my graphics

Im not sure what you mean by "available" but I think- Yes...

the one Im making for my G/F...with all new LHs based on graphics she liked...

if its a mod Ive talked about since Narnia, then thats the one...and its a pretty big MOD at this Techs, LOTS of added units(with some civ specific unit lines...I hope to do 9 lines total), LHs are all changed (except Egypt, since Im looking for one)...Enough thread jacking for my MOD...I will be posting it today or tomorrow (Beta version) I hope
Nice. :D

In what language is that ? And what does it say ?
(just curious :))
i have a feeling its celtic given the style of script and i see the word Dia (i think) meaning god, but it could be a made up language, seeing as its taken from the fantasy section of civ2:TOT :D
Hi Quinzy. Are you still accepting requests? If so - I'm looking for two Indian temples, one Hindu and one Jain. If you're willing to consider them then I should be able to hunt out some pics if needed.

wonder splash or civ pedia icon? :)
or both?
Just the civpedia icons, they'll be improvements rather than wonders. BTW - I'm using your Buddha wonder graphics too, they look really good. :goodjob:

Blue Monkey should be getting back to me tomorrow with some Jain temple pics if you need them.
Take a look at post 122 by Blue Monkey here and you should get an idea. I know that at civ scale there won'y be nearly so much detail as in these pics, but that's OK. I think the most important thing is to avoid the Muslim influence, since I'm hoping to use them in a pre Mohammed scenario.

And :thanx: once more for considering this. :)
hey, quinzy, got time for some native alaskan techs/buldings/wonders?
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