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1788. Recovery and further conquests.

Spoiler 1788 :
Holy Roman Empire [of the French Nation]
Capital: Paris
Ruler: Emperor Valerien I/Insane_Panda
Government: Elective Semi-Parliamentary Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary
Tech. Level: Late Industrial Age
Army (Training): 71 divisions (Elite+2), 40 divisions (Elite+1), 14 Freikorps divisions (Elite), 49 armoured car divisions (Professional), 65 Foreign Legion corps (Elite+3), 5 irregular divisions
Navy (Training): 74 ship squadrons (Elite+2), 13 ship squadrons (Elite+1), 2 sub squadrons (Elite+2), 1 sub squadron (Elite), 5 capital ships (Elite)
Air Force (Training): 25 squadrons (Elite), 27 squadrons (Very Good)
Economy: Richer (+4)
Size (points required): Huge (5)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/Brilliant
Infrastructure: Great
Education: Well Educated
Living Standards: Higher
Culture: Uberpatriotic+1
Confidence: Nation Personified
Projects: The Benghazi-Suez Express (+1 Economy, +1 Egyptian Infrastructure) (Done!), The Peugot (SECRET) (Done!), Dirigisme (SECRET) (8/12)


- Attach our 49 Armored Car Divisions to our Regular Corps, giving us an additional 49 Regular Divisions.

TOTAL EP: 4 EP + 28 ECs = 32 EP

- Invest 1 EP to continue our project.
- Invest a further 6 EP to finish it.
- Spend 2 EP on Regular Divisions. (20)
- Invest 2 EP to raise their training to Elite (+2).
- Invest 2 EP in training our 40 Elite (+1) Divisions to Elite (+2).
- Invest 4 EP in training our 27 (Very Good) Air Squadrons to Elite.
- Invest 1 EP in training our 13 (Elite +1) Ship Squadrons to Elite +2.
- Spend 2 EP on Sub Squadrons. (20)
- Invest 2 EP to raise their training to Elite.
- Spend 4 EP on Ship Squadrons. (40)
- Invest 1 EP into our new project.
- Invest 2 EP to rush it by a turn.
- Invest 3 EP into military logistics.​


- Finish "DIRIGISME", increasing our industrial potential exponentially whilst providing us with greater capacity for a larger military force. All of this industry, naturally, should be centered within Europe, primarily in France and Western Germany. The opening of these large industries should provide a huge new employment oppurtunities, whilst perhaps stimulating our economy and giving it an extra boost (primarily through the added revenue and production which these new Industries offer, and the large amount of jobs they offer aswell.)

- Upon the completion of Dirigisme, begin a new project aimed at the continued Industrial and Commercial development of Europe. This project shall focus primarily upon the consolidation of Imperial industry through large Industrial Blocs (essentially large corporate or governmental monopolies) and through the use of indicative central planning, characterized not by complete government control and regulation over industries, but by the use of incentives and other programs to direct the Imperial economy towards prosperity, are long term goals being the establishment of Europe as the world's premier economy in development, effeciency, and technology. The first of perhaps several initiatives to establish our economy shall be the economic re-building and re-focusing of Europe, which was somewhat damaged during the Second World War.

NEW PROJECT: VOLONTARISME: (+2 Eco. levels, +2 European ECs) (SECRET)​

- Officially bring an end to the war at home by ending the war-time economic mobilization and by closing down the Ration-houses which have worked to distribute and ration goods throughout the Empire. However, instead of drastic and immediate cessation of all rationing, pursue a slow, modulated approach to re-stabilizing the economy - release first the most unneccessary goods to the war effort from rationing, the goods most in abundance, and as production picks up through our new industries and through the relieved war-time pressure, release the remaining goods from the rationing system one at a time, allowing the economy to adjust properly to the changes. This should ensure a smooth, peaceful, and prosperous transition, and with the new economic successes, it should help to place the Imperial economy on an upwards swing oncemore.


- Sign the treaties of Turku and Dakar:

- Begin to help Finland become a modern member of the European community. Send several cadres of economic (particularly dirigist in the Imperial model) advisors alongside scientific and military ones. Also send with the advisors numerous technologies such as the recoil operated machine guns.

- Concerning the Scandanavian Freikorps - the Imperial Government deems them a threat to large in the case of recent events to allow them to exist as a military unit. Therefore, they will be sent on commercial ships to return to Scandanavia. However, these commercial ships shall be completely reserved for the soldiers, whilst the crews of such ships shall be handpicked agents from the Marine Imperial and the Gendarmerie. The cargo holds of these ships are to be stocked with explosives, whilst the weapons and logistical equipment of the units shall be left in the Empire (we shall claim that they will be delivered in other shipments). Then, these fleets shall set sail for Scandanavia, however, en route, the crews are to abandon their ships and detonate the explosives, sinking them and killing all within the vessels. (this is to occur in the middle of the night, to allow the crews to properly escape.) Cover up the incident as engine fires and reactions between the munitions from the korps.

- Following this incident, begin the cessation of all diplomatic ties with the Union of Scandanavia, claiming their "irresponsible actions in the face of war" and their "betrayal of civilization towards their own greedy self-interests". Rescind our Defensive alliance with them, and follow up the cessation of the alliance with a refusal to recognize their claims in India, declaring them an "illegal occupation" and decrying Scandanavian "involvement in Imperial spheres of influence". At home, rally jingoist and nationalist sentiments against the Scandanavians for their betrayal of us towards the Russians. However, there will be no war, atleast, not yet (see MILITARY ORDERS)...



- Continue to maintain our Balkan-front forces at 50 Divisions, 20 FL Corps. and 15 Airships. These forces will be placed under the strategic directives of the Krakowian army (NK).

- Further send a fleet of 40 Squadrons to aid in their naval operations in the Black Sea.


- Continue to maintain our naval supremacy, whilst conducting an array of marine operations throughout the region:

1.) Using a fleet of 30 Squadrons, loaded with 20 FL Corps and 30 Regular Divisions, continue to maintain our naval supremacy by destroying any of the remaining Byzantine fleets in the region. Once that mission is complete, use our fleet to bombard Byzantine ports in the Aegean, using our troops to hop accross the Ionian isles and secure them one by one (they are not to maintain garrisons, simply capture and move on).

2.) Once this is complete, the fleet is to conduct landings in the Turkish coastal cities of Antalya, Bandirma, Izmir, and Mugla. 5 FL Corps and 7 Regular Divisions are to be contributed to each site, with an additional 2 Divisions contributed to the landing at Bandirma, due to its position in the Sea of Marmara. The fleet is to support the amphibious assaults with naval landings, clearing the way for the troops to seize the cities, whilst 10 Air Squadrons shall act in support, bombing defenses not reacheable by the naval guns. Once the cities are secure, the army groups are to move deeper into Anatolia, advancing as far as they can (as the bulk of the Byzantine army is either in Romania or Persia) towards Ankara.

3.) Finally, an additional force of 20 Regular Divisions are to land at Tarsus, and persue the same strategies as conducted above - namely: secure the city, and advance as deep as possible into turkey. However, instead of simply moving towards Ankara, the goal of this force shall be to act as a vanguard against any Byzantine re-deployments to Anatolia, moving to engage any incoming Byzantine forces.​


1.) Using a force of 10 Divisions, kick the Byzantines out of Naples and execute all WOTP sympathizers.

2.) Using a force of 10 Squadrons and 5 Divisions, kick the Byzantines out of Corsica, Sardinia, and the Baelearic Islands​


- There is to be a state of war against the Scandanavian Union, specifically for its illegal involvement in India, but just as much for its betrayal of the Imperial Defensive alliance by signing peace prematurely with both Russia and Great Britain.

1.) In the Deccan, mobilize a force of 30 Divisions and 20 Air Squadrons. In Karachi, mobilize a force of 10 FL Corps. Immediately set to work on Indian rebels, using much the same harsh tactics as were used in Europe against WotP rebels. Immediately after this rebellion is mopped up, the Air Squadrons are to launch an all-out bombardment of Scandanavian and Marathi positions in India, disrupting each of their supply chains and their military assets (do not target industrial and commercial infrastructure in Gujarat, however). Following this bombardment, the 30 Divisions in the Deccan are to immediately strike the Marathi forces from the south, shattering their flanks and sending them into disarray. The FL Corps in Karachi, meanwhile, are to leap accross the Indus and into Gujarat, hitting Scandanavian forces in their flanks. From here, the FL Corps are to press forwards, as the divisions formerly engaged with the Marathi forces advance onto Scandanavian possesions. These two forces should thusly sandwich and crush the Scandanvian forces between them. From here, consolidate our gains and advance further into India, securing as much of it as possible and securing the former Japanese regions.

2.) Throughout the world's oceans, launch a series of naval attacks as our campaigns in India begin. In the North Sea and the Baltic, 15 Submarine Squadrons are to engage and ambush the bulk of the Scandanavian fleet here. Following up with these ambushes shall be attacks upon the Scandanavian fleet from 10 Air Squadrons, immobilizing them for a short while as our core fleet of 40 Squadrons and all of our Capital Ships sweeps in to destroy the remainder of the Scandanavian fleet in the region. 10 Regular Divisions in Germany are to move into Denmark and secure it as our naval forces bombard and destroy their coastal ports (be careful not to get stuck in any fjords) and as our Air-Squadrons destroy their essential industries. In Africa, 20 Squadrons are to land 15 FL Corps at the Scandanavian Congolese EC. The FL Corps are to secure the city, and advance deeper into Congo, moving along the coast and supported by the fleet until moving deeper inland through the river. From our newly-acquired acquisitions in Segu, move 15 Regular Divisions into Scandanavian Chad, securing their EC there and advancing deeper to secure the rest of Scandanavian africa. 10 Regular Divisions are to attack from Tanzania into Scandanavia's somali coast, capturing and securing it for the empire.​
Now, for prewar: (or, pre WWII)

Spoiler 1781 :
Holy Roman Empire [of the French Nation]
Capital: Paris
Ruler: Emperor Valerien I/Insane_Panda
Government: Elective Semi-Parliamentary Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary
Tech. Level: Middle Industrial Age
Army (Training): 120 divisions (Elite+2), 60 Foreign Legion corps
Navy (Training): 100 ship squadrons (Elite+1), 5 sub squadrons (Professional), 10 capital ships (Elite)
Air Force (Training): 10 squadrons (Elite)
Economy: Economic Powerhouse (+5)
Size (points required): Huge (5)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/Brilliant
Infrastructure: Very Efficient
Education: Perfect
Living Standards: Very High
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Admiring
Nation Background:


- Further establish French economic hegemony by signing a free-trade agreement with the Egyptian Government (which Luckymoose has agreed to in the thread - if he does not put it in his orders, go through with it anyways, as he DID agree to it). This might benefit the Egyptian Government in some way, but really, it was signed to cement our economic dominance over the African continent, aswell as negate the possible Russian commercial influence in the region (which, admittedly, should be very small, considering the lack of Russian access to the Eastern Mediterranean). Furthermore, establish such trade agreements with the new PUASE (Provinces Unie de l'Asie Sud-Est) (Formation to be described in DOMESTIC ORDERS)


TOTAL EP: 33 ECs = 33 EP

- Spend 10 EP on Capitol Ships. The rationale behind this is our need to maintain fleet-superiority, especially as the Russians continue to build up their armed forces for the inevitable attempt at revanche.
- Invest 3 EP into sustaining the training-level of the crews of the new Capitol Ships.
- Spend 4 EP on Ship Squadrons.
- Invest 1 EP into sustaining the training-level of the crews.
- Spend 4 EP on Air Squadrons.
- Invest 1 EP into sustaining the training-level of the crews.
- Invest 5 EP into Standard of Living as part of our Social-Reform Program. (to be explained in DOMESTIC ORDERS)
- Transfer 3 EP to the Kingdom of Poland, to aid with their build up against the Russian war machine.
- Transfer 2 EP to the Malikate of Egypt, for allowing us to construct the Benghazi-Suez line.​


- We must deal with the revolutionary insurgents within our Empire. Approach the problem using a carrot and stick solution as follows:

1.)The Carrot. Following upon the social legislation of Emperor Julien II, enact a new set of social laws and institutions aimed at quelling the dissent of the industrial workers. Expand upon the previously laid programs of worker's compensation and worker's regulations, whilst instituting new programs of healthcare (by which workers would pay 2/3rds of the premiums, and the remaining 1/3rd would be paid by their employers (or the government, if they were unemployed)), old-age pensions, and accidental insurance. Also put into effect new laws concerning child labour. These programs, being well funded (as I don't see what else SoL increases would be used for), should do much to endear the Emperor (and the Imperial Government) to the workers and the common people of the Empire. They should also force the Egalitist movement largely into irrelevancy (atleast by the moderate members of the masses - when one has a social net already, one does not need to agitate for revolution). Use our newfound popularity to more thoroughly crush those radicals as outlined below. Have the Emperor hold speeches throughout local legislatures (and the Senate) detailing his plan for prosperity and the need to smash the traitorous elements of Imperial society.

2.)The Stick. After we have pushed through the above legislation, greatly increasing our popularity amongst the masses, and greatly increasing their standard of living (which should now be the highest in the world - this should not count for nothing. Do communist uprisings happen in prosperous countries where money is abundant and life is good? I think not :p), begin our actions aimed at rooting out the egalitist insurgency and utterly smashing those which would try to destroy the Empire. Firstly, within the Senate, push through the Acts for Imperial Security, acts which would basically ban Egalitism, and make the crime of treason punishable by death, whilst making denouncing the state (and/or preaching for its dissolution/revolution/destruction) a crime punishable by 20 years in prison. Secondly, unleash the Gendarmerie to enforce these laws, immediately moving about the Empire to obtain and emprison egalitist leaders, shut down egalitist newspapers, organizations, unions (not all unions - simply those affliated with the Egalitists) and generally stifle opposition within the egalitist leadership circles. Also unleash the Gendarmerie against the general treasonous groups of the Empire (such as nationalist organizations), using our system of railroads to shuttle Gendarmerie units between different hotspots and areas which are known to house leaders of organizations which support the destruction or harming of the Empire. Use the gendarmerie to arrest and execute those convicted of treason, and shatter the last remnants of nationalist rebellion, specifically focusing on the prefectures of Spain and Germany. Push through legislation out-lawing the possesion of arms, and use the Gendarmerie to enforce such legislation (if it does not already exist). If arms stores are found, confiscate them and imprison the owners. In conclusion, simply work to utterly destroy the resistance within our empire.​

- Begin a new project, the Benghazi-Suez Express. This project calls for the construction of a comphrehensive railway from the port of Benghazi (in French Libya) to Suez. The railroad's purpose shall be to link commerce between the Sinai and Greater French North Africa, and provide a much more cost-effective way of transporting goods between our two colonies. The construction of this railway (along with its operation by the Imperial Government) has already been OKed by the Egyptian government, and thus we should have no problems other than investing the resources neccessary to complete this project. It will also have the effect of establishing French economic dominance over northern Egypt (as it stops in the large cities of Alexandria and Cairo) - and thus negating Russian attempts at incursion in Egyptian markets. It will also have the (not-to-be-stated-in-any-government-reports) effect of allowing us an easy mode of transportation for troops, incase the Egyptian government ever displeases us.

- PROJECT: The Benghazi-Suez Express (+1 Economy, +railway accross northern Egypt)​

- In Persia, begin sending engineers and geologists into Persian-controlled Baku. Have these specialists survey the land and its considerable oil deposits, and note the best possible sites for the construction of wells to tap into these reserves. Establish scientific outposts, and begin the accumulation of data neccessary for further operations. In the next year, government investment shall be provided for the construction of infrastructure neccessary to collect the area's large reserves of oil.

- In Asia, withdraw ourselves from Siam and Indochina, instead establishing a French Satellite Dominion in the United Provinces of Southeast Asia (Provinces Unie de l'Asie Sud-Est, or PUASE). The rationale for this shall be the need to give the colonies of France which are not under direct Imperial authority greater autonomy, and that they are much better suited as prosperous allies than resentful, rebellious subjects. Maintain control over Burma (maintain OTL Siam-Burma borders), and Singapore (and the region around it) whilst relinquishing control of Siam, Vietnam, and much of Malaysia.

- Transfer control of the colony of Java (and the small island next to it), to the Empire of Japan. The rationale behind this transfer shall be that the Empire's pacific possessions, though profitable, shall be much more profitable in the hands of the Japanese, as it will give them no reason for territorial claims on our Empire, and will strengthen their position against the resurgent Russians and (possibly) Chinese.

- Outlaw slavery within our Carribean and African colonies.


- With the PUAF outlawing slavery, we expect there to be heavy resistance amongst the southern provinces. Therefore, we will provide whatever aid we can:

1.) Immediately dispatch a peace-keeping force into Caroline. This force is to consist of 15 FL corps, to be transported by 30 Naval Squadrons, and 1 Capitol Ship.

2.) Using our fleet off the Carolinian and Virginian Coasts, establish a blockade around the area. However, this blockade will not cease all commerce - instead, the blockade is to ensure that arms shipments do not reach any rebels within the nation. Exercise our right of security, and board and inspect Merchant vessels. Demand that all vessels comply with this inspection. (direct the guns of our fleet towards these vessels when asking for our right of inspection ;) ). If rebels manage to secure any coastal positions, then use our fleet to bombard and seize/neutralize these positions.

3.) Use our Foriegn Legion attache within the PUAF to persue general peace-keeping. Move to neutralize any direct threats to PUAF security (such as armed rebels and insurgents) whilst ensuring that blacks are given fair treatment, and if required, safe passage to the north.​

- Dispatch 20 FL Corps. to the Carribean and African colonies (10 to each) to engage in the same peace-keeping measures as those being used in the Carolinian and Virginian provinces of the PUAF.
I personally perfer Symphonys order style........
1782. The year Britain lost her fleet.

Spoiler 1782 :
Holy Roman Empire [of the French Nation]
Capital: Paris
Ruler: Emperor Valerien I/Insane_Panda
Government: Elective Semi-Parliamentary Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary
Tech. Level: Middle Industrial Age
Army (Training): 120 divisions (Elite+2), 53 Foreign Legion corps
Navy (Training): 120 ship squadrons (Elite+2), 20 sub squadrons (Elite+1), 20 capital ships (Elite)
Air Force (Training): 30 squadrons (Elite)
Economy: Monopoly (+6)
Size (points required): Huge (5)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/Brilliant
Infrastructure: Great
Education: Academic
Living Standards: Splendid
Culture: Jingoist
Confidence: Loving
Projects: The Benghazi-Suez Express (+1 Economy, +1 Egyptian Infrastructure) (2/3)

TOTAL EP: 6 EP + 31 ECs = 37 EP

- Spend 2 EP on FL Corps, giving us a total of 63.
- Spend 4 EP on Ship Squadrons, giving us a total of 140.
- Invest 1 EP to sustain their training.
- Spend 4 EP on Sub Squadrons, giving us a total of 40.
- Invest 1 EP to sustain their training.
- Invest a further 2 EP to raise their training to (Elite +2).
- Spend 2 EP on Air Squadrons, giving us a total of 40.
- Invest 5 EP on the reconstruction of le Canal de l'Egyptien. (to be explained in DOMESTIC ORDERS)
- Invest 1 EP into our project, completing it.
- Invest 6 EP into a new project. (to be explained in MILITARY ORDERS)
- Invest 5 EP into military logistics.
- Invest 3 EP into Venetian trade infrastructure (to be explained in DOMESTIC ORDERS)
- Invest 3 EP into Lisboan trade infrastructure (to be explained in DOMESTIC ORDERS)
- Invest 2 EP into the Baku Oil Fields (to be explained in DOMESTIC ORDERS)​



- Ière ARMEE (Strasbourg): 30 Divisions
- IIème ARMEE (Berlin): 15 Divisions
- IIIème ARMEE (Madrid): 15 Divisions
- Ière ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE (Brest): 20 FL Corps.

- IVème ARMEE (Tunis): 10 Divisions
- Vème ARMEE (Accra): 10 Divisions
- VIème ARMEE (Moputo): 10 Divisions

- VIIème ARMEE (Madras): 10 Divisions

- VIIIème ARMEE (Singapore): 10 Divisions

- IXème ARMEE (Havana): 10 Divisions
- Vème ARMEE DU LEGION ETRANGERE (Havana): 10 FL Corps.​


- Ière FLOTTE (Brest): 40 Squadrons, 10 Sub Squadrons, 10 Capital Ships
- IIème FLOTTE (Lubeck): 20 Squadrons, 10 Sub Squadrons, 5 Capital Ships
- IIIème FLOTTE (Gibraltar): 10 Squadrons, 10 Sub Squadrons, 2 Capital Ships
- IVème FLOTTE (Syracuse): 10 Squadrons

- Vème FLOTTE (Suez): 20 Squadrons, 2 Capital Ships

- VIème FLOTTE (Madras): 10 Squadrons
- VIIème FLOTTE (Marmagao): 10 Squadrons

- VIIIème FLOTTE (Singapore): 20 Squadrons

- IXème FLOTTE (Port-au-Prince): 20 Squadrons, 1 Capital Ship
- Xème FLOTTE (St. Jean (OTL St. John)): 10 Squadrons

- XIème FLOTTE (Cairns): 5 Squadrons​


- Invest heavily (using the funds provided in PRODUCTION ORDERS) into the reconstruction (or rather, repair) of the Canal de l'Egyptien - the Egyptian Canal. Use 5 FL Corps. to aid in the reconstruction, using their expertise in engineering to re-dig and excavate the trenches and channels, and to re-strengthen the canal walls. Also further expand upon the strength of the canal, and strengthen its foundations and walls as they rebuild it. Use this as a chance to also improve the Canal. Also attempt to bring back Suez's status as a premier port of trade and a link between the Indian ocean and the mediterranean. The completion of the Benghazi-Suez express should also do much to improve the economic condition of the city.

- Continue to employ the Gendarmerie in counter-insurgency operations throughout the Empire, though particularly continue to focus on Spain and Germany, rooting out the last of the nationalist cells, and maintaining our undercover presence in the underground, countryside, and slums of the Empire, keeping a lookout for any Egalitist leaders, and stopping egalitist sentiments. (workers who begin to lean towards egalitism are to be carried away in the night by the Gendarmerie.) Meanwhile, in Poland, we are to send a small undercover group of Gendarmerie agents into the border regions and cities. Focus on the slums of the industrial regions - the gendarmerie units are to use the cover of being imperial egalitists which narrowly escaped gendarmerie raids. These agents are to search for (and, if possible) aprehend egalitist leaders for torture, information procurement, and execution. Generally, continue the measures laid out last year, though to a somewhat lesser and more concentrated extent.

- Arrest the members of the "Knights of Notre-Dame" of which we have confirmed identities. Investigate their backgrounds for any odd connections. Torture them for information, and then execute them. If they do provide information regarding any underground or secret organizations, we are to take pro-active measures to infiltrate and destroy these organizations. (I'd like a secret-report on the matter).

- Building upon the investments of last year, continue to expand the education system of the Empire, focusing on institutions of higher-education. Expand and streamline rigorous curriculum in our educational institutions, and establish tougher exams. Open the schools to all who can pass the exams for entrance. Also, increase the number and amount of educational grants issued to those students which show particular merit, and expand upon imperial grants towards institutions of research, medicine, and technology.

- Invest in the trade infrastructure of the two following cities:

1.) Lisbon: Lisbon, once a great atlantic trade-capital, was much reduced in stature by the Egalitist rebellions, and subsequent cessation of said rebellions. Lisbon suffered the most out of all the Empire, and was reduced in size, population, and wealth. We see it fit to restore Lisbon to its former glory, so funds have been allocated to expand and rebuild important trade infrastructure. This reconstruction is also to serve as a gesture, and reminder to the peoples of Lisbon and the peoples of the Empire - Rebellion cannot give you anything, only the Empire can provide for you. Expand the ports and infrastructure, lessen tarriffs, and invest to make Lisbon a suitable, and indeed attractive for atlantic commerce. (It is in a perfect situation, and should indeed attract many merchants.)

2.) Venice: France lacks a center of commerce in the Adriatic. Rectify the situation by using the funds provided and expand trade infrastructure, whilst generally encouraginc commerce and industry accross the board in this ancient and beautiful city. Also, invest in the growing tourism industry (as the citizens of the empire grow wealthier, they soon find themselves with leisure time, and leisure time begets a growing number of tourists). Compete with the Hungarian ports along the adriatic coast line, and tote Venice as a much more profitable (for indeed, merchants will trade directly with the Empire, and enjoy the Empire's relatively lax laws on commerce) and enjoyable site for stay and trade.​

- Continue to invest in the Baku Oil fields using the funds alloted, and using our engineers already there, begin to construct the drills and wells neccessary to tap into the petroleum resources. Ship the petroleum in barrels, via train, to ports in Southern Persia.


- Begin the steps neccessary, as follows, to bring about a state of war between the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Great Britain:

1.) For decades, the Kingdom of Great Britain has grown worrisome to the Empire. Ever since the Great War, a war which England was reluctant to participate in, we have felt a growing sense of hostility, and indeed, we now have the implicit knowledge that England only waits for the Empire to enter a state of dissarray and stagnation before it acts to limit our power. We will not let this happen, and therefore England, as with all our former enemies, must be destroyed. The first step of our plot shall be thus: Find several small fishing boats. These fishing boats are to be like any others, however, instead of fish, they will carry numerous explosives, and a skeleton crew. Then, these small boats shall set for sail to the key English ports of Dover, Portsmouth, and Brighton. In these ports, they are to sail around for a bit, and dock, acting like any other ships (we doubt there shall be any inspections, but if there are, cover the explosives with dead and rotting fish - stuff people dont want to inspect.) until it is night. Once it has reached midnight, prepare the ships for what they were sent for, and have their crews sail them next to key British warships (especially capitalships and docked submarines). Then, the crews are to vacate these ships, and detonate the explosives within, triggering massive damage to the warships.

2.) Once these acts of terror have been commited, generally causing panic within Britain, issue a condemnation of these acts, and etc. However, at the same time, leek to the British government documents which implicate the Imperial Government in these terror attacks. Play upon growing English jingoism and nationalism to incense the English populace towards hatred for the Empire (they should believe, quite rightly, that the Empire only wishes to destroy the great English fleet, and that it only wishes power for itself). Declare immediately that the English claims are arrogant, incorrect, foolhearty, and irresponsible and further claim that the English government only wishes to create a scenario by which to humilate the Empire in front of the world, because indeed England is very jealous of the Empire's power. Play upon Imperial patriotism and incense our populace against theirs. Issue various amounts of angry words towards the English government, and let the debate ensue as we further some secret preparations (to be explained in MILITARY ORDERS) for war. The English government should issue some outrageous demands, rebuff these, and bring about some accusations of our own. Accusations which state (with evidence provided in the form of fake documents) that the English might very well have had a hand in the piracy in Madagascar. Incense our population against the English, and the English against us. Demand that the English pay a huge reparation (on the level of 2 Eco. levels) and refuse any of their demands. This should lead to a declaration of war from them, if not, declare war ourselves, and enlist the support of the Scandanavians.​

- Cut off all ties, economic and political, with Segu, whilst stopping all imports into Segu, whilst instituting ridiculously high tariffs on Seguese goods (this should not hurt us). This should cause chaos in Segu, and encourage the people to depose their government.


- Begin our war with the English as follows:

1.) In the opening weeks of debate (as in, immediately following the terrorist attacks on the British, and before our declaration of war), mobolize our fleets. The Ière Flotte, IIème Flotte, and IIIème Flotte are to assemble near Brest. This is to be done as quietly as possible, using the debate with the English to generally overshadow these moves.

2.) The submarines of these three fleets, amounting to a total of 30 Squadrons, are to then move silently throughout the channel, the northsea, and the north atlantic. The submarines are to establish a system of circular patrol around the British Isles, beginning in the Channel, and then rotating through into the Irish Sea, and then into the North Sea. 10 Sub Squadrons are to rotate these positions in turns, and effectively, this should create a screen around the British isles, laying in wait for the declaration of war. As no system of sonar is thus invented, the subs should move with relative stealth, whilst the short distance of the channel allows them to easily refuel and such. The submarines are to wait outside key British ports as they move along on their cycle of movement. The Ships of the three fleets, meanwhile, are to wait in Brest for further action. A Scandanavian fleet of 45 Squadrons and 2 Capital Ships is to rendevous with our force here.

3.) As this occurs, the IVème Flotte is to sail to the port city of Accra, and wait for further orders. 10 Squadrons from Scandanavia are to do the same.

4.) Then, should come our declaration of war. This should shock the English considerably, yet we expect them to immediately mobolize their fleet. However, they shall not be allowed so easily to fight, and our 30 Submarine squadrons will be waiting for them. These squadrons, once the English fleet shows signs of beginning to leave harbor, are to attack at once, using suprise to destroy a considerable portion of the English fleet whilst they are still trying to leave their ports. This should clog up their ports somewhat, and leave their naval infrastructure in a precarious position, as the submarines have been waiting just outside their harbors. The submarines are also on orders to destroy any merchant shipping, cutting of Britain's lifeline of trade and commerce.

5.) Then, as these submarines begin their attacks along the coast of the British isles, the surface fleet, composing of 3 Imperial Fleets and 45 Squadrons and 2 Capital Ships from Scandanavia, are to move out of port and begin their assault. In total, our force should consist of 115 Squadrons and 19 Capital Ships. The submarines, now finished with their relentless attacks, are to back off, and assume a roll of destroying convoys and merchants, whilst screening the movements of the surface fleet. The surface fleet, meanwhile, is to move immediately into the channel, and engage the remnants of the English fleet. The English fleet should be quickly overwhelmed by the immensely superiour firepower and training of the combined Imperial-Scandavian war fleet. Submarines are to move between the larger ships and attack English warships. The English fleet, or atleast, those protecting the home isles, are to be quickly smashed.

6.) After the major engagements in the English channel, and after the destruction of a majority of England's fighting power (as indeed, their armies will be stranded) - begin to systematically blockade and destroy English port infrastructure. Portsmouth, a key shipyard, is to be targetted first, with the guns of the Imperial capital ships destroying everything within range of their overwhelming bombardment. (this should remove it of its EC status). Persue a similar pattern of destruction against other major British ports in the Isles. Then, as the Ships move around the Isles, engage and destroy any remnants of the fleet (or ships moving in from the colonies), and continue to enforce a naval blockade, whilst destroying British centers of commerce and shipbuilding. (Taking away a few eco levels, we hope.) Once the Fleets have moved towards Scotland and Ireland, encourage open revolt, and promise them their freedoms (backing this up with bombardment of English coastal positions.)

7.) Meanwhile, in Africa, the IVème Flotte and the 10 Squadrons from Scandanavia, are to move from the port city of Accra, and down towards the coast of British Congo. Here, they are to engage any English fleets, (however, if the fleet is too large, back off until they leave for England, remaining out of sight) and then move on to bombard the English infrastructure. Destroy the EC status of the two cities in the British Congo.

8.) Our mission here is the utter destruction of the English fleet and economy, and thus, the utter destruction of any of their fighting potential. We should easy smash the British due to our overwhelming force as dictated above.​

- NEW PROJECT: The Peugot

Project Peugot (Designs and Creates an Armored Car using the already designed internal combustion engine, armed interchangably with one light gun, or two machine guns)(SECRET)​
There, finished.

I personally perfer Symphonys order style........

Generally, I prefer it aswell (I certaintly would from the perspective of a mod) but I think mine suits me better. Symphony's is very terse and too the point, yet also goes into great detail. Mine, meanwhile, is sort of done in essay format, and has a tendency to lose some clarity.
Personally I prefer panda's style :p Symphony's style while good, is just too... "structural" with the "look at Espionage section __" and etc
My orders for everything suck unless i'm creating a nation. If Das could find the Badawistan Creation orders sent from Wubba360's account, and the SSC creation orders and first turn orders and post them:mischief:

Spoiler :

Slap me and call me Sally if i won't go down fighting for the really only rebellion nation of mine that survived!


Capital: True Damascus
Ruler: Imam Mehdi Israfil /Swissempire
Government: Tribal Confederacy
Centralization: Tight Federation
Tech. Level: Middle Industrial Age
Army (Training): 18 divisions (Normal)(+45 Divisions after eco), 5 Medjai divisions(+15 Divisions After eco), 21 irregular divisions
Navy (Training): 5 ship squadrons(+5) (Tolerable)
Air Force (Training): None yet
Economy: Not Bad (+1)
Size (points required): Small (1)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Better/Tolerable
Infrastructure: Barely Tolerable
Education: Well Educated
Living Standards: Low
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Admiring
Nation Background: As the 18th century drew to a close, inner Arabia was one of the last regions yet unclaimed by any empires great or small. Fiercely independent, its Bedouins succesfully fought back both foreign invaders and those of their own that wanted to build their own empires. But as the threat of foreign conquest loomed ever closer, the Bedouins agreed to rally around Shaikh Abdul Almasra and thus - survive

Link to Story
The End is Nigh!
And there will be another declaring the Shah of Persia the Al-Dajjal(The Islamic Anti-Christ). Except i have actually Scriptural basis for it. SWEET!

Okay, the Bedouin aren't going down without a fight!

First, the New ruler, whom they beleive is the heralder of the Coming of Days, like the Apocalypse, and the coming of Allah. Except that its different than the Christian Theology. Muslims beleive that the coming of the Mehdi will signal that the Muslims will triumph, and they shall end tyranny and overcome. So the Bedouins think they can win no matter what so they will keep on fighting, for Allah wills it.

Secondly, the Shah of Persia is declared the Al-Dajjal(The Muslim Anti-Christ), as told in the Qu'ran. I'll provide evidence for this from the Qu'ran. And the Islamic Caliph is declared a Dajjal(False Prophet) in his enthrall, as also was predicted the Qu'ran. This should make the people fight hard against them.

Now onto Domestic Orders:
Conscript all able to fight to help stave the forces of evil. (+irregular Divisions)

Rename the Capital: True Damascus. This is where Israfil will rule from, cementing his scriptual basis for his rule and his claims. He was born in Mecca as well.

Sacrifice two eco levels. Spend 9 Eco points on Divisions, spend 3 on Medji Divisions, and spend the 1 from the Mecca Eco center on building more ships.

Military Orders:

As it is said in the Scriptures
"Before the appearance of the one who will rise, peace be upon him, the people will be reprimanded for their acts of disobedience by a fire that will appear in the sky and a redness that will cover the sky. It will swallow up Baghdad, and will swallow up Kufa. Their blood will be shed and houses destroyed. Death will occur amid their people and a fear will come over the people of Iraq from which they shall have no rest."

And thats what we aim to do. To furfill scripture. We're sending in 45 Divisions towards the Persian Capital. Pursue and Overwhelm. Once they get their they are to burn and pillage it, because the Persians are Heretics.

Use our 5 Ship Squardons to defend in the Redsea and the 5 Ship Squadrons to defend in the Gulf of Oman

Have the 15 of our divisions guard the border on the Red Sea and with the Byzantines.

Have the Other 3 Stay and Defend True Damascus. Also of the Irregular Divisions we raise this turn, split them in thirds and leave one third in True Damascus, 1/3 in Mecca, and 1/3 in Medina.

Then, for the attack into Caliphal Yemen, send in the Medji and the 21 Irregular Divisions we have now. The Irregular Divisions are to be used as Meat Shields to draw the attention of the Caliphal Lines, while the 20 Medji Divisions will Flank them and then route them. Continue on down the coast with the Irregulars as meat shields and the Medji as KABOM KILLERS!

Now, then. Spread the word of our new MEdhi, rising to signal the end of times. Spread the word around the Islamic World. This beleif should catch on. It did in OTL. Especially when the Muslims like the Seguins and other chafe under the rule of the HRE, or feel like puppets to larger powers. Try to incite revolts in most muslim lands.

See if we can't get someone to kill the False Caliph in Egypt. That would be nice.
Certainly not my best NES2 VI orders, but not my worst.

Spoiler orders for the final turn :
Union of Krakow
Capital: Krakow
Ruler: King Jan IV Jagiellon/North King
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Centralization: Tight Federation
Tech. Level: Middle Industrial Age
Army (Training): 37 divisions (Elite+1), 35 divisions (Professional), 5 irregular divisions
Navy (Training): 5 squadrons (Good)
Air Force (Training): 3 squadrons (Normal), 5 squadrons (Semi-Rabble)
Economy: Growing (+2)
Size (points required): Above Medium (3)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/Better
Infrastructure: Good
Education: Literate
Living Standards: Higher
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Barely Tolerating
Projects: Jagiellon Line (creates fortifications) (Done!), Home Front (+2 Civilian Leadership, +2 Confidence) (2/6)
Nation Background: Briefly coming under Russian control after the Krakow War, Poland has never accepted its fate, even though the Russians succesfully eliminated most active resistance there. After Russia's defeat in the World War, Poland was created by France as a part of a cordon sanitaire aimed against Russia. With French backing, the Poles modernized, built a healthy economy and created a small, but well-trained army that showed itself well during the collapse of the Brandenburger Republic. That collapse gained Poland new lands in the west, but it is not entirely clear whether it needs them or not. Such questions might soon become irrelevant however - to the east, Russia has recouped from its losses and is preparing for revanche...

2 Economy+6 ECs=8 points.

1 into Project (+1 turn).

1 into Logistics.

6 into Army Growth (+30 Professional Divisions).


One thing: take control of Dalmatia and Serbia from the French; they’ll hand it over peacefully as per our post-war plans.

Army (Training): 37 divisions (Elite+1), 65 divisions (Professional), 5 irregular divisions
Navy (Training): 5 squadrons (Good)
Air Force (Training): 3 squadrons (Normal), 5 squadrons (Semi-Rabble)

That’s 102 divisions, 5 irregulars, 5 squadrons, 8 air squadrons

However, Panda is lending me 50 divisions and 15 air squadrons for the purpose of securing my territory.

In addition, since Panda is a lazy bastard (;)), I’m also in control of 40 squadrons, 50 divisions, and 20 Foreign Legion corps.


This lovely gem of a map depicts exactly what the hell I’m doing. :)

Season 1:Thunk

In reserve: 8 Polish, 15 French Air Squadrons. Deploy where needed.

RED: 42 Polish, 20 French divisions.

These troops are, you guessed it, defensive.

Spoiler Orders :
While the Russians will be able to focus many more divisions here than we can, if we go on defense, everything should be good; they’ll lose a lot, and have their armies tied down when our allies attack.

So the general strategy is to maintain a flexible defense in depth. That means, the armies should be relatively far behind the frontline, so they can respond to any threat. This also means they cannot be outflanked easily. Of course, there will be some troops towards the front, to slow down a Russian advance until reinforcements can arrive, and to inform of Russian movements. Use our intelligence brigades to inform on any feints or such.

Tactics: our doctrine emphasizes mobility combined with strongpoints on the defensive. Thus, as the Russians advance towards our line, they will have to take out numerous machinegun nests and bunkers on their way, which form a flexible frontline. These are, after all, the Jagiellon Line. With machine guns and flamethrowers for close range, as well as superior individual rifles, our soldiers can put a lot of lead–and flames–in the air at once. If the Russians are stupid enough to try a frontal assault, they will be mowed down. Even if they try a fire and move assault, they’ll still have a lot of trouble. And our soldiers in the reserve forces in back can flow around to crush the Russians as they come forward.

If we are forced to abandon eco centers, fight in the streets for them, causing heavy casualties to the attackers, and at the same time, ruining the eco centers.

TEAL: 30 Polish, 10 French divisions

For this season, the Teal troops are also defensive in nature. See Orders above.

BLUE: 30 Polish, 20 French divisions

AZURE: 50 French Divisions, 20 FL Corps, 40 French Squadrons

For practical purposes, these forces are mostly doing combined operations, so we’ll lump them together.

10 Polish Divisions guard the Transylvanian front. You know the drill.

20 Polish Divisions are on standby in Serbia.

20 French Divisions join 50 other French Divisions and 10 FL Corps to make an 80 Division force on the attack. These forces will assault towards Edirne, along the Green arrow. While resistance will be heavy, we will have superior numbers, and furthermore, we will also have superior morale, as our nations aren’t collapsing. Superior technology is more iffy. So, tactics.

Spoiler Edirne Assault :
Use intelligence operatives to the best of their abilities to point out and destroy the Russian and Byzantine positions in these lands. Advance by blazing through the weak points of their line–like water, we avoid the rocks, and seek the hollows. Use infantry tactics of using the primitive flamethrowers to flush out the machinegun nests–hazardous as they are, this is a tremendous advantage.

Given their distraction, our superior tech over the Russians and hopefully numerical advantage over the Byzantines in this sector, use our high training and superb mobility to smash through the mountains, and hopefully take the battle through the city itself.

A force of 10 FL Corps will be assigned to containing, and potentially reducing if the situation allows, the city of Thessalonika. Utilize our 40 squadrons in this area, too. If we are going to assault, make sure that the city is not too damaged, so that it is still an EC.

Season 2: Boom

This season is the pivotal one. RED and TEAL remain on defense.

The 80 Division force now splits in two.

40 French Divisions and 10 FL Corps make a drive towards Constantinople. Utilizing the offensive tactics detailed above, we can be relatively assured of numerical superiority. The thing is, this drive isn’t meant to actually take Constantinople this turn–but it threatens the symbolic capital of the Byzantines critically, so that they are forced to divert soldiers.

The 20 Polish divisions on standby in Serbia join with 30 of the French divisions that drove to Edrine in a northeastern assault along the Aqua arrows. Because of the Byzantine distraction, the going should be easier. Use the offensive tactics we always do, mobility and adapting to the terrain and such. Drive to the Danube, and hopefully arrive there quickly enough to use the bridges already there; if not, then just throw up our own. The key is that this force takes Bucharest.

Now, with 50 divisions in Bucharest, 20 stay to guard the city, while another 20 drive to that city on the coastline whose name escapes me at the moment. Standard offensive tactics, blah blah blah.

With luck, then, we’ll have 50 divisions bearing down on Constantinople, and have cut the Byzantine force in Romania entirely from their homeland.

Season 3: Squish

RED and TEAL–surprise, surprise, defensive.

With the 20 divisions in Bucharest and 10 from that-coastal-city (tm), we also add the 10 divisions who were on the Transylvanian front. Use standard offensive tactics–the fact that we surround them and thus have the morale advantage. Offer generous terms–if they surrender their arms, then they will be well fed and treated in our PoW camps until the end of the war, when they can go home freely.

20 divisions guard that river against the Russians while we squish them folk.

Now, the 50 divisions should be probing the defenses of the Constantinople defenders. Use airships to bombard anything that they are throwing up mercilessly. Now, swoop down with 10 regular divisions on the Gallipoli Peninsula from the opposite direction that we know, driving the Byzantines into the sea, thus, clearing the heights overlooking the straits, since the French are also driving into Anatolia. So, the way is cleared–detach our 40 squadrons, leaving a token force if Thessalonika has not fallen, and send them to the city.

Once we are done clearing up the Romanian pocket, put 10 more divisions on the river, raising that garrison to 30, and send the other 30 to join our attack on Constantinople, putting a full 80 divisions, along with 40 squadrons, against the city.

Destroy it. Level it, with airship, artillery, and manpower. Burn it to the ****ing ground. That is the price of betrayal.

Season 4: Sweep

The last season is the boring one. Have a few divisions garrison the Balkans. Subdue Thessalonika if not subdued already. Subdue the rest of Bulgaria. Move divisions around so we have 70 on the river.

With the 40 squadrons, send the 20 FL Corps across the Black Sea, performing an amphibious landing in Abkhazia. They are to secure Georgia as a whole as quickly as possible, and set up a provisional government on the Parliamentary Democracy model.

With our TEAL 30 Polish, 10 French, and 70 Divisions on the river, drive in a massive two pronged offensive to Kiev. Standard tactics. From Kiev, subdue the surrounding country, applying force where necessary to bring to heel the insurgents. If possible, secure Lithuania as well, and Crimea.

If you dislike the use of spoilers, let me know so I leave them out next time.
alex994 said:
Personally I prefer panda's style :p Symphony's style while good, is just too... "structural" with the "look at Espionage section __" and etc
I would definitely agree that Panda's are far more stylized and indepth than mine, particularly in regard to combat; there is more supporting or tactical detail which I have gradually phased out of combat orders, or concentrated primarily in the "operational prefaces" to save space. On the other hand, mine are much broader in subject and cover a wider range of topics.

On the "See BLAH" notation; I used to not do it (it's not used in the earlier orders, then became "See Also:" then simply "See"), and the reason I began using it is, for example, I used to just put the goal of a research project next to its budgeting. After the number of projects grew it seemed prudent to just give it a seperate section, cut out all the detail, and say "Look here".

It actually adds more text but in the process also makes it easier to understand. Mostly what I shoot for is clarity in the first line with additional support behind it, and that's why I use bold codes so much - emphasis. Panda's is much more organic and better suited to a more indepth approach, while I think mine works fairly well for a wide array of topics.

NK's are definitely more in the vein of Panda's though they have their own very unqiue hallmarks, and given the situation the lack of domestic things isn't surprising at all. Swiss's seem to be more factual and broad, but also terse. Typing order types along a scale, or even a plane, is probably as useful for doing so for political opinions (read: not at all) but it's an interesting way to compare orders.

I'm very curious now what Dis's orders look like, or Storm's for that matter. ;)
Well, I have no good recent examples, as all I've been doing is developing a nation along my ideals peacefully.

Though here are my orders, standard to my style though rather short:
Lord_Iggy said:
Improve Economy with the construction of more and more industries, to create more and more jobs. More new immigrants and my rising population will work in these new jobs.

1 point to improving education.

1 point to improving infrastructure.

1 point to training new army divisions.

As always, continue my open door immigration policy. Continue my social policies (IE: All are equal in the eyes of the law, discouraging racism, encouraging bi and multilingualism (though not forcing it upon anyone).

Continue encouraging economic development in the vast farmlands of the inland prairires.

Basically, just generally continue my national development.

My land is too large to properly defend with my current force. So my forces will be centralized around major cities, and utilize my infrastructure to reach areas in case of invasion or rebellion. My army, too is very small, so it will have to use retreating guerilla tactics. Fortunately, that is what my UU specializes in.

That's all!

Provinces Unie de la Canada (PUC)
Capital: Fort William
Ruler: President Steven Van der Laaden/Lord_Iggy
Government: Parliamentary Democracy (Imperial satellite state)
Centralization: Unitary with Exceptions
Tech. Level: Late Industrial Age
Army (Training): 5 divisions (Good), 10 Forest Corps
Navy (Training): 5 ship squadrons (Normal)
Air Force (Training): None yet
Economy: Growing (+2)
Size (points required): Medium (2)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Better/Good
Infrastructure: Improving
Education: Academic
Living Standards: Very High
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Admiring
Nation Background: Canada, though largely quiet and backwater earlier in the century, became fairly notorious due to the large and growing Anglophone presence. By 1780 the Anglophones already outnumbered the Francophones, and even the latter ones, along with the Irish, also developed an unique national identity. When the PUAF begun to fall apart, Canadian rebellions commenced, but they were ill-coordinated; nonetheless, by the end of 1783, two groups proved the strongest, having outlasted most other rebels and beat a PUAF invasion to a halt; the Egalitists and the Sons of Liberty. By the Treaty of Lyon, all of Canada - save for the Ottawa Valley - was granted to the Provinces Unie de la Canada; a mildly left-wing democratic government came to power, led by Steven Van der Laaden. Of all the post-PUAF states, it is the most stable and peaceful, though it also has its problems, most notably ethnic ones.
For some newbie flair, my last turn orders minus military. Just cuz.

Spoiler Last Turn Orders :
LittleBoots said:
Spoiler Stats :
Kingdom of Finland
Capital: Turku
Ruler: King Frederik I/LittleBoots
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary
Tech. Level: Early Industrial Age
Army (Training): 13 divisions (Elite), 6 Tavastian Raider divisions, 4 irregular divisions
Navy (Training): None yet
Air Force (Training): None yet
Economy: Growing (+2)
Size (points required): Small (1)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Tolerable/Better
Infrastructure: Improving
Education: Well Educated
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Uberpatriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Projects: Youth of Finland (+1 Education, +1 Military, Civilian Leadership) (5/8)
Nation Background: Finland had for the first time in history gained its independence in 1745, after a succesful Russian-backed rebellion against Sweden. But later on, Finland having allied with France and provided it with naval bases, it was attacked and crushed by its very liberators in the World War. As Russia acknowledged its defeat in the Treaty of Vienna and agreed to withdraw from its Eastern European conquests, Finland was restored without any further bloodshed, still ruled by a king from the native nobility. A firm French ally, Finland is now preparing to face a resurgent Russian Union...

EP Spending
- 2 ECs, +2 Econ
- Sacrifice Economy level (4>10)
- 6 EP into project, Youth of Finland to finally finish it.
- 1 EP into new project, Greater Finland (+Civilian Modernization)
- 1 EP into Armoured Cars
- 2 EP into reconstruction of conquered areas/domestic campaigns/military force maintenance, etc
- Note: We should have already modernized our armed forces from our arrangements with Japan (and now with Russia), but if they are still not up to par, let me know and we'll just add +finishing Military Modernization.

Domestic Orders

- Finish the project, it’s about time those kids starting working. Celebrate the fruition of the program with sufficient pomp and circumstance, et cetera, ad nasaeum, et al.

- Proclaim the Kingdom of Greater Finland, incorporating our new lands.

- Use the reserved EP to fund voluntary “racial colonization” of our acquired territories. Offer incentives for Finns to move into places such as Arkhangel’sk and St. Petersburg. In addition, agree to help fund emigrations/immigrations of ethnic Russians according the following system:

Spoiler :
Option 1) If they want to stay in the country but would like to move out of the war-torn areas, the government will help fund movement into Finland proper. This option is to be supported with propaganda and our employees at the Office of Russian Affairs should encourage them to exploit this option if they would like to move to a more prosperous area.
Option 2) If they feel they cannot live under the current government, the government will make the paper work fairly simple and waive all fees, as well as purchase their property for cheap redistribution to Russians who choose to stay/Finns wanting to move in to take advantage of the situation. The government will not provide any extra funds, however.
Option 3) If they want to stay, the above cheap resale of housing will be made available, as well as a general hiatus on taxes in war-torn areas while the lands are rebuilt

- Begin setting up official police forces in the war-torn areas so that a military presence will not have to be maintained. Enfranchise all new citizens so that they can elect their own mayors. Quietly remove all upper class opposition, as long as it does not agitate the masses. This is, of course, assuming they will not assimilate peacefully. This should help remove possible figureheads for a rallying against Finland.

- Separate Greater Finland into 10 administrative regions, 3 of which will separate the new Russian lands. Appoint a civilian governor for every province in hopes that this will send a clear message of equality of Finn and Russian. Distribute propaganda in Russian Finland to the effect that we have come to save them from their destructive, infighting rulers and rebuild their shattered lives and homes. Distribute propaganda in Finland Proper that the true enemy is the Egalitiste and Suvarov, not the Russian people. We have a Christian duty to help these new citizens as they are in need, etc, etc. (Yes, I didn’t provide a map for the divisions, mainly because I don’t think it will really change anything – we’ll just assume experts are tasked with splitting them up logically to provide the greatest political benefit).

- The National Party will announce that it is time for Greater Finland to enter the new age. Her armed forces have already begun the march into modernization, now it is time that Finland rise from her slumber and unleash its true potential. As such, a series of industrializations are to be announced. The government is to begin restructuring business in Turku and Helsinki, subsidizing successful businesses so that they can consolidate. Begin utilizing methods and machines documented abroad by diplomats or foreign exchange type students, similar to the theft of textile technology by Samuel Slater, or, seeing as we are quite behind the times, through simpler methods as the technology is not as jealously guarded. This is simply an explanation, next turn this will be funded through the project and investment in the creation of new ECs.

- Encourage young industrial entrepreneurs with grants and loans, provided they can demonstrate that they are capable, intelligent individuals with business minds. New ideas/viable inventions/stolen mechanical plans are always a plus. Most importantly, encourage entrepreneurs to invest in Russian Finland to build economic dependency to bind them closer to Finland proper.

- Set up People’s Party offices in Russian cities and have the preach propaganda about peace, prosperity, rebuilding, brotherhood, etc. Welcome the Russians with open arms, run soup kitchens, register them for municipal elections, etc.

- Japanese and Imperial advisors will aid in the coordination and implementation of our industrialization and modernization plans, as per this diplomacy:

Spoiler Diplo :
Symphony D. said:
LittleBoots said:
TO: the Greater East Asian Republic
FROM: the Kingdom of Finland

Our two great nations had discussed the possibility of Japanese advisors in the civilian and military fields. While Japanese military technology has certainly served us well (and we assure our friends in Japan that their money will be forthcoming), Finland is undergoing a nationwide project this year in an effort to industrialize and modernize our people. We would be eternally grateful to you if you could provide us with civilian advisors in this time of reform, that we may have experts directing our efforts.

We again reassure our benefactors that their investments will pay off. Finland is on the rise economically - your profit is coming.

As always, we are open to discussion and negotiation. We look forward to our continued relationship.
We have no objections to this, and would be willing to send a cadre of civilian advisors to Finland this year.

On another note, we are curious as to Finland's military moves against Russia, if any, given their weakness, or if you intend to stay put.

Imperial advisors are being sent under this agreement (which will help modernize the military too, obviously):

Spoiler :
Insane_Panda said:
Unfortunately, I can't send economic aid this turn, as I still must fight Byzantium. Next turn, I will be happy to send you 3 EP or so.

This turn I can send a slew of technologies (including armored cars, recoil operated machine guns, etc. etc.) and a bunch of advisors.

LittleBoots said:
That would be wonderful, 3 EP will help a lot. As for Byzantium, I can commit 10 Elite divisions to your forces, although I'll need the other 9-10 to maintain order in Russian Finland. I realize its not a lot, but they are fairly modernized/will be even more so with your help and every bit helps I suppose.

Military Orders

Spoiler :

Very rushed orders, as I had forgotten and almost missed deadline, thus these are essentially what my orders look like before I refine them (Minus stats, again, just cuz). Also, I didn't have time to cut down/organize the diplo either.

Spoiler :
LittleBoots said:
EP Spending

- 1 EP unspent in an effort to repair our economy
- 1 EP to Japan for various articles of miscellany

Governmental Reforms

In the interest of the preservation of the Finnish Nation, a new government will be formed with the blessing of God and the King. In keeping with the Patriotic Spirit of the People, and the importance of National Autonomy, the King of Finland, Sovereign Lord of the Realm, Defender of the Faith and of the Finnish People, does hereby, with Majestic Royalty, sign, affirm, and endorse the creation of the position of High Chancellor of the Finnish People, as well as the position of Grand Marshal of the Armies of Finland. The Positions shall be invested in that Fearless Hero of the Finnish People, Elias Simojoki.

As the head of the new government, Simojoki will be charged with modernization of the nation’s military (which already well under way with continued purchases of technology from Japan, as well as incoming Japanese military and possibly civilian advisors), as well the industrialization of her economy.

Spoiler Japanese Diplo :
Symphony D. said:
LittleBoots said:
To the Japanese Empire
From the Kingdom of Finland

Modernization of our armies is one of our highest priorities. However, given our current economic situation, we ask that we be allowed to pay the Japanese government over a course of two years, half this year and half the next. We hope this is not too much to ask and agree without reservation to the prohibition on resale.
We would simply like to touch base to ensure we will be receiving the other EP this year. We hope you have found your aquisitions useful.

Also, we have another offer to make: we believe that your continued survival and success would be of benefit to us by virtue of you as a trading partner staying alive. To that end, we would be willing to provide you with flamethrowers and recoil-operated machineguns this turn, free of charge, on the condition that once your budgetary restrictions are not so severe and the war concluded, we are recompensated 2 and 3EP for each respective weapons system. This would give a fairly strong advantage to your forces, though the choice is, of course, yours to make.
Symphony D. said:
LittleBoots said:
Finland will honour her commitments and reassures the Japanese government that payment is inbound.

We eagerly accept your military investment in our nation, promise all present and future debts will be settled at the earliest possible occasion, and offer future monetary returns for any further aid in modernization, whether military or civilian. We understand, of course, any reservations your nation may have, however we hope that some sort of agreement can be reached.
Our only clause at present is that, as before, resale of the technology is prohibited. We would, of course, be willing to send advisors to Finland to assist directly, if Finland is interested...
LittleBoots said:
Finland agrees unconditionally to the prohibition on resale and expresses its eager interest in Japanese advisors.

Symphony D. said:
Our only clause at present is that, as before, resale of the technology is prohibited. We would, of course, be willing to send advisors to Finland to assist directly, if Finland is interested...

Various nationalizations are to be announced. The arms/armament industry is to be nationalized and large amounts of national resources poured into said operations (reserving our point from economy level in an effort to grow economy as well as to provide a long-term military industrial complex with sufficient power to back our modernizing nation). The National Party, the Patriotic People’s Movement, Isänmaallinen kansanliike, is to be instituted in every city in Finland and all government officials are required to become members, as Party Membership is now a prerequisite for government office. No one person is more important than the State and the Party and as such no one is indispensable.

The military has already been reformed under our returned scholars of French military theory, so further reorganization there will be largely unnecessary. However, a new branch is to be created ((possibly a future UU, although right now more like a special bodyguard, not part of the offensive armed forces yet)), the Patriotic Guard. The Patriotic Guard is to function as bodyguards to the Royal Family and important Party Leaders.

The new government also forms the Patriotic People’s Police. The first act of the Patriotic People’s Police is to enforce the nationalization of the nation’s media. All newspaper editors are to become party members at the behest of the king (and, as the press has supported the king for some time, most will go along with it). All dissident press is hereby declared anathema to the state and supported by the vile Egalitiste terrorists. Anti-government press is to be suppressed quietly to prevent a public backlash. We have not had much trouble with anti-gov press yet, so it shouldn't be too terribly hard to say they are egalitist support or whatever and quietly take them away.

Denounce the problems of the economy, the hardships of war, and generally anything bad as the results of laxity and leniency of the people in regards to expelling the evil Egalitiste, the foul taint of their presence in Finland, and the general fault of a worldwide conspiracy against the Free Peoples of Europe. Finland has many enemies and the government must have the strength to face them, for the good of the people.

Incorporate the Church into the party and support the new government from the puppet pulpit.

Dissenters are to be press-ganged into public service projects overseen by Patriotic People’s Police units.

All very much in the spirit of learning/experimenting as opposed to trying to become powerful.
carmen510 said:
Extremely LONG orders. Her's an example of mine.

Spend all EP on military.
Expand south.
Build one religious city named _____
They look much longer if you include your stats at the top. ;)
Here are some recent T'lur Pa orders:

In the attached map I have indicated in yellow areas we want to settle or expand our current borders. 1 EP is being spent to aid in this expansion.
To the neighboring tribe, shown in pink, we will offer full T’lur Pa citizenship and rights if they will join our nation. Local customs and religions will be honored. Should their acceptance cause a domino effect and we discover that other tribes want to join us under those conditions, they too will be welcomed.
Settlement area along the ocean south of Waterside is named South Coast.
Waterside becomes a TC (see posted story)

500 infantry and 500 cavalry moved to South Coast to help with the expansion there.
500 infantry and 400 cavalry garrison the land around Waterside
500 infantry garrison Rivertown and the patrol the region
1000 infantry aid the expansion north and south of the River Animas
Our ships will support the expansion to the islands in the SE and continue to explore that region of coastline between Dilhava and Karankoff States.

2 EP to increase rural economy through improved farming techniques, irrigation, building granaries for storage, new crops discovered because of trade
2 EP to increase urban economy through improved organization of craftsmen; increased specialization; new methods learned from trading partners; improved accounting and record keeping demanded by increases in trade.
Here are some of my FarowNES02 orders:

Nation: Terra Trifluentia (The Three-Rivered Land)
Ruler/Player: Curia Patriarchae (Assembly of the Patriarchs)/jalapeno_dude
Major Cities: Patria (The Fatherland/Native City), Harmonia (Harmony), Aequitas (Justice/Equity), Fraternitas (Brotherhood)
Age: Bronze Age
Population: 20,000 (17,000 Veneratio Atavorum, 3,000 Other)
Religion: Veneratio Atavorum(Veneration of the Forefathers), centered on Patria
Government: Assembly of tribal leaders
Economy: 1/4/0
Army: 2000 Infantry
Navy: 5 River Boats
Education: Horrible
Infrastructure: Horrible
Confidence: Pathetic
Culture: Horrible
Description: In the shadowy years of the past, the Three Rivers, like the rest of the world, were divided under the rules of countless petty tribes. As elsewhere, war was constant, as the patriarch of each tribe sought to raise his people above all others. Eventually, the weaker patriarchs gathered together in the first Assembly in Patria, the Holy City of the Forefathers, and gradually forced the stronger ones to join or be destroyed. At last, the lands of the Three Rivers were united, with each Patriarch managing his tribe's domestic affairs in his own style, and the overarching Curia managing foreign affairs. Then, the Curia began its drive to incorporate all the tribes of the world...

-2 points into continuing, or starting depending on your prospective, the Templum Fraternitatis (+Fraternitas cultural center, spreads Veneratio Atavorum).
-1 point into recruiting 1000 more infantry.
-1 point into building a new city (see below)
-1 point into infrastructure. Build roads to all our cities, including the new one.
-500 of the veteran infantry are to expand down the Fluentum Occidentis to the end, and establish a mining city, Industria (Industry/Dilligence). I don't expect much resistance, but if there is, use the tactics we've developed. Industria will be a mining city, located as it is in the mountains, and will hopefully expand our rural economy. It will also guarantee us a source of copper and/or tin, which we can trade to the plains nations. If we make contact with the Sky Gods and set up a trade route, Industria will be the natural place for the trade to flow through. Continue experimenting with metals and looking for a better one than bronze (if you're going the usual route in NESes that iron is superior to bronze). The 500 now extremely-experienced soldiers will garisson Industria and the nearby lands, protecting in the case of hostilities with the Sky Gods.
-If we make contact with Canidae, try to set up a trade route with them.
-500 soldiers in and around each of Harmonia, Aequitas, and Fraternia, consisting of 200 veteran and 300 new soldiers each. The veterans can train the new soldiers. Do some small-scale expansion away from the river and toward the sources of each tributary.
-900 veteran soldiers and 100 new soldiers will expand north along the Amnis Amplissium, up to the slight bend in the river halfway between us and Forgon. The new soldiers will be trained as they go. We will prepare fortifications and begin to set up a city site at a suitable spot.
-Can I get some culture for designing the first calendar?
-Description of Veneratio Atavorum for the front page: the dominant religion in Terra Triflorentia, Veneratio Atavorum literally means veneration of the Forefathers. Previous patriarchs of each clan are honored in shrines where their cremated ashes are stored. The current patriarch is the head priest in charge of the worship of his clan, but all worship is regulated by the head priest who is elected for life by the Curia Patriarchae.
First turn orders for Farow's NES:

Nation: The Empire of the Sky Gods
Ruler/Player: Kikataku Sky God
Major Cities: Kicha
Age: Bronze Age
Population: To be determined by me
Religion: The Cult of the Dead
Government: Divine Monarchy
Economy: 1/1/0
Army: 2000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry
Navy: None
Education: Horrible
Infrastructure: Horrible
Confidence: Horrible
Culture: Horrible
Description: From the sun sprang forth numberless rays, and those rays of light cascaded down to the earth to form the things we percieve--rocks, trees, and animals. Finally, his rays bred the greatest of all--men. But men never truly die, and their soul lives on, but they must be treated with the utmost of respect in order to truly enjoy the afterlife. Thus, all the highest kings arranged for their love ones to bury them with all their worldly goods intact, and to build ever more sumptuous and grand tombs. For to walk the afterlife with nothing else to comfort you would be a terrible thing. Thus, this nation began only as a small tribe following a peculiar cult in the mountains, but it grew, for each king was determined to assimilate more and more wealth to build ever more grand tombs. Normal citizens can only afford modest tombs, and the peasants, nothing at all. Some simply labor on the king's great tombs, then hope to be buried alongside him as his servants in the afterlife. Others, resigned to their fate as insignificant, work on the terraced farms that stretch high up into the snowy mountain peaks. And a few privelidged ones serve in the high palace of the Sky Gods, upon the mightiest mountain in the world. The nation may wither and die, but their mausoleums will dwell on forever, with traps for the unwary thief, and their descendants tending to the tombs and praying for the souls outside. For to anger the "dead" Sky Gods would be a terrible thing indeed.

-1 point into UU.

UU: The Death-Lords–The elite of the Sky Gods’ Guard, the Death-Lords are men of valor and talent. What separates them from the rest of the elite warriors in the world is the fact that they are, for one thing, mounted, and for another, one of their primary purposes is to gather plunder on campaign to drag home, which will then often be used to furnish the tombs of the Sky Gods. (It more or less specializes in plundering lands to provide extra EP).

-The other point shall be spent upon the first great tomb, that of Kikataku I the Founder, who finally united the Empire of the Sky Gods. A sumptuous affair, the tomb will be carved into the slopes of a mountain, with outside terraces and temples creating the general facade, while inside, various burial chambers enclose the body itself, plus a multitude of golden and silver objects–whatever he can procure to put in his temple.

At the same time, since my people do have their brutal streak, several hundred workers (not really a problem, given that in real world nations this would be an insignificant part of the nation) will be tied down in the tomb to die of thirst and thus proceed to become his servants in the afterlife; their families will be honored and become first class, though not noble, citizens.

Well apportioned with wealth and servants, then, the Sky God Kikataku joins his royal forebears in the afterlife. His body (and his servants’) shall be mummified by the alpine air, but it hardly matters to us, for the tomb is simply to stand atop the high mountain, a testament to the glory of this great king.

-Expand all over, but primarily northwards and southeast, with 1,000 Infantry and 500 or whatever UU, plundering as we go, and then utilizing the land to get as many EP as we can, for this is the next Sky God, which reminds me:

-This might become somewhat tedious to change the ruler name every turn, but hey, it’s just one little stat. Thus, change ruler of nation to Talkahuata Sky God.
Last Turn Orders for Farow's NES. These are my average non legnthy orders.

Nation: Imperial Tephen
Ruler/Player: Emperor Joseph(Earnt Dynasty)/Luckymoose
Major Cities: Teet
Age: Bronze Age
Population: 24,000 (20,000 Tephen Polytheism, 4,000 Other)
Religion: Tephen Polytheism
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Economy: 1/2/1 (Trade Economy Maybe????)
Army: 3350 Infantry, 500 Trinity Horsemen
Navy: 6 galleys
Education: Horrible
Infrastructure: Horrible
Confidence: Horrible
Culture: Pathetic
Projects/Wonders: The Echodorium [A Huge Coliseum] (+2 Culture,+3 Confidence) (1/6)
Description: In the early years of Tephen it was a triple family monarchy. But in the 6th generation two of the families, Chasrel and Harsee`, proved to have sterile sons. Whom could not have children. The only heir of this generation was Joseph Earnt whom was voted by the families as sole ruler and Emperor of the new Imperial Tephen.

Note new ruler is King Joseph, sole king. As two of the families proved to have no Children in the latest generation. Thus leading to Absolute Monarchy and the renaming to Imperial Tephen.

* King Joseph was elected Emperor or sole ruler of Tephen from all families as he is viewed as a kind and smart individual. (see stats above for the new additions. Not including other stats.)

New Nation Description Above in Stats. Sorry its short stories to come.

[Economy Spending(5 Total)]

-2 points into 1000 Trinity Horsemen (Total = 1500)

-1 Point into Project

-1 Point for Military Logistics

-1 Point into founding the city, Teto Retri across the river from Teet.


Focus on getting everyone within our borders converted to Tephen Polytheism. Via Missionaries.

Spread good word about the new Emperor, encouraging change.
Begin a recruitment for policing jobs and use these people to keep the crime rates low. Do the same with Flame fighters [firefighters], they are to use buckets and horses to put out fires. To keep the cities safer.

[Military (Total Military = 3350 Infantry, 1500 Trinity Horsemen, 6 Galleys)]

650 Infantry are to continue the expansion on the South side of the river. Heading east.

700 Infantry are to defend Teet Proper

500 Infantry are to setup the new city Teto Retri.

1500 Infantry, 1500 Trinity Horsemen are to continue the campaign against the barbarians across the river. Pushing East and then North to keep them away from the southern parts of the river. Use block formations, using shields to be like a shielded turtle for infantry. Once the infantry is close enough the Horsemen will come over around them and surprise the barbarians and then the Infantry will clean up after the main charge. Kill all barbarians that do not surrender. All that are willing to join our empire can, all men that want to join our empire must fight for that right. All barbarians that do not surrender and do not want to join our empire are to become slaves and are to be sold to other Nations in the areas as well as families back in Tephen Proper. Creating a slave trade will increase our economy and rural economy. Make it illegal to educate any slaves that are captured so they cannot learn not read or write so they cannot know what to do to escape.
Since we seem to be getting ready for an ITNES revival, could das post some of the old orders on this thread?

*prepares to be embarrassed* ;)
The main problem - and one of the reasons I still didn't put up the IT III summary - is that I lost most of the IT III orders, don't recall how. Would orders from an earlier age be satisfactory?
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