) Send the PUNF Examples of our Rifles in Return for 2EP. (27 > 29EP) The PUNF has likewise not been informed so they will also have an attaché who will inform them on site, along with the manuals and so forth.
05.) Send the Union of Scandinavia Examples of Our Rifles in Return for 2EP. (29 > 31EP) The Scandinavians have not been informed, so they too get attaches in addition to "standard" manuals and such.
06.) Send the Krakow Union Examples of Our Rifles in Return for 1EP Now, 1EP Later. (31 > 32EP) The Krakowians have been informed, and so will just get the "standard" manuals.
07.) Receive 3EP For Advisory Functions and Weapons Shipments to the Kandid Persian Shahdom. (32 > 35EP) As part of our outset deal they agreed to pay us within 3 years - this is that. Also, we are sending them copies of our Rifles, as well as some other minor assorted weapon designs such as Gattlings (not Machineguns), grenades, and mortars. They have been told to reference the HRE as their armaments source in any documents, and like everybody else will get manuals written in Spanish with EUA styling. How confusing.
08.) Continue Advisory Functions in the Kandid Persian Shahdom. As the one Indian power that has retained its sense, and in the interests of further cooperation, we will continue our assorted dealings here.
09.) Withdraw Advisors from Malikate of Egypt and Sulia. Since both nations in question are combat zones or very shortly will become such, we are pulling out all our advisory staff ASAP. Casualties as bystanders in war is unacceptable. Issue an advisory for all other Imperial citizens to likewise depart.
10.) Continue Foreign Exchange Programs. Particularly to be targeted are other "bright" nations, chiefly: the Holy Roman Empire, China, EUA, and Union of Scandinavia.
11.) Spend 1EP Establishing Foreign Affairs Slush-Fund, Use This to Attract Foreign Scientists and Intellectuals. (35 > 34EP) The EUA has thus far won the "Brain Drain War" due to its more familiar culture and proximity. However, money speaks to every culture. We will use our extensive funding to try and outbid them by offering cushy salaries and bonuses to researchers who side with our nation. See that progress is made.

01.) Continue Removal of Manchurian Insurrection
. Just keep doing what we've been doing. Tend to target leaders rather than followers; decapitation of leadership elements (literally or figuratively) generally leaves the rest disorganized and comparatively harmless. Infiltration will assist greatly in this.
02.) Find Out Everything Possible About Suppliers and Leadership. Torture them. Do whatever it takes. I want answers as to who, if anyone, is backing them. If it turns out to be no one, oh well then.
03.) Continue Investigation of Pirates. They are obviously of international origin, with outside backing. Naicho are to work with the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), the Navy proper, and the French as part of a three-pronged effort to discover their origins, their bases of operation, and how they have gotten equipment closely resembling ours. We will find and destroy them or be in a position to do so next year. We expect results.
04.) Keep Tabs on Terra Australis Egalists. They might be appreciative of us for now but they are still exceptionally dangerous. They will integrate and function with our empire, or there will rather be some problems for them. We will not stand for them causing trouble for us or using Terra Australis as a safe haven to cause problems elsewhere. On that note, come up with some new name for the territory (perhaps Goushuu).
06.) Continue Government Screening. To get such detailed information on our ships, there must have been an inside source. It will be found, made to talk, and them eliminated. Again - results.
08.) Set Up "Shipping Company" in San Francisco. To fulfill the illusion that the weapons all these nations are getting are indeed from the EUA, establish some small, inconspicuous shipping company in San Francisco. It can be a real business or a fake one, it hardly matters - just ensure that our "packages" get there and then to wherever they're going. Since we will be sending, at most, a few crates to any one of our clients (we never said we were totally arming them - we said we were giving them the technology; meaning, a couple dozen samples at most, which they then have to replicate, otherwise I would be making no money - and I have to spend lots to arm my army so they should too) it should be possible to do this rather covertly without attracting much suspicion.

01.) Finalize Naicho Restructuring
. I would expect after two years that they would be ready to resume operations at efficiency higher than previously.
02.) Continue Educational Legislation. Modify it so that it interfaces with Project Kafukin to ensure an easier progression.
03.) Implement Standard Imperial Policy in Terra Australis / New England / New Pacific Holdings. All the standards. Signs will be printed in Japanese, English, and French, but only Japanese will be taught in school, et cetera - do not provoke them, just modify their educational systems such that within a generation they will "think" like the rest of the Empire does. Be subtle about it like elsewhere.

Spend 4EP (34 > 30EP) on EL (Richest (+4) > Economic Powerhouse (+5)). Expand our biological and petrochemical assets into the newly conquered territories of Terra Australis. Look for other ways to make them profitable as well, including mining (our large reserves of geologists should help here) and grazing of animals like sheep or cows.
02.) Spend 1EP (30 > 29EP) on Project Kafukin (0/? > 1/?). This will be a coordinated effort between the government and private businesses and institutions to improve the civil infrastructure of the Empire (+2 Education, +2 Infrastructure). By merging the resources and authority of the government together with the efficiency and speed of the private industry to undertake such an endeavor, it should be possible to finish it quicker and cheaper with no appreciable loss in quality than otherwise. The chief aim will be bringing the outlying areas of the Empire up to par with its core, and upgrading the core to meet modern demands and those for the foreseeable future as well.
03.) Spend 4EP (29 > 25EP) on Decentralized Storage Depot System. This will be the construction of numerous, vast storage facilities throughout the empire - Tsushima, Iwo Jima, Ogasawara, Christmas Island, Guam, Tasmania, the Philippine Sea, Midway, Rabaul, and so forth. They will tend to be smaller islands that are fairly concealed or otherwise unnoteworthy, though facilities in larger locations will also exist - they will also be highly distributed so that destruction of the entire system would be exceedingly difficult. Their purpose will be to serve as vast repositories of equipment and strategic resources in the event of actual military campaigns and wartime emergency. The effect of this will be +1EP of Logistics Per Turn Added to Any EP Spent on Logistics. In effect, 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3, and so forth (OOC: Option 1). This is to be concealed as best as possible so it is not exactly clear what's occurring.
04.) Spend 2EP (25 > 23) on Chemical Research Initiative in addition to previous spending. As part of a three-pronged effort to catch-up and surpass the EUA in this field, we will allocate a new influx of spending into CRI to stimulate further advance, as well as other measures. See Also: RESEARCH POLICY Item 02.
05.) Spend 2EP (23 > 21) on Heavier-Than-Air Aircraft Research in addition to previous spending. See Also: RESEARCH POLICY Item 03.
06.) Spend 2EP (21 > 19) on Semi-Armored / Armored Motorized Vehicle Research in addition to previous spending. See Also: RESEARCH POLICY Item 04.
07.) Spend 3EP (19 > 16) on Advanced Weapons Program. This will fold in previous infantry weapons research into a single program. See Also: RESEARCH POLICY Item 06.
08.) Spend 6EP (16 > 10EP) on New Model Infantry Program. This will be an effort to mass-produce our latest weapons and field them out through all our ground-based forces, along with items found to be effective during the last war (hand grenades, helmets, bayonets, so forth). The combined communications and weapons effect will give our infantry tremendous advantages on a squad-to-squad or company-to-company basis and as a cumulative whole will make our forces amongst the very best if not the best in the world.
09.) Spend 3EP (10 > 7EP) on Army Growth (75 > 90 Divisions).
10.) Spend 3EP (7 > 4EP) on Submarine Growth (19 > 34 Submarine Squadrons).
11.) Spend 1EP (4 > 3EP) on Capital Ship Growth (5 > 6 Capital Ships).
12.) Spend 3EP (3 > 0EP) on Air Force Growth (15 > 30 Air Squadrons).

NOTE: If somebody doesn't send, chop the Capital Ships, followed by the Subs, then the Blimps, in that order, as necessary to compensate. If it goes higher than that, well, I'll be angry.

01.) Continue Oil Exploration Surveys
. Given the vast stretches of territory acquired in Terra Australis, begin surveys there. Since we're poking holes in the ground randomly, also look for minerals or ores of value as well. 1EP Invested, 5 Turns Run
02.) Continue Chemical Research Initiative. With the new funding poured into the project directly, into securing the services of additional talented researches, we expect to make major advances in the field within the next few years. 5EP Invested, 5 Turns Run.
03.) Continue Heavier-Than-Air Aircraft Research. We are interested in getting working prototypes of effective war machines operational as soon as possible to counter the rising threat of lighter-than-air Airpower developing in our neighbors. We have also received reports that the Russian Oborona project is in fact an effort to develop a working heavier-than-air transport. As far as we can deduce our own technology in that field is the most advanced in the world. Even if we do not immediately derive a vehicle useful for combat purposes, the completion of the first "airplane" would serve as a major technological coup that would bring glory to Japan. Even if we should fail to get the first plane airborne, studying the Russian design should it appear would provide great insight into what remains to be achieved. 4EP Invested, 3 Turns Run.
04.) Continue Semi-Armored / Armored Motorized Vehicle Research. The influxes of funding we have allocated along with the arrival of the HRE's prototype Armored Car should enable us to compare notes, find its deficiencies, and integrate what we have learned with our own lighter line of armored vehicles. These lessons might also be of some merit to the heavier line as well. 4EP Invested, 3 Turns Run.
05.) Continue Wireless / Voice Communication Research. Although we have had major breakthroughs in wireless communication (telecommunication; koushin), it is still rather tedious in terms of at least military communication. Finding a way to transmit voice signals would enable much more rapid communication and relay or receipt of orders in chaotic situations. Our research is therefore to progress along voice communication and improvement of the new wireless technology. 2EP Invested, 4 Turns Run.
06.) Start Advanced Weapons Program. This will be an effort to take our existing advances in weaponry, and create a whole new generation of weapons to continue to play our edge to our advantage. Among these are action-less repeating rifles and "submachineguns" - by taking the recoiling nature used to drive the machinegun and miniaturizing it, along with the clip technology already found on smaller weapons, it should be possible to build guns which can reload themselves, allowing incredibly high rates of fire. This would enable rifles similar to today’s with higher greater shots per minute, or perhaps even handheld weapons capable of achieving similar fire rates to a machinegun (with decreased range and accuracy, most likely). New generations of machineguns proper, flamethrowers pistols and various other support weapons (shotguns, sniper rifles, so forth) also present themselves, along with refinements of more basic infantry weapons such as knives, bayonets (perhaps integrate the two), grenades, and so forth, also present themselves. Close work with ground forces to meet their needs is obviously a high priority. Oh yes - flamethrower towers. Like those Soviet ones from Red Alert. It'd be fairly simple to lower and retract them into concrete pillboxes mechanically to prevent them from being shot up from a distance - engineer something like that too. Also apply these new handheld weapons technologies to larger weapons to see if anything meaningful can be achieved (better artillery, etc). 3EP Invested, 1 Turn Run.
07.) Pick Up South Sea Company Research. It mostly appears to have been useless but take what little they had on poisons, neurotoxins, etc, or whatever exactly it is they did have, and fold it into our Chemistry program. It might be of some tangential benefit. No continuing of human testing at this time, though.

Assign 30 IO Divisions 40 Divisions, and 20 Air Squadrons to the Manchurian Line. Their task is to defend the border against possible Russian incursion.
02.) Assign 10 Divisions, 4 IO Divisions, 30 Squadrons, 10 Submarine Squadrons, 2 Capital Ships, and 5 Air Squadrons to Korea and Manchuria.
03.) Assign 10 Divisions, 4 IO Divisions, 30 Squadrons, 10 Submarine Squadrons, 2 Capital Ships, and 5 Air Squadrons to Gaoxiong.
04.) Assign 10 Divisions, 8 Squadrons, and 1 Submarine Squadrons to Home Isles.
05.) Assign 10 Divisions, 30 Squadrons, 4 Submarine Squadrons, and 1 Capital Ship to Hawaii.
06.) Assign 10 Divisions, 30 Squadrons, 4 Submarine Squadrons, and 1 Capital Ship to the Philippines and the Southern Possessions (Terra Australis etc).
07.) All forces on High Alert, Defensive Posture. Naval Units are to run fractions of their number as anti-piracy patrols and cooperate with ONI, HRE, and Naicho in rooting out information on the pirates.
08.) Send IO Recruiters and Officers to the South Pacific to investigate the Maori people. Their warrior tribes may be of some use to us... speak with them about Bushido and see what the responses are. If they are favorable, see about beginning to indoctrinate them.
1786 was really hauling out the big guns. Tossing together all sorts of domestic and other things with combat operations just makes things huge. Strangely, as can be seen later in 1787 and 1788, even when the textual detail is still cut down, they remain fairly large. This is why I put some stock into the "large nations require larger orders" theory.

Spoiler Japanese Empire, 1786 Orders :
Spoiler :
Japanese Empire
Capital: Kyoto
Ruler: Prime Minister Tanaka Masayoshi/Symphony D.
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary with Exceptions
Tech. Level: Late Industrial Age
Army (Training): 90 divisions (Elite+1), 38 Ikkitousennonimusha divisions, 2 irregular divisions
Navy (Training): 128 ship squadrons (Elite), 34 sub squadrons (Elite+2), 6 capital ships (Elite+1)
Air Force (Training): 30 squadrons (Professional)
Economy: Economical Powerhouse (+5)
Size (points required): Huge (5)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant+1/Good
Infrastructure: Efficient
Education: Academic
Living Standards: Higher
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Nation Personified
Projects: Project Seizoujo (SECRET) (Done!), Project Kafukin (+2 Education, +2 Infrastructure) (1/8)

01.) Receive 2EP from the Kandid Persian Shahdom, Transfer Them Flamethrowers and Machineguns
. (25 > 27EP) Ship it directly - just make sure it gets there safely. We will also be receiving 2EP next turn, and 1EP the turn after that, for the record.
02.) Receive 2EP and Radio Technology from the Byzantine Empire , Transfer Them Rifles, Flamethrowers and Machineguns. (27 > 29EP). Ship direct, we will be received 1EP next turn.
03.) Receive 1EP from Kingdom of Finland for Rifles, Transfer Them Flamethrowers and Machineguns In Lieu of Future Payment, Send Military Advisors. (29 > 30EP). Same thing with shipping and the advisors, just make sure they get there.
03.) Receive 1EP from Krakow Union for Rifles, Transfer Them Flamethrowers and Machineguns In Lieu of Future Payment. (30 > 31EP). Same deal as the above.
04.) Send Rajput Empire Rifles, Flamethrowers, Machineguns, Hand grenades, Mortars, Basic AA Artillery, and Other Basic Supplies as Possible, and Advisors / Naicho Counterinsurgency. Part of the deal for helping them against the Chinese. Send them whatever can be sent really, including stuff from all the old weapons we phased out (they're still good, and we do have a lot of them just sitting around now). Do this as covertly as possible prior to beginning hostilities - we do not want to tip our hand. Help their military out and help stamp out rebels as possible.
05.) Sign Trade Agreement with Rajput Empire AFTER Formal Opening of Hostilities With China. Doing so before would be somewhat ominous.
06.) Sign Trade Agreement with Badawistan, Establish Embassy, Send Token Advisors, etc. Begin setting up our conventional foreign relations establishments there.
07.) Establish Embassy in Islamic Caliphate, Send Civil Advisors and Engineers. They have offered us a contract whereby if we assist in locating and assisting in the reconstruction of Red Sea Ports, any future shipping traffic will be exempt from tariffs in port. Do so, though make sure guards are attached to safeguard our personnel.
08.) Sign Pacific Cooperation Bloc Agreement with China and EUA. The Diet and such have know foreknowledge of what's brewing, how could they know it's misdirection?
09.) Continue to Draw International Scientific Researchers. Use the slush-fund to the maximum possible extent. Deemphasize French researches slightly to avoid antagonizing them. 1EP Invested, 1Turn Run
10.) Seek Re-admittance to HRE Defense System After Launching Attack on Russia
. The French have been forewarned - the pincer closes. See also: DOMESTIC POLICY Item 02.

01.) Turnover All Records of Chinese Interference to Diet
. Do as stated. This will be done prior to date indicated elsewhere. See also: DOMESTIC POLICY Item 01.
03.) Incite Rebellious Groups / Ethnicities In Invaded Territory. Once our campaigns against Russia and China have begun, do the utmost to instigate uprisings in Central Asia, particularly Mongols, whoever else we can rouse.
04.) Finish off Manchurian Groups. If anything is left, do away with it. No distractions.
06.) Continue Tabs on Egalists in Terra Australis. Again, no distractions.
07.) Launch Raid on United Kingdoms Research Facilities. Assemble our British ex-patriates into a team and organize a way to insert them into the United Kingdom. We will recover our missing scientists and our rightful research by force. Do the best to recover them. If not possible, terminate them along with all possible British research resources and elements.
09.) Begin Infiltration of Chinese Port and Infrastructure Assets: Position our operatives around key transport objectives in order to assist in their seizure once operations begin.
10.) Begin Assassination Plot against the Chinese Emperor. It's quite simple: disguise a Naicho unit as Kabuki performers. Inside their props will be cleverly concealed weapons. They will carry with them origami paper with seemingly random markings. When folded in the proper array, these markings will form the coherent kanji of our declaration of war (pre-prepared). The array (say, a crane) will be presented to the Emperor and he will be allowed to read it. The squad will then deploy its weapons and begin termination of all available targets. This is to coincide with the opening moves of the war on January 30th. If he will not accept this date, abort the operation. It is possible, given his light security, that he is a decoy. It makes no real difference as either way we will present our war declaration, and possibly eliminate a key official.

01.) Assemble and Present Evidence of Chinese Involvement to the Diet
. (circa January 29) Presumably they will unanimously declare war. This special session will be timed to coincide as close to the opening of hostile operations as possible, to leave no time for warning. Its timing will be controlled by calling it as an "emergency meeting".

Sacrifice 2EL (Economic Powerhouse (+5) > Richer (+4)) to gain 12EP (31 > 43EP).
02.) Spend 1EP (43 > 42EP) on Project Kafukin. Chop it to (+1 Education, +2 Infrastructure), making it (1/8 > 2/6).
03.) Spend 1EP (42 > 41EP) on Wireless / Voice Communication Research in addition to previous funds. See also: RESEARCH POLICY Item 03.
04.) Spend 1EP (41 > 40EP) on Advanced Anti-Aircraft Gun Program. See also: RESEARCH POLICY Item 07.
05.) Spend 2EP (40 > 38EP) on Aircraft Carrier Vehicle Program. See also: RESEARCH POLICY Item 08. Multipart program, we will invest more next year.
06.) Spend 4EP (38 > 34EP) on [RECORDS DELETED]. See also: RESEARCH POLICY Item 09.
07.) Spend 2EP (34 > 32EP) on Chemical Weapons Munition Program. See also: RESEARCH POLICY Item 10. Crash-course program
08.) Spend 6EP (32 > 26EP) on Army Growth (90 > 120 Divisions).
09.) Spend 5EP (26 > 21EP) on IO Growth (38 > 63 Divisions).
10.) Spend 4EP (21 > 17EP) on Maintaining Land Force Training.
11.) Spend 11EP (17 > 6EP) on Air Force Growth (30 > 85 Squadrons).
12.) Spend 4EP (6 > 2EP) on Maintaining Air Force Training.
13.) Spend 2EP (2 > 0EP) on Military Logistics. Due to the DSDS this will become 3EP worth of Logistics this turn.

01.) Continue Geological Exploration
. Have all those geologists continue exploring Goushuu. It's a pretty big place. Find valuable things, if possible. 1EP Invested, 6 Turns Run
02.) Continue Chemical Research Initiative
. Consolidate chemical weaponization data, along with breakthroughs in eka-aluminium, and continued pooling of data, and previous funding to continue efforts. 5EP Invested, 6 Turns Run
03.) Continue Wireless / Voice Communication Research
. With a new influx of funding and continued research we believe that continued development of the koushin technology and progress in the field of voice transmission will come about easier. Compare, analyze, and integrate Byzantine technology into our own as well. 3EP Invested, 5 Turns Run
04.) Continue Semi-Armored / Armored Motorized Vehicle Research. Particularly in the heavier classes of vehicles, as the lighter ones are already being fielded to active duty units en masse this year. Chief focus should be on heavier vehicles with greater armor and weapons capability, as well as cross-country performance. 4EP Invested, 4 Turns Run
05.) Continue Advanced Weapons Program
. Just keep on trucking with it. Sale of our current generation of weapons to most allied nations mandates that we reach the next generation before anyone else to maintain our edge. 3EP Invested, 2 Turns Run
06.) Continue / Complete Heavier-Than-Air Aircraft Research
. We have been told to expect a breakthrough this turn. Finalize the designs and incorporate whatever last minute data can be gathered on Russian and Chinese designs to assist, before entering production. Continue working on improving the designs in the background as combat data comes in, however. 4EP Invested, 4 Turns Run
07.) Begin Advanced Anti-Aircraft Gun Program
. The new generation of HTAs and Airships alike require a new suite of rapid-fire guns for low altitude and large caliber guns for higher altitude working in cooperation to form zones of defense, as well as potentially new types of shell designed to burst in proximity to a target, or timed to detonate at a certain altitude. See that something is achieved. 1EP Invested, 1 Turn Run
08.) Begin Aircraft Carrier Vehicle Program[
. The construction of Naval vessels capable of transporting, launching, retrieving, and rearming HTAs presents a considerable advantage in the form of power projection for a sea power such as Japan. Similarly, data on the American project of a similar vein but with airships presents similar opportunities farther inland. Begin research into both; more funds will be forthcoming when possible. 2EP Invested, 1 Turn Run
10.) Begin / Complete Chemical Weapons Munitions Program
. Crash-course program designed to design and begin the fielding of combat-worthy chemical weapons capable of being used effectively upon the battlefield. Utilize what we know about how to employ them to make weapons capable of being at least semi-effective. 2EP Invested, 1 Turn Run

01.) Stylize Gas Mask / Helmet Assembly Along Kabuto / Menpō Lines
. As part of psychological warfare, while still being functional and easy to produce, they should also be stylized to be intimidating. Gas masks, in particular, should be integrated into Menpō with the eye protectors as the "eyes" and the filters as "teeth" or "tusks". Make them fearsome and intimidating looking (like the Fallout 2 guy, but eviler). IO issued units are to be even more demonic looking, integrated with the Oni masks they already carry. To be almost inhuman in capability is not enough; to make the enemy think you are inhuman and fear you for it is necessary as well. Pretend this was done last turn when all this was being fielded.
02.) Dispatch HTAs into Aerial Units. Airships are still useful in a bombardment role, and until we have some experience in HTA operation it would seem prudent to mix the two units together to compliment one another, rather setting up exclusive forces.
03.) Dispatch Armored Cars Into Ground Units. Split them mostly evenly into existing ground combat units - all our forces will, when possible, be "mechanized". Deploy a few different variants: troop carrier, gun carrier (machine guns, flamethrowers, cannon). These are to be in ratios of approximately 1:2:2, though variation depending on the combat zone is allowed.
04.) Begin Test-Inductions of Maori into IOs and Army. Given their penchant for ferocity, begin pulling them into the ranks of both segments of the ground forces. Do this voluntarily - if they want to go fight, take them into training. Picking up recruits from other warrior cultures within the empire, given our need for massively increasing our ground forces, is also possible. Find the toughest and the best.

All reserve, civil defense, local defense, police, whatever, are to be on high alert, since we're pretty much throwing everything and the kitchen sink this turn.

MILITARY OPERATION"Tsukikuzusu": (Lit. "to crush") Operations against China will have been planned and coordinated long before evidence is presented to the Diet. They are coordinated to begin at Midnight local time, January 30th. This is the start of the Chinese New Years celebration. Any home defense units will be off guard and unprepared; they will perhaps be drunk, there will be fireworks, it will generally allow for a confusing situation to develop. The Diet meeting will be timed to end at most 30 minutes before this (including voting, etc.). The pre-prepared statement will then be issued (and hopefully also delivered to the Emperor in person), and all documentation will be distributed to the media for print that morning. In the meantime, we will strike with overwhelming force and firepower all at once. Our chief objective is the destruction of all available Chinese forces and eliminating China's ability to wage war with any serious resistance. Try to avoid antagonizing civilians unless necessary.

Assigned Forces: 40 IO Divisions, 85 Divisions, 103 Ship Squadrons, 24 Submarine Squadrons, 5 Capital Ships, 65 Air Squadrons

To take the Chinese colony in Terra Australis, we will dedicate 2 IO Divisions, 5 Divisions, 8 Squadrons, 4 Submarine Squadrons, and 1 Capital Ship (Task Force Australis). The IOs and Naval flotilla will target (Port Samson). Submarines go in first, surround the harbor, torpedo anything military looking, while the ships open up. Do try and avoid damaging the city. Take it intact if possible. Meanwhile, the Army will filter in from the east. They will strike through the various population centers and generally sweep the colony of what we understand to be light resistance. Use naval support as prudent to soften objectives. Once it is taken, all Naval units and any units unnecessary for holding the territory are to begin transferring north to assist elsewhere.
Ib.) On Taiwan, 3 IO Divisions, 5 Divisions, 10 Squadrons, 4 Submarine Squadrons, and 5 Air Squadrons (Task Force Taiwan) are to be utilized to take the island. As we understand it, the bulk of their units are elsewhere. Bombard everything that resists into submission and crush it. Use submarines to encircle San-ch'ung's harbor and sink any military vessels before opening bombardment with surface ships and air vessels. Using chemical weapons against any isolated (ie: few civilians nearby) military facilities is authorized.
Ic.) Meanwhile 8 IO Divisions, 18 Divisions 20 Squadrons, 4 Submarine Squadrons, 1 Capital Ship, 15 Air Squadrons (Task Force Xi Jiang) is to land in the proximity of Hong Kong and Macao. Terminate all Naval vessels in port as prior. Chemical weapons against isolated military positions is authorized. Crush all opposition in designated operations box as rapidly as possible. Try and take Hong Kong intact. Link up with Task Force Central.
Id.) Likewise 9 IO Divisions, 19 Divisions 20 Squadrons, 4 Submarine Squadrons, 1 Capital Ship, 15 Air Squadrons (Task Force Central) are to land at Xiamen and Fuzhou. Same as Ic in terms of objectives and authorizations. Secure the zone, take both ECs intact if possible. Link up with Task Force Xi Jiang and Task Force Chang Jiang.
Ie.) Meanwhile, 9 IO Divisions, 19 Divisions 25 Squadrons, 4 Submarine Squadrons, 1 Capital Ship, 15 Air Squadrons (Task Force Chang Jiang) are to land at the mouth of the Chang Jiang. Take Shanghai and Suzhou by force, intact if possible. Same as Ic and Id in terms of objectives and authorizations. Secure the zone. Link up with Task Force Central.
If.) Likewise, 9 IO Divisions, 19 Divisions 25 Squadrons, 4 Submarine Squadrons, 1 Capital Ship, 15 Air Squadrons (Task Force Huang He) are to land at Qingdao and advance across the border to Beijing. They are also to secure Jinan. Same authorization as other task forces. Secure the zone. After initial bombardment by naval vessels is no longer necessary they are to pacify and eliminate any Chinese naval vessels.
IIa.) ASAP, TF Xi Jiang (roughly 30 Divisions) is to advance up the Xi Jiang. Take Nanning, make it to the Chang Jiang, taking Chongqing and Chengdu as well, before converging on Nanyang. A splinter of roughly 5 Divisions will be sent to secure Lanzhou and its major crossing of the Huang He to prevent easy escape.
IIb.) ASAP, TF Central (roughly 20 Divisions) is to advance inland, through Zhuzhou and Changsha to Xiangfan. There it will link up with TF Chang Jiang and, eventually, TFs Xi Jiang and Huang He.
IIc.) ASAP, TF Chang Jiang (roughly 20 Divisions) is to proceed through Nanjing to Xiangfan. It will linkup with TF Central and together they will put the city under siege, if it cannot be taken immediately. If it can be, secure as much of the Chinese government as possible - immediately remove them to a secure external location where retreival would be impossible (say, Papua, Hawaii, somewhere).
IId.) ASAP, TF Huang He (roughly 30 Divisions) is to proceed down the Huang He through Anyang and Xi'an before meeting up with TF Xi Jiang at Nanyang. As soon as this movement is complete, a giant double envelopment of Zhongguojing will have been completed, and virtually all of China's developed industrial areas will be under our control.
IIe.) A splinter force (henceforth Task Force West, roughly 10 Divisions) is to be sent West to secure Hami (or whatever that EC is). They are also to incite Mongol rebellion along the way and in so doing secure our Manchurian flank.
III.) Once they have rallied to Nanyang, TF Xi Jiang and TF Huang He are to advance Xiangfan and then Zhongguojing if necessary. Take the city, or reduce it to rubble, whichever is more prudent. From here we will begin putting conquered areas under control.
IVa.) Listed is our intended Zone of Control. If we get this far, begin pacifying this region.
IVb.) Listed is what we estimate to be the extent of Mongol revolt. Aide them however possible.

MILITARY INTERDICTION "Sasu": (Lit. "to Sting")To assist the Rajputs in keeping the bulk of Chinese forces occupied on the wrong side of the Himalayas, after the opening of hostilities against China, we will allocate them a token force in addition to supplies and weapons sent otherwise.

Assigned Forces: 3 IO Divisions, 5 Divisions

Attach our forces (henceforth Imperial Expeditionary Force, IEF) to Indian units after hostilities with China begin. They will operate under independent Japanese command, but will do their best to interface and operate with their counterparts to ensure Chinese units remain pinned and taking heavy casualties. Guerilla warfare is likely the best course, though the Indians probably know best. Do try not to take too many casualties. (OOC: Generally just have them assist Silver in whatever ways possible, I trust in his ability to pin down Chinese units).

MILITARY OPERATION "Kakeru": (Lit. "to risk / gamble") Operations will begin against Russia in earnest in late Spring, around May 1 (to avoid major problems with ice). We will conduct subtle disinformation campaigns to make it appear all resources are engaged against China. Then, without warning, another emergency session will be called. At its end, war will be declared upon Russia. Similarly to Tsukikuzusu, operations will begin immediately, having been previously prepared. Russia has already dangerously under garrisoned its frontiers and with our forces seemingly elsewhere that is when we shall strike. The force shall be geared to move rapidly and inflict the most damage possible in the shortest amount of time, as it will need to cover a huge distance quickly and efficiently. Given the somewhat sparsely populated nature of these targets, chemical weapons are authorized against military targets.

Assigned Forces: 20 IO Divisions, 30 Divisions, 25 Ship Squadrons, 10 Sub Squadrons, 1 Capital Ship, 20 Air Squadrons

Send 5 IO Divisions, 5 Divisions, 15 Ship Squadrons, 5 Sub Squadrons, 1 Capital Ship, and 3 Air Squadrons to the Russian Pacific Fleet port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. Sink everything within its harbors and take it if possible; if not, level it. Once this is done, secure the general area and then reshuffle forces across the Sea of Okhotsk. All Naval forces to begin gunning for Russian ships if any in the region.
Ib.) Send 5 IO Divisions, 5 Divisions, 10 Ship Squadrons, 5 Sub Squadrons, and 2 Air Squadrons to take the city of Ajan. If it can not be taken, destroy it. Forces are to assist in breaching Russian defenses by working on the other side.
Ic.) With 10 IO Divisions, 20 Divisions, and 15 Air Squadrons, begin a sharp, concentrated bombardment and utterly reduce defenses immediately guarding Zeja to rubble. Break through them with overwhelming force and meet up with the Ajan forces at Zeja. Begin receiving forces from Kamchatka and prepare to move.
II.) As it moves, the forces from Kamchatka should gradually catch up. Task Force Siberia is to proceed west and get onto the Trans-Siberian Railroad (whether it goes north or south of Baikal). They are to move quickly - opposition should be light. If they can secure the railroad, they can cut off flow of troops the other way and proceed very rapidly. They are to move to take Irkutsk.
III. From Irkutsk they will move on Kyzyl. These are both to be taken intact if possible. From here, two opportunities present themselves: either linking up with Persian forces or proceeding on into Russia's Siberian industrial area to inflict maximum possible damage. Commanders will do whichever seems prudent at their discretion.
In my defense, there was a whole lot of combat operations going on this year, and it almost fit into two PMs. Notice the smaller operations have more tactical detail than the larger ones.

Spoiler Greater East Asian Republic, 1787 Orders :
01.) Send the HRE Wartime Aide of 2EP
. (42 > 40EP) As a sort of reparation for their aide to us during the First World War, we will now aide them. This will also indebt them to us and we can play that to our advantage.
02.) Send the PUO Flamethrowers and Machineguns For 3EP. (40 > 43EP). Any port in a storm, it'd seem.
03.) Send Badawistan Repeating Rifles For 1EP Now, 1EP Later. (43 > 44EP). Same deal.
04.) Send Islamic Caliphate Older Weapons, Airship Schematics on Lend-Lease Basis. We have huge stockpiles of older but still fully functional equipment sitting around. Send them a lot of it, along with some of the slightly newer stuff, such as the Rifles, Flamethrowers, and Machineguns.
05.) Send Kingdom of Preahthaimranma Older Weapons and Token Advisors. Do just enough to make it appear like we’re helping them greatly without really doing too much at all.
06.) Sign Alliance With Mongols, Supply Them With Advisors and Equipment. As order to facilitate smash Xin Han China, we have agreed to sign an alliance with them and to facilitate them with military equipment and staff. We have also worked out post-war borders. Send them the same sort of equipment aide package as was recently sent the Persians; Rifles, Flamethrowers, Machineguns, grenades, so forth. We will extract payment later.
07.) Continue Advisory Functions With All Applicable Nations. Should be Finland, the Islamic Caliphate, Badawistan, and Persia.
08.) Solicit Support of Marathans, Other Indian Warlords. Do some diplomatic maneuvering to get them off each others throats and onto the Chinese, if possible.
09.) Declare War on Byzantine Empire and Seguian Caliphate. Why? Why not. For honor! And because we're sending a fleet to kick the crap out of the former.
10.) Rename All Existing Agreements to Reflect New National Name. GEAR-EUA Pan-Pacific Prosperity Pact, Badawin-GEAR Trade Agreement.
11.) Remove Obsolete Agreements From Listing. The Treaty of Pusan is no longer applicable. Facilities for the Pacific Trading Bloc can be folded into the GEAR-EUA Prosperity Pact, as Xin Han China will not be around much longer.

01.) Attempt Instigation of Revolt Amongst Tibetans
. Tibet is the lynch-pin holding what’s left of China together currently. Infiltrate it with agents and inspire it to rise up. We will bisect their forces and leave many trapped in India should we succeed.
02.) Attempt Infiltration of Chinese Project. In addition to a military assault and direct military operations to retrieve the information and technology the Chinese have been working on, we will send Naicho teams to recover the technology and scientists. We want to secure as much of the data and equipment as possible, as quickly as possible, both to use it to our advantage, and to deny it to the Chinese. Just retrieve it. If this proves to be ultimately impossible, it would be preferable it be destroyed rather than allowed to fall into their hands.
03.) Attempt Infiltration of Canadian Secret Projects. The trail from Reykjavik apparently goes to the Yukon. Send our previously assembled British Team, augmented with French members, to Canada to see what can be found. Recover or destroy whatever is found.
04.) Attempt Infiltration of Russian Industrial Region. In preparation for the daring Arctic assault, begin attempting to infiltrate commando teams into the Russian industrial heartland. Should one or the other fail, one group, at least, can continue to do damage (doubling our chances of achieving something, at least), and if both should succeed, massive damage can be inflicted.
05.) Attempt Infiltration and Manipulation of Indian Warlords to Our Favor. Basically, just try and get them to work with us against the Chinese. Presumably, with the Tibetans, Gurkhas, Kingdom of Preahthaimranma, and whoever else as well.
09.) Continue Counter-Insurgency Operations in China, Taiwan, Associated Territories. Attach Counter-Terrorism and other groups to combat units to counter rebel activities and suppress them quietly and efficiently.

01.) Ratify GEAR Constitution, Flag, and State Division
. See the Constitution and State division. (Constitutional Monarchy > Federal Republic [Truthfully, Imperial Parliamentary Federal Republic, but that's too long], Unitary With Exceptions > Tight Federation). Since this is more of a revisal of the pre-existing Constitution and most of the changes will occur on the "bottom" (local) level instead of the top, it is expected this should cause fairly minimal disruption to the overall operation of the Federal government.
02.) Announce Wartime Mobilization. Although we do not yet require a draft, we intend to devote our resources to the successful prosecution of war. This will entail limited rationing of strategic resources (although we will take steps to keep this from negatively impacting the populace, see below), occasional defense drills, activation of civil defense units for local defensive needs, keeping the police on high alert, and authorization of course to sacrifice economy levels (see below).

Sacrifice 2EL (Economic Powerhouse (+5) > Richer (+4)) to gain 12EP (44 > 56EP). We will cement the gains we have made and ensure victory - this is estimated to be the last sacrifice required to cement hegemony. As we recouped our losses by taking Chinese territory, this is not so grievous.
02.) Spend 1EP (56 > 55EP) on Maintaining Living Standards. Although we are mobilizing our resources, we will take steps to see that our population does not feel the strain of war too severely.
03.) Spend 1EP (55 > 54EP) on Semi-Armored / Armored Motorized Vehicle Research. See RESEARCH POLICY Item 04.
04.) Spend 1EP (54 > 53EP) on Aircraft Upgrade Program. Upgrade program. See RESEARCH POLICY Item 07.
05.) Spend 10EP (53 > 43EP) on Army Growth (108 > 158 Divisions).
06.) Spend 6EP (43 > 37EP) on IB Growth (59 > 89 Divisions). Not a typo/new UU, see MILITARY POLICY Item 01.
07.) Spend 8EP (37 > 29EP) on Maintaining Army/IB Training. (80 Growth / 20 Divider = 4 for 1 Level, 8 for 2 Levels; New Units Elite+1 [Army] / Elite+2 [IB]).
08.) Spend 2EP (29 > 27EP) on Navy Growth (112 > 122 Squadrons).
09.) Spend 1EP (27 > 26EP) on Maintaining Navy Training. (10 Growth / 20 Divider = 1/2 for 1 Level, 1 for 2 Levels; New Unites Elite).
10.) Spend 4EP (26 > 22EP) on Capital Ship Growth (8 > 12 Capital Ships).
11.) Spend 2EP (22 > 20EP) on Maintaining Capital Ship Training (4CS = 20 Growth / 20 Divider = 1 for 1 Level, 2 for 2 Levels; New Units Elite+1).
12.) Spend 12EP (20 > 8EP) on Air Force Growth (79 > 139 Squadrons).
13.) Spend 6EP (8 > 2EP) on Maintaining Air Force Training. (60 Growth / 20 Divider = 3 for 1 Level, 6 for 2 Levels; New Units Professional).
14.) Spend 2EP (2 > 0EP) on Military Logistics. With the DSDS this should become 3EP worth of effective Logistics.

01.) Continue Geological Exploration
. Although it’s probably wise for them to avoid areas of direct combat, filter our geologists through China (give them escorts) and Taiwan in addition to continuing to explore Goushuu. 1EP Invested, 7 Turns Run
02.) Continue Chemical Research Initiative
. Continue to focus on generalized applications. Have departments talk to one another to foster out-of-the-box thinking. 5EP Invested, 7 Turns Run
03.) Continue Wireless / Voice Communication Research
. With the synthesis of our own technology and that of the Byzantines providing a stable base, begin focusing explicitly on voice transmission. 3EP Invest, 6 Turns Run
04.) Continue Semi-Armored / Armored Motorized Vehicle Research
. Use new funding and existing data to begin work exclusively on a vehicle for crossing difficult terrain while carrying strong armor and weaponry. Look for existing technologies to help facilitate this. 5EP Invested, 5 Turns Run
05.) Continue Advanced Weapons Program
. We believe that this is likely to begin producing its first results soon; just keep working on it. 3EP Invested, 3 Turns Run
06.) Continue Aircraft Carrier Vehicle Program
. Continue working on both seaborne and airborne Carrier Vehicles. Feed in any data gathered from the EUA to assist in the latter. 3EP Invested, 2 Turns Run
07.) Continue / Complete Aircraft Upgrade Program
. Utilizing data on Chinese Aircraft, begin a program to modify and upgrade our own to surpass theirs in terms of overall performance. 5EP Invested, 5 Turns Run.

01.) Rename Ikkitousennonimusha to Ichiban
. (Lit. “the Best”) Although the former name is aptly descriptive, it is cumbersome, and given their rise to prominence, a more illustrious name is now deserved. Unit shorthand will now be “IB” instead of “IO”. No actual unit reorganization will take place, simply the names will change.
02.) Continue Use of Warrior Tribes. As long as they will submit to training and are willing to go, continue utilization of their resources. Survivors who return will also have a somewhat civilizing effect on these regions.
03.) Establish Semi-Arid and Desert Training Zones in Goushuu. To round off the Training zones established previously, put together new camps to train soldiers in these environments as well. Between all of them, our soldiers should be well-equipped to handle virtually all possible combat zones.

Assign 1 Capital Ship, 4 Submarine Squadrons, and 10 Squadrons to the North Pacific, specifically the Sea of Okhotsk. Their job is to eliminate any Russian vessels that make themselves apparent and provide costal fire support. Given we have captured their primary naval bases in the region, any serious activity is unlikely, but should be prepared for.
02.) Assign 1 Capital Ship, 10 Submarine Squadrons, and 20 Squadrons to the East China, South China, and Yellow Seas. China’s Navy at this point is essentially decimated, and its main ports under our control, however it still retains some forces which may pose a problem to commerce and transit: these forces are to move in Hunter-Killer packs and ensure they do not.
03.) Assign twin fleets of 3 Capital Ships, 5 Submarine Squadrons, and 31 Squadrons each to Iisutaatou (Easter Island) and Java. Their purpose is to guard the entry to the Pacific and ensure the Russians do not repeat their round-the-world stunt like during the last war. The Easter Island fleet is also to contact the EUA and attempt to arrange support if possible to bolster its strength.
04.) All Irregular Forces (2 Divisions) are to pretty much do whatever it is they do somewhere in the Republic. Help keep order, or something.
05.) All Civil and Police Units on High Alert.

MILITARY OPERATION “Soshi”: (Lit. “Interdiction”) With the preoccupation of the Russian Navy in the Atlantic and the Pacific by and large secure for now, it is time to deploy an Expeditionary Force to assist in the European Theater. As such, our objective is one of the most important strategic waterways in the world: Suez. Troops who have taken the Desert, Semi-Arid, Scrubland, Mountain, and Amphibious Assault courses are to be preferred for this campaign.


Allocated Forces: 4 Capital Ships, 5 Submarine Squadrons, 30 Squadrons, 9 Air Squadrons, 3 Divisions, 4 IB Divisions

The assembled Expeditionary Force is to make its way through the Indian Ocean with all due speed. It will make its last resupply at Socotra, before steaming through the Red Sea. Given we have agreements of various sorts with the Egyptians and Badawins, our presence should not perturb them too much. If they ask why we are present, simply tell them we are engaging the enemy.
II.) Arrive at Suez. Reduce all defenses to rubble, both through Naval and Aerial bombardment. The only things not to be bombed, if possible, are Suez itself, and the Canal. Deploy 3 Divisions and 4 IB Divisions to mop up all ground forces. Refuel and restock as necessary, leaving all ground forces except 2 IB Divisions which will continue with the Expeditionary Force. Remaining ground forces are to dig in and hold the Canal.
III.) The Expeditionary Force (along with 2 IB Divisions will proceed to Alexandria. Bombard the Byzantine defenders into nonexistence. Take the city. If the Egyptians have remained neutral, hand it over to them for now. If not, burn it. Resupply and put to sea.
IV.) At this juncture, two strategic opportunities present themselves. It is the option of our commanders on site, based on their available intelligence, to determine which to pursue. If the Byzantine Fleet and Army are preoccupied against the HRE and Krakow, and Greece would appear undefended, as HRE intelligence suggests, they are to proceed through the Ionian Sea, to the Dardanelles, and through both Naval and Aerial firepower, demolish any and all fortifications blocking passage to Constantinople. Once there, they are to obliterate the city, deploying the 2 IB Divisions as shock troops. If Greece does appear properly defended, on the other hand, they are to proceed on to Malta, establish a presence there using the IBs, and promptly begin wrecking havoc on Byzantine supply lines, shipping, and Naval assets.

MILITARY OPERATION “Hokkyoku”: (Lit. “North Pole”) Although we intend to commit the bulk of our battle forces to the more hospitable parts of Russia, interesting options present themselves in the far east, both for offensive and defensive purposes. Hokkyoku’s operational plans will cover both.

Allocated Forces: 5 Air Squadrons, 5 IB Divisions, 15 Divisions

There should be roughly 2 Divisions each in both Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy and Port Ajan. They are to secure their areas against any hostile aggression or attempts to retake them. Considering the Russians have no forces in the region nor any method of rapidly deploying any, this should not be a problem.
Ib.) Meanwhile, 5 Air Squadrons, 5 IB Squadrons, and 11 Divisions are to move up the Lena. They are to move quickly and destroy all resistance, of which there should be little. They are to make their way to Yakutsk, and secure the railhead there that composes the northern Trans-Siberian Line. Utilize the Airships to destroy the length of the line if Russian soldiers attempt to utilize it to reach the position and fortify the city. Send token units (1 – 2 Divisions) to secure the rest of the Russian Far East and link up with the forces in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy and Port Ajan.
II.) The 5 IB Divisions are to resupply and prepare for their ultimate objective: an arctic crossing to the Urals over the northern shores and pack ice. They are obviously to be provisioned with winter gear, electrically heated if possible, and sufficient supplies. They are to be capable of rapid movement, yet carry sufficiently heavy weapons and demolition equipment to do damage upon arrival. It will be difficult, but our military is nothing if not efficient. They are to make their way up the Lena to K’us’ur, before beginning their journey.
IIIa.) They are to advance across the pack ice until they are beyond the delta of the Ob River. The area is ice locked until late Spring, and with no opposition and flat surfaces, they should be able to advance rapidly. They will proceed south along the sparsely populated Urals; although these are mountainous, they are fairly tame as mountains go, and they will advance along them anyway, where the ground is fairly good and not yet marshy like in the interior. They will make their way down to the vicinity of Serov, and begin destroying everything of industrial value. Move quickly, but take out as much as possible. Hopefully they will encounter assistance from Naicho infiltrator units.
IIIb.) They are to advance to the vicinity of Tobol’sk and Tumen and repeat. This is the area that has been roughly identified as Russia’s industrial heartland. Wreck maximum possible destruction in the Russian rear; this will not only disrupt their operations further east, but should our main thrust fail, it will cripple Russia industrially. If and when they encounter heavy resistance, they are to try and make their way to Persian lines, due south.

MILITARY OPERATION “Kenka”: (Lit. “Brawl”) Meanwhile, we will capitalize on our advance last into Russia with overwhelming force. All the technology we have developed and lessons we have learned will be brought to bear against the Russians here.

Allocated Forces: 45 Air Squadrons, 40 IB Divisions, 60 Divisions

Unlike most operations, this one will not have finely detailed movements. It will be to our commanders on the ground as to take the prudent course. High Command does, however, offer the following guidelines: Indicated in Tan on the map is the Siberian Traps. The terrain is incredibly difficult, and as such it presents a natural barrier to movement. Although the Russians have rail systems running through here, their single route further east should be taken care of by Hokkyoku, making flanking movements possible, but somewhat unlikely. Commanders are advised to be cautious. Indicated in Green are areas of relative concentrations of marshland. Operations can be difficult and movement is hindered, presenting another natural obstacle. The area between the Ob and the Irtysh is not as bad as further north, but may still present obstacles. Indicated in Aqua are Russia’s chief industrial centers, and the entire area is likely highly industrialized. Our objective is the capture, or, failing that, destruction of this area. In order to achieve this, we require air superiority, and the destruction of all local Russian forces. Do what is required to gain an advantage over them, minimize our casualties, permanently destroy their operational ability in the region, and either take or eliminate this region. The Persians have expressed an interest in capturing it and are deploying a similar number of soldiers and we have agreed not to eliminate these particular resources if possible; however in the event it is not taken by September, begin carpet bombing all available targets. See that we win. (OOC: In other words, take or bomb that region however possible, and maintain a fluid strategy to respond to whatever the Russians do – I would rather say “counter their movements” than list out all the possibilities.)

MILITARY OPERATION “Kattobasu”: (Lit. “Knock Out”): China will be reduced to its Indian holdings this year, come hell or high water. We will eliminate its military, cut its remaining holdings in two, and generally render it dysfunctional so that we might concentrate elsewhere if need be.

Allocated Forces: 80 Air Squadrons, 40 IB Divisions, 80 Divisions

In the secure area China proper is to be stationed a reserve force of 10 Divisions. It is generally to maintain order, crush insurgents, and provide back up incase such is needed.
Ib.) In India, allocate 5 Air Squadrons and 10 Divisions to generally defend our current positions and raise hell with the Chinese positions, hopefully with native support.
IIa.) Indicated is the Chinese border with Tibet. It is also the rough beginning of the Tibetan Plateau. Once we have achieved air superiority, roughly half of our Air Force (40 Air Squadrons) is to proceed to bomb every road, bridge, and footpath in this zone. There must be nothing left. We cannot permit either the escape of the Chinese government, their project materials, or easy reinforcement of the region from India. Sever all links to prevent them from doing anything of value and hopefully trapping their forces with a bunch of rebellious Tibetans. The other half (35 Air Squadrons) will continue to serve as close air support. We are aware the Indochinese will be going through Burma and presume the Chinese will not; if they do, begin bombing all connections in Burma too.
IIb.) Five separate thrusts of 8 IB Divisions and 12 Divisions each will advance to encircle and cut off any remaining Chinese resistance east of the upper reaches of the Yellow River. Out maneuver, overwhelm, and crush all opposition with overwhelming firepower. Secure the entire region, particularly the Chengdu. Get that aircraft research and the government and shatter the Chinese military.
III.) Render whatever assistance necessary to the Mongols, Tibetans, or Indochinese.
And, finally, 1788. I started using Kanji for Operation names similar to have I've used Cyrillic in DisNES II starting here and I think it gave a nice kind of feel. At this point, most all supporting detail was stripped out and it still ran into two PMs, though not full ones. When you have a lot of different subjects to cover, the orders get large very quickly, it's kind of crazy. No maps this time either.

Spoiler Greater East Asian Republic, 1788 Orders :
Spoiler Stats :
Greater East Asian Republic (GEAR)
Capital: Kyoto
Ruler: Prime Minister Tanaka Masayoshi/Symphony D.
Government: Federal Republic (Ceremonial Monarch)
Centralization: Tight Federation
Tech. Level: Late Industrial Age
Army (Training): 131 divisions (Elite+1), 70 Ichiban divisions (Elite+2), 2 irregular divisions
Navy (Training): 118 ship squadrons (Elite), 27 sub squadrons (Elite+2), 12 capital ships (Elite+1)
Air Force (Training): 123 squadrons (Professional)
Economy: Richest (+4)
Size (points required): Huge (5)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant+1/Brilliant
Infrastructure: Efficient
Education: Academic
Living Standards: Higher
Culture: Uberpatriotic+4
Confidence: Nation Personified+2
Projects: Project Seizoujo (SECRET) (Done!), Project Kafukin (+2 Education, +2 Infrastructure) (2/6)

01.) Sign Treaty of Turku
02.) Sign Treaty of Lanzhou. Turn over the orange areas on this map, receive the aqua area, establish borders at lime lines. Create the new nations, so forth.
03.) Continue Advisory Functions in Persia, Finland, the Caliphate, and Elsewhere. Generally, continue existing advisory functions everywhere except Badawistan.
04.) Send Civil Advisors to Finland. They have requested them for assistance with their project; assist.
05.) Discontinue Advisory Functions in Badawistan, Withdraw Personnel, Declare War. We will not tolerate their actions against the Persian Shahdom, and they will pay the price diplomatically and politically.
06.) Declare War on Scandinavian Union Immediately Prior to Opening Hostilities. Typical fashion. See MILITARY OPERATION "スカンディナヴィア".
07.) Announce Peacekeeping Forces to be Deployed to Kingdom of Preahthaimranma. After the assassination plot and HRE disassociation, but immediately prior to the beginning of operations, announce the deployment of forces for "peacekeeping" and "regional stabilization" to the Kingdom of Preahthaimranma. See ESPIONAGE POLICY Item 01, MILITARY OPERATION "メコン".
08.) Transfer Control of the Egyptian Canal Region and Indian Holdings to HRE. The former is theirs, really, and the latter we are using as stored leverage for later.
09.) Give Notice to Russian Citizens in the Mongol Empire of Repatriation Operations. See DOMESTIC POLICY Item 03.
10.) Withdraw from Russian Declared Areas if Russians Agree to Treaty of Turku. What it says. For small contingencies, see GENERAL MILITARY DEPLOYMENTS Item 01.

01.) Organize Assassination Plot Against King Putthayotfa Nguyen and Advisors
. This is fairly simple: utilize some of our Naicho agents from the Indochina region to form an assassination squad and dispatch him, and some of his advisors, preferably through some remote and unidentifiable means, such as a bomb or sniping. In short, kill him and enough of his goons to create a power vacuum. At this point, assassinate a few more people to create a power struggle as various leaders vie for power. At this junction, the HRE will discontinue relations, and we will issue our public announcement of restoring order just before we send in troops.
02.) Transfer Available Data on PUC Bases to GEAR Army. It will come in useful. See MILITARY OPERATION ウェンディゴ".
04.) Increase Anti-Insurgent Activities. Keep a lid on China, Siberia, and everywhere else for that matter. Eliminate any opposition with silent but extreme prejudice.
05.) Tighten Trans-Siberian Railroad Security Until End of Hostilities. Make sure there's no more sabotage, at least until the bloody war is over.

01.) Annex former Xin Han Chinese and Russian Union Territory
. They are GEAR now. Declare them "Unorganized Territories". They will be organized and given the opportunity to join as states as soon as the situation within them stabilizes; the sooner it stabilizes, the sooner they get this opportunity.
02.) Dismantle Former Government Establishments in the Above. It is not so difficult to do at this point. In China, particularly, however, the old-style government is to be carefully and methodically dismantled. The various positions of the scholars and bureaucrats under the ancient civil service system is in large part what has kept Chinese unity for so long. Quietly begin dismantling it and replacing these institutions with our own. Do this carefully to avoid rousing hostility.
03.) Give Notice to All Russian Citizens: In 1789 We Will Be Organizing the Repatriation of Any Russian Citizens Seeking it. Russian has expressed concern in Russian persons being under non-Russian government. Therefore, propagate the following: in 1789 we will be funding the return of all Russian persons who wish to reside in Russia proper as defined by the Treaty of Turku, and will pay for transit and resettlement. We will use the year of 1788 to catalogue all those wishing to do so, both within the GEAR and the Mongol Empire.
04.) If Russia Signs Treaty of Turku, Call End to Mobilization. Simple really.

Spend 4EP (43 > 39EP) on EL (Richest (+4) > Economic Powerhouse (+5)). Continue establishing strategic resource extraction zones to increase oil, iron, sulfur, rubber, nihonium, etc production.
02.) Spend 7EP (39 > 32EP) on Project Kafukin, completing it (2/6 > 6/6).
03.) Spend 3EP (32 > 29EP) on Advanced Aircraft Program. See RESEARCH POLICY Item 07.
04.) Spend 1EP (29 > 28EP) on Advanced Weapons Program. See RESEARCH POLICY Item 05.
05.) Spend 1EP (28 > 27EP) on Armored Vehicle Research. See RESEARCH POLICY Item 04.
06.) Spend 1EP (27 > 26EP) on Aircraft Carrier Vehicle Program. See RESEARCH POLICY Item 06.
07.) Spend 1EP (26 > 25EP) on Voice Communications Program. See RESEARCH POLICY Item 03.
08.) Spend 2EP (25 > 23EP) on Decentralized Storage Depot System. See MILITARY POLICY Item 01.
09.) Spend 6EP (23 > 17EP) on Army Growth (131 > 161 Divisions).
10.) Spend 2EP (17 > 15EP) on Ichiban Growth (70 > 80 Divisions).
11.) Spend 4EP (15 > 11EP) on Maintaining Land Forces Training (40 Growth / 20 Divider = 2EP/1LVL, 4EP/2LVL; New Units at Elite+1 [Army] / Elite+2 [IB]).
12.) Spend 2EP (11 > 9EP) on Navy Growth (118 > 128 Squadrons).
13.) Spend 1EP (9 > 8EP) on Maintaining Navy Training (10 Growth / 20 Divider = 0.5EP/1LVL, 1EP/2LVL; New Units at Elite).
14.) Spend 4EP (8 > 4EP) on Air Force Growth (123 > 143 Squadrons).
15.) Spend 2EP (4 > 2EP) on Maintaining Air Force Training (20 Growth / 20 Divider = 1EP/1LVL, 2EP/2LVL; New Units at Professional).
16.) Spend 2EP (2 > 0EP) on Military Logistics. Due to the effects of the DSDS, this counts as 3EP of effective Logistics; last turn under old system.

01.) Continue Geological Exploration
. Live and in concert in Siberia! 1EP Invested, 8 Turns Run
02.) Continue Chemical Research Initiative
. Same as ever. 5EP Invested, 8 Turns Run
03.) Continue Voice Communications Program
. More funds, more directed research. 4EP Invested, 7 Turns Run
04.) Continue Armored Vehicle Research
. Finalize heavy vehicle prototypes, field test, and prepare for production run. 6EP Invested, 6 Turns Run
05.) Continue Advanced Weapons Program
. Continue work on various weapons designs and prepare them for combat usage. 4EP Invested, 4 Turns Run
06.) Continue Aircraft Carrier Vehicle Program
. Continue work on Naval and Aerial carrier vehicles. 4EP Invested, 3 Turns Run
07.) Complete / Begin Advanced Aircraft Program
. Take existing Chinese work recovered from Chengdu and improve upon and finalize it. This will give us a vast lead on the rest of the world in aircraft design. 3EP Invested, 1 Turn Run

01.) Expand Decentralized Storage Depot System
. Given the expansion of the state into new realms, it seems prudent to expand upon existing capabilities and modify it to the originally envisioned extent of doubling our invested allocation in Logistics. Continue to base it primarily out of more remote and secure areas.

Assign 25 Divisions, 25 IB Divisions, 70 Air Squadrons to Siberian front. If Russians sign the Treaty of Turku, everything else goes according to plan, withdraw to our declared holding in Siberia and secure it, along with defending Manchuria and Korea, and assisting forces in former Xin Han China. If not, bomb the hell out of them and generally take up strong defensive positions to hold them off. If this occurs, lots of gas and lead death should befall them.
02.) Assign 25 Divisions, 2 Air Squadrons to the former Xin Han China. Their job, along with Naicho counter-insurgent forces, is to keep the peace and prevent any sort of revolt. Otherwise, be nice and give kids candy.
03.) Assign 20 Divisions, 2 Air Squadrons to the Central Region (this is defined as "from the Philippines to Papua, from Java to Solomons") to keep order and such, like in China.
04.) Assign 20 Divisions, 2 Air Squadrons to the South Region (everything south of Central, such as Goushuu and Aotearoa), for much the same deal. All three of these forces are authorized to redistribute up to 50% of their units to assist in any extreme emergencies somewhere else.
05.) Assign 5 Divisions, 2 Air Squadrons elsewhere, such as the Japan and Hawaii.
06.) Assign 11 Divisions, 5 Air Squadrons to former Tibetan Autonomous Region to assist in creation of new states outlined by Treaty of Lanzhou.
07.) Assign 53 Squadrons, 7 Submarine Squadrons, 3 Capital Ships to anti-piracy duty within the Pacific.
08.) All Police, Reserve, Guard units on high alert.

MILITARY OPERATION "ウェンディゴ": (Lit: Wendigo / Wendigo) The Naicho operations in Canada have revealed enough for us to make up our minds regarding the source of the security breach. It is likely that their defenses are fairly secure, and we have done enough snooping. It is time to act. Utilizing American depots constructed for a strike against the Russian Union, we will move a fairly small, heavily equipped strike force to knock out these bases and eliminate all traces of them. All lessons learned during "Hokkyoku" for arctic warfare are to be employed here, along with improvements to the equipment fielded then. Troops trained in arctic, tundra, mountain, and alpine combat are to be preferred.

Assigned Forces: 5 Divisions, 5 IB Divisions, 10 Air Squadrons

Deploy forces to Kamchatka / Northern Siberia and then transit over the icepack to due north of Alaska. We will try and minimize American involvement. From there, utilize their depot system along with allocated supplies to advance into Canada. Rules are simple: overwhelming firepower, no enemy survivors, no traces of our presence. All equipment and dead of ours will be removed. In the event it should somehow prove impossible to dislodge the opposition due to stubborn defense, call in airpower and obliterate them. I repeat, no traces of our involvement are to be left, merely carnage. Recover or destroy all materials pertaining to research and have accompanying Naicho personnel do field interrogations. No enemy survivors. Only engage the remote bases, not civilian regions of PUC proper. Once a given target is destroyed, set forest fires and such to make it difficult to reach the area or determine the original cause. Given these areas are remote and isolated from the main population regions of PUC, communication or reinforcement will be difficult. Cut all communication lines as quickly as possible to prevent identification of forces. Even though these facilities are secret and thus their destruction cannot easily be made public, it would be nice if we were not immediately identifiable. Once everything is destroyed, withdraw the same way we came. Make it look like it was the PUF or seperatists or something.

MILITARY OPERATION "メコン": (Lit: Mekon / Mekong) The presence of the chronically instable PUASE / Kingdom of Preahthaimranma, particularly with its rather bizarre government philosophies, within our sphere of influence is intolerable. Once ESPIONAGE POLICY Item 01 has succeeded in generally plunging the nation into chaos, the HRE has abandoned the nation, and we have declared our intentions, we will strike with overwhelming force and seize control of the territory.

Assigned Forces: 25 Divisions, 25 IB Divisions, 25 Squadrons, 10 Submarine Squadrons, 3 Capital Ships, 25 Air Squadrons

Launch Amphibious Operations against Saigon and Bangkok to secure them rapidly.
Ib.) Utilize Naval and Air Assets to quickly neutralize the Preahthaimranma Navy, then utilize them as supporting bombardment for fire support.
II.) Spread forces out and seize control over territory, utilize naval operations to surround trouble spots. Eliminate active opposition quickly and efficiently. Try not to tick off the populace. Take control of the countryside.
III.) If we manage these objectives, send forces into northern Burma to begin taking charge of the region; the HRE is aware of this intention and has been advised to keep local forces out of the area to prevent friendly fire.

MILITARY OPERATION "スカンディナヴィア": (Lit. Sukandinavu'a / Scandinavia) The colonialist attitude of the Union of Scandinavia and their refusal to remove themselves from Goushuu leaves us no real other alternative. We have therefore coordinated efforts with the Holy Roman Empire to bring them down just as they were brought up. Our operations will focus chiefly on the Indian Ocean Area.

Assigned Forces: 25 Divisions, 25 IB Divisions, 50 Squadrons, 10 Submarine Squadrons, 6 Capital Ships, 25 Air Squadrons

Roughly 2/3 of above forces will take the Scandinavian colony on Goushuu. Launch an amphibious operation to seize (Perth), other units enter by sea at other cities and also from the interior in armored units to easily smash the colony's defenses through sheer firepower.
Ib.) Other 1/3 will work with HRE forces in India to take out Scandinavian holdings there (just generally assist Panda against them).
Ic.) Naval units will purge the Indian Ocean of Scandinavian naval units and assert Naval supremacy.
II.) If above operations complete, launch operations against Scandinavian East Africa, particularly Mombasa.

Anyway, there you go. They're now public record. That's how I did some of the stuff I did.
Symph, those were amzing. You deserved to come out on top *claps*

Though my research was purely for Medical Purposes.

I wish you has let me live as the SSC:cry:
Hmm... I understand your diabolical plan in giving the Chinese kids candy! :p You want them to all have cavities and get all sorts of evil mouth diseases! That is smart ;)
To be honest, were I a mod, I would cringe at orders that are long and confusing. I try to make mine as simple and streamlined as possible, micromanaging only the minute amount that is required to carry out my plans.

I like symphy's because they manage to acheive this pretty effectively.
Truly masterful orders, Symphony D.

And, (sorry to threadjack) do you still want the nation you reserved for my NES, JosefStalinator?
After StazNES VIII I was shocked I got anything at all, but really all it did was hasten the inevitable. ;) On another note: Europeans are generally good arms customers. Middle Easterners, not so much. Every bloody nation I supplied but the Persians and the Caliphate decided to try and kill the HRE and got whacked.

On that note, I now demand you and Panda post something. :p The differences in style will be interesting, I think.
I never bought his stuff, although it was offered. Seriously, with a military as small as mine, there would be little difference if I had a few nice rifles.
I demand an explanation from you too, since I was sending in people to bomb half the Yukon. Were you behind the secret groups that bombed Reykjavik or was Cleric still operating in the PUC as a "secret cell" within the government? And you didn't buy it because you kidnapped some of the researchers who were working on it to begin with. :p
I stopped correspondence with Cleric in the 2nd year of Canada's existence, and I never heard about his acts.
First set of orders: 1784, the year we began war with Russia.

Spoiler 1784 :
Holy Roman Empire [of the French Nation]
Capital: Paris
Ruler: Emperor Valerien I/Insane_Panda
Government: Elective Semi-Parliamentary Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary
Tech. Level: Middle Industrial Age
Army (Training): 118 divisions (Elite+2), 61 Foreign Legion corps
Navy (Training): 104 ship squadrons (Elite+2), 32 sub squadrons (Elite+2), 17 capital ships (Elite)
Air Force (Training): 40 squadrons (Elite)
Economy: Monopoly+1 (+7)
Size (points required): Huge (5)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/Brilliant
Infrastructure: Great
Education: Academic
Living Standards: Splendid
Culture: Jingoist
Confidence: Nation Personified
Projects: The Benghazi-Suez Express (+1 Economy, +1 Egyptian Infrastructure) (Done!), The Peugot (SECRET) (1/8)


- My project should be at (3.5/8)

TOTAL EP: 6 EP + 32 ECs + 6 EP from South Sea Company + 3 EP from the EUA = 44 EP

- Spend 8 EP on Regular Divisions, giving us a total of 158.
- Invest 2 EP to sustain their training.
- Spend 8 EP on FL Corps, giving us a total of 101.
- Invest 2 EP to sustain their training.
- Spend 8 EP on Ship Squadrons, giving us a total of 144.
- Invest 2 EP to sustain their training.
- Spend 2 EP on Sub Squadrons, giving us a total of 42.
- Spend 3 EP on Capital Ships, giving us a total of 20.
- Invest 3 EP on Military Logistics.
- Send 3 EP to Poland.
- Send 3 EP to Persia
- Invest 3 EP into our project, putting it at (7/8).​



- Ière ARMEE (Strasbourg): 20 Divisions
- XIère ARMEE (Strasbourg): 20 Divisions
- IIème ARMEE (Berlin): 50 Divisions
- Xème ARMEE (Berlin): 20 Divisions
- IIIème ARMEE (Madrid): 10 Divisions
- Ière ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE (Brest): 34 FL Corps.
- VIème ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE (Venice): 34 FL Corps.

- IVème ARMEE (Tunis): 5 Divisions
- Vème ARMEE (Accra): 5 Divisions
- VIème ARMEE (Moputo): 5 Divisions

- VIIème ARMEE (Madras): 13 Divisions
- IIIème ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE (Karachi): 10 FL Corps.

- VIIIème ARMEE (Singapore): 5 Divisions

- IXème ARMEE (Havana): 5 Divisions
- Vème ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE (Havana): 5 FL Corps.​


- Ière FLOTTE (Brest): 40 Squadrons, 10 Sub Squadrons, 10 Capital Ships
- IIème FLOTTE (Lubeck): 30 Squadrons, 10 Sub Squadrons, 5 Capital Ships
- IIIème FLOTTE (Gibraltar): 20 Squadrons, 10 Sub Squadrons, 3 Capital Ships
- IVème FLOTTE (Syracuse): 20 Squadrons

- Vème FLOTTE (Suez): 15 Squadrons, 1 Capital Ship

- VIème FLOTTE (Madras): 10 Squadrons
- VIIème FLOTTE (Marmagao): 10 Squadrons

- VIIIème FLOTTE (Singapore): 10 Squadrons

- IXème FLOTTE (Port-au-Prince): 10 Squadrons, 1 Capital Ship
- Xème FLOTTE (St. Jean (OTL St. John)): 10 Squadrons​


- Due to the recent terror attacks (and the subsequent murder of the Empress and the Prince Imperial) begin a new set of crack downs upon terrorism, egalitism, and general separatism. The Gendarmerie (in conjunction with the regular civil authorities) are now to focus on the securing the vital areas of the Empire. Security measures are to be amped up, immigration is to be severely regulated, and the Imperial Customs Service is to begin to excercise increased power. Foriegn expatriates and etc. are to register with the Imperial Government, Gendarmerie survelliance within our nation is to greatly increase (especially over known socialists), and undercover agents are to prowl the poorer and industrialised areas of the Empire for dissenters, which will "dissappear". The goal is to stop events like last years from occuring ever again. The Gendarmerie, thusly, is entitled to use whatever means is neccessary to destroy the agents of terrorism.

- Continue to propagandize the idea of "One People, One Empire, One Emperor" throughout the Empire. Hold rallies throughout the major cities of Europe in support of our great civilization, and continue to rally the nation around rhetoric. Establish Imperial Civil Societies (much like Nazi Youth, etc. ) and also establish the "Society of Vigilant Citizens", which shall be charged with the "protection of the homes and families of the Empire". Generally, establish groups which make all citizens feel apart of the very fabric of our civilization, and greatly improve the unity and patriotism of our peoples.


- Issue calls for the freedom and independence of the Scottish and Irish peoples.

- Declare war on Russia. This does not need much explanation - however, we shall explain it. Russia is industrializing and mobolizing. Either we stop her now, or we pay dearly for not doing so i Before the declaration of war, declare, with all evidence behind us, that the Russians very clearly had a hand in the murder of the Empress and the Prince Imperial. Rally the people around this, and initiate the general Russian-hating which is to result. Declare that Russia must accept full responsibility, and must pay reparations, sign legislation to outlaw Russia (;)), etc. etc. Engage in fiery discourse with the Russian govenrment. Generally, rile up the country against the Russians and for the war. However, do not declare war until the first attacks are carried out (to be explained in MILITARY ORDERS)

- The situation in the former PUAF continues to prove a detriment to our security, and a threat as a whole to the Julien world order. Therefore, we seek to resolve it finally with the last partition according to the map attached below. These final borders represent the bounds of the separate United Provinces of French America, and include the Provinces Unie de la Frontiere (PUF), Provinces Unie de l'Occitan (PUO), Provinces Unie de la Canada (PUC), and the Provinces Unie de la Nouvelle France (PUNF).


- Sell the remainder of Nouvelle Gaulle to the South Sea Company, Egalitists and all. Explain that the Empire has never really needed nor wanted these colonies, and they are in much better hands with a local government. Recieve a payment of 6,000,000 Francs for their purchase, or no deal.



Spoiler War Map :

I.) The Ière ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE and Ière ARMEE are to board the IIème FLOTTE, and from here, sail to Scandanavia. In Scandanavia, they fleet shall unload the Ière ARMEE, which shall then proceed onto Finland. After unloading the first army, the fleet is to move north of Scandanavia, and towards Archangelsk (this is to be done in late spring). Once near Archangelsk, the fleet is to begin the bombardment of the city's coastal defenses, softening them up before landing the Ière ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE. This army of Foriegn Legion Corps are to seize the city, and secure it under Imperial occupation. Once the army seizes Archangelsk, it is to move on southwards into Russia. However, it is not to do this until the armies from Scandanavia and Finland advance into Russia as per section II.

- I.I) (NOT ON MAP) As the fleet to the North begins to set sail, our fleets in the Mediterranean and Gibraltar are to engage the large Russian fleet wandering in the Mediterranean. The IIIème FLOTTE,IVème FLOTTE, and Vème FLOTTE are to move to engage the Russian Fleet in the region and ensure that it does not leave the mediterranean, and indeed, that it does not survive. Submarines are to first scout out the position of the Russian fleet, critically damage it with a few torpedo barrages, and then the larger fleets are to move in to engage and destroy.​

II.) The Ière ARMEE, already in Scandanavia, is to combine with a Finnish force of 20 Divisions, and a Scandanavian force of 25 Divisions. These forces are to base themselves in Finland. From Finland, they are to advance into Russia towards St. Petersburg and that other city near Finland (don't know its name). Once St. Petersburg is taken, and the Russian border defenses have been broken (we expect them to fall rather quickly to this huge force of 65 Divisions), the armies are to move towards Novgorod, and seize the city. From Novgorod, they are to fortify themselves and link up the front with the Foriegn Legion corps.

III.) Once the Russian Fleet has been sunk, the IIIème FLOTTE is to take on the VIème ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE. From Venice, the fleet is to sail into the Black Sea, and engage and destroy whatever Russian fleets remain. The fleet shall be backed up by the IVème FLOTTE. Once the Russian presence in the Black Sea is annihilated, the fleet is to land 17 FL corps in Odessa, and 17 FL corps in the other Russian EC on the Black Sea (don't know its name). These FL Corps are to seize the two cities, and fortify the area around them, incase of Russian counter-attack. Loot the treasuries of these two cities, and take control of the industries (perhaps taking an eco level). If we have to withdraw by any chance, then destroy all of the cities main infrastructure to cover our retreat into the city and negate the EC status for the Russians.

IV.) The IIème FLOTTE, once it has landed the forces in Archangelsk, is to sail back into the Baltic and destroy any Russian fleets there (with the support of the Scandanavian fleet). Once all Russian fleets are destroyed, begin a blockade of the Baltic ports, and shell coastal positions to aid the Polish advance in the region.

V.) This represents the Polish Advance. We shall send the IIème ARMEE and 20 Air Squadrons to be used in conjunction with the Polish forces in their campaign (to be commanded by them). However, if the Polish attempt to betray us, the armies are on orders to attack Polish forces.​


Spoiler War Map :

I.) The Ière FLOTTE is to continue its blockade of the British Isles and is on orders to destroy any new British ships which come out of the docks. These ships shall also ensure that our armies, when they land, are properly supported by naval artillery.

II.) The XIère ARMEE is to sail with our fleet, and then be landed in Scotland. First, however, Naval artillery is to destroy all British coastal defenses, aswell as shell british troop positions on the coast, then, the divisions are to land and move to secure Scotland, encouraging Scottish separatists to rise up against the English forces. Promise amnesty for all English troops which lay down their arms.

III.) The Xème ARMEE is to prepare for a landing on Dover. However, before the force lands, naval artillery is to destroy any coastal fortifications (this landing to be conducted AFTER the Scottish landing), whilst 20 Air Squadrons help by bombing British positions from the air. Then, the army is to land, and is to move quickly to seize the city. From here, it will fortify its position, turning Dover into an Imperial fortress. Execute all those who try and rise against us, but give amnesty to those who lay down arms and do not fight. Meanwhile, use our 20 Air Squadrons to bomb London extensively, and target such sights as the Royal Palace and the Parliament building.
1785. Year 2 of the world war. Do not have 1786 orders (brief guidlines only, however).

Spoiler 1785 :
Holy Roman Empire [of the French Nation]
Capital: Paris
Ruler: Emperor Valerien I/Insane_Panda
Government: Elective Semi-Parliamentary Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary
Tech. Level: Middle Industrial Age
Army (Training): 110 divisions (Elite+2), 95 Foreign Legion corps
Navy (Training): 89 ship squadrons (Elite+2), 23 sub squadrons (Elite+2), 10 capital ships (Elite)
Air Force (Training): 37 squadrons (Elite)
Economy: Monopoly (+6)
Size (points required): Huge (5)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/Brilliant
Infrastructure: Great
Education: Academic
Living Standards: Splendid
Culture: Uberpatriotic
Confidence: Nation Personified+2
Projects: The Benghazi-Suez Express (+1 Economy, +1 Egyptian Infrastructure) (Done!), The Peugot (SECRET) (5.5/8)

TOTAL EP: 12 EP (from 2 sacrificed Eco. lvls.) + 6 EP + 33 ECs + 4 EP from EUA = 55 EP

- Spend 8 EP on Divisions, giving us a total of 150.
- Invest 3 EP to sustain their training.
- Spend 6 EP on Motorized (Armored Car) Divisions, giving us a total of 30.
- Invest 10 EP into Naval Squadrons, giving us a total of 139.
- Invest 3 EP to sustain their training. (3 EP = 60 Squadrons)
- Invest 2 EP on Sub Squadrons, giving us a total of 33.
- Spend 10 EP on Capital Ships, giving us a total of 20.
- Invest 3 EP to sustain their training. (3 EP = 60 Squadrons)
- Invest 3 EP into Air Squadrons, giving us a total of 52.
- Invest 1 EP to move our project along a turn, putting it at 6.5.
- Invest 3 EP to finish it. (2 EP = 7.5, 1 EP = .5 = 8/8)
- Invest 3 EP into Military Logistics.
- Begin new project (but do not invest yet) (to be explained in DOMESTIC ORDERS).​



- Ière ARMEE (Northern Russia): 20 Divisions
- XIère ARMEE (Strasbourg): 20 Divisions
- IIème ARMEE (Poland/Lithuania): 50 Divisions
- Xème ARMEE (Berlin): 20 Divisions
- Ière MOTORISE ARMEE (Vienna): 30 Motorized Divisions, 4 FL Corps.
- IIIème ARMEE (Madrid): 10 Divisions
- Ière ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE (Brest): 15 FL Corps.
- VIème ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE (Odessa & Sochi): 34 FL Corps. (Odessa: 17 Corps. Sochi: 17 Corps.)

- IVème ARMEE (Tunis): 5 Divisions
- Vème ARMEE (Tunis): 5 Divisions
- VIème ARMEE (Moputo): 5 Divisions

- VIIème ARMEE (Madras): 10 Divisions

- VIIIème ARMEE (Rangoon): 5 Divisions

- IXème ARMEE (Havana): 5 Divisions
- Vème ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE (Havana): 5 FL Corps.​


- Ière FLOTTE (Brest): 40 Squadrons, 13 Sub Squadrons, 10 Capital Ships
- IIème FLOTTE (Lubeck): 30 Squadrons, 10 Sub Squadrons, 5 Capital Ships
- IIIème FLOTTE (Gibraltar): 20 Squadrons, 10 Sub Squadrons, 5 Capital Ships
- IVème FLOTTE (Syracuse): 20 Squadrons

- Vème FLOTTE (Suez): 9 Squadrons,

- VIème FLOTTE (Madras): 10 Squadrons
- VIIème FLOTTE (Marmagao): 10 Squadrons

- VIIIème FLOTTE (Singapore): 10 Squadrons

- IXème FLOTTE (Port-au-Prince): 10 Squadrons,
- Xème FLOTTE (St. Jean (OTL St. John)): 10 Squadrons​


- Begin the "Economic Mobilization" of the Empire's Industrial power. Our goal is to insure the procurement of finished munitions--the sum total of equipment, supplies, and services required by the armed forces--while at the same time supplying the essential needs of the civilian economy. We shall do this in the following ways:

I.) Shift industrial production towards supplies required for military combat based on the orders of the Marshallate. The Imperial Marshallate shall devise a list of orders for all resources neccessary, including fuels, metals, and munitions. These orders are to be delivered to the Industries with the utmost haste and order to ensure the production of all materiel needed for wartime. In order to ensure the production of all needed material, key industries such as the steel, fuel, munitions, and machine parts are to be put under Imperial Charter - meaning, in essence, that these industries become subsidies of the Imperial Government, which shall now maintain majority in the shares of these companies to ensure the production of all required for the war effort. The Shipyards are to also be placed under Imperial Charter. This limited centralization of the economy is done to streamline our economic output, and to ensure the strength of our economy and industry during this war.

II.) Requisition all supplies deemed neccessary to the war effort. All supplies which are deemed neccesary to the war are to be placed under Government review. This Imperial Marshallate shall then establish an effective system to ration out the supplies neccessary for both civilian and military use. The Marshallate shall place, with the approval of the Imperial Senate, all raw materials required for the war effort under their control. These raw materials, collected as they are from the various industries, mines, forges, and quarries of the Empire, shall then be shipped to government store-house centers, where they shall be distributed where required for the use of the armed forces. The requisitioning of resources neccesary for war should have an adverse effect on the standard of living of the citizens of the Empire, but the rationing and requisitioning of supplies for the war effort should offset the standard of living losses with an improvement in the national economy - strengthening it against the strain of supporting our vast military, and generally negating the effect of large-scale recruitment. In order to generally raise money for the war and for the government, begin the issuing and selling of war bonds aswell. The concentration on military industrial build up should do much to help the prosperity of the Empire in a time of war such as this, and should drastically cut down unemployment due to the need for such huge amounts of materiel for the war. Follow the practice of Industrial centralization in the colonies aswell, and use the factories as means to provide employment and prosperity for the peoples of the colonies.

III.) Mobilization of the workers of the Empire. The new centralization and expansion of the Imperial Industries under our economic mobilization should create huge amounts of job oppurtunities, jobs which will fuel the war machine and the economic machine of the Empire. However, due to the fact that a sizeable portion of the male population shall be sent off to war (though not THAT huge - we have yet to institute any form of conscription, and the Empire has a rather large population base.), we must mobilize the female population into the factories aswell, as most are currently serving in the homes. Begin a mass propaganda campaign throughout the Empire to encourage the employment of women as factory workers, and use the Imperial Women's Societies to rally the people towards the factories.​

- Following the lead of our economic mobolization, (and the Russian "Surovov" reforms) put in place a new grand project to centralize, expand and streamline the Imperial military-industrial complex.

NEW PROJECT: "DIRIGISME" (Increased Government control over the economy through Central planning by partial ownership of key industries, incentives, and the formation of "industrial blocs" [industrial and economic monopolies], stimulation of Industry and preparation of the Industry for easy-mobilization and support during wartime, +2 Eco levels, +2 European ECs, +Greater Military Size possible without Economic consequences, + Strategic reserve of 50 Divisions) (SECRET)​

- We should now reach Late Industrial Age due to our tech sharing with Japan and the development of the Peugot Armored Cars.


- Give the Japanese our Armored Car technology, in exchange for their rifle and recoil-operated machine gun technology. (Our alliance was never really dissolved, and shall be re-activeated soon ;))



I.) The Ière FLOTTE, IIème FLOTTE, and IIIème FLOTTE are to re-convene near Dunkerque at the beginning of the year. These fleets are to be supported by 20 Air Squadrons. Send several submarines and balloons into the North Sea to scout out the Russian fleet positions. Once found, the rest of the Sub fleet is to move out of Dunkerque (consisting of some 30 Sub Squadrons) and approach the Russian fleet very slowly, and silently. Once close enough, the Sub squadrons are to launch their barrage of torpedoes, targeting primarily the Russian Capital Ships. The submarines are to disperse routinely, and then continue their attacks, continually pounding the Russian ships as they move around them and send them chasing for the sub squadrons. As the Russian fleet continues to be harrassed and pushed and pulled, the fleet at Dunkerque is to set sail immediately into the North Sea, moving as fast as possible, and followed by the air fleet. The Submarines are to then stop their attacks, and fall back into obscurity as our huge fleet moves against the now stretched out Russian fleet. Here, the airfleet is to begin bombardment of the Russian ships (focusing on capital ships), and our fleet, using superior mobility, firepower, and training, is to rapidly and decisively engage the Russian Fleet, striking it's stretched lines with a huge spearhead of battleships followed by dozens upon dozens of squadrons. Our fleet should run circles around the immobile and battered Russian fleet. The submarines are to then re-engage, having been moving around the Russian fleet, and paralyze the fragments of the Russian fleet throughout the North Sea. The Scandanavian fleet is to move out of the Baltic once our main fleet engages the Russians, and is to hit them in either their rear or flanks. This should effectively destroy the Russian naval power. Once the bulk of Russian power is destroyed, the Ière FLOTTE and IIème FLOTTE are to give chase, and if possible, push the Russian fleet back into Archangelsk, bombarding the city and destroying its docks. The IIIème FLOTTE, with the help of the Scandanavian fleet, is to re-instate the naval blockade around Britain and eliminate the British pirates.

II.) In Austria, southern Germany, and Tyrol, the XIère ARMEE, Xème ARMEE and Ière MOTORISE ARMEE are to convene, alongside 30 Air Squadrons. Then, from here, the force, spearheaded by the Air Squadrons and Motorized Army, is to move into Croatia, here gaining 20 Krakowian Divisions, 10 Imperial Divisions, and 1 Krakowian UU Division for a push into Hungary. The Air Squadrons are to move first into Hungary, bombarding Russian troop positions throughout the region, and destroying concentrated formations of Russian troops. The campaign of air-bombardment will be carried out t the same time as a bombardment by our long-range artillery guns, targeting Russian positions sighted by the Air Squadrons. After this barrage, the Motorized Divisions are to rapidly move into Hungary, excelling in the steppe-like terrain, and followed by the combined Krakowian-Imperial army. The Motorized Divisions are to break the Russian lines as the Infantry follow close behind, rapidly moving through Hungary and pushing the Russians out with superior firepower, mobility, and advanced new armor. Use our new rifles and machine guns (from Japan) to our advantage here.

III.) The Krakowian Forces in Northern Hungary/Southern Poland, once our forces engage the Russians in the south, are to move and attack the Russians on their flanks (though perhaps not, if the Russians decide to charge into Poland first - in which case our armored corps will smash right into the Russian flank.). This, combined with the massive attack from our own forces in the South, should decimate whatever Russian forces are in the region, and should push them out of Hungary. The Krakowian UU Division is to generally cause havoc behind lines and support pro-Unionist insurgents.

IV. The VIème ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE, split and stationed in both Odessa and Sochi, is to move out of these cities. However, before the armies withdraw, they shall systematically strip the city of all wealth and resource. Raid the houses of the wealthy, take all the valuables, break into the bank vaults, taking all the money and gold reserves, and raid the merchant storehouses. (Perhaps procuring an Eco Level) Generally, take everything of value with the army. Then, once all has been looted, set fire to important buildings and infrastructure within the city. Finally, the FL Corps. are to then leave the cities, and transfer themselves to Byzantine Romania. They shall be transported by the Vème FLOTTE. Once they are in Romania, the force, a total 34 FL Corps. is to move into Southern Hungary, hitting the Russian forces on their southern flank as our forces hit them from the west, and the Krakowians hit them from the north. If the Russians are pushed out of Hungary, persue the battered army into southwestern Russia (modern day Ukraine).

V.) In the area of greater Novgorod and the Finnish-Russo Border (OTL Novgorodskaya Oblast and Leningradskaya Oblast), the Ière ARMEE, alongside 25 Finnish Divisions, 9 Tavaskian Raider Divisions, 20 Scandanavian Divisions, and 5 Scandanavian Engineer Corps., is to set up an effective defense of the area currently occupied by Imperial-Allied armies. Scandanavian and Finnish Divisions are to establish and man the border defenses (the Engineer Corps. being particulary useful here). A system of trenches, supported by a line or two of fougasse in the most vulnerable areas, and multiple machine gun positions (filled with our new recoil operated Machine Guns) is to be constructed on the border of our occupation zone. The Swedish and Finnish Regulars are to occupy this defense, and provide the required manpower support. Long-range artillery is to be placed behind the trenches. Tavaskian Raiders, meanwhile, shall be used to harrass the Russian positions around our defenses, looting villages, supply caches, and engaging in minor skirmishes but never giving to open battle. As they conduct these operations, they are to also conduct reconnaissance, and work to direct the artillery fire towards any oncoming Russian forces or to any Russian fortified positions within range. The Ière ARMEE shall act as a strategic reserve, and should a Russian attack come from a particular direction, or should they break an area of our defenses, the army is to move in and rapidly plug up the breach and repulse the invaders. The army is to also deal with partisans behind lines. If the Russians somehow bring about a massive invasion of the area and break down our initial defenses, the commanders are to organize a fighting retreat towards the Finnish border and the Polish positions in Lithuania, destroying and looting the EC of Novgorod if the Russians seem on the verge of taking it.​


1.)The Ière ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE, in Brest, shall act as a home reserve, guarding the channel against any possible Russian invasion, and reacting should any insurgencies pop up within the empire.​


1.) The XIère ARMEE, currently within Dover, is to withdraw immediately at the beginning of the year. The army is to loot all resources and riches from the city, and then retreat accross the Channel, burning all important buildings and infrastructure within the City. Once in Europe it shall be re-inforced to its former size of 20 Divisions and participate in the march in Hungary (see RUSSIAN FRONT - PM. II)


1.)The IVème ARMEE and Vème ARMEE, currently both in Tunis, are to invade Egyptian-occupied Libya. Though they shall fight a force considerably larger than themselves, they should be able to maintain an advantage in combat, due to their superior training (3 levels), morale, and due to the support of the Bedouin tribes in the region. (Continue to promise them their autonomous freedom.) Furthermore, the IVème FLOTTE is to begin a bombardment of Egyptian positions on the Libyan coast, and generally support the operations of our armies operating in Libya. The goal here is to repulse the invaders from Libya. Promise amnesty for all Egyptian forces willing to give up arms.

2.) The IIème ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE, currently in Suez, is to move into Egypt, using the Benghazi-Suez line (which is still in Operation, I assume). In Cairo, take charge of the affairs, declaring a new Egyptian Provisional Government under Imperial Protectorate (Execute all military coup-leaders, and re-instate the MPs favorable to the Empire whilst executing the rest.). Remove all claims on regions below Egypt (such as Sudan, Abysinnia, etc.) and call on all Egyptian soldiers to lay down their arms for their homeland, and not to support the tyrants which would have Egypt destroyed. Then, the army is to rapidly move along the Benghazi-Suez Line into Benghazi itself, right behind Egyptian lines in Libya. With Egyptian supply lines cut off, the FL Corps. should now make quick work of the Egyptian army in Libya.

3.) The VIème ARMEE and the VIIème ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE, currently in Moputo, are to immediately move for war. The VIème ARMEE is to move north to engage and repulse the Egyptian invaders in Mozambique. The Army of FL Corps., meanwhile, shall invade into Sulia. This army should easily crush all resistance on the border. From the border, move to occupy Durban (the EC?) and continue along the coast, occupying the cities as we go. Send forays into the countryside to establish our control there too. Finally, move into Capetown (where we will be hailed as great allies by Swiss' coup). However, upon the entering of Capetown, declare immediately the dissolution of the Sulian state, and the dissolution of the Sullian Government. Execute the leading members of the former government, and execute the members of the current Coup. Then declare the formation of Sulia as a Imperial Protectorate, and spread out our army to establish control of the country having neutralised their military and central civilian leadership.


1.) The VIIIème ARMEE, recently redeployed to Rangoon, is to move north into central Burma, ruthlessly smashing all rebel forces. Execute all captured rebels and generally use rather harsh tactics to discourage rebellion. Do not hesitate to execute Chinese supporters of the rebellion. Withdraw our diplomatic corps out of Beijing due to the support of the Burmese rebels (publish our evidence) and cause a general international incident.

2.) The IVème ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE, in Aceh, shall move to quickly quash the rebellion in Sumatra using whatever means neccessary.

3.) Our forces in India are to fortify the Rajputa-Deccan border, whilst our forces in Karachi are to turn the city into a fortress incase of Rajputan attack. The forces fortifying our Indian border are to create a system of trenches and fougasse (similar to the fortifications used in Novgorod currently or Alscae during the First World War.) in passable terrain, whilst stationing limited troops in harsher jungles and moutain passes. Mobolize the private armies of the Indian princes for the defense of India whilst using the fleets in the region to patrol the Rajputan coasts.​
1787. The year I killed Byzantium.

Spoiler 1787 :
Holy Roman Empire [of the French Nation]
Capital: Paris
Ruler: Emperor Valerien I/Insane_Panda
Government: Elective Semi-Parliamentary Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary
Tech. Level: Late Industrial Age
Army (Training): 98 divisions (Elite+2), 15 divisions (Elite+1), 14 Freikorps divisions (Elite), 21 armoured car divisions (Professional), 51 Foreign Legion corps, 5 irregular divisions
Navy (Training): 70 ship squadrons (Elite+2), 16 ship squadrons (Elite+1), 6 sub squadrons (Elite+2), 6 sub squadrons (Elite), 8 capital ships (Elite)
Air Force (Training): 32 squadrons (Elite), 7 squadrons (Very Good)
Economy: Richer (+4)
Size (points required): Huge (5)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/Brilliant
Infrastructure: Great
Education: Well Educated
Living Standards: Very High
Culture: Uberpatriotic+1
Confidence: Nation Personified
Projects: The Benghazi-Suez Express (+1 Economy, +1 Egyptian Infrastructure) (Done!), The Peugot (SECRET) (Done!), Dirigisme (SECRET) (4/12)

TOTAL EP: 4 EP + 12 EP (from 2 sacrificed Eco. lvls.) + 25 ECs + 9 EP from EUA + 2 EP fron Japan = 53 EP

- Spend 8 EP on Armoured Car Divisions, giving us a total of 61.
- Spend 4 EP to train the new increases to Professional.
- Spend 4 EP on Regular Divisions, giving us a total of 133.
- Invest 1 EP to increase their training to Elite (+1).
- Spend 6 EP on Ship Squadrons, giving us a total of 116.
- Spend 2 EP to train the new increases to Elite (+2) (1 EP = Elite (+1), 2 EP = Elite (+2) - your rules state 1 EP per every FULL 20 Divisions)
- Spend 8 EP on FL Corps, giving us a total of 91.
- Spend 4 EP to train them to our current training level (Elite +2 or one higher, as they start 2 levels below the ones we currently have)
- Spend 6 EP on Air Squadrons, giving us a total of 69.
- Spend 3 EP on Logistics.
- Spend 1 EP on our project to continue it.
- Spend a further 6 EP to speed it up by 3 turns.​


- Valerien, due to the numerous assasination attempts on his body, is to go into hiding. Power, thusly, is to shift towards the hands of de Terrailon and Dumouriez, the Premier and Chief Field Marshall of the Empire, respectively. However, there is to be no word of his disappearance, and regular statements are to be issued on his behalf in the form of published speeches and other similar addresses.

- Continue our economic mobilization. Continue the centralization and monopolization of essential industries, aswell as the rationing and procurement of supplies neccessary to the war effort so that our required sacrifices do not further dent the Imperial economic power.

- Continue a rigorous propaganda campaign against all dissenters and resurgent nationalists. Mobilize the Imperial Civil Societies on the home front, and use them to control and curb dissent (giving local Gendarmeries and militias the power to act on behalf of the Emperor against traitors). In Germany especially are we to keep up counter-insurgent activities, aswell as in Spain and Portugal.



1.) Contribute 50 Divisions to the Polish forces in the east, and allow the Krakowians command over these divisions.​


The Russian Fleet has narrowly been repulsed, and now sits in Britain. However, we have signed peace with Britain, a peace which includes their aid in repulsing Russian forces from their country. We must now fight our naval campaign to restore Imperial supremacy to the north sea, and indeed, to all seas.

1.) Move immediately, mustering up a fleet of 50 Squadrons, 6 Sub Squadrons, 4 Capital Ships, and 20 Air Squadrons, to attack and heavily damage the Russian fleet as it attempts to leave British ports (which now should be hostile to the Russian fleet). Use our air squadrons to bomb the more vulnerable ship squadrons of this fleet as it attempts to leave port, creating large amounts of wreckage (do not try and target capital ships yet, as they are quite resilient to our attacks) for which to slow down any Russian attempts at manuveuring out of British ports. Submarine squadrons shall attack at much the same time as the Air Squadrons drop their bombs, whilst the larger body of ships and capital ships strikes the Russian fleet after it has been significantly damaged by our air and undersea attacks (capital ships are to be targeted once the fleet has been largely immobilized by the sinking of smaller ships and squadrons). These attacks are to be conducted immediately in the beginning of the year, to strike and smash the Russian fleet before re-inforcements are able to arrive from Archangelsk. Once the Russian fleet has been largely dealt with in the North Sea, our fleet is to maintain its position in the North Sea, whilst air squadrons are to move near Norway and detect any possible Russian naval movements. If Russia tries to move in the North Sea, use air squadrons to pin it down as our fleet moves to ambush them oncemore.​


This turn we do not have the forces which are neccessary in conducting a grand campaign against the Seguese Caliphate. Therefore, instead of throwing all caution to the wind, and risking valuable troops as we conduct a grand campaign in Europe, we shall pursue a war of attrition for the moment, our purpose being to further shatter Seguese economic power and reserve. Let the Scandinavians fight this.

1.) In Senegal and Southwest Africa, re-inforce our positions with an additional 8 FL Corps (re-inforcing the current 12 and 11 FL Corps there, respectively, with 4 FL Corps each). Their goal, however, shall not be an offensive attack - we lack the numbers neccessary for a debilitating strike against the Seguese forces. Therefore, in lieu of a grand offensive, conduct instead a war of defense, using the expertise of the FL Corps in engineering to construct a system of defensive lines aimed at stoping any massed offensives by the Seguese army. Utilize such latest technologies as our recoil operated machine guns, heavy artillery, and flame-throwers to aid us in our defense, using the technology to counter the huge numbers which the Seguese will no doubt field against us.

2.) Meanwhile, the PUO is scheduled to send us troops, which it is entrusting us to command against the vile Seguese forces. These forces will become especially handly as they are skilled in counter-insurgency and general terror tactics. Use them then, to cause chaos behind Seguese lines, dispatching raiding parties accross into their occupied lands and inciting anti-Seguese revolt (to non Islamic tribes, tell them that if they do not aid the Empire, then they will be forced to worship Allah, whereas under our control, they will be given much freedom. Generally, note the autonomy offered under the Empire, whilst also noting the huge numbers of men which Segu conscripts and throws aimlessly against Imperial machine guns). Against all tribes which continue to support Segu, however, conduct a campaign of terror, striking them in the night and generally pillaging/looting/killing. Do what they are good at.​


The Byzantine presence in Italy and Austria is unacceptable. We must crush it and we shall do so in the following manner:

1.) In Provence and Switzerland, assemble a combined army of 40 Regular Divisions, 20 FL Corps, and 20 Armored Car Divisions (Armored car divisions being majorly concentrated in Provence, due to their uselessness in the rocky terrain of Switzerland/Northern Alps. Also assembled shall be a fleet of 39 Air Squadrons. Immediately, the Air Squadrons are to attack Byzantine positions accross the Alps and Northern Italy, striking their supply lines, destroying important caches, and impeding their ability to move around the territory (this is especially important as we do not want them burning down all of Northern Italy) as they try and save themselves from the death raining down upon them. The airstrike is to continue unrelentlessly until the armies in Switzerland and Provence flood into Northern Italy, striking the Byzantine forces with their sheer weight of numbers and superior training to smash the already embattled Byzantine positions. We expect that the armies in Provence will move much quicker than the armies coming through the Alpine passes from Switzerland - this shall be used to our advantage, as the forces moving through Provence and into the North Italian territories can encircle the Byzantine forces against our forces moving in from Switzerland.

2.) As this occurs, our forces currently in Italy, amounting to 32 Regular Divisions, 10 Armored Car Divisions, and 7 FL Corps, are to strike into the North aswell, hitting their underbelly as they attempt to defend against our attacks from France and Switzerland (or vice versa, for if Byzantine forces were to attempt to subdue Italy, we shall have smashed their rear lines with our forces form France and Switzerland.) Move rapidly to link up with our other forces and smash the Byzantine presence in the north. Our superior training, morale, and technology should do much to secure our success. Again, give commanders general flexibility in their conduct of the campaign (perhaps expose some good generals).

3.) After the Byzantine military in the Alps/Northern Italy is smashed, the armies which were originally in Italy shall plunge into the Southern and Central Italy, smashing all insurgents ruthlessly (using the same measures as last year) whilst moving rapidly to crush and repulse and Byzantine positions in Naples and send them back into the Sea where they can be destroyed by our fleets. The bulk of the Armies from Provence and Switzerland (this includes the AC divisions) shall move into Austria, finishing off the retreating Byzantine armies (Air Squadrons shall maintain a vanguard ahead of these armies, destroying retreating Byzantine forces and providing reconaissance data.) From Austria, the forces shall move into Croatia, linking up with Krakowian Forces where Krakowian generals shall assume strategic command of these forces.​


The Byzantine Navy has achieved a temporary naval superiority within the mediterranean, due to our fleets being spread out and due to their degree of surpise. This, however, cannot last, and in order to defeat the Byzantine navy and to defeat Byzantium as a whole, re-uniting the Roman Emperor, we shall endeavor to do the following:

1.) First, assemble our fleet of 60 Squadrons, 6 Sub Squadrons, 4 Capital Ships, and 10 Air Squadrons near Gibraltar. The fleet shall be carrying 33 FL Corps, 11 AC Divisions (AC Divisions are to be deployed at the opposite end of the Straits, in North Africa), and 10 Regular Divisions. However, do not yet attack the Byzantine fleet en masse. Instead, taking a page from our operations in the North Sea (to be explained below) send out our Air Squadrons to find the Byzantine positions throughout the Mediterranean. Once found, commence the bombardment of these Byzantine fleets, striking them and distracting them for some time, as they are distracted, the main fleet is to move in.

2.) And move in it shall, with full and unrelenting speed. Once the fleet is in the Western Mediterranean, is to move and engage (and pin down) the main Byzantine fleet in the west, using our superior firepower and numbers to hammer the enemy fleet. Once the fleets have engaged, the Air Squadrons are to now converge upon the site of battle, targetting the Byzantine fleet and sinking large amounts of ships. Our goal here is the destruction of Byzantine naval power in the Western Mediterranean, and also to pin down the Byzantine fleet as the Japanese move in through Suez and into the Eastern Mediterranean. Our Naval commanders are smart, allow them to do what they think is best to defeat the Byzantine fleet, and do not restrict them to what I have commanded here.

3.) In North Africa, meanwhile, 11 Armored Car Divisions and 8 FL Corps. are to gather in Morroco, here, they are to assemble and prepare for a strike accross North Africa, and against the Byzantine forces in Tunis. Using the terrain to their advantage, storm accross Northern Algeria and into the Byzantine positions, rallying the Bedouin tribes to work with us and destroy the Byzantines, who seek to impose their tyrannical oppression upon these north Africans. Use our superior mobility and Bedouin raids to weaken and generally destroy the already tenuous Byzantine positions in this realm. After the destruction of Byzantine naval capability in the region, part of the fleet shall be free to provide coastal support for these armies.

4.) Once the fleet has successfully defeated the Byzantine navy in the Western Mediterranean (perhaps by this time the Japanese fleet has arrived, but that is regardless to the issue), it is to sail towards Greece proper. Here, in Greece proper, it shall land its cargo of 25 FL Corps and 10 Divisions. 10 FL Corps and 5 Divisions are to land near Corinth, whilst 10 FL Corps are to land near Athens. 5 FL Corps and 5 Divisions shall land in southern Albania. These forces, once on the ground, shall move rapidly to secure Greece and later link up with Krakowian/Imperial forces as they move down from the Balkans. The armies, after securing Greece proper and the western coast, are to move eastwards, towards Saloniki. After Saloniki is captured, attempt to consolidate and crush the numerous pockets of resistance which are likely to spring up. Take no prisoners, and execute all those who rise up in arms against us. As this is occuring, the fleet, in conjunction with the Japanese fleet, is to move and bombard Constantinople, damaging it as best as we can (target and destroy such landmarks as the Hagia Sophia). Air Squadrons are to help aswell. Incite muslims in Turkey to revolt and do much the same with the Bulgars and Slavs. Generally, our goal here is much the same as the last war - strike Byzantium in its homeland, and cripple its ability to wage an offensive war. It seems that the Greeks had not learned their lesson.​


- Attempt, as we discussed, to gain support amongst Indian princes as Chinese and Japanese forces enroach in India, and as anarchy intensifies. Promise powerul princes their own domains and autonomy if they support the Empire.
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