RK-06: SGOTM3 Practice (Warlords)

Ok played 20 very quiet turns.

Basically grew capital to max happy size then started running 2 scientists to boost reesearch and leverage Philosophical trait.

Explored with workboat and we have now met

and Bismarck but none of the civs that founded the 3 early religions!

Current state is Settler due in 5 from capital and galley in 8 from St Petersburg so we can expand off the Island.

Strategy was after finishing sailing, as we had met a lot of civs and there were no workers techs we actually needed, (altough stacks to research) I went for Alphabet as if we are first there we should get good trade value from the other civs.

Alphabet due in 7 and Great Scientist next turn. Next player will have some serious tech trading to do and decide on where to send our Settler, spare warrior in capital can escort him and we can even ferry over our worker as he has done the necessary on our home island.

Good work. The more civs we meet the faster we'll tech (and trade). It will soon be hell to pick allies though.

Cosmichail is up!

EDIT: I played another archipelago game, and I have some extra thoughts:
1. Getting Philosophy early via Scientist is quite powerful espcially on this map with a food-rich start.
2. Compass + Currency early is a good boost to trade routes.
3. It's tough to trade anything on this Aggressive/Archipelago game.
4. Archipelago kinda tends to have low amounts of happiness resources (I think).
I think archipelago can be quite tricky and unpredictable.

If you are boxed in you need early war to grab the island next door. Galleys soon to grab island is also key. Of course Gyathaar has made things tough. Maybe we dont have copper, iron or horses.

Early religion can help to get happiness. Rush for monarchy might also pay off with HR. Or pyramids :rolleyes:
I see that I'm up and have a few games to play. Am busy with the family today but perhaps can get to it tonight or tomorrow morning.
First can probably go to Academy in capital. second, to Philosophy (either Drama or Code of Laws is the prerequisite, if I remember correctly). We can probably get the second scientist out that fast I think since Peter is PHI.

I loaded the save and notice that we have no worker techs (except Mining and Bronze) and heading straight for Alphabet. :D Cosmichail has a lot of tech trading to do in his future :D

Roster, updated:
Ralph_Jackson (just played)
Cosmichail (up for 20)
Furrie (on deck)
I haven’t used the autolog yet and forgot to turn it on. At some point realized it and turned it but no point in using it as was near the end of my turn. We made quite a few trades and will not post screenies for those but with whom we made them.

1300 BC

We pop a great scientist and as suggested/agree have him build an academy.

1240 BC

Alexander has a temper tantrum and discontinue OB.


My bad but didn’t keep track manually since I wanted to use autolog so we did build that settler and placed him on the island where Hamburg is for the gems. I didn’t go for the marble but chose the blue settling spot further down and voila once we pop borders there will have horses.

We discover alphabet and make the following trades:

During this time the worker did hook up the bronze to build axes and St. Petersburg has an archer defending it now and Moscow is building an axe.

We did start on Drama to open up Philosophy for the GS later on.


GK makes a demand to give him writing and since this is a trial game I tell him to go suck a banana. The guys over at the Quantum thread have lots.


Make the following trade:

955 BC

We make the following trade:

The worker is loaded on the galley and sent to the island to hook up the gems.
Bringing back the workboat.

865 BC

We discover Drama feel we should go for Monarchy for additional happiness. I thought about compass but I think we can do that after Monarchy so start Priesthood.

Also Cyrus asks for Alphabet and say no since we don’t need him trading it away although I did trade it to Vicky but that was for an important tech like Iron working which we need to hook up those gems. Vicky is on the bottom so I think it won’t go around too quick.

835 BC

Make the following trade. (she wouldn’t cough it up for sailing but then better off not to as it increases her wealth and spawning.

Ok I did a smoke but kind of a late night so forgive me. Moscow was going to grow past happy so I whipped the axe but now have one unhappy dude there. One thing I learned from CFR is that if you build settler/worker you still get full output so I started a worker to get work the land around main island. I started a lighthouse in St. Petersburg until I realized it has fish so workboat but then thought hey better to use our scout workboat since we have a galley now. I moved the workboat too far and he should go back now and lighthouse should be fine for St. Petersburg as it’s almost finished. We might now want to build another settler for that Ivory island too. I didn’t want to settle there first as too much jungle and at the time no IW. PS I don’t see no Iron either but maybe scout some more in the south.

Oh here's the tech's we discovered traded:

Alpha, Mysticism, Wheel, Agriculture, Archery, Masonry, Pottery, Meditation, Iron working, Drama, Priesthood. We are working on Monarchy and 6 turns left for next GS so we should get Philosophy with him.
Roster, updated:
Cosmichail (just played)
Greyfox (swapped in, up for 20)
Furrie (swapped out and on deck for 20, you're up in RK-04)
Come on guys, I wanna get to 500AD-1000AD at least before December 1 (when this game ends and we all start playing the SGOTM).
Ok I am busting a gut Greyfox. I don't think patience is one of Robo's strengths. Hey Robo do you have a doppelganger so that you can be online 24/7? I never paid attention to the times but did kind of wonder.
It is true, I was up at 1AM last night. And yes, I have a doppelganger. :D

I'm really very sorry; I'll be more patient from now on.
Well, let's see how long your patience will last ... ;)

Anyway, played. The inherited save looks good, but what is the galley doing sleeping instead of exploring??

Department of Foreign Relations

The turnset is more of a regression instead of progress in this aspect.

First is Cyrus:

Then what seems to be a step forward ...

... must then take a step backwards:

Finally, GK adds in the fun:

Department of Spiritual Development

So much for our grand fantastic plan of lightbulbing Philosophy ....

I rectified that of-course ... and so 10 turns later:

I revolted immediately. #1 None of the AI (except Vicky, who founded Confucianism) has any religion, so us adopting a state religion has no diplo consequences. #2 we damned well need the happiness.

We got a free taoism spread:

So the free missionary is used to convert Novogod instead.

Department of State Expansion

There is a galley loaded with a scout at the end turn with a movement order:

I :smoke: by forgetting to load the scout to the original galley that went exploring. So, this scout should be unloaded, explore the desert island, and rendevous with the exploring galley that is on the other side of the desert island. The galley currently with the scout should not go off sailing, but should remain in the waters of Moscow to pick up the soon-to-be-completed archer (from Petersburg) and settler (from Moscow) to possibly go colonize the following site:

>>> Save (550BC) <<<

Now, FuRRie, quickly pick this game up before you get bumped! ;)
Too late :lol:

Ok, I'll be patient. But I'll post the roster anyway for posterity's sake. Thanks Greyfox for being so kind and understanding in spite of my impatience and rude behavior.

(Roster moved to post #47.)

(Back to the game,) now all we have to do is cross our fingers and hope Taoism spreads for free. Omm... omm...
Yep I smoked that math deal thinking he would give philo since it was avail. Should have gone for math instead of monarchy but I felt we needed happy too. That elephant island has the iron which is great so we should get a settler there asap before the AI gets any ideas. If we see any galley with settler heading there we should close borders if that will stop them.

EDIT: On second look I see Greyfox started a settler in Moscow nice work.
It's mostly my fault. I recommended Philo lightbulb but forgot that Math is higher than Philo in G. Sci lightbulb priority.
Well I could have paid attention too noting that Math wasn't researched so how about we both take the blame. Good thing though Greyfox still pulled off getting us Taoism. I am surprised at our tech progress here and notice that we are stronger than the AI in this regard. I call Greyfox "General Greyfox" he is good at taking the lead and making the troops stand up straight so to speak. If the SGOTM03 is anything like this game "which I doubt" it could be interesting. In the SGOTM03 team discussion will be paramount and necessary. Although as namliaM said don't give away our super secret moves. BTW do we have any?
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